1 | ニュアンス | nuance |
2 | ファイル | file |
3 | 古代 | ancient times |
4 | 奇数 | odd number |
5 | 濠 | moat |
6 | ペア | pair, pear |
7 | 夜具 | bedding |
8 | 画 | stroke |
9 | 茎 | stalk |
10 | 宛 | addressed to |
11 | バット | bat, vat |
12 | 高尚 | high, noble, refined, advanced |
13 | どうやら | it seems like, somehow or other |
14 | 核 | nucleus, kernel |
15 | 歩む | to walk, to go on foot |
16 | 叶える | to grant (request wish) |
17 | 向き | direction, situation, exposure, aspect, suitability |
18 | 束縛 | restraint, shackles, restriction, confinement, binding |
19 | 魂 | soul, spirit |
20 | 側面 | side, flank, sidelight, lateral |
21 | 一部 | 1. one copy e.g. of a document, 2. a part, partly, some |
22 | 出社 | arrival (in a country at work etc.) |
23 | 一まず | for the present, once, in outline |
24 | 片言 | a smattering, talk like a baby, speak haltingly |
25 | 手当て | allowance, compensation, treatment, medical care |
26 | 助動詞 | auxiliary verb |
27 | 口述 | verbal statement |
28 | 空しい | vacant, futile, vain, void, empty, ineffective, lifeless |
29 | 異論 | different opinion, objection |
30 | 呆れる | to be amazed, to be shocked |
31 | 他人 | another person, unrelated person, outsider, stranger |
32 | 弛み | slack, slackening, dullness, letdown |
33 | 安っぽい | cheap-looking, tawdry, insignificant |
34 | 中枢 | centre, pivot, mainstay, nucleus, backbone, central figure, pillar, key man |
35 | 返還 | return, restoration |
36 | 取材 | choice of subject, collecting data |
37 | 混血 | mixed race, mixed parentage |
38 | 法学 | law, jurisprudence |
39 | シート | seat, sheet |
40 | 期日 | fixed date, settlement date |
41 | 留める | to stop, to cease, to put an end to |
42 | 判定 | judgement, decision, award, verdict |
43 | 貴女 | you, lady |
44 | 境遇 | environment, circumstances |
45 | 皺 | wrinkles, creases |
46 | 難 | difficulty, hardships, defect |
47 | クレーン | crane |
48 | 誂える | to give an order, to place an order |
49 | 推理 | reasoning, inference, mystery or detective genre (movie novel etc.) |
50 | 担う | to carry on shoulder, to bear (burden), to shoulder (gun) |
51 | 上下 | high and low, up and down, unloading and loading, praising and blaming |
52 | 辻褄 | coherence, consistency |
53 | ミスプリント | misprint |
54 | 刑 | penalty, sentence, punishment |
55 | 知性 | intelligence |
56 | 員 | member |
57 | 揺らぐ | to swing, to sway, to shake, to tremble |
58 | 軸 | axis, stem, shaft, axle |
59 | 書き取る | to write down, to take dictation, to take notes |
60 | 無言 | silence |
61 | お邪魔します | Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you |
62 | 応募 | subscription, application |
63 | 丸っきり | completely, perfectly, just as if |
64 | 介抱 | nursing, looking after |
65 | とんだ | terrible, awful, serious, preposterous, absolutely not |
66 | 何れ | well, now, let me see, which (of three or more) |
67 | 幹部 | management, (executive) staff, leaders |
68 | 捜索 | search (esp. for someone or something missing), investigation |
69 | 窮乏 | poverty |
70 | 清純 | purity, innocence |
71 | 始発 | first train |
72 | お祖父さん | grandfather, male senior-citizen |
73 | 言伝 | declaration, hearsay |
74 | 噴出 | spewing, gushing, spouting, eruption, effusion |
75 | 真下 | right under, directly below |
76 | 志望 | wish, desire, ambition |
77 | 形態 | form, shape, figure |
78 | 叶う | to come true (wish) |
79 | 苦しめる | to torment, to harass, to inflict pain |
80 | 以て | with, by, by means of, because, in view of |
81 | ジャンパー | jacket, jumper |
82 | 公募 | public appeal, public contribution |
83 | 悪化 | deterioration, growing worse, aggravation, degeneration, corruption |
84 | 民俗 | people, race, nation, racial customs, folk customs |
85 | 悩ます | to afflict, to torment, to harass, to molest |
86 | 制する | to control, to command, to get the better of |
87 | いっそ | rather, sooner, might as well |
88 | 母校 | alma mater |
89 | 費やす | to spend, to devote, to waste |
90 | 製鉄 | iron manufacture |
91 | 本音 | real intention, motive |
92 | 独裁 | dictatorship, despotism |
93 | 中立 | neutrality |
94 | 慌ただしい | busy, hurried, confused, flurried |
95 | 檻 | cage, pen, jail cell |
96 | ソックス | socks |
97 | バッジ | badge |
98 | 分業 | division of labor, specialization, assembly-line production |
99 | 仕組み | devising, plan, plot, contrivance, construction, arrangement |
100 | 乳 | milk, breast, loop |
101 | 平行 | (going) side by side, concurrent, abreast, at the same time, occurring together, parallel, parallelism |
102 | 対処 | deal with, cope |
103 | 土俵 | arena |
104 | 弱まる | to abate, to weaken, to be emaciated, to be dejected, to be perplexed |
105 | 地主 | landlord |
106 | 落下 | fall, drop, come down |
107 | 偏見 | prejudice, narrow view |
108 | 添う | to accompany, to become married, to comply with |
109 | 期 | period, time |
110 | 生かす | to revive, to resuscitate, to make use of |
111 | 本格 | propriety, fundamental rules |
112 | 物好き | curiosity |
113 | 球根 | (plant) bulb |
114 | 待遇 | treatment, reception |
115 | 技 | art, technique |
116 | 化ける | to appear in disguise, to take the form of, to change for the worse |
117 | 爆破 | blast, explosion, blow up |
118 | 施行 | 1. execution, enforcing, carrying out |
119 | 次いで | next, secondly, subsequently |
120 | 前売り | advance sale, booking |
121 | 凡ゆる | all, every |
122 | 官僚 | bureaucrat, bureaucracy |
123 | 側 | side, row, surroundings, part, (watch) case |
124 | 真上 | just above, right overhead |
125 | 職員 | staff member, personnel |
126 | 禁物 | taboo, forbidden thing |
127 | ショック | shock |
128 | 議題 | topic of discussion, agenda |
129 | 堂々 | magnificent, grand, impressive |
130 | イエス | Jesus, yes |
131 | 問屋 | wholesale store |
132 | 衆 | masses, great number, the people |
133 | 時折 | sometimes |
134 | 提携 | cooperation, tie-up, joint business, link-up |
135 | 膨れる | to get cross, to get sulky, to swell (out), to expand, to be inflated, to distend, to bulge |
136 | 花粉 | pollen |
137 | 好ましい | nice, likeable, desirable |
138 | 出費 | expenses, disbursements |
139 | 転勤 | transfer, transmission |
140 | 好評 | popularity, favorable reputation |
141 | 恥じる | to feel ashamed |
142 | 政権 | administration, political power |
143 | 追跡 | pursuit |
144 | 各 | each, every, either, respectively, severally |
145 | 配布 | distribution |
146 | 依然 | still, as yet |
147 | 合併 | combination, union, amalgamation, consolidation, merger, coalition, fusion, annexation, affiliation, incorpor |
148 | 幹線 | main line, trunk line |
149 | 驚異 | wonder, miracle |
150 | 平方 | square (e.g. metre), square |
151 | 十字路 | crossroads |
152 | 元首 | ruler, sovereign |
153 | 無能 | inefficiency, incompetence |
154 | 享受 | reception, acceptance, enjoyment, being given |
155 | 昇進 | promotion |
156 | 主人公 | protagonist, main character, hero(ine) (of a story), head of household |
157 | 大金 | great cost |
158 | 臨む | to look out on, to face, to deal with, to attend (function) |
159 | 特派 | send specially, special envoy |
160 | 腐敗 | decay, depravity |
161 | 静止 | stillness, repose, standing still |
162 | 警部 | police inspector |
163 | 職務 | professional duties |
164 | ナンセンス | nonsense |
165 | あられ | kind of cookie, cartoon character |
166 | 活ける | to arrange (flowers) |
167 | 目盛 | scale, gradations |
168 | 控える | to draw in, to hold back, to make notes, to be temperate in |
169 | ドリル | drill |
170 | 最善 | the very best |
171 | 戯曲 | play, drama |
172 | アルミ | aluminum (Al), aluminium |
173 | 言論 | discussion |
174 | 問い合わせる | to enquire, to seek information |
175 | 補給 | supply, supplying, replenishment |
176 | 携帯 | carrying something |
177 | 据え付ける | to install, to equip, to mount |
178 | 細菌 | bacillus, bacterium, germ |
179 | しぶとい | tenacious, stubborn |
180 | 増し | extra, additional, less objectionable, better, preferable |
181 | 僧 | monk, priest |
182 | ベスト | best, vest |
183 | 飼育 | breeding, raising, rearing |
184 | 目眩 | dizziness, giddiness |
185 | 接ぐ | to join, to piece together, to set (bones), to graft (trees) |
186 | 群がる | to swarm, to gather |
187 | 沼 | swamp, bog, pond, lake |
188 | 寄与 | contribution, service |
189 | 何て | how...!, what...! |
190 | 域外 | outside the area |
191 | 甘い | delicious |
192 | 曲がる | to turn, to bend |
193 | 手遅れ | too late, belated treatment |
194 | 条約 | treaty, pact |
195 | ダウン | down |
196 | 不調 | bad condition, not to work out (ie a deal), disagreement, break-off, disorder, slump, out of form |
197 | 売れ行き | sales |
198 | まごつく | to be confused, to be flustered |
199 | 荒っぽい | rough, rude |
200 | 棟 | place, section, building |
201 | 罰 | (divine) punishment, curse, retribution |
202 | 今更 | now, at this late hour |
203 | 平均 | equilibrium, balance, average, mean |
204 | ひょっと | possibly, accidentally |
205 | 討論 | debate, discussion |
206 | 心得 | knowledge, information |
207 | 要望 | demand for, request |
208 | 落ちる | to fail (e.g. exam), to fall down, to drop |
209 | 従って | therefore, consequently, in accordance with |
210 | 傷付く | to be hurt, to be wounded, to get injured |
211 | 宿命 | fate, destiny, predestination |
212 | 出くわす | to happen to meet, to come across |
213 | 捕鯨 | whaling, whale fishing |
214 | 待ち望む | to look anxiously for, to wait eagerly for |
215 | 周期 | cycle, period |
216 | 芝 | lawn, sod, turf |
217 | 和風 | Japanese style |
218 | 老ける | to age |
219 | 重役 | heavy responsibilities, director |
220 | 汚れ | uncleanness, impurity, disgrace |
221 | 塾 | coaching school, lessons |
222 | 紛らわしい | confusing, misleading, equivocal, ambiguous |
223 | 血管 | blood vessel |
224 | 事前 | prior, beforehand, in advance |
225 | 圏 | sphere, circle, range |
226 | 何なり | any, anything, whatever |
227 | 掻き回す | to stir up, to churn, to ransack, to disturb |
228 | 最早 | already, now |
229 | 両極 | both extremities, north and south poles, positive and negative poles |
230 | スピード | speed |
231 | 休学 | temporary absence from school, suspension |
232 | レディー | lady |
233 | 阻止 | obstruction, check, hindrance, prevention, interdiction |
234 | 訴え | lawsuit, complaint |
235 | 詐欺 | fraud, swindle |
236 | 焚火 | (open) fire |
237 | 逆立ち | handstand, headstand |
238 | 一言 | single word |
239 | 偏る | to be one-sided, to incline, to be partial, to be prejudiced, to lean, to be biased |
240 | 動員 | mobilization |
241 | 過ち | fault, error, indiscretion |
242 | 炭素 | carbon (C) |
243 | 寛容 | forbearance, tolerance, generosity |
244 | 慣例 | custom, precedent, of convention |
245 | ライス | rice |
246 | 仕入れる | to lay in stock, to replenish stock, to procure |
247 | 繕う | to mend, to repair, to fix, to patch up, to darn, to tidy up, to adjust, to trim |
248 | 短大 | junior college |
249 | 綻びる | to come apart at the seams, to begin to open, to smile broadly |
250 | お大事に | Take care of yourself |
251 | 転じる | to turn, to shift, to alter, to distract |
252 | 単独 | sole, independence, single, solo (flight) |
253 | 暇 | free time, leisure, leave, spare time, farewell |
254 | ロマンチック | romantic |
255 | 勤務 | service, duty, work |
256 | 原書 | original document |
257 | ガイド | tour guide |
258 | 賭ける | to wager, to bet, to risk, to stake, to gamble |
259 | 嚏 | sneeze |
260 | 何時か | sometime, someday, one day, some time or other, the other day, in due course, in time |
261 | 交わる | to cross, to intersect, to associate with, to mingle with, to interest, to join |
262 | 暗算 | mental arithmetic |
263 | 所定 | fixed, prescribed |
264 | 徐々 | gradually, steadily, quietly, slowly, soon |
265 | 国土 | realm |
266 | インテリ | egghead, intelligentsia |
267 | 逃れる | to escape |
268 | 遺跡 | historic ruins (remains relics) |
269 | 勤め先 | place of work |
270 | 威力 | power, might, authority, influence |
271 | 司る | to rule, to govern, to administer |
272 | 整列 | stand in a row, form a line |
273 | 区 | ward, district, section |
274 | なんだかんだ | something or other |
275 | 落ち込む | to fall into, to feel down (sad) |
276 | 放り込む | to throw into |
277 | 未定 | not yet fixed, undecided, pending |
278 | 吹奏 | playing wind instruments |
279 | 行政 | administration |
280 | 恰度 | just, right, exactly |
281 | 無用 | useless, futility, needlessness, unnecessariness |
282 | 決まる | to be decided, to be settled, to look good in (clothes) |
283 | レンタカー | hire car (lit: rent-a-car) |
284 | 親善 | friendship |
285 | 呉れ呉れも | repeatedly, sincerely, earnestly |
286 | 痛感 | feeling keenly, fully realizing |
287 | 其処 | that place, there |
288 | 際 | edge, brink, verge, side |
289 | 其処で | so (conj), accordingly, now, then, thereupon |
290 | 光熱費 | cost of fuel and light |
291 | 補償 | compensation, reparation |
292 | 決行 | doing (with resolve), carrying out (i.e. a plan) |
293 | 関税 | customs, duty, tariff |
294 | 捧げる | to lift up, to give, to offer, to consecrate, to devote, to sacrifice, to dedicate |
295 | 煽てる | to stir up, to instigate, to flatter |
296 | 断言 | declaration, affirmation |
297 | 降水 | rainfall, precipitation |
298 | 御免なさい | I beg your pardon, excuse me |
299 | ガイドブック | guidebook |
300 | 填める | to get in, to insert, to put on, to make love |
301 | 掬う | to scoop, to ladle out |
302 | 前もって | in advance, beforehand, previously |
303 | 屹度 | 1. (uk) surely, undoubtedly, certainly, without fail, 2. sternly, severely |
304 | 宜しく | well, properly, suitably, best regards, please remember me |
305 | 大筋 | outline, summary |
306 | 資格 | qualifications, requirements, capabilities |
307 | 憎しみ | hatred |
308 | 兼ねて | simultaneously |
309 | 修士 | Masters degree program |
310 | 就業 | employment, starting work |
311 | 上がり | 1. slope, advance income, crop yield, ascent, rise, advance, death, spinning, completion, stop, finish, after |
312 | 宣教 | religious mission |
313 | 柵 | fence, paling |
314 | 真っ二つ | in two equal parts |
315 | クラブ | club, crab |
316 | 演出 | production (e.g. play), direction |
317 | 浪費 | waste, extravagance |
318 | 杖 | cane |
319 | 短縮 | shortening, abbreviation, reduction |
320 | 簡潔 | brevity, conciseness, simplicity |
321 | 指摘 | pointing out, identification |
322 | 賛成 | approval, agreement, support, favour |
323 | 流し | sink |
324 | -固有 | characteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, eigen |
325 | 励ます | to encourage, to cheer, to raise (the voice) |
326 | 掲げる | to publish, to print, to carry (an article), to put up, to hang out, to hoist, to fly (a sail), to float (a |
327 | 没収 | forfeited |
328 | 倹約 | thrift, economy, frugality |
329 | 如何にも | indeed, really, phrase meaning agreement |
330 | 重 | -fold, -ply |
331 | 早める | to hasten, to quicken, to expedite, to precipitate, to accelerate |
332 | 舗装 | pavement, road surface |
333 | 横綱 | sumo grand champion |
334 | 若干 | some, few, number of |
335 | 聴診器 | stethoscope |
336 | 犠牲 | sacrifice |
337 | 御免ください | May I come in? |
