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1aboutOn the subject of; concerning.
2aboveAbove means at a higher level or position.
3abroadIn or to a foreign country or countries.
4absolutelyCompletely or totally.
5acrossAcross means from one side of something to the other side.
6actuallyActually means in reality or in fact.
7againAgain means once more or another time.
8agoAgo means in the past or before the present time.
9aheadAhead means in front or before.
10almostAlmost means nearly or just about.
11aloneAlone means without anyone else or being solitary.
12alongMoving in a constant direction on (a path or route).
13alreadyAlready means by this time or before the present time.
14alsoAlso means in addition to something or too.
15altogetherAltogether means completely or entirely.
16alwaysAlways means at all times or on every occasion.
17anyUsed to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or how many.
18anywayAnyway means regardless or in any case.
19anywhereAnywhere means in, at, or to any place.
20apartApart means separated by a distance or interval.
21aroundAround means in a circular direction or surrounding.
22asAs means to the same degree or in the same way.
23asideAside means to one side or out of the way.
24automaticallyAutomatically means in a way that is done without conscious thought or effort.
25awayAway means at a distance from a particular place or person.
26backIn or into a previous position or state.
27badBadly is used to describe how something is done, or how someone is feeling, in a negative or unpleasant way.
28basicallyBasically means fundamentally or essentially.
29beforeDuring the period of time preceding (a particular event or time).
30behindBehind means at the back of or in the rear of something.
31belowBelow means lower or beneath.
32bestMost excellently or effectively.
33betterTo a greater extent or degree.
34betweenAt, into, or across the space separating (two objects or regions).
35bothUsed to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together.
36brieflyBriefly means for a short period of time.
37brightBrightly means giving out a lot of light or shining strongly.
38byIndicating the means of achieving something.
39carefullyCarefully means with care or caution.
40certainlyCertainly means without doubt or surely.
41cheapCheaply means at a low cost or price.
42cleanCleanly means in a way that is free from dirt, marks, or unwanted substances.
43clearClearly means something is easy to see, hear, or understand.
44clearlyClearly means in a clear or obvious way.
45closeClosely means in a way that is near in space, time, or relationship.
46closelyClosely means intimately or with close attention.
47collectCollectively means as a group or as a whole.
48completelyCompletely means entirely or fully.
49constantlyConstantly means continuously or always.
50coolCoolly means in a calm and composed way or without showing much emotion.
51currentlyCurrently means at the present time or now.
52dailyDaily means occurring every day or on a daily basis.
53deeplyDeeply means to an intense or extreme degree.
54definitelyDefinitely means without doubt, for sure.
55deliberatelyDeliberately means done consciously and intentionally.
56directDirectly means in a straight line or without intervening factors.
57directlyDirectly means immediately or straight.
58downDown means towards or in a lower place or position.
59downtownDowntown means in or towards the central part of a city or town.
60eachUsed to refer to every one of two or more people or things.
61earlyEarly means before the usual or expected time.
62easilyEasily means with ease or without difficulty.
63easyEasily means without difficulty or effort.
64effectivelyEffectively means in an effective or successful way.
65elseElse means otherwise or in addition to.
66elsewhereElsewhere means in another place or elsewhere.
67enoughAs much or as many as required.
68equallyEqually means to an equal degree or in a balanced way.
69especiallyEspecially means particularly or notably.
70essentiallyEssentially means basically or fundamentally.
71eventuallyEventually means in the end or finally.
72everEver means at any time or in the course of one's life.
73everywhereEverywhere means in all places or everywhere.
74exactlyExactly means precisely or accurately.
75extraExtra means in addition to what is usual or expected.
76extremelyExtremely means to a great extent or degree.
77fairFairly means in a way that is just, reasonable, or without bias.
78fairlyFairly means in a just or impartial manner.
79falseFalsely means in a way that is not true or accurate.
80farFar means at, to, or by a great distance.
81fastFast means quickly or at a high speed.
82finallyFinally means at last or in the end.
83fineFinely means in a way that is delicate, subtle, or precise.
84firstFirst means before anything else in order or time.
