1 | FALSE | False refers to something that is not true or accurate. |
2 | TRUE | Describes something that is accurate, genuine, or authentic. |
3 | able | Having the skill or capability to do something. |
4 | acceptable | Able to be agreed on; suitable. |
5 | according | Refers to something that is in agreement or accordance with something else. |
6 | accurate | Correct in all details; exact. |
7 | action | Involving movement or activity. |
8 | active | Describes something that is engaged in physical or mental activity, often in a dynamic or energetic way. |
9 | actual | Real or existing in fact. |
10 | additional | Extra or supplementary. |
11 | administrative | Relating to the running of a business, organization, or institution. |
12 | adult | Adult refers to someone who is fully grown or mature, and has reached the age of legal majority. |
13 | afraid | Feeling fear or anxiety; frightened. |
14 | after | Coming later in time or following something else. |
15 | afternoon | relating to the time of day between noon and evening. |
16 | agent | relating to a person who acts on behalf of another person or group. |
17 | aggressive | Ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression. |
18 | ago | A period of time that has passed before the present moment. |
19 | airline | relating to the industry or business of transporting passengers and cargo by airplane. |
20 | alive | Having life or existing in a state of living. |
21 | all | The whole quantity or extent of something. |
22 | alone | Having no one else present; on one's own. |
23 | alternative | Describes something that is different or serves as a substitute or option to something else. |
24 | amazing | Amazing refers to something that is extremely impressive, awe-inspiring or surprising. |
25 | angry | Feeling or expressing strong displeasure or hostility. |
26 | animal | relating to living organisms that are not plants and have the ability to move. |
27 | annual | Annual refers to something that happens or occurs once a year. |
28 | another | used to refer to an additional or different person or thing of the same type as one already mentioned or known about. |
29 | anxious | Feeling worried or uneasy about something. |
30 | any | used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of things, no matter how much or how many. |
31 | apart | Apart refers to something that is separated or disconnected from something else. |
32 | appropriate | Suitable or fitting for a particular purpose or occasion. |
33 | asleep | In a state of sleep. |
34 | automatic | Working by itself with little or no direct human control. |
35 | available | Accessible and ready to be used. |
36 | aware | Having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. |
37 | away | At a distance from a particular place or person. |
38 | background | relating to the circumstances or events that precede and are relevant to something. |
39 | basic | Fundamental or essential. |
40 | beautiful | Describes something that is aesthetically pleasing or attractive to the eye. |
41 | beginning | Referring to the start or origin of something. |
42 | best | of the highest quality or most outstanding type; surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality. |
43 | better | of a more excellent or effective type or quality. |
44 | big | of considerable size or extent; important or impressive. |
45 | bitter | Refers to something that has a sharp, unpleasant taste. |
46 | boring | Not interesting; dull. |
47 | born | Referring to the moment of someone's birth or the time period immediately following it. |
48 | both | used to refer to two people or things, regarded and identified together. |
49 | brave | Showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger or difficulty. |
50 | brief | Brief refers to something that is of short duration or limited in length. |
51 | bright | Giving out or reflecting a lot of light; shining. |
52 | brilliant | Very bright or sparkling, or exceptionally clever or talented. |
53 | broad | Having a distance larger than usual from side to side; wide. |
54 | brown | Of a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue, as of dark wood or soil. |
55 | budget | relating to the amount of money available or required for a particular purpose. |
56 | business | Relating to commerce or trade. |
57 | busy | Busy refers to something that is occupied or actively involved in some task or work. |
58 | calm | Peaceful, tranquil or free from disturbance or agitation. |
59 | capable | Having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing. |
60 | capital | Referring to a city that is the official seat of government in a country or region, or to the financial assets used to start or operate a business. |
61 | car | Relating to a vehicle with four wheels that is powered by an engine and is designed to carry passengers. |
62 | careful | Making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious. |
63 | certain | known for sure; established beyond doubt. |
64 | chance | Referring to an opportunity that is dependent on circumstances outside of one's control. |
65 | character | relating to the qualities and traits that make a person or thing unique. |
66 | cheap | Inexpensive; costing very little. |
