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1consumptionthe act of consuming something
2cogitateto meditate, to ponder, to think deeply
3dareto have the courage to do something
4convolutionsomething that is folded or rolled up
5fraughtfilled or charged
6darwinismtheory: species come from parent forms via natural selection
7epicyclecircle whose centre is on the circumference of a larger one
9broachto mention or suggest for the first time
10brokeragea company whose business is to act as a broker
11disseminateto scatter or spread widely, broadcast
12elixira liquid which converts lead to gold
13cavortto prance, said of mounts
14entwineto twist or twine around something (or one another)
15gambolto skip about, as in dancing or playing, frolic
16furrowto make (a) groove, a cut(s) in (the ground etc )
17agogin eager desire, eager, astir
18gratificationthe act of pleasing the mind, the taste, or the appetite
19deacona member of the clerical order below that of a priest
20amoralbeing neither moral nor immoral
21distillationthe act of pouring out or falling in drops
22acumenquickness of perception or discernment, penetration of mind
23abscondto depart secretly
24batterya fortified emplacement for heavy guns
25fumigateto disinfect, purify, rid of vermin with the chemical fumes
26delegateto entrust (a task or responsibility)
27hamperto hold back, hinder, impede
28attributeto ascribe (something) to a given cause, reason etc
29culminateto reach a climax or point of the highest development
30epicycloidplane curve made by tracing the path of a point of a circle
31clichea trite, stereotyped expression
32divinitythe property of being divine, of being like a god or god
33belligerenthostile, aggressive
34dynea unit of force in the cgs system. symbol: dyn
35forbearto keep away from, to avoid, to abstain from, to give up
36concertoa piece of music for solo instruments and orchestra
37archetypethe original model from which all similar things are copied
38diplomacythe art and practice of conducting international relations
39abdomenthe belly/stomach
40antemeridianof or relating to morning, that happens in the morning
41epithetany phrase applied to a person/thing to describe a quality
42cohereto stick together
43cubiclea small separate part or one of the compartments of a room
44garnerto reap grain, gather it up, and store it in a granary
45affluenthaving lots of wealth, property or other material goods
46emblema representative symbol, such as a trademark or logo
47habitablesafe and comfortable, fit for habitation
48christento perform the religious act of the baptism, to baptise
49espyto catch sight or, to perceive with the eyes, to discover
50dementedinsane or mentally ill
51curableable of being cured
52calvinismthe doctrines and teachings of john calvin
53aggressto set upon, to attack
54cadgeask for or obtain something to which one is not entitled
55conformto act in accordance with expectations
56excruciateto inflict intense pain on (someone), to torture
57comicalfunny, amusing
58cantataa vocal composition accompanied by instruments
59arbitrateto judge, to umpire
60earnestardent in the pursuit of an object, eager to obtain or do
61deploreto bewail, to weep bitterly over, to feel sorrow for
62arrangeto set up, to organize, especially in a positive manner
63derivativeimitative of the work of someone else
64cloyto fill up or choke up, to stop up
65amorphouslacking definite form
66evacuateto leave or withdraw from
67composurecalmness of mind or matter, self-possession
68bucolica pastoral poem
70animusthe basic impulses and instincts which govern one's actions
71euphoricfeeling of great well-being or intense feeling of happiness
72chaoscomplete disorder and confusion
73concatenationa series or order of connected things
74calibredegree of capacity or competence, ability
75dubioushesitating or doubting
76fluea pipe or duct that carries gaseous combustion products away
77feudalof, or relating to the feudal system
78fervoran intense, heated emotion, passion, ardor
79desperadoa bold outlaw, especially one from the southern wild west
80bastiona projecting part of a rampart or other fortification
81disburdento remove the load from a pack animal, unload a vehicle, etc
82deduceto reach a conclusion from something known or assumed
83deponent(Greek Grammar) having passive form but an active meaning
84annexto add something to another, to incorporate into
85exultto rejoice, be very happy
86deliriousin a state of wild excitement or ecstasy
87confinementthe act of confining or the state of being confined
88fetishan object seen as being the habitation of a spirit
89defianceopen resistance, bold disobedience
90clemencythe gentle or kind exercise of power
91acknowledgeto admit the knowledge of, to recognize as a fact or truth
92bulboushaving the shape of or resembling a bulb, bloated
93debaseto reduce in quality or value
94christendomchristians, collectively
95cognizanthaving awareness of (something)
96alderbelonging to the birch tree family
97calumniateto make false and defamatory statements
98egressto exit or leave, to go or come out
99covetto yearn to possess or have (something)
100docketa calendar or list of cases for trial
101glutinousglue-like, sticky, viscid
102bassof sound which is low in pitch or frequency
103fortuitoushappening or produced by chance, accidental
104abedin bed
105fosterto nurture offspring or to provide similar to another child
106frowzydirty and untidy, slovenly
107gyroscopeapparatus of a wheel which spins inside of a frame
108attritionwearing or grinding down by friction
109famineextreme and general scarcity of food, as in a country
110detrimentaltending to cause harm
111crematorypertaining to the act of cremating bodies
112disavowala denial of relationship or responsibility towards something
113franticdesperate or wild with excitement, passion, fear, pain, etc
114anterisks, stakes
115forejudgeto prejudge, to judge beforehand
116dexterityskill in performing tasks, especially with the hands
117grantora person who grants something
118emulateto match or surpass (a person or achievement) by imitation
119enthusiasticwith zealous fervor, excited, motivated
120disinformationpublicly announced false information about a country
121effeteof substances, quantities etc: exhausted, spent, worn-out
122carte blanchecomplete freedom to act as one wishes or thinks best
123continencethe exercise of self constraint in sexual matters
124ghoulishof or pertaining to ghouls
125diplomaticof the relationships between the governments of countries
126boora rude, unmannerly person
127audiblecapable of being heard
128estuarycoastal water body where ocean tides and river water merge
129acrophobiafear of heights
130existentialof, or relating to existence
131burgessan inhabitant of a borough with full rights, a citizen
132feasiblethat can be done in practice
133adduceto cite (as proof)
134crystallizeto make something form into crystals
135disclaimto renounce all claim to, to deny responsibility for
136collapseto fall down suddenly, to cave in
137azurea light, purplish shade of blue
138cynicchurlish or satirical
139embroilto draw into a situation, to cause to be involved
140aesthetea person who has refined sensitivity towards art or nature
141gaffea foolish and embarrassing error, esp one made in public
142annihilateto reduce to nothing, to destroy, to eradicate
143dishonestnot honest
144adjournto postpone
145expatiateto range at large, or without restraint
146bombardto attack something with bombs or other missiles
147cartographerthe study and practice of making maps
148denudeto divest of all covering, to make bare or naked, to strip
149counterbalancea weight that balances another weight
150conformista person who conforms to the standards of a group
151detrimentthe state if being harmed or damaged
152defamatorydamaging to someone's reputation, especially if untrue
153culinaryrelating to cookery or the activity of cooking
154decorateto furnish with ornaments
155cannycareful, prudent, cautious
156gendarmea member of the gendarmerie, a policing military body
157dichotomya cutting in two, a division
158abbessa female superior or governess of a nunnery
159auditan official verification of records, especially financial
160feignto represent by a false appearance of, to pretend
161genericvery comprehensive, pertaining or appropriate to big groups
162delectablepleasing to the taste, delicious
163corollarysomething given beyond what is actually due
164adhesionthe ability of a substance to stick to an unlike substance
165dissolutionthe termination of an organized body or legislative assembly
166ambulateto relocate one's self under the power of one's own legs
167entomologythe branch of zoology dealing with insects
168evolveto develop gradually
169banalso lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
170facetiousnot meant to be taken seriously or literally
171barexcept fro, apart from
172encoreto call for an extra performance or repetition
173anesthesiaa method of preventing sensation, used to eliminate pain
174conversionthe act of having converted something or someone
175aerialof, in, or from the air, atmospheric
176discriminateto recognize a distinction, to differentiate
177epitomizeto serve as a typical example of, typify
178artfulperformed with, or characterized by, art or skill
179dispassionatenot showing, and not affected by emotion, bias, or prejudice
180glimmerto shine with a faint light
181arboriculturethe cultivation of trees and shrubs
182excoriateto denounce or berate severely
183constablea police officer ranking below sergeant (british)
185anomalya deviation from a rule or from what is regarded as normal
186festalfestive, relating to a festival or feast
187destitutewithout the basic necessities of life
188endueto invest or endow with some gift, quality, or faculty
189fathomto penetrate to the truth of, comprehend, understand
190actuarialof or pertaining to actuaries
191furriercomparative form of furry, more furry
192harbingera person who makes known the approach of another, herald
193fissionthe act of cleaving or splitting into parts
194congenialhaving the same or very similar nature or personality
195discursivedigressing from subject to subject
196abhorto loath
197bawdysoiled, dirty
198coteriea circle of people who associate with one another
199aboriginaloriginal or indigenous to a place
200albeitalthough, even if
201aldermana member of several municipal legislative bodies
202erodeto wear away by abrasion, corrosion or chemical reaction
203colloquya conversation or dialogue
204abjectto cast off or down, to abase
205falterto waver or be unsteady
206dulcetsweet and soothing
207eradicateto remove or destroy utterly
208aridextremely dry
209forecourtcourtyard before the entrance to a building
210burgeonbegin to grow or increase rapidly
211floridhaving a rosy or pale red colour, ruddy
212circumnavigateto travel completely around somewhere or something
213factiona group or clique within a larger group
214debunkto discredit, or expose the exaggerated claims of something
215forswearto renounce or deny something, especially under oath
216conversantclosely familiar, current, having frequent interaction
217guineaa coastal region in w africa
218decathlonan athletic event consisting of 10 prescribed events
219facsimileto send via a facsimile machine, normally spoken as “fax”
220gnashto grind one's teeth in pain or in anger
221asseverateto declare earnestly, seriously, or positively, to affirm
222aboveboardin open sight, without concealment, or deception
223foursomea group of four, a quartet or a game played by four players
224canvasto cover an area or object
225burghera citizen, especially one belonging to middle class
226deteriorateto make worse, to make inferior in quality or value
227colleaguea person with whom one works with
228clergybody of persons who are ordained for religious service
229disbandcause (an organized group) to break up
230crusadeto make a grand concerted effort toward some cause
231bleakbare, desolate
232diagnosisthe identification of the nature and cause of an illness
233fervidheated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, etc
234borougha fortified town, a town or city
235dissolutelax in morals, licentious
236conduceto contribute or lead to a specific result
237cumulativeincreasing in quantity or force by successive additions
238discorddisagreement between people
239comparableable to be compared
240garishoverly ostentatious, so colourful as to be in bad taste
241arrogateassume, take or claim (something) without justification
242abundantfully sufficient, in great quantity
243extremistholding extreme views, especially on a political subject
244corpulencethe state or characteristic of being large, plump
245constrainto force physically, to compel
246detractto take away, to withdraw or remove
247despondentin low spirits from loss of hope or courage
248besetto surround or hem in
249drivelchildish, silly or meaningless talk
250grovelto humble oneself or act in an abject manner
251facilityease in learning or in doing something, proficiency
252effluviuma gaseous or vaporous emission, especially a foul odour
253facadethe face of a building, especially the front
254elucidateto make clear, to clarify, to shed light upon
255agitateto move with a violent, irregular action
256accoutermentsdress, trappings, equipment
257eugenicof bringing about improvement in produced offspring
258euphonya pleasing pronunciation of letters and syllables
259facilemoving, acting, working, proceeding, etc , with ease
260demeanora person's conduct or behaviour
261beatitudesupreme, utmost bliss and happiness
262dastardmeanly shrinking from danger, cowardly
263disenfranchiseto deprive someone of a right of citizenship
264dauntlessinvulnerable to fear or intimidation
265corruptionthe act of corrupting or of impairing integrity
266bereaveto deprive by or as if by violence, rob, strip
267evanescenceto disappear gradually, vanish, fade away
268calorificpertaining to conversion into heat
269bursarthe treasurer of a university, college or school
270grittycontaining sand or grit, full of hard particles
271factiousof, pertaining to, or caused by factions
272disyllablea word comprising two syllables
273benedictionthe utterance or bestowing of a blessing
275degradeto lower in value or social position
276authoritarianof, or relating to, absolute obedience to an authority
277analogysimilarity between like features of two things
278campaignwork in an organized and active way toward a particular goal
279beaua frequent or attentive male companion
280corporealtangible, material
281fanatica person with an extreme enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion
282epitaphan inscription on a gravestone in memory of the deceased
283emporiuma market place or trading centre, particularly in antiquity
284decorumappropriate social behavior, propriety
285defensiveused or intended to defend or protect
286exudeto discharge through pores, to emit, to give out
287degeneracythe state of being physically or morally deteriorated
288chimeraany creature with parts from different animals
289effusiveexpressing feelings in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner
290discreditto harm the good reputation of a person, to defame
292aromasmell (usually in relation to food)
293errantstraying from the proper course or standard
294cogentto the point, relevant
295dispositionto remove or place in a different position
296contortto twist in a violent manner
297betimesbefore the usual or expected time
298gaugeto measure or determine capacity, character, or ability
299aesthetichaving a sense of beauty
300flexibilitythe quality of being flexible, suppleness, pliability
301existencethe state of being, existing, or occurring, beinghood
302disabuseto persuade someone that an idea or belief is mistaken
303chicanerydeception by use of trickery, quibbling, or subterfuge
304definitehaving distinct limits
305effervesceto emit small bubbles of dissolved gas, to froth or fizz
306enamorto attract, to capture
307dispatchto send a shipment with promptness
308enkindleto kindle, to arouse or evoke
309compriseto consist of, being made up of
310furlonga unit of distance, equal to 220 yards or 0.2 km
311egregiousoutstandingly bad, shocking
312disunionseparation of a union
313circumspectwary and unwilling to take risks
314behemotha huge or monstrous creature
315allegorya symbolic narrative
316fundamentalpertaining to the foundation or basis
317cumbersomeburdensome or hindering, as a weight or drag
319guffawto laugh boisterously
320foreshorethe ground between the water's edge and cultivated land
321fraudulentdishonest, based on fraud or deception
322fabricateto form into a whole by uniting its parts, to construct
323counting-housethe facility in which a business carries out its operations