85flatFlatly means without any emotion or enthusiasm.
86foreverForever means for all future time; for always.
87forthForth means forward in time or place.
88forwardForward means towards a destination or goal.
89freeWithout cost or payment.
90frequentlyFrequently means often or repeatedly.
91freshFreshly means recently or newly.
92fullFully means completely or to the greatest extent possible.
93fullyFully means completely or entirely.
94generallyGenerally means usually or commonly.
95gentlyGently means in a gentle or mild way.
96greatlyGreatly means to a large extent or significantly.
97grossGrossly means in a way that is extremely unpleasant or offensive.
98hardWith a great deal of effort or force.
99hardlyHardly means barely or almost not at all.
100hereHere means in or at this place or location.
101highlyHighly means to a great degree or extent.
102honestHonestly means in a way that is truthful or sincere.
103honestlyHonestly means in an honest or truthful manner.
104hopefullyHopefully means with hope or optimism.
105howHow means in what way or by what means.
106howeverHowever means on the other hand or nevertheless.
107illIll means in a way that is not healthy or suffering from a disease or illness.
108immediatelyImmediately means instantly or without delay.
109inExpressing the location of someone or something inside a place or thing.
110initiallyInitially means at first or initially.
111insteadInstead means as an alternative or substitute.
112itemAn item refers to a particular thing or object.
113justExactly or very recently.
114lastOn or until the final part of an event or period of time.
115lateLately means not on time, or after the expected or usual time.
116laterLater means at a time in the future or subsequently.
117leastTo the smallest extent or degree.
118leftOn or to the side of something that is considered the weaker or less important side.
119lessTo a smaller extent or degree.
120likelyLikely means probably or with a high probability.
121literallyLiterally means actually or in a literal sense.
122littleTo only a small extent or degree.
123lotA large number or amount.
124loudLoudly means with a high volume or in a way that can be easily heard.
125lowerAt a lower level or rank than something.
126mainlyMainly means primarily or chiefly.
127maybeMaybe means perhaps or possibly.
128merelyMerely means only or just.
129moreTo a greater extent or degree.
130moreoverMoreover means in addition to what has been said.
131morningIn the morning means during the early part of the day, from sunrise until noon.
132mostlyMostly means mainly or for the most part.
133muchTo a great extent or degree.
134naturallyNaturally means in a natural way or without any artificial influence.
135nearNear means close to or not far away from.
136nearbyNearby means in the vicinity or close to a particular place.
137nearlyNearly means almost or close to.
138necessarilyNecessarily means inevitably or as a logical consequence.
139neverNever means not at any time or not once.
140newRecently made, discovered, or created.
141nextComing immediately after the present one in sequence or order.
142noNo means not at all or not by any means.
143noneNone means not any or not one.
144normallyNormally means typically or usually.
145notNot means the opposite or the absence of a particular thing or action.
146nowNow means at the present time or moment.
147nowhereNot in or to any place.
148obviouslyObviously means clearly or obviously.
149occasionallyOccasionally means sometimes or from time to time.
150offOff means away from a place or position.
151oftenOften means many times or frequently.
152okOkay means in a way that is acceptable or satisfactory.
153onExpressing the location of something at the surface of a thing.
154onceOnce means on one occasion or at one time.
155onlyOnly means and no one or nothing more besides.
156originallyOriginally means initially or from the beginning.
157otherwiseOtherwise means in a different way or under different circumstances.
158outOut means away from the inside or center.
159overallOverall means taking everything into account or in general.
160perfectlyPerfectly means in a perfect or flawless way.
161personallyPersonally means in a personal or individual manner.
162physicallyPhysically means in a physical or bodily way.
163pleasePlease means as a polite expression of request or agreement.
164possiblyPossibly means maybe or perhaps.
165prayPray means in a way that is related to religious worship or asking for help from a higher power.
166prettyPretty means attractive or pleasing to look at.
167previouslyPreviously means at an earlier time or before.
168primarilyPrimarily means mainly or principally.
169probablyProbably means likely or with a high probability.
170properProperly means in the right or appropriate way.
171properlyProperly means correctly or in the appropriate manner.