67 | chemical | Relating to or involving substances used in reactions involving changes in atoms or molecules. |
68 | chicken | Relating to or consisting of the meat of a domestic fowl. |
69 | choice | Relating to the act of selecting or making a decision between two or more options. |
70 | civil | Relating to ordinary citizens and their concerns, as distinct from military or ecclesiastical matters. |
71 | classic | Judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind. |
72 | clean | Free from dirt, marks, or stains; morally uncontaminated. |
73 | clear | Describes something that is transparent, easy to understand, or free from confusion or ambiguity. |
74 | close | Describes something that is situated near or in proximity to something else. |
75 | cold | Describes something that is at a low temperature or lacking in warmth. |
76 | comfortable | Providing physical ease and relaxation. |
77 | commercial | Refers to something that is related to or involving business or commerce. |
78 | common | occurring, found, or done often; belonging to or shared by two or more people or things. |
79 | competitive | Involving or characterized by rivalry or competition. |
80 | complete | Describes something that is finished, whole, or lacking nothing. |
81 | complex | Describes something that is intricate, multifaceted, or difficult to understand. |
82 | comprehensive | Including all or nearly all aspects or elements of something. |
83 | confident | Feeling or showing certainty or assurance. |
84 | connect | relating to joining or linking two or more things together. |
85 | conscious | Aware of one's surroundings, thoughts, and feelings. |
86 | consistent | Acting or done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate. |
87 | constant | Constant refers to something that is continuing or unchanging in nature or degree. |
88 | content | Describes something that is satisfied, fulfilled, or happy with what they have. |
89 | cool | Of or at a fairly low temperature; showing no friendly. |
90 | corner | relating to the point where two lines or surfaces meet. |
91 | correct | Free from error; accurate. |
92 | crazy | Crazy refers to something that is wildly or absurdly unconventional, or characterized by a state of mental instability or erratic behavior. |
93 | creative | Describes something that is imaginative, original, or inventive. |
94 | critical | Expressing disapproval or negative comments; crucial, decisive. |
95 | cultural | Relating to the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a society. |
96 | curious | Eager to know or learn about something. |
97 | current | belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done at the present time. |
98 | cute | Attractive or endearing. |
99 | dangerous | Able or likely to cause harm or injury. |
100 | dark | Dark refers to something that has little or no light, and is therefore difficult to see. |
101 | daughter | relating to the female child of a parent. |
102 | day | Relating to a 24-hour period of time. |
103 | dead | Dead refers to something that is no longer alive or functioning. |
104 | dear | Loved or cherished, or expensive or highly valued. |
105 | decent | Conforming with generally accepted standards of propriety or morality. |
106 | deep | Extending far down from the top or surface. |
107 | dependent | Needing the support or help of someone or something else. |
108 | designer | Refers to something that has been created by a professional in fashion, graphic or industrial design. |
109 | desperate | Feeling or showing a sense of urgency or hopelessness. |
110 | different | Not the same as something or someone else. |
111 | difficult | Requiring effort or skill to accomplish. |
112 | direct | Moving or leading in a straight line or course without deviation or interruption. |
113 | dirty | Covered or marked with dirt, or morally corrupt or unpleasant. |
114 | distinct | Recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type. |
115 | double | Double refers to something that is twice the size or amount of something else. |
116 | downtown | Located in or relating to the central part of a city, or the commercial and cultural center of a city. |
117 | dramatic | Full of action, emotion, or exciting qualities; striking. |
118 | dress | Refers to something that is suitable for wearing on formal occasions, such as parties or weddings. |
119 | drunk | Intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol, or behaving in a silly or foolish manner. |
120 | dry | Describes something that is lacking in moisture or wetness. |
121 | due | Refers to something that is owed, expected, or scheduled to happen at a particular time. |
122 | each | used to refer to every one of two or more people or things, regarded and identified separately. |
123 | east | relating to the direction to the right of someone facing north. |
124 | eastern | Relating to or characteristic of the east. |
125 | easy | Describes something that is simple, effortless, or not difficult to do or understand. |
126 | economy | Relating to the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. |
127 | educational | Providing education; instructive or informative. |
128 | effective | Describes something that is successful in achieving its intended purpose or goal. |
129 | efficient | Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. |