324bona fidegenuine, real
325divaany female celebrity, usually a well known singer or actress
326censorto review in order to remove objectionable content
327confederacyan alliance
328evocationan act or instance of evoking,  a calling forth
329divertto turn aside from a course
330excavateto make a hole in (something), to hollow
331ambushto act of lying in concealment as to attack by surprise
332auroralpertaining to the dawn
333comparisonthe act of comparing, to liken
334exculpateto clear from a charge of guilt or fault,vindicate
335flammablecapable of burning, especially a liquid
336bountifulhaving a quantity or amount that is generous or plentiful
337demobilizeto release someone from military duty
338emoteto display emotions openly, especially while acting
339discombobulateto disconcert or confuse (someone)
340convivialof or relating to a feast or entertainment
341artificea crafty but underhanded deception
342bacteriuma single celled organism with no nucleus
343anomalousdeviating from what is standard, expected or normal
344analogouscorresponding to something else, bearing some resemblance
345commemorateto honour the memory of someone or something with a ceremony
346enshrineto enclose (a sacred relic etc ) in a shrine or chest
347enhanceto raise to a higher degree, intensify, magnify
348conformablecorresponding in shape, similar
349deferencehumble submission and respect
350athwartacross, crosswise
351devoidempty, having none of, completely without
352avataran incarnation or manifestation of a person or idea
353bemoanto complain about, to dismay or worry about something
354arsenala collection or supply of weapons or munitions
355bloatedswollen, puffed up
356cessionthat which is ceded
357clothiera person who makes or sells cloth or clothing
358effaceto erase (a mark) from the surface
359breachan act of breaking a law, agreement or code of conduct
360blandishto persuade someone by using flattery, to cajole
361alabastera finely granular variety of gypsum
362fastidiousnessthe quality of being fastidious
364generositythe trait of being willing to donate money and/or time
365corpulentlarge in body, fat, overweight
366gibberingspeaking inarticulately or meaninglessly
367excellencethe state of possessing good qualities in an eminent degree
368brotherhoodthe state of being brothers or a brother
369hailto cheer, salute, or greet, welcome
370disinterto dig up (something buries)
371antipodesany two places that are on opposite sides of the earth
372bellicosedemonstrating aggression and willingness to fight
373donatorone who donates
374anarchya state of society without government or law
375bedaubto smear upon, to soil
376diphthonga one-syllable sound made up of two vowels
377capricea sudden and unaccountable change of mood or behavior
378coalitiona temporary group, usually formed for a particular advantage
379exertto put in vigorous action
380ditherto be uncertain or unable to make a decision about something
381chroniclea chronological record of important historical events
382dolta stupid person
383cacophonya harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
384acculturationadopting cultural elements of another culture
385conjugationthe inflection of verbs
386editorialof, or relating to the preparing of material for publication
387enthroneto invest with sovereign or episcopal authority
388abominablevery hateful, detestable
389artisana worker in a skilled trade
390divagationstraying off from a course or way
391buffeta blow, typically with the hand or fist
392auroraan atmospheric phenomenon creating bands of light in the sky
393defalcateto misappropriate funds, to embezzle
394devoutdevoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties
395abutto touch by means of a mutual border, to meet
396handwritingwriting done with a pen or pencil in the hand, script
397drosssomething regarded as worthless, rubbish
398gestureto make a gesture or gestures
399grouseany gallinaceous birds of the subfamily tetraoninae
400frayto unravel, used particularly for the edge of cloth
401exasperateto irritate or provoke to a high degree, annoy extremely
402encumberto load down something with a burden
403allotto distribute by lot
404complaisantwilling to please others, obliging
405agrarianof, or relating to, the ownership and cultivation of land
406crockeryeating and serving tableware, usually made of ceramic
407elatedvery happy or proud, jubilant, in high spirits
408acmethe top or highest point, pinnacle, culmination
409ardentintensely devoted, fervent, passionate
410casualtysomething that happens by chance
411crescendoa gradual increase in loudness
412dissimilarnot similar, unlike, different
413dynamiccharacterized by constant change, activity, or progress
414equalizeto make equal
415demurereserved, modest, and shy
416annulto formally revoke the validity of
417efflorescentbursting into flower
418caitiffespecially despicable, cowardly
419congruitythe quality of agreeing, the quality of being suitable
420circumventto overcome a difficulty, typically in a clever way
421clana group of people all descended from a common ancestor
423brashimpetuous or rash
424foreseeto anticipate, to predict
425dolesomedoleful, dismal, gloomy
426barrenempty, vacant
427cherishto treat with tenderness and affection
428arthurianof or relating to the legend of king arthur
429apoliticalhaving no interest or involvement in politics
430belieto lie around, encompass
431habitudethe essential character of one's being or existence
432confideto trust, have faith (in)
433fugaciousfleeting, fading quickly, transient
434blareto make a loud sound
435doethe female of the deer, antelope, and certain other animals
436assentto agree to, give approval to
437competenthaving the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill
438foreignfrom a different country
439hardyhaving rugged physical strength, inured to fatigue
440enraptureto fill with great delight or joy, to fascinate
441eulogyan oration to honor a deceased person, usually at a funeral
442compliancethe action or fact of meeting rules or standards
443bizarrestrangely unconventional in style or appearance
444declamatorybombastic, ostentatiously lofty in style
445angularrelating to an angle or angles, having an angle or angles
446extrajudicialcarried out without legal authority
447affixto attach
448exorbitanceexceeding the bounds of custom, propriety, or reason
449antigena toxin that induces an immune response in the body
450commoditya useful or valuable thing
451figurativemetaphorical, as opposed to literal
452carpto complain about a fault, to harp on
453boatswainan officer on a vessel, in charge of rigging, cables, etc
454baconianof or pertaining to the philosopher Francis Bacon
455disdainto regard (someone or something) with strong contempt
456forbyclose by, near
457disfigurechange the appearance of something/someone to the negative
458cartilagea type of dense, non-vascular connective tissue
459convulseto violently shake or agitate
460expungeto strike or blot out, erase
461avowassert or confess openly
462bequeathto pass or to leave something over to someone else
463concertedplanned or devised together
464disbelieverone who disbelieves, one who does not believe
465delugeto flood with water
466adoto do, in doing, as, there is nothing ado
467calculusa particular method of calculation
468blunderto make a stupid mistake
469dissimulateto disguise or conceal under a false appearance
470delectationgreat pleasure, delight
471adverseunfavorable, antagonistic in purpose or effect, hostile
472diminutiona lessening, decrease or reduction
473figmenta fabrication, fantasy, invention, something fictitious
474forethoughtthinking beforehand, planning, prior consideration
475equitythe quality of being fair or impartial, fairness
476assiduousdiligent, industrious
477convergentcoming closer together, to focus
479applicablesuitable for application, relevant, appropriate
480feteto celebrate (a person)
481entailto imply or require
482disencumberto remove a burden
483culpritthe person or thing at fault for a problem or crime
484habitantinhabitant, dweller
485attenuateto reduce in size, force, value, amount, or degree
486aliena person who has been estranged or excluded
487fopperythe dress or actions of a fop
488confidanta person in whom one can confide or share one's secrets
489breechthe lower, rear trunk of the body
490convergeof two or more entities, to approach each other
491canarda false or misleading report, especially if deliberately so
492extrinsicexternal, separable from the thing itself, inessential
493gothica style of architecture from the mid-12th century
494divisora number or expression that another is to be divided by
495certitudesureness, certainty
496expositoryserving to explain, explicate, or elucidate
497consummateto bring to a state of perfectio, fulfill
498guilelesssincere, honest, straightforward, frank
499coronationthe ceremony of crowning a sovereign or sovereign's consort
500antitoxina substance, formed in the body, that counters a toxin
501derisiblesubject to or deserving of contemptuous ridicule
502compromiseto bind by mutual agreement
503ecstaticfeeling or characterized by extreme happiness
504discordantnot in harmony or accord
505contiguousconnected, touching, abutting
506chameleondescribing something that changes color
507ascentthe act of ascending a motion upwards
508grievouscausing grief, pain or sorrow
509apprehensiveanticipating something with anxiety or fear
510doctrinea belief or tenet, especially about theological matters
511germinateto begin to grow or develop
512cosmosthe universe seen as a well-ordered whole
513acquiesceto rest satisfied
514consumptivetending to consume, destructive, wasteful
515berserkfuriously violent or out of control
516extirpateto remove or destroy totally, do away with, exterminate
517clientelethe body or class of people who frequent an establishment
518crevicea narrow crack or fissure, in a rock or wall
519foregoto precede, to go before
520felonyan offense, as murder or burglary, of grave character
521endearto make dear or precious
522externaloutside of something
523exceptionableliable to exception  or objection, objectionable
524disobedientnot obedient
525allocateto assign or plot
526extenuateto represent (a fault, offense, etc ) as less serious
527burnishto make smooth or shiny by rubbing, to polish, to shine
528animalculean older term for a microscopic animal or protozoan
529cunninghaving or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit
530contaminateto introduce impurities or foreign matter
531fabricationthe act of framing, construction, manufacture
532accommodateto adapt, as, to accommodate ourselves to circumstances
533cliquea small, exclusive group of individuals, cabal
534credenceacceptance of something as true
535cadencea modulation or inflection of the voice
536cornucopiaa goat's horn overflowing with fruit, flowers, grain, etc.
537floralof, pertaining to, or connected with flowers
538depreciationreduction in value over time
539analystsomeone who analyzes
540disingenuousnot candid or sincere
541distortto bring something out of shape
542generalizeto speak in generalities, or in vague terms
543autobiographya self-written biography, the story of one's own life
544criticalinclined to find fault or to judge with severity
545emancipateto set free from the power of another, to liberate, as:
546accomplishto finish successfully
547compensateto pay someone in exchange for work done, etc.
548conspiratora person who plans to do something unlawful or harmful
549compoundto come together
550habitualbehaving in a regular manner, as a habit
551akinrelated by blood, similar
552fawnto exhibit affection or attempt to please
553epodea lyric poem in which a short verse follws a long one
554decisivesettling an issue, producing a definite result
555droneto produce a low-pitched hum or buzz
556financiera person skilled in managing large financial operations
557blazea bright flame or fire
558domaina geographic area owned by a single person or organization
559continuatora person or thing that continues
560eloquencethe quality of artistry and persuasiveness in language
561exhaleto expel air from the lungs
562condemnto sentence (someone) to a particular punishment
563depositora person who makes a deposit, especially of money in a bank
564amphitheatera semi-circular acoustic backdrop for an outdoor venue
565adorationan act of religious worship
566calamityan event causing great and often sudden damage or distress
567defoliateto remove foliage from one or more plants
568blasphemeto speak against god or religious doctrine
569complementto complete, to bring to perfection, to make whole
570amendto make better, to change
571alcovea small recessed area set off from a larger room
572adamantresistant to reason, determined, inflexible
573dictuman authoritative statement, a dogmatic saying
574auditiona trial to test a performer's suitability for something
575hard-heartedunfeeling, unmerciful, pitiless
576endangerto expose to danger, to risk causing harm to
577antipathya deep seated feeling of dislike
578forgerythe production of a fake work that is claimed to be genuine
579exactstrictly accurate or correct
580canona generally accepted principle
581candorwhiteness, brilliance
582denunciationproclamation, announcement, a publishing
583desistto cease to proceed or act, to stop
584gossamera fine, filmy cobweb seen on grass or floating in the air
585antemundanebeing or occurring prior to the creation of the world
586bungleto botch up, bumble or incompetently perform a task
587debonairgracious, courteous
588ambivalentexperiencing contradictory feelings, beliefs, or motivations
589asyluma place of safety
590fracasa noisy, disorderly disturbance or fight
591divulgeto tell (a secret) so that it may become generally known
592contraveneto act contrary to an order, or fail to conform
593abradeto rub or wear away
594aplombself-confidence, poise, composure
595endemicnatural to or characteristic of a specific people or place
596emphaticexpressing something forcibly and clearly
597hallowto make holy, to sanctify
598coroneta circular decoration for the head
599appriseto notify, or to make aware, to inform
600encompassto form a circle around, to encircle
601chideto scold or rebuke
602dissectionthe act of dissecting, or something dissected
603grislyhorrifyingly repellent, terrifying, gruesome
604acerbicacid in temper, mood or tone
605dispelto drive away by scattering, or to cause to vanish
606execrationa curse dictated by violent feelings of hatred
607concordanceagreement, accordance, consonance
608commuteto travel from one's home to one's workplace
609digrapha directed graph
610convolutedextremely complex and difficult to follow (argument, often)
611cavalcadea company of riders
612acetateany salt or ester of acetic acid
613deferto delay, or put off to a future time
614cantto speak with the jargon of a class or subgroup
615antidotea remedy to counteract the effects of poison
616duteouswillingly obedient out of a sense of duty and respect
617bereta type of round, brimless cap with a soft top and a headband
618fastidiousexcessively particular, demanding, or fussy about details
619carcassbody of a dead animal
620expatriateto banish (a person) from his or her native country
621futileincapable of producing any result, ineffective, useless
622fulcrumthe support about which a lever pivots
623coincidencean occurence, by chance, of more than one event at one time
624fiefa territory held in fee
625economizeto avoid waste or extravagance
626discernto perceive or recognize (something)
627avertto turn aside or away
628cerebralintellectual rather than emotional or physical
629fortitudethe mental strength that enables courage
630differentiatrait that discerns a species from another of same genus
631divestto undress, disrobe
632effronteryinsolent or impertinent behavior
633coerceto persuade
634forestallto prevent, delay or hinder something, to avert
635averto state or assert to be the case
636contrabandprohibited from being traded
637atypicalnot conforming to the normal type
638diabolicshowing wickedness typical of a devil
639alienateto make indifferent or hostile
640conveneto come together, to meet, to unite
641encyclopediaa book or set of books containing articles on various topics
642derideto harshly mock, ridicule
643cosmopolitanismthe idea that all people belong to a single moral community
644flamboyantshowy, bold or audacious in behaviour, appearance, etc
645abnegateto deny (oneself something)
646bipedan animal, or being that goes about on two feet or legs
647batona short stick or staff used to conduct
648confoundto cause surprise or confusion in (someone)
649anteriorbefore in place
650disengageto release or loosen from something that binds, unfasten
651boguscounterfeit or fake, not genuine
652calvarya sculpture of the crucifixion on a piece of raised ground