338 | 議案 | legislative bill |
339 | 修学 | learning |
340 | 灯 | light |
341 | 婉曲 | euphemistic, circumlocution, roundabout, indirect, insinuating |
342 | 引き下げる | to pull down, to lower, to reduce, to withdraw |
343 | お蔭 | (your) backing, assistance |
344 | カクテル | cocktail |
345 | 特産 | specialty, special product |
346 | 賑わう | to prosper, to flourish, to do thriving business, to be crowded with people |
347 | 逞しい | burly, strong, sturdy |
348 | アンケート | (fr:) (n) questionnaire (fr: enquete), survey |
349 | 用品 | articles, supplies, parts |
350 | 落ち葉 | fallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leaves |
351 | 年頃 | age, marriageable age, age of puberty, adolescence, for some years |
352 | 徴収 | collection, levy |
353 | 犯す | to commit, to perpetrate, to violate, to rape |
354 | 世論 | public opinion |
355 | 結び付く | to be connected or related, to join together |
356 | 自動詞 | intransitive verb (no direct obj) |
357 | 不吉 | ominous, sinister, bad luck, ill omen, inauspiciousness |
358 | 仏 | French |
359 | 段々 | gradually, by degrees |
360 | 空間 | vacancy, room for rent or lease |
361 | 綴じる | to bind, to file |
362 | じっくり | deliberately, carefully |
363 | 断然 | firmly, absolutely, definitely |
364 | 行い | deed, conduct, behavior, action, asceticism |
365 | 卯 | fourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare 5am-7am east February) |
366 | 泊 | counter for nights of a stay |
367 | 束の間 | moment, brief time, brief, transient |
368 | 骨 | knack, skill |
369 | 廃止 | abolition, repeal |
370 | 読者 | reader |
371 | 園 | garden, park, plantation |
372 | 中断 | interruption, suspension, break |
373 | 進化 | evolution, progress |
374 | 竿 | rod, pole (e.g. for drying laundry) |
375 | 下取り | trade in, part exchange |
376 | 貫禄 | presence, dignity |
377 | 桟橋 | wharf, bridge, jetty, pier |
378 | 耕作 | cultivation, farming |
379 | 悪日 | unlucky day |
380 | 妬む | to be jealous, to be envious |
381 | 玄人 | expert, professional, geisha, prostitute |
382 | 印鑑 | stamp, seal |
383 | 軍服 | military or naval uniform |
384 | 忽ち | at once, in a moment, suddenly, all at once |
385 | 案じる | to be anxious, to ponder |
386 | コントロール | control |
387 | 擽ぐったい | ticklish |
388 | 星座 | constellation |
389 | 実業家 | industrialist, businessman |
390 | 音 | sound, note |
391 | 知り合い | acquaintance |
392 | 優位 | predominance, ascendancy, superiority |
393 | ちらっと | at a glance, by accident |
394 | 海峡 | channel |
395 | 出入り口 | exit and entrance |
396 | 仕付ける | to be used to a job, to begin to do, to baste, to tack, to plant |
397 | ドライバー | driver, screwdriver |
398 | 彼処 | 1. (uk) there, over there, that place, 2. (X) (col) genitals |
399 | 公用 | government business, public use, public expense |
400 | 何気ない | casual, unconcerned |
401 | 規約 | agreement, rules, code |
402 | 闇 | darkness, the dark, black-marketeering, dark, shady, illegal |
403 | ダブる | to coincide (fall on the same day), to have two of something, to repeat a school year after failing |
404 | 無茶苦茶 | confused, jumbled, mixed up, unreasonable |
405 | 専修 | specialization |
406 | 紡績 | spinning |
407 | 決算 | balance sheet, settlement of accounts |
408 | 有する | to own, to be endowed with |
409 | 配分 | distribution, allotment |
410 | 辿り着く | to grope along to, to struggle on to, to arrive somewhere after a struggle |
411 | 頬っぺた | cheek |
412 | 差異 | difference, disparity |
413 | 凝る | to congeal, to freeze |
414 | 船舶 | ship |
415 | 一連 | a series, a chain, a ream (of paper) |
416 | 猛烈 | violent, vehement, rage |
417 | 真珠 | pearl |
418 | 証拠 | evidence, proof |
419 | ご苦労様 | Thank you very much for your.... |
420 | 密集 | crowd, close formation, dense |
421 | 申し出る | to report to, to tell, to suggest, to submit, to request, to make an offer, to come forward with informati |
422 | 回覧 | circulation |
423 | 同調 | sympathy, agree with, alignment, tuning |
424 | 蓄積 | accumulation, accumulate, store |
425 | 把握 | grasp, catch, understanding |
426 | 重宝 | priceless treasure, convenience, usefulness |
427 | 蜜 | nectar, honey |
428 | 冒頭 | beginning, start, outset |
429 | ご馳走さま | feast |
430 | 打開 | break in the deadlock |
431 | 手配 | arrangement, search (by police) |
432 | この間 | the other day, lately, recently |
433 | 爽やか | fresh, refreshing, invigorating, clear, fluent, eloquent |
434 | 拝借 | borrowing |
435 | 住 | dwelling, living |
436 | 他動詞 | transitive verb (direct obj) |
437 | 災害 | calamity, disaster, misfortune |
438 | 不在 | absence |
439 | 主食 | staple food |
440 | 反 | roll of cloth (c. 10 yds.), .245 acres, 300 tsubo |
441 | 目論見 | a plan, a scheme, a project, a program, intention, goal |
442 | 運搬 | transport, carriage |
443 | 花壇 | flower bed |
444 | 模型 | model, dummy, maquette |
445 | 半端 | remnant, fragment, incomplete set, fraction, odd sum, incompleteness |
446 | 至って | very much, exceedingly, extremely |
447 | 峰 | peak, ridge |
448 | 業 | Buddhist karma, actions committed in a former life |
449 | 潤う | to be moist, to be damp, to get wet, to profit by, to be watered, to receive benefits, to favor, to charm, t |
450 | 浮気 | flighty, fickle, wanton, unfaithful |
451 | 帰京 | returning to Tokyo |
452 | 兼業 | side line, second business |
453 | 打撃 | 1. blow, shock, strike, damage, 2. batting (baseball) |
454 | オンライン | on-line |
455 | 達成 | achievement |
456 | 酸っぱい | sour, acid |
457 | 持て成す | to entertain, to make welcome |
458 | コンパス | compass |
459 | デザイン | design |
460 | 強まる | to get strong, to gain strength |
461 | 見っともない | shameful, indecent |
462 | 余程 | very, greatly, much, to a large extent, quite |
463 | 不服 | dissatisfaction, discontent, disapproval, objection, complaint, protest, disagreement |
464 | 位地 | place, situation, position, location |
465 | 裸足 | barefoot |
466 | 統治 | rule, reign, government, governing |
467 | 改定 | reform |
468 | 堪える | to bear, to stand, to endure, to put up with, to support, to withstand, to resist, to brave, to be fit for, t |
469 | タイム | time |
470 | 電源 | source of electricity, power (button on TV etc.) |
471 | 履歴 | personal history, background, career, log |
472 | 処分 | disposal, dealing, punishment |
473 | 殴る | to strike, to hit |
474 | 火星 | Mars (planet) |
475 | 怪獣 | monster |
476 | トランジスター | transistor |
477 | 公立 | public (institution) |
478 | 潜入 | infiltration, sneaking in |
479 | 貴族 | noble, aristocrat |
480 | 達者 | skillful, in good health |
481 | 故人 | the deceased, old friend |
482 | 回送 | forwarding |
483 | 火花 | spark |
484 | 申し込み | application, entry, request, subscription, offer, proposal, overture, challenge |
485 | 生計 | livelihood, living |
486 | 雑木 | various kinds of small trees, assorted trees |
487 | 年号 | name of an era, year number |
488 | 貝殻 | shell |
489 | 平常 | normal, usual |
490 | 共産 | communism |
491 | 植民地 | colony |
492 | 冷淡 | coolness, indifference |
493 | 覆す | to overturn, to upset, to overthrow, to undermine |
494 | 率いる | to lead, to spearhead (a group), to command (troops) |
495 | 元年 | first year (of a specific reign) |
496 | 磁器 | porcelain, china |
497 | タレント | talent, star, personality |
498 | 怒る | to get angry, to be angry |
499 | 悪 | evil, wickedness |
500 | 負う | to bear, to owe |
501 | 団結 | unity, union, combination |
502 | 矢鱈に | randomly, recklessly, blindly |
503 | グラフ | graph |
504 | 圧力 | stress, pressure |
505 | 所々 | here and there, some parts (of something) |
506 | 信任 | trust, confidence, credence |
507 | 主任 | person in charge, responsible official |
508 | シック | chic |
509 | 灰 | puckery juice |
510 | 気障 | affectation, conceit, snobbery |
511 | 朽ちる | to rot |
512 | 今日は | hello, good day (daytime greeting id) |
513 | 着工 | start of (construction) work |
514 | 現われ | embodiment, materialization |
515 | 前 | before |
516 | 結晶 | crystal, crystallization |
517 | 噛み切る | to bite off, to gnaw through |
518 | 心掛ける | to bear in mind, to aim to do |
519 | お休み | holiday, absence, rest, Good night |
520 | ジャンル | genre |
521 | 掛け | credit |
522 | 発芽 | burgeoning |
523 | 校 | -school, proof |
524 | 巧み | skill, cleverness |
525 | 下らない | good-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthless |
526 | 当てはめる | to apply, to adapt |
527 | 姓名 | full name |
528 | 隔週 | every other week |
529 | 干し物 | dried washing (clothes) |
530 | 物体 | body, object |
531 | 大便 | feces, excrement, shit |
532 | 当選 | being elected, winning the prize |
533 | 見込み | hope, prospects, expectation |
534 | 区間 | section (of track etc) |
535 | 調停 | arbitration, conciliation, mediation |
536 | 仕える | to serve, to work for |
537 | 軍 | war, battle, campaign, fight |
538 | 兆 | signs, omen, symptoms |
539 | 国有 | national ownership |
540 | 見掛ける | to (happen to) see, to notice, to catch sight of |
541 | 良質 | good quality, superior quality |
542 | 優先 | preference, priority |
543 | 鋏 | scissors |
544 | 恵み | blessing |
545 | エアメール | air mail |
546 | お産 | (giving) birth |
547 | 如何 | how, in what way |
548 | 貴い | precious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacred |
549 | 語句 | words, phrases |
550 | 着飾る | to dress up |
551 | 妨害 | disturbance, obstruction, hindrance, jamming, interference |
552 | 焦る | to be in a hurry, to be impatient |
553 | 末期 | closing years (period days), last stage |
554 | 格差 | qualitative difference, disparity |
555 | 武装 | arms, armament, armed |
556 | 値する | to be worth, to deserve, to merit |
557 | 当たり前 | usual, common, ordinary, natural, reasonable, obvious |
558 | 慎む | to be careful, to be chaste or discreet, to abstain or refrain |
559 | 反発 | repelling, rebound, recover, oppose |
560 | 私用 | personal use, private business |
561 | 出血 | bleeding, haemorrhage |
562 | メッセージ | message |
563 | 絶つ | to sever, to cut off, to suppress, to abstain (from) |
564 | 緩やか | lenient |
565 | ブーム | boom |
566 | 特集 | feature (e.g. newspaper), special edition, report |
567 | 隠居 | retirement, retired person |
568 | 茹でる | to boil |
569 | 上がる | to enter, to go up, to rise, to climb up, to advance, to appreciate, to be promoted, to improve, to call on, |
570 | インターナショナル | international |
571 | 開拓 | reclamation (of wasteland), cultivation, pioneer |
572 | 軍事 | military affairs |
573 | 華やか | gay, showy, brilliant, gorgeous, florid |
574 | 本名 | real name |
575 | 考古学 | archaeology |
576 | 国境 | national or state border |
577 | 悪者 | bad fellow, rascal, ruffian, scoundrel |
578 | 河川 | rivers |
579 | 剥げる | to come off, to be worn off, to fade, to discolor |
580 | 籤引 | lottery, drawn lot |
581 | 保守 | conservative, maintaining |
582 | 有機 | organic |
583 | 碑 | stone monument bearing an inscription |
584 | 繁栄 | prospering, prosperity, thriving, flourishing |
585 | 総合 | synthesis, coordination, putting together, integration, composite |
586 | 分裂 | split, division, break up |
587 | 治まる | to be at peace, to clamp down, to lessen (storm terror anger) |
588 | 季刊 | quarterly (e.g. magazine) |
589 | 刑罰 | judgement, penalty, punishment |
590 | 参照 | reference, consultation, consultation |
591 | 不意 | sudden, abrupt, unexpected, unforeseen |
592 | スタジオ | studio |
593 | 自首 | surrender, give oneself up |
594 | 生死 | life and death |
595 | 未熟 | inexperience, unripeness, raw, unskilled, immature, inexperienced |
596 | 機 | loom |
597 | 身振り | gesture |
598 | 出鱈目 | irresponsible utterance, nonsense, nonsensical, random, haphazard, unsystematic |
599 | 採用 | use, adopt |
600 | 手芸 | handicrafts |
601 | 確信 | conviction, confidence |
602 | 彼方此方(かた) | here and there |
603 | 酸化 | oxidation |
604 | 僅 | a little, small quantity |
605 | 難い | difficult, hard |
606 | 極端 | extreme, extremity |
607 | 任務 | duty, function, office, mission, task |
608 | 内閣 | cabinet, (government) ministry |
609 | 裾 | (trouser) cuff, (skirt) hem, cut edge of a hairdo, foot of mountain |
610 | 余り | not very (this form only used as adverb), not much, remainder, rest, remnant, surplus, balance, excess, rema |
611 | 心細い | helpless, forlorn, hopeless, unpromising, lonely, discouraging, disheartening |
612 | 遣り通す | to carry through, to achieve, to complete |
613 | 斜面 | slope, slanting surface, bevel |
614 | 移住 | migration, immigration |
615 | 逃亡 | escape |
616 | レントゲン | X-ray (lit: Roentgen) |
617 | 手掛かり | contact, trail, scent, on hand, hand hold, clue, key |
618 | 仕切る | to partition, to divide, to mark off, to settle accounts, to toe the mark |
619 | 除外 | exception, exclusion |
620 | 拡散 | scattering, diffusion |
621 | 館 | house, hall, building, hotel, inn, guesthouse |
622 | 誘惑 | temptation, allurement, lure |
623 | 雷 | thunder |
624 | 気触れる | to react to, to be influenced by, to go overboard for |
625 | 国定 | state-sponsored, national |
626 | データ | data |
627 | 近眼 | nearsightedness, shortsightedness, myopia |
628 | 愛でたい | auspicious |
629 | 敏感 | sensibility, susceptibility, sensitive (to), well attuned to |
630 | 唾 | saliva, sputum |
631 | 見すぼらしい | shabby, seedy |
632 | 秘書 | (private) secretary |
633 | アクセル | accelerator |
634 | おっかない | frightening, huge |
635 | 審判 | refereeing, trial, judgement, umpire, referee |
636 | 首脳 | head, brains |
637 | 特許 | special permission, patent |
638 | 煌々と | brilliantly, brightly |
639 | 丁目 | district of a town, city block (of irregular size) |
640 | 一面 | one side, one phase, front page, the other hand, the whole surface |
641 | 巧妙 | ingenious, skillful, clever, deft |
642 | 聳える | to rise, to tower, to soar |
643 | 試み | trial, experiment |
644 | 一寸 | (ateji) (adv int) (uk) just a minute, a short time, a while, just a little, somewhat, easily, readily, rath |
645 | 対話 | interactive, interaction, conversation, dialogue |
646 | 義理 | duty, sense of duty, honor, decency, courtesy, debt of gratitude, social obligation |
647 | 嘴 | beak, bill |
648 | 戦 | war, battle, campaign, fight |
649 | 怠い | sluggish, feel heavy, languid, dull |
650 | 月日 | (the) date |
651 | 退学 | dropping out of school |
652 | 助け | assistance |
653 | 予め | beforehand, in advance, previously |
654 | 盛大 | grand, prosperous, magnificent |
655 | 持てる | to be well liked, to be popular |
656 | 庶務 | general affairs |
657 | 不味い | unappetising, unpleasant (taste appearance situation), ugly, unskilful, awkward, bungling, unwise, untime |
658 | 吟味 | testing, scrutiny, careful investigation |
659 | 生温い | lukewarm, halfhearted |
660 | 勤勉 | industry, diligence |
661 | 日頃 | normally, habitually |
662 | 風習 | custom |
663 | 縮まる | to be shortened, to be contracted, to shrink |
664 | 邸宅 | mansion, residence |
665 | 領海 | territorial waters |
666 | 輪 | counter for wheels and flowers |
667 | 経る | to pass, to elapse, to experience |
668 | システム | system |