130 | either | Referring to one of two alternatives. |
131 | electrical | Related to electricity or electrical devices. |
132 | electronic | Relating to or using devices that operate on the principles governing the behavior of electrons, especially the flow of electrons through semiconductors. |
133 | embarrassed | Feeling or showing embarrassment or shame. |
134 | emergency | Refers to a sudden and unexpected situation that requires immediate action. |
135 | emotional | Related to or influenced by feelings. |
136 | empty | Containing nothing or having nothing inside, or without purpose or meaning. |
137 | enough | as much or as many as required; sufficient. |
138 | entire | Complete or whole. |
139 | environmental | Relating to the natural world and the impact of human activity on its condition. |
140 | equal | Equal refers to something that is the same in quantity, size, or value as something else. |
141 | equivalent | Equivalent refers to something that is equal in value, meaning, or significance to something else. |
142 | even | used to emphasize something that is surprising or extreme. |
143 | evening | Refers to something that happens or is used during the night, often used in the context of social events or entertainment. |
144 | every | Happening or occurring each time. |
145 | exact | Strictly accurate or correct. |
146 | excellent | Extremely good or of the highest quality. |
147 | exciting | Causing great enthusiasm or eagerness. |
148 | existing | Continuing to be present or in use; not destroyed or lost. |
149 | expensive | Costing a lot of money. |
150 | expert | Refers to someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular field. |
151 | express | done quickly and with minimal delay. |
152 | extension | Refers to something that is added to or expands something else. |
153 | external | External refers to something that is located outside of or beyond a particular object, place, or situation. |
154 | extra | More than is usual, necessary, or expected; additional. |
155 | extreme | Reaching a high or the highest degree; very great. |
156 | fair | Treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination. |
157 | familiar | Well known from long or close association. |
158 | famous | Known about by many people. |
159 | far | Being at a great distance from a particular place or point in time. |
160 | fast | Describes something that moves, operates, or occurs quickly or at a high speed. |
161 | fat | Having an excess amount of body weight or adipose tissue. |
162 | federal | Related to the national government of a country. |
163 | feeling | relating to emotions or sensations in the body. |
164 | female | Relating to or characteristic of women or girls, or having a gender of feminine. |
165 | few | not many but more than one. |
166 | final | Coming at the end of a series; concluding or decisive. |
167 | financial | Related to money or finance. |
168 | fine | Fine means of high quality or superior; excellent. |
169 | firm | Firm refers to something that is strong, solid, or resolute. |
170 | first | Coming before all others in order or time. |
171 | fit | Describes something that is suitable, appropriate, or in good physical condition. |
172 | flat | Having a level surface; without raised areas or indentations. |
173 | foreign | Belonging to or coming from a country or place other than the one you are in. |
174 | formal | Formal refers to something done in accordance with strict rules, etiquette or official procedures. |
175 | former | Referring to something that existed or was present in the past. |
176 | forward | directed or moving ahead in a particular direction. |
177 | free | not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes. |
178 | frequent | Frequent refers to something that happens or occurs often or at regular intervals. |
179 | fresh | Recently made or obtained; not canned, frozen, or otherwise preserved. |
180 | friendly | Kind and pleasant to others. |
181 | front | located at or near the front part of something. |
182 | full | Describes something that is complete, contains as much as possible, or has no empty space. |
183 | fun | Providing enjoyment or amusement. |
184 | funny | Causing amusement or laughter, or strange or unusual in a way that is amusing. |
185 | future | Relating to a time period or events that will occur after the present. |
186 | game | Relating to or involving competitive play or sport. |
187 | general | affecting or concerning all or most people, places, or things; widespread. |
188 | glad | Describes something that is happy, pleased, or satisfied. |
189 | glass | made of or resembling glass; transparent or translucent. |
190 | global | Relating to the whole world; worldwide. |
191 | gold | made of or resembling the precious metal gold. |
192 | good | having desirable or positive qualities; satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree. |
193 | grand | Impressive and large in size or scope, or very good or pleasing. |
194 | great | unusually or comparatively large in size or dimensions; remarkable or outstanding in magnitude, degree, or extent. |
195 | green | Describes something that is related to or associated with the environment or nature. |
196 | gross | Disgusting, unpleasant or morally repulsive. |
