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SAT en-en
1abashto make ashamed
2abateto put an end to
3abbessa female superior or governess of a nunnery
4abbeya monastery or society of people
5abbotthe superior or head of an abbey or monastery
6abbreviateto make shorter
7abdicateto surrender, renounce or relinquish
8abdomenthe belly/stomach
9abductto take away secretly by force
10abedin bed
11aberrantstraying from the right or normal way
12abetto assist or encourage by aid, especially in crime
13abeyancetemporary inactivity
14abhorto loath
15abideto wait for
16abjectto cast off or down, to abase
17abjureto renounce upon oath
18abnegateto deny (oneself something)
19abnormalnot conforming to rule or system
20abominablevery hateful, detestable
21abominationanything greatly disliked or abhorred
22aboriginaloriginal or indigenous to a place
23abortto miscarry, to bring forth something prematurely
25aboundto be plentiful, to be very prevalent, to overflow
26aboveboardin open sight, without concealment, or deception
27abradeto rub or wear away
28abrasiverough enough to wear away the outer surface
29abridgeto shorten in duration
30abrogateto abolish by authoritative action
31abscessto form such a collection of pus
32abscissionthe act of cutting off
33abscondto depart secretly
34absencea state of being absent
35absolutefree from imperfection, complete
36absolveto set free from an obligation
37abstainrefrain from (something)
38abstemiousrestraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol
39abstinencevoluntary forbearance esp. from indulgence of an appetite
40abstractto separate, to remove, to take away
41abstrusedifficult to comprehend
42abundantfully sufficient, in great quantity
43abusivetreating badly or injuriously
44abutto touch by means of a mutual border, to meet
45abysmalextremely hopeless, bad, or severe
46abyssan immeasurably deep gulf or great space
47accede(obsolete) to approach, to arrive, to come forward
48accentuateto pronounce with an accent or vocal stress
49accessto gain or obtain access to
50accessionto make a record of (additions to a collection)