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1FALSEFalse refers to something that is not true or accurate.
2TRUEDescribes something that is accurate, genuine, or authentic.
3ableHaving the skill or capability to do something.
4acceptableAble to be agreed on; suitable.
5accordingRefers to something that is in agreement or accordance with something else.
6accurateCorrect in all details; exact.
7actionInvolving movement or activity.
8activeDescribes something that is engaged in physical or mental activity, often in a dynamic or energetic way.
9actualReal or existing in fact.
10additionalExtra or supplementary.
11administrativeRelating to the running of a business, organization, or institution.
12adultAdult refers to someone who is fully grown or mature, and has reached the age of legal majority.
13afraidFeeling fear or anxiety; frightened.
14afterComing later in time or following something else.
15afternoonrelating to the time of day between noon and evening.
16agentrelating to a person who acts on behalf of another person or group.
17aggressiveReady or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
18agoA period of time that has passed before the present moment.
19airlinerelating to the industry or business of transporting passengers and cargo by airplane.
20aliveHaving life or existing in a state of living.
21allThe whole quantity or extent of something.
22aloneHaving no one else present; on one's own.
23alternativeDescribes something that is different or serves as a substitute or option to something else.
24amazingAmazing refers to something that is extremely impressive, awe-inspiring or surprising.
25angryFeeling or expressing strong displeasure or hostility.
26animalrelating to living organisms that are not plants and have the ability to move.
27annualAnnual refers to something that happens or occurs once a year.
28anotherused to refer to an additional or different person or thing of the same type as one already mentioned or known about.
29anxiousFeeling worried or uneasy about something.
30anyused to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or how many.
31apartApart refers to something that is separated or disconnected from something else.
32appropriateSuitable or fitting for a particular purpose or occasion.
33asleepIn a state of sleep.
34automaticWorking by itself with little or no direct human control.
35availableAccessible and ready to be used.
36awareHaving knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
37awayAt a distance from a particular place or person.
38backgroundrelating to the circumstances or events that precede and are relevant to something.
39basicFundamental or essential.
40beautifulDescribes something that is aesthetically pleasing or attractive to the eye.
41beginningReferring to the start or origin of something.
42bestof the highest quality or most outstanding type; surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality.
43betterof a more excellent or effective type or quality.
44bigof considerable size or extent; important or impressive.
45bitterRefers to something that has a sharp, unpleasant taste.
46boringNot interesting; dull.
47bornReferring to the moment of someone's birth or the time period immediately following it.
48bothused to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together.
49braveShowing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger or difficulty.
50briefBrief refers to something that is of short duration or limited in length.
51brightGiving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining.
52brilliantVery bright or sparkling, or exceptionally clever or talented.
53broadHaving a distance larger than usual from side to side; wide.
54brownOf a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue, as of dark wood or soil.
55budgetrelating to the amount of money available or required for a particular purpose.
56businessRelating to commerce or trade.
57busyBusy refers to something that is occupied or actively involved in some task or work.
58calmPeaceful, tranquil or free from disturbance or agitation.
59capableHaving the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.
60capitalReferring to a city that is the official seat of government in a country or region, or to the financial assets used to start or operate a business.
61carRelating to a vehicle with four wheels that is powered by an engine and is designed to carry passengers.
62carefulMaking sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious.
63certainknown for sure; established beyond doubt.
64chanceReferring to an opportunity that is dependent on circumstances outside of one's control.
65characterrelating to the qualities and traits that make a person or thing unique.
66cheapInexpensive; costing very little.
67chemicalRelating to or involving substances used in reactions involving changes in atoms or molecules.
68chickenRelating to or consisting of the meat of a domestic fowl.
69choiceRelating to the act of selecting or making a decision between two or more options.
70civilRelating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters.
71classicJudged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind.
72cleanFree from dirt, marks, or stains; morally uncontaminated.
73clearDescribes something that is transparent, easy to understand, or free from confusion or ambiguity.
74closeDescribes something that is situated near or in proximity to something else.
75coldDescribes something that is at a low temperature or lacking in warmth.
76comfortableProviding physical ease and relaxation.
77commercialRefers to something that is related to or involving business or commerce.
78commonoccurring, found, or done often; belonging to or shared by two or more people or things.