197 | guilty | Having committed an offense or wrongdoing. |
198 | happy | Feeling or expressing joy or contentment. |
199 | hard | requiring a great deal of effort or endurance to complete or understand. |
200 | head | Referring to the topmost part of something. |
201 | healthy | In good physical or mental condition. |
202 | heavy | Of great weight; difficult to lift or move. |
203 | helpful | Providing assistance or support. |
204 | high | greater than normal or expected; of great vertical extent. |
205 | his | Belonging to or associated with a male person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified. |
206 | historical | Related to events or people from the past. |
207 | holiday | Refers to a period of time when people take a break from work or school to rest or go on a vacation. |
208 | home | Relating to a person's permanent residence or dwelling place. |
209 | honest | Truthful and sincere in behavior or character, or not guilty of cheating or stealing. |
210 | horror | Refers to something that is scary, frightening or disturbing. |
211 | hot | Having a high temperature. |
212 | hour | relating to a period of time consisting of 60 minutes. |
213 | house | Relating to a place where people live, usually a building or a structure. |
214 | huge | Extremely large in size or amount. |
215 | human | relating to or characteristic of humankind; having or showing qualities regarded as characteristic of humanity. |
216 | hungry | Feeling or displaying the need for food. |
217 | ideal | satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable. |
218 | ill | Suffering from a disease or not feeling well, or morally objectionable. |
219 | illegal | Illegal refers to something that is forbidden by law, or not allowed under the legal system. |
220 | immediate | Happening or done without delay; instant. |
221 | important | Having great significance or value. |
222 | impossible | Not capable of happening or being achieved. |
223 | impressive | Having the ability to impress or make a strong impact. |
224 | incident | Refers to an event or occurrence, often one that is unexpected or unplanned. |
225 | independent | Describes something that is self-reliant, autonomous, or not influenced by others. |
226 | individual | Refers to a single person, thing, or item that is separate from others. |
227 | inevitable | Unable to be avoided or escaped, certain to happen. |
228 | informal | Relaxed, casual, or not formal. |
229 | initial | Initial refers to something that comes at the beginning, or is used to mark the start of something. |
230 | inner | Located or existing on the inside. |
231 | inside | Relating to the interior or inner part of something. |
232 | intelligent | Having a high level of mental ability or sharpness. |
233 | interesting | Captivating or arousing curiosity. |
234 | internal | Internal refers to something that is inside or located within the body or an object. |
235 | international | Refers to something that involves or exists between different countries or nations. |
236 | joint | shared by or involving two or more entities or individuals. |
237 | junior | Relating to or suitable for younger or less experienced members of a group. |
238 | just | based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair. |
239 | key | Crucial or essential to understanding something. |
240 | kind | Showing a friendly, generous, or warm-hearted nature. |
241 | kitchen | relating to the room or area where food is prepared and cooked. |
242 | known | Familiar or recognized. |
243 | large | Big in size or amount. |
244 | last | Refers to the final or most recent item in a sequence. |
245 | late | Describes something that is occurring or happening after the expected or usual time. |
246 | latter | Denoting the second or second mentioned of two people or things. |
247 | leading | Being the most important or prominent. |
248 | least | smallest in amount, extent, or significance; minimum. |
249 | leather | Refers to a material made from animal skin that is used to make shoes, bags, and other products. |
250 | left | situated on or near the side of the body that is to the west when the person is facing north; remaining after the departure or removal of others. |
251 | legal | Permitted by law; relating to the law. |
252 | less | a smaller amount of; not as much as. |
253 | level | Being at the same height or position as something else. |
254 | life | Relating to the state of being alive. |
255 | little | small in size, amount, or degree; not important or of consequence. |
256 | live | Being alive and existing in the present moment. |
257 | living | alive and able to grow or function. |
258 | local | relating or restricted to a particular area or one's neighborhood. |
259 | logical | Characterized by clear reasoning; sensible. |
260 | lonely | Feeling sad or unhappy because one is alone or isolated. |
261 | long | extending for a considerable distance from end to end; lasting or taking a great amount of time. |
262 | loose | Not firmly attached or held, or not fitting tightly. |
263 | lost | Lost means to be missing or unable to find one's way. |
264 | loud | Loud refers to something that produces a high level of sound or noise. |
265 | low | Describes something that is situated at or near the bottom or base of something. |