653flusterto confuse, befuddle
654collateralparallel, along the same vein, side by side
655enunciateto make a definite or systematic statement of
656caterwaulto have a noisy argument
657extremitythe most extreme or furthest point of something
658gratifyto give pleasure by satisfying desires, to indulge
659effuseto give (a liquid, light, smell, or quality)
660enmitya feeling or condition of hostility, hatred, animosity
662gingerlywith great care or caution
663canterto move at such pace
664granulea tiny grain, a small particle
665crepuscularof or resembling twilight, dim
666distinguishto see someone or something as different from others
667alibian excuse, especially to avoid blame
668exonerateto relieve (someone or something) of a load, to unburden
669accretiongrowth by slow buildup
670accoladeto embrace or kiss in salutation
671coddleto treat in an indulgent or overprotective way
672dispensationthe act of dispensing or dealing out, distribution
673corporateof, or relating to a corporation
674exacerbateto increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of 
675complimenta polite expression of praise or admiration
676expiateto atone or make reparation for
677distendto extend or expand, as from internal pressure, to swell
678allyto unite, or form a connection between
679deludeto deceive someone into believing something which is false
680evasionthe act of eluding or avoiding, particularly some pressure
682curtsya respectful bow made by women and girls
683antiphonyalternate, responsive singing by a two part choir
684ailmenta disease, sickness
685absolveto set free from an obligation
686enzymea protein that catalyses a biological chemical reaction
687aliasa false name used to conceal one's identity
688exuberanceeffusively and almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic
689filialof, pertaining to, or befitting a son or daughter
690camaraderiemutual trust and friendship among people
691despairto give up as beyond hope or expectation, to despair of
692creduloushaving or showing too great a readiness to believe things
693adulationflattery, fulsome praise
694avant-gardeinnovative, pioneering, especially when obviously so
695adventitiousfrom an external source, not innate or inherent
696chauvinista person who believes one gender is superior to the other
697encampto build and/or inhabit a camp or temporary shelter
698augurya divination based on the behaviour of animals
699gluttonythe vice of eating to excess
700errto make a mistake
701conduita tube for protecting electric wiring
702corrosivehaving the power of gradually wearing, or destroying matter
703defrayto spend (money)
704crestfallensad because of a recent disappointment
705emolumentpayment for an office or employment, compensation for a job
706differentiateto show, or be the distinction between two things
707foilto prevent (something) from being accomplished
708hasteswiftness of motion, speed
709dirgea funeral song or tune, expressing mourning for the dead
710forbidto command not to do something, have something, etc
711foot-notean explanatory or documenting note at the bottom of a page
712dominancepower and influence over others
713decampto break up camp and move on
714guileinsidious cunning in attaining a goal, artful deception
715citeto quote
716creamerya place where dairy products are prepared or sold
717faunmythical woodland creature with pointed ears and short horns
718barda poet, often one who plays an instrument
719convolveto roll or coil together, entwine
720eschewto abstain or keep away from, shun, avoid
721egotista person who talks excessively about himself
722doffto remove a hat as a greeting or mark of respect
723attestto affirm to be correct, true, or genuine
724aquaticrelating to water
725grateto shred things, usually food, by rubbing across a grater
726brimstoneabout or pertaining to hell
727cycloidresembling a circle, cyclical
728competencethe quality or state of being competent, able
729enlightento supply with light, to illuminate
730concurrenceagreement, concurring
731clamora loud and confused noise
732atrophyto wither or waste away
733aeronautone who glides through the air in an airship or balloon
734emissarya person sent on a special mission
735blemishspoil the appearance of
736compunctiona pricking of conscience or a feeling of regret
738foppishlike a fop, a man overly concerned with his appearance
739gloriousattributes, qualities, or acts that are worthy of glory
740anemiaa medical condition of too little hemoglobin
741caucusto hold or form such a group or meeting
742denominationthe act of naming or designating
743captivateattract and hold interest and attention of, charm
745felicityhappiness, especially to a high degree
746gastricof or relating to the stomach
747contumelyinsolent or insulting language or treatment
748ensconceto place in a secure environment
749appeasepacify or placate
750floridnessthe quality of being florid
751disinterestedhaving no stake or interest in the outcome, free of bias
752equipoisean equal distribution of weight, even balance, equilibrium
753coursera person who hunts with dogs using sight rather than scent
754cursoryhasty and therefore not thorough or detailed
755discomfortto cause annoyance or distress
756cryptograma message or writing in code or cipher
757enormitygreatness of size, scope, extent, or influence, immensity
758diatomicconsisting of two atoms
759dissuasionthe act or an instance of persuading against
760disquietudea state of uneasiness or anxiety
761deciduousfalling off or shed at a particular season, point of growth
762bravadoa swaggering show of defiance or courage
763contritefeeling or expressing remorse or penitence
764contumelious(of behavior) scornful and insulting, insolent
765bombasticostentatiously lofty in style
766cozento cheat, deceive or trick
767coagulateto become congealed
768envenomto make poisonous
769felicitateto congratulate, to compliment upon a happy event
770aloofreserved and remote, physically or emotionally distant
771assimilateto take in and incorporate as one's own
772apathycomplete lack of emotion or motivation about something
773causticcapable of destroying or eating away by chemical action
774extricateto free, disengage, loosen, or untangle
775antisepticof, or relating to antisepsis, or the use of antiseptics
776capillaryof or pertaining to hair
777casteany hereditary social class of south asian societies
778concedeto yield or suffer, to surrender, to grant (a point)
779disagreeto not agree (harmonize)
780enervateto deprive of force or strength, weaken
781divulgencethe act of making known (private or sensitive information)
782brackishsalty or slightly salty, as a mixture of fresh and sea water
783coalesceto grow together or into one body
784gallantbrave, valiant
785gregariousfond of the company of others, sociable
786eruditecharacterized by great knowledge, learned or scholarly
787contextthe circumstances that form the setting of an idea
788frissona sudden surge of excitement, shudder of emotion, thrill
789deriveto deduce (a conclusion) by reasoning
790antechambera small room used as an entryway area to a larger room
791consignorthe person who sends the shipment
792evasivetending to avoid making revelations about oneself
793curtbrief or terse, especially to the point of being rude
794deviseto use one's intellect to plan or design (something)
795boycottto abstain, either as an individual or group
796gradientan inclined surface, grade, ramp
797floea low, flat mass of floating ice
798escalateto increase (something) in extent or intensity, intensify
799comely(woman) pleasant to look at, agreeable
800afflictto distress with mental/bodily pain
801arcaneknown or understood by very few
802factionalismthe splitting of a group into factions
803cataclysma sudden, violent event
804coveya small group of people or things
805fetidhaving an offensive odor, stinking
806collagea work of art, made from assembling different items into one
807angelicbelonging to, resembling, or proceeding from, angels
808debrisrubble, wreckage, scattered remains of something destroyed
809abeyancetemporary inactivity
810decapodhaving ten legs
811fiatan authoritative command or order, an effectual decree
812arbitera person empowered to make decisions
813deferentialrespectful, reverential
814fraudulencecharacterized by, involving, or proceeding from fraud
815bide(chiefly dialectal) to bear, to endure, to tolerate
816boona thing that is helpful or beneficial
817convalescentrecovering one's health and strength after illness
818abstinencevoluntary forbearance esp. from indulgence of an appetite
819harmoniousmarked by agreement in feeling, attitude, or action
820disinheritto exclude from inheritance, to disown
821fecklessineffective, incompetent, futile
822becka stream or small river
823contributora benefactor, someone who donates to charity or some cause
824eclipsethe complete or partial interception of light from a star
825grandioselarge and impressive, in size, scope or extent
826arbitraryrandom, not based on reason or system
827cossetto care for and protect in an overindulgent way
828canineof, or pertaining to, a dog or dogs
829annunciationthe act of announcing something
830contumaciousstubbornly or willfully disobedient to authority
831equanimitymental or emotional stability or composure, calmness
832bridlepart of the harness of a horse, consisting of bit and reins
833candidfree from prejudice, impartial
834equitablecharacterized by equity or fairness, fair, reasonable
835bandyto give and receive reciprocally, to exchange
836congestto overfill or overcrowd
837charismapersonal charm or magnetism
838anathemaa person or thing detested or loathed
839expulsionthe act of driving out or expelling
840consignto transfer to the custody of for sale, transport, etc.
841arrearwork to be done, obligation
842atrociousfrightful, evil, cruel or monstrous
843contiguitycontact or proximity
844genitalof, or relating to biological reproduction
845euphoniouspleasant-sounding, agreeable to the ear
846gauntlean, angular, and bony
847fruitionthe fulfillment of something worked for
848galvanicof or pertaining to galvanism, electric
849drainagea removal of surface and sub-surface water from a given area
850detrituswaste or debris of any kind
851altruismregard for others, both natural and moral, kindness
852disperseto scatter in different directions
853cabala secret political clique or faction
854attainto accomplish, to achieve
855emblazonto adorn with prominent markings
856diverseshowing a great deal of variety
857delineateto describe or portray (something) precisely
858acridsharp and harsh, or bitter and not to the taste, pungent
859desertto leave, to abandon, to forsake
860determinatehaving exact and discernible limits or form
861cantankerousill-tempered, cranky, surly, crabby
862colossusa statue of gigantic size, wonders of the ancient world
863conjointo join, to combine
864dilemmaa situation requiring a choice between undesirable options
865evanesceto disappear into a mist or dissipate in vapor
866ficklelikely to change, casually changeable
867dislocateto put something out of its usual place
868divertiblecapable of being diverted
869discussionthe action or process of talking about something
870anglo-saxonnative or inhabitant of england prior to the norman conquest
871conflagrationa large fire extending to many objects
872bustleto move busily and energetically with fussiness
873deportmenta person's behavior or manners
874deitya god or goddess, divine status
875appraiseto assess the value or quality of
876bylinea line in a newspaper naming the writer of an article
877auriferouscontaining or producing gold, gold-bearing
878forecastlea raised part of the upper deck at the front of a ship
879bailiffa legal officer, similar to a sheriff or deputy
880advertto turn attention
881cynicalbelieving that people are motivated by self-interest
882conflateto bring things together and fuse them into a single entity
883glimpseto see or view briefly or incompletely
884fledglinguntried or inexperienced
885dina loud, unpleasant, and prolonged noise
886espouseto make one's own, adopt or embrace, as a cause
887continuancethe state of remaining in existence or operation
888diminutivesmall, little, tiny
889acuitysharpness or acuteness, as of a needle, wit, etc
890delineationa precise description
891arbora shady sitting place, usually in a park or garden
892conciliatoryintended or likely to placate or pacify
893enfeebleto make feeble, to weaken
894disregardto ignore
895fictitiousnot real, invented, contrived
896endearingtending to make dear or beloved
897diversionan instance of turning something aside from its course
898conditionalsubject to one or more requirements being met
899computationthe use of computers, esp. as a subject of research or study
900exigenturgent, needing immediate action
901droughta period of dry weather, especially injurous to crops
902contradictiona person, thing, or idea in which has inconsistent elements
903calvishlike a calf, stupid
904falliblecapable of making mistakes or being wrong
905agriculturethe art or science of cultivating the ground
906combustionthe process of burning something
907fertilizeto make (the soil) more fertile by adding nutrients to it
908fortea person's strong suit, talent, or skill
909bestowto lay up in store, deposit for safe keeping, stow, place
910extrudeto push or thrust out
911alleviateto make easier to endure, lessen
912confrontto stand or meet facing, to oppose, to challenge
913discolorto change or lose color
914concessiona thing that is granted, esp. in response to demands
915assonanthaving successive similar vowel sounds
916domicilea home or residence
917frigidariumin roman baths, a room with a bath of cold water
918figureheadperson who is head  of a group in title but has no authority
919conventiona meeting or gathering
920charycautious, wary
921aspersionan attack on somebody's reputation or good name
922despota ruler with absolute power who exercise it cruelly
923cleaveto split or sever something
924enactto make (a bill) into law
925eligiblehaving the right to do or obtain something
926dankunpleasantly moist or humid
927accusationthe act of with a crime or with a lighter offense
928genesisthe origin or point at which something begins to exist
929dilatoryslow to act, sluggish
930espritspirit, enthusiasm
931archaeologythe scientific study of historic or prehistoric peoples
932absencea state of being absent
933epocha period of history, esp. considered remarkable/noteworthy
934evolutionany process of formation or growth, development
935divinationthe practice of foretelling the future by supernatural means
936consorta wife, husband, or companion
937frescopainting on a moist, plaster surface
938eventualhappening at some indefinite future time
939formidablecausing fear, apprehension, or dread
940formationsomething possessing structure or form
941diagnoseto determine the root cause of (a disease)
942ellipticalin a shape reminding of an ellipse, oval
943convergencethe coming together from different directions to meet
944accessionto make a record of (additions to a collection)
945frugalavoiding unnecessary expenditure either of money
946colliera ship for carrying coal
947austeresevere or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance
948defensiblecapable of being defended against armed attack
949antilogya contradiction in related terms or ideas
950artifactan object made or shaped by humans
951confectiona dish or delicacy made with sweet ingredients
952effervescentgiving off bubbles, fizzy
953fallacydeceptive or false appearance, deceitfulness, deception
954haphazardrandom, chaotic, incomplete, not thorough
955amiablefriendly, sociable
956dead-heatrun of finish a race exactly even
957guisegeneral external appearance, aspect, semblance
958grottoa cave or cavern
959descentan action of moving downward, dropping, falling
960aristocratone of a ruling class, a noble
961augmentto make bigger
962disinclinationreluctance, unwillingness to do something
963anointto rub or sprinkle on
964digressiona departure from the subject, course, or idea at hand
965defileto make impure, to make dirty
966antecedeto go before, to precede
967foruma place for discussion
968beneficeto bestow a benefice upon
969consigneethe person to whom a shipment is to be delivered
970cosmeticexternal or superficial, pertaining only to the surface
971evangelistan itinerant or special preacher, especially a revivalist
972expurgateto edit out incorrect, or otherwise undesirable information
974deplorabledeserving strong condemnation, shockingly bad
975dissidenta person who opposes official policy
976censurabledeserving of censure, blameworthy
977cultivateto prepare and use (land) for crops or gardening
978collectivegathered into a mass, sum, or body
979decalitreten litres
