1 | a | A is the first letter of the English alphabet and is used as an indefinite article before a singular noun. |
2 | ability | Ability is the power or skill to do something. |
3 | abroad | Abroad means in or to a foreign country or countries. |
4 | abuse | Abuse means to use something or someone in a harmful or cruel way. |
5 | access | Access refers to the ability to enter or use something. |
6 | accident | An accident is an unexpected and unintentional event, often resulting in damage or injury. |
7 | account | An account is a record or report of financial transactions or other events. |
8 | act | An act is a behavior or action that is done by someone. |
9 | action | An action is something done or performed. |
10 | active | Active means something that is involved in ongoing action or movement. |
11 | activity | An activity is an action that someone does for a particular purpose or reason. |
12 | actor | An actor is a person who performs in plays, movies, or TV shows. |
13 | ad | An ad, short for advertisement, is a public announcement or notice designed to promote or sell a product, service, or idea. |
14 | addition | Addition is the act or process of adding something to something else. |
15 | address | Address can refer to the location of a person or place, or the way in which a person speaks to an audience. |
16 | administration | Administration refers to the management and organization of a system, business, or government. |
17 | adult | An adult is a fully grown person who has reached the age of maturity. |
18 | advance | To advance means to move forward or progress in some way. |
19 | advantage | An advantage is a favorable or beneficial circumstance or condition that gives a competitive edge. |
20 | advertising | Advertising is the practice of promoting or selling products or services through various media channels. |
21 | advice | Advice is suggestions or recommendations offered to someone about what they should do in a particular situation. |
22 | affair | An affair refers to a romantic or sexual relationship between two people who are not married to each other. |
23 | affect | To affect means to have an influence on or to produce a change in something. |
24 | afternoon | Afternoon is the time of day between noon and evening. |
25 | age | Age is the amount of time that someone has lived or something has existed. |
26 | agency | An agency is an organization or company that provides a particular service, often acting on behalf of others. |
27 | agent | An agent is a person or organization that represents another person or organization in a business or legal transaction. |
28 | agreement | An agreement is a mutual understanding or arrangement reached by two or more parties. |
29 | air | Air is the invisible mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth and is necessary for breathing. |
30 | airline | An airline is a company that provides air transport services for passengers and/or cargo. |
31 | airport | An airport is a place where airplanes take off and land, and where passengers can board and leave planes. |
32 | alarm | An alarm is a device that makes a loud noise to warn people of danger or to wake them up. |
33 | alcohol | Alcohol is a type of drink that can make people drunk. |
34 | alternative | Alternative refers to a choice or option that is different from the usual or mainstream. |
35 | ambition | Ambition is a strong desire or goal to achieve something, often involving personal or career advancement. |
36 | amount | Amount refers to the quantity or volume of something. |
37 | analysis | Analysis is the process of examining something in detail to understand or explain it. |
38 | analyst | An analyst is a person who examines and interprets data, often for business or financial purposes. |
39 | anger | Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure or hostility. |
40 | angle | An angle is the measurement of the space between two intersecting lines or surfaces. |
41 | animal | An animal is a living organism that is not a plant and has the ability to move around and respond to its environment. |
42 | annual | Annual means something that happens once a year. |
43 | answer | An answer is a response to a question or problem. |
44 | anxiety | Anxiety refers to a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome or situation. |
45 | anybody | Anybody refers to any person, regardless of identity or specific characteristics. |
46 | anything | Anything means any thing or object, no matter what it is. |
47 | anywhere | Anywhere refers to any place at all, without being specific. |
48 | apartment | An apartment is a self-contained living space within a larger building, typically rented out to tenants. |
49 | appeal | Appeal is the quality of being attractive or interesting, or the act of asking for a decision to be changed. |
50 | appearance | Appearance is the way in which someone or something looks or appears, often referring to physical features or qualities. |
51 | apple | An apple is a round fruit with a red, green, or yellow skin and a white inside, often eaten raw or used in cooking or baking. |
52 | application | An application is a software program designed for a specific task or purpose. |
53 | appointment | An appointment is a prearranged meeting or arrangement to see someone or be somewhere at a particular time. |
54 | area | An area is a particular part or region of a place or object. |
55 | argument | An argument is a disagreement or a reason given in support of or against an idea, action or theory. |
56 | arm | An arm is a limb on the body that extends from the shoulder to the hand. |
57 | army | An army is a large organized body of people trained and equipped for war or military service. |
58 | arrival | Arrival is the act of reaching a destination or the time at which someone or something arrives. |
59 | art | Art is the expression of creativity and imagination through visual or performing means. |
60 | article | An article is a written composition on a particular topic, often published in a newspaper, magazine, or website. |
61 | aside | Aside is a word that means to move something to the side or out of the way, or to mention something in addition to the main point. |
62 | ask | To ask is to request information or to invite someone to do something. |
63 | aspect | An aspect is a particular feature or characteristic of something, often considered from a specific point of view. |
64 | assignment | An assignment is a task or project that is given to someone to complete, often as part of a course of study or job. |
65 | assist | To assist is to help or support someone in doing something. |
66 | assistance | Assistance is help or support that is given to someone who needs it. |
67 | assistant | An assistant is a person who helps or supports someone in their work or duties. |
68 | associate | To associate is to connect or link things or people together in some way. |
69 | association | An association is a group of people or organizations working together toward a common goal or purpose, often sharing resources or expertise. |
70 | assumption | An assumption is a belief or something taken for granted, often without proof or evidence. |
71 | atmosphere | Atmosphere refers to the overall feeling or mood of a place or situation. |
72 | attack | To attack is to try to hurt or harm someone or something. |
73 | attempt | An attempt is an effort to do something, often with the intention of succeeding. |
74 | attention | The act of focusing one's mental faculties on a particular object, task, or person. |
75 | attitude | Attitude refers to a person's mental position or perspective, often influencing their behavior or actions. |
76 | audience | An audience is a group of people who gather to watch or listen to a performance, speech, or presentation. |
77 | author | An author is a person who writes books, articles, or other written works. |
78 | average | Average is a measure of central tendency, calculated by adding a group of numbers and dividing by the total number of values. |
79 | award | An award is a prize or recognition given to a person or group for their achievements. |
80 | awareness | Awareness refers to having knowledge or perception of something. |
81 | baby | A baby is a young human being who has not yet learned to walk or talk. |
82 | back | The back is the part of the body that is opposite to the front and includes the spine. |
83 | background | Background refers to the part of a scene or picture that is furthest from the viewer, or the circumstances or events that lead up to a particular situation. |
84 | bad | Bad is used to describe something that is not good or is of poor quality. |
85 | bag | A bag is a flexible container used for carrying or storing items. |
86 | bake | To bake is to cook food in an oven using dry heat. |
87 | balance | Balance is a state of equilibrium or stability, where things are equal and in the right proportion. |
88 | ball | A ball is a round object that can be thrown, kicked, or hit in a game or sport. |
89 | band | A band is a group of musicians who play instruments and perform music together. |
90 | bank | A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and makes loans or investments with those funds. |
91 | bar | A bar is a place where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed. |
92 | base | A base is the bottom or foundation of something. |
93 | baseball | Baseball is a sport played with a ball and bat between two teams of nine players each, in which the players score points by hitting the ball and running around four bases in a diamond-shaped field. |
94 | basis | A basis is the underlying support or foundation for something. |
95 | basket | A basket is a container made of woven material, such as straw or wire, used for carrying or storing items. |
96 | bat | A bat is a flying mammal with leathery wings that can navigate and catch prey using echolocation. |
97 | bath | A bath is a container filled with water in which people bathe to wash their bodies. |
98 | bathroom | A bathroom is a room in a house or building that is used for personal hygiene activities such as bathing and using the toilet. |
99 | battle | A battle is a violent confrontation between two or more groups, typically involving armed combat. |
100 | beach | A beach is a sandy or rocky area next to a body of water, usually the ocean. |
101 | bear | Bear refers to a large, carnivorous mammal with shaggy fur and a distinctive hump on its back, or to endure or tolerate something difficult or unpleasant. |
102 | beat | To beat means to strike repeatedly, usually with the intention of causing harm or injury. |
103 | beautiful | Beautiful means something that is pleasing to the senses or aesthetically pleasing. |
104 | bed | A bed is a piece of furniture used for sleeping or resting. |
105 | bedroom | A bedroom is a room in a house or apartment where people sleep and keep their personal belongings. |
106 | beer | Beer is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains, often served cold in a glass or bottle. |
107 | beginning | The beginning is the start or first part of something. |
108 | being | Being refers to the existence or presence of something or someone. |
109 | bell | A bell is a hollow, usually metal, cup-shaped object that produces a ringing sound when struck. |
110 | belt | A belt is a flexible strip of material, such as leather or cloth, that is worn around the waist to hold clothing or carry tools. |
111 | bench | A bench is a long, usually wooden, seat for two or more people, typically with a back and sometimes with arms. |
112 | bend | To bend is to curve or to change the shape of something by applying pressure. |
113 | benefit | A benefit is an advantage or profit gained from something. |
114 | bet | A bet is a wager or agreement in which a person risks something of value on the outcome of an event or contest. |
115 | beyond | Beyond means further away in distance or time, or in a more advanced state or stage. |
116 | bicycle | A bicycle is a two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by pedaling. |
117 | bid | A bid is an offer or proposal to buy or do something. |
118 | big | Big means something that is large in size or significant. |
119 | bike | A bike is a short form of bicycle, which is a vehicle with two wheels that is powered by pedals. |
120 | bill | A bill is a statement that shows the amount of money owed for goods or services. |
121 | bird | A bird is a warm-blooded vertebrate with feathers, wings, and a beak. |
122 | birth | Birth is the process of being born, or the beginning of life for a human or animal. |
123 | birthday | A birthday is the anniversary of the day on which a person was born, often celebrated with a party or other festivities. |
124 | bit | A bit is a small amount or a piece of something. |
125 | bite | To bite is to use your teeth to break, cut, or grip something. |
126 | bitter | Bitter is a taste that is sharp, harsh, and unpleasant. |
127 | black | Black is a color that is the darkest possible shade, the opposite of white. |
128 | blame | Blame is to hold someone responsible for a fault or mistake. |
129 | blank | Blank is a term used to describe something that has no writing or printing on it. |
130 | blind | Blind means unable to see, or without vision. |
131 | block | A block is a solid piece of material, such as wood or stone, that has flat sides and is often used for building. |
132 | blood | Blood is a red liquid that circulates in the veins and arteries of humans and other animals, carrying oxygen and nutrients to the cells and tissues of the body. |
133 | blow | To blow is to move air forcefully through your mouth or other means, often causing movement or sound. |
134 | blue | Blue is a color that is often associated with the sky or water. |
135 | board | A board is a flat piece of wood, plastic, or other material used for a variety of purposes. |
136 | boat | A boat is a watercraft used for transportation on water. |
137 | body | The body is the physical structure of a person or animal, including all the organs, tissues, and bones. |
138 | bone | A bone is a hard, rigid part of the body that forms the skeleton and provides support. |
139 | bonus | A bonus is an additional payment or reward given to someone as a result of their performance or work. |
140 | book | A book is a collection of written or printed pages bound together, containing information, stories, or other content. |
141 | boot | A boot is a type of footwear that covers the foot and ankle and sometimes extends up the leg. |
142 | border | A border is the line or area separating two countries, regions, or places. |
143 | boss | A boss is a person who has authority over others in a workplace. |
144 | bother | To bother someone is to annoy or disturb them. |
145 | bottle | A bottle is a container with a narrow neck used for storing liquids. |
146 | bottom | Bottom is the lowest or deepest part of something. |
147 | bowl | A bowl is a round, deep dish used for holding food or liquid. |
148 | box | A box is a container with a flat bottom and sides, typically square or rectangular in shape. |
149 | boy | A boy is a young male person. |
150 | boyfriend | A boyfriend is a male partner in a romantic relationship. |
151 | brain | The brain is the organ in the head that controls the body's functions and enables conscious thought, perception, and emotion. |
152 | branch | A branch is a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk or another branch, or a division of a company or organization. |
153 | brave | Brave means showing courage or fearlessness in the face of danger or difficulty. |
154 | bread | Bread is a type of food made from flour, water, and yeast, which is baked and usually sliced before being eaten. |
155 | break | To break is to separate something into pieces or to stop working properly. |
156 | breakfast | Breakfast is the first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning. |
157 | breast | A breast is the front part of a person's chest, usually referring to a female's mammary gland used for breastfeeding. |
158 | breath | Breath is the air that you take into your lungs and then let out again through your mouth or nose. |
159 | brick | A brick is a rectangular block made of clay or other materials used for building walls. |
160 | bridge | A bridge is a structure that is built over a river, road, or other obstacle to allow people or vehicles to cross. |
161 | brief | Brief means of short duration or duration or short in length, or a concise summary or statement. |
162 | brilliant | Brilliant refers to something that is exceptionally bright, vivid, or radiant, often associated with intelligence or talent. |
163 | broad | Broad means wide in extent or scope, or including a wide variety of things. |
164 | brother | A brother is a male sibling, sharing at least one parent. |
165 | brown | Brown is a color that is darker than yellow or beige. |
166 | brush | A brush is a tool with bristles or fibers used for cleaning, grooming, or painting. |
167 | buddy | A buddy is a friend or companion. |
168 | budget | A budget is a plan for how to spend money over a certain period of time. |
169 | bug | A bug is an insect or a small creature that can cause harm or annoyance. |
170 | building | A building is a structure used for shelter, such as a house, office, or store. |
171 | bunch | A bunch is a group of objects or people that are together in a cluster or tightly packed. |
172 | burn | To burn means to use fire or heat to destroy something. |
173 | bus | A bus is a large vehicle used for transporting passengers, typically along a regular route. |
174 | business | Business is the activity of buying and selling goods and services to make a profit. |
175 | button | A button is a small object that you press to make something happen. |
176 | buy | To buy is to exchange money for a product or service. |
177 | buyer | A buyer is a person who buys something. |
178 | cabinet | A cabinet is a piece of furniture with shelves or drawers used for storage, often found in kitchens or offices. |
179 | cable | A cable is a thick, strong wire used for transmitting electricity, data, or audio and video signals. |
180 | cake | A cake is a sweet dessert made from flour, sugar, eggs, and other ingredients, often baked in an oven. |
181 | calendar | A calendar is a system used for organizing days, weeks, and months of the year. |
182 | call | To call is to use your voice to get someone's attention or to speak to someone over the phone. |
183 | calm | Calm refers to a state of peace and tranquility, free from agitation or disturbance. |
184 | camera | A camera is a device used to capture visual images and videos. |
185 | camp | A camp is a temporary shelter or dwelling used for camping or outdoor activities. |
186 | campaign | A campaign is a series of planned actions that are intended to achieve a particular goal. |
187 | can | Can is a modal verb used to express ability or possibility. |
188 | cancel | To cancel is to stop or annul something. |
189 | cancer | Cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. |
190 | candidate | A candidate is a person who applies or is nominated for a job, position, or award. |
191 | candle | A candle is a stick of wax with a wick that can be lit and used for illumination or decoration. |
192 | candy | Candy is a sweet treat made from sugar or chocolate. |