266 | lower | Refers to something that is situated or placed beneath or at a lower level than something else. |
267 | lucky | Fortunate or favored by chance. |
268 | mad | Feeling or showing anger or insanity. |
269 | main | Refers to the most important or significant part or aspect of something. |
270 | major | important, serious, or significant; having a great effect or influence. |
271 | male | Relating to or characteristic of men or boys, or having a gender of masculine. |
272 | many | A large number of things or people. |
273 | massive | Very large or heavy. |
274 | master | having exceptional skill or knowledge in a particular area. |
275 | material | Relating to the substance or matter from which something is made. |
276 | maximum | relating to the highest or greatest amount or degree. |
277 | mean | Being unkind or cruel to others. |
278 | medical | Related to the treatment or study of medical conditions. |
279 | medium | Being in a middle position or degree of quality or size. |
280 | mental | Related to the mind or mental processes. |
281 | middle | Refers to something that is situated at or near the center or halfway point of something else. |
282 | minimum | relating to the smallest or least possible amount or degree. |
283 | minor | Minor refers to something that is less important or significant in comparison to something else. |
284 | minute | very small in size or amount. |
285 | mission | relating to a specific task or purpose that one is sent to accomplish. |
286 | mobile | Capable of moving or being moved easily from one place to another. |
287 | money | Relating to or consisting of currency or bills that are used to buy goods or services. |
288 | more | A comparative form indicating a greater quantity or degree. |
289 | most | The majority or greatest part of something. |
290 | mother | relating to the female parent of a child. |
291 | motor | Refers to a machine or device that produces or uses mechanical energy. |
292 | mountain | Refers to a large natural landform that rises steeply above the surrounding land. |
293 | much | a large amount or to a great degree. |
294 | narrow | Narrow refers to something that is small in width or limited in extent or scope. |
295 | nasty | Unpleasant or disgusting in taste, smell or appearance. |
296 | national | relating to or characteristic of a particular nation; owned, controlled, or financially supported by the government of a particular country. |
297 | native | Refers to something or someone that is originally from a particular place. |
298 | natural | existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind. |
299 | nearby | Nearby refers to something that is located or situated close to a particular place or person. |
300 | neat | Tidy, well-ordered or organized, or excellent or skillful. |
301 | necessary | Describes something that is required, essential, or indispensable. |
302 | negative | Describes something that is unfavorable, unhelpful, or not desirable. |
303 | neither | not one thing or the other; not either of two possibilities. |
304 | nervous | Feeling or showing anxiety or apprehension. |
305 | new | not existing before; recently made or developed. |
306 | next | coming immediately after the present one in order, rank, or space. |
307 | nice | Pleasant or agreeable. |
308 | no | Not any, not at all or denying something. |
309 | normal | Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. |
310 | north | Referring to the direction that is opposite to the south and is toward the point on the horizon where the North Pole is located. |
311 | novel | new or unusual in an interesting way. |
312 | numerous | Great in number; many. |
313 | objective | Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions; impartial. |
314 | obvious | Easily perceived or understood; clear. |
315 | odd | Different from what is usual or expected. |
316 | official | Relating to an authority or public body and its duties, actions, and responsibilities. |
317 | ok | Acceptable, adequate or satisfactory, or expressing agreement or approval. |
318 | old | Having existed for a long time or showing signs of age. |
319 | one | Referring to a single person or thing. |
320 | only | Existing or happening by itself, or nothing more than what is specified. |
321 | open | Describes something that is accessible, available, or not closed or restricted. |
322 | opening | Refers to a gap or space that allows access or entry to something. |
323 | opposite | Opposite refers to something that is completely different from or contrary to something else. |
324 | ordinary | Commonplace or not remarkable, plain or average in quality. |
325 | original | Describes something that is unique, creative, or not copied or imitated from others. |
326 | other | Referring to something or someone different from what has been mentioned. |
327 | otherwise | in a different way or manner than the one specified. |
328 | outside | Relating to the exterior or outer part of something. |
329 | over | Finished; ended. |
330 | overall | Taking everything into account; including all aspects or factors. |
331 | own | belonging to oneself or itself. |
332 | parking | relating to the act of leaving a vehicle in a particular place for a period of time. |