79competitiveInvolving or characterized by rivalry or competition.
80completeDescribes something that is finished, whole, or lacking nothing.
81complexDescribes something that is intricate, multifaceted, or difficult to understand.
82comprehensiveIncluding all or nearly all aspects or elements of something.
83confidentFeeling or showing certainty or assurance.
84connectrelating to joining or linking two or more things together.
85consciousAware of one's surroundings, thoughts, and feelings.
86consistentActing or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate.
87constantConstant refers to something that is continuing or unchanging in nature or degree.
88contentDescribes something that is satisfied, fulfilled, or happy with what they have.
89coolOf or at a fairly low temperature; showing no friendly.
90cornerrelating to the point where two lines or surfaces meet.
91correctFree from error; accurate.
92crazyCrazy refers to something that is wildly or absurdly unconventional, or characterized by a state of mental instability or erratic behavior.
93creativeDescribes something that is imaginative, original, or inventive.
94criticalExpressing disapproval or negative comments; crucial, decisive.
95culturalRelating to the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a society.
96curiousEager to know or learn about something.
97currentbelonging to the present time; happening or being used or done at the present time.
98cuteAttractive or endearing.
99dangerousAble or likely to cause harm or injury.
100darkDark refers to something that has little or no light, and is therefore difficult to see.
101daughterrelating to the female child of a parent.
102dayRelating to a 24-hour period of time.
103deadDead refers to something that is no longer alive or functioning.
104dearLoved or cherished, or expensive or highly valued.
105decentConforming with generally accepted standards of propriety or morality.
106deepExtending far down from the top or surface.
107dependentNeeding the support or help of someone or something else.
108designerRefers to something that has been created by a professional in fashion, graphic or industrial design.
109desperateFeeling or showing a sense of urgency or hopelessness.
110differentNot the same as something or someone else.
111difficultRequiring effort or skill to accomplish.
112directMoving or leading in a straight line or course without deviation or interruption.
113dirtyCovered or marked with dirt, or morally corrupt or unpleasant.
114distinctRecognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type.
115doubleDouble refers to something that is twice the size or amount of something else.
116downtownLocated in or relating to the central part of a city, or the commercial and cultural center of a city.
117dramaticFull of action, emotion, or exciting qualities; striking.
118dressRefers to something that is suitable for wearing on formal occasions, such as parties or weddings.
119drunkIntoxicated or under the influence of alcohol, or behaving in a silly or foolish manner.
120dryDescribes something that is lacking in moisture or wetness.
121dueRefers to something that is owed, expected, or scheduled to happen at a particular time.
122eachused to refer to every one of two or more people or things, regarded and identified separately.
123eastrelating to the direction to the right of someone facing north.
124easternRelating to or characteristic of the east.
125easyDescribes something that is simple, effortless, or not difficult to do or understand.
126economyRelating to the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth.
127educationalProviding education; instructive or informative.
128effectiveDescribes something that is successful in achieving its intended purpose or goal.
129efficientAchieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
130eitherReferring to one of two alternatives.
131electricalRelated to electricity or electrical devices.
132electronicRelating to or using devices that operate on the principles governing the behavior of electrons, especially the flow of electrons through semiconductors.
133embarrassedFeeling or showing embarrassment or shame.
134emergencyRefers to a sudden and unexpected situation that requires immediate action.
135emotionalRelated to or influenced by feelings.
136emptyContaining nothing or having nothing inside, or without purpose or meaning.
137enoughas much or as many as required; sufficient.
138entireComplete or whole.
139environmentalRelating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition.
140equalEqual refers to something that is the same in quantity, size, or value as something else.
141equivalentEquivalent refers to something that is equal in value, meaning, or significance to something else.
142evenused to emphasize something that is surprising or extreme.
143eveningRefers to something that happens or is used during the night, often used in the context of social events or entertainment.
144everyHappening or occurring each time.
145exactStrictly accurate or correct.
146excellentExtremely good or of the highest quality.
147excitingCausing great enthusiasm or eagerness.
148existingContinuing to be present or in use; not destroyed or lost.
149expensiveCosting a lot of money.
150expertRefers to someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular field.
151expressdone quickly and with minimal delay.
152extensionRefers to something that is added to or expands something else.