980extraditionsurrender of an alleged fugitive by one authority to another
981casuistryoversubtle reasoning in questions of morality
982de factoin fact, whether by right or not
983denounceto publicly declare to be wrong or evil
985correlateto relate things having corresponding characteristics
986advocacyactive support
987cosmopolitanfamiliar with and at ease in many different countries
988aspireto hope or dream, especially towards a profession
989amoura love affair
990armadaa fleet of warships
991fatuousfoolish or inane, especially in an unconscious manner, silly
992docileyielding to control or supervision, direction, or management
993discomfitto defeat completely, to rout
994digressto deviate from the main subject in writing or speaking
995accountto compute, to count
996categoricalabsolute, having no exception
997abbreviateto make shorter
998condescendto stoop or deign to do something
999beseechto beg or implore
1000gleanto gather slowly and laboriously, bit by bit
1001convulsionan intense, paroxysmal, involuntary muscular contraction
1002conscriptto enrol compulsorily, to draft
1003anxiousgreatly concerned, respecting something future or unknown
1005decimateto kill, destroy, or remove large percentages of
1006bombasthigh-sounding language with little meaning
1007flaccidsoft and limp, not firm, flabby
1008entreea dish served as the main course of a meal
1009gumptionenergy of mind and body, enthusiasm
1010circumscribeto restrict (something) within limits
1011caveatto qualify a particular statement with a proviso or caveat
1012ariaa musical piece written for a solo voice with accompaniment
1013gauntleta medieval glove, as of mail or plate, worn by a knight
1014evoketo cause a thing to manifest in someone's mind
1015differencethe state or relation of being different, dissimilarity
1016envoya representative, a diplomatic agent
1017exclamationa loud calling or crying out, indicative of emotion
1018cordialwarm and friendly, courteous
1019eminent(a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere
1020gambitan opening in chess, in which a minor piece is sacrificed
1021altitudethe height measured from sea level up to any given point
1022acclivitya slope or inclination of the earth, as the side of a hill
1023barometeran instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure
1024flippantfrivolously disrespectful, shallow or lacking in seriousness
1025barristera lawyer who pleads in court
1026forfeitto suffer the loss of something by wrongdoing
1027achromaticwithout colour
1028contritionthe state of feeling remorseful and penitent
1029canaanitea member of a people that inhabited ancient palestine
1030asininefoolish, unintelligent or silly
1031dwindleto decrease, shrink, diminish, reduce in size
1032executora person who performs some duty, job, etc
1033gladdento cause (something) to become glad
1034bolethe trunk or stem of a tree
1035galleona large sailing vessel of the 15th to the 17th centuries
1036brawnstrong, well-developed muscles
1037bickerto quarrel in a tiresome, insulting manner
1038cauterizeto burn, sear, or freeze tissue for curative purposes
1039dissuadeto convince not to try or do
1040curtailto cut short
1041gruffto have a rough, surly, or harsh nature
1042eccentricunconventional and slightly strange
1043disconsolatecheerless, dreary
1044electrotypeto make such a plate
1045disconnectto sever or interrupt a connection
1046disconcertto disturb the composure of, to unsettle
1047destitutionthe action of deserting or abandoning
1048definitiveexplicitly defined
1049efflorescencethe state or a period of flowering
1050dominationthe exercise of control or influence over something
1051augustinianpertaining to st. augustine of hippo
1052galvanismthe chemical generation of electricity
1053gordianresembling the gordian knot in intricacy
1054effulgentshining, resplendent, with radiant splendor
1055deviateto go off course from, to change course, to change plans
1056expectancyanticipation, the state of expecting something
1057catastrophea disaster
1058federateto unite in a federation
1059freneticfrantic, frenzied
1060giddyto make dizzy or unsteady
1061broadcastto transmit a message or signal via electronic means
1062carnivorousfeeding on other animals, meat-eaters
1063evictto expel (one or more people) from their property
1064armfulthe amount an arm or arms can hold
1065fretfulirritable, bad-tempered, grumpy or peevish
1066dissidenceprotest against official policy
1067allureto invite by something flattering or acceptable, to entice
1068confederatejoined by an agreement or treaty
1069cruciblea cup-shaped piece of laboratory equipment
1070antiquateto cause to become old or obsolete
1071catalysta person or thing that precipitates an event
1072distrainorone who distrains, the party distraining goods or chattels
1073burlylarge, well-built, and muscular
1074clamberto climb something with some difficulty
1075comprehensibleable to be understood
1076baizea woollen fabric resembling felt
1077allusionan indirect reference, a hint, a reference to something
1078depositionthe process of giving sworn evidence
1079calumnya misrepresentation intended to discredit another
1080entrenchto place in a position of strength, establish firmly
1081estimableworthy of esteem, admirable
1082bureaucracystructure and regulations in place to control activity
1083developto grow or cause to grow and become more mature
1084ensnareto entrap, to catch in a snare or trap
1085accompanyto perform an accompanying part or parts in a composition
1086cessationa ceasing or discontinuance of action
1087betideto happen to
1088doubleta close-fitting jacket, men's wear in the renaissance
1089battaliona large body of troop ready for battle
1090ambidextroushaving equal ability in both hands
1091amassto collect into a mass or heap
1092debutto formally introduce, as to the public
1093ferociousmarked by extreme and violent energy
1094coxswaina person in charge of a ship's boat and its crew
1095fallowto make land fallow for agricultural purposes
1096corpsa battlefield formation composed of two or more divisions
1097flugela grand piano or harpsichord, both being wing-shaped
1098debatableopen to discussion or argument
1099consulofficial in a country who protects their nation's interests
1100chastiseto punish or scold someone
1101appositeappropriate, relevant, well-suited, fit
1102detonateto explode or cause to explode
1103emergencethe act of coming forth from envelopment or concealment
1104cataracta waterspout
1105betrothto promise to give in marriage
1106faultyhaving or displaying faults not adequate or acceptable
1107cabalismthe principles or doctrines of the cabala
1108disapproveto condemn, consider wrong or inappropriate
1109devourto eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly
1110ambleslow walk, stroll
1111deadlocka situation in which no progress can be made
1112brayof a donkey, to make it cry
1113electrolysisthe passage of an electriccurrent through an electrolyte
1114addenduman addition or change
1115exclusionthe act of shutting out
1116diluteto make thinner by adding a liquid or solvent
1117determinationfirmness of purpose, resoluteness
1118distensiblecapable of swelling or stretching
1119avengeto vindicate by inflicting pain or evil on a wrongdoer
1120callousshowing a cruel and insensitive disregard for others
1121congenitalpresent since birth
1122deformto remove the form of
1123evinceto show or demonstrate clearly, to manifest
1124despitein spite of
1125despoticcharacteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule
1126avuncularin the manner of an uncle, pertaining to an uncle
1127florista person who sells flowers
1128anonymitythe quality or state of being anonymous, anonymousness
1129embodyto represent in a physical form, to incarnate or personify
1130diacriticalcapable of distinguishing or of making a distinction
1131apiarya place where bees and their hives are kept
1132expeditiousfast, prompt, speedy
1133culpabledeserving blame
1134consolidateto combine into a single unit, to group together or join
1135brouhahaa stir, a fuss or uproar
1136abyssan immeasurably deep gulf or great space
1137formulaany fixed or conventional method for doing something
1138fluvialof or pertaining to a river
1139congregateto collect into an assembly, to gather together
1140asepticfree of disease-causing microbes
1141forepeakthe part of the hold of a ship within the angle of the bow
1142acousticdesigned to carry sound or to aid in hearing
1143fustiana kind of coarse twilled cotton or cotton and linen stuff
1144brominea non-metallic chemical element, one of the halogens
1145arborealof or relating to trees
1146distillatesomething formed by distilling
1147arouseto evoke or awaken a feeling, emotion or response
1148balkto pass over or by
1149centilitreone 100th of a liter
1150dialecticiana person skilled in philosophical debate
1151alterto change the form or structure of
1152edificea building, esp. a large and imposing one
1153altoa musical section higher than tenor and lower than soprano
1154deviousshowing skillful use of underhanded tactics to achieve goals
1155clarifyto make clear or intelligible
1156dueta performance by two people, esp. musicians
1157belayto surround, environ, enclose
1158berthto bring (a ship or vehicle) into its berth
1159cobblera person who repairs shoes
1160conservatorya college for the study of classical music or other arts
1161cardinalof fundamental importance, crucial, pivotal
1162endeavorto attempt through application of effort
1163alludeto refer casually or indirectly
1164hackneyedmade commonplace or trite, stale
1165copiousabundant in supply or quantity
1166encapsulateto cover something as if in a capsule
1167distillera person who owns, works in or operates a distillery
1168askanceturned to the side, especially of the eyes
1169close-hauleda bringing to an end, conclusion
1170forebodeto predict a future event, to hint at something
1171elegya mournful or plaintive poem, a funeral song
1172antica ludicrous or extravagant gesture
1173consoleto comfort (someone) in a time of grief, disappointment, etc
1174coupa highly successful, unexpected act
1175congealto change from a liquid to solid state perhaps by cold
1176frontierlying on the exterior part, bordering
1177effusionan outpouring of liquid
1179hangara large garage-like structure where aircraft are kept
1180gamestera person who plays games
1181fancilesshaving no fancy, without ideas or imagination
1182fomentto instigate or foster (discord, rebellion, etc )
1183floraplants considered as a group, esp. those of one region
1184defamationact of injuring another's reputation by slander or libel
1185divineto foretell (something), especially by the use of divination
1186discerningshowing good or outstanding judgment and understanding
1187assetsomething or someone of any value
1189creditablecredible or believable
1190defuseto reduce the danger or tension in (a difficult situation)
1191antiquarya person who is knowledgeable of, or who collects antiques
1192aggrandizeto widen in scope
1193bibliophileone who loves books
1194conformancethe act of conforming, conformity
1195furtivetaken, done, used, etc , surreptitiously or by stealth
1196desperatebeing filled with, or in a state of despair, hopeless
1197autumnalof or relating to autumn
1198excrescencesomething, usually abnormal, growing out of something else
1199deifyto make a god of (something or someone)
1200circuitousroundabout, longer than the most direct way
1201coquettea woman who flirts or plays with men's affections
1202deartha scarcity or lack of something
1203divergencea difference or conflict in opinions, interests, wishes, etc
1204entreatythe act of entreating or beseeching, urgent prayer
1205gastronomythe art or science of good eating
1206abbotthe superior or head of an abbey or monastery
1208ceremonialof, relating to, or used in a ceremony, ritual or formal
1209donto put on (clothes)
1210ad hocspecifically for
1211anthropologythe holistic scientific and social study of humanity
1212abridgeto shorten in duration
1213emigrantsomeone who leaves a country to settle in a new country
1214bourgeoisa member of the middle class
1215cerealany plant of the grass family with an edible grain
1216consensusgeneral agreement, general opinion
1217cantonmenttemporary military living quarters
1218extensora muscle whose contraction extends or straightens a limb
1219estrangeto cause to feel less close or friendly, alienate
1220adumbrateto foreshadow vaguely
1221boisterousnoisy, energetic, rowdy
1222anemometera device to measure wind speed
1223continuitylack of interruption or disconnection
1224discardto throw away, to reject
1225adjacentclose, or contiguous, neighboring, bordering on
1226cringeto bow or crouch in servility
1227exuberantvery high-spirited, extremely energetic or enthusiastic
1228debauchto morally corrupt someone, to seduce
1229collisionan instance of violent contact between objects
1230faux pasa slip or blunder in etiquette, manners, or conduct
1231auburnof a reddish-brown colour
1232apothecarya person who makes and provides/sells drugs and/or medicines
1233gradationa sequence of gradual, successive stages
1234depththe vertical distance below a surface
1235discoverto remove the cover from, to uncover
1236enumerateto mention separately as if in counting, name one by one
1237calibrateto check or adjust by comparison with a standard
1238affirmationa declaration that something is true, an oath
1239exhilarateto enliven, invigorate, stimulate
1240facetone of the small, polished plane surfaces of a cut gem
1241apparentcapable of being seen, or easily seen
1242dogmaan official system of tenets, laid down by an authority
1243emeritushaving retired but retaining his title as an honor
1244bitternessthe quality of having a bitter taste
1245covertnot openly acknowledged or displayed
1246affinitya natural liking for or attraction to a person, thing, idea
1247contradictorymutually opposed or inconsistent
1248acrimonybitterness or sharpness of manner, speech, temper
1249gesticulateto make gestures or motions, as in speaking, to use postures
1250genteelpolite and well-mannered
1251expectorateto cough up fluid from the lungs
1252distentionthe state of being stretched beyond normal dimensions
1253emitto send out or give off
1254befogto envelop in fog
1255cowerto crouch or cringe in fear
1256conjugateto list the inflected forms of a verb for each person
1257friezea decorative band beneath the cornice of an interior wall
1258congregationa gathering of faithful in a place of worship
1259coyartfully or affectedly shy or reserved
1260farcicalresembling a farce, ludicrous, absurd
1261discourteousshowing rudeness and a lack of consideration for others
1262creakto make a prolonged sharp grating or squeaking sound
1263amatoryof or relating to love
1264commodiousspacious and convenient, roomy and comfortable
1265aureoleany encircling ring of light, halo
1266aptitudenatural ability to acquire knowledge or skill
1267elocutionthe skill of a clear and expressive speech
1268adjudicateto settle a legal case or other dispute
1269diffidencelack of self-confidence
1270apotheosisthe fact or action of becoming or making into a god
1271alkalione of a class of caustic bases
1272confluencean act or process of merging
1273disallowto refuse to allow
1274grenadiera type of soldier, originally one who threw grenades
1275amitythe cooperative and supportive relationship between people
1276bathosdepth, bottom
1277bibliographya section of a written work with citations to all references
1278dissatisfyto fail to satisfy
1279antislaveryopposed to the practice of slavery
1280centimetreone 100th of a meter
1281bibliomaniathe obsession of owning valuable books
1282buffoonto behave like a buffoon
1283functionarya person employed as an official who holds limited authority
1284distemperto disturb and disorder, hence to make sick
1285fungiblebeing of such nature or kind as to be freely exchangeable
1286echelona level or rank in an organization
1287furlougha usually temporary layoff from work
1288descendantdescending from a biological ancestor
1289calculableable to be calculated
1290diurnalhappening during daylight, or active during that time
1291consecutivefollowing, in succession, without interruption
1292discloseto open up, unfasten
1293abashto make ashamed
1294empowerto give permission or power to do something
1295deceitan act or practice intended to deceive, a trick
1296goadto prick or drive with, or as if with, a goad, prod
1297cullto pick or take someone or something (from a larger group)
1298antonyma word which has the opposite meaning of another
1299discordancythe state of being at variance or in disagreement
1300garroteto execute by strangulation
1301equivocateto use unclear expressions, usually in order to mislead
1302elicitto evoke, obtain, or provoke as a response or answer