333 | particular | used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class. |
334 | party | relating to a social gathering or celebration. |
335 | past | gone by in time and no longer existing; having occurred in the time before the present. |
336 | patient | Refers to someone who is able to wait calmly without becoming annoyed or upset. |
337 | perfect | Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be. |
338 | period | Referring to a length of time, usually with a specific beginning and end. |
339 | personal | belonging to or affecting a particular person rather than anyone else. |
340 | physical | relating to the body as opposed to the mind; relating to things that can be seen or felt. |
341 | plane | Refers to a flat surface or a vehicle that flies in the air. |
342 | plastic | made of a synthetic material that can be molded into different shapes. |
343 | pleasant | Giving a sense of enjoyment or satisfaction. |
344 | plenty | a large or sufficient amount or quantity. |
345 | plus | used to indicate something in addition to what has already been mentioned. |
346 | political | Related to the government or the public affairs of a country. |
347 | poor | Lacking in material possessions or financial wealth. |
348 | popular | Widely liked or admired by many people. |
349 | positive | Describes something that is optimistic, constructive, or favorable. |
350 | possible | able to be done or achieved; capable of happening. |
351 | potential | Describes something that has the ability to become or develop into something in the future. |
352 | powerful | Having great power or strength; influential. |
353 | practical | Of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas. |
354 | pregnant | Carrying a developing offspring within the body. |
355 | present | Refers to something that is currently existing or occurring at the moment. |
356 | pretend | Refers to the act of behaving as if something is true, even though it is not. |
357 | pretty | Attractive in a delicate or graceful way. |
358 | previous | Previous refers to something that happened or occurred before a particular time or event. |
359 | primary | Refers to something that is the most important, fundamental, or essential aspect of something else. |
360 | prior | Prior refers to something that existed or occurred before a particular time or event. |
361 | private | Belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group only; not for public knowledge or disclosure. |
362 | prize | Refers to something that is won or awarded as a result of competition or achievement. |
363 | professional | Describes something that is done with a high level of skill or expertise, often in a formal or business setting. |
364 | proof | Refers to evidence or a demonstration that shows that something is true or correct. |
365 | proper | Describes something that is correct, appropriate, or suitable according to established norms or standards. |
366 | proud | Proud refers to something that gives a sense of satisfaction or achievement, or is characterized by dignity or self-respect. |
367 | psychological | Relating to the mental and emotional state of a person. |
368 | public | of or concerning the people as a whole; done, perceived, or existing in open view. |
369 | pure | Not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material. |
370 | purple | Refers to a color that is a blend of blue and red. |
371 | quick | Moving or happening with great speed or efficiency. |
372 | quiet | Making little or no noise, or tranquil or peaceful. |
373 | rare | Not occurring or found very often; uncommon. |
374 | raw | Raw refers to something that is unprocessed or uncooked. |
375 | ready | Prepared or available for immediate use or action. |
376 | real | actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed. |
377 | realistic | Having a practical or sensible understanding of things. |
378 | reasonable | Having sound judgment; fair and sensible. |
379 | recent | Happening or occurring in the near past. |
380 | red | having a color resembling that of blood or a ripe tomato. |
381 | regular | Describes something that occurs or happens at fixed intervals or with consistency. |
382 | relative | considered in relation or proportion to something else. |
383 | relevant | Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered. |
384 | remarkable | Worthy of attention or notice because of being unusual or extraordinary. |
385 | remote | Remote refers to something that is situated far away from any other place, out of the way, or distant. |
386 | representative | Serving to represent or stand for something or someone, or typical or characteristic of a group or category. |
387 | resident | Refers to someone who lives in a particular place or community. |
388 | responsible | Being accountable or answerable for something. |
389 | rich | Having a great deal of money or assets; wealthy. |
390 | right | morally good, justified, or acceptable; true or correct as a fact or principle. |
391 | rough | Rough refers to something that is uneven, irregular, or coarse in texture or surface. |
392 | round | Round refers to something that is circular or curved in shape. |
393 | routine | relating to a regular or habitual pattern of behavior. |
394 | royal | Relating to a king or queen, or having the qualities of a monarch. |