153externalExternal refers to something that is located outside of or beyond a particular object, place, or situation.
154extraMore than is usual, necessary, or expected; additional.
155extremeReaching a high or the highest degree; very great.
156fairTreating people equally without favoritism or discrimination.
157familiarWell known from long or close association.
158famousKnown about by many people.
159farBeing at a great distance from a particular place or point in time.
160fastDescribes something that moves, operates, or occurs quickly or at a high speed.
161fatHaving an excess amount of body weight or adipose tissue.
162federalRelated to the national government of a country.
163feelingrelating to emotions or sensations in the body.
164femaleRelating to or characteristic of women or girls, or having a gender of feminine.
165fewnot many but more than one.
166finalComing at the end of a series; concluding or decisive.
167financialRelated to money or finance.
168fineFine means of high quality or superior; excellent.
169firmFirm refers to something that is strong, solid, or resolute.
170firstComing before all others in order or time.
171fitDescribes something that is suitable, appropriate, or in good physical condition.
172flatHaving a level surface; without raised areas or indentations.
173foreignBelonging to or coming from a country or place other than the one you are in.
174formalFormal refers to something done in accordance with strict rules, etiquette or official procedures.
175formerReferring to something that existed or was present in the past.
176forwarddirected or moving ahead in a particular direction.
177freenot under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.
178frequentFrequent refers to something that happens or occurs often or at regular intervals.
179freshRecently made or obtained; not canned, frozen, or otherwise preserved.
180friendlyKind and pleasant to others.
181frontlocated at or near the front part of something.
182fullDescribes something that is complete, contains as much as possible, or has no empty space.
183funProviding enjoyment or amusement.
184funnyCausing amusement or laughter, or strange or unusual in a way that is amusing.
185futureRelating to a time period or events that will occur after the present.
186gameRelating to or involving competitive play or sport.
187generalaffecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread.
188gladDescribes something that is happy, pleased, or satisfied.
189glassmade of or resembling glass; transparent or translucent.
190globalRelating to the whole world; worldwide.
191goldmade of or resembling the precious metal gold.
192goodhaving desirable or positive qualities; satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree.
193grandImpressive and large in size or scope, or very good or pleasing.
194greatunusually or comparatively large in size or dimensions; remarkable or outstanding in magnitude, degree, or extent.
195greenDescribes something that is related to or associated with the environment or nature.
196grossDisgusting, unpleasant or morally repulsive.
197guiltyHaving committed an offense or wrongdoing.
198happyFeeling or expressing joy or contentment.
199hardrequiring a great deal of effort or endurance to complete or understand.
200headReferring to the topmost part of something.
201healthyIn good physical or mental condition.
202heavyOf great weight; difficult to lift or move.
203helpfulProviding assistance or support.
204highgreater than normal or expected; of great vertical extent.
205hisBelonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
206historicalRelated to events or people from the past.
207holidayRefers to a period of time when people take a break from work or school to rest or go on a vacation.
208homeRelating to a person's permanent residence or dwelling place.
209honestTruthful and sincere in behavior or character, or not guilty of cheating or stealing.
210horrorRefers to something that is scary, frightening or disturbing.
211hotHaving a high temperature.
212hourrelating to a period of time consisting of 60 minutes.
213houseRelating to a place where people live, usually a building or a structure.
214hugeExtremely large in size or amount.
215humanrelating to or characteristic of humankind; having or showing qualities regarded as characteristic of humanity.
216hungryFeeling or displaying the need for food.
217idealsatisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable.
218illSuffering from a disease or not feeling well, or morally objectionable.
219illegalIllegal refers to something that is forbidden by law, or not allowed under the legal system.
220immediateHappening or done without delay; instant.
221importantHaving great significance or value.
222impossibleNot capable of happening or being achieved.
223impressiveHaving the ability to impress or make a strong impact.
224incidentRefers to an event or occurrence, often one that is unexpected or unplanned.
225independentDescribes something that is self-reliant, autonomous, or not influenced by others.
226individualRefers to a single person, thing, or item that is separate from others.
227inevitableUnable to be avoided or escaped, certain to happen.
228informalRelaxed, casual, or not formal.
229initialInitial refers to something that comes at the beginning, or is used to mark the start of something.