1303exemptto grant (someone) freedom or immunity from
1304festivehaving the atmosphere,or attitude of a celebration
1305genealogya record or account of the ancestry and descent of a person
1306censureto criticize harshly
1307credulitywillingness to believe or trust too readily
1308fooleryfoolish behaviour or speech
1309fecundhighly fertile, able to produce offspring
1310gloatto exhibit a conspicuous sense of self-satisfaction
1311frolicsomegiven to frolicking, playful
1312expositionthe act of expounding, setting forth, or explaining
1313engrossto occupy completely, as the mind or attention
1314cadenzaan elaborate solo passage in a piece of music
1315elusionthe act, or abstract properties, of eluding
1316bowdlerizeto remove those parts of a text considered offensive, vulgar
1317decagraman si unit of mass equal to 101 grams
1318expediteto accelerate the progress of
1319encourageto mentally support, to motivate, give courage
1320extolto praise highly, laud, eulogize
1321adjurationa grave warning
1322bewilderto cause someone to become perplexed and confused
1323armisticea formal agreement to end fighting
1324didacticintended to teach, particularly having a moral lesson
1325conceitoverly high self-esteem, vain pride, hubris
1326bartererone who trades goods for other goods without involving money
1327flinchto make an involuntary movement in response to stimulus
1328conformitysimilarity in form or character, agreement
1329collusiona secret agreement, especially for treacherous purposes
1330gynecologya medical science dealing with women's reproductive health
1331gargantuanof the giant gargantua or his appetite
1332anhydrousfree from water
1333abstractto separate, to remove, to take away
1334badinageplayful raillery, banter
1335discretionthe quality of being discreet or circumspect
1336carnalrelating to the physical and especially sexual appetites
1337evangelicalpertaining to the gospel(s) of the christian new testament
1338affectto influence or alter
1339bombto attack using one or more bombs, to bombard
1340accordionto fold up, in the manner of an accordion
1341aberrantstraying from the right or normal way
1342banterthe playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks
1343feralexisting in a natural state, not domesticated, wild
1344celibateabstaining from marriage and sexual relations
1345flauntto parade, display with ostentation
1346foreordainto predestine or preordain
1347assessorone who assesses a property for tax evaluation
1348evidentialof or providing evidence
1350embolisman obstruction or occlusion of an artery
1351anatomythe art of studying the different parts of an organized body
1352fanaticismthe characteristic or practice of being a fanatic
1353enunciationthe act of announcing, proclaiming, or making known
1354chromaticrelating to or characterised by hue
1355epitomea person or thing that is typical of a whole class
1356accuseto find fault with, to blame
1357affiliationthe relationship resulting from association
1358bilgethe widest circumference or belly of a cask
1359defraudto obtain money or property by fraud, to swindle
1360deforestto destroy or to fell all the trees of a forest
1361dissolveto make a solution of, by mixing with a liquid
1362brogana heavy working shoe, a brogue
1363grotesquedistorted and unnatural in shape or size, abnormal, hideous
1364bete noiresomething especially disliked or dreaded
1365efficientmaking good use of time or energy
1366aghastterrified, struck with amazement
1367drollamusing in an odd way
1368chivalryknights, nobles and horsemen collectively
1369counterparteither of two parts that fit together or are complements
1370endowto furnish, as with some talent, faculty, or quality
1371depositorya place where something is deposited for safekeeping
1372equestrianof horseback riding or horseback riders
1373ambulanceemergency vehicle that transports sick or injured people
1374beratescold, chide
1375collideto impact directly, especially if violent
1376entangleto twist in such a manner as not to be easily separated
1377energeticpossessing, exerting, or displaying energy
1378defaceto damage something in a visible or conspicuous manner
1379contagiona disease spread with or without contact
1380duplexsomething having two parts
1381decoya person who entices or lures another person or thing
1382contretempsan unforeseen, inopportune, or embarrassing event, a hitch
1383constituencya district represented by one or more elected officials
1384dogmaticopinionated, pragmatic
1385dogmatizeto treat something as dogma
1386deficientlacking something essential, often construed with in
1387frankincensetype of incense obtained from the boswellia thurifera tree
1388classifyto identify by or divide into classes, to categorize
1390bowlerone who engages in the sport of bowling
1391disservicean ill turn or injury
1392accordto make to agree or correspond, to suit one thing to another
1393benefactorsomebody who gives one a gift
1394bestrewto strew or scatter about, throw or drop here and there
1395contendto strive in opposition, to contest, to dispute
1396countervailto have the same value as
1397emboldento render (someone) more bold or courageous
1398dupeto swindle, deceive, or trick
1399braethe sloping bank of a river-valley, any slope or hillside
1400dominateto govern, rule or control by superior authority or power
1401granteethe person to whom something is granted
1403aweto inspire fear and reverence
1404grandiloquentoverly wordy, pompous, flowery, or elaborate
1405enjointo lay upon, as an order or command, to order, to charge
1406atrocityan extremely wicked or cruel act
1407bellean attractive woman
1408demeanto debase, to do something that is beneath one's dignity
1409benigngentle, kindly
1410embarkto get on a boat or ship or (outside the usa) an aeroplane
1411brazenbold and without shame
1412extemporaneouswithout preparation or advanced thought, offhand
1413ebullientcheerful and full of energy
1414extensiblecapable of being extended
1415balsama sweet-smelling oil or resin derived from various plants
1417dedicationthe quality of being committed to a task or purpose
1418brittleliable to break or snap easily under stress or pressure
1419contrapositionplacement opposite or against
1420conveniencethe quality of being suitable, useful or convenient
1421fulminateto explode with a loud noise, detonate
1422engageto occupy the attention or efforts
1423denominateto call, to name
1424ennuia listlessness or melancholia caused by boredom, depression
1425bromidea binary compound of bromine and some other element
1426disruptto throw into confusion or disorder
1427anthropocentricgiving preference to humans above all other considerations
1428condensationthe result of being made compact or dense
1429anewover again
1430amplitudethe measure of something's size, largeness, magnitude
1431dramatizeto adapt a literary work so that it can be performed
1432collateto gather pages in their proper sequence
1433excursiona brief recreational trip, a journey out of the usual way
1435harangueto give a forceful and lengthy lecture or criticism
1436excitationthe act of exciting or putting in motion
1437ducklinga young duck
1438expedientsimple, easy, or quick, convenient
1439autarchya condition of absolute power
1440arablesuitable for cultivation, such as by ploughing
1441depreciateto reduce in value over time
1442allayto make quiet or put at rest, to pacify or appease
1443accurseto devote to destruction
1444contemptibledeserving of or held in contempt,  despicable
1445apostasythe renunciation of a belief or set of beliefs
1446euphoriaa feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being
1447causalof, relating to, or being a cause of something, causing
1448disreputablenot respectable, lacking repute, discreditable
1449disarrayto throw into disorder, to break the array of
1450dendroid(of an organism or structure) tree-shaped, branching
1451archipelagoa cluster of island
1452bulrushany of several wetland herbs
1453exponentone who expounds, represents or advocates
1454amphibiousable to live in water and on land
1455accouterto furnish with dress or equipments
1456chiffona sheer silk or rayon fabric
1457domesticof or relating to the home
1458alluvionoverflow, flood
1459exhaustiveincluding every possible element
1460bighta corner, bend, or angle
1461begrudgeto be reluctant
1462blithesomehappy or spriteful, carefree
1463hapto happen, to befall, to chance
1464assailto make a concerted of violent attach on
1465cornicean ornamental molding around the top of the wall of a room
1466chronicthat continues over an extended period of time
1467capitulateto draw up in chapters, to enumerate
1468consulatethe residency of a consul
1469decalogueten commandments
1470dissentientin opposition to a majority or official opinion
1471detumescencethe process of subsiding from a state of tension
1472archbishopa senior bishop who is in charge of an archdiocese
1473bedraggleto make something wet and limp
1474bentcurved, crooked
1475brogueto speak with an accent
1476exposurethe condition of being exposed, uncovered, or unprotected
1477clairvoyanthaving the power to see beyond the natural range of vision
1478earthenwarepottery of baked or hardened clay
1479corruptibleshowing a willingness to act dishonestly
1480fragileeasily broken or destroyed and often of subtle structure
1481awrycrooked, distorted, out of place
1482dowrythe money,or goods a wife brings to her husband at marriage
1483accessto gain or obtain access to
1484equilibriumthe condition in which competing influences are balanced
1485forsaketo abandon, to give up, to leave (permanently), to renounce
1486disinfectto sterilize by the use of cleaning agent such as bleach
1487diatribea forceful and bitter verbal attack
1488antiphona devotional piece of music sung responsively
1489haughtydisdainfully proud, snobbish, scornfully arrogant
1490anecdotea short account of a history, usually amusing
1491flag-officership carrying the flag officer or commander, flying his flag
1492denouementthe final part of a play, movie, or narrative
1493dragoonto force someone into doing something, to coerce
1494distillto make something (esp. a liquid) in this way
1495granarya storage facility for grain or sometimes animal feed
1496bibulousvery absorbent
1497confidentbeing very sure of or positive about something
1498epicureanpursuing pleasure, esp. in reference to food or comfort
1499drubto hit or beat (someone) repeatedly, thrash
1500ashenof the pale gray color of ash
1501amenableopen to influence or advice, agreeable
1502disputatious(of a person) fond of having heated arguments
1503condoneaccept and allow (morally wrong or offensive behavior)
1504bronchitisan inflammation of the bronchi of the lungs
1505diffidentlacking confidence in oneself
1506competitora person or organization against whom one is competing
1507affirmativepertaining to truth, asserting that something is true
1508fidgetto wiggle or twitch, to move around nervously or idly
1509cygneta young swan
1510antichristone who works against the teachings of christ
1511curatora keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection
1512bigota person utterly intolerant of any differing opinion
1513computeto reckon or calculate
1514beguileto deceive or delude craftily
1515financialpertaining or relating to money matters
1516eliminateto completely destroy (a thing) so that it no longer exists
1517floutto treat with disdain, scorn, or contempt, scoff at, mock
1518chastitythe state of abstaining from sexual intercourse
1519almanaca book or table listing nautical, astronomical, etc. Events
1520haughtinessthe state or property of being haughty, arrogance, snobbery
1521gourdthe dried shell of a hard fruit used for utensils
1522autopsya post-mortem examination to discover the cause of death
1523archangela powerful angel that leads many other angels
1524circulateto move in circles or through a circuit
1525gristlecartilage, especially in meats
1526elanspirit, zeal, ardor
1527gratisfree, without charge
1528dimlydull and subdued, indistinct
1529enduringlasting, permanent, present participle of endure
1530genitivethe case which expresses origin or possession (grammar)
1531acknowledgmentthe act of acknowledging, admission
1532fitfulirregular, unsteady, characterized by fits
1533asunderapart, divided
1534bilateralhaving two sides
1535flaira natural or innate talent or aptitude, a knack
1536fidelityfaithfulness to one's duties
1537botanythe scientific study of plants, a branch of biology
1538deployto arrange (usually a military unit or units) for use
1539dourstern, harsh and forbidding
1540contingencydependence on chance or the fulfillment of a condition
1541blitheshowing a casual indifference which is callous or improper
1542fondleto touch or stroke lovingly
1543depravitymoral corruption
1544corroborateto confirm or give support to (a statement, etc.)
1545denominatorthe expression written below the line in a fraction
1546aqueducta small canal containing fluid
1547correlationa reciprocal, parallel or complementary relationship
1548connubialof or relating to the state of being married
1549deterrenta thing that is intended to discourage someone from some act
1550dowdyplain and unfashionable in style or dress
1551bruntthe chief consequences or negative results of something
1552conferto discuss, exchange opinions
1553advisoryable to give advice
1554guzzleto drink quickly, voraciously, or to excess
1555haplessunlucky, luckless, unfortunate
1556diversitythe quality of being different
1557embarrassto cause confusion and shame to, disconcert, abash
1558geologyscience of the structure of the earth through study of rocks
1559dunto ask or beset a debtor for payment
1560aphorisma saying embodying a general truth
1561complexto form a complex with another substance
1562crustaceanany chiefly aquatic arthropod, such as lobster and shrimp
1564coincideto occupy exactly the same space
1565affablepleasant, easy to approach
1566epicheroic, majestic, impressively great
1567bluffto mislead by a display of self-confidence or strength
1568choralof, relating to, written for, or performed by a choir
1569extinctno longer in existence, that has ended or died out
1570frequencythe rate of occurrence of anything
1571dapperneat, trim
1572defunctno longer existing or functioning
1573dermatologythe medical study of skin
1574guessto reach a partly (or totally) unqualified conclusion
1575euthanasiathe practice of painlessly killing for humane reasons
1576afooton foot
1577aggregateto bring together, to collect into a mass or sum
1578chaffto use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule
1579exegesiscritical explanation or interpretation of a text
1580archaicof or characterized by antiquity
1581commitmenta pledge or promise
1582epistolaryof or relating to letters, or the writing of letters
1583brigadeto form troops into a brigade
1584cardiacpertaining to the heart
1585disinfectanta chemical agent used to destroy harmful organisms
1586demolishto destroy, to full or knock down (a building)
1587ediblethat can be eaten without harm, non-toxic to humans
1588ferocitythe condition of being ferocious, savage fierceness
1589adversityhardship (usually uncountable)
1590extortto take by illegal exercise of power or ingenuity
1591discourseto engage in discussion or conversation, to converse
1592feinta movement made in order to deceive an adversary
1593authenticof the same origin as claimed, genuine
1594charlatana person falsely claiming to have special knowledge or skill
1595fatalistone who maintains all things happen by inevitable necessity
1596autocracya form of government in which one individual holds all power
1597desuetudedisuse, obsolescence
1598endurancethe measure of a person's stamina or persistence
1599commiserateto feel or express compassion or sympathy for
1600critiqueto give detailed analysis and assessment of something
1601auralof or pertaining to the ear
1602despotisman absolute or autocratic government
1603bronchusthe primary branches of the trachea, leading into the lungs
1604emergentin the process
1605anodeelectrode of an electrochemical cell where oxidation occurs
1606foreheadpart of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline
1607concussiona violent collision or shock
1608canaryto dance nimbly (as in the canary dance)
1609halcyoncalm, peaceful, tranquil
1610dejectiona state of melancholy or depression, low spirits, the blues
1611consolationthe act of comforting someone
1612deportto expel someone from a country
1613apprehendto take or seize, to take hold of
1614distrainto squeeze, press, to constrain, oppress
1615conquerto defeat in combat, to subjugate
1616compliantinclined to agree with others, especially submissively
1617egoista conceited and self-centered person
1618assassinto assassinate
1619aviditygreediness, strong appetite
1620deprecateto belittle or express disapproval of