395 | sad | Sad refers to something that causes or expresses sorrow, grief, or melancholy. |
396 | safe | Describes something that is secure, protected, or free from harm or danger. |
397 | salt | Having a taste characteristic of salt or containing salt. |
398 | same | identical; not different or changed. |
399 | savings | relating to the amount of money that is saved or can be saved. |
400 | scared | Feeling afraid or frightened. |
401 | sea | relating to the large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface. |
402 | secret | Not known or meant to be known by others. |
403 | secure | Free from danger or threat; safe and protected. |
404 | select | chosen carefully from a larger group or number of things. |
405 | senior | Higher in rank or position within an organization, typically due to experience or age. |
406 | sensitive | Sensitive refers to something that is easily affected, influenced, or damaged by external factors. |
407 | separate | Divided or disconnected from others; not attached or joined. |
408 | serious | Grave or important in nature or consequences. |
409 | several | More than two but not many. |
410 | severe | Very great or intense; harsh. |
411 | sexual | Relating to or involving sex or sexuality. |
412 | sharp | Sharp refers to something that has a fine point or edge, or is highly defined or clear. |
413 | short | small in length, distance, or duration; concise or brief. |
414 | shot | Referring to the act of firing a projectile from a weapon or the moment when this occurs. |
415 | sick | Sick refers to something that is affected by disease, illness, or poor health. |
416 | signal | relating to a gesture or action that conveys information or instructions. |
417 | significant | Important or notable. |
418 | silly | Having a foolish or ridiculous behavior, or amusing or entertaining. |
419 | silver | Refers to a shiny gray-white metal that is often used in jewelry or coins. |
420 | similar | Having some qualities or characteristics in common. |
421 | simple | easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty. |
422 | single | Describes something that is one in number or singular in nature. |
423 | slight | Small or insignificant in degree, or having a slender or delicate build. |
424 | slow | Moving or operating at a low speed; taking a comparatively long time. |
425 | small | of a size that is less than normal or usual; unimportant or trivial. |
426 | smart | Intelligent, quick-witted or clever, or stylish or fashionable. |
427 | smooth | Smooth refers to something that is even or level in surface or texture, without any roughness or unevenness. |
428 | soft | Soft refers to something that is easy to compress, mold, or cut; opposite of hard. |
429 | solid | Solid refers to something that is firm, hard, and not easily broken or melted. |
430 | some | An unspecified amount or number. |
431 | sorry | Feeling or expressing regret or remorse. |
432 | south | relating to the direction to the right of someone facing east. |
433 | southern | Relating to or located in the south. |
434 | spare | Additional or surplus to requirements, or free time available for leisure activities. |
435 | special | Describes something that is distinctive, unique, or exceptional. |
436 | specialist | Refers to someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a specific area or field. |
437 | specific | clearly defined or identified; precise. |
438 | spiritual | Spiritual refers to something that relates to the soul or spirit, rather than material or physical things. |
439 | square | Having four sides of equal length and four right angles. |
440 | standard | Referring to a level of quality or expectation that is considered to be normal or typical. |
441 | status | relating to the position or standing of something or someone in relation to others. |
442 | still | not moving or making a sound; continuing to be active or in existence. |
443 | stock | Relating to a supply of goods or materials kept on hand for sale or use. |
444 | straight | Not curved or bent; in a direct line or position. |
445 | strange | Strange refers to something that is unusual, unfamiliar, or bizarre. |
446 | street | relating to the road in a city or town where buildings are located. |
447 | strict | Demanding that rules concerning behavior are obeyed and observed. |
448 | strong | Having great power or strength. |
449 | stupid | Lacking intelligence or common sense, or behaving in an irrational or foolish manner. |
450 | subject | Referring to a particular topic or area of study. |
451 | substantial | Considerable in amount or value. |
452 | successful | Achieving the desired outcome or goals. |
453 | such | used to indicate a particular type of thing or person. |
454 | sudden | Happening quickly and unexpectedly. |
455 | sufficient | Enough; adequate. |
456 | suitable | Right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation. |
457 | super | Exceptional or extraordinary in size, quality, or degree. |
458 | sure | confident in one's ability to do something; certain or assured about something. |
459 | suspicious | Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something. |
460 | sweet | Having a pleasant taste or smell, or being kind or gentle in disposition. |