230innerLocated or existing on the inside.
231insideRelating to the interior or inner part of something.
232intelligentHaving a high level of mental ability or sharpness.
233interestingCaptivating or arousing curiosity.
234internalInternal refers to something that is inside or located within the body or an object.
235internationalRefers to something that involves or exists between different countries or nations.
236jointshared by or involving two or more entities or individuals.
237juniorRelating to or suitable for younger or less experienced members of a group.
238justbased on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.
239keyCrucial or essential to understanding something.
240kindShowing a friendly, generous, or warm-hearted nature.
241kitchenrelating to the room or area where food is prepared and cooked.
242knownFamiliar or recognized.
243largeBig in size or amount.
244lastRefers to the final or most recent item in a sequence.
245lateDescribes something that is occurring or happening after the expected or usual time.
246latterDenoting the second or second mentioned of two people or things.
247leadingBeing the most important or prominent.
248leastsmallest in amount, extent, or significance; minimum.
249leatherRefers to a material made from animal skin that is used to make shoes, bags, and other products.
250leftsituated on or near the side of the body that is to the west when the person is facing north; remaining after the departure or removal of others.
251legalPermitted by law; relating to the law.
252lessa smaller amount of; not as much as.
253levelBeing at the same height or position as something else.
254lifeRelating to the state of being alive.
255littlesmall in size, amount, or degree; not important or of consequence.
256liveBeing alive and existing in the present moment.
257livingalive and able to grow or function.
258localrelating or restricted to a particular area or one's neighborhood.
259logicalCharacterized by clear reasoning; sensible.
260lonelyFeeling sad or unhappy because one is alone or isolated.
261longextending for a considerable distance from end to end; lasting or taking a great amount of time.
262looseNot firmly attached or held, or not fitting tightly.
263lostLost means to be missing or unable to find one's way.
264loudLoud refers to something that produces a high level of sound or noise.
265lowDescribes something that is situated at or near the bottom or base of something.
266lowerRefers to something that is situated or placed beneath or at a lower level than something else.
267luckyFortunate or favored by chance.
268madFeeling or showing anger or insanity.
269mainRefers to the most important or significant part or aspect of something.
270majorimportant, serious, or significant; having a great effect or influence.
271maleRelating to or characteristic of men or boys, or having a gender of masculine.
272manyA large number of things or people.
273massiveVery large or heavy.
274masterhaving exceptional skill or knowledge in a particular area.
275materialRelating to the substance or matter from which something is made.
276maximumrelating to the highest or greatest amount or degree.
277meanBeing unkind or cruel to others.
278medicalRelated to the treatment or study of medical conditions.
279mediumBeing in a middle position or degree of quality or size.
280mentalRelated to the mind or mental processes.
281middleRefers to something that is situated at or near the center or halfway point of something else.
282minimumrelating to the smallest or least possible amount or degree.
283minorMinor refers to something that is less important or significant in comparison to something else.
284minutevery small in size or amount.
285missionrelating to a specific task or purpose that one is sent to accomplish.
286mobileCapable of moving or being moved easily from one place to another.
287moneyRelating to or consisting of currency or bills that are used to buy goods or services.
288moreA comparative form indicating a greater quantity or degree.
289mostThe majority or greatest part of something.
290motherrelating to the female parent of a child.
291motorRefers to a machine or device that produces or uses mechanical energy.
292mountainRefers to a large natural landform that rises steeply above the surrounding land.
293mucha large amount or to a great degree.
294narrowNarrow refers to something that is small in width or limited in extent or scope.
295nastyUnpleasant or disgusting in taste, smell or appearance.
296nationalrelating to or characteristic of a particular nation; owned, controlled, or financially supported by the government of a particular country.
297nativeRefers to something or someone that is originally from a particular place.
298naturalexisting in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.
299nearbyNearby refers to something that is located or situated close to a particular place or person.
300neatTidy, well-ordered or organized, or excellent or skillful.
301necessaryDescribes something that is required, essential, or indispensable.
302negativeDescribes something that is unfavorable, unhelpful, or not desirable.
303neithernot one thing or the other; not either of two possibilities.
304nervousFeeling or showing anxiety or apprehension.
305newnot existing before; recently made or developed.
306nextcoming immediately after the present one in order, rank, or space.