1621depleteto decrease seriously or exhaust the supply of (something)
1622deignto condescend, to accept as appropriate to one's dignity
1623cursive(handwriting) in flowing strokes with the letters connected
1624drasticextreme, severe
1625ampersandthe symbol "&"
1626citadela strong fortress that sits high above a city
1627cartridgea container holding a quantity of ink or other substance
1628gyrateto revolve round a central point, to revolve
1629disputationdebate or argument, formal academic debate
1630dictateto order, command, control
1631adjutanta military officer
1632befriendto make a friend of
1633curioa strange and interesting object which invokes curiosity
1634flexiblecapable of being flexed, bent or twisted, without breaking
1635assayto examine or analyze
1636felona person convicted of a felony
1637decimalpertaining to or proceeding by tenths or the power of ten
1638eclatbrilliance of success or effort, splendor
1639decagona polygon with ten sides and ten angles
1640embellishto make something more entertaining by adding extra details
1641foga cloudlike mass or layer of minute water droplets
1642carouseto engage in a noisy or drunken social gathering
1643garnishto decorate with ornamental appendages, to adorn
1644excelto be better or do better than someone or something
1645glacialof, or relating to glaciers
1646amnestyto grant a pardon (to a group)
1647ascendantrising, moving upward
1648forerunto run in front
1649drawlto speak in a slow, lazy way with prolonged vowel sounds
1650brusquerudely abrupt, unfriendly
1651entreatto treat, or conduct toward, to deal with, to use
1652darkleuncannily or threateningly dark or obscure
1653defendanta person or group against whom a charge is brought in court
1654disarrangeto undo the arrangement of, to disorder, to derange
1655decameterten meters
1656extensivein the nature of an extent, wide, widespread
1657cedeto give up, give way, give away
1658demoteto lower the rank or status of something
1659adjunctattached to another in a dependent or subordinate position
1660hacklesthe erectile hair on the back of an animal's neck
1661epicurea person who cultivates a refined taste, connoisseur
1662buttean isolated hill with steep sides and a flat top
1663dilettantea person with an amateur interest in the arts, a dabbler
1664countenancea person's face or facial expression
1665concatenateto join or link together, as though in a chain
1666ameliorateto make or become better, to improve
1667barcarolea venetian folk song traditionally sung by gondoliers
1668accreditto put or bring into credit, to invest with credit
1669armorya place where arms (weapons) are kept
1670appellatedescribing something that is appealed to
1671assailantsomeone who attacks or assails another violently
1672becalmto make calm or still, make quiet, calm
1673gestationthe period of time an infant develops inside the mother
1674abysmalextremely hopeless, bad, or severe
1675botanizeto study plants or plant life
1676applicationthe act of putting to a special use or purpose
1677convertibleable to be converted
1678enormousnessgreat size or magnitude
1679exaggerateto overstate, to describe more than is fact
1680foreignera person from a foreign country
1681admissibleaccepted or allowed, acceptable
1682disavowto disown, to repudiate, to refuse to acknowledge
1683cavilto make petty or unnecessary objections
1684bylawa rule governing a corporation or society's internal affairs
1685beatifyto make blissful
1686caricatureto represent someone in an exaggerated or distorted manner
1687confessora person who confesses
1688banea cause of great distress or annoyance
1689expandto change from a smaller size to a larger one
1690centurionan officer of the ancient roman army
1691deviancethe state of departing from usual or accepted standards
1692chutzpahnearly arrogant courage, supreme self-confidence
1693distrustto put no trust in, to have no confidence in
1694doneesomeone who receives a gift from a donor
1695gamuta (normally) complete range
1696browbeatto bully in an intimidating, bossy, or supercilious way
1697amicablepeaceable, characterized by showing goodwill
1698apparitiona supernatural appearance of a person or thing, like a ghost
1699beamto emit beams of light, shine, radiate,
1700adagean old saying, which has obtained credit by long use
1701derelictionwillful neglect of one's duty
1702dominantmost important, powerful, or influential
1703flagrantobvious and offensive, blatant, scandalous
1704deflectto make (something) deviate from its original path
1705fractiousrefractory or unruly
1706aloftin or into the air
1707derogatoryshowing a degrading or disrespectful attitude
1708detestto dislike intensely
1709exemplarsomething fit to be imitated, ideal or model
1710excessmore than is normal, necessary or specified
1711chasma deep, steep-sided rift, gap or fissure, a gorge or abyss
1712bombardiera bomber crew member who sights and releases bombs
1713disentangleto free something from entanglement, to extricate or unknot
1714cameoa brief appearance of a prominent actor in a video
1715embodimenta tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling
1716finesseextreme delicacy or subtlety in action, performance, etc
1717characteristicbeing a distinguishing feature of a person or thing
1718brevityconcise and exact use of words in writing or speech
1719fraternalof brothers (fraternal twins)
1720commensuratecorresponding in size or degree
1721delusiona false belief that is resistant to confrontation with fact
1722defiantshowing open resistance, provocative
1723exigencyexigent  state or character, urgency
1724culminationthe highest or climactic point of something
1725dissonantunsuitable in combination
1726desistancethe act or state of desisting, cessation
1727conventionalbased on or in accordance with what is generally done
1728gourmanda person who is fond of good eating
1729chancerythe office or department of a chancellor, chancellery
1730extrapolateto infer (an unknown) from something that is known
1731forbearancerestraint under provocation
1732amisswrong, faulty, out of order, improper
1733fungusany member of the kingdom fungi
1734fusibleable to be fused or melted
1735educeto draw out or bring out, elicit or evoke
1736discontinuancethe occurrence of something being terminated, a cessation
1737alliancethe state of being allied, the act of allying or uniting
1738complacentsmug or uncritical satisfaction with one's achievements
1739besmearto smear over, sully
1740accentuateto pronounce with an accent or vocal stress
1741counterfeitto falsely produce what appears to be official or valid
1742convictiona belief, a judgement that someone is guilty of a crime
1743flexionthe act of bending a limb
1744capacioushaving a lot of space inside, roomy
1745chattela movable article of personal property
1746encumbrancesomething that encumbers, a burden that must be carried
1747egocentricregarding the self as the center of all things
1748disparageto regard or represent as being of little worth
1749catapulta device that launches an object some distance
1750dotarda person with impaired intellect, especially an old person
1751apprenticea person who's learning a trade from a skilled employer
1752foresightthe ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future
1753adeptwell skilled, completely versed, thoroughly proficient
1754astoundto overwhelm with amazement
1755dissentto differ in opinion
1756diplomatista person tactful in negotiation
1757annaloccurring once a year
1758entrailthe internal parts of the trunk of a body, the intestines
1759convexcurved or bowed outward like the outside of a circle
1760antenataloccurring or existing before birth
1762deterto prevent something from happening
1763anthracitea slow-burning coal
1764baskto revel in, to lie exposed to warmth and light
1765dehydrateto lose or remove water, to dry
1766actionableaffording grounds for legal action
1767flimsylikely to bend or break under pressure, weak, shaky
1768agnosticthe doubt of a higher power/being
1769demurragethe delaying in port of a ship beyond the time allowed
1770faunaanimals of a given region or period considered as a whole
1771aerostatan aircraft that derives its lift from buoyancy
1772clefta space or opening made by cleavage, a split
1773commissionto send or officially charge someone to do something
1774acclimateto habituate to a climate not native
1775deficiencyinadequacy or incompleteness
1776emphasizeto stress, give emphasis or extra weight to (something)
1777evanescentvanishing, fading away, fleeting
1778eurekaan exclamation of triumph at a discovery
1779demonstrativethat serves to demonstrate, show or prove
1780disburseto pay out, expend, usually from a public fund or treasury
1781alternativerelating to a choice between two or more possibilities
1782decipherto succeed in understanding or interpreting
1783aviaryan enclosure for keeping birds confined
1784animadversiona criticism, a critical remark
1785forensicrelating to the use of science in investigation of evidence
1786devastateto destroy or ruin (something)
1787extemporecarried out with no preparation, impromptu
1788buxomhaving a voluptuous figure, especially having large breasts
1789diaphanouslight, delicate, and translucent
1790conservatisma political philosophy that advocates traditional values
1791grappleto seize something and hold it firmly
1792composedcalm, tranquil, serene
1793abateto put an end to
1794eclecticmade up of things selected from various sources
1795expendto consume or exhaust some resource
1796fulsomeoffensive to good taste, especially as being excessive
1797ethoscharacteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community
1798clumsyawkward, lacking coordination, not graceful, not dextrous
1799assertto state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully
1800ewea female sheep, especially when fully mature
1801encroachto advance gradually and in a way that causes damage
1802carnagedeath and destruction
1803boominghaving a great period of prosperity
1804blandmild, soft, gentle
1805commandeerto seize for military use
1806bemuseto confuse or bewilder
1807forfendto prohibit, to forbid, to avert
1808apexthe highest point of something
1809demagnetizeto remove the magnetic propreties of something
1810emigrateto leave the country in which one lives and settle elsewhere
1811durationan amount of time or a particular time interval
1812constellationan arbitrary formation of stars perceived as a figure
1813courseto run or flow, especially of liquids
1814adhereto stick fast or cleave, to become joined or united
1815conniveto cooperate with others secretly in order to commit a crime
1816frizzof hair, to form into a mass of tight curls
1817effectualproducing the intended result, entirely adequate
1818combatantan armed fighter
1819aide-de-campa military officer who assists a higher ranking officer
1820dismaldisappointingly inadequate
1821britanniathe ancient Roman name for Great Britain
1822adventcoming, arrival
1823beleaguerto lay siege to
1824fodderto feed animals (with fodder)
1825calescencegrowing warm, increasing in heat
1826frontalof, in, or at the front
1827garrulousexcessively talkative, rambling
1828ancillarysubordinate, secondary, auxiliary, accessory
1829amplelarge, great in size, extent, capacity, or bulk, spacious
1830diplomata person appointed to conduct international relations
1831ambrosialsucculently sweet or fragrant
1832conjunctionthe formation of a link or connection between things
1833alternateto perform by turns or in succession, interchange regularly
1834gullibilitythe quality of believing information, truthful or otherwise
1835annotateto add annotation
1836emanateto come from a source, stem out of
1837fineryfine  or showy dress, ornaments, etc
1838abstainrefrain from (something)
1839diddleto cheat, swindle, hoax
1840fluxflowing or flow
1841fortifyto protect or strengthen against attack
1842fetusan unborn vertebrate showing signs of the mature animal
1843contentiouscausing or likely to cause an argument, controversial
1844confluent(of wind) which converges, esp. When seen on a weather chart
1845censoriousaddicted to censure and scolding
1846consistencydegree of density, viscosity, firmness, etc.
1847deceiveto trick or mislead
1848blockadean obstruction of passage or progress
1849amalgamateblend, merge
1850automatona robot designed to follow a sequence of instructions
1851atoneto make reparation, compensation, or amends, for an offence
1852conciliatemake calm and content, placate
1853gistthe most essential part, the main idea or substance
1854hardihoodboldness and daring
1855apartheidany system that separates people according to race
1856germanerelated to the topic being discussed or considered
1857decencyconformity to accepted standards of respectability
1858benisona blessing, benediction
1859embezzleto steal or misappropriate money one has been trusted with
1860bruitto spread, promulgate or disseminate a rumour, news etc
1861articulateexpress (an idea of feeling) fluently and coherently
1862careta mark made in writing to show something is to be inserted
1863actualitythe state of existing, existence
1864globularroughly spherical in shape
1865extraordinarynot ordinary, exceptional, unusual
1866disadviseto advise against, to dissuade from
1867depopulateto reduce the population of a region
1868abbeya monastery or society of people
1869gustoenthusiasm, enjoyment, vigor
1870circumlocutiona roundabout or indirect way of speaking
1871analyzeto subject to analysis
1872glaziera person who fits windows or the like with glass
1873commotiona state of turbulent motion
1874conceiveto develop an idea
1875chassisframe, landing gear
1876encomiuma piece of writing that praises someone or something highly
1877avocationa calling away, a diversion
1878duplicitydeceitfulness, double dealing
1879desiccantcausing dryness
1880epigramany witty, ingenious, or pointed saying tersely expressed
1881disciplea person who is a pupil of the doctrines of another
1882alimentthat which nourishes, food
1883forgeto form by heating and hammering, beat into shape
1884despicablefit or deserving to be despised, contemptible
1885esotericunderstood by or meant for only a select few
1886demisea person's death
1887disheveleduntidy, disordered (of clothes, appearance)
1888aggravateto make worse, or more severe
1889fungousof or pertaining to a fungus, fungal
1890adversaryan enemy
1891encyclicalintended for general circulation
1892chronometera device for measuring time, such as a watch or clock
1893dolefulmournful, bringing feelings of sadness
1894gaseousrelating to, or existing as, gas
1895actuaryregistrar, clerk
1896deliriuman acutely disturbed state of mind that occurs in fever
1897ambiancemood, quality, atmosphere
1898conjugalof, or relating to marriage, or the relationship of spouses
1899accomplicepartner in activity, usually crime
1900gynecocracya society ruled by women
1901committalof or relating to a committee
1902fleetingpassing swiftly, vanishing quickly, transient, transitory
1903globosehaving a globular form
1904distinctiona difference or contrast between similar things or people
1905bilkto obtain money fraudulently
1906askewturned or twisted to one side
1907diffuseto pour out and spread, as liquid
1908annuitya specified income payable at stated intervals for period
1909balea large, wrapped bundle of something (ie, cotton, hay)
1910ethereallight, airy, or tenuous, delicate
1911havocgreat destruction or devastation
1912acquitto declare or find not guilty, innocent
1913facilitateto make easy or easier
1914ecumenicalinterdenominational, sometimes by extension, interreligious
1915contributionsomething given or offered that adds to a larger whole
1916epistlea letter, or a literary composition in the form of a letter
1917contemplateto ponder or consider
1918apocryphalof doubtful authenticity
1919collaborateto work together with others to achieve a common goal
1920compatibleable to co-exist or occur together without conflict
1921eulogizeto praise or pay homage to, especially in a formal eulogy
1922anthologya book or collection of writings
1923contendersomeone who competes with one or more other people
1924antiqueof, or belonging to the past, not modern
1925cosmogonya branch of science dealing with the origin of the universe
1926desecrationan act of disrespect towards something considered sacred
1927cosmologythe study of the physical universe, its structure, etc.
1928coiffureto style or arrange hair
1929briticisman idiom used in britain but not in other eng-speaking areas
1930donorone who donates, typically, money
1931corrugateto draw or bend into folds or alternate furrows and ridges
1932bashfulshy, inclined to avoid notice
1933conductibleable to conduct
1934concisebrief but comprehensive
1935frowardwillfully contrary, not easily managed
1936drachmathe currency of greece until 2001, with the symbol ?