461 | swimming | relating to the activity of moving through water by propelling oneself with the limbs. |
462 | tall | Having a greater than average height. |
463 | technical | Relating to a particular subject, skill, or craft, requiring specialized knowledge. |
464 | temporary | Lasting for a limited time, or not permanent or long-lasting. |
465 | terrible | Extremely bad or unpleasant. |
466 | that | Used to identify a specific person or thing, or referring to something previously mentioned. |
467 | then | Referring to a particular time in the past or future. |
468 | these | Referring to a specific group of people or things near the speaker. |
469 | thick | Thick refers to something that is of considerable width or depth; opposite of thin. |
470 | thin | Having a small distance between opposite surfaces; not thick. |
471 | think | Having the power of thought or rational judgment. |
472 | this | Used to identify a specific person or thing near the speaker. |
473 | tight | Firmly fixed or held in place, or difficult to move or turn. |
474 | time | Relating to or measured by the progress of events or the duration of an action or condition. |
475 | tiny | Very small in size. |
476 | top | Being at or forming the highest point or part. |
477 | total | Total refers to something that is complete, absolute, or whole in extent or degree. |
478 | tough | Strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling. |
479 | traditional | Based on long-established customs or beliefs. |
480 | training | Relating to the process of being taught or educated in a particular skill or subject. |
481 | trick | relating to a clever or skillful act intended to deceive or entertain. |
482 | typical | Exhibiting the characteristics or qualities of a particular type or group. |
483 | ugly | Unpleasant or unattractive in appearance. |
484 | unable | Not able to do something. |
485 | unfair | Treating someone in a way that is not just or impartial. |
486 | unhappy | Not happy; sad or depressed. |
487 | unique | Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else. |
488 | united | Joined or combined into a single entity. |
489 | unlikely | Not likely to happen or be true. |
490 | unusual | Not commonly seen or done; rare. |
491 | upper | Higher in position or location, or relating to the top part of something. |
492 | upset | Feeling unhappy, disappointed, or frustrated about something. |
493 | upstairs | Located on a higher level of a building, or relating to the upper floor of a house. |
494 | used | Previously owned or operated by someone. |
495 | useful | Able to be used in a practical or beneficial way. |
496 | usual | Ordinary or customary, happening most often or expected. |
497 | valuable | Extremely useful, important, or desirable. |
498 | various | Diverse or differing in various ways. |
499 | vast | Vast refers to something that is very large, immense or extensive in size or degree. |
500 | vegetable | relating to plants that are cultivated for their edible parts. |
501 | visible | Able to be seen or perceived. |
502 | visual | Describes something that is related to or involving sight, often in a graphic or artistic way. |
503 | warm | Having, giving off, or producing a moderate degree of heat; slightly hot. |
504 | waste | Refers to something that is not being used or is being used inefficiently. |
505 | weak | Lacking strength or power. |
506 | weekly | Happening or appearing once a week, or relating to a period of seven days. |
507 | weird | Weird refers to something that is strange, odd, or bizarre. |
508 | west | Refers to the direction that is opposite to the east. |
509 | western | Relating to or characteristic of the western part of a country or region. |
510 | what | Used to ask for information about something or to introduce a clause that complements or explains a previous statement. |
511 | which | Used to introduce a clause that identifies or provides additional information about a previously mentioned person or thing. |
512 | white | Having the color of snow or milk; reflecting all colors of light equally. |
513 | whole | Refers to something that is complete, entire, or undivided. |
514 | wide | Describes something that has a great extent or breadth from side to side. |
515 | wild | Wild refers to something that is untamed or not domesticated, or characterized by a lack of restraint or control. |
516 | willing | Ready or inclined to do something. |
517 | wine | Refers to an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes. |
518 | winter | relating to the season between autumn and spring characterized by cold weather. |
519 | wise | Wise refers to something that is characterized by good judgment, insight, or knowledge. |
520 | wonderful | Remarkable or delightful. |
521 | wooden | Made of or resembling wood. |
522 | work | Relating to or involving effort or activity directed toward a purpose or goal. |
523 | working | Describes something that is functioning or in operation, often in a practical or manual sense. |
524 | worth | Describes something that has value, importance, or significance. |
525 | wrong | Not correct or accurate. |
526 | yellow | Having a color resembling that of the sun or ripe lemons, or indicating cowardice or caution. |
527 | young | Having lived or existed for only a short time; not old. |