307nicePleasant or agreeable.
308noNot any, not at all or denying something.
309normalConforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
310northReferring to the direction that is opposite to the south and is toward the point on the horizon where the North Pole is located.
311novelnew or unusual in an interesting way.
312numerousGreat in number; many.
313objectiveNot influenced by personal feelings or opinions; impartial.
314obviousEasily perceived or understood; clear.
315oddDifferent from what is usual or expected.
316officialRelating to an authority or public body and its duties, actions, and responsibilities.
317okAcceptable, adequate or satisfactory, or expressing agreement or approval.
318oldHaving existed for a long time or showing signs of age.
319oneReferring to a single person or thing.
320onlyExisting or happening by itself, or nothing more than what is specified.
321openDescribes something that is accessible, available, or not closed or restricted.
322openingRefers to a gap or space that allows access or entry to something.
323oppositeOpposite refers to something that is completely different from or contrary to something else.
324ordinaryCommonplace or not remarkable, plain or average in quality.
325originalDescribes something that is unique, creative, or not copied or imitated from others.
326otherReferring to something or someone different from what has been mentioned.
327otherwisein a different way or manner than the one specified.
328outsideRelating to the exterior or outer part of something.
329overFinished; ended.
330overallTaking everything into account; including all aspects or factors.
331ownbelonging to oneself or itself.
332parkingrelating to the act of leaving a vehicle in a particular place for a period of time.
333particularused to single out an individual member of a specified group or class.
334partyrelating to a social gathering or celebration.
335pastgone by in time and no longer existing; having occurred in the time before the present.
336patientRefers to someone who is able to wait calmly without becoming annoyed or upset.
337perfectHaving all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
338periodReferring to a length of time, usually with a specific beginning and end.
339personalbelonging to or affecting a particular person rather than anyone else.
340physicalrelating to the body as opposed to the mind; relating to things that can be seen or felt.
341planeRefers to a flat surface or a vehicle that flies in the air.
342plasticmade of a synthetic material that can be molded into different shapes.
343pleasantGiving a sense of enjoyment or satisfaction.
344plentya large or sufficient amount or quantity.
345plusused to indicate something in addition to what has already been mentioned.
346politicalRelated to the government or the public affairs of a country.
347poorLacking in material possessions or financial wealth.
348popularWidely liked or admired by many people.
349positiveDescribes something that is optimistic, constructive, or favorable.
350possibleable to be done or achieved; capable of happening.
351potentialDescribes something that has the ability to become or develop into something in the future.
352powerfulHaving great power or strength; influential.
353practicalOf or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas.
354pregnantCarrying a developing offspring within the body.
355presentRefers to something that is currently existing or occurring at the moment.
356pretendRefers to the act of behaving as if something is true, even though it is not.
357prettyAttractive in a delicate or graceful way.
358previousPrevious refers to something that happened or occurred before a particular time or event.
359primaryRefers to something that is the most important, fundamental, or essential aspect of something else.
360priorPrior refers to something that existed or occurred before a particular time or event.
361privateBelonging to or for the use of one particular person or group only; not for public knowledge or disclosure.
362prizeRefers to something that is won or awarded as a result of competition or achievement.
363professionalDescribes something that is done with a high level of skill or expertise, often in a formal or business setting.
364proofRefers to evidence or a demonstration that shows that something is true or correct.
365properDescribes something that is correct, appropriate, or suitable according to established norms or standards.
366proudProud refers to something that gives a sense of satisfaction or achievement, or is characterized by dignity or self-respect.
367psychologicalRelating to the mental and emotional state of a person.
368publicof or concerning the people as a whole; done, perceived, or existing in open view.
369pureNot mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material.
370purpleRefers to a color that is a blend of blue and red.
371quickMoving or happening with great speed or efficiency.
372quietMaking little or no noise, or tranquil or peaceful.
373rareNot occurring or found very often; uncommon.
374rawRaw refers to something that is unprocessed or uncooked.
375readyPrepared or available for immediate use or action.
376realactually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed.
377realisticHaving a practical or sensible understanding of things.
378reasonableHaving sound judgment; fair and sensible.
379recentHappening or occurring in the near past.
380redhaving a color resembling that of blood or a ripe tomato.