1937alchemythe search for a universal panacea (became chemistry)
1938condolencean expression of sympathy, esp. on the occasion of death
1939exorciseto drive out an evil spirit from a person, place or thing
1940condenseto decrease size or volume by concentration
1941dissensionan act of expressing dissent, especially spoken
1942decapitateto remove the head of
1943foregroundthe ground  or parts situated in the front
1944condonancethe overlooking or implied forgiving of an offense
1945hauteurhaughtiness or arrogance, loftiness
1946decelerateto reduce speed, to slow down
1947genialitythe quality of being warmly and pleasantly cheerful
1948desultorylacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm
1949brigadieran army rank, an officer commanding a brigade
1950glaciera large body of ice which flows under its own mass
1951fluctuationa motion like that of waves, a moving back and forth
1952abductto take away secretly by force
1953concoctto create or devise
1954begetto cause, to produce
1955chronologythe sequential order in which events occured
1956bolsterto support or strengthen
1957exasperationto irritate or provoke to a high degree, annoy extremely
1958beneficialhelpful or good to something or someone
1959essencethe inherent nature of a thing or idea
1960appertainto relate to
1961accumulateto heap up in a mass, to collect
1962baritonethe male voice between tenor and bass
1963emollienthaving the quality of softening or soothing the skin
1964ad infinitumto infinity
1965abrogateto abolish by authoritative action
1966empiricalpertaining to or based on experience
1967hackneyto make uninteresting or trite by frequent use
1968analgesicof or relating to analgesia, anodyne
1969anterooma waiting room, a small room before a larger one
1970depraveto make morally bad or evil
1971arroganthaughty, conceited
1972discountenanceto have an unfavorable opinion of, to disapprove
1973debilitateto make someone weak and infirm
1974billowpresent participle of billow
1975detractionthe act of taking away
1976eloquentfluently persuasive and articulate
1977dishabilleextreme casual or disorderly dress
1978beneficiaryone who benefits or receives an advantage
1979conspicuousobvious or easy to notice, attracting notice or attention
1980exceedto be larger, greater than (something)
1981edicta proclamation of law or other authoritative command
1982bellwetherthe leading sheep of a flock, usually wearing a bell
1983blunderbussan action regarded as lacking in subtlety
1984gratuitousbeing without apparent reason, cause, or justification
1985abscissionthe act of cutting off
1986counter-claima claim  made to offset another claim
1987bungalowa small house or cottage usually having a single story
1988eatableable to be eaten, edible
1989bumptiousobtrusively pushy, self-assertive to a pretentious extreme
1990deracinateto pull up by the roots, to uproot, to extirpate
1991crevassea crack or fissure in a glacier or snow field, a chasm
1992coniferousbearing cones, as the pine and cypress
1993elapseto pass or move by
1994dauntto make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive
1995doggedpersistent in effort, stubbornly tenacious
1996germinalpertaining or belonging to a germ
1997careenturn (a ship) of its side for cleaning or repair
1998finickyfastidious and fussy, difficult to please, exacting
1999emendmake corrections and improvements to a text
2000bedlama place or situation of chaotic uproar
2001derelictabandoned, forsaken, dilapidated, neglected
2002erraticunsteady, prone to unexpected changes, not consistent
2003acreagesize, as measured in acres
2004disownto refuse to own or to refuse to acknowledge one’s own
2005contumacydisobedience, resistance to authority
2006derivationthe source from which something is derived, origin
2007ecstasyintense pleasure
2008craveto feel a powerful desire for (something)
2009fiscalrelated to the treasury of a country, company, or region
2010accrueto happen or result as a natural growth, addition
2011demagoguea leader who espouses the cause of the common people
2012collectora person who collects, or who manages a collection
2013astringentsharp, caustic, severe
2014excitableeasily excited
2015desolatebarren or laid waste
2016astralrelating to or resembling the stars, starry
2017elasticityflexibility, resilience, adaptability
2018blaseuninterested because of frequent exposure or indulgence
2019forlorndesolate or dreary, as in feeling, condition
2020albinoa person, plant or animal with a deficiency in pigmentation
2021declensionthe inflection of a part of speech, such as case and number
2022admonishto warn of a fault, to reprove gently, but seriously
2023bric-a-bracsmall ornaments, other miscellaneous items of little value
2024degeneratehaving fallen below a desirable level, especially morally
2025avalanchea large mass of snow sliding suddenly downward
2026felicitouswell-suited for the occasion, as an action or expression
2027ascetica person who practices severe self-discipline
2028disaffectiona state of dissatisfaction with or alienation from something
2029denigrateto criticize unfairly, to disparage
2030braziera barbecue
2031compulsoryrequired, obligatory, mandatory
2032corrodeto eat away by degrees, to wear away or diminish gradually
2033contingentpossible or liable, but not certain to occur, incidental
2034avidhaving or showing keen interest
2035barrageto bombard someone with something
2036disjunctivenot connected, separated
2037fetterto shackle or bind up with fetters
2038famishto suffer or cause to suffer extreme hunger, starve
2039animateto impart motion or the appearance of motion to
2040callowimmature or inexperienced
2041derricka crane with a movable pivoted arm for moving heavy objects
2042buoyanthaving buoyancy, able to float
2043criteriona standard of judgement or criticism
2044excusablepossible to excuse
2045aboundto be plentiful, to be very prevalent, to overflow
2046expansea wide stretch, usually of sea, sky, or land
2047chagrinto bother or vex, to mortify
2048cadavera dead body, especially of a human to be dissected
2049disqualifyto deprive of qualification or fitness
2050bosomin a very close relationship
2051compulsionthe action or state of being forced to do something
2052clangoura loud, resonant sound, clang
2053cat-o-nine-tailsa whip, usually having nine knotted cords, used for flogging
2054bacchanalianriotously drunken
2055ghastlyhorrifyingly shocking
2056gustatoryof, or relating to, the sense of taste
2057dissipateto drive away, disperse
2058assigneeone to whom a thing is assigned
2059befuddleto perplex or confuse (someone)
2060culverta channel under a road or railway for the draining of water
2061equivalentsimilar or identical in value, meaning or effect
2062extantin existence, still existing, not destroyed or lost
2063disfavorunfavorable regard, displeasure, disesteem, dislike
2064aproposof an appropriate or pertinent nature
2065americanisma trait particuliar to the us or its citizens
2066boleroa lively spanish dance
2067effeminate(of a man) showing traits regarded as typical of a woman
2068deleteriouscausing harm or damage
2069gainsayto deny, dispute, or contradict
2070eccentricityoddity, peculiarity
2071cherubicof, or relating to a cherub, angelic
2072biennialhappening every two years
2073auriclethe outer ear or pinna
2074disciplineto train someone by instruction and practice
2075foresailthe lowest (and usually the largest) square sail
2076ferneryspecialized garden for the cultivation and display of ferns
2077frivoloussilly, especially at an inappropriate time
2078exodusa sudden departure of a large number of people
2079efficiencythe extent to which time is well used for the intended task
2080exemplaryworthy of imitation, commendable
2081gluttona person who eats and drinks excessively or voraciously
2082gaietythe state of being happy
2083freethinkera person who forms opinions on the basis of reason
2084grandiloquencelofty, pompous or bombastic speech or writing
2085denizento grant rights of citizenship to, to naturalize
2086arcadea row of arches
2087concordagreement or harmony between people or groups
2088clandestinekept secret or done secretly
2089dissipationsquandering of money, energy, or resources
2090affiliateto adopt, to receive into a family as a son, to ally
2091fiducialaccepted as a fixed basis of reference
2092doggerelverse or words that are badly written or expressed
2093desecrateto profane or violate the sacredness/sanctity of something
2094brandishto move or swing a weapon back and forth
2095corrigibleable to be corrected or set right
2096confereea person who participates in a conference
2097cornerstonean important quality or feature on which a thing depends
2098cantoone of the chief divisions of a long poem, a book
2099dejectmake sad or dispirited
2100avaricegreediness over wealth, covetousness
2101allegianceloyalty to a person, group, or cause
2102epiphanya manifestation of a divine or superhuman being
2103enticeto lure, to attract by arousing desire or hope
2104dutiableon which duty must be paid when imported or sold
2105comportto tolerate, bear
2106barographa recording aneroid barometer
2107generallyusually, commonly, ordinarily
2108archdeacon(anglican,eastern orthodox) a senior administrative official
2109beatificblessed, blissful, heavenly
2110dexterousskillful with one's hands
2111fluctuateto vary irregularly, to swing
2112bulliona bulk quantity of precious metal, usually gold or silver
2113assessto determine, estimate or judge the value of, to evaluate
2114delicacythe quality of being delicate
2115commentarya series of comments or annotations on another work
2116excoriationthe act of excoriating or flaying
2117egalitariancharacterized by equality for all people
2118abjureto renounce upon oath
2119epidermisthe outer, protective layer of the skin of vertebrates
2120effeminacythe quality of showing feminine traits (in a man)
2121ascertainto find out definitely, to discover or establish
2122endureto hold out against, sustain without impairment or yielding
2123antistrophethe second section of an ancient Greek choral ode
2124aforesaida previously stated statement
2125feminineof the female sex, biologically female, not male, womanly
2126antedateto occur before an event or time, to predate
2127denoteto indicate, to mark
2128dissonanceinharmonious or harsh sound, cacophany
2129altercateto argue, quarrel or wrangle with someone
2130foistto introduce or insert surreptitiously or without warrant
2131disarmto take away the weapons of, to render defenceless
2132assuagemake an unpleasant feeling less intense
2133accessoryaiding in a secondary way, being additional,
2134emergeto come into view
2135expostulateto protest or remonstrate
2136halefree from disease or infirmity, robust, vigorous
2137dissembleto disguise or conceal something, to feign
2138discreetrespectful of privacy or secrecy, quiet, diplomatic
2139frivolityfrivolous acts, state of being frivolous
2140eliteof high birth or social position, aristocratic or patrician
2141conundruma confusing and difficult problem or question
2142assonancethe repetition of similar or identical vowel sounds
2143deistsomeone who believes in the existence of a supreme being
2144grimaceto distort one's face, to make faces
2145cajolepersuade someone to do something by flattery or coaxing
2146arbitratora person delegated the authority to settle a dispute
2147drowsyinclined to drowse, heavy with sleepiness, lethargic, dozy
2148compressto press or squeeze together
2149exorcismthe ceremony or the formula used in exorcising
2150correlativemutually related, corresponding
2151debaclea sudden and ignominious failure, a fiasco
2152enigmaa puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation
2153burlesqueto make a burlesque parody of
2154enigmaticperplexing, mysterious, resembling an enigma
2155collegiana student (or a former student) of a college
2156eminencesomeone of high rank, reputation or social station
2157dauntingcausing fear or discouragement
2158bodilyof, relating to, or concerning the body
2159contemporaneousexisting or occurring in the same period of time
2160gougeto scoop out or turn with or as if with a gouge
2161alcoholisma chronic disorder characterized by dependence on alcohol
2162gracelesswithout grace
2163asexualhaving no distinct sex, having no interest in sex
2164covenantan agreement between two or more persons, like a pact
2165dabbleto work at anything in an irregular or superficial manner
2166empathythe ability to understand and share the feelings of others
2167brigandan outlaw or bandit
2168auditora person appointed to examine accounting records
2169conscientiousthorough, careful, or vigilant
2170dentifricetoothpaste or any other substance for cleaning the teeth
2171consecrateto make or declare (something) sacred
2172broochwomen’s jewellery having a pin to be fixed to garments
2173churlishboorish, vulgar
2174engulfto overwhelm
2175filibusterto force a decision
2176adornto decorate
2177bivouacto set up camp
2178appropriatesuitable or fitting for a particular purpose
2179cupiditygreed for money or possessions
2180bollthe rounded seed-bearing capsule of a cotton or flax plant
2181ascribeto attribute a cause or characteristic to something
2182browseto casually look through in order to find items of interest
2183discrepancyan inconsistency between two or more facts
2184fealtyfidelity, faithfulness
2185egoismthe tendency to think of self and self-interest
2186defameto try to diminish the reputation of
2187connoteto signify beyond its literal or principal meaning
2188arraignto officially charge someone in a court of law
2189belaborto work at something more than necessary
2190creedany system, doctrine or formula of religious belief
2191anachronisma chronological mistake, the erroneous dating of an event
2192dormantinactive, idle
2193forayto scour (an area or place) for food, treasure, booty etc
2194decryto publicly denounce, to condemn
2195eludeto evade, or escape from someone or something through skill
2196ambitiouspossessing, or controlled by ambition
2197corrosionthe process of eating away by degrees
2198duresscoercion, compulsion by threat or force
2199behestto promise, vow
2200forageto wander or go in search of provisions
2201espionagethe act or practice of spying
2202explicateto explain meticulously or in great detail, to analyze
2203excretionthe process of removing material that has no further utility
2204bevelto give a canted edge to a surface
2205brazethe joining together of two metal pieces without melting
2206degradationa lowering from one's standing in office or society
2207gailymerrily, joyfully
2208benefitto be or to provide a benefit to
2209baublea cheap showy ornament piece of jewellery, a gewgaw
2210enormousdeviating from the norm, unusual, extraordinary
2211auditoryof, or relating to hearing
2212craga rocky outcrop
2213contuseto injure without breaking the skin, to bruise
2214advocateto speak in favor of
2215glutto fill to capacity, to satisfy all requirement or demand
2216attachean official associated with an embassy
2217diffusibleable to intermingle by diffusion
2218compressibleable to be compressed
2219codicila document that amends a previously executed will
2220arrantcomplete, total
2221blanchto grow or become white
2222claquea group of people hired to attend a performance to applaud
2223acquaintto make familiar
2224amalgama combination of different things
2225cynosurethat which serves to guide or direct
2226divergenttending to be different or develop in different directions
2227antidepressanta substance that is used in the treatment of mood disorders
2228emphasisspecial weight given to something considered important
2229convoyto escort a group of vehicles, and provide protection
2230comprehensivecomplete, including all or nearly all elements or aspects
2231forcibledone or effected by force
2232aqueousconsisting mostly of water
2233enfranchiseto admit to citizenship, especially to grant voting rights
2234divisiblecapable of being divided without a remainder
2235crasslacking in sensitivity or due consideration
2236blazonto describe a coat of arms
2237disquietmake (someone) worried or anxious
2238complicateto make complex
2239blightto suffer blight
2240addleto make or become confused
2241devitalizeto deprive of vitality, make lifeless, weaken
2242disparitythe state of being unequal, difference
2243decamerona collection of 100 tales (1353) by boccaccio
2244conformationmanner of formation, structure
2245dioramaa model representing a scene with 3d figures
2246commissariala shop supplying food and equipment, as for a military camp
2247abstemiousrestraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol
2248dignitaryan important or influential person, or one of high rank
2249ayean affirmative vote, one who votes in the affirmative
2250benevolenthaving a disposition to do good
2251counterchargea charge by an accused person against their accuser
2252ferventhaving or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit
2253condescendingshowing patronizing descent from dignity orsuperiority
2254abusivetreating badly or injuriously
2255filchto steal, to illegally take possession of
2256frigidvery cold, lacking warmth, icy
2257agglomerateto wind or collect into a ball, to gather into a mass
2258corpusclea minute particle, an atom, a molecule
2259differentialof, or relating to a difference
2260cosmicof or from or pertaining to the cosmos or universe
2261devilrywicked activity
2262genialwarmly and pleasantly cheerful, cordial
2263fada temporary fashion, notion, manner of conduct, etc
2264fourthbeing one of four equal parts
2265accustomto make familiar by use, to cause to accept
2266cosmographythe creation of maps of the universe
2267baffletotally bewilder, confuse or perplex
2268breakersomething that breaks
2269forgoto let pass, to leave alone
2270descryto see by looking carefully
2271acquireto get
2272auradistinctive atmosphere or quality associated with something
2273braggartsomeone who boasts
2274exemplifyto show or illustrate by example
2275dictionthe style of enunciation in speaking or singing
2276chafeto wear or abrade by rubbing
2277desiccatelacking interest, passion, or energy
2278extravaganceexcessive or superfluous expenditure of money
2279bondagethe state of being enslaved or the practice of slavery
2280centenaryof, pertaining to, or completing a period of 100 years
2281dialecta socially or geographically distinct variant of a language
2282declamationrhetorical delivery, loud speaking in public
2283adjudgeto declare to be
2284adaptto make suitable, to make to correspond, to fit or suit
2285countermandto rescind by giving an order contrary to a previous one
2286bodicethe part of a woman's dress covering between neck and waist
2287fallaciouscontaining a fallacy,  logically unsound
2288demonstrableclearly apparent or capable of being logically proved
2289grindstonean abrasive wheel for sharpening, polishing or grinding
2290decrepitweakened or worn out from age or wear
2291decasyllablea verse having ten syllables
2292azan(Islam) the call to prayer proclaimed five times a day
2293crediblebelievable or plausible
2294catharsisthe process of releasing strong or repressed emotions
2295fanaticalhaving an extreme zeal or enthusiasm for something
2296conspireto plot something unlawful or harmful
2297dismountto get off (something)
2298choreographythe art of creating, and arranging dance movements
2299audaciousshowing willingness to take bold risks, recklessly daring
2300exactingrigid or severe in demands or requirements
2301aegis the shield or breastplate of zeus or athena, protection
2302commingleto blend, to mix
2303flatulencethe state of having gas, trapped in the digestive system
2305depressto press down on
2306deviltryextreme cruelty
2307axioma self-evident truth requiring no proof
2308bon mota witty remark or comment, clever saying, witticism
2309disrobeto undress someone or something