669 | 農場 | farm (agriculture) |
670 | 脅す | to threaten, to menace |
671 | 財政 | economy, financial affairs |
672 | 何となく | somehow or other, for some reason or another |
673 | 衛生 | health, hygiene, sanitation, medical |
674 | 味わい | flavour, meaning, significance |
675 | 訴訟 | litigation, lawsuit |
676 | 弱 | weakness, the weak, little less then |
677 | 差し支える | to interfere, to hinder, to become impeded |
678 | 其れで | and (conj), thereupon, because of that |
679 | 規制 | regulation |
680 | 家出 | running away from home, leaving home |
681 | 取り組む | to tackle, to wrestle with, to engage in a bout, to come to grips with |
682 | 茶の間 | living room (Japanese style) |
683 | 逆転 | (sudden) change, reversal, turn-around, coming from behind (baseball) |
684 | 干渉 | interference, intervention |
685 | サボる | to be truant, to be idle, to sabotage by slowness |
686 | 独占 | monopoly |
687 | 話し合い | discussion, conference |
688 | 一頃 | once, some time ago |
689 | 遠方 | long way, distant place |
690 | 造る | to make, to create, to manufacture, to draw up, to write, to compose, to build, to coin, to cultivate, to org |
691 | 嗜好 | taste, liking, preference |
692 | チームワーク | teamwork |
693 | 会見 | interview, audience |
694 | しょっちゅう | always, constantly |
695 | だらけ | implying (negatively) that something is full of e.g. mistakes |
696 | 操縦 | management, handling, control, manipulation |
697 | 気品 | aroma |
698 | 眠たい | sleepy |
699 | 荷 | load, baggage, cargo |
700 | 負担 | burden, charge, responsibility |
701 | 強いて | by force |
702 | 照り返す | to reflect, to throw back light |
703 | 明くる | next, following |
704 | 片付け | tidying up, finishing |
705 | 進路 | course, route |
706 | 締め切り | closing, cut-off, end, deadline, Closed, No Entrance |
707 | 納入 | payment, supply |
708 | 業者 | trader, merchant |
709 | インターフォン | intercom |
710 | 幾多 | many, numerous |
711 | 残高 | (bank) balance, remainder |
712 | 拐う | to carry off, to run away with, to kidnap, to abduct |
713 | 揃い | set, suit, uniform |
714 | 備え付ける | to provide, to furnish, to equip, to install |
715 | 女史 | Ms. |
716 | 惑星 | planet |
717 | 郷里 | birth-place, home town |
718 | 拘束 | restriction, restraint |
719 | 使命 | mission, errand, message |
720 | 入浴 | bathe, bathing |
721 | 追放 | exile, banishment |
722 | 盗み | stealing |
723 | 好い | good |
724 | 勤まる | to be fit for, to be equal to, to function properly |
725 | 軽率 | rash, thoughtless, careless, hasty |
726 | 否 | no, nay, yes, well |
727 | 観衆 | spectators, onlookers, members of the audience |
728 | 戴きます | expression of gratitude before meals |
729 | 補充 | supplementation, supplement, replenishment, replenishing |
730 | 誘導 | guidance, leading, induction, introduction, incitement, inducement |
731 | 異動 | a change |
732 | 立体 | solid body |
733 | 仕上げる | to finish up, to complete |
734 | 受け取り | receipt |
735 | 見合い | formal marriage interview |
736 | 捗る | to make progress, to move right ahead (with the work), to advance |
737 | 特権 | privilege, special right |
738 | 仮 | tentative, provisional |
739 | 仕掛ける | to commence, to lay (mines), to set (traps), to wage (war), to challenge |
740 | 背く | to run counter to, to go against, to disobey, to infringe |
741 | 駆けっこ | (foot) race |
742 | ほっと | feel relieved |
743 | 自己 | self, oneself |
744 | 本体 | substance, real form, object of worship |
745 | モニター | (computer) monitor |
746 | 僕 | manservant, servant (of God) |
747 | 改修 | repair, improvement |
748 | 塵取り | dustpan |
749 | 沈める | to sink, to submerge |
750 | 返答 | reply |
751 | 大幅 | full width, large scale, drastic |
752 | 孤児 | orphan |
753 | 弁解 | explanation, justification, defence, excuse |
754 | 親しむ | to be intimate with, to befriend |
755 | 三日月 | new moon, crescent moon |
756 | 沈黙 | silence, reticence |
757 | 文化財 | cultural assets, cultural property |
758 | 長々 | long, drawn-out, very long |
759 | 行き違い | misunderstanding, estrangement, disagreement, crossing without meeting, going astray |
760 | 捕吏 | constable |
761 | 面会 | interview |
762 | 伝説 | tradition, legend, folklore |
763 | 局限 | limit, localize |
764 | 吝嗇 | stinginess, miser, miserliness, skinflint, tightwad, niggard, pinching pennies |
765 | 普遍 | universality, ubiquity, omnipresence |
766 | 分 | minute |
767 | 軍備 | armaments, military preparations |
768 | 劇団 | troupe, theatrical company |
769 | 保養 | health preservation, recuperation, recreation |
770 | 所で | by the way, even if, no matter what |
771 | 役立つ | to be useful, to be helpful, to serve the purpose |
772 | 一昨昨日 | two days before yesterday |
773 | 進出 | advance, step forward |
774 | 声明 | declaration, statement, proclamation |
775 | 白状 | confession |
776 | 郷愁 | nostalgia, homesickness |
777 | 見方 | viewpoint |
778 | 夜更け | late at night |
779 | 基 | basis |
780 | 鉱業 | mining industry |
781 | 扱い | treatment, service |
782 | 破壊 | destruction |
783 | 御負け | 1. a discount, a prize, 2. something additional, bonus, an extra, 3. an exaggeration |
784 | 次 | order, sequence, times, next, below |
785 | 古 | antiquity, ancient times |
786 | ストライキ | strike |
787 | 上回る | to exceed |
788 | 巨 | big, large, great |
789 | お世辞 | flattery, compliment |
790 | 崇拝 | worship, adoration, admiration, cult |
791 | かも知れない | may, might, perhaps, may be, possibly |
792 | 出演 | performance, stage appearance |
793 | ぼやく | to grumble, to complain |
794 | 漂う | to drift about, to float, to hang in air |
795 | ドライ | dry |
796 | 逃走 | flight, desertion, escape |
797 | 配置 | arrangement (of resources), disposition |
798 | 動機 | motive, incentive |
799 | どうにか | in some way or other, one way or another |
800 | 語彙 | vocabulary, glossary |
801 | チャイム | chime |
802 | 起点 | starting point |
803 | 無駄遣い | waste money on, squander money on, flog a dead horse |
804 | 生 | pure, undiluted, raw, crude |
805 | 共 | both, neither (neg), all, and, as well as, including, with, together with, plural ending |
806 | 認識 | recognition, cognizance |
807 | 内訳 | the items, breakdown, classification |
808 | 柔軟 | flexible, lithe |
809 | 保温 | retaining warmth, keeping heat in, heat insulation |
810 | 片思い | unrequited love |
811 | 付け加える | to add one thing to another |
812 | 高原 | tableland, plateau |
813 | スプリング | spring |
814 | 慣らす | to accustom |
815 | 察する | to guess, to sense, to presume, to judge, to sympathize with |
816 | 填まる | to get into, to go into, to fit, to be fit for, to suit, to fall into, to plunge into, to be deceived, to be |
817 | 見晴らし | view |
818 | きっぱり | clearly, plainly, distinctly |
819 | グレー | grey, gray |
820 | 多数決 | majority rule |
821 | 類 | a kind |
822 | 補助 | assistance, support, aid, auxiliary |
823 | 抑圧 | check, restraint, oppression, suppression |
824 | 単調 | monotony, monotone, dullness |
825 | 宝器 | treasured article or vessel, outstanding individual |
826 | 配給 | distribution (eg. films rice) |
827 | 文 | letter, writings |
828 | ビジネス | business |
829 | 終始 | beginning and end, from beginning to end, doing a thing from beginning to end |
830 | 精巧 | elaborate, delicate, exquisite |
831 | 鞠 | ball |
832 | 円満 | perfection, harmony, peace, smoothness, completeness, satisfaction, integrity |
833 | 箇所 | passage, place, point, part |
834 | あべこべ | contrary, opposite, inverse |
835 | 株式 | stock (company) |
836 | 梢 | treetop |
837 | 弱る | to weaken, to be troubled, to be downcast, to be emaciated, to be dejected, to be perplexed, to impair |
838 | 香辛料 | spices |
839 | 野生 | wild |
840 | 寄こす | to send, to forward |
841 | 態と | on purpose |
842 | 手筈 | arrangement, plan, programme |
843 | 肥料 | manure, fertilizer |
844 | 延いては | not only...but also, in addition to, consequently |
845 | 航海 | sail, voyage |
846 | 咄嗟 | moment, instant |
847 | 結び | ending, conclusion, union |
848 | 東 | east, Eastern Japan |
849 | 首飾り | necklace |
850 | 滅びる | to be ruined, to go under, to perish, to be destroyed |
851 | 早急 | urgent |
852 | 爆弾 | bomb |
853 | 決断 | decision, determination |
854 | 貨幣 | money, currency, coinage |
855 | 縁 | chance, fate, destiny, relation, bonds, connection, karma |
856 | 接触 | touch, contact |
857 | 潜水 | diving |
858 | 労る | to pity, to sympathize with, to console, to care for, to be kind to |
859 | 無闇に | unreasonably, absurdly, recklessly, indiscreetly, at random |
860 | 資産 | property, fortune, means, assets |
861 | 再現 | reappearance, reproduction, return, revival |
862 | 海路 | sea route |
863 | 地獄 | hell |
864 | きっかり | exactly, precisely |
865 | 物資 | goods, materials |
866 | 打ち消し | negation, denial, negative |
867 | 要する | to demand, to require, to take |
868 | 満月 | full moon |
869 | 未 | eighth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Ram 1pm-3pm south-southwest June) |
870 | 然して | and |
871 | 未だ | as yet, hitherto, not yet (neg) |
872 | 氾濫 | overflowing, flood |
873 | 分配 | division, sharing |
874 | 行員 | bank clerk |
875 | 西日 | westering sun |
876 | 躾 | home discipline, training, upbringing, breeding |
877 | 始め | beginning, start, origin |
878 | 論議 | discussion |
879 | 効率 | efficiency |
880 | 長閑 | tranquil, calm, quiet |
881 | 其処ら | everywhere, somewhere, approximately, that area, around there |
882 | 突っ張る | to support, to become stiff, to become taut, to thrust (ones opponent), to stick to (ones opinion), to in |
883 | 貯蓄 | savings |
884 | 的 | -like, typical |
885 | 争い | dispute, strife, quarrel, dissension, conflict, rivalry, contest |
886 | 原子 | atom |
887 | 大水 | flood |
888 | 顧みる | to look back, to turn around, to review |
889 | 正しく | surely, no doubt, evidently |
890 | 粉末 | fine powder |
891 | 領土 | dominion, territory, possession |
892 | 加入 | becoming a member, joining, entry, admission, subscription, affiliation, adherence, signing |
893 | -簡易 | simplicity, easiness, quasi |
894 | 襲う | to attack |
895 | 救済 | relief, aid, rescue, salvation, help |
896 | 主観 | subjectivity, subject, ego |
897 | 通常 | common, general, usually |
898 | ぶら下げる | to hang, to suspend, to dangle, to swing |
899 | 乱す | to throw out of order, to disarrange, to disturb |
900 | 黒字 | balance (figure) in the black |
901 | 絶望 | despair, hopelessness |
902 | 革新 | reform, innovation |
903 | 緩む | to become loose, to slacken |
904 | 角 | 1. angle, 2. bishop (shogi) |
905 | 高 | quantity, amount, volume, number, amount of money |
906 | 態勢 | attitude, conditions, preparations |
907 | 真理 | truth |
908 | 乃至 | from...to, between...and, or |
909 | 発育 | (physical) growth, development |
910 | 鈍る | to become less capable, to grow dull, to become blunt, to weaken |
911 | 膜 | membrane, film |
912 | ゆとり | reserve, affluence, room, time (to spare) |
913 | 風土 | natural features, topography, climate, spiritual features |
914 | 丸ごと | in its entirety, whole, wholly |
915 | 生臭い | smelling of fish or blood, fish or meat |
916 | 真ん前 | right in front, under the nose |
917 | 騙す | to trick, to cheat, to deceive |
918 | 海抜 | height above sea level |
919 | 明白 | obvious, overt, plainly, frankly |
920 | 要因 | primary factor, main cause |
921 | ボイコット | boycott |
922 | 連休 | consecutive holidays |
923 | 動揺 | disturbance, unrest, shaking, trembling, pitching, rolling, oscillation, agitation, excitement, commotion |
924 | 寄贈 | donation, presentation |
925 | 説く | to explain, to advocate, to preach, to persuade |
926 | 増強 | augment, reinforce, increase |
927 | 切ない | painful, trying, oppressive, suffocating |
928 | 観 | look, appearance, spectacle |
929 | 捲る | verb suffix to indicate reckless abandon to the activity |
930 | 改悪 | deterioration, changing for the worse |
931 | 採掘 | mining |
932 | 反感 | antipathy, revolt, animosity |
933 | 憤慨 | indignation, resentment |
934 | 原油 | crude oil |
935 | 初 | first, new |
936 | 設定 | establishment, creation |
937 | 持ち切り | hot topic, talk of the town |
938 | 調理 | cooking |
939 | 畜生 | beast, brute, damn |
940 | 発条 | spring (e.g. coil leaf) |
941 | 納まる | to be obtained, to end, to settle into, to fit into, to be settled, to be paid, to be delivered |
942 | 加味 | seasoning, flavoring |
943 | 物議 | public discussion (criticism) |
944 | 下痢 | diarrhoea |
945 | 仕上がり | finish, end, completion |
946 | 着目 | attention |
947 | 其方 | over there, the other |
948 | 貧困 | poverty, lack |
949 | 篭る | to seclude oneself, to be confined in, to be implied, to be stuffy |
950 | 丸める | to make round, to round off, to roll up, to curl up, to seduce, to cajole, to explain away |
951 | 天地 | heaven and earth, the universe, nature, top and bottom, realm, sphere, world |
952 | 突如 | suddenly, all of a sudden |
953 | 捜査 | search (esp. in criminal investigations), investigation |
954 | 歓声 | cheer, shout of joy |
955 | 防衛 | defense, protection, self-defense |
956 | 時差 | time difference |
957 | 赴く | to go, to proceed, to repair to, to become |
958 | 巻 | volume |
959 | 同情 | sympathy, compassion, sympathize, pity, feel for |
960 | 酸 | acid |
961 | 捕らえる | to seize, to grasp, to capture, to arrest |
962 | 辞退 | refusal |
963 | 強烈 | strong, intense, severe |
964 | 区々 | 1. several, various, divergent, conflicting, different, diverse, 2. trivial |
965 | 夜更かし | staying up late, keeping late hours, sitting up late at night, nighthawk |
966 | ユニーク | unique |
967 | 諸 | various, many, several |
968 | 改革 | reform, reformation, innovation |
969 | ロープ | rope |
970 | 蜂蜜 | honey |
971 | 止まる | to be limited to |
972 | 構想 | plan, plot, idea, conception |
973 | 体験 | personal experience |
974 | 学芸 | arts and sciences, liberal arts |
975 | 無断 | without permission, without notice |
976 | てっきり | surely, certainly, beyond doubt |
977 | 情緒 | emotion, feeling |
978 | ポイント | point |
979 | 辿る | to follow (road), to pursue (course), to follow up |
980 | 直ぐ | immediately, soon, easily, right (near), honest, upright |
981 | 封建 | feudalistic |
982 | 辟易 | wince, shrink back, succumbing to, being frightened, disconcerted |
983 | 教科 | subject, curriculum |
984 | 問う | to ask, to question, to charge (i.e. with a crime), to accuse, without regard to (neg) |
985 | 赤字 | deficit, go in the red |
986 | 密か | secret, private, surreptitious |
987 | 身近 | near oneself, close to one, familiar |
988 | 見積り | estimation, quotation |
989 | ご無沙汰 | not writing or contacting for a while |
990 | 其れでも | but (still), and yet, nevertheless, even so, notwithstanding |
991 | 外来 | imported, outpatient clinic |
992 | 温和 | gentle, mild, moderate |
993 | 辛抱 | patience, endurance |
994 | 召す | to call, to send for, to put on, to wear, to take (a bath), to ride in, to buy, to eat, to drink, to catch (a |
995 | 敗戦 | defeat, losing a war |
996 | えい | ray (fish) |
997 | 筈 | it should be so |
998 | 浴室 | bathroom, bath |
999 | 予言 | prediction, promise, prognostication |
1000 | 客観 | objective |
1001 | 技能 | technical skill, ability, capacity |
1002 | 志す | to plan, to intend, to aspire to, to set aims (sights on) |
1003 | 後回し | putting off, postponing |
1004 | 伝来 | ancestral, hereditary, imported, transmitted, handed down |
1005 | 正に | correctly, surely |
1006 | 中指 | middle finger |
1007 | カット | cut, cutting |
1008 | 可愛い | pretty, cute, lovely, charming, dear, darling, pet |
1009 | 不山戯(戯)る | to romp, to gambol, to frolic, to joke, to make fun of, to flirt |
1010 | 著書 | literary work, book |
1011 | 日取り | fixed date, appointed day |
1012 | レバー | lever, liver |
1013 | 店 | store, shop, establishment |
1014 | 到達 | reaching, attaining, arrival |
1015 | 疎か | neglect, negligence, carelessness |
1016 | 流通 | circulation of money or goods, flow of water or air, distribution |
1017 | 移行 | switching over to |
1018 | 施す | to donate, to give, to conduct, to apply, to perform |
1019 | 政策 | political measures, policy |
1020 | 恐れ | fear, horror |
1021 | 守衛 | security guard, doorkeeper |
1022 | 造り | make up, structure, physique |
1023 | 遭難 | disaster, shipwreck, accident |
1024 | 日付 | date, dating |
1025 | 水田 | (water-filled) paddy field |
1026 | 助 | help, rescue, assistant |
1027 | 果たして | as was expected, really |
1028 | 紳士 | gentleman |
1029 | 使い道 | use |
1030 | 途絶える | to stop, to cease, to come to an end |
1031 | 供 | offer, present, submit, serve (a meal), supply |
1032 | 好調 | favourable, promising, satisfactory, in good shape |
1033 | 編 | compilation, editing, completed poem, book, part of book |
1034 | がっしり | firmly, solidly, tough |
1035 | 燃料 | fuel |
1036 | あら | oh, ah, saw-edged perch (Niphon spinosus) |
1037 | パジャマ | pajamas, pyjamas |
1038 | お蔭様で | Thanks to god, thanks to you |
1039 | 途上 | en route, half way |
1040 | 成り立つ | to conclude, to consist of, to be practical (logical feasible viable), to hold true |
1041 | 地形 | terrain, geographical features, topography |
1042 | 停滞 | stagnation, tie-up, congestion, retention, accumulation, falling into arrears |
1043 | 土手 | embankment, bank |
1044 | 家来 | retainer, retinue, servant |
1045 | 利息 | interest (bank) |
1046 | インフォメーション | information |
1047 | 丈 | only, just, as |
1048 | 世代 | generation, the world, the age |
1049 | 帳 | curtain |
1050 | 畜産 | animal husbandry |
1051 | 凶作 | bad harvest, poor crop |
1052 | 日当 | daily allowance |
1053 | 素敵 | lovely, dreamy, beautiful, great, fantastic, superb, cool, capital |
1054 | 乏しい | meagre, scarce, limited, destitute, hard up, scanty, poor |
1055 | あっさり | easily, readily, quickly |
1056 | 模範 | exemplar, exemplification, exemplum, model, example |
1057 | 赴任 | (proceeding to) new appointment |
1058 | 財 | fortune, riches |
1059 | 標語 | motto, slogan, catchword |
1060 | 出直し | adjustment, touch up |
1061 | 悪戯 | tease, prank, trick, practical joke, mischief |
1062 | 雑貨 | miscellaneous goods, general goods, sundries |
1063 | 奉る | to offer, to present, to revere, to do respectfully |
1064 | 拒否 | denial, veto, rejection, refusal |
1065 | 玉 | king (shogi) |
1066 | 沢山 | many, a lot, much |
1067 | 中傷 | slander, libel, defamation |
1068 | きちっと | exactly, perfectly |
1069 | 分担 | apportionment, sharing |
1070 | 骨董品 | curio |
1071 | しいんと | silent (as the grave), (deathly) quiet |
1072 | 任命 | appointment, nomination, ordination, commission, designation |
1073 | 割り当て | allotment, assignment, allocation, quota, rationing |
1074 | 嵩張る | to be bulky, to be unwieldy, to grow voluminous |
1075 | ノイローゼ | (de:) (n) neurosis (de: Neurose) |
1076 | 休戦 | truce, armistice |
1077 | 退く | to retreat, to recede, to withdraw |
1078 | 教訓 | lesson, precept, moral instruction |
1079 | 衝撃 | shock, crash, impact, ballistic |
1080 | 釣り | fishing, angling |
1081 | 細胞 | cell (biology) |
1082 | 左程 | (not) very, (not) much |
1083 | 立ち寄る | to stop by, to drop in for a short visit |
1084 | 自我 | self, the ego |
1085 | 危害 | injury, harm, danger |
1086 | 吃驚 | be surprised, be amazed, be frightened, astonishment |
1087 | 守備 | defense |
1088 | 動力 | power, motive power, dynamic force |
1089 | 久しい | long, long-continued, old (story) |
1090 | 解剖 | dissection, autopsy |
1091 | 老衰 | senility, senile decay |
1092 | 陶器 | pottery, ceramics |
1093 | 大方 | perhaps, almost all, majority |
1094 | アップ | up |
1095 | 洒落 | frank, open-hearted |
1096 | 文語 | written language, literary language |
1097 | 送金 | remittance, sending money |
1098 | 過ぎ | past, after |
1099 | 対抗 | opposition, antagonism |
1100 | 丁々 | clashing of swords, felling of trees, ringing of an ax |
1101 | 夜行 | walking around at night, night train, night travel |
1102 | 準急 | local express (train slower than an express) |
1103 | エンジニア | engineer |
1104 | 旧事 | past events, bygones |
1105 | 暴動 | insurrection, rebellion, revolt, riot, uprising |
1106 | 惨め | miserable |
1107 | 馬鹿馬鹿しい | stupid |
1108 | 責務 | duty, obligation |
1109 | その内 | eventually, sooner or later, of the previously mentioned |
1110 | 並み | average, medium, common, ordinary |
1111 | 対辺 | (geometrical) opposite side |
1112 | 馬鹿らしい | absurd |
1113 | この頃 | recently |
1114 | 確り | firmly, tightly, reliable, level-headed, steady |
1115 | 手際 | performance, skill, tact |
1116 | 後悔 | regret, repentance |
1117 | 行き成り | suddenly |
1118 | くっ付く | to adhere to, to keep close to |
1119 | 引き起こす | to cause |
1120 | 陰気 | gloom, melancholy |
1121 | 本場 | home, habitat, center, best place, genuine |
1122 | 染みる | to pierce, to permeate |
1123 | 心情 | mentality |
1124 | 散蒔く | to disseminate, to scatter, to give money freely |
1125 | 反乱 | insurrection, mutiny, rebellion, revolt, uprising |
1126 | 甥 | nephew |
1127 | 究極 | ultimate, final, eventual |
1128 | 命中 | a hit |
1129 | 宛てる | to address |
1130 | 故 | the late (deceased) |
1131 | 照合 | collation, comparison |
1132 | 聴講 | lecture attendance, auditing |
1133 | 学説 | theory |
1134 | 呼び止める | to challenge, to call somebody to halt |
1135 | 偽造 | forgery, falsification, fabrication, counterfeiting |
1136 | 強気 | great, grand |
1137 | 山岳 | mountains |
1138 | 済ます | to finish, to get it over with, to settle, to conclude, to pay back |
1139 | 姉妹 | sisters |
1140 | 証人 | witness |
1141 | 権 | authority, the right (to do something) |
1142 | 死 | death, decease |
1143 | 楽観 | optimism |
1144 | 便宜 | convenience, accommodation, advantage, expedience |
1145 | 復興 | revival, renaissance, reconstruction |
1146 | 合成 | synthesis, composition, synthetic, composite, mixed, combined, compound |
1147 | 受かる | to pass (examination) |
1148 | 装飾 | ornament |
1149 | 乱れる | to get confused, to be disordered, to be disturbed |
1150 | 大げさ | grandiose, exaggerated |
1151 | 構え | posture, pose, style |
1152 | 福 | good fortune |
1153 | 雑 | rough, crude |
1154 | 社交 | social life, social intercourse |
1155 | 歩み | walking |
1156 | お供 | attendant, companion |
1157 | 怒鳴る | to shout, to yell |
1158 | 炒める | to stir-fry |
1159 | 象徴 | symbol |
1160 | 統率 | command, lead, generalship, leadership |
1161 | 舞う | to dance, to flutter about, to revolve |
1162 | コンテスト | contest |
1163 | 採択 | adoption, selection, choice |
1164 | 共感 | sympathy, response |
1165 | 過密 | crowded |
1166 | ちょくちょく | often, frequently, now and then, occasionally |
1167 | 遅らす | to retard, to delay |
1168 | 居住 | residence |
1169 | じゃん拳 | rock-scissors-paper game |
1170 | 有望 | good prospects, full of hope, promising |
1171 | 処罰 | punishment |
1172 | 記述 | describing, descriptor |
1173 | 渦 | swirl |
1174 | 弄る | to touch, to tamper with |
1175 | ルール | rule |
1176 | 発言 | utterance, speech, proposal |
1177 | 結核 | tuberculosis, tubercule |
1178 | 歎 | grief, sigh, lamentation |
1179 | 給仕 | office boy (girl), page, waiter |
1180 | 悟る | to attain enlightenment, to perceive, to understand, to discern |
1181 | 強行 | forcing, enforcement |
1182 | 剥がす | to tear off, to peel off, to rip off, to strip off, to skin, to flay, to disrobe, to deprive of, to detach, t |
1183 | 先代 | family predecessor, previous age, previous generation |
1184 | 賭け | betting, gambling, a gamble |
1185 | アイデア | idea |
1186 | 系 | system, lineage, group |
1187 | 本の | mere, only, just |
1188 | 尾 | tail, ridge |
1189 | 当て字 | phonetic-equivalent character, substitute character |
1190 | 版画 | art print |
1191 | ベストセラー | best-seller |
1192 | 不良 | badness, delinquent, inferiority, failure |
1193 | 一切 | all, everything, without exception, the whole, entirely, absolutely |
1194 | 改良 | improvement, reform |
1195 | 著しい | remarkable, considerable |
1196 | 周 | circuit, lap, circumference, vicinity, Chou (dynasty) |
1197 | 放出 | release, emit |
1198 | 外観 | appearance, exterior, facade |
1199 | 現われる | to appear, to come in sight, to become visible, to come out, to embody, to materialize, to express oneself |
1200 | 協調 | co-operation, conciliation, harmony, firm (market) tone |
1201 | 雨具 | rain gear |
1202 | 残酷 | cruelty, harshness |
1203 | 旅客 | passenger (transport) |
1204 | 禅 | Zen (Buddhism) |
1205 | 或いは | or, possibly |
1206 | 依存 | dependence, dependent, reliance |
1207 | 群 | group (math) |
1208 | 申告 | report, statement, filing a return, notification |
1209 | 物足りない | unsatisfied, unsatisfactory |
1210 | キャッチ | catch |
1211 | 改まる | to be renewed |
1212 | 伐 | strike, attack, punish |
1213 | 印 | seal, stamp, mark, print |
1214 | 華奢 | luxury, pomp, delicate, slender, gorgeous |
1215 | 短波 | short wave |
1216 | 展示 | exhibition, display |
1217 | お手上げ | all over, given in, given up hope, bring to knees |
1218 | 探検 | exploration, expedition |
1219 | てんで | (not) at all, altogether, entirely |
1220 | 倍率 | diameter, magnification |
1221 | 開発 | development, exploitation |
1222 | 免れる | to escape from, to be rescued from, to avoid, to evade, to avert, to elude, to be exempted, to be relieved |
1223 | 診療 | medical examination and treatment, diagnosis |
1224 | 部門 | class, group, category, department, field, branch |
1225 | 空ろ | blank, cavity, hollow, empty (space) |
1226 | 部 | department, part, category, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine |
1227 | 満場 | unanimous, whole audience |
1228 | 概略 | outline, summary, gist, in brief |
1229 | 正常 | normalcy, normality, normal |
1230 | 擦れ違い | chance encounter |
1231 | 学歴 | academic background |
1232 | 封 | seal |
1233 | ずるずる | sound or act of dragging, loose, inconclusive but unwanted situation, trailingly |
1234 | 対決 | confrontation, showdown |
1235 | 美味しい | delicious, tasty |
1236 | オートマチック | automatic |
1237 | 了解 | comprehension, consent, understanding, roger (on the radio) |
1238 | 偏 | side, left radical of a character, inclining, inclining toward, biased |
1239 | 七日 | seven days, the seventh day (of the month) |
1240 | 疑惑 | doubt, misgivings, distrust, suspicion |
1241 | 打ち合わせる | to knock together, to arrange |
1242 | 慣用 | common, customary |
1243 | 取り除く | to remove, to take away, to set apart |
1244 | 手掛ける | to handle, to manage, to work with, to rear, to look after, to have experience with |
1245 | 土台 | foundation, base, basis |
1246 | 包む | to be engulfed in, to be enveloped by, to wrap up, to tuck in, to pack, to do up, to cover with, to dress i |
1247 | 色々 | various |
1248 | 道場 | dojo, hall used for martial arts training, mandala |
1249 | 代用 | substitution |
1250 | 堪らない | intolerable, unbearable, unendurable |
1251 | 何故 | why, how |
1252 | 在庫 | stockpile, stock |
1253 | 添える | to add to, to attach, to append, to accompany, to garnish, to imitate, to annex |
1254 | がる | feel |
1255 | 革命 | revolution |
1256 | 第一 | first, foremost, # 1 |
1257 | 汚らわしい | filthy, unfair |
1258 | 主導 | main leadership |
1259 | 教習 | training, instruction |
1260 | 保険 | insurance, guarantee |
1261 | 建前 | face, official stance, public position or attitude (as opposed to private thoughts) |
1262 | 刊行 | publication, issue |
1263 | 当て | object, aim, end, hopes, expectations |
1264 | 賛美 | praise, adoration, glorification |
1265 | ビールス | virus |
1266 | 桐 | paulownia tree |
1267 | 矢っ張り | also, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely |
1268 | 多忙 | busy, pressure of work |
1269 | 設ける | to create, to establish |
1270 | 尚更 | all the more, still less |
1271 | 手法 | technique |
1272 | 嫉妬 | jealousy |
1273 | 杯 | wine cups |
1274 | ぼやける | to become dim, to become blurred |
1275 | 逃す | to let loose, to set free, to let escape |
1276 | 向上 | elevation, rise, improvement, advancement, progress |
1277 | 遣る | to do, to have sexual intercourse, to kill, to give (to inferiors animals etc.), to dispatch (a letter |
1278 | 不振 | dullness, depression, slump, stagnation |
1279 | 転換 | convert, divert |
1280 | 何方 | which, who |
1281 | 幹 | (tree) trunk |
1282 | 提供 | offer, tender, program sponsoring, furnishing |
1283 | 意欲 | will, desire, ambition |
1284 | 主体 | subject, main constituent |
1285 | 脱する | to escape from, to get out |
1286 | 充実 | fullness, completion, perfection, substantiality, enrichment |
1287 | 手本 | model, pattern |
1288 | お先に | before, ahead, previously |
1289 | 深める | to deepen, to heighten, to intensify |
1290 | 品種 | brand, kind, description |
1291 | 成年 | majority, adult age |
1292 | 蕩ける | to be enchanted with |
1293 | 雫 | drop (of water) |
1294 | 新入生 | freshman, first-year student |
1295 | 偶に | occasionally, once in a while |
1296 | 試みる | to try, to test |
1297 | キャリア | career, career government employee |
1298 | 齎らす | to bring, to take, to bring about |
1299 | 原っぱ | open field, empty lot, plain |
1300 | ややこしい | puzzling, tangled, complicated, complex |
1301 | 取り扱い | treatment, service, handling, management |
1302 | 手引き | guidance, guide, introduction |
1303 | 聴覚 | the sense of hearing |
1304 | 背後 | back, rear |
1305 | 屎尿 | excreta, raw sewage, human waste, night soil |
1306 | 合議 | consultation, conference |
1307 | チャンネル | a channel |
1308 | 円滑 | harmony, smoothness |
1309 | 果て | the end, the extremity, the limit(s), the result |
1310 | 黴菌 | bacteria, germ(s) |
1311 | オーケー | OK |
1312 | 然しながら | nevertheless, however |
1313 | 凡そ | about, roughly, as a rule, approximately |
1314 | ナプキン | napkin |
1315 | 危機 | crisis |
1316 | いい加減 | moderate, right, random, not thorough, vague, irresponsible, halfhearted |
1317 | 名札 | name plate, name tag |
1318 | 反撃 | counterattack, counteroffensive, counterblow |
1319 | 一挙に | at a stroke, with a single swoop |
1320 | 若しかすると | perhaps, maybe, by some chance |
1321 | 織る | to weave |
1322 | し | 10^24 (kanji is JIS X 0212 kuten 4906), septillion (American), quadrillion (British) |
1323 | 屈折 | bending, indentation, refraction |
1324 | お襁褓 | diaper, nappy |
1325 | 弟 | younger brother |
1326 | 酪農 | dairy (farm) |
1327 | 委託 | consign (goods (for sale) to a firm), entrust (person with something), commit |
1328 | 議事堂 | Diet building |
1329 | 見逃す | to miss, to overlook, to leave at large |
1330 | 満たす | to satisfy, to ingratiate, to fill, to fulfill |
1331 | 同い年 | of the same age |
1332 | 所が | however, while, even if |
1333 | 策 | plan, policy |
1334 | 取り扱う | to treat, to handle, to deal in |
1335 | 蒸留 | distillation |
1336 | 発 | departure, beginning, counter for gunshots |
1337 | 埋め込む | to bury |
1338 | 受け入れる | to accept, to receive |
1339 | 衆議院 | Lower House, House of Representatives |
1340 | 部下 | subordinate person |
1341 | 一変 | complete change, about-face |
1342 | 踵 | (shoe) heel |
1343 | トラブル | trouble (sometimes used as a verb) |
1344 | 顎 | chin |
1345 | 活発 | vigor, active |
1346 | 鉛 | lead (the metal) |
1347 | 織物 | textile, fabric |
1348 | 少数 | minority, few |
1349 | 運輸 | transportation |
1350 | 斑 | spots, speckles, mottles |
1351 | 間柄 | relation(ship) |
1352 | 選挙 | election |
1353 | 宣言 | declaration, proclamation, announcement |
1354 | 躓く | to stumble, to trip |
1355 | 避難 | taking refuge, finding shelter |
1356 | 組み合わせる | to join together, to combine, to join up |
1357 | ずれる | to slide, to slip off |
1358 | 座談会 | symposium, round-table discussion |
1359 | 肉親 | blood relationship, blood relative |
1360 | 案の定 | sure enough, as usual |
1361 | 尽くす | to exhaust, to run out, to serve (a person), to befriend |
1362 | 厭々 | unwillingly, grudgingly, shaking head in refusal (to children) |
1363 | デザート | dessert |
1364 | クイズ | quiz |
1365 | ストロボ | stroboscope (lit: strobo), strobe lamp, stroboscopic lamp |
1366 | 個性 | individuality, personality, idiosyncrasy |
1367 | 阻む | to keep someone from doing, to stop, to prevent, to check, to hinder, to obstruct, to oppose, to thwart |
1368 | 染める | to dye, to colour |
1369 | 演習 | practice, exercises, manoeuvers |
1370 | 管 | pipe, tube |
1371 | 国交 | diplomatic relations |
1372 | 件 | example, precedent, the usual, the said, the above-mentioned, (man) in question |
1373 | 促進 | promotion, acceleration, encouragement, facilitation, spurring on |
1374 | 照明 | illumination |
1375 | 労力 | labour, effort, toil, trouble |
1376 | 募る | to invite, to solicit help participation etc |
1377 | 安静 | rest |
1378 | 負かす | to defeat |
1379 | 攻め | attack, offence |
1380 | 布巾 | tea-towel, dish cloth |
1381 | 並びに | and |
1382 | 雨天 | rainy weather |
1383 | 含嗽 | gargle, rinse mouth |
1384 | 損なう | to harm, to hurt, to injure, to damage, to fail in doing |
1385 | 跨がる | to extend over or into, to straddle |
1386 | ガレージ | garage (at house) |
1387 | 連中 | colleagues, company, a lot |
1388 | 降伏 | capitulation, surrender, submission |
1389 | 戦術 | tactics |
1390 | 衣類 | clothes, clothing, garments |
1391 | 修了 | completion (of a course) |
1392 | 質疑 | question |
1393 | 作 | a work, a harvest |
1394 | 補強 | compensation, reinforcement |
1395 | 中腹 | irritated, offended |
1396 | 待ち遠しい | looking forward to |
1397 | 釣鐘 | hanging bell |
1398 | 止める | to stop, to cease, to put an end to |
1399 | カムバック | comeback |
1400 | 伜 | son, my son |
1401 | 事柄 | matter, thing, affair, circumstance |
1402 | 易い | easy |
1403 | 既婚 | marriage, married |
1404 | 解除 | cancellation, rescinding, release, calling off |
1405 | 他方 | another side, different direction, (on) the other hand |
1406 | 促す | to urge, to press, to suggest, to demand, to stimulate, to quicken, to incite, to invite (attention to) |
1407 | 其れでは | in that situation, well then ... |
1408 | 富 | wealth, fortune |
1409 | 富豪 | wealthy person, millionaire |
1410 | 先天的 | a priori, inborn, innate, inherent, congenital, hereditary |
1411 | 同感 | agreement, same opinion, same feeling, sympathy, concurrence |
1412 | 刷り | printing |
1413 | 熱意 | zeal, enthusiasm |
1414 | 台本 | libretto, scenario |
1415 | 目蓋 | eyelid |
1416 | お喋り | chattering, talk, idle talk, chat, chitchat, gossip, chatty, talkative, chatterbox, blabbermouth |
1417 | オレンジ | an orange |
1418 | 天体 | heavenly body |
1419 | 助詞 | particle, postposition |
1420 | 点検 | inspection, examination, checking |
1421 | 処置 | treatment |
1422 | 滞る | to stagnate, to be delayed |
1423 | 受け止める | to catch, to stop the blow, to react to, to take |
1424 | 丸で | quite, entirely, completely, at all, as if, as though, so to speak |
1425 | 配偶者 | spouse, wife, husband |
1426 | 準じる | to follow, to conform, to apply to |
1427 | 和やか | mild, calm, gentle, quiet, harmonious |
1428 | 付属 | attached, belonging, affiliated, annexed, associated, subordinate, incidental, dependent, auxiliary |
1429 | 喜劇 | comedy, funny show |
1430 | 庁 | government office |
1431 | 出世 | promotion, successful career, eminence |
1432 | 少女 | daughter, young lady, virgin, maiden, little girl |
1433 | 鈍感 | thickheadedness, stolidity |
1434 | 面白い | interesting, amusing |
1435 | 月謝 | monthly tuition fee |
1436 | 金庫 | safe, vault, treasury, provider of funds |
1437 | 腫れる | to swell (from inflammation), to become swollen |
1438 | 傲る | to be proud |
1439 | 不便 | pity, compassion |
1440 | 成るべく | as much as possible |
1441 | 海流 | ocean current |
1442 | サンタクロース | Santa Claus |
1443 | 着手 | embarkation, launch |
1444 | 燃焼 | burning, combustion |
1445 | 堤防 | bank, weir |
1446 | 微量 | minuscule amount, extremely small quantity |
1447 | 抽選 | lottery, raffle, drawing (of lots) |
1448 | 取り混ぜる | to mix, to put together |
1449 | 勝る | to excel, to surpass, to outrival |
1450 | 庶民 | masses, common people |
1451 | 城下 | land near the castle |
1452 | 採決 | vote, roll call |
1453 | サイズ | size |
1454 | 絨毯 | carpet |
1455 | 字 | section of village |
1456 | 其れ程 | to that degree, extent |
1457 | 盾 | shield, buckler, escutcheon, pretext |
1458 | 此の | this |
1459 | 未婚 | unmarried |
1460 | 無礼 | impolite, rude |
1461 | 自立 | independence, self-reliance |
1462 | 吐く | 1. to breathe, 2. to tell (lies), 3. to vomit, to disgorge |
1463 | 華美 | pomp, splendor, gaudiness |
1464 | 追い出す | to expel, to drive out |
1465 | 仙 | hermit, wizard |
1466 | 戦力 | war potential |
1467 | 規格 | standard, norm |
1468 | 雛 | young bird, chick, doll |
1469 | 遠回り | detour, roundabout way |
1470 | 給食 | school lunch, providing a meal |
1471 | 瞬き | wink, twinkling (of stars), flicker (of light) |
1472 | 合わす | to join together, to face, to unite, to be opposite, to combine, to connect, to add up, to mix, to match, to |
1473 | 動的 | dynamic, kinetic |
1474 | 規模 | scale, scope, plan, structure |
1475 | 詰る | to rebuke, to scold, to tell off |
1476 | 扉 | door, opening |
1477 | 然し | however, but |
1478 | 漏る | to leak, to run out |
1479 | 家畜 | domestic animals, livestock, cattle |
1480 | 油絵 | oil painting |
1481 | 傑 | excellence |
1482 | 念 | sense, idea, thought, feeling, desire, concern, attention, care |
1483 | 正規 | regular, legal, formal, established, legitimate |
1484 | 可成 | considerably, fairly, quite |
1485 | 法廷 | courtroom |
1486 | 洋風 | western style |
1487 | 寝かせる | to put to bed, to lay down, to ferment |
1488 | 役 | war, campaign, battle |
1489 | 揺さぶる | to shake, to jolt, to rock, to swing |
1490 | 決まり悪い | feeling awkward, being ashamed |
1491 | 象 | phenomenon |
1492 | 市 | market, fair |
1493 | 免除 | exemption, exoneration, discharge |
1494 | 特有 | characteristic (of), peculiar (to) |
1495 | 沿線 | along railway line |
1496 | 化合 | chemical combination |
1497 | 利点 | advantage, point in favor |
1498 | 入る | to get in, to go in, to come in, to flow into, to set, to set in |
1499 | 打ち切る | to stop, to abort, to discontinue, to close |
1500 | 決議 | resolution, vote, decision |
1501 | 配列 | arrangement, array (programming) |
1502 | 彼此 | one thing or another, this and that, this or that |
1503 | 耐える | to bear, to endure |
1504 | 科 | department, section |
1505 | 何と | what, how, whatever |
1506 | 滅亡 | downfall, ruin, collapse, destruction |
1507 | 制約 | limitation, restriction, condition, constraints |
1508 | 市街 | urban areas, the streets, town, city |
1509 | 萎む | to wither, to fade (away), to shrivel, to wilt |
1510 | 矢 | arrow |
1511 | 育ち | breeding, growth |
1512 | 気兼ね | hesitance, diffidence, feeling constraint, fear of troubling someone, having scruples about doing someth |
1513 | 着 | counter for suits of clothing, arriving at .. |
1514 | 几帳面 | methodical, punctual, steady |
1515 | 同級 | the same grade, same class |
1516 | 極めて | exceedingly, extremely |
1517 | 眼球 | eyeball |
1518 | 顔付き | (outward) looks, features, face, countenance, expression |
1519 | 心中 | double suicide, lovers suicide |
1520 | ウェートレス | waitress |
1521 | ご座います | to be (polite), to exist |
1522 | 著 | counter for suits of clothing, arriving at .. |
1523 | 名付ける | to name (someone) |
1524 | 未練 | lingering affection, attachment, regret(s), reluctance |
1525 | 投げ出す | to throw down, to abandon, to sacrifice, to throw out |
1526 | 度忘れ | lapse of memory, forget for a moment |
1527 | 感慨 | strong feelings, deep emotion |
1528 | 原作 | original work |
1529 | 拗れる | to get complicated, to grow worse |
1530 | 退職 | retirement (from office) |
1531 | 結び付ける | to combine, to join, to tie on, to attach with a knot |
1532 | 受身 | passive, passive voice |
1533 | 呟く | to mutter, to murmur |
1534 | 資金 | funds, capital |
1535 | 追い込む | to herd, to corner, to drive |
1536 | 滲む | to run, to blur, to spread, to blot, to ooze |
1537 | 百科事典 | encyclopedia |
1538 | 公団 | public corporation |
1539 | 艶 | charming, fascinating, voluptuous |
1540 | 増進 | promoting, increase, advance |
1541 | 年鑑 | yearbook |
1542 | 第 | ordinal |
1543 | 構える | to set up |
1544 | レギュラー | regular |
1545 | 加工 | manufacturing, processing, treatment |
1546 | 暦 | calendar, almanac |
1547 | 不況 | recession, depression, slump |
1548 | 働 | work, labor |
1549 | 茶の湯 | tea ceremony |
1550 | 沈殿 | precipitation, settlement |
1551 | 無効 | invalid, no effect, unavailable |
1552 | 計器 | meter, gauge |
1553 | 乗り換え | transfer (trains buses etc.) |
1554 | 奉仕 | attendance, service |
1555 | 弓 | bow (and arrow) |
1556 | 是正 | correction, revision |
1557 | 素材 | raw materials, subject matter |
1558 | 無念 | chagrin, regret |
1559 | 諄い | verbose, importunate, heavy (taste) |
1560 | 澄ます | to clear, to make clear, to be unruffled, to look unconcerned, to look demure, look prim, put on airs |
1561 | 木綿 | cotton |
1562 | 告白 | confession, acknowledgement |
1563 | 産後 | postpartum, after childbirth |
1564 | スチーム | steam |
1565 | 繁殖 | breed, multiply, increase, propagation |
1566 | 分散 | dispersion, decentralization, variance (statistics) |
1567 | 開催 | holding a meeting, open an exhibition |
1568 | 弾力 | elasticity, flexibility |
1569 | 嘆く | to sigh, to lament, to grieve |
1570 | 臍 | navel, belly-button |
1571 | 貫く | to go through |
1572 | 産婦人科 | maternity and gynecology department |
1573 | 鉄棒 | iron rod, crowbar, horizontal bar (gymnastics) |
1574 | 牧師 | pastor, minister, clergyman |
1575 | すばしこい | nimble, smart, quick |
1576 | 走行 | running a wheeled vehicle (e.g. car), traveling |
1577 | 獲得 | acquisition, possession |
1578 | 目覚しい | brilliant, splendid, striking, remarkable |
1579 | あざ笑う | to sneer at, to ridicule |
1580 | 脅かす | to threaten, to coerce |
1581 | 期末 | end of term |
1582 | コメント | comment |
1583 | 然も | with gusto, with satisfaction |
1584 | 葦 | reed, bulrush |
1585 | 勧め | recommendation, advice, encouragement |
1586 | 煩わしい | troublesome, annoying, complicated |
1587 | 辺り | (in the) neighbourhood, vicinity, nearby |
1588 | 嫋か | supple, flexible, elastic |
1589 | 配慮 | consideration, concern, forethought |
1590 | 強請る | to tease, to coax, to solicit, to demand |
1591 | 慌てる | to become confused (disconcerted disorganized) |
1592 | 黄色 | yellow |
1593 | ブザー | buzzer |
1594 | 先行 | preceding, going first |
1595 | 脂肪 | fat, grease, blubber |
1596 | タイル | tile |
1597 | 窮屈 | narrow, tight, stiff, rigid, uneasy, formal, constrained |
1598 | 慣行 | customary practice, habit, traditional event |
1599 | 暴風 | storm, windstorm, gale |
1600 | 仰っしゃる | to say, to speak, to tell, to talk |
1601 | 稍 | a little, partially, somewhat, a short time, a while |
1602 | 俺 | I (ego) (boastful first-person pronoun) |
1603 | 転回 | revolution, rotation |
1604 | 実 | truth, reality, sincerity, fidelity, kindness, faith, substance, essence |
1605 | 転校 | change schools |
1606 | 取り分 | especially, above all |
1607 | 意地 | disposition, spirit, willpower, obstinacy, backbone, appetite |
1608 | 確保 | guarantee, ensure, maintain, insure, secure |
1609 | ブーツ | boots |
1610 | 液 | liquid, fluid |
1611 | 外相 | Foreign Minister |
1612 | 何も | nothing |
1613 | 当人 | the one concerned, the said person |
1614 | 国産 | domestic products |
1615 | 侵略 | aggression, invasion, raid |
1616 | 進み | progress |
1617 | 賠償 | reparations, indemnity, compensation |
1618 | 美術 | art, fine arts |
1619 | 上空 | sky, the skies, high-altitude sky, upper air |
1620 | 本気 | seriousness, truth, sanctity |
1621 | 控室 | waiting room |
1622 | 参上 | calling on, visiting |
1623 | 一々 | one by one, separately |
1624 | 予想 | expectation, anticipation, prediction, forecast |
1625 | 救援 | relief, rescue, reinforcement |
1626 | 下吏 | lower official |
1627 | 素っ気ない | cold, short, curt, blunt |
1628 | 異議 | objection, dissent, protest |
1629 | 障る | to hinder, to interfere with, to affect, to do one harm, to be harmful to |
1630 | 統制 | regulation, control |
1631 | 歪む | to warp, to swerve, to deflect, to be crooked, to be distorted, to be bent, to incline, to slant, to be perv |
1632 | 付録 | appendix, supplement |
1633 | 依 | depending on |
1634 | ブルー | blue |
1635 | 濯ぐ | to rinse, to wash out |
1636 | 頑丈 | solid, firm, stout, burly, strong, sturdy |
1637 | 名誉 | honor, credit, prestige |
1638 | 感度 | sensitivity, severity (quake) |
1639 | 持ち | 1. hold, charge, keep possession, in charge, 2. wear, durability, life, draw, 3. usage (suff) |
1640 | 乗客 | passenger |
1641 | 枠 | frame, slide |
1642 | 振興 | promotion, encouragement |
1643 | 惜しむ | to be frugal, to value, to regret |
1644 | スペース | space |
1645 | 消耗 | exhaustion, consumption |
1646 | 小切手 | cheque, check |
1647 | 侵す | to invade, to raid, to trespass, to violate, to intrude on |
1648 | 大胆 | bold, daring, audacious |
1649 | 蛋白質 | protein |
1650 | 記名 | signature, register |
1651 | 証 | proof, evidence |
1652 | 排水 | drainage |
1653 | 獲物 | game, spoils, trophy |
1654 | 婿 | son-in-law |
1655 | お洒落 | smartly dressed, someone smartly dressed, fashion-conscious |
1656 | 栄える | to prosper, to flourish |
1657 | 推進 | propulsion, driving force |
1658 | 招き | invitation |
1659 | 壮大 | magnificent, grand, majestic, splendid |
1660 | 代わる代わる | alternately |
1661 | 弁論 | discussion, debate, argument |
1662 | 重んずる | to honor, to respect, to esteem, to prize |
1663 | 年生 | pupil in .... year, student in .... year |
1664 | 無邪気 | innocence, simple-mindedness |
1665 | 梅干 | dried plum |
1666 | 仕掛け | device, trick, mechanism, gadget, (small) scale, half finished, commencement, set up, challenge |
1667 | 提示 | presentation, exhibit, suggest, citation |
1668 | 懲りる | to learn by experience, to be disgusted with |
1669 | 視点 | opinion, point of view, visual point |
1670 | 万人 | all people, everybody, 10000 people |
1671 | 零す | to spill |
1672 | 軽蔑 | scorn, disdain |
1673 | 棄権 | abstain from voting, renunciation of a right |
1674 | 病む | to fall ill, to be ill |
1675 | 名産 | noted product |
1676 | 運命 | fate |
1677 | 集まる | to gather, to collect, to assemble |
1678 | オープン | open |
1679 | 判 | size (of paper or books) |
1680 | 差額 | balance, difference, margin |
1681 | 鋸 | saw |
1682 | 催す | to hold (a meeting), to give (a dinner), to feel, to show signs of, to develop symptoms of, to feel (sick |
1683 | 恥 | shame, embarrassment |
1684 | 馴らす | to domesticate, to tame |
1685 | 震わせる | to be shaking, to be trembling |
1686 | 情 | feelings, emotion, passion |
1687 | 中程 | middle, midway |
1688 | 近視 | shortsightedness |
1689 | 座標 | coordinate(s) |
1690 | 画期 | epoch-making |
1691 | 万能 | all-purpose, almighty, omnipotent |
1692 | 及び | and, as well as |
1693 | 付き合う | to associate with, to keep company with, to get on with |
1694 | 拵える | to make, to manufacture |
1695 | エレガント | elegant |
1696 | 審査 | judging, inspection, examination, investigation |
1697 | 目付き | look, expression of the eyes, eyes |
1698 | びっしょり | wet through, drenched |
1699 | 馴れ馴れしい | over-familiar |
1700 | 勧告 | advice, counsel, remonstrance, recommendation |
1701 | 事業 | project, enterprise, business, industry, operations |
1702 | 放棄 | abandonment, renunciation, abdication (responsibility right) |
1703 | 捕虜 | prisoner (of war) |
1704 | 傾ける | to incline, to list, to bend, to lean, to tip, to tilt, to slant, to concentrate on, to ruin (a country), to |
1705 | 事項 | matter, item, facts |
1706 | 上司 | superior authorities, boss |
1707 | こだわる | to fuss over, to be particular about, to be concerned about |
1708 | 目覚める | to wake up |
1709 | 極楽 | paradise |
1710 | 叫び | shout, scream, outcry |
1711 | 連盟 | league, union, alliance |
1712 | 不順 | irregularity, unseasonableness |
1713 | ホース | hose |
1714 | 励む | to be zealous, to brace oneself, to endeavour, to strive, to make an effort |
1715 | 軽快 | rhythmical (e.g. melody), casual (e.g. dress), light, nimble |
1716 | 過労 | overwork, strain |
1717 | 鼠 | 1. mouse, rat, 2. dark gray, slate color |
1718 | 逸らす | to turn away, to avert |
1719 | ミュージック | music |
1720 | ジャンボ | jumbo |
1721 | 匹敵 | comparing with, match, rival, equal |
1722 | 収集 | gathering up, collection, accumulation |
1723 | 兵士 | soldier |
1724 | 和文 | Japanese text, sentence in Japanese |
1725 | 売り出す | to put on sale, to market, to become popular |
1726 | 頑固 | stubbornness, obstinacy |
1727 | 確定 | definition (math), decision, settlement |
1728 | 結合 | combination, union |
1729 | シナリオ | scenario |
1730 | 伝達 | transmission (e.g. news), communication, delivery |
1731 | 胴 | trunk, body, frame |
1732 | 遣い | mission, simple task, doing |
1733 | 非行 | delinquency, misconduct |
1734 | 共働き | dual income |
1735 | 階 | -floor (counter), stories |
1736 | -超 | super-, ultra-, hyper |
1737 | 痒い | itchy, itching |
1738 | 無難 | safety, security |
1739 | ソース | source |
1740 | 交易 | trade, commerce |
1741 | 志向 | intention, aim |
1742 | 溝 | 10^38, hundred undecillion (American), hundred sextillion (British) |
1743 | 磁気 | magnetism |
1744 | 一向 | earnestly |
1745 | 交付 | delivering, furnishing (with copies) |
1746 | 一息 | puffy, a breath, a pause, an effort |
1747 | 取り引き | transactions, dealings, business |
1748 | 和らげる | to soften, to moderate, to relieve |
1749 | 鮮やか | vivid, clear, brilliant |
1750 | モーテル | motel |
1751 | 殿 | rear, rear unit guard |
1752 | 名高い | famous, celebrated, well-known |
1753 | 見通し | perspective, unobstructed view, outlook, forecast, prospect, insight |
1754 | 零れる | to overflow, to spill |
1755 | 到底 | (cannot) possibly |
1756 | 個別 | particular case |
1757 | 固める | to harden, to freeze, to fortify |
1758 | 暴露 | disclosure, exposure, revelation |
1759 | 気立て | disposition, nature |
1760 | 饂飩 | noodles (Japanese) |
1761 | 傾 | lean, incline |
1762 | 跨ぐ | to straddle |
1763 | 前置き | preface, introduction |
1764 | 未開 | savage land, backward region, uncivilized |
1765 | 感触 | sense of touch, feeling, sensation |
1766 | 抜かす | to omit, to leave out |
1767 | 了承 | acknowledgement, understanding (e.g. please be understanding of the mess during our renovation) |
1768 | 器 | bowl, vessel, container |
1769 | バー | bar |
1770 | 連日 | every day, prolonged |
1771 | 熱量 | temperature |
1772 | 現行 | present, current, in operation |
1773 | 定まる | to become settled, to be fixed |
1774 | 脱出 | escape |
1775 | 賃金 | wages |
1776 | 記載 | mention, entry |
1777 | 呉れる | to give, to let one have, to do for one, to be given |
1778 | 泌み泌み | keenly, deeply, heartily |
1779 | 意向 | intention, idea, inclination |
1780 | 中和 | neutralize, counteract |
1781 | 抗議 | protest, objection |
1782 | 視野 | field of vision, outlook |
1783 | 集計 | totalization, aggregate |
1784 | 尻尾 | tail (animal) |
1785 | 何時でも | (at) any time, always, at all times, never (neg), whenever |
1786 | アラブ | Arab |
1787 | 融資 | financing, loan |
1788 | 亜科 | suborder, subfamily |
1789 | 岩石 | rock |
1790 | 志 | will, intention, motive |
1791 | おどおど | coweringly, hesitantly |
1792 | 十分 | 10 minutes |
1793 | 経歴 | personal history, career |
1794 | 固体 | solid (body) |
1795 | いやに | awfully, terribly |
1796 | 瓶 | earthenware pot |
1797 | 抑制 | suppression |
1798 | 協議 | conference, consultation, discussion, negotiation |
1799 | 不図 | suddenly, casually, accidentally, incidentally, unexpectedly, unintentionally |
1800 | 産む | to give birth, to deliver, to produce |
1801 | 蔵 | warehouse, cellar, magazine, granary, godown, depository, treasury, elevator |
1802 | 碌に | well, enough, sufficient |
1803 | 正当 | just, justifiable, right, due, proper, equitable, reasonable, legitimate, lawful |
1804 | 疲労 | fatigue, weariness |
1805 | 年輪 | annual tree ring |
1806 | 乙 | 1. strange, quaint, stylish, chic, spicy, queer, witty, tasty, romantic, 2. 2nd in rank, second sign of the |
1807 | 機構 | mechanism, organization |
1808 | 定義 | definition |
1809 | すれ違う | to pass by one another, to disagree, to miss each other |
1810 | お目出度う | (ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!, an auspicious occasion! |
1811 | 冷蔵 | cold storage, refrigeration |
1812 | 欺く | to deceive |
1813 | 限定 | limit, restriction |
1814 | 料 | material, charge, rate, fee |
1815 | コントラスト | contrast |
1816 | 頼み | request, favor, reliance, dependence |
1817 | 煙る | to smoke (e.g. fire) |
1818 | 見せびらかす | to show off, to flaunt |
1819 | ドライブイン | drive in |
1820 | 落とす | to drop, to lose, to let fall |
1821 | 規範 | model, standard, pattern, norm, criterion, example |
1822 | いざ | now, come (now), well, crucial moment |
1823 | 良識 | good sense |
1824 | 給う | to receive, to grant |
1825 | 延べ | futures, credit (buying), stretching, total |
1826 | 社宅 | company owned house |
1827 | 連帯 | solidarity |
1828 | 二人 | two persons, two people, pair, couple |
1829 | セレモニー | ceremony |
1830 | 酷い | cruel, awful, severe, very bad, serious, terrible, heavy, violent |
1831 | 面目 | face, honour, reputation, prestige, dignity, credit |
1832 | ミリ | milli-, 10^-3 |
1833 | 分子 | numerator, molecule |
1834 | 単 | one layer, single |
1835 | 噛る | to chew, to bite (at), to gnaw, to nibble, to munch, to crunch, to have a smattering of |
1836 | 押さえる | to stop, to restrain, to seize, to repress, to suppress, to press down |
1837 | 欠く | to lack, to break, to crack, to chip |
1838 | 無知 | ignorance |
1839 | 願書 | written application or petition |
1840 | 金槌 | 1. (iron) hammer, 2. punishment |
1841 | 其れ故 | therefore, for that reason, so |
1842 | 夥しい | abundantly, innumerably |
1843 | 流 | styleof, method of, manner of |
1844 | 論理 | logic |
1845 | 蹴飛ばす | to kick away, to kick off, to kick (someone), to refuse, to reject |
1846 | 素早い | fast, quick, prompt, agile |
1847 | 番目 | cardinal number suffix |
1848 | 司法 | administration of justice |
1849 | 体格 | physique, constitution |
1850 | 後退 | retreat, backspace (BS) |
1851 | 過多 | excess, superabundance |
1852 | 鍛える | to forge, to drill, to temper, to train, to discipline |
1853 | 天才 | genius, prodigy, natural gift |
1854 | 身体 | the body |
1855 | 毎 | each respectively |
1856 | 乗っ取る | to capture, to occupy, to usurp |
1857 | 沸騰 | boiling, seething |
1858 | 砂利 | gravel, ballast, pebbles |
1859 | パトカー | patrol car |
1860 | 一目 | a glance, a look, a glimpse |
1861 | 粥 | (rice) gruel |
1862 | 人質 | hostage, prisoner |
1863 | 商人 | trader, shopkeeper, merchant |
1864 | 理性 | reason, sense |
1865 | 通りかかる | to happen to pass by |
1866 | 欲望 | desire, appetite |
1867 | 歩 | pawn (in chess or shogi) |
1868 | 短歌 | tanka, 31-syllable Japanese poem |
1869 | 根拠 | basis, foundation |
1870 | 回路 | circuit (electric) |
1871 | 割引き | discount, reduction, rebate, tenths discounted |
1872 | 詰まり | in short, in brief, in other words, that is to say, in the long run, after all, blockade, stuffing, ultimate |
1873 | 着色 | colouring, coloring |
1874 | アプローチ | approach (in golf) |
1875 | 強める | to strengthen, to emphasize |
1876 | 号 | number, issue |
1877 | 憧れ | yearning, longing, aspiration |
1878 | 群集 | (social) group, crowd, throng, mob, multitude |
1879 | デコレーション | decoration |
1880 | 上手 | 1. upper part, upper stream, left side (of a stage), 2. skillful (only in comparisons), dexterity (on |
1881 | あやふや | uncertain, vague, ambiguous |
1882 | 荒らす | to lay waste, to devastate, to damage, to invade, to break into |
1883 | 打ち込む | to drive in (e.g. nail stake), to devote oneself to, to shoot into, to smash, to throw into, to cast int |
1884 | 奇麗 | pretty, clean, nice, tidy, beautiful, fair |
1885 | 焦げ茶 | black tea |
1886 | 手錠 | handcuffs, manacles |
1887 | 何卒 | please, kindly, by all means |
1888 | 侍 | Samurai, warrior |
1889 | 真実 | truth, reality |
1890 | 悩み | trouble(s), worry, distress, anguish, agony, problem |
1891 | 痛む | to hurt, to feel a pain, to be injured |
1892 | 乗り込む | to board, to embark on, to get into (a car), to ship (passengers), to man (a ship), to help (someone) int |
1893 | 両立 | compatibility, coexistence, standing together |
1894 | 心掛け | readiness, intention, aim |
1895 | 即する | to conform to, to agree with, to be adapted to, to be based on |
1896 | くっ付ける | to attach |
1897 | 樹立 | establish, create |
1898 | 遥か | far, far-away, distant, remote, far off |
1899 | 栽培 | cultivation |
1900 | 参議院 | House of Councillors |
1901 | 感無量 | deep feeling, inexpressible feeling, filled with emotion |
1902 | 毟る | to pluck, to pick, to tear |
1903 | 失調 | lack of harmony |
1904 | 趣 | meaning, tenor, gist, effect, appearance, taste, grace, charm, refinement |
1905 | 発掘 | excavation, exhumation |
1906 | 長大 | very long, great length |
1907 | 据える | to set (table), to lay (foundation), to place (gun), to apply (moxa) |
1908 | 規定 | regulation, provisions |
1909 | 潜る | 1. to drive, to pass through, 2. to evade, to hide, 3. to dive (into or under water), to go undergro |
1910 | 浜 | beach, seashore |
1911 | 浮かぶ | to float, to rise to surface, to come to mind |
1912 | 成熟 | maturity, ripeness |
1913 | 壷 | tsubo jar, pot, vase |
1914 | 土木 | public works |
1915 | 良好 | favorable, satisfactory |
1916 | 経過 | passage, expiration, progress |
1917 | 平たい | flat, even, level, simple, plain |
1918 | 熱湯 | boiling water |
1919 | 元素 | chemical element |
1920 | 概念 | general idea, concept, notion |
1921 | 足し算 | addition |
1922 | 治療 | medical treatment |
1923 | 一敗 | one defeat |
1924 | 刺 | thorn, splinter, spine, biting words |
1925 | 短気 | quick temper |
1926 | 華々しい | brilliant, magnificent, spectacular |
1927 | 殺人 | murder |
1928 | 工学 | engineering |
1929 | 役場 | town hall |
1930 | ボルト | volt, bolt |
1931 | 付き | attached to, impression, sociality, appearance, furnished with, under, to |
1932 | 休める | to rest, to suspend, to give relief |
1933 | 議決 | resolution, decision, vote |
1934 | 報じる | to inform, to report |
1935 | オリエンテーション | orientation |
1936 | 余興 | side show, entertainment |
1937 | ネガ | (photographic) negative |
1938 | 作り | make-up, sliced raw fish |
1939 | 興業 | industrial enterprise |
1940 | 内部 | interior, inside, internal |
1941 | その上 | in addition, furthermore |
1942 | 消去 | elimination, erasing, dying out, melting away |
1943 | 仕舞 | end, termination, informal (Noh play) |
1944 | 模索 | groping (for) |
1945 | ずらっと | in a line, in a row |
1946 | 驚き | surprise, astonishment, wonder |
1947 | ベース | base, bass |
1948 | 田園 | country, rural districts |
1949 | 研ぐ | to sharpen, to grind, to scour, to hone, to polish, to wash (rice) |
1950 | 概説 | general statement, outline |
1951 | 癌 | cancer |
1952 | 内乱 | civil war, insurrection, rebellion, domestic conflict |
1953 | 利子 | interest (bank) |
1954 | 不審 | incomplete understanding, doubt, question, distrust, suspicion, strangeness, infidelity |
1955 | 業務 | business, affairs, duties, work |
1956 | 再 | re-, again, repeated |
1957 | 明後日 | day after tomorrow |
1958 | 傍ら | beside(s), while, nearby |
1959 | 無論 | of course, naturally |
1960 | 副 | especially, above all |
1961 | 妥結 | agreement |
1962 | コミュニケーション | communication |
1963 | 生真面目 | too serious, person who is too serious, honesty, sincerity |
1964 | 自ずから | naturally, as a matter of course |
1965 | 孤独 | isolation, loneliness, solitude |
1966 | ストレス | stress |
1967 | 距離 | distance, range |
1968 | 同盟 | alliance, union, league |
1969 | 火傷 | burn, scald |
1970 | 弛む | to slacken, to loosen, to relax |
1971 | 来場 | attendance |
1972 | 作戦 | military or naval operations, tactics, strategy |
1973 | 形成 | formation |
1974 | 炙る | to scorch |
1975 | 取りあえず | at once, first of all, for the time being |
1976 | 運用 | making use of, application, investment, practical use |
1977 | 賢明 | wisdom, intelligence, prudence |
1978 | 映写 | projection |
1979 | 済みません | sorry, excuse me |
1980 | 苗 | rice seedling |
1981 | 警戒 | warning, admonition, vigilance |
1982 | 銅 | copper |
1983 | 乾 | dried, cured |
1984 | パンク | 1. (abbr) puncture, bursting, 2. punk |
1985 | 加留多(た) | (pt:) (n) playing cards (pt: carta) |
1986 | 凝らす | to freeze, to congeal |
1987 | 役職 | post, managerial position, official position |
1988 | 告げる | to inform |
1989 | 個々 | individual, one by one |
1990 | びり | last on the list, at the bottom |
1991 | 失格 | disqualification, elimination, incapacity (legal) |
1992 | 密接 | related, connected, close, intimate |
1993 | 誤魔化す | to deceive, to falsify, to misrepresent |
1994 | 害する | to injure, to damage, to harm, to kill, to hinder |
1995 | 取り調べる | to investigate, to examine |
1996 | 崖 | cliff |
1997 | 裏返し | inside out, upside down |
1998 | 農地 | agricultural land |
1999 | 旦那 | master (of house), husband (informal) |
2000 | 切実 | compelling, serious, severe, acute, earnest, pressing, urgent |
2001 | 申出 | proposal, request, claim, report, notice |
2002 | 教員 | teaching staff |
2003 | 体裁 | decency, style, form, appearance, show, get-up, format |
2004 | 現像 | developing (film) |
2005 | 改訂 | revision |
2006 | 行進 | march, parade |
2007 | 即ち | that is, namely, i.e. |
2008 | 謝絶 | refusal |
2009 | 恐らく | perhaps |
2010 | 占領 | occupation, capture, possession, have a room to oneself |
2011 | 戸籍 | census, family register |
2012 | 悲観 | pessimism, disappointment |
2013 | 登録 | registration, register, entry, record |
2014 | 細やか | friendly |
2015 | 内陸 | inland |
2016 | 洪水 | flood |
2017 | 腿 | thigh, femur |
2018 | 飽和 | saturation |
2019 | 積もり | intention, plan |
2020 | 若しかしたら | perhaps, maybe, by some chance |
2021 | 負傷 | injury, wound |
2022 | 真相 | truth, real situation |
2023 | 立法 | legislation, lawmaking |
2024 | 利根 | intelligence |
2025 | 吊り革 | strap |
2026 | 溶液 | solution (liquid) |
2027 | 発足 | starting, inauguration |
2028 | 曲 | tune, piece of music |
2029 | 承諾 | consent, acquiescence, agreement |
2030 | 優美 | grace, refinement, elegance |
2031 | 兼用 | multi-use, combined use, combination, serving two purposes |
2032 | 倒産 | (corporate) bankruptcy, insolvency |
2033 | 神聖 | holiness, sacredness, dignity |
2034 | 人材 | man of talent |
2035 | 発生 | outbreak, spring forth, occurrence, incidence, origin |
2036 | 箇箇 | individual, separate |
2037 | 気風 | character, traits, ethos |
2038 | 見せ物 | show, exhibition |
2039 | 侮辱 | insult, contempt, slight |
2040 | 青春 | youth, springtime of life, adolescent |
2041 | 謙る | to deprecate oneself and praise the listener |
2042 | 仏像 | Buddhist image (statue) |
2043 | 下位 | low rank, subordinate, lower order (e.g. byte) |
2044 | 蔵相 | Minister of Finance |
2045 | 徐行 | going slowly |
2046 | 従来 | up to now, so far, traditional |
2047 | 枚 | counter for flat objects (e.g. sheets of paper) |
2048 | 卑しい | greedy, vulgar, shabby, humble, base, mean, vile |
2049 | 引き上げる | to withdraw, to leave, to pull out, to retire |
2050 | 鉄片 | iron scraps |
2051 | 協会 | association, society, organization |
2052 | 捻子 | screw, helix, spiral |
2053 | 点火 | ignition, lighting, set fire to |
2054 | さっと | quickly, suddenly |
2055 | 実情 | real condition, actual circumstances, actual state of affairs |
2056 | 体付き | body build, figure |
2057 | 絶版 | out of print |
2058 | 拒絶 | refusal, rejection |
2059 | 遅くとも | at the latest |
2060 | 中継 | relay, hook-up |
2061 | 交える | to mix, to converse with, to cross (swords) |
2062 | 態々 | expressly, specially, doing something especially rather than incidentally |
2063 | 一定 | fixed, settled, definite, uniform, regularized, defined, standardized, certain, prescribed |
2064 | 頂 | (top of) head, summit, spire |
2065 | 観覧 | viewing |
2066 | 人民 | people, public |
2067 | 練る | to knead, to work over, to polish up |
2068 | 仕立てる | to tailor, to make, to prepare, to train, to send (a messenger) |
2069 | 纏まり | conclusion, settlement, consistency |
2070 | 入賞 | winning a prize or place (in a contest) |
2071 | タイピスト | typist |
2072 | 擦る | to touch lightly, to take a percentage (from) |
2073 | 進呈 | presentation |
2074 | アンコール | encore |
2075 | がっちり | solidly built, tightly, shrewd, calculating |
2076 | 私有 | private ownership |
2077 | 直感 | intuition |
2078 | 派遣 | dispatch, send |
2079 | 仕上げ | end, finishing touches, being finished |
2080 | 何時の間にか | before one knows, unnoticed, unawares |
2081 | 高まる | to rise, to swell, to be promoted |
2082 | 傾く | to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to, to |
2083 | 嘘つき | liar (sometimes said with not much seriousness), fibber |
2084 | 介護 | nursing |
2085 | 此れ | this |
2086 | 即座に | immediately, right away |
2087 | 切り替える | to change, to exchange, to convert, to renew, to throw a switch, to replace, to switch over |
2088 | 襲撃 | attack, charge, raid |
2089 | 弁償 | next word, compensation, reparation, indemnity, reimbursement |
2090 | 百科辞典 | encyclopedia |
2091 | 布告 | edict, ordinance, proclamation |
2092 | 自転 | rotation, spin |
2093 | 繁盛 | prosperity, flourishing, thriving |
2094 | 児 | child, the young of animals |
2095 | 育成 | rearing, training, nurture, cultivation, promotion |
2096 | 略奪 | pillage, plunder, looting, robbery |
2097 | 止むを得ない | cannot be helped, unavoidable |
2098 | 旅券 | passport |
2099 | 収容 | accommodation, reception, seating, housing, custody, admission, entering (in a dictionary) |
2100 | 老いる | to age, to grow old |
2101 | 痛める | to hurt, to injure, to cause pain, to worry, to bother, to afflict, to be grieved over |
2102 | 根気 | patience, perseverance, energy |
2103 | 所得 | income, earnings |
2104 | 待望 | expectant waiting |
2105 | がっくり | heartbroken |
2106 | 昼飯 | lunch, midday meal |
2107 | 製 | -made, make |
2108 | 問 | problem, question |
2109 | 一筋 | a line, earnestly, blindly, straightforwardly |
2110 | 軋む | to jar, to creak, to grate |
2111 | 帯びる | to wear, to carry, to be entrusted, to have, to take on, to have a trace of, to be tinged with |
2112 | 浮力 | buoyancy, floating power |
2113 | 首輪 | necklace, choker |
2114 | 湿気る | to be damp, to be moist |
2115 | 野外 | fields, outskirts, open air, suburbs |
2116 | 動向 | trend, tendency, movement, attitude |
2117 | 抓る | to pinch |
2118 | 世帯 | household |
2119 | 排除 | exclusion, removal, rejection |
2120 | 進度 | progress |
2121 | 名簿 | register of names |
2122 | 制裁 | restraint, sanctions, punishment |
2123 | ぐらい | approximately |
2124 | 転居 | moving, changing residence |
2125 | 似通う | to resemble closely |
2126 | ヒント | hint |
2127 | 元来 | originally, primarily, essentially, logically, naturally |
2128 | 調和 | harmony |
2129 | 葬る | to bury, to inter, to entomb, to consign to oblivion, to shelve |
2130 | 分離 | separation, detachment, segregation, isolation |
2131 | 階級 | class, rank, grade |
2132 | 任す | to entrust, to leave to a person |
2133 | 甲 | 1st in rank, first sign of the Chinese calendar, shell, instep, grade A |
2134 | 未知 | not yet known |
2135 | ラベル | label |
2136 | 腕前 | ability, skill, facility |
2137 | 浜辺 | beach, foreshore |
2138 | 長編 | long (e.g. novel film) |
2139 | 情け深い | tender-hearted, compassionate |
2140 | 映像 | reflection, image |
2141 | 刺繍 | embroidery |
2142 | 捻じれる | to twist, to wrench, to screw |
2143 | 放射 | radiation, emission |
2144 | 比率 | ratio, proportion, percentage |
2145 | 貧乏 | poverty, destitute, poor |
2146 | 健在 | in good health, well |
2147 | 壇 | 1. platform, podium, rostrum, 2. (arch) mandala |
2148 | 団扇 | fan |
2149 | 拝啓 | Dear (so and so) |
2150 | 明るい | bright, cheerful |
2151 | 死刑 | death penalty, capital punishment |
2152 | 展望 | view, outlook, prospect |
2153 | 振動 | oscillation, vibration |
2154 | 水源 | source of river, fountainhead |
2155 | 屡 | often, again and again, frequently |
2156 | 仕舞う | to finish, to close, to do something completely, to put away, to put an end to |
2157 | 情勢 | state of things, condition, situation |
2158 | 気象 | weather, climate |
2159 | 欲深い | greedy |
2160 | 嘗て | once, ever |
2161 | 反射 | reflection, reverberation |
2162 | 荷造り | packing, baling, crating |
2163 | 執着 | attachment, adhesion, tenacity |
2164 | 冴える | to be clear, to be serene, to be cold, to be skillful |
2165 | 登校 | attendance (at school) |
2166 | 臆病 | cowardice, timidity |
2167 | 判決 | judicial decision, judgement, sentence, decree |
2168 | 取り立てる | to collect, to extort, to appoint, to promote |
2169 | 摘む | to pinch, to hold, to pick up |
2170 | 其れ | it, that |
2171 | 導入 | introduction, bringing in, leading in |
2172 | 辞職 | resignation |
2173 | 商 | quotient |
2174 | 度々 | often, repeatedly, frequently |
2175 | 主催 | organization, sponsorship |
2176 | 見渡す | to look out over, to survey (scene), to take an extensive view of |
2177 | 初耳 | something heard for the first time |
2178 | デッサン | (fr:) (n) rough sketch (fr: dessin) |
2179 | 勘弁 | pardon, forgiveness, forbearance |
2180 | 喋る | to talk, to chat, to chatter |
2181 | 可哀想 | poor, pitiable, pathetic |
2182 | 小売 | retail |
2183 | ワット | watt |
2184 | お出でになる | to be |
2185 | 文書 | document, writing, letter, note, records, archives |
2186 | 不動産 | real estate |
2187 | 藍褸 | rag, scrap, tattered clothes, fault (esp. in a pretense), defect, run-down or junky |
2188 | 例 | instance, example, case, precedent, experience, custom, usage, parallel, illustration |
2189 | 所在 | whereabouts |
2190 | 発病 | attack (disease) |
2191 | 取り戻す | to take back, to regain |
2192 | 然うして | and, like that |
2193 | 優勢 | superiority, superior power, predominance, preponderance |
2194 | 無口 | reticence |
2195 | ずぶ濡れ | soaked, dripping wet |
2196 | ぞんざい | rude, careless, slovenly |
2197 | 屋敷 | mansion |
2198 | 結束 | union, unity |
2199 | 等 | et cetera, etc., and the like |
2200 | 授ける | to grant, to award, to teach |
2201 | 返る | to return, to come back, to go back |
2202 | 愚か | foolish, stupid |
2203 | 衣料 | clothing |
2204 | 縁談 | marriage proposal, engagement |
2205 | 使用人 | employee, servant |
2206 | 要請 | claim, demand, request, application |
2207 | カンニング | cunning, cheat |
2208 | 成果 | results, fruits |
2209 | 楽譜 | score (music) |
2210 | 上昇 | rising, ascending, climbing |
2211 | 著名 | well-known, noted, celebrated |
2212 | 負債 | debt, liabilities |
2213 | 清算 | liquidation, settlement |
2214 | 蓮 | lotus |
2215 | 水洗 | flushing |
2216 | 日々 | every day, daily, day after day |
2217 | 鬱陶しい | gloomy, depressing |
2218 | 尽きる | to be used up, to be run out, to be exhausted, to be consumed, to come to an end |
2219 | 果ない | fleeting, transient, short-lived, momentary, vain, fickle, miserable, empty, ephemeral |
2220 | 美 | beauty |
2221 | ぼつぼつ | gradually, here and there, spots, pimples |
2222 | ファイト | fight |
2223 | 溜まり | collected things, gathering place, arrears |
2224 | 通 | connoisseur, counter for letters |
2225 | カルテ | (de:) (n) clinical records (de: Karte) |
2226 | 股 | groin, crotch, thigh |
2227 | 明々後日 | two days after tomorrow |
2228 | 月賦 | monthly installment |
2229 | 引き取る | to take charge of, to take over, to retire to a private place |
2230 | 勧誘 | invitation, solicitation, canvassing, inducement, persuasion, encouragement |
2231 | 脆い | brittle, fragile, tender-hearted |
2232 | 網 | net, network |
2233 | 静的 | static |
2234 | ハンガー | hangar, (coat) hanger, hunger |
2235 | 尉 | jailer, old man, rank, company officer |
2236 | 溢れる | to flood, to overflow, to brim over |
2237 | 共存 | coexistence |
2238 | 相 | together, mutually, fellow |
2239 | 格 | status, character, case |
2240 | 赤ちゃん | baby, infant |
2241 | 勢力 | influence, power, might, strength, potency, force, energy |
2242 | 知的 | intellectual |
2243 | 下品 | inferior article |
2244 | 誰 | adjectival suffix for a person |
2245 | 微笑 | smile |
2246 | 詫び | apology |
2247 | 済まない | sorry (phrase) |
2248 | 恋愛 | love, love-making, passion, emotion, affections |
2249 | 換算 | conversion, change, exchange |
2250 | 誇る | to boast of, to be proud of |
2251 | 床 | bed, sickbed, alcove, padding |
2252 | 減点 | subtract, give a demerit |
2253 | お巡りさん | policeman (friendly term) |
2254 | 指図 | instruction, mandate |
2255 | 火燵 | table with heater, (orig) charcoal brazier in a floor well |
2256 | 諮る | to consult with, to confer |
2257 | 先に | before, earlier than, ahead, beyond, away, previously, recently |
2258 | ずれ | gap, slippage |
2259 | 善し悪し | good or bad, merits or demerits, quality, suitability |
2260 | お菜 | side dish, accompaniment for rice dishes |
2261 | 受け入れ | receiving, acceptance |
2262 | 愛想 | civility, courtesy, compliments, sociability, graces |
2263 | 誠実 | sincere, honest, faithful |
2264 | 大衆 | general public |
2265 | 等級 | grade, class |
2266 | 辛うじて | barely, narrowly, just manage to do st |
2267 | 門 | gate |
2268 | インターチェンジ | interchange |
2269 | 赤らむ | to become red, to redden, to blush |
2270 | フィルター | (camera) filter |
2271 | 目録 | catalogue, catalog, list |
2272 | 面する | to face on, to look out on to |
2273 | 手分け | division of labour |
2274 | 挑戦 | challenge, defiance |
2275 | 捕獲 | capture, seizure |
2276 | 落ち着き | calm, composure |
2277 | 一見 | unfamiliar, never before met |
2278 | 当たり | hit, success, reaching the mark, per ..., vicinity, neighborhood |
2279 | 購入 | purchase, buy |
2280 | 代弁 | pay by proxy, act for another, speak for another |
2281 | 略語 | abbreviation, acronym |
2282 | 新築 | new building, new construction |
2283 | 届け | report, notification, registration |
2284 | 生まれつき | by nature, by birth, native |
2285 | 遂げる | to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out |
2286 | 存続 | duration, continuance |
2287 | なんか | things like ..., or something like that .. (often derogatory) |
2288 | 封鎖 | blockade, freezing (funds) |
2289 | 適応 | adaptation, accommodation, conformity |
2290 | 割 | divide, cut, halve, separate, split, rip, break, crack, smash, dilute |
2291 | 整える | to put in order, to get ready, to arrange, to adjust |
2292 | 呆気ない | not enough, too quick (short long etc.) |
2293 | 統合 | integration, unification, synthesis |
2294 | 優越 | supremacy, predominance, being superior to |
2295 | 埋蔵 | buried property, treasure trove |
2296 | 決意 | decision, determination |
2297 | 海運 | maritime, marine transportation |
2298 | 駄作 | poor work, rubbish |
2299 | 脈 | pulse |
2300 | 浅ましい | wretched, miserable, shameful, mean, despicable, abject |
2301 | 祝賀 | celebration, congratulations |
2302 | 国連 | U.N., United Nations |
2303 | 手数 | number of moves, trouble |
2304 | 観点 | point of view |
2305 | 図々しい | impudent, shameless |
2306 | 裁く | to judge |
2307 | 御手洗い | toilet, restroom, lavatory, bathroom (US) |
2308 | 化石 | fossil, petrifaction, fossilization |
2309 | 一心 | one mind, wholeheartedness, the whole heart |
2310 | 突破 | breaking through, breakthrough, penetration |
2311 | 並列 | arrangement, parallel, abreast |
2312 | 購買 | purchase, buy |
2313 | やり遂げる | to accomplish |
2314 | フォーム | foam, form |
2315 | 真ん中 | middle, centre, mid-way |
2316 | 雇用 | employment (long term), hire |
2317 | 退ける | to repel, to drive away |
2318 | 冊 | counter for books |
2319 | 強制 | obligation, coercion, compulsion, enforcement |
2320 | 勇敢 | bravery, heroism, gallantry |
2321 | 施設 | institution, establishment, facility, (army) engineer |
2322 | 人柄 | personality, character, personal appearance, gentility |
2323 | 肝心 | essential, fundamental, crucial, vital, main |
2324 | 原則 | principle, general rule |
2325 | 抗争 | dispute, resistance |
2326 | 権力 | power, authority, influence |
2327 | 状 | shape |
2328 | アワー | hour |
2329 | 経費 | expenses, cost, outlay |
2330 | 得点 | score, points made, marks obtained, runs |
2331 | 回収 | collection, recovery |
2332 | 用件 | business |
2333 | やっ付ける | to beat |
2334 | 収支 | income and expenditure |
2335 | 対立 | confrontation, opposition, antagonism |
2336 | 為さる | to do |
2337 | 企画 | planning, project |
2338 | 漏れる | to leak out, to escape, to come through, to shine through, to filter out, to be omitted |
2339 | 経緯 | 1. details, whole story, sequence of events, particulars, how it started, how things got this way, 2. c |
2340 | 率直 | frankness, candour, openheartedness |
2341 | 不明 | unknown, obscure, indistinct, uncertain, ambiguous, ignorant, lack of wisdom, anonymous, unidentified |
2342 | 混む | to be crowded |
2343 | 整然 | orderly, regular, well-organized, trim, accurate |
2344 | 人情 | humanity, empathy, kindness, sympathy, human nature, common sense, customs and manners |
2345 | 装備 | equipment |
2346 | 幕 | curtain, bunting, act (in play) |
2347 | 進行 | advance |
2348 | 生身 | living flesh, flesh and blood, the quick |
2349 | 同意 | agreement, consent, same meaning, same opinion, approval |
2350 | 簡素 | simplicity, plain |
2351 | 移民 | emigration, immigration, emigrant, immigrant |
2352 | 折衷 | compromise, cross, blending, eclecticism |
2353 | 言い訳 | excuse, explanation |
2354 | 様式 | style, form, pattern |
2355 | 嗚呼 | Ah!, Oh!, Alas! |
2356 | 講習 | short course, training |
2357 | ジャズ | jazz |
2358 | 例え | example, even if, if, though, although |
2359 | 減少 | decrease, reduction, decline |
2360 | 怒り | anger, hatred |
2361 | 呆然 | dumbfounded, overcome with surprise, in blank amazement |
2362 | 弾む | to spring, to bound, to bounce, to be stimulated, to be encouraged, to get lively, to treat oneself to, to |
2363 | 躊躇う | to hesitate |
2364 | 確立 | establishment |
2365 | 雌 | female (animal) |
2366 | 原点 | origin (coordinates), starting point |
2367 | 廃れる | to go out of use, to become obsolete, to die out, to go out of fashion |
2368 | 破裂 | explosion, rupture, break off |
2369 | すんなり | pass with no objection, slim, slender |
2370 | 預金 | deposit, bank account |
2371 | 本能 | instinct |
2372 | 税務署 | tax office |
2373 | 基金 | fund, foundation |
2374 | 何より | most, best |
2375 | 真心 | sincerity, devotion |
2376 | 下火 | burning low, waning, declining |
2377 | 匹 | head, small animal counter, roll of cloth |
2378 | 損失 | loss |
2379 | 兵器 | arms, weapons, ordinance |
2380 | 反り | warp, curvature, curve, arch |
2381 | 恵む | to bless, to show mercy to |
2382 | 可愛がる | to love, to be affectionate |
2383 | 手回し | preparations, arrangements |
2384 | タワー | tower |
2385 | 清々しい | fresh, refreshing |
2386 | 結び付き | connection, relation |
2387 | 取り寄せる | to order, to send away for |
2388 | 漏らす | to let leak, to reveal |
2389 | 軌道 | orbit, railroad track |
2390 | 途中 | on the way, en route |
2391 | 戦災 | war damage |
2392 | 軽減 | abatement |
2393 | 農耕 | farming, agriculture |
2394 | 残金 | remaining money |
2395 | 終わる | to finish, to close |
2396 | 自主 | independence, autonomy |
2397 | でかい | huge |
2398 | 清らか | clean, pure, chaste |
2399 | 模倣 | imitation, copying |
2400 | 所持 | possession, owning |
2401 | 碌な | satisfactory, decent |
2402 | 且つ | yet, and |
2403 | 合間 | interval |
2404 | 家計 | household economy, family finances |
2405 | 煙たい | smoky, feeling awkward |
2406 | 視察 | inspection, observation |
2407 | 手元 | on hand, at hand, at home |
2408 | 自覚 | self-conscious |
2409 | 否決 | rejection, negation, voting down |
2410 | 哉 | question mark |
2411 | 天井 | ceiling, ceiling price |
2412 | 見舞 | enquiry, expression of sympathy, expression of concern |
2413 | 墓地 | cemetery, graveyard |
2414 | 末 | top end, tip |
2415 | 本文 | text (of document), body (of letter) |
2416 | 均衡 | equilibrium, balance |
2417 | 歯磨 | dentifrice, toothpaste |
2418 | 弱める | to weaken |
2419 | 嬢 | young woman |
2420 | 備わる | to be furnished with, to be endowed with, to possess, to be among, to be one of, to be possessed of |
2421 | 破損 | damage |
2422 | げっそり | being disheartened, losing weight |
2423 | 受け継ぐ | to inherit, to succeed, to take over |
2424 | 運賃 | freight rates, shipping expenses, fare |
2425 | 身なり | personal appearance |
2426 | 民宿 | private home providing lodging for travelers |
2427 | 募金 | fund-raising, collection of funds |
2428 | 覚え | memory, sense, experience |
2429 | 代わる | to take the place of, to relieve, to be substituted for, to be exchanged, to change places with, to take |
2430 | 為来り | customs |
2431 | ローマ字 | romanization, Roman letters |
2432 | マーク | mark |
2433 | 連ねる | to link, to join, to put together |
2434 | 仰ぐ | to look up (to), to respect, to depend on, to ask for, to seek, to revere, to drink, to take |
2435 | さん | Mr or Mrs |
2436 | 些事 | something small or petty, trifle |
2437 | 還暦 | 60th birthday |
2438 | 割り込む | to cut in, to thrust oneself into, to wedge oneself in, to muscle in on, to interrupt, to disturb |
2439 | 垢 | dirt, filth |
2440 | 詳細 | detail, particulars |
2441 | 揶揄う | to ridicule, to tease, to banter with, to make fun of |
2442 | 収益 | earnings, proceeds, returns |
2443 | 裂ける | to split, to tear, to burst |
2444 | 緩和 | relief, mitigation |
2445 | しくじる | to fail, to fall through, to blunder |
2446 | 取り替え | swap, exchange |
2447 | ゼリー | 1. jelly, 2. Jerry |
2448 | 天 | heavenly, imperial |
2449 | 描写 | depiction, description, portrayal |
2450 | 根底 | root, basis, foundation |
2451 | ふんだん | plentiful, abundant, lavish |
2452 | 豊作 | abundant harvest, bumper crop |
2453 | 病 | illness, disease |
2454 | 揉める | to disagree, to dispute |
2455 | 尿 | urine |
2456 | 制服 | uniform |
2457 | 定年 | retirement age |
2458 | 悲鳴 | shriek, scream |
2459 | 点線 | dotted line, perforated line |
2460 | 下がる | to hang down, to abate, to retire, to fall, to step back |
2461 | 況して | still more, still less (with neg. verb), to say nothing of, not to mention |
2462 | 滅ぼす | to destroy, to overthrow, to wreck, to ruin |
2463 | 宮殿 | palace |
2464 | 清濁 | good and evil, purity and impurity |
2465 | 認める | to write up |
2466 | 覆面 | mask, veil, disguise |
2467 | 無意味 | nonsense, no meaning |
2468 | 養護 | protection, nursing, protective care |
2469 | 受け付ける | to be accepted, to receive (an application) |
2470 | 用法 | directions, rules of use |
2471 | 迚も | very, awfully, exceedingly |
2472 | 遮る | to interrupt, to intercept, to obstruct |
2473 | 相変わらず | as ever, as usual, the same |
2474 | 護衛 | guard, convoy, escort |
2475 | 口ずさむ | to hum something, to sing to oneself |
2476 | 着陸 | landing, alighting, touch down |
2477 | 交渉 | negotiations, discussions, connection |
2478 | 像 | statue, image, figure, picture, portrait |
2479 | 頻繁 | frequency |
2480 | 気軽 | cheerful, buoyant, lighthearted |
2481 | 恥じらう | to feel shy, to be bashful, to blush |
2482 | 民族 | people, race, nation, racial customs, folk customs |
2483 | 写し | copy, duplicate, facsimile, transcript |
2484 | 丘陵 | hill |
2485 | 単一 | single, simple, sole, individual, unitory |
2486 | 組み込む | to insert, to include, to cut in (printing) |
2487 | 脳 | brain, memory |
2488 | 連なる | to extend, to stretch out, to stand in a row |
2489 | 国防 | national defence |
2490 | 眩しい | dazzling, radiant |
2491 | 跡継ぎ | heir, successor |
2492 | セックス | sexual intercourse |
2493 | 粗筋 | outline, summary |
2494 | 還元 | resolution, reduction, return to origins |
2495 | 左様なら | good-bye |
2496 | 財源 | source of funds, resources, finances |
2497 | 製法 | manufacturing method, recipe, formula |
2498 | 物体ない | too good, more than one deserves, wasteful, sacrilegious, unworthy of |
2499 | 禁ずる | to forbid, to suppress |
2500 | 産物 | product, result, fruit |
2501 | 語源 | word root, word derivation, etymology |
2502 | 戸締り | closing up, fastening the doors |
2503 | 悩ましい | seductive, melancholy, languid |
2504 | 自在 | freely, at will |
2505 | メロディー | melody |
2506 | 書き取り | dictation |
2507 | 再建 | rebuilding, reconstruction, rehabilitation |
2508 | 予感 | presentiment, premonition |
2509 | 盛り上がる | to rouse, to swell, to rise |
2510 | 紛失 | losing something |
2511 | 幽霊 | ghost, specter, apparition, phantom |
2512 | 歯科 | dentistry |
2513 | 如何して | why?, for what reason, how, in what way, for what purpose, what for |
2514 | 憂鬱 | depression, melancholy, dejection, gloom |
2515 | お使い | errand |
2516 | 皇居 | Imperial Palace |
2517 | 出動 | sailing, marching, going out |
2518 | 気まぐれ | whim, caprice, whimsy, fickle, moody, uneven temper |
2519 | 報道 | information, report |
2520 | 久し振り | after a long time |
2521 | レンジ | range, stove |
2522 | 滅茶苦茶 | absurd, unreasonable, excessive, messed up, spoiled, wreaked |
2523 | 晴天 | fine weather |
2524 | 創刊 | launching (e.g. newspaper), first issue |
2525 | 共学 | coeducation |
2526 | 三 | (num) three |
2527 | 放射能 | radioactivity |
2528 | 養成 | training, development |
2529 | 権限 | power, authority, jurisdiction |
2530 | 分母 | denominator |
2531 | 下調べ | preliminary investigation, preparation |
2532 | 健やか | vigorous, healthy, sound |
2533 | 望ましい | desirable, hoped for |
2534 | 弾く | to flip, to snap |
2535 | 盲点 | blind spot |
2536 | 措置 | measure, step |
2537 | 一部分 | a part |
2538 | 迅速 | quick, fast, rapid, swift, prompt |
2539 | 異見 | different opinion, objection |
2540 | 反響 | echo, reverberation, repercussion, reaction, influence |
2541 | 種々 | variety |
2542 | 軒並み | row of houses |
2543 | 贋物 | imitation, counterfeit, forgery, sham |
2544 | ホール | hall, hole |
2545 | 尚 | furthermore, still, yet, more, still more, greater, further, less |
2546 | 人目 | glimpse, public gaze |
2547 | 妊娠 | conception, pregnancy |
2548 | 徒歩 | walking, going on foot |
2549 | 監視 | observation, guarding, inspection, surveillance |
2550 | 意気込む | to be enthusiastic about |
2551 | 好意 | good will, favor, courtesy |
2552 | 箪笥 | chest of drawers |
2553 | 奴 | servant, fellow |
2554 | 固定 | fixation |
2555 | デモンストレーション | demonstration |
2556 | 先着 | first arrival |
2557 | 何時 | when, how soon |
2558 | 過疎 | depopulation |
2559 | 手順 | process, procedure, protocol |
2560 | 逃げ出す | to run away, to escape from |
2561 | 入口 | entrance, gate, approach, mouth |
2562 | 暫く | little while |
2563 | 控除 | subsidy, deduction |
2564 | 下番 | going off duty |
2565 | 剥ぐ | to tear off, to peel off, to rip off, to strip off, to skin, to flay, to disrobe, to deprive of |
2566 | 夕焼け | sunset |
2567 | 値 | value, price, cost, worth, merit |
2568 | 主題 | subject, theme, motif |
2569 | と | 1. if (conjunction), 2. promoted pawn (shogi) (abbr) |
2570 | 誤差 | error |
2571 | 接続詞 | conjunction |
2572 | 仕様 | way, method, resource, remedy, (technical) specification |
2573 | 草臥れる | to get tired, to wear out |
2574 | 立方 | dancing (geisha) |
2575 | 思い付き | plan, idea, suggestion |
2576 | 採算 | profit |
2577 | 秩序 | order, regularity, system, method |
2578 | 漕ぐ | to row, to scull, to pedal |
2579 | 武力 | armed might, military power, the sword, force |
2580 | 養う | to rear, to maintain, to cultivate |
2581 | 相応しい | appropriate |
2582 | 対面 | interview, meeting |
2583 | 引きずる | to seduce, to drag along, to pull, to prolong, to support |
2584 | 玩具 | toy |
2585 | 取り締まる | to manage, to control, to supervise |
2586 | 名称 | name |
2587 | 水気 | 1. moisture, dampness, vapor, 2. dropsy, edema |
2588 | 異性 | the opposite sex |
2589 | 露 | dew |
2590 | 下地 | groundwork, foundation, inclination, aptitude, elementary knowledge of, grounding in, prearrangement, spade |
2591 | ストロー | straw |
2592 | 宙返り | somersault, looping-the-loop |
2593 | 引っ掛ける | 1. to hang (something) on (something), to throw on (clothes), 2. to hook, to catch, to trap, to ensnar |
2594 | 人 | man, person, people |
2595 | 称する | to pretend, to take the name of, to feign, to purport |
2596 | 公演 | public performance |
2597 | 完璧 | perfection, completeness, flawless |
2598 | 定める | to decide, to establish, to determine |
2599 | 萎びる | to wilt, to fade |
2600 | 初版 | first edition |
2601 | 起伏 | undulation |
2602 | 指差す | to point at |
2603 | 重複 | duplication, repetition, overlapping, redundancy, restoration |
2604 | 合わせ | joint together, opposite, facing |
2605 | 種 | kind, variety, species |
2606 | 絶える | to die out, to peter out, to become extinct |
2607 | 而も | moreover, furthermore, nevertheless, and yet |
2608 | 沈没 | sinking, foundering |
2609 | 街 | ~street, ~quarters |
2610 | 挑む | to challenge, to contend for, to make love to |
2611 | 新人 | new face, newcomer |
2612 | ご馳走 | feast, treating (someone) |
2613 | 心強い | heartening, reassuring |
2614 | セール | sale |
2615 | 気楽 | at ease, comfortable |
2616 | 返済 | repayment |
2617 | 制定 | enactment, establishment, creation |
2618 | 書評 | book review |
2619 | 跡切れる | to pause, to be interrupted |
2620 | 苛々 | getting nervous, irritation |
2621 | 少なくとも | at least |
2622 | 若しかして | perhaps, possibly |
2623 | 甚だ | very, greatly, exceedingly |
2624 | 映える | to shine, to look attractive, to look pretty |
2625 | 日夜 | day and night, always |
2626 | 公然 | open (e.g. secret), public, official |
2627 | 野党 | opposition party |
2628 | 危ぶむ | to fear, to have misgivings, to be doubtful, to mistrust |
2629 | 緊急 | urgent, pressing, emergency |
2630 | 動き | movement, activity, trend, development, change |
2631 | 浸す | to soak, to dip, to drench |
2632 | 無線 | wireless, radio |
2633 | 縁側 | veranda, porch, balcony, open corridor |
2634 | もろに | completely, all the way |
2635 | 渋い | 1. tasteful (clothing), cool, an aura of refined masculinity, 2. astringent, sullen, bitter (taste), 3 |
2636 | 必修 | required (subject) |
2637 | 一同 | all present, all concerned, all of us |
2638 | 何処 | where, what place |
2639 | 柱 | pillar, post |
2640 | 新 | new |
2641 | 遠ざかる | to go far off |
2642 | 担架 | stretcher, litter |
2643