381regularDescribes something that occurs or happens at fixed intervals or with consistency.
382relativeconsidered in relation or proportion to something else.
383relevantClosely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.
384remarkableWorthy of attention or notice because of being unusual or extraordinary.
385remoteRemote refers to something that is situated far away from any other place, out of the way, or distant.
386representativeServing to represent or stand for something or someone, or typical or characteristic of a group or category.
387residentRefers to someone who lives in a particular place or community.
388responsibleBeing accountable or answerable for something.
389richHaving a great deal of money or assets; wealthy.
390rightmorally good, justified, or acceptable; true or correct as a fact or principle.
391roughRough refers to something that is uneven, irregular, or coarse in texture or surface.
392roundRound refers to something that is circular or curved in shape.
393routinerelating to a regular or habitual pattern of behavior.
394royalRelating to a king or queen, or having the qualities of a monarch.
395sadSad refers to something that causes or expresses sorrow, grief, or melancholy.
396safeDescribes something that is secure, protected, or free from harm or danger.
397saltHaving a taste characteristic of salt or containing salt.
398sameidentical; not different or changed.
399savingsrelating to the amount of money that is saved or can be saved.
400scaredFeeling afraid or frightened.
401searelating to the large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface.
402secretNot known or meant to be known by others.
403secureFree from danger or threat; safe and protected.
404selectchosen carefully from a larger group or number of things.
405seniorHigher in rank or position within an organization, typically due to experience or age.
406sensitiveSensitive refers to something that is easily affected, influenced, or damaged by external factors.
407separateDivided or disconnected from others; not attached or joined.
408seriousGrave or important in nature or consequences.
409severalMore than two but not many.
410severeVery great or intense; harsh.
411sexualRelating to or involving sex or sexuality.
412sharpSharp refers to something that has a fine point or edge, or is highly defined or clear.
413shortsmall in length, distance, or duration; concise or brief.
414shotReferring to the act of firing a projectile from a weapon or the moment when this occurs.
415sickSick refers to something that is affected by disease, illness, or poor health.
416signalrelating to a gesture or action that conveys information or instructions.
417significantImportant or notable.
418sillyHaving a foolish or ridiculous behavior, or amusing or entertaining.
419silverRefers to a shiny gray-white metal that is often used in jewelry or coins.
420similarHaving some qualities or characteristics in common.
421simpleeasily understood or done; presenting no difficulty.
422singleDescribes something that is one in number or singular in nature.
423slightSmall or insignificant in degree, or having a slender or delicate build.
424slowMoving or operating at a low speed; taking a comparatively long time.
425smallof a size that is less than normal or usual; unimportant or trivial.
426smartIntelligent, quick-witted or clever, or stylish or fashionable.
427smoothSmooth refers to something that is even or level in surface or texture, without any roughness or unevenness.
428softSoft refers to something that is easy to compress, mold, or cut; opposite of hard.
429solidSolid refers to something that is firm, hard, and not easily broken or melted.
430someAn unspecified amount or number.
431sorryFeeling or expressing regret or remorse.
432southrelating to the direction to the right of someone facing east.
433southernRelating to or located in the south.
434spareAdditional or surplus to requirements, or free time available for leisure activities.
435specialDescribes something that is distinctive, unique, or exceptional.
436specialistRefers to someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a specific area or field.
437specificclearly defined or identified; precise.
438spiritualSpiritual refers to something that relates to the soul or spirit, rather than material or physical things.
439squareHaving four sides of equal length and four right angles.
440standardReferring to a level of quality or expectation that is considered to be normal or typical.
441statusrelating to the position or standing of something or someone in relation to others.
442stillnot moving or making a sound; continuing to be active or in existence.
443stockRelating to a supply of goods or materials kept on hand for sale or use.
444straightNot curved or bent; in a direct line or position.
445strangeStrange refers to something that is unusual, unfamiliar, or bizarre.
446streetrelating to the road in a city or town where buildings are located.
447strictDemanding that rules concerning behavior are obeyed and observed.
448strongHaving great power or strength.
449stupidLacking intelligence or common sense, or behaving in an irrational or foolish manner.
450subjectReferring to a particular topic or area of study.
451substantialConsiderable in amount or value.
452successfulAchieving the desired outcome or goals.