172quickQuickly means in a short amount of time or without delay.
173quicklyQuickly means in a rapid or speedy manner.
174quiteQuite means to a considerable extent or degree.
175rarelyRarely means seldom or infrequently.
176ratherRather means to a certain extent or degree.
177readilyReadily means easily and without hesitation.
178realActually existing or happening as described or perceived.
179reallyReally means truly or genuinely.
180recentlyRecently means in the recent past or lately.
181regularlyRegularly means habitually or on a consistent basis.
182relativelyRelatively means comparatively or to a certain extent.
183rightTo an exact or precise extent or degree.
184roughlyRoughly means approximately or roughly.
185seriouslySeriously means in a serious manner or with sincerity.
186shortIn a way that does not take a long time.
187significantlySignificantly means in a significant or important way.
188similarlySimilarly means in a similar way or manner.
189simplySimply means in a plain or straightforward manner.
190sinceFrom a particular time or event in the past until now or a particular time in the past.
191slightlySlightly means to a small degree or in a minor way.
192slowSlowly means at a low speed or taking a long time.
193slowlySlowly means at a low speed or pace.
194smallIn a way that is limited in size or amount.
195smoothSmoothly means in a way that is without any roughness, bumps, or irregularities.
196soSo means in such a way or to such an extent.
197somehowIn a way that is not known or specified.
198sometimesSometimes means occasionally or from time to time.
199somewhatSomewhat means to some extent or in a moderate way.
200somewhereSomewhere means in or to a place not specified or known.
201soonSoon means in a short time or shortly.
202specificallySpecifically means in a precise or detailed manner.
203straightStraight means without bending or curving, or in a direct and honest way.
204strangeStrangely means in a way that is unusual, surprising, or difficult to understand.
205stronglyStrongly means with great force or intensity.
206successfullySuccessfully means in a successful or effective way.
207suchOf the type previously mentioned or easily identified.
208suddenlySuddenly means suddenly or abruptly.
209superSuper means to an extremely high degree or level.
210sureCompletely confident or certain about something.
211terriblyTerribly means in a very bad or serious way.
212theUsed to indicate a particular thing already mentioned or known.
213thenThen means at that time or subsequently.
214thereThere means in or at that place or position.
215thereforeTherefore means as a result or consequently.
216thickThickly means in a way that is not thin or with a lot of substance.
217thinThinly means in a way that is not thick or with very little substance.
218thoughDespite the fact that; although.
219throughMoving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location).
220thusThus means in this way or as a result of this.
221tightTightly means in a way that is firmly or closely fixed in place.
222toExpressing motion in the direction of (a particular location).
223todayToday means on the present or current day.
224togetherTogether means in a group or in a cooperative manner.
225tomorrowOn or for the day after today.
226tonightTonight means on the present or coming evening.
227tooToo means also or in addition, and can also indicate an excess or degree of something.
228totallyTotally means completely or entirely.
229touristTouristically means in a way that is related to tourism or the tourist industry.
230trueIn accordance with fact or reality.
231trulyTruly means truly or sincerely.
232twiceTwice means two times or twice as much.
233ultimatelyUltimately means finally or in the end.
234underExtending or directly below something else.
235unfortunatelyUnfortunately means regrettably or sadly.
236upUp means towards a higher place or position.
237usuallyUsually means normally or typically.
238veryVery means to a great extent or degree.
239virtuallyVirtually means almost or nearly.
240weeklyWeekly means happening or done once a week.
241wellWell means in a good or satisfactory way.
242whateverWhatever means anything or everything that.
243whenWhen means at what time or during what period.
244wheneverWhenever means at any time or every time that.
245whereWhere means in or at what place or location.
246whyWhy means for what reason or purpose.
247wideWidely means over a large area or range.
248widelyWidely means extensively or broadly.
249wildWildly means in a way that is uncontrolled or with great enthusiasm.
250withinInside something; inside a particular area or space.
251withoutNot having or using.
252wrongWrongly means in a way that is not correct or accurate.
253yeahYes or sure.
254yesterdayOn or for the day before today.
255yetYet means up until the present or a specified time.