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Top 250 adv.
with highest frequency
1aboutOn the subject of; concerning.
2aboveAbove means at a higher level or position.
3abroadIn or to a foreign country or countries.
4absolutelyCompletely or totally.
5acrossAcross means from one side of something to the other side.
6actuallyActually means in reality or in fact.
7againAgain means once more or another time.
8agoAgo means in the past or before the present time.
9aheadAhead means in front or before.
10almostAlmost means nearly or just about.
11aloneAlone means without anyone else or being solitary.
12alongMoving in a constant direction on (a path or route).
13alreadyAlready means by this time or before the present time.
14alsoAlso means in addition to something or too.
15altogetherAltogether means completely or entirely.
16alwaysAlways means at all times or on every occasion.
17anyUsed to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or how many.
18anywayAnyway means regardless or in any case.
19anywhereAnywhere means in, at, or to any place.
20apartApart means separated by a distance or interval.
21aroundAround means in a circular direction or surrounding.
22asAs means to the same degree or in the same way.
23asideAside means to one side or out of the way.
24automaticallyAutomatically means in a way that is done without conscious thought or effort.
25awayAway means at a distance from a particular place or person.
26backIn or into a previous position or state.
27badBadly is used to describe how something is done, or how someone is feeling, in a negative or unpleasant way.
28basicallyBasically means fundamentally or essentially.
29beforeDuring the period of time preceding (a particular event or time).
30behindBehind means at the back of or in the rear of something.
31belowBelow means lower or beneath.
32bestMost excellently or effectively.
33betterTo a greater extent or degree.
34betweenAt, into, or across the space separating (two objects or regions).
35bothUsed to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together.
36brieflyBriefly means for a short period of time.
37brightBrightly means giving out a lot of light or shining strongly.
38byIndicating the means of achieving something.
39carefullyCarefully means with care or caution.
40certainlyCertainly means without doubt or surely.
41cheapCheaply means at a low cost or price.
42cleanCleanly means in a way that is free from dirt, marks, or unwanted substances.
43clearClearly means something is easy to see, hear, or understand.
44clearlyClearly means in a clear or obvious way.
45closeClosely means in a way that is near in space, time, or relationship.
46closelyClosely means intimately or with close attention.
47collectCollectively means as a group or as a whole.
48completelyCompletely means entirely or fully.
49constantlyConstantly means continuously or always.
50coolCoolly means in a calm and composed way or without showing much emotion.