453suchused to indicate a particular type of thing or person.
454suddenHappening quickly and unexpectedly.
455sufficientEnough; adequate.
456suitableRight or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation.
457superExceptional or extraordinary in size, quality, or degree.
458sureconfident in one's ability to do something; certain or assured about something.
459suspiciousHaving or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something.
460sweetHaving a pleasant taste or smell, or being kind or gentle in disposition.
461swimmingrelating to the activity of moving through water by propelling oneself with the limbs.
462tallHaving a greater than average height.
463technicalRelating to a particular subject, skill, or craft, requiring specialized knowledge.
464temporaryLasting for a limited time, or not permanent or long-lasting.
465terribleExtremely bad or unpleasant.
466thatUsed to identify a specific person or thing, or referring to something previously mentioned.
467thenReferring to a particular time in the past or future.
468theseReferring to a specific group of people or things near the speaker.
469thickThick refers to something that is of considerable width or depth; opposite of thin.
470thinHaving a small distance between opposite surfaces; not thick.
471thinkHaving the power of thought or rational judgment.
472thisUsed to identify a specific person or thing near the speaker.
473tightFirmly fixed or held in place, or difficult to move or turn.
474timeRelating to or measured by the progress of events or the duration of an action or condition.
475tinyVery small in size.
476topBeing at or forming the highest point or part.
477totalTotal refers to something that is complete, absolute, or whole in extent or degree.
478toughStrong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling.
479traditionalBased on long-established customs or beliefs.
480trainingRelating to the process of being taught or educated in a particular skill or subject.
481trickrelating to a clever or skillful act intended to deceive or entertain.
482typicalExhibiting the characteristics or qualities of a particular type or group.
483uglyUnpleasant or unattractive in appearance.
484unableNot able to do something.
485unfairTreating someone in a way that is not just or impartial.
486unhappyNot happy; sad or depressed.
487uniqueBeing the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
488unitedJoined or combined into a single entity.
489unlikelyNot likely to happen or be true.
490unusualNot commonly seen or done; rare.
491upperHigher in position or location, or relating to the top part of something.
492upsetFeeling unhappy, disappointed, or frustrated about something.
493upstairsLocated on a higher level of a building, or relating to the upper floor of a house.
494usedPreviously owned or operated by someone.
495usefulAble to be used in a practical or beneficial way.
496usualOrdinary or customary, happening most often or expected.
497valuableExtremely useful, important, or desirable.
498variousDiverse or differing in various ways.
499vastVast refers to something that is very large, immense or extensive in size or degree.
500vegetablerelating to plants that are cultivated for their edible parts.
501visibleAble to be seen or perceived.
502visualDescribes something that is related to or involving sight, often in a graphic or artistic way.
503warmHaving, giving off, or producing a moderate degree of heat; slightly hot.
504wasteRefers to something that is not being used or is being used inefficiently.
505weakLacking strength or power.
506weeklyHappening or appearing once a week, or relating to a period of seven days.
507weirdWeird refers to something that is strange, odd, or bizarre.
508westRefers to the direction that is opposite to the east.
509westernRelating to or characteristic of the western part of a country or region.
510whatUsed to ask for information about something or to introduce a clause that complements or explains a previous statement.
511whichUsed to introduce a clause that identifies or provides additional information about a previously mentioned person or thing.
512whiteHaving the color of snow or milk; reflecting all colors of light equally.
513wholeRefers to something that is complete, entire, or undivided.
514wideDescribes something that has a great extent or breadth from side to side.
515wildWild refers to something that is untamed or not domesticated, or characterized by a lack of restraint or control.
516willingReady or inclined to do something.
517wineRefers to an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes.
518winterrelating to the season between autumn and spring characterized by cold weather.
519wiseWise refers to something that is characterized by good judgment, insight, or knowledge.
520wonderfulRemarkable or delightful.
521woodenMade of or resembling wood.
522workRelating to or involving effort or activity directed toward a purpose or goal.
523workingDescribes something that is functioning or in operation, often in a practical or manual sense.
524worthDescribes something that has value, importance, or significance.
525wrongNot correct or accurate.
526yellowHaving a color resembling that of the sun or ripe lemons, or indicating cowardice or caution.
527youngHaving lived or existed for only a short time; not old.