2310enlistto join a cause or organization, especially military
2311embargoany restriction placed on commerce by a government
2312congruentagreeing, accordant, congruous
2313expoundto set forth or state in detail
2314bulwarkto fortify something with a wall or rampart
2315galvanizeto stimulate by or as if by a galvanic (electric) current
2316alimonya court-enforced allowance made to a former spouse
2317curmudgeona bad-tempered or surly person
2318clarionloud and clear
2319erasurethe action of erasing, deletion, obliteration
2320eleemosynaryrelating to charity, alms, or almsgiving
2321aceticof, pertaining to, or producing vinegar
2322fractureto break, or cause something to break
2323ancestrycondition as to ancestors, ancestral lineage
2324abscessto form such a collection of pus
2325grandeurthe state of being grand or splendid, magnificence
2326engenderto produce, cause, or give rise to
2327dragneta net dragged across the bottom of a body of water
2328comparativeperceptible by comparison, relative
2329dendrologythe study of trees and other woody plants
2330feudalismsocial system based on personal resources and fealty
2331disobediencerefusal to obey
2332dialoguea conversation between two or more persons
2333fuseto melt together, to blend, to mix indistinguishably
2334derisionmockery, taunt
2335abideto wait for
2336courtesygiven or done as a polite gesture
2337esquireto attend, wait on, escort
2338glibreadily fluent, often thoughtlessly or insincerely so
2339equivocalof doubtful nature or character, questionable, dubious
2340adulterateto make impure by adding improper, or inferior ingredients
2341bedeckto deck, ornament, or adorn, to grace
2342accompanimentthat which gives support or adds to the background
2343diffusionthe spreading of something more widely
2344acrimoniousof or pertaining to words, arguments, quarrels
2345admittancethe act of admitting
2346atomizeran instrument for reducing a liquid to spray or vapor
2347garrisonto assign troops to a military post
2348compendiuma collection of concise but detailed info about one subject
2349agileactive, quick and coordinated
2350conclusiveserving to prove a case, convincing
2351efficacythe ability to produce a desired or intended result
2352catholicall embracing, general
2353dissertationa written essay, or thesis, especially for a doctoral degree
2354consternationfeelings of anxiety or dismay
2355contentmenta state of happiness and satisfaction
2356contemptuousscornful, disdainful
2357affrontto insult intentionally, especially openly
2358consonanceagreement or compatibility between opinion or actions
2359cohesivehaving unity
2360ennobleto bestow with nobility, honour or grace
2361foreknowledgeknowing beforehand, prescience, foresight, precognition
2362cryptichaving a meaning that is mysterious or obscure
2363disheartento cause someone to lose confidence
2364brindledof a brownish, tawny or gray colour, with streaks or spots
2365bullocka castrated bull
2366decadencea state of moral or artistic decline or deterioration
2367atheistof or relating to atheists or atheism, atheistic
2368discreteseparate, distinct, individual, non-continuous
2369augurto foretell events, to exhibit signs of future events
2370fluentable to speak a language accurately, rapidly and confidently
2371discursivenesspassing aimlessly from one subject to another, digressive
2372disapprobationan act or expression of condemnation or disapproval
2373disparateessentially different in kind, not allowing comparison
2374convalescencea gradual healing after illness or injury
2375dialecticalthe art of investigating or discussing the truth of opinions
2376comprehensionthorough understanding
2377conjecturespeculation, to express an idea without proof
2378consanguineousrelated by birth, having the same ancestry
2379cynicisma distrustful attitude
2380dislodgeto remove or force out from a position previously occupied
2381conducivetending to contribute to, encourage
2382absolutefree from imperfection, complete
2383buttressto provide a structure with projecting supports
2384anguishto suffer pain
2385confiscateto take or seize (someone's property) with authority
2386citizenrya whole body of citizens
2387furtherancethe act of furthering or helping forward
2388enrageto fill with rage, to provoke to frenzy or madness
2389contemptfeeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration
2390expansionthe act or process of expanding
2391exaltto raise in rank, honor, power, character, quality
2392deliberateto consider carefully
2393aspirationambition, goal
2394harassto fatigue or to tire with repeated and exhausting efforts
2395folk-lorethe traditional beliefs, legends, customs, etc
2396besmirchto make dirty, to soil
2397domesticityaffection for the home and its material comforts
2398evertto turn inside out
2399abortto miscarry, to bring forth something prematurely
2400blurtto speak quickly or without thought
2401fissurenarrow opening produced by cleavage or separation of parts
2402counteractto act in opposition to, to hinder, defeat, or frustrate
2403encipherconvert (a message or piece of text) into a coded form; encrypt
2404birthrightsomething owed since birth, due to inheritance
2405granularconsisting of, or resembling, granules or grains
2406cabineta cupboard for storing or displaying articles
2407biographya written account of another person's life
2408abrasiverough enough to wear away the outer surface
2409detrudeto push downwards with force
2410forensicsthe use of science to answer questions for the legal system
2411extortionobtaining something  by the abuse of office or authority
2412endorseto support or give one's approval to, especially officially
2413elaborateto give further detail or explanation (about)
2414dismissalthe act of sending someone away
2415derring-dovaliant deeds in desperate times
2416conveyto make an idea or feeling know or understandable
2417forecloserepossess property whose owner has failed to make payments
2418anagrama word/phrase formed from another rearranging its letters
2419alloyto mix
2420choleraany of several acute infectious diseases
2421crustaceousof the nature of or pertaining to a crust or shell
2422forthrightgoing straight to the point, frank, direct
2423flabbergastedsimple past tense and past participle of flabbergast
2424concomitantaccompanying, concurrent
2425alterationthe act of making different
2426arduousdifficult and tiring
2427disreputea loss or lack of credit or repute
2428haggardlooking exhausted and unwell, in poor condition
2429allegeto assert without proof
2430deformitya misshapen part, esp. of the body
2431consonantcharacterized by harmony or agreement
2432clementlenient or merciful, charitable
2433constrictto narrow, especially by applying pressure
2434fixtureto furnish with, as, or in a fixture
2435administratorone who administers affairs, one who directs or manages
2436gibeto utter mocking or scoffing words
2437dissectto cut apart (something) to study its anatomy
2438antithesisa proposition diametrically opposite of another proposition
2439accede(obsolete) to approach, to arrive, to come forward
2440appendto add as supplement or in addition
2441bristleto be on one's guard or raise one's defenses
2442harrowingextremely disturbing or distressing, grievous
2443discerniblepossible to perceive or recognize (something)
2444epidemiclike or having to do with an epidemic, widespread
2445frailtythe condition of being frail, physically, mentally, etc
2446assurancea declaration tending to inspire full confidence
2447febrilefeverish, or having a high temperature
2448afireon fire
2449concurto unite or agree, to have a common opinion
2451bicameralpertaining to, two separate legislative chambers or houses
2452aggrieveto give pain or sorrow to, to afflict, to oppress
2453accostto approach and speak to boldly or aggressively
2454biera litter to transport the corpse of a dead person
2455furtherto encourage growth
2456foretellto tell what's going to happen in the future
2457bigamythe state of having two spouses simultaneously
2458cul-de-saca blind alley or dead end street
2459effigya dummy or crude representation of something that is hated
2460exhumeto dig out of the ground, to take out of a place of burial
2461fertilecapable of growing abundant crops, productive
2462designateto mark out and make known, indicate
2463flourishto thrive or grow well
2464flotsamdebris floating in a sea, fragments from a shipwreck
2466epiloguea concluding part added to a literary work, as a novel
2467antagonisma strong natural dislike or hatred, antipathy
2468abnormalnot conforming to rule or system
2469enclavea country, or part thereof, that is surrounded by another
2470catholicismthe faith, practice and order of the roman catholic church
2471girdera beam of steel, wood,etc, used as a main support
2472dilapidatedfallen into partial ruin or decay, as from age or neglect
2473distraughtdeeply upset and agitated
2474gaita manner of walking, stepping, or running
2475granulateto segment into tiny grains or particles
2476finitehaving bounds or limits, not infinite, measurable
2477exhortto urge, advise, or caution earnestly, admonish urgently
2478alacritycheerful readiness
2479datuma single piece of information
2480claimanta person who makes a claim
2481fermentliving organisms (yeasts, molds) that cause fermentation
2482condescensionbehaviour that is patronizing or condescending
2483epizooticlike or having to do with an epidemic among animals
2484antediluvianold, ancient
2485disseverto separate, split apart
2486apostatea person who forsakes his religion, cause, party
2487exoticforeign, with the connotation of excitingly foreign
2488extraditeto move a person from one state to another by legal process
2489deftquick and neat in action, skillful
2490bifurcateto divide or fork into two channels or branches
2491awakento cause to become awake
2492comestiblesuitable to be eaten, edible
2493etymologythe derivation of a word, word origin
2494amperethe base si unit of electrical current
2495commendto praise formally or officially
2496gnarledknotty and misshapen
2497disillusionto free or deprive someone of idealism, belief, etc
2498euphemism an indirect expression substituted for an offensive one
2499courageousof a person, displaying or possessing bravery
2500ductilecapable of being made into thin wire without breaking
2501contrivancea thing that is obviously planned, forced, or artificial
2502adieua farewell, a goodbye, especially a fond farewell
2503construeto interpret or explain the meaning of something
2504expediencysuitability for particular circumstance or situation
2505compassionfeeling the suffering of others with the wish to relieve it
2506brineto preserve food in a salt solution
2507dolorousfeeling or expressing great sorrow or distress
2508demonstratora person who takes part in a public protest meeting or march
2509enthuseto cause (someone) to feel enthusiasm or to be enthusiastic
2510anglophobiafear or dislike of england
2511extravagantspending much more than is necessary or wise, wasteful
2512equableunvarying, calm and steady, constant and uniform
2513gratuitya reward, or payment provided freely, without obligation
2514breadththe extent or measure of how broad or wide something is
2515cognaterelated by birth, of the same parentage
2516captiousapt to notice and make much of trivial defaults
2517garbleto confuse unintentionally or ignorantly, jumble
2518badgerto pester, to annoy persistently
2519fabulousextraordinary, especially in being very large
2520demarcationthe act of marking off a boundary or setting a limit
2521ex officioby right of position or office
2522fordto cross a stream using a ford
2523abstrusedifficult to comprehend
2524goslinga young goose
2525grievancesomething which causes grief
2526ambiguousto be vague, non-specific
2527dilateto enlarge, to make bigger
2528connoisseuran expert judge in matters of taste
2529attainmentthe act of arriving at or reaching
2530cudgela short, thick stick used as a weapon, like a club
2531consciencethe moral sense of right and wrong
2532foliagethe leaves of plants
2533dutifulaccepting of one's obligations and willing to do them well
2534gastritisinflammation of the lining of the stomach
2535demonstrateclearly show the truth of (something) through proof
2536expressiveeffectively conveying thought or feeling
2537acidulousslightly sour, sub-acid
2538complicationan involved or confused state
2539corporalof the human body, physical
2540displaceto move something/someone, especially forcibly from a home
2541domineerto rule over or control arbitrarily or arrogantly
2542demerita quality of being inadequate, a fault, a disadvantage
2543chasteabstaining from sexual intercourse, celibate
2544apothegma short, witty, instructive saying, an aphorism or maxim
2545disgruntleto put into a bad mood or into bad humour
2546giganticvery large
2547elusiveevading capture, comprehension or remembrance
2548anthropomorphousresembling a human being
2549abetto assist or encourage by aid, especially in crime
2550folioa leaf of a book or manuscript
2551amorousinclined to love, having a propensity to love
2552dissentiousnot in agreement or harmony
2553foiblea minor weakness or failing of character, slight flaw
2554conveyancethe act or process of transporting something
2555abdicateto surrender, renounce or relinquish
2556bawlto shout or utter in a loud and intense manner
2557effectivesuccessful in producing a desired or intended result
2558bethinkto think about, to recollect
2559astuteshrewd, sharp
2560antispasmodicreferring to something that suppresses spasms, like a drug
2561complicitinvolved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing
2562apportionto divide and distribute portions of a whole
2563foremanthe leader of a work crew
2564freemasona member of a guild of skilled masons during the middle ages
2565entiretywholeness, fullness, the whole
2566bestrideto be astride something
2567explicitvery specific, clear, or detailed
2568equineof or relating to a horse or horses
2569battento become better, improve in condition
2570deliquesceto melt and disappear
2571drudgerytedious, menial and exhausting work
2572debilitya state of physical or mental weakness
2573galorein abundance
2574extraneousnot belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing
2575asperityharshness of tone or manner
2576freshnessthe state or quality of being fresh
2577convalesceto recover health and strength gradually after sickness
2578felonioushaving the quality of felony, malignant, malicious
2579deceitfuldeliberately misleading or cheating
2580divisivehaving a quality that divides or separates
2581biliouspeevish, irritable
2582erroneouscontaining error, mistaken, incorrect, wrong
2583appurtenancean appendage added to something else
2584corroborationthe act of strengthening or confirming, addition of strength
2585frizzleto fry something until crisp and curled
2586gullibleeasily deceived or cheated
2587falderolnonsense or foolishness
2588animositystrong hostility
2589cathodethe electrode by which current leaves an electrolytic cell
2590exploitto use for one’s own advantage
2591artlesshaving or displaying no guile, cunning, or deceit
2592balefulthreatening harm, menacing
2593diligencedetermination or perseverance when doing something
2594compel(literally) to drive together, round up
2595archiveany extensive record or collection of data
2596decorousin keeping with good taste and propriety
2597gapeto open the mouth wide as in a yawn or surprise
2598depredationthe act of preying upon or plundering
2599genealogista person who studies, professes or practices genealogy
2600discrepantshowing difference, inconsistent, dissimilar
2601basteto sew with long, loose stitches
2602duranceconfinement or restraint by force, imprisonment
2603effulgencea state of being bright and radiant, splendor, brilliance
2604fiascoa complete and ignominious failure
2605execrableutterly detestable, abominable, abhorrent
2606eruditionknowledge acquired by study, research, etc.,  learning
2607ephemerallasting a very short time, short-lived, transitory
2608averseto turn away
2609circumferencethe outer boundary of a circular area
2610aperturean opening or gap in something
2611contemporaryfrom the same time period, coexistent in time
2612afrikaansan official language of south africa, developed out of dutch
2613disciplinarycorrective, administering or used for discipline
2614auspicepatronage or protection
2615enthrallto captivate or charm
2616apogeethe point in orbit around Earth when the object is farthest
2617craniumthe skull of a vertebrate
2618barba sharp projection near the end of an arrow or similar item
2619gaucheawkward or lacking in social graces, bumbling
2620brethrenfellow members
2621epistemologythe branch of philosophy dealing with the study of knowledge
2622dolorsorrow, grief, misery or anguish
2623conservativetending to resist change
2624componentmaking up a larger whole, as a component word
2625arrangementthe act of arranging
2626bodeto indicate by signs, as future events
2627castigateto punish, reprimand someone severely
2628generalitythe quality of being general
2629dispossessto deprive someone of the possession of land
2630contriveto form by an exercise of ingenuity, to devise, invent
2631egotisma tendency to talk excessively about oneself
2632bovineof, relating to, or affecting cattle
2633foreordinationprevious ordination or appointment, predetermination
2634bilingualfluent in two languages
2635cataloguea list or record, systematically arranged
2636esteemto regard someone with respect
2637amputateto surgically remove a part of the body, especially a limb
2638emaciateto make extremely thin or wasted
2639constituentpart of a whole
2640diligentperforming with intense concentration, focus
2641extinguishto put out, as in fire, to end burning, to quench
2642arroyoa small watercourse, usually dry except for heavy rains
2643auxiliaryhelping, giving assistance or support
2644assonateto correspond in (particularly vowel) sounds
2645anthropoidhaving characteristics of a human being
2646engraveto carve text or symbols into (something)
2647colloquialordinary or familiar language rather than formal language
2648extrovertan outgoing, gregarious person
2649ersatzmade in imitation, artificial
2650cadeta student in training at a military school
2651appallingcausing dismay or horror
2652aficionadoa fan or devotee
2653fishmongera person who sells fish
2654autocratan absolute ruler with infinite power
2655exorbitantexceeding proper limits, extravagant
2656furbishto polish or burnish
2657carriondead flesh, carcasses
2658altara table or similar flat-topped structure for religious rites
2659gluttonousgiven to excessive eating, prone to overeating
2660demulcentsoothing or softening
2661abominationanything greatly disliked or abhorred
2662concurrenthappening at the same time, simultaneous
2663demurto raise doubts or objections or show reluctance
2664despondto give up the will, courage, or spirit
2665futuristin the style of futurism
2666contagiousof a disease, easily transmitted to others
2667ballastany heavy material used to stabilize a ship
2668edifyto instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually
2669evadeto get away from by artifice, to avoid by dexterity
2670confectioneryfoodstuffs that taste very sweet, candies
2671enshroudto cover with (or as if with) a shroud
2672flaxa plant of the genus linum which has a single, slender stalk
2673apostlea missionary, or leader of a religious mission
2674declarativea statement in the form of a formal announcement
2675complicitythe state of being involved as a partner or accomplice
2676artesianpertaining to a well in which water rises from pressure
2677augustinspiring reverence or admiration, majestic
2678capriciousgiven to sudden, unaccountable changes of mood or behavior
2679fluketo obtain a successful outcome by pure chance