193 | cap | A cap is a type of hat that fits closely to the head and has a visor or brim to protect the eyes from the sun. |
194 | capital | Capital is a city that serves as the seat of government for a country or state, or it can refer to wealth and resources that can be used to create more wealth. |
195 | car | A car is a vehicle with four wheels that is powered by an engine and is used for transportation. |
196 | card | A card is a small rectangular piece of paper or plastic used for various purposes, such as identification or payment. |
197 | care | Care refers to the effort and attention given to something or someone in order to keep them safe and healthy. |
198 | career | Career refers to a person's profession or occupation, often including a series of jobs or positions within a particular field. |
199 | carpet | A carpet is a type of flooring made of fabric or woven material. |
200 | carry | To carry means to hold or support the weight of something and transport it from one place to another. |
201 | case | A case is a specific example or instance of something. |
202 | cash | Cash is money in the form of bills or coins. |
203 | cat | A cat is a small, furry animal that is often kept as a pet. |
204 | catch | To catch is to intercept and grasp an object that is thrown or falling. |
205 | category | A class or division of things that share common characteristics or features. |
206 | cause | A cause is something that produces an effect or result. |
207 | celebration | A celebration is an event or occasion to mark a special or significant moment, often involving festivities or ceremonies. |
208 | cell | A cell is the basic unit of life and the building block of all living organisms, typically consisting of a membrane-bound nucleus and other organelles. |
209 | chain | A chain is a series of links or rings that are connected to each other. |
210 | chair | A chair is a piece of furniture designed for one person to sit on, typically with a back and four legs. |
211 | challenge | A challenge is a task or problem that requires effort, skill, or courage to overcome. |
212 | champion | A champion is a person or team that has won a competition or tournament. |
213 | championship | A championship is a competition or series of competitions to determine the best team or individual in a particular sport or activity. |
214 | chance | Chance is the possibility of something happening or not happening. |
215 | change | Change refers to the act of making something different. |
216 | channel | A channel is a way for something to flow, such as a river or a TV station. |
217 | chapter | A chapter is a part or section of a book, typically with a number or title. |
218 | character | A character is a person or animal in a book, movie, or other work of fiction. |
219 | charge | To charge means to demand payment or to entrust someone with a responsibility. |
220 | charity | A charity is an organization that collects donations or funds from people and uses them to help people in need or to support a particular cause. |
221 | chart | A chart is a visual representation of data or information, often in the form of a graph or table. |
222 | check | Check means to inspect or examine something for accuracy or completeness. |
223 | cheek | A cheek is one of the two fleshy parts of the face that form the lower edge of the eye socket and the upper edge of the jaw. |
224 | chemical | A chemical is a substance made up of different molecules. |
225 | chemistry | Chemistry is the scientific study of the properties, composition, and behavior of matter. |
226 | chest | A chest is a large box with a lid that is used for storing things. |
227 | chicken | Chicken is a type of bird that is commonly raised for meat and eggs. |
228 | child | A child is a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority. |
229 | childhood | Childhood is the period of life between infancy and adolescence. |
230 | chip | A chip is a small piece or fragment that has been broken or cut off from a larger object or material, often referring to a small piece of semiconductor material used in electronic devices. |
231 | chocolate | Chocolate is a sweet food made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, often combined with sugar and milk. |
232 | choice | A choice is a decision or selection between two or more options. |
233 | church | A church is a building used for Christian religious worship and ceremonies. |
234 | cigarette | A small roll of finely cut tobacco wrapped in paper, typically smoked. |
235 | city | A city is a large and densely populated urban area with its own government and infrastructure. |
236 | claim | To claim is to say something is true or belongs to you. |
237 | class | A class is a group of students who are taught together, or a category or level of something. |
238 | classic | Classic refers to something of lasting value or traditional style, often used to describe a piece of art or literature. |
239 | classroom | A classroom is a room in a school or college where students receive instruction from a teacher. |
240 | clerk | A clerk is a person who works in an office or a store and is responsible for keeping records or serving customers. |
241 | click | To click is to press a button on a computer mouse or other device. |
242 | client | A client is a person or organization that receives services or advice from a professional or business. |
243 | climate | Climate refers to the long-term weather patterns of a specific area or region. |
244 | clock | A clock is a device that tells time, usually with a face and hands. |
245 | closet | A closet is a small room or space used for storing clothes or other personal items. |
246 | clothes | Clothes are items of clothing that people wear to cover their bodies, such as shirts, pants, and dresses. |
247 | cloud | A cloud is a visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. |
248 | club | A club is a group of people who share a common interest or activity. |
249 | clue | A clue is a piece of information that helps solve a problem or mystery. |
250 | coach | A coach is a person who trains or instructs someone in a particular sport or activity, or a vehicle for carrying passengers, typically with multiple seats. |
251 | coast | A coast is the land that meets the sea or ocean. |
252 | coat | A coat is a piece of clothing worn over other clothes to keep warm or dry. |
253 | code | A code is a set of rules or instructions that are used to program or operate a computer, or to communicate information in a secret way. |
254 | coffee | Coffee is a drink made from roasted coffee beans. |
255 | cold | Cold is a low temperature, often felt as uncomfortable or unpleasant. |
256 | collar | A collar is a band of material worn around the neck, often on a shirt or jacket. |
257 | collection | A collection is a group of similar or related items that have been gathered together. |
258 | college | A college is an institution of higher education where students can earn degrees and pursue academic studies. |
259 | combination | A combination is a mixture or blend of two or more things or people. |
260 | combine | To combine is to join or mix two or more things together to form a single entity. |
261 | comfort | Comfort is a feeling of being relaxed and at ease, often from being in a comfortable place or situation. |
262 | comfortable | Comfortable means providing physical or psychological ease and relaxation. |
263 | command | A command is an order given to someone or something to do something. |
264 | comment | A comment is a statement or opinion expressing thoughts or feelings about something. |
265 | commercial | Commercial refers to something that is related to business or is done for profit. |
266 | commission | A commission is a group of people authorized to perform a specific task or oversee a particular area of activity. |
267 | committee | A committee is a group of people appointed or elected to consider or take action on a particular issue or matter. |
268 | common | Common means something that is frequent or shared by many. |
269 | communication | Communication is the exchange of information or ideas between people or groups. |
270 | community | A community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. |
271 | company | A company is a business organization that produces goods or services for sale. |
272 | comparison | Comparison is the act of examining the similarities and differences between two or more things. |
273 | competition | A contest between individuals or groups to determine a winner, typically in a sport or game. |
274 | complaint | A complaint is a statement expressing dissatisfaction or unhappiness about something. |
275 | complex | Complex means something that is made up of many interconnected parts or elements. |
276 | computer | A computer is an electronic device that can perform various tasks by executing instructions. |
277 | concentrate | Concentrate means to focus one's attention or effort on a particular task or objective. |
278 | concept | A concept is an abstract or general idea or notion, often used to describe a particular theory or understanding of something. |
279 | concern | Concern means to be worried or anxious about something. |
280 | concert | A concert is a musical performance in front of an audience. |
281 | conclusion | Conclusion is a decision or opinion reached after considering something. |
282 | condition | A condition is the state of something, often referring to its physical, mental, or emotional state. |
283 | conference | A conference is a meeting of people to discuss or exchange ideas on a particular topic. |
284 | confidence | Confidence refers to a belief in one's abilities or qualities. |
285 | conflict | A conflict is a disagreement or struggle between people or groups. |
286 | confusion | Confusion is a state of being uncertain or unclear about something. |
287 | connection | A connection is a relationship or association between people, things, or ideas. |
288 | consequence | A consequence is a result or effect of an action or decision, often with implications or repercussions. |
289 | consideration | Consideration is careful thought or attention given to a matter or decision. |
290 | consist | To consist means to be composed or made up of certain elements or parts. |
291 | constant | Constant means something that doesn't change or stays the same. |
292 | construction | Construction refers to the process of building or creating something, often a physical structure. |
293 | contact | Contact refers to communication or interaction between two or more people or things. |
294 | contest | A contest is a competition between individuals or teams to see who is the best at something. |
295 | context | The circumstances or conditions in which something occurs or exists, influencing the meaning or interpretation of it. |
296 | contract | A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties that outlines the terms and conditions of their relationship. |
297 | contribution | Contribution is the act of giving or doing something, especially to a common fund or for a particular purpose. |
298 | control | Control is the power to influence or direct someone or something. |
299 | conversation | A conversation is a talk between two or more people, typically an informal one. |
300 | convert | Convert means to change or transform something into a different form or state. |
301 | cook | To cook is to prepare food by heating it. |
302 | cookie | A cookie is a small, sweet baked treat that is usually round or flat and often contains chocolate chips, nuts or other ingredients. |
303 | copy | A copy is a reproduction or duplicate of an original document, book, or other object. |
304 | corner | A corner is the point where two lines or surfaces meet, often forming an angle. |
305 | cost | Cost refers to the amount of money that is required to purchase or produce something. |
306 | count | To count is to find out how many of something there are. |
307 | counter | A counter is a flat surface used for conducting business or for preparing food. |
308 | country | A country is a nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. |
309 | county | A county is a geographical and administrative region within a state or country, often consisting of several cities or towns. |
310 | couple | A couple is a pair of people or things that are joined or associated with each other in some way. |
311 | courage | Courage is the ability to do something difficult or dangerous, even in the face of fear or uncertainty. |
312 | course | A course is a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject or topic. |
313 | court | A court is a place where legal proceedings take place or a place where a game, such as basketball or tennis, is played. |
314 | cousin | A cousin is a relative who shares a common ancestor, but who is not a sibling or direct descendant. |
315 | cover | To cover is to place something over or around something else to conceal or protect it. |
316 | cow | A cow is a large domesticated mammal that is raised for meat, milk, or leather. |
317 | crack | A crack is a narrow opening or fissure, often in a hard surface like a wall or pavement. |
318 | craft | A craft is a skill or activity that requires manual dexterity and artistic ability, such as woodworking or pottery. |
319 | crash | A crash is a sudden and violent collision or impact between two objects, such as vehicles or airplanes. |
320 | crazy | Crazy means mentally deranged or extremely foolish or bizarre. |
321 | cream | Cream is a thick, smooth, and fatty substance that is used in cooking or as a topping for desserts. |
322 | creative | Creative refers to something that is imaginative or original, or someone who is skilled at producing artistic work. |
323 | credit | Credit refers to the ability to borrow money or receive goods or services with the promise of future payment. |
324 | crew | A crew is a group of people who work together on a ship, plane, or other type of vehicle. |
325 | criticism | Criticism is the act of making negative judgments or evaluations about something or someone. |
326 | cross | To cross is to move from one side of something to the other, often referring to walking or traveling. |
327 | cry | To cry is to shed tears as an emotional response. |
328 | culture | Culture encompasses the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular group or society. |
329 | cup | A cup is a small, bowl-shaped container used for drinking liquids. |
330 | currency | Currency is a system of money used in a particular country or region. |
331 | current | Current means something that is happening or existing now. |
332 | curve | A curve is a line or shape that is not straight but instead has a smooth, rounded shape. |
333 | customer | A customer is a person who purchases goods or services from a business or organization, often paying money in exchange for the products or services provided. |
334 | cut | Cut refers to the act of separating or removing something using a sharp tool or object. |
335 | cycle | A cycle is a series of events that repeat in a particular order. |
336 | dad | Dad is a term of affectionate address for one's father. |
337 | damage | Damage is harm or injury to something or someone. |
338 | dance | To dance is to move your body rhythmically to music. |
339 | dare | Dare means to have the courage or audacity to do something, often in defiance of rules or social norms. |
340 | dark | Dark refers to the absence or very low level of light. |
341 | data | Data is facts or information used to calculate, analyze, or plan something. |
342 | database | A database is a collection of data that is organized and stored in a way that allows easy access, retrieval, and manipulation. |
343 | date | A date is a specific day or time period, often used to indicate when an event occurred or when something is scheduled to happen. |
344 | daughter | A daughter is a female child of a parent or parents. |
345 | day | A day is a unit of time equal to 24 hours, during which the Earth completes one rotation on its axis. |
346 | dead | Dead means something or someone that is no longer alive. |
347 | deal | A deal is an agreement or a transaction between two or more parties. |
348 | dealer | A dealer is a person or business that buys and sells goods, often in a specific industry or market. |
349 | dear | Dear refers to something that is loved or valued, often in an emotional or sentimental way. |
350 | death | Death is the permanent cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism, often occurring at the end of a person or animal's natural life span or as the result of injury or disease. |
351 | debate | A debate is a formal discussion or argument between people with different opinions or beliefs on a particular topic. |
352 | debt | Debt is the state of owing money or being in financial obligation to another party. |
353 | decision | The act of making a choice or coming to a conclusion after considering options and information. |
354 | deep | Deep means going far down or being far from the surface. |
355 | definition | A definition is a statement of the exact meaning of a word or phrase. |
356 | degree | A degree is an academic title awarded by a college or university for completing a program of study. |
357 | delay | Delay refers to a period of time during which something is postponed or held back, often due to circumstances beyond one's control. |
358 | delivery | Delivery refers to the act of bringing or transporting something to a particular destination or recipient. |
359 | demand | Demand is a request or requirement for something to be done or given. |
360 | department | A department is a division of a larger organization, typically dealing with a specific area of activity or function. |
361 | departure | Departure is the act of leaving or starting a journey, often from a specific place such as a airport or train station. |
362 | dependent | Dependent means relying on or being controlled by something or someone else. |
363 | deposit | To deposit means to put something in a specific place or location. |
364 | depression | Depression is a mental illness characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair. |
365 | depth | Depth is the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something, or the extent to which something is deep. |
366 | description | A description is a statement or account that gives details about something, often used to help identify or distinguish it from others. |
367 | design | Design refers to the creation or planning of something, such as a building, product, or system. |
368 | designer | A designer is a person who creates or plans the look, form, and function of something, such as clothing or buildings. |
369 | desire | To desire is to want something strongly. |
370 | desk | A desk is a piece of furniture with a flat surface for writing, reading or working at, often with drawers or compartments for storage. |
371 | detail | A detail is a small and specific aspect or feature of something. |
372 | development | Development is the process of growth, progress, or change towards a more advanced or mature state. |
373 | device | A device is a tool, machine, or piece of equipment that is designed to perform a specific function. |
374 | devil | The devil is a supernatural being often associated with evil or mischief. |
375 | diamond | A diamond is a precious stone that is used in jewelry and is known for its exceptional hardness and sparkle. |
376 | diet | A diet is the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. |
377 | difference | A difference is a point or way in which people or things are not the same. |
378 | difficulty | Difficulty refers to the state or quality of being hard to do, understand, or deal with. |
379 | dig | To dig is to break up and move earth, sand, or other material using a tool, or to search or investigate in a determined way. |
380 | dimension | A dimension is a measurement of the size or extent of something, such as length, width, or height. |
381 | dinner | Dinner is a meal eaten in the evening, typically the main meal of the day. |
382 | direction | Direction is the course or path along which something moves, develops, or changes. |
383 | director | A director is a person who oversees or manages an organization, project, or production. |
384 | dirt | Dirt is loose soil or earth, often found on the ground or under plants, and can also refer to grime or stains on surfaces. |
385 | disaster | A disaster is a catastrophic event or situation that causes widespread damage, destruction, or loss of life. |
386 | discipline | Discipline is a set of rules or a way of behaving that is expected and enforced. |
387 | discount | A discount is a reduction in the price of something. |
388 | discussion | A discussion is a conversation or exchange of ideas or opinions, often involving multiple people and focused on a particular topic or subject. |
389 | disease | A disease is a disorder of the body or mind that causes specific symptoms or affects certain organs or systems. |
390 | dish | A dish is a container, usually with a flat bottom and curved sides, used for serving or cooking food. |
391 | disk | A disk is a flat, circular object or storage device that can store or read digital information. |
392 | display | To display is to show something for others to see. |
393 | distance | Distance is the amount of space between two objects or places. |
394 | distribution | The act of sharing or delivering something to various people or places. |
395 | district | A district is a specific area or region, often with its own unique characteristics or boundaries. |
396 | divide | To divide is to separate into two or more parts or groups. |
397 | doctor | A doctor is a person who practices medicine and treats patients. |
398 | document | A document is a written or printed record of information, often referring to an official or legal paper. |
399 | dog | A dog is a type of domesticated mammal that is often kept as a pet. |
400 | door | A door is a movable panel that covers an opening in a wall or other partition and provides access to a room or building. |
401 | dot | A dot is a small round mark or spot. |
402 | double | Double means two times the amount or quantity of something. |
403 | doubt | Doubt means to be uncertain or not believe something. |
404 | draft | A draft is a preliminary or rough version of a written document or plan. |
405 | drag | To drag is to pull something along the ground. |
406 | drama | Drama refers to a genre of literature, film, or TV that deals with serious or emotional themes and has a dramatic plot. |
407 | draw | To draw means to make a picture or image by using a pen, pencil, or other instrument. |
408 | drawer | A drawer is a sliding compartment in a piece of furniture, used for storing items. |
409 | drawing | Drawing is the act of creating a picture, image or diagram by making marks on paper or another surface. |
410 | dream | A dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations that occur in a person's mind during sleep. |
411 | dress | A dress is a piece of clothing that is worn by women or girls and that covers the body and extends down to the legs. |
412 | drink | A drink is something you consume that is liquid. |
413 | drive | To drive is to operate a vehicle or to motivate or push oneself or others to achieve a goal. |
414 | driver | A driver is a person who operates a vehicle or transportation device, often for commercial or personal purposes. |
415 | drop | A drop is a small amount of liquid that falls or is released from a higher position to a lower one. |
416 | drunk | Drunk refers to a state of intoxication or inebriation resulting from the consumption of alcohol or other mind-altering substances. |
417 | due | Due means something that is expected to happen or owed to someone or something. |
418 | dump | To dump is to get rid of something in a careless way. |
419 | dust | Dust is tiny, dry particles of earth, dirt, or other matter that can float in the air and settle on surfaces. |
420 | duty | Duty refers to something that someone is required or obligated to do. |
421 | ear | The ear is the organ in the human body that is used for hearing and balance, consisting of the outer, middle, and inner ear. |
422 | earth | Earth is the planet we live on, the third from the sun. |
423 | ease | Ease refers to a state of comfort, relaxation, or lack of difficulty. |
424 | east | East is one of the four main cardinal directions and refers to the direction toward the sunrise. |
425 | eat | To eat is to consume food. |
426 | economics | Economics is the study of the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services. |
427 | economy | The economy is the system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a region or country. |
428 | edge | An edge is the outer or furthest point of something. |
429 | editor | An editor is a person who is responsible for selecting, revising, and preparing written material for publication or broadcasting. |
430 | education | Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through various forms of learning. |
431 | effect | An effect is the result or consequence of a particular action or event. |
432 | effective | Effective means something that is successful in producing the desired result. |
433 | efficiency | Efficiency is the ability to achieve maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or resources. |
434 | effort | Effort is the physical or mental energy that is exerted to achieve something. |
435 | egg | An egg is a reproductive cell produced by female animals, typically containing nutrients to support the growth of a developing embryo. |
436 | election | An election is a formal process by which people choose someone for a political office or a particular position. |
437 | elevator | An elevator is a machine used to move people or objects between different floors or levels of a building. |
438 | emergency | An emergency is a serious or dangerous situation that requires immediate action to be taken in order to prevent harm or damage. |
439 | emotion | An emotion is a feeling, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or fear, that is experienced by a person. |
440 | emphasis | Emphasis is special attention or importance given to something to make it stand out. |
441 | employ | Employ is to give someone a job or work. |
442 | employee | An employee is a person who works for a company or organization and is paid a salary or wages. |
443 | employer | An employer is a person or company that hires and pays employees to work for them. |
444 | employment | Employment is the state of having a paid job or work. |
445 | end | The end is the final part of something, or the point at which it finishes. |
446 | energy | Energy is the ability to do work, produce light or heat, or cause movement. |
447 | engine | An engine is a machine that uses energy to do work, such as powering a vehicle or generating electricity. |
448 | engineer | An engineer is a person who designs and builds things, such as machines, bridges, or software. |
449 | engineering | Engineering is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design and develop structures, machines, and systems. |
450 | entertainment | Activities or performances that provide amusement or enjoyment for an audience. |
451 | enthusiasm | Enthusiasm is intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval. |
452 | entrance | An entrance is a way to get into a place, such as a door or a gate. |
453 | entry | An entry is the act of entering or a place where someone enters. |
454 | environment | The environment is the natural world, including all living and non-living things that exist within it. |
455 | equal | Equal means to have the same value, amount, or worth as something else. |
456 | equipment | Equipment is the necessary items for a particular purpose or activity. |
457 | equivalent | An equivalent is something that has the same value, amount, or meaning as something else. |
458 | error | An error is a mistake or fault that is made, often resulting in incorrect or unexpected results. |
459 | escape | An escape is an act of breaking free from confinement or danger. |
460 | essay | An essay is a piece of writing that presents and supports an argument or idea. |
461 | establishment | Establishment refers to a place of business or organization that has been established for a certain period of time. |
462 | estate | An estate refers to a large piece of property, often including a house or other buildings, and any associated land. |
463 | estimate | An estimate is a rough calculation or approximation of the value, quantity, or extent of something. |
464 | evening | Evening refers to the period of time between the end of the day and bedtime, typically from late afternoon to early night. |
465 | event | Something that happens, especially something notable or significant. |
466 | evidence | Evidence is something that provides proof or support for a claim or theory. |
467 | exam | An exam is a test of a person's knowledge or proficiency in a particular subject or skill. |
468 | examination | Examination is the act of inspecting or analyzing something closely, especially in order to determine its quality or condition. |
469 | example | An example is something that is used to show what something else is like. |
470 | exchange | An exchange is a place where people buy and sell goods, services, or currencies. |
471 | excitement | Excitement is a feeling of great enthusiasm or eagerness. |
472 | excuse | To excuse is to forgive someone for doing something wrong or to offer a reason for why something happened. |
473 | exercise | Exercise is physical activity done to improve health or strength. |
474 | exit | An exit is a way out of a place, such as a building or vehicle. |
475 | experience | An experience is something that happens to a person, which they learn from and remember. |
476 | expert | An expert is a person who has extensive knowledge or skills in a particular field or subject. |
477 | explanation | An explanation is a statement or account that makes something clear or easy to understand. |
478 | expression | Expression is the act of conveying a thought or feeling through words, gestures, or other means of communication. |
479 | extension | An extension is a part that is added to something in order to make it longer, larger, or more capable. |
480 | extent | Extent refers to the degree or scope to which something exists or is true. |
481 | external | External refers to something that is outside or exterior to a particular thing or system. |
482 | extreme | Extreme means being very far from the usual or ordinary. |
483 | eye | An eye is the organ of sight in humans and animals. |
484 | face | A face is the front part of a person's head, where their eyes, nose, and mouth are. |
485 | fact | A fact is a piece of information that is known to be true. |
486 | factor | A factor is a circumstance or influence that contributes to a result or outcome. |
487 | fail | To fail means to be unsuccessful in doing something or to not meet expectations. |
488 | failure | Failure is the lack of success in achieving a desired goal or objective. |
489 | fall | Fall refers to the season between summer and winter, or the act of dropping or descending from a higher place. |
490 | familiar | Familiar means well-known or easily recognized, often because of being seen or experienced before. |
491 | family | A family is a group of people who are related to each other by blood or marriage. |
492 | fan | A fan is a person who is enthusiastic about a particular sport, hobby, or celebrity. |
493 | farm | A farm is a piece of land used for growing crops or raising animals for food. |
494 | farmer | A farmer is a person who cultivates crops and/or raises animals for food production. |
495 | fat | Fat refers to a type of nutrient that the body uses for energy storage and insulation. |
496 | father | A father is a male parent or someone who fulfills the role of a male parent. |
497 | fault | A fault is a mistake or flaw, often in a machine or system. |
498 | fear | Fear is a feeling of being afraid or scared of something. |
499 | feature | A feature is a distinctive attribute or aspect of something. |
500 | fee | A fee is a payment that is required for a service or to participate in an event. |
501 | feed | To feed is to give food to someone or something. |
502 | feedback | Feedback is information or comments about something that is given to someone in order to help them improve or make changes. |
503 | feel | To feel is to have a perception of something through touch or emotions. |
504 | feeling | A feeling is an emotion or sensation that you experience. |
505 | female | Female refers to the sex or gender associated with having the reproductive organs and characteristics typically associated with producing eggs, bearing offspring, and nurturing young in mammals and some other animals. |
506 | few | Few means a small number of something. |
507 | field | A field is an area of land used for a specific purpose, such as farming or sports. |
508 | fight | To fight is to engage in a physical or verbal conflict with someone or something. |
509 | figure | A figure is a shape, number, or picture. |
510 | file | A file is a collection of information or data that is stored on a computer or other electronic device. |
511 | fill | To fill is to put something into a space until it is full. |
512 | film | A film is a story that is shown on a screen, usually in a movie theater or on television. |
513 | final | Final means being the last in a series, or the concluding part of something. |
514 | finance | Finance refers to the management of money and investments. |
515 | finding | A finding is a discovery or conclusion reached after investigation or research, often referring to a particular fact or piece of information. |
516 | finger | A finger is one of the five digits on the hand, used for grasping and touching. |
517 | finish | To finish means to complete or bring something to an end. |
518 | fire | Fire is a combustion process that produces heat and light. |
519 | fish | Fish are aquatic animals with scales that breathe through gills. |
520 | fishing | Fishing is the activity of catching fish, typically for food or sport. |
521 | fix | To fix means to repair or make something work properly again. |
522 | flight | A flight is a journey made by air, typically in an airplane or other aircraft. |
523 | floor | A floor is the level surface of a room on which people walk and furniture is placed. |
524 | flow | Flow is the movement of a liquid or gas. |
525 | flower | A flower is the reproductive structure of a plant, usually colorful and fragrant. |
526 | fly | To fly is to travel through the air by means of wings or an aircraft. |
527 | focus | To focus is to pay attention or concentrate on a specific thing. |
528 | fold | Fold means to bend something, such as a piece of paper or fabric, so that one part covers another. |
529 | following | Following means happening or coming after something else. |
530 | food | Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. |
531 | foot | A foot is a body part at the bottom of your leg that you use to walk or run. |
532 | football | Football is a popular team sport that involves kicking a ball to score goals. |
533 | force | Force refers to the power or strength that is exerted on an object to make it move or change direction. |
534 | forever | Forever means something that never ends or lasts for all time. |
535 | form | A form is a document or template used to collect information or data. |
536 | formal | Formal means following established rules or customs. |
537 | fortune | Fortune refers to luck or chance, often with respect to wealth or success. |
538 | foundation | A foundation is the base or support upon which something is built or established. |
539 | frame | A frame is a rigid structure that surrounds or encloses something, often used to hold or support other objects. |
540 | freedom | Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. |
541 | friend | A friend is a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection and trust. |
542 | friendship | Friendship is a close and loyal relationship between two people who share mutual trust, support, and affection. |
543 | front | The front is the part of something that faces forward or is the most visible, or it can refer to the area or position directly ahead of someone or something. |
544 | fruit | A fruit is the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seeds. |
545 | fuel | Fuel is a substance that is burned to produce energy, such as gasoline or coal. |
546 | fun | Fun is an enjoyable or amusing experience. |
547 | function | A function is a purpose or task that something is designed or intended to perform, or it can refer to a mathematical relationship between two variables. |
548 | funeral | A funeral is a ceremony or service that is held to honor and remember a person who has died, often involving rituals and traditions specific to the culture or religion of the deceased. |
549 | funny | Funny means causing laughter or amusement; humorous. |
550 | future | Future refers to the time that is yet to come. |
551 | gain | To gain is to obtain or acquire something, often through effort or hard work. |
552 | game | A game is an activity or sport that is played for fun, competition, or entertainment. |
553 | gap | A gap is a space or opening between two things or in a structure that is missing a piece. |
554 | garage | A garage is a building or structure designed for storing vehicles, often attached to a house. |
555 | garbage | Garbage refers to waste materials that are no longer wanted and are usually thrown away. |
556 | garden | A garden is a space used for cultivating plants, often for decorative or culinary purposes. |
557 | gas | Gas is a type of fuel that is used to power vehicles and machines. |
558 | gate | A gate is a movable barrier used to control access to a particular area, such as a field, yard, or garden. |
559 | gather | To gather is to bring together, collect, or assemble in one place or group. |
560 | gear | Gear refers to the machinery or equipment used for a particular purpose, or the clothing and equipment worn for a particular activity. |
561 | gene | A gene is a unit of hereditary information that is passed down from parents to offspring, determining certain traits or characteristics. |
562 | general | General refers to something that is widespread or applicable to a wide range of people or situations. |
563 | gift | A gift is something given to someone as a present or gesture of goodwill. |
564 | girl | A girl is a female child or young woman. |
565 | girlfriend | A girlfriend is a female romantic partner or companion, often in a committed relationship. |
566 | give | To give means to transfer the possession of something to someone else as a gift or payment. |
567 | glad | Glad refers to a feeling of happiness or satisfaction. |
568 | glass | Glass is a hard, transparent material used for windows, mirrors, and other purposes. |
569 | glove | A glove is a piece of clothing worn on the hand for warmth or protection. |
570 | go | To go means to move from one place to another. |
571 | goal | A goal is an aim or objective that someone strives to achieve. |
572 | god | A god is a supernatural being or spirit worshipped by people, often considered to have power and control over the world and its inhabitants. |
573 | gold | Gold is a precious metal that is yellow in color and is often used to make jewelry and coins. |
574 | golf | Golf is a sport played on a large open-air course, in which players use clubs to hit a small ball into a series of holes. |
575 | good | Good means of high quality or satisfactory standard. |
576 | government | Government is the system or group of people governing an organized community or nation. |
577 | grab | Grab means to take hold of something quickly and forcefully. |
578 | grade | A grade is a level of quality or performance that is assigned to something, such as a student's work or a product's materials. |
579 | grand | Grand refers to something of impressive size, extent, or importance, often associated with luxury and opulence. |
580 | grandfather | A grandfather is the father of a person's parent. |
581 | grandmother | A grandmother is the mother of one's parent. |
582 | grass | Grass is a type of plant with long, thin leaves that is often used for lawns and pastures. |
583 | great | Great means very good or excellent. |
584 | green | Green refers to the color of grass or leaves, or something that is environmentally friendly. |
585 | grocery | A grocery is a store that sells food and household items. |
586 | ground | The ground is the solid surface of the earth that people and things stand on. |
587 | group | A group is a collection of individuals who share common interests or characteristics. |
588 | growth | Growth is the process of developing or increasing in size, quantity, or degree. |
589 | guarantee | To guarantee is to promise or assure that something will happen or be true. |
590 | guard | A guard is a person who protects someone or something. |
591 | guess | To guess is to try to figure out an answer or solution without knowing for sure. |
592 | guest | A guest is a person who is invited to visit or stay in someone else's home, hotel, or other accommodation. |
593 | guidance | Guidance refers to the act of giving advice or direction to someone to help them make decisions or solve problems. |
594 | guide | A guide is a person or thing that provides direction or advice to help others achieve a particular goal or outcome. |
595 | guitar | A guitar is a musical instrument with strings that is played by plucking or strumming. |
596 | guy | A guy is a slang term for a man or boy. |
597 | habit | A habit is a regular tendency or practice, often referring to a behavior that is difficult to change. |
598 | hair | Hair is the protein filament that grows from follicles in the skin and covers much of the human body. |
599 | half | Half is one of two equal parts of something. |
600 | hall | A hall is a large room used for public gatherings or events. |
601 | hand | A hand is the part of the body at the end of the arm, used for grasping and manipulating objects. |
602 | handle | To handle means to manage or deal with something or to hold or touch something with your hands. |
603 | hang | To hang is to suspend or attach something from above, or to be suspended from above. |
604 | harm | Harm is physical or emotional damage that is caused to someone or something. |
605 | hat | A hat is a type of headwear that is worn on top of the head, often for protection from the sun or for fashion purposes. |
606 | hate | Hate is an intense feeling of dislike or animosity towards someone or something. |
607 | head | The head is the part of the body at the top, containing the brain, eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. |
608 | health | Health is the state of being free from illness or injury. |
609 | hearing | Hearing is the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations through the ear. |
610 | heart | The heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body, providing oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. |
611 | heat | Heat is a form of energy that causes objects to become warmer. |
612 | heavy | Heavy means having a lot of weight or being difficult to lift or move. |
613 | height | Height is the measurement of how tall something or someone is, usually from the bottom to the top. |
614 | hell | Hell is a place of punishment or suffering in some religions and belief systems. |
615 | hello | Hello is a greeting used when you meet or speak to someone. |
616 | help | To help means to assist or give support to someone. |
617 | hide | Hide means to conceal or keep something out of sight. |
618 | high | High refers to being far up or having an intense feeling, often related to drugs. |
619 | highlight | A highlight is the most important or interesting part of something. |
620 | highway | A highway is a main road that connects different cities and regions. |
621 | hire | To hire means to employ or bring someone on to do a job or task. |
622 | historian | A historian is a person who studies and writes about history, especially one who is an authority on it. |
623 | history | History is the study of past events. |
624 | hit | To hit is to strike something with force. |
625 | hold | To hold is to have or keep something in your hands or arms. |
626 | hole | A hole is an opening or gap in something. |
627 | holiday | A holiday is a day or period of time set aside for celebration, relaxation, or recreation, typically observed by not working or attending school. |
628 | home | A home is a place where someone lives and feels comfortable and safe. |
629 | homework | Homework is schoolwork that is assigned to be completed outside of class. |
630 | honey | Honey is a sweet, sticky substance made by bees from nectar collected from flowers. |
631 | hook | A hook is a curved piece of metal or other material used for catching, holding, or hanging things. |
632 | hope | Hope is a feeling of optimism or expectation for a positive outcome in the future. |
633 | horror | Horror refers to a feeling of intense fear, dread, or revulsion. |
634 | horse | A horse is a large, four-legged animal with a mane, tail, and hooves, often used for riding or working on a farm. |
635 | hospital | A hospital is a place where sick or injured people are given medical treatment and care. |
636 | host | A host is a person or organization that provides lodging or entertainment for guests. |
637 | hotel | A hotel is a place where people can pay to stay for a short period, usually while they are traveling. |
638 | hour | An hour is a unit of time that equals 60 minutes. |
639 | house | A house is a building where people live. |
640 | housing | Housing refers to the provision of shelter or accommodation for people, often provided by a government or other organization for those in need. |
641 | human | Human refers to a person or a member of the Homo sapiens species. |
642 | hunt | To hunt is to search for or pursue game or other wild animals for food, sport, or profit. |
643 | hurry | Hurry means to move or act quickly, often due to a sense of urgency or time constraint. |
644 | hurt | Hurt is the feeling of physical or emotional pain or discomfort. |
645 | husband | A husband is a man who is married to a woman. |
646 | ice | Ice is a solid form of water, typically formed by freezing. |
647 | idea | An idea is a concept or thought that is formed in the mind. |
648 | ideal | Ideal refers to a standard of perfection or excellence that is considered to be the best or most desirable. |
649 | if | If is a conjunction used to introduce a condition or hypothetical situation. |
650 | illegal | Illegal refers to something that is prohibited by law or rules. |
651 | image | An image is a visual representation or picture of something. |
652 | imagination | Imagination is the ability to form mental images or ideas of things that are not present or that do not exist. |
653 | impact | Impact is the effect or influence that something has on a situation or person. |
654 | implement | To implement is to put a plan or decision into action. |
655 | importance | Importance is the quality of being significant or essential. |
656 | impress | To impress is to make someone feel admiration or respect. |
657 | impression | Impression is the way that someone or something is perceived or understood by others. |
658 | improvement | Improvement is the act of making something better or improving its quality or condition. |
659 | incident | An incident is an event or occurrence, often one that is unexpected or unplanned. |
660 | income | Income is the money a person or organization earns through work or investments. |
661 | increase | To increase is to make something bigger or more in amount. |
662 | independence | Independence is the state of being free from the control or influence of others. |
663 | independent | Independent means something that is free from the control or influence of others. |
664 | indication | An indication is a sign or signal that suggests something, often used to convey information or point to a certain direction or meaning. |
665 | individual | Individual refers to a single person or thing. |
666 | industry | Industry is the economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and the manufacturing of goods. |
667 | inevitable | Inevitable refers to something that is bound to happen or cannot be avoided, regardless of any efforts to prevent it. |
668 | inflation | Inflation is the increase in the price of goods and services over time, often resulting from an increase in the supply of money or a decrease in the supply of goods and services. |
669 | influence | To influence is to have an effect on someone or something. |
670 | information | Information is knowledge or facts that are communicated or received. |
671 | initial | An initial is the first letter of a word or name, or the first stage of a process. |
672 | initiative | Initiative is the ability to take charge and begin something new or make changes. |
673 | injury | An injury is damage or harm caused to a person's body, often resulting from an accident or physical activity. |
674 | insect | An insect is a small creature with six legs and sometimes wings, such as a bee, fly or ant. |
675 | inside | Inside refers to the inner part or surface of something. |
676 | inspection | Inspection is the act of examining or checking something carefully. |
677 | inspector | An inspector is a person who inspects or examines something, especially for quality or safety. |
678 | instance | An instance is an occurrence or example of something. |
679 | instruction | Instruction is the act of teaching or providing information, guidance, or directions. |
680 | insurance | Insurance is a system of protection against financial loss or damage, often provided by an insurance company in exchange for regular payments or premiums. |
681 | intention | Intention refers to a plan or purpose that someone has, often with respect to their actions or behavior. |
682 | interaction | Interaction is the exchange of information or ideas between people or things. |
683 | interest | Interest is the amount of money charged for borrowing money or the degree of attention or curiosity shown in something. |
684 | internal | Internal refers to something that is located or exists inside of something else. |
685 | international | International refers to something that involves different countries or people from different countries. |
686 | internet | The internet is a global computer network that allows communication and information sharing through websites and other digital media. |
687 | interview | An interview is a formal meeting in which one person asks questions to another person in order to gather information. |
688 | introduction | The act of presenting or making something known to others for the first time. |
689 | investment | Investment is the action or process of putting money into something with the expectation of making a profit or achieving a benefit. |
690 | invite | Invite means to request or ask someone to come or join a particular event, gathering, or activity. |
691 | iron | Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe, commonly used to make metal objects or tools. |
692 | island | An island is a piece of land surrounded by water, often smaller than a continent. |
693 | issue | An issue is a problem or topic that people discuss or debate. |
694 | it | It is a pronoun used to refer to a thing or animal previously mentioned or easily identifiable from the context. |
695 | item | An item is a thing or object. |
696 | jacket | A jacket is a piece of clothing worn over the upper body, often for warmth or style. |
697 | job | A job is a regular activity that a person performs in order to earn money or gain experience. |
698 | join | To join means to connect or link two or more things together. |
699 | joint | A joint is the place where two or more bones meet in the body, or a place where two or more things are joined together. |
700 | joke | A joke is something said or done to make people laugh or feel amused. |
701 | judge | A judge is a person appointed or elected to decide on legal matters in a court of law. |
702 | judgment | Judgment is the ability to make considered decisions based on careful thought and analysis. |
703 | juice | Juice refers to a drink that is made by squeezing or extracting liquid from fruits or vegetables. |
704 | jump | To jump is to propel oneself upward by pushing off the ground. |
705 | junior | Junior is used to describe someone who is younger or less experienced than someone else in the same profession or organization. |
706 | jury | A jury is a group of people who listen to evidence in a court case and decide on a verdict. |
707 | keep | To keep means to hold or retain something in one's possession or control. |
708 | key | A key is a small piece of metal or plastic used to open locks or start machines. |
709 | kick | To kick is to strike with the foot. |
710 | kid | A kid is a young goat or a slang term for a child or young person. |
711 | kill | To kill means to cause the death of something or someone. |
712 | kind | Kind refers to a type or category of something. |
713 | king | A king is a male ruler of a country or territory. |
714 | kiss | Kiss refers to an act of touching or pressing one's lips against another person or object, often as a sign of affection, love, or respect. |
715 | kitchen | A kitchen is a room or area in a house where food is prepared and cooked. |
716 | knee | A knee is the joint that connects the upper and lower parts of the leg. |
717 | knife | A knife is a tool or weapon with a sharp blade used for cutting or slicing. |
718 | knowledge | Knowledge is information, skills, and understanding acquired through experience or education. |
719 | lab | Lab is an abbreviation of laboratory, a place equipped for scientific research and experiments. |
720 | lack | Lack is the absence or shortage of something that is needed or desired. |
721 | ladder | A ladder is a device consisting of a series of rungs or steps used for climbing up or down something. |
722 | lady | A lady is a polite and respectful term for a woman, often used to show admiration or respect. |
723 | lake | A lake is a large body of water surrounded by land, typically formed by natural processes or human intervention. |
724 | land | Land is the solid part of the Earth's surface that is not covered by water. |
725 | landscape | A landscape is a large area of land with a particular type of scenery or natural features. |
726 | language | A language is a system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar used by a particular community or nation. |
727 | laugh | Laugh is a sound made by someone expressing amusement or joy. |
728 | law | A law is a system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members. |
729 | lawyer | A lawyer is a person who practices law, as an advocate, barrister, attorney, counselor, solicitor, notary, or civil law notary. |
730 | lay | Lay is to place something in a flat or horizontal position. |
731 | layer | A layer is a sheet, film, or thickness of material lying over a surface or body. |
732 | lead | To lead means to guide or direct a group of people or to be in charge of something. |
733 | leader | A leader is a person who guides, directs, or commands a group or organization. |
734 | leadership | Leadership is the ability to inspire and guide others towards a common goal or vision. |
735 | leading | Leading means being in the front or having the most important position or influence. |
736 | league | A league is a group of sports teams or organizations that compete against each other. |
737 | leather | Leather is a material made from the skin of an animal, usually a cow, used to make shoes, belts, and other products. |
738 | leave | To leave is to go away from a place or to stop doing something. |
739 | lecture | A lecture is a talk or speech given to an audience, often as part of a teaching or informative session. |
740 | leg | A leg is a part of the body that connects the foot to the hip. |
741 | length | Length is the measurement of the extent or dimension of something, typically referring to its longest side or distance. |
742 | lesson | A lesson is a period of teaching or learning about a particular subject or activity. |
743 | let | To let is to allow someone to do something or to rent a property to someone. |
744 | letter | A letter is a written or printed message that is usually sent by mail. |
745 | level | Level refers to the height or position of something relative to a given point. |
746 | library | A library is a collection of books and other resources made available for people to use or borrow. |
747 | lie | To lie is to intentionally make a false statement or statement that is not true. |
748 | life | Life is the quality that distinguishes living things from non-living things, characterized by growth, reproduction, and adaptation. |
749 | lift | To lift is to move something upward or to raise something to a higher position. |
750 | light | Light refers to the electromagnetic radiation that enables us to see objects. |
751 | limit | A limit is a point beyond which something cannot or should not go. |
752 | line | A line is a continuous path or mark that is long and narrow. |
753 | link | A link is a connection between two or more things, often used in reference to a hyperlink on a website that directs the user to another web page. |
754 | lip | A lip is the fleshy part of the mouth that helps with speaking, eating, and drinking. |
755 | list | A list is a group of items or information that are arranged in a particular order. |
756 | listen | To listen means to pay attention to someone or something that is speaking or making a sound. |
757 | literature | Literature is written works, especially those considered to have artistic or intellectual value. |
758 | living | Living refers to the condition or state of being alive or in existence, or it can refer to the means of sustaining life, such as food and shelter. |
759 | load | Load is the weight or burden carried by a person, animal, or vehicle. |
760 | loan | A loan is an amount of money that is borrowed with the expectation of being paid back, typically with interest. |
761 | local | Local refers to something that is nearby or from a particular place or region. |
762 | location | A location is a specific place or position in space, typically with a physical address or geographical coordinates. |
763 | lock | A lock is a device used to secure a door, gate, or other opening. |
764 | log | A log is a thick piece of wood from a tree that has been cut down. |
765 | long | Long refers to something that is of a great distance or duration in time. |
766 | look | To look means to direct your eyes towards something to see or observe it. |
767 | loss | A loss is the act of losing something or the result of losing something. |
768 | love | Love is a strong feeling of affection or attachment towards someone or something. |
769 | low | Low refers to something that is not high or tall, or something that is not expensive or important. |
770 | luck | Luck refers to success or good fortune, often attributed to chance. |
771 | lunch | Lunch is a meal eaten in the middle of the day. |
772 | machine | A machine is a mechanical device that is used to perform tasks, such as lifting or cutting. |
773 | magazine | A magazine is a periodical publication containing articles, stories, photographs, and other features, often targeted to a specific audience or interest group. |
774 | mail | Mail is the system used for sending letters, packages, and other postal items through a postal service. |
775 | main | Main refers to the most important or central part of something. |
776 | maintenance | Maintenance is the act of keeping something in good condition. |
777 | major | Major means something that is significant or important. |
778 | make | To make means to create or construct something. |
779 | male | Male refers to a person or animal that is biologically characterized as having the reproductive organs typically associated with producing sperm. |
780 | mall | A mall is a large shopping center with many stores and businesses. |
781 | man | A man is an adult human male. |
782 | management | Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. |
783 | manager | A manager is a person who is responsible for overseeing a team or group of people and making sure they complete their work effectively and efficiently. |
784 | manner | Manner refers to the way in which something is done or the way someone behaves. |
785 | manufacturer | A manufacturer is a company or person that makes products. |
786 | many | Many means a large number of something. |
787 | map | A map is a visual representation of an area or a place. |
788 | march | To march is to walk steadily and rhythmically, especially in a group, typically as part of a military or protest demonstration. |
789 | mark | A mark is a visible trace or impression left by something. |
790 | market | A market is a place where goods or services are bought and sold. |
791 | marketing | Marketing is the process of promoting and selling products or services. |
792 | marriage | Marriage is a legally recognized union between two people, typically involving commitment, companionship, and mutual support. |
793 | master | A master is a person who has complete control or authority over something, or who has achieved a high level of skill or proficiency in a particular field. |
794 | match | A match is a small stick made of wood or cardboard that is used to start a fire, or a competition or game in which two or more people or teams compete against each other. |
795 | mate | A mate is a friend or companion, often a romantic partner. |
796 | material | Material refers to the physical substance or matter that something is made of. |
797 | math | A subject that deals with numbers, quantities, and shapes through various operations and formulas. |
798 | matter | Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. |
799 | maximum | Maximum is the highest amount or quantity that is allowed or possible. |
800 | maybe | Maybe means perhaps, possibly or it could be. |
801 | meal | A meal is an occasion when you eat food, especially breakfast, lunch or dinner. |
802 | meaning | Meaning is the significance or purpose behind something or someone. |
803 | measurement | Measurement is the process of quantifying and determining the size, amount, or degree of something. |
804 | meat | Meat is animal flesh that is consumed as food. |
805 | media | Media are the means of communication, such as television, newspapers, and the internet, that reach large numbers of people. |
806 | medicine | Medicine is the science and practice of diagnosing, treating, and preventing illness or injury. |
807 | medium | A medium is a substance or material through which something is transmitted or communicated. |
808 | meet | To meet means to come together or be introduced to someone for the first time. |
809 | meeting | A meeting is a gathering of people for a particular purpose, usually to discuss or decide on something. |
810 | member | A member is a person who belongs to a group or organization, often participating in its activities or sharing its goals and values. |
811 | membership | Membership is the status of being a member of a group or organization. |
812 | memory | A memory is a recollection or mental representation of past experiences, events, or information. |
813 | mention | To mention is to refer to or briefly speak about something or someone. |
814 | menu | A menu is a list of food and drink items available at a restaurant or other establishment. |
815 | mess | A mess is a state of disorder or confusion, or a dirty or untidy place. |
816 | message | A message is a piece of information or communication sent from one person or entity to another, often using technology or other means of delivery. |
817 | metal | Metal is a hard and shiny material that is used to make many things, such as cars and buildings. |
818 | method | A method is a particular way of doing something. |
819 | middle | Middle refers to the central point or position between two things. |
820 | midnight | Midnight is the point in time that marks the start of a new day, exactly twelve o'clock at night. |
821 | might | Might means to express possibility or permission. |
822 | milk | Milk is a white liquid produced by female mammals to feed their young. |
823 | mind | The mind refers to the part of a person that thinks, feels, and perceives. |
824 | mine | Mine refers to a place where minerals or other valuable resources are extracted from the earth, or to something that belongs to the speaker. |
825 | minimum | The minimum is the smallest or lowest amount, level, or value that is acceptable or allowed. |
826 | minor | Minor means something that is not important or not serious. |
827 | minute | A minute is a unit of time that equals 60 seconds. |
828 | mirror | A mirror is a reflective surface that shows a person's reflection. |
829 | miss | Miss means to feel the absence or loss of someone or something that one has become accustomed to or fond of. |
830 | mission | A mission is a specific task or assignment that is given to someone or a group of people to accomplish. |
831 | mistake | A mistake is an error or fault in action, judgment, or thought. |
832 | mix | To mix is to combine two or more substances together to form a new mixture. |
833 | mixture | A mixture is a combination of different substances or things. |
834 | mobile | Mobile is a device or vehicle that is capable of moving from one place to another. |
835 | mode | Mode is the most frequently occurring value in a set of data. |
836 | model | A model is a representation or example of something, often used to help explain or demonstrate it. |
837 | mom | Mom is an informal term used to refer to one's mother. |
838 | moment | A brief period of time that has significance or importance. |
839 | money | Money is a medium of exchange used to buy goods and services. |
840 | monitor | A monitor is a device used to display or measure information, such as a computer monitor or a heart monitor. |
841 | month | A month is a period of time consisting of approximately four weeks. |
842 | mood | Mood is a temporary state of mind or feeling, often influenced by external factors such as environment or circumstances. |
843 | morning | Morning refers to the early part of the day, from sunrise until noon. |
844 | mortgage | A mortgage is a loan taken out to buy property or real estate, with the property serving as collateral. |
845 | most | Most means the majority or the greatest amount of something. |
846 | mother | A mother is a female parent who gives birth to or raises a child. |
847 | motor | A motor is a machine that converts energy into motion, often used to power vehicles or machinery. |
848 | mountain | A mountain is a large, natural elevation of the earth's surface, often with steep sides and a peak. |
849 | mouse | A mouse is a small, rodent-like animal with a pointed snout and long, curved tail. |
850 | mouth | Mouth refers to the opening in a person's face through which they eat, breathe, and speak. |
851 | move | To move is to change the position or place of something or someone. |
852 | movie | A movie is a form of entertainment that tells a story through moving pictures and sound. |
853 | mud | Mud is a mixture of water and soil or fine-grained sediment that can be soft and sticky when wet. |
854 | muscle | A muscle is a tissue in the body that can contract and produce movement. |
855 | music | Music is the art of creating or arranging sounds, usually in a structured way. |
856 | nail | A nail is a thin piece of metal with a pointed end that is used to fasten things together, typically hammered into wood or other materials. |
857 | name | A name is a word or phrase used to identify a particular person, place, or thing. |
858 | nasty | Nasty is something that is unpleasant or offensive. |
859 | nation | A nation is a large group of people who share a common language, culture, history, or government. |
860 | national | National means something that is related to a country or its people. |
861 | native | Native refers to something or someone that is from a particular place by birth or origin. |
862 | natural | Natural means something that occurs in nature or is not man-made. |
863 | nature | Nature is the physical world and all the living things in it. |
864 | neat | Neat refers to something that is tidy, orderly, or well-organized, often with a sense of simplicity and elegance. |
865 | necessary | Necessary refers to something that is needed or required, or something that is essential. |
866 | neck | The neck is the part of the body that connects the head to the shoulders. |
867 | negative | Negative means something that is unfavorable or not constructive. |
868 | negotiation | Negotiation is the process of discussing and reaching an agreement or compromise between two or more parties, often with conflicting interests or goals. |
869 | nerve | A nerve is a bundle of fibers that transmit signals between the brain and other parts of the body. |
870 | net | A net is a type of fabric or material that is woven or knotted together with small holes in it, used for catching or trapping things. |
871 | network | A network is a system of interconnected elements, such as computers, people, or organizations. |
872 | news | News is newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events. |
873 | newspaper | A newspaper is a daily or weekly publication containing news, articles, and advertisements, typically printed on large sheets of paper and distributed for public consumption. |
874 | night | Night is the period of darkness between sunset and sunrise. |
875 | nobody | Nobody means no one or not anyone. |
876 | noise | Noise is a loud or unpleasant sound. |
877 | normal | Normal means being typical or expected or not having any significant deviations. |
878 | north | North is the direction that points toward the Earth's North Pole. |
879 | nose | The nose is the part of the face or head that protrudes above the mouth, used for smelling and breathing. |
880 | note | A note is a brief message or a written or printed symbol representing a musical tone. |
881 | nothing | Nothing is the absence of anything or something that has no significance or importance. |
882 | notice | To notice is to become aware of something with your senses or your mind. |
883 | novel | A novel is a long work of fiction that tells a story. |
884 | number | A number is a mathematical value used to represent a quantity or amount. |
885 | nurse | A nurse is a healthcare professional who provides medical care and support to patients. |
886 | object | An object is a thing that can be seen or touched and is not alive. |
887 | objective | An objective is a goal or purpose. |
888 | obligation | An obligation is a duty or responsibility that someone has, often based on a moral, legal, or social contract. |
889 | occasion | An occasion is a particular time when something happens or an event is celebrated. |
890 | offer | To offer is to give someone the opportunity to accept or take something. |
891 | office | A place where administrative or professional work is done, typically in a building with rooms for offices and meeting spaces. |
892 | officer | An officer is a person who has a position of authority in a government, military, or other organization. |
893 | official | Official means being authorized or approved by a person or organization in a position of authority. |
894 | oil | Oil is a viscous liquid that is used as fuel and in the production of various materials. |
895 | one | One is a number that comes after zero and before two, or a pronoun used to refer to a person or thing in general. |
896 | opening | An opening is a hole, gap or space that allows entry or access. |
897 | operation | An operation is a planned activity or process designed to achieve a specific goal or outcome. |
898 | opinion | An opinion is a belief or judgment about something, often based on personal experiences or feelings rather than facts. |
899 | opportunity | A chance or possibility for advancement or progress. |
900 | opposite | Opposite means being completely different or contrary. |
901 | option | An option is a choice or possibility that is available. |
902 | orange | Orange is a fruit with a tough reddish-yellow rind and a juicy, sweet pulp. |
903 | order | Order refers to the arrangement or sequence of things or events. |
904 | ordinary | Ordinary refers to something that is common or typical, without any special or distinctive features. |
905 | organization | An organization is a group of people with a particular purpose or function, such as a business or government department. |
906 | original | Original means something that is the first or earliest form of something. |
907 | other | Other refers to a different thing or things from the one already mentioned or known. |
908 | outcome | An outcome is the final result or consequence of a particular action or situation. |
909 | outside | Outside refers to the outer part or surface of something. |
910 | oven | An oven is a thermally insulated chamber used for baking or heating food. |
911 | owner | An owner is a person who has legal possession or control of something, such as a property or a business. |
912 | pace | Pace is the speed or rate at which something moves or progresses. |
913 | pack | To pack is to put things into a bag, box, or other container for storage or transport. |
914 | package | A package is a box or container used for transporting or storing items. |
915 | page | A page is a single side of a sheet of paper in a book or document. |
916 | pain | Pain is an unpleasant physical sensation or discomfort in the body. |
917 | paint | Paint is a liquid that is used to color or decorate things. |
918 | painting | An artistic creation made using paint on a surface, typically to convey an image or idea. |
919 | pair | A pair is two objects of the same kind that are meant to be used together. |
920 | panic | Panic is a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety that causes people to act in a frantic or irrational way. |
921 | paper | Paper is a thin material used for writing or printing on, made from wood pulp or other fibrous material. |
922 | parent | A parent is a person who has a child or children. |
923 | park | A park is a public place with grass, trees, and often playgrounds or sports fields for people to enjoy. |
924 | parking | Parking refers to the act of stopping and leaving a vehicle in a designated area for a period of time. |
925 | part | A part is a piece or segment of a larger object or system. |
926 | particular | Particular means something that is specific or unique. |
927 | partner | A partner is a person who shares in an activity or business with another person. |
928 | party | A party is a social gathering or event where people come together to celebrate, socialize or have fun. |
929 | pass | To pass is to move past or go beyond something. |
930 | passage | A passage is a way through something, often a narrow or restricted path. |
931 | passenger | A passenger is a person who is traveling in a vehicle or on a mode of transportation, often for a journey or trip. |
932 | passion | Passion is a strong and intense emotion or feeling, often related to love, desire, or enthusiasm. |
933 | past | Past refers to a time that has already happened. |
934 | path | A path is a route or way that is taken or followed to get from one place to another. |
935 | patience | Patience is the ability to remain calm and composed in the face of difficulties or delays. |
936 | patient | A patient is a person receiving medical treatment or care. |
937 | pattern | A pattern is a repeated design or shape. |
938 | pause | To pause is to stop briefly before continuing. |
939 | pay | To pay is to give someone money in exchange for something. |
940 | payment | Payment is the act of giving or receiving money for goods or services. |
941 | peace | Peace is a state of calmness and absence of conflict or war. |
942 | peak | A peak is the highest point of something, such as a mountain or a wave. |
943 | pen | A pen is a writing instrument, often with ink or a ballpoint tip. |
944 | penalty | A penalty is a punishment imposed for breaking a law or rule. |
945 | pension | A pension is a regular payment made to a person who has retired from work. |
946 | people | People are individuals who are part of a society. |
947 | percentage | A percentage is a fraction of a hundred, often used to represent a proportion or share of something. |
948 | perception | Perception is the way you think about or understand something. |
949 | performance | The act of carrying out a task, duty, or function, often in a public setting such as a theater or sports arena. |
950 | period | A period is a length of time or a punctuation mark used to end a sentence. |
951 | permission | Permission is the act of allowing someone to do something or the right to do something. |
952 | permit | Permit means to allow or authorize someone to do something. |
953 | person | A person is an individual human being. |
954 | personal | Personal means something that is related to oneself or individual. |
955 | personality | Personality refers to the unique and distinctive set of characteristics, qualities, and traits that define a person's individuality and identity. |
956 | perspective | Perspective is a particular point of view or way of looking at something. |
957 | phase | A phase is a distinct stage in a process of change or development. |
958 | philosophy | Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions about existence, reality, knowledge, values, reason, and ethics. |
959 | phone | A phone is an electronic device used for communication, typically allowing people to make calls, send messages, and access the internet. |
960 | photo | A photo is a picture taken with a camera or other photographic device. |
961 | phrase | A phrase is a group of words used together in a sentence to convey a specific meaning. |
962 | physical | Physical means something that is related to the body or physical world. |
963 | physics | Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the interaction between them. |
964 | piano | A piano is a musical instrument with a keyboard and strings that are struck by hammers when the keys are played. |
965 | pick | To pick is to choose something or someone from a group of options. |
966 | picture | A picture is a representation of a person, object, or scene created by art, photography, or other visual media. |
967 | pie | A pie is a baked dish with a pastry crust that usually contains sweet or savory filling. |
968 | piece | A piece is a part or portion of something. |
969 | pin | A pin is a small, pointed object used to fasten things together. |
970 | pipe | A pipe is a tube-like structure that is used to transport fluids or gases. |
971 | pitch | A pitch is a throw or toss of an object. |
972 | pizza | Pizza is a dish that consists of a flat bread base topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various ingredients such as vegetables and meats. |
973 | place | A place is a location or position in space. |
974 | plan | A plan is a course of action or strategy designed to achieve a goal. |
975 | plane | A plane is a vehicle that is designed for air travel and has wings and one or more engines. |
976 | plant | A plant is a living organism that is typically photosynthetic, has roots, stems, and leaves, and is able to reproduce. |
977 | plastic | Plastic is a synthetic material made from polymers that can be molded into various shapes and used for a wide range of applications. |
978 | plate | A plate is a flat dish used for serving or eating food. |
979 | platform | A platform is a raised surface or area, often used for standing or as a base for something such as a stage or a structure. |
980 | play | To play is to engage in an activity for enjoyment or competition. |
981 | player | A player is a person who takes part in a game or sport. |
982 | pleasure | Pleasure is a feeling of enjoyment or satisfaction. |
983 | plenty | Plenty means having enough or more than enough of something. |
984 | poem | A poem is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are often arranged in short lines. |
985 | poet | A poet is a writer who specializes in creating poetry, often using language and rhythm to express emotions, ideas, or experiences. |
986 | poetry | Poetry is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language, such as meter and rhyme, to evoke emotion and convey meaning. |
987 | point | A point is a specific location or position in space or time, often used to indicate direction or to emphasize something. |
988 | police | Police are a group of people responsible for maintaining law and order, preventing crime and protecting people and property. |
989 | policy | A policy is a course of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business, or individual. |
990 | politics | The activities associated with governing a country or area, including decision-making and the formulation of laws and policies. |
991 | pollution | Pollution is the presence or introduction into the environment of harmful substances or contaminants that can damage ecosystems, health, or quality of life. |
992 | pool | A pool is a small body of still water, often for swimming or as a reservoir. |
993 | pop | Pop refers to a short, sharp sound or burst, often produced by something bursting or exploding. |
994 | population | The group of individuals living in a particular area or region. |
995 | position | Position refers to the location or placement of something. |
996 | positive | Positive refers to something that is good or beneficial, or someone who has an optimistic outlook. |
997 | possession | A possession is something that is owned or held by a person or group. |
998 | possibility | Possibility is the condition or fact of being possible; something that may or may not occur or be true. |
999 | possible | Possible means something that can be done or achieved. |
1000 | post | A post is a message or piece of information that is published online or on a notice board. |
1001 | pot | A pot is a container, typically made of clay or metal, used for cooking or storing food or liquids. |
1002 | potato | A potato is a starchy root vegetable that is commonly used in cooking. |
1003 | potential | Potential means having the ability to become something in the future. |
1004 | pound | A pound is a unit of weight measurement equal to 16 ounces. |
1005 | power | Power is the ability to influence or control people or things. |
1006 | practice | Practice refers to the act of doing something repeatedly in order to improve or master it. |
1007 | preference | Preference refers to a liking or desire for one thing over another. |
1008 | preparation | Preparation is the act of getting ready for something. |
1009 | presence | Presence refers to the fact of being in a particular place. |
1010 | present | Present refers to the current time or the act of giving something to someone, often as a gift or award. |
1011 | presentation | A presentation is a formal talk or speech given to an audience, often accompanied by visual aids. |
1012 | president | The elected or appointed head of a country or organization. |
1013 | press | To press means to apply force or pressure to something or to urge someone to do something. |
1014 | pressure | Pressure is the force exerted on an object per unit area. |
1015 | price | Price is the amount of money that must be paid in order to purchase a particular item or service. |
1016 | pride | Pride is a feeling of satisfaction or happiness about something that you have done or something you possess. |
1017 | priest | A priest is a person who performs religious ceremonies and provides spiritual guidance to others. |
1018 | primary | Primary refers to something that is the most important or fundamental. |
1019 | principle | A principle is a fundamental truth, law, or belief that serves as the foundation for a system of thought or behavior. |
1020 | print | To print means to create a copy of something on paper or another material. |
1021 | prior | Prior means existing or occurring before in time, order, or importance. |
1022 | priority | Priority refers to the state or condition of being more important or urgent than something else. |
1023 | private | Private means belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group, not for public or general use. |
1024 | prize | A prize is an award or reward given to someone who has achieved something great or who has won a competition. |
1025 | problem | A problem is a situation that needs to be resolved or dealt with. |
1026 | procedure | Procedure is a series of actions taken in a particular order to accomplish a specific task or goal. |
1027 | process | A process is a series of steps or actions taken to achieve a particular goal or outcome. |
1028 | produce | To produce is to create or make something, often in a manufacturing or agricultural context. |
1029 | product | A product is something that is made or created to be sold or used. |
1030 | profession | A profession is a type of job or occupation that requires special training or education. |
1031 | professional | Professional refers to someone who is skilled or trained in a particular job or activity. |
1032 | professor | A professor is a senior teacher in a college or university who is an expert in their field of study. |
1033 | profile | A profile is a description or summary of someone or something, often focusing on their characteristics or features. |
1034 | profit | Profit is the amount of money gained from a business or investment after expenses have been deducted. |
1035 | program | A program is a set of instructions or software designed to perform a specific task or function. |
1036 | progress | Progress is the gradual improvement or advancement toward a goal or better state. |
1037 | project | A project is a planned and organized effort to achieve a specific goal or objective. |
1038 | promise | A promise is a commitment or assurance made by one person to another, that they will do something or act in a certain way. |
1039 | promotion | Promotion refers to the act of advancing someone to a higher position or rank in a company or organization. |
1040 | prompt | Prompt refers to a cue or stimulus that initiates an action or response, or to something that is done without delay or hesitation. |
1041 | proof | Proof is evidence or confirmation that something is true or accurate. |
1042 | property | A thing or things that someone owns, typically a physical object or piece of land. |
1043 | proposal | A proposal is a suggestion or plan that is put forward for consideration or discussion. |
1044 | protection | Protection refers to the act of keeping something or someone safe from harm or danger. |
1045 | psychology | Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, often focused on understanding individual and group behavior, personality, and emotions. |
1046 | public | Public refers to something that is open and accessible to everyone. |
1047 | pull | To pull is to use force to move something towards you. |
1048 | punch | Punch refers to a forceful hit or strike, often delivered with a closed fist. |
1049 | purchase | To purchase is to buy something by paying money for it. |
1050 | purple | Purple is a color that is a mixture of blue and red. |
1051 | purpose | Purpose refers to the reason why something is done or created. |
1052 | push | To push is to apply force to move something away. |
1053 | put | To put is to place something in a particular position or location. |
1054 | quality | Quality is the standard or level of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something. |
1055 | quantity | Quantity refers to the amount or number of something, often measured or expressed in numerical terms. |
1056 | quarter | A quarter is a unit of measurement equal to one-fourth or 25% of something. |
1057 | queen | Queen is a female ruler of an independent state, or the wife or widow of a king. |
1058 | question | A question is a sentence or phrase that is used to ask for information or to test someone's knowledge. |
1059 | quiet | Quiet refers to a state of low or minimal sound or noise, or to a peaceful and calm atmosphere. |
1060 | quit | Quit means to stop doing or using something, often voluntarily and permanently. |
1061 | quote | A quote is a statement or passage from a book, article, or speech that is used as evidence or support for an argument. |
1062 | race | A race is a competition between people, animals, or vehicles to determine who is the fastest. |
1063 | radio | A radio is an electronic device that receives and broadcasts sound using radio waves. |
1064 | rain | Rain is water that falls from the sky when it is cloudy and wet outside. |
1065 | raise | To raise means to lift or elevate something to a higher position. |
1066 | range | Range refers to the area or extent of something, often used to describe a series of values or a variety of options. |
1067 | rate | Rate is the speed at which something happens or the price charged for a service or product. |
1068 | ratio | Ratio is the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other. |
1069 | raw | Raw means something that is not cooked or processed. |
1070 | reach | To reach is to arrive at a particular place or to make contact with something. |
1071 | reaction | A reaction is a response to something that happens, often involving emotions or physical changes. |
1072 | read | To read means to look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed matter by interpreting the characters or symbols. |
1073 | reading | Reading is the act of interpreting written or printed material. |
1074 | reality | Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than how they are imagined or perceived. |
1075 | reason | Reason refers to the cause or explanation for something. |
1076 | reception | Reception is the act of receiving or the place where guests or visitors are received. |
1077 | recipe | A recipe is a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish or food item. |
1078 | recognition | Recognition is the act of acknowledging or identifying someone or something, often with respect to achievements, contributions, or qualities. |
1079 | recommendation | A recommendation is a suggestion or advice on what someone should do or use. |
1080 | record | A record is a collection of information or data that is kept for reference or evidence. |
1081 | recording | A recording is a reproduction of sound or video that is stored and played back at a later time. |
1082 | recover | Recover means to regain something lost or taken away, such as health or possessions. |
1083 | red | Red is a color that is the hue of blood, or a shade resembling it. |
1084 | reference | A reference is a source of information or a mention of someone or something. |
1085 | reflection | Reflection is the act of thinking deeply about something or contemplating an experience or event. |
1086 | refrigerator | A refrigerator is an appliance used for storing food and drinks at a low temperature. |
1087 | refuse | Refuse means to decline or reject something, often because it is not desirable or acceptable. |
1088 | region | A region is a geographical area or a part of a larger area that is identified by certain characteristics or boundaries. |
1089 | register | To register is to officially sign up for something or to record information. |
1090 | regret | Regret refers to a feeling of sadness or disappointment about something that has happened or been done in the past. |
1091 | regular | Regular means something that happens or occurs frequently or at the same intervals. |
1092 | relation | Relation is the way in which two or more things are connected or the way in which one thing is dependent on another. |
1093 | relationship | A relationship is the way in which two or more people or things are connected or interact with each other. |
1094 | relative | A relative is a person who is connected to you by blood or marriage, such as a parent, sibling, cousin, or grandparent. |
1095 | release | To release means to set something free or to make something available to the public. |
1096 | relief | Relief is a feeling of comfort or happiness that comes from being free of pain, anxiety, or stress. |
1097 | remote | Remote means being far away or distant. |
1098 | remove | To remove is to take something away or to eliminate or get rid of something. |
1099 | rent | Rent is the money paid to live in a house, apartment, or other property that belongs to someone else. |
1100 | repair | Repair is the act of fixing something that is broken or damaged. |
1101 | repeat | To repeat is to do something again. |
1102 | replacement | A replacement is something that is used to replace something else that is broken or lost. |
1103 | reply | Reply means to respond to a message, question, or request, often with a verbal or written answer or reaction. |
1104 | report | A report is a written or spoken description of something, often giving information about an event or situation. |
1105 | representative | Representative refers to a person or thing that stands for or represents someone or something else, often in a formal or official capacity. |
1106 | republic | A republic is a type of government in which the power is held by the people and their elected representatives. |
1107 | reputation | Reputation is the overall perception or evaluation of someone or something, often based on their behavior, performance, or image. |
1108 | request | A request is an act of asking for something. |
1109 | requirement | A requirement is something that is necessary or mandatory in order to achieve a certain goal or meet a certain standard. |
1110 | research | Research refers to the systematic investigation of a particular topic or subject. |
1111 | reserve | Reserve means to set something aside or keep something for future use or purpose. |
1112 | resident | A resident is a person who lives in a particular place, especially for a long period of time. |
1113 | resist | Resist means to oppose or refuse to comply with something, often due to a sense of disagreement, discomfort, or moral objection. |
1114 | resolution | A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something, or the act of resolving a problem or issue. |
1115 | resolve | Resolve means to settle or find a solution to a problem or dispute. |
1116 | resort | A resort is a place where people go for relaxation or recreation, usually located in a scenic or tourist destination. |
1117 | resource | A resource is something that can be used to achieve a particular purpose or goal. |
1118 | respect | Respect is a feeling of admiration or appreciation for someone or something. |
1119 | respond | Respond is to reply or react to something. |
1120 | response | A response is an answer or reaction to something that has been said or done. |
1121 | responsibility | Responsibility is the state or fact of being accountable or answerable for something within one's control. |
1122 | rest | Rest means to relax or take a break from activity. |
1123 | restaurant | Restaurant is a place where people can order and eat meals prepared by professional chefs. |
1124 | result | A result is the outcome or consequence of an action or event. |
1125 | return | To return is to go back to a previous place or condition, or to give something back to its original owner. |
1126 | reveal | Reveal means to make something known or visible that was previously concealed or hidden. |
1127 | revenue | Revenue is the income that a company or organization earns from its business activities. |
1128 | review | A review is an evaluation or assessment of something, such as a product or service. |
1129 | revolution | Revolution is a sudden and often violent change in the political system or the way of doing things. |
1130 | reward | A reward is something given in return for good behavior or work, often as a form of incentive or recognition. |
1131 | rice | Rice is a type of grain that is a staple food in many cultures around the world. |
1132 | rich | Rich means having a lot of money or valuable possessions. |
1133 | ride | To ride means to travel on something, such as a vehicle or animal, by sitting on it. |
1134 | ring | A ring is a circular band worn on the finger, typically as an ornament or a symbol of marriage or commitment. |
1135 | rip | Rip means to tear or separate something forcefully or quickly, often resulting in damage or destruction. |
1136 | rise | To rise is to move upward from a lower position or to increase in amount or number. |
1137 | risk | Risk refers to the potential for harm or loss that may result from a particular action or decision. |
1138 | river | A river is a large natural flow of water that runs through the land. |
1139 | road | A road is a paved or unpaved pathway used for transportation, typically by vehicles or pedestrians. |
1140 | rock | A rock is a natural substance made up of minerals or other materials. |
1141 | role | A role is the function or position someone or something plays in a particular situation or setting. |
1142 | roll | Roll means to move forward by turning over and over, such as a ball or a barrel. |
1143 | roof | A roof is the uppermost part of a building that covers and protects the inside from the elements. |
1144 | room | A room is a space within a building that is enclosed by walls and used for a particular purpose. |
1145 | rope | Rope is a strong cord made of twisted fibers, used for tying or pulling objects. |
1146 | rough | Rough refers to the surface or texture that is uneven, bumpy, or not smooth. |
1147 | round | Round means something that is circular or curved. |
1148 | routine | A routine is a sequence of actions that are regularly followed. |
1149 | row | A row is a line of things arranged side by side, often in a straight line or sequence. |
1150 | royal | Royal refers to something that is related to or associated with a king, queen, or royalty. |
1151 | rub | Rub means to apply pressure or friction to something with one's hands or another object, often to clean, polish, or soothe. |
1152 | ruin | Ruin is the state of being destroyed or in disrepair. |
1153 | rule | A rule is a statement that tells you what you can or cannot do. |
1154 | run | To run is to move quickly on foot. |
1155 | rush | Rush refers to a sudden, rapid movement or activity, often characterized by a sense of urgency or haste. |
1156 | sad | Sad is a feeling of unhappiness or sorrow. |
1157 | safe | Safe means something that is free from danger or harm. |
1158 | safety | Safety is the state of being protected from harm, danger, or injury. |
1159 | sail | To sail is to travel on water using wind power, usually on a boat or ship. |
1160 | salad | A salad is a mixture of vegetables, fruits, and sometimes meat or other ingredients, usually served cold with a dressing. |
1161 | salary | A salary is a fixed amount of money paid regularly for work done. |
1162 | sale | A sale is an event or process of selling goods or services in exchange for money or other forms of payment. |
1163 | salt | Salt is a mineral substance that is commonly used to season or preserve food. |
1164 | sample | A sample is a small portion or piece of something that is taken as a representation of the whole. |
1165 | sand | Sand is a substance made of small grains of rock or minerals, often found on beaches or in deserts. |
1166 | sandwich | A sandwich is a food item made by placing filling (such as meat or vegetables) between two slices of bread. |
1167 | satisfaction | Satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or contentment that comes from fulfilling a desire or need. |
1168 | save | To save means to keep something for future use or to rescue someone or something from harm. |
1169 | savings | Savings are money that you set aside and don't spend. |
1170 | scale | A scale is a tool used to measure the weight or size of something. |
1171 | scene | A scene is a particular setting or location, often referring to a specific moment in time or event that is taking place or has already occurred. |
1172 | schedule | A schedule is a plan that shows what will happen at a specific time or during a specific period. |
1173 | scheme | A scheme is a plan or proposal for achieving a particular goal or outcome. |
1174 | school | A school is an educational institution where students are taught and trained. |
1175 | science | Science is the systematic study of the natural world through observation and experimentation. |
1176 | score | Score refers to the number of points earned in a game or test. |
1177 | scratch | Scratch is a mark or wound on a surface caused by rubbing or scraping. |
1178 | screen | A screen is a flat surface that displays images or text, such as on a computer or television. |
1179 | screw | To screw means to twist or turn a threaded object to fasten it or unfasten it. |
1180 | script | A script is a written text or document used in theater, film, or television productions, often containing dialogue and stage directions. |
1181 | sea | The sea is a large body of saltwater that covers most of the Earth's surface and is home to a diverse range of marine life. |
1182 | search | To search is to look for something or someone, often with the intent of finding them. |
1183 | season | A season is a division of the year marked by changes in weather, ecology, and hours of daylight. |
1184 | seat | A seat is a piece of furniture designed for one person to sit on. |
1185 | second | Second refers to the unit of time equal to one-sixtieth of a minute. |
1186 | secret | Secret means being kept hidden or not known by others or having confidential information. |
1187 | secretary | A secretary is a person who performs administrative or clerical tasks, often working for an individual or organization. |
1188 | section | A section is a distinct part or subdivision of something larger. |
1189 | sector | Sector is a part or division of an area or sphere, especially of business, society, or the economy. |
1190 | security | Security is the state of being protected against harm, loss, or unauthorized access. |
1191 | selection | A selection is a choice made from a group of options or possibilities. |
1192 | self | The self refers to an individual's consciousness or identity, or it can refer to the totality of a person's being. |
1193 | sell | To sell means to exchange something for money or to convince someone to buy something. |
1194 | senior | Senior is someone who is older or more experienced than others in a group or organization. |
1195 | sense | Sense refers to the ability to perceive and understand the world around us through our senses. |
1196 | sensitive | Sensitive means easily affected or influenced by external factors. |
1197 | sentence | A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea. |
1198 | series | A series is a number of events or things of a similar kind that follow each other in sequence. |
1199 | serve | To serve is to provide a service or perform a duty for someone or something. |
1200 | service | Service refers to the work or assistance provided to others, often in exchange for payment. |
1201 | session | A session is a period of time during which a particular activity or event takes place. |
1202 | set | Set refers to a collection of objects or things that belong together. |
1203 | setting | A setting is the place, time, and conditions in which something happens or exists. |
1204 | sex | Sex refers to the physical act of sexual intercourse between two individuals. |
1205 | shake | Shake refers to a rapid, back-and-forth movement, often involving the hands or body. |
1206 | shame | Shame is a feeling of guilt or embarrassment caused by doing something wrong or inappropriate. |
1207 | shape | Shape refers to the physical form or appearance of an object. |
1208 | share | A share is a portion or part of something that is divided among a group or individuals. |
1209 | she | She refers to a female person or animal. |
1210 | shelter | A shelter is a place that provides protection from bad weather or danger. |
1211 | shift | Shift refers to a change or adjustment in position, direction, or focus, often involving a movement or transfer from one thing to another. |
1212 | shine | Shine refers to a bright, glowing appearance or luster, often associated with the reflection of light. |
1213 | ship | A ship is a large vessel used for transporting goods or people across water. |
1214 | shirt | A shirt is a garment worn on the upper body, often with a collar, buttons, and sleeves, and typically made of cotton or other fabrics. |
1215 | shock | Shock is a sudden, intense feeling of surprise or disbelief, often caused by something unexpected. |
1216 | shoe | A shoe is a covering for the foot, typically made of leather or rubber. |
1217 | shoot | To shoot is to fire a weapon or take a photograph. |
1218 | shop | A shop is a place where goods or services are sold. |
1219 | shopping | The activity of browsing and purchasing goods, typically in a retail store or online. |
1220 | shot | A shot is a small amount of a liquid substance, such as a medication or alcoholic beverage, or it can refer to a single discharge of a gun or firearm. |
1221 | shoulder | A shoulder is the part of the body that connects the arm to the torso. |
1222 | show | Show refers to an event or performance that is intended to be watched or seen. |
1223 | shower | A shower is a device used to wash oneself with water that is sprayed from above. |
1224 | sick | Sick is a state of physical or mental illness or discomfort. |
1225 | side | A side is one of the two surfaces of something flat or the left or right of a person or object. |
1226 | sign | A sign is a visual indication or signal, often used to convey information or instructions. |
1227 | signal | A signal is a sound, gesture, or object used to convey information or instructions. |
1228 | signature | Signature is a person's name written in a distinctive way as a form of identification, authorization, or approval. |
1229 | significance | Significance is the quality of being worthy of attention; importance. |
1230 | silly | Silly refers to something that is foolish, absurd, or nonsensical, often with a sense of humor or playfulness. |
1231 | silver | Silver is a precious metal that has a shiny, white-grey color. |
1232 | simple | Simple means something that is easy to understand or do. |
1233 | sing | To sing is to make music with your voice. |
1234 | singer | A singer is a person who sings, typically as a profession or as a form of artistic expression. |
1235 | single | Single means one and not more than one. |
1236 | sink | Sink means to descend or fall downward, often into water or a hole. |
1237 | sir | Sir is a polite and respectful term of address for a man, often used to show respect or courtesy. |
1238 | sister | A sister is a female sibling, either younger or older. |
1239 | site | A site is a location or place where something is or will be located. |
1240 | situation | A situation is a set of circumstances or conditions in which something or someone exists or operates. |
1241 | size | Size refers to the physical dimensions or extent of something. |
1242 | skill | A skill is the ability to do something well, often as a result of training or practice. |
1243 | skin | Skin is the outer layer that covers the body of a person or animal. |
1244 | skirt | A skirt is a garment worn by women that hangs from the waist and covers the legs. |
1245 | sky | The sky is the space above the earth that is filled with clouds, stars, and the sun. |
1246 | sleep | To sleep means to rest and be in a state of unconsciousness for a period of time. |
1247 | slice | A slice is a thin, flat piece of something that has been cut. |
1248 | slide | A slide is a smooth, sloping surface or chute that is used for gliding or descending. |
1249 | slip | Slip means to slide or lose one's footing on a surface, often accidentally. |
1250 | smell | A smell is a distinctive odor or fragrance that can be perceived by the nose. |
1251 | smile | Smile refers to the expression of happiness, joy, or amusement, often characterized by the lifting of the corners of the mouth and the showing of teeth. |
1252 | smoke | Smoke is a visible suspension of particles in the air, typically created by burning something. |
1253 | snow | Snow is a type of precipitation that falls from the sky in cold weather and covers the ground in white. |
1254 | society | Society is the community of people living in a particular country or region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations. |
1255 | sock | A sock is a piece of clothing worn on the foot and ankle, usually made of cotton or wool. |
1256 | soft | Soft means something that is not hard or firm and can be easily pressed. |
1257 | software | Software is the programs and other operating information used by a computer. |
1258 | soil | Soil is the natural material that makes up the surface layer of the Earth's crust. |
1259 | solid | Solid means something that is not liquid or gas and has a fixed shape. |
1260 | solution | A solution is a means of solving a problem or addressing an issue. |
1261 | somewhere | Somewhere refers to a place that is not specified or known. |
1262 | son | A son is a male child of a parent or parents. |
1263 | song | Song is a musical composition consisting of lyrics and a melody typically for voice with accompaniment. |
1264 | sort | Sort means to categorize or put things in order based on their similarities or differences. |
1265 | sound | Sound is the vibrations that travel through the air and can be heard by the ear. |
1266 | soup | Soup is a liquid dish typically made by boiling vegetables, meat, or fish in water or stock. |
1267 | source | A source is the place or thing that something comes from or is obtained from. |
1268 | south | South refers to the direction opposite to north, towards the Earth's southern pole. |
1269 | space | Space is the area or expanse that exists beyond the Earth's atmosphere, or a place or area that is unoccupied. |
1270 | spare | Spare means to give or provide something extra or in addition to what is required. |
1271 | speaker | A speaker is someone who talks to an audience. |
1272 | special | Special refers to something that is different or unique and is not like other things. |
1273 | specialist | A specialist is a person who has expertise in a particular field or subject. |
1274 | specific | Specific refers to something that is precise, clear, and well-defined. |
1275 | speech | A speech is a formal talk given to an audience, especially one given by someone in a position of authority. |
1276 | speed | Speed is how fast something is moving. |
1277 | spell | Spell refers to a series of letters or words that form a word, phrase, or sentence, often used for communication or writing. |
1278 | spend | To spend is to use money to buy something or to use time doing something. |
1279 | spirit | A spirit is a non-physical entity that is believed to inhabit or influence a person, place, or thing. |
1280 | spiritual | Spiritual refers to matters of the spirit or soul, rather than material or physical things. |
1281 | spite | Spite is a feeling of resentment or ill-will towards someone, often leading to harmful or negative actions. |
1282 | split | Split is to divide something into two or more parts. |
1283 | sport | Sport is an activity or game that requires physical skill and is usually competitive. |
1284 | spot | A spot is a small area or place, or it can refer to a stain or blemish on a surface. |
1285 | spray | Spray is a liquid or mist that is dispersed in the air in small droplets, often used for cleaning or applying chemicals. |
1286 | spread | To spread means to make something cover a larger area or to distribute something over a surface. |
1287 | spring | Spring means the season between winter and summer or a coil or elastic object that can be stretched and then returns to its original shape. |
1288 | square | Square refers to a shape with four equal sides and four 90-degree angles. |
1289 | stable | A stable is a building where horses are kept and cared for. |
1290 | staff | Staff are people who work for an organization or business. |
1291 | stage | A stage is a raised platform or area on which actors or performers present a play, concert, or other form of entertainment. |
1292 | stand | To stand means to be upright on your feet or to take a position or viewpoint. |
1293 | standard | A standard is a level of quality or performance that is generally accepted as normal or acceptable. |
1294 | star | A star is a luminous celestial body visible in the sky at night, which is made up of hot gases and emits its own light. |
1295 | start | To start means to begin or initiate something. |
1296 | state | A state is a defined area of a country or region that has its own government and laws. |
1297 | statement | A statement is a declaration or expression of a fact, idea, opinion, or thought. |
1298 | station | A station is a place where vehicles stop to pick up or drop off passengers or goods, such as a train station or gas station. |
1299 | status | Status refers to someone's social or professional position or standing. |
1300 | stay | To stay is to remain in a particular place or to continue in a particular state or condition. |
1301 | steak | A steak is a cut of meat, usually beef, that is cooked by grilling or frying. |
1302 | steal | Steal means to take something without permission or right, often in a surreptitious or illegal manner. |
1303 | step | A step is one movement of the foot when walking or running. |
1304 | stick | A stick is a long, thin piece of wood or other material that is used for various purposes. |
1305 | still | Still means to remain in the same position or state without changing. |
1306 | stock | Stock refers to a supply of goods or materials that a company keeps to sell or trade. |
1307 | stomach | The stomach is an organ in the body that breaks down food for digestion. |
1308 | stop | To stop is to cease movement or action. |
1309 | storage | Storage is the act of keeping something in a place for future use. |
1310 | store | A store is a retail establishment where goods are sold to customers. |
1311 | storm | A storm is a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds, thunder, and lightning. |
1312 | story | A story is a narrative account of a sequence of events. |
1313 | strain | Strain is a physical or mental tension or pressure. |
1314 | stranger | A stranger is someone who you do not know. |
1315 | strategy | A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or objective. |
1316 | street | A street is a public road in a city or town, usually lined with buildings and used for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. |
1317 | strength | Strength is the measure of how much force or power a person or thing has. |
1318 | stress | Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension caused by adverse circumstances. |
1319 | stretch | Stretch means to extend or elongate something, often with a sense of flexibility, tension, or reach. |
1320 | strike | Strike is a work stoppage caused by employees refusing to work until their demands are met. |
1321 | string | A string is a thin piece of cord or material used for tying or holding things together. |
1322 | strip | A strip is a long, narrow piece of material or land, often used for decoration or as a strip of film in a movie. |
1323 | stroke | A stroke is a medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted. |
1324 | structure | A structure is something that is built, such as a building or bridge. |
1325 | struggle | Struggle is a difficult or challenging effort to achieve something. |
1326 | student | A person who is studying or attending an educational institution. |
1327 | studio | A studio is a space where an artist, musician, or other creative professional works or creates. |
1328 | study | Study is the act of learning about a subject through reading, research, and practice. |
1329 | stuff | Stuff refers to a group of things, usually without specifying what those things are. |
1330 | stupid | Stupid refers to something that is unintelligent, foolish, or lacking in common sense, often with a sense of frustration or disbelief. |
1331 | style | Style refers to a particular way of doing or presenting something. |
1332 | subject | A subject is a person or thing that is being discussed, studied, or talked about. |
1333 | substance | A substance is a material that has a particular chemical composition and physical properties. |
1334 | success | Success is the achievement of a desired goal or objective. |
1335 | suck | Suck means to draw in air or liquid through the mouth, often to consume or extract something. |
1336 | sugar | Sugar is a sweet substance that is used to sweeten food and drinks. |
1337 | suggestion | A suggestion is an idea or proposal that is put forward for consideration or action. |
1338 | suit | A suit is a set of clothes consisting of a jacket and pants or skirt that match. |
1339 | summer | Summer is the warmest season of the year, typically occurring between spring and autumn, characterized by longer days and shorter nights. |
1340 | sun | The sun is a star that is the center of our solar system and provides light and heat to the earth. |
1341 | supermarket | A supermarket is a large store that sells a wide variety of food, household items, and other consumer goods. |
1342 | support | To support is to help or assist someone or something, often by providing resources or encouragement. |
1343 | surgery | Surgery is a medical operation performed by a doctor to treat an injury or disease. |
1344 | surprise | A surprise is something unexpected or sudden that happens to someone. |
1345 | surround | Surround means to encircle or encompass something, often with the intention of confining or enclosing it. |
1346 | survey | A survey is an investigation or study of something in order to gather information or data. |
1347 | suspect | Suspect means to believe or have an idea that someone is involved in a crime or wrongdoing. |
1348 | sweet | Sweet means having a taste like sugar or honey, or having a pleasant or agreeable personality. |
1349 | swim | Swim is the act of moving through water by using one's arms and legs. |
1350 | swimming | Swimming is the act of moving through water by using one's body, usually for exercise or recreation. |
1351 | swing | Swing means to move back and forth or from side to side in a rhythmic motion. |
1352 | switch | A switch is a device used to turn something on or off or to change its direction or mode of operation. |
1353 | sympathy | Sympathy is a feeling of sadness or pity for someone who is suffering. |
1354 | system | A system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole. |
1355 | table | A table is a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, used as a surface for working at, eating from, or on which to place things. |
1356 | tackle | To tackle is to confront or deal with a difficult problem or task. |
1357 | tale | A tale is a story, often fictional or imaginary. |
1358 | talk | Talk refers to the act of speaking or conversing with someone. |
1359 | tank | A tank is a large container for storing liquids or gases. |
1360 | tap | To tap means to hit lightly or gently, often to make a sound or get someone's attention. |
1361 | target | A target is a goal or objective that someone wants to achieve. |
1362 | task | A task is a specific job or assignment that needs to be completed. |
1363 | taste | Taste is the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth when eating or drinking something, or it can refer to a person's preference or liking for something. |
1364 | tax | A tax is a fee charged by a government on income, goods, or services. |
1365 | tea | Tea is a hot drink made by pouring boiling water over dried leaves from the tea plant. |
1366 | teach | To teach is to impart knowledge or skills to someone through instruction or example. |
1367 | teacher | A teacher is a person who instructs or educates others, typically in a school or academic setting. |
1368 | teaching | Teaching is the act or process of imparting knowledge, skills, or information to others, often in an academic or instructional setting. |
1369 | team | A team is a group of people who work together to achieve a common goal. |
1370 | tear | Tear refers to a drop of salty liquid that comes out of the eye, often as a sign of strong emotion, such as sadness, happiness, or pain. |
1371 | technology | Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. |
1372 | telephone | A telephone is a device used for communicating with others over a distance, usually by voice. |
1373 | television | Television is a device or system for receiving and broadcasting images and sound over a distance. |
1374 | tell | To tell is to communicate information or a story to someone. |
1375 | temperature | Temperature is the degree of heat or coldness of a body or environment. |
1376 | temporary | Temporary refers to something that is not permanent or lasting, often intended for a limited or short-term use. |
1377 | tennis | Tennis is a sport played by two or four players who hit a ball over a net using rackets. |
1378 | tension | Tension refers to the state of being stretched or strained, both physically and emotionally. |
1379 | term | A term is a period of time or a word or phrase used in a specific context. |
1380 | test | A test is an assessment of knowledge or ability. |
1381 | text | A text is a written or printed piece of language that communicates information or ideas. |
1382 | thanks | Thanks is an expression of gratitude or appreciation. |
1383 | theme | A theme is a subject or topic that is repeated or developed throughout a piece of literature, art, or music, or it can refer to the overall style or tone of something. |
1384 | theory | A theory is a well-supported explanation of observed phenomena. |
1385 | thing | A thing is an object, item, or matter that is being considered or discussed. |
1386 | thought | A thought is an idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind. |
1387 | throat | The throat is the part of the body that connects the mouth and the stomach. |
1388 | ticket | A ticket is a piece of paper or electronic record that gives someone the right to enter an event or use a service. |
1389 | tie | A tie is a long, narrow piece of fabric that is worn around the neck and tied in a knot. |
1390 | till | A till is a cash register or a box used to store money. |
1391 | time | Time is the ongoing sequence of events that occur in the past, present, and future. |
1392 | tip | A tip is a small piece of advice or a suggestion for how to do something. |
1393 | title | A title is a name given to a book, movie, or other work of art. |
1394 | today | Today refers to the present day. |
1395 | toe | A toe is one of the digits on the foot, usually five in number. |
1396 | tomorrow | Tomorrow refers to the day after today, often used to indicate the near future. |
1397 | tone | Tone refers to the pitch or quality of someone's voice or the atmosphere of something. |
1398 | tongue | The tongue is the muscular organ inside the mouth that is used for tasting, speaking, and swallowing. |
1399 | tonight | Tonight refers to the present or coming evening. |
1400 | tool | A tool is a device or implement used to perform a specific task. |
1401 | tooth | Tooth is a hard bony structure in the jaws of most vertebrates used for biting and chewing food. |
1402 | top | Top refers to the highest point or part of something. |
1403 | topic | A topic is the subject or theme of a conversation, discussion, or written work. |
1404 | total | Total means being the complete amount or sum. |
1405 | touch | To touch is to come into contact with something. |
1406 | tough | Tough means difficult or strong or able to withstand hardship or pain. |
1407 | tour | A tour is a trip or journey, often with a specific purpose or destination. |
1408 | tourist | A tourist is a person who travels to a place for pleasure or culture. |
1409 | towel | A towel is a piece of absorbent fabric used for drying things, such as the body or dishes. |
1410 | tower | A tower is a tall, narrow building or structure, often used for observation or communication purposes. |
1411 | town | A town is a place where people live and work, which is smaller than a city. |
1412 | track | A track is a path or route for vehicles, or it can refer to a recorded sequence of sound or music. |
1413 | trade | Trade refers to the exchange of goods or services between individuals or groups. |
1414 | tradition | Tradition refers to beliefs, customs, or practices that are passed down from one generation to another. |
1415 | traffic | Traffic refers to the movement of vehicles on a road, or the volume of people or goods moving through a particular place or system. |
1416 | train | Train is a vehicle that runs on tracks and is used for transporting people or goods. |
1417 | trainer | A trainer is a person who helps someone to learn a particular skill or activity. |
1418 | training | Training refers to the process of learning and developing skills for a particular task or profession. |
1419 | transition | A transition is the process of changing from one state or condition to another. |
1420 | transportation | Transportation refers to the movement of people or goods from one place to another, often by means of vehicles such as cars, buses, or trains. |
1421 | trash | Trash is waste material that is no longer useful and is thrown away. |
1422 | travel | To travel is to go from one place to another, usually over a distance. |
1423 | treat | To treat means to act a certain way towards someone or something, often in a kind or generous manner. |
1424 | tree | A tree is a tall plant with a trunk and branches made of wood that grows in the ground. |
1425 | trick | A trick is a clever or deceptive act that is intended to fool or deceive someone. |
1426 | trip | A trip is a journey or excursion, usually for pleasure or vacation. |
1427 | trouble | Trouble is a problem or difficulty that causes inconvenience or distress. |
1428 | truck | A truck is a large motor vehicle used for transporting goods or materials. |
1429 | trust | Trust is a belief or confidence in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. |
1430 | truth | Truth is the quality or state of being in accordance with fact or reality. |
1431 | try | Try means to attempt to do or achieve something. |
1432 | tune | A tune is a melody or musical composition. |
1433 | turn | To turn is to change the direction or position of something. |
1434 | twist | Twist means to turn or rotate something, often in a way that causes it to become distorted or spiral-shaped. |
1435 | two | Two is the number that comes after one and before three. |
1436 | type | A type is a category or classification of something based on its characteristics or qualities. |
1437 | uncle | An uncle is the brother of someone's parent. |
1438 | understanding | Understanding is the ability to comprehend or grasp something. |
1439 | union | A union is a group of workers who come together to protect their rights and interests. |
1440 | unique | Unique means being the only one of its kind, unlike anything else. |
1441 | unit | A single entity or component of a larger group or system. |
1442 | university | A university is an institution of higher education that grants academic degrees in various fields. |
1443 | upper | Upper refers to the higher part of something or the top half of the body. |
1444 | upstairs | Upstairs refers to the upper level of a building or house. |
1445 | use | To use means to employ or utilize something for a particular purpose. |
1446 | user | A user is a person or entity that utilizes a particular product or service. |
1447 | usual | Usual means normal or typical; what is expected or customary. |
1448 | vacation | A vacation is a period of time when a person takes a break from work or daily routine to relax or travel. |
1449 | valuable | Valuable means having a high worth in money or being very useful or important. |
1450 | value | Value refers to the worth or usefulness of something, often expressed in monetary terms. |
1451 | variation | Variation refers to a difference or deviation from a standard or expected form, condition, or behavior. |
1452 | variety | Variety is the quality or state of being different or diverse. |
1453 | vast | Vast means something that is very large in size or extent. |
1454 | vegetable | A vegetable is a plant or part of a plant that is eaten as food, such as broccoli, carrots, or potatoes. |
1455 | vehicle | A vehicle is a machine designed to transport people or goods. |
1456 | version | A version is a particular form or edition of something. |
1457 | video | A video is a recording or broadcast of moving visual images. |
1458 | view | A view is what can be seen from a particular place or position. |
1459 | village | A village is a small community in a rural area. |
1460 | virus | A virus is a microscopic infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living cells of an organism. |
1461 | visit | To visit is to go to a place to see someone or something. |
1462 | visual | Visual means something that is related to seeing or visual perception. |
1463 | voice | A voice is the sound made by a person when they speak or sing. |
1464 | volume | Volume is the amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or the degree of loudness of a sound. |
1465 | wait | To wait means to stay in one place until something happens or someone arrives. |
1466 | wake | Wake refers to the state of being awake or conscious, often after sleeping or being unconscious. |
1467 | walk | To walk is to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other. |
1468 | wall | A wall is a vertical structure that divides or surrounds an area. |
1469 | war | War is a state of armed conflict between two or more nations, groups, or societies. |
1470 | warning | A warning is something that makes you aware of a danger or problem. |
1471 | wash | Wash is the act of cleaning something with water and soap or detergent. |
1472 | watch | To watch is to observe or pay attention to something. |
1473 | water | Water is a clear liquid that is essential for life and used for drinking, washing, and other purposes. |
1474 | wave | A wave is a disturbance that travels through a medium, such as water or air, and can be seen as a pattern of up-and-down or back-and-forth motion. |
1475 | way | A way is a path or route to get from one place to another. |
1476 | weakness | Weakness refers to a lack of strength or ability, often physical or emotional in nature. |
1477 | wealth | Wealth is the abundance of valuable resources or valuable material possessions. |
1478 | wear | To wear is to have something on your body as clothing or accessory. |
1479 | weather | Weather is the condition of the atmosphere, such as temperature, wind, and precipitation, at a particular time and place. |
1480 | web | A web is a network of interconnected things, often used to refer to the internet. |
1481 | wedding | A wedding is a ceremony where two people get married and exchange vows to become life partners. |
1482 | week | A week is a period of seven days. |
1483 | weekend | The weekend is the period of time between the end of the work or school week and the beginning of the next one, usually Saturday and Sunday. |
1484 | weight | Weight is the measure of how heavy an object is. |
1485 | weird | Weird means something that is strange or unusual. |
1486 | welcome | To welcome someone is to greet them in a friendly way and make them feel comfortable. |
1487 | west | The west is a cardinal direction that is opposite of east, often used to refer to a region or location. |
1488 | western | Western refers to something related to the Western Hemisphere, or the customs and culture of the American West. |
1489 | wheel | A wheel is a circular object that rotates around an axis and is used to facilitate movement or transportation. |
1490 | whereas | Whereas is a conjunction used to introduce a contrasting or opposing clause or phrase. |
1491 | while | While is a period of time during which something else is happening. |
1492 | white | White is the color of snow, milk, or chalk, and is the opposite of black. |
1493 | whole | Whole means complete or not divided or broken. |
1494 | wife | A wife is a married woman considered in relation to her spouse. |
1495 | will | Will is a modal verb used to express future actions or intentions. |
1496 | win | To win means to achieve victory or success in a competition or contest. |
1497 | wind | Wind is the natural movement of air in the atmosphere. |
1498 | window | A window is an opening in a wall or door that allows light and air to enter. |
1499 | wine | Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes or other fruits. |
1500 | wing | A wing is a flat or curved surface on an aircraft that produces lift and enables it to fly, or it can refer to the side of a building or other structure that protrudes outward. |
1501 | winner | A winner is a person or thing that wins a competition or game. |
1502 | winter | Winter is the coldest season of the year, characterized by low temperatures, short days, and long nights. |
1503 | wish | A wish is a desire or hope for something to happen or be true. |
1504 | witness | A witness is a person who sees or hears something and can provide evidence or testimony about it. |
1505 | woman | A woman is an adult female human, typically distinguished from a girl or a man by physical and biological characteristics. |
1506 | wonder | To wonder is to think about something or be curious about it. |
1507 | wood | A hard fibrous material that makes up the stems and branches of trees, used for building, fuel, and various other purposes. |
1508 | word | A word is a unit of language that has a meaning and can be used to communicate. |
1509 | work | Work is the activity of doing something to earn money or achieve a particular result. |
1510 | worker | A worker is a person who does a job to earn money. |
1511 | working | Working refers to the act of doing a job or performing a task. |
1512 | world | The world is the planet Earth and everything on it. |
1513 | worry | To worry means to feel anxious or concerned about something or someone. |
1514 | worth | Worth refers to the value or usefulness of something, often measured in money. |
1515 | wrap | Wrap means to cover or enclose something with a material, often for protection or insulation. |
1516 | writer | A writer is a person who writes books, stories or articles as a job or hobby. |
1517 | writing | Writing is the act of putting thoughts, ideas, or information into written form. |
1518 | yard | A yard is an area of land next to a building, usually used for outdoor activities. |
1519 | year | A year is a period of time consisting of 365 or 366 days. |
1520 | yellow | Yellow is a bright color that is often associated with sunshine, happiness, and warmth. |
1521 | yesterday | Yesterday refers to the day before today, often used to indicate the recent past. |
1522 | you | You is a pronoun used to refer to the person or people being addressed. |
1523 | young | Young means being in the early stage of life or growth or having little experience. |
1524 | youth | Youth is the time of life when a person is young, usually referring to the teenage years. |
1525 | zone | A zone is an area or region that has specific characteristics or is designated for a particular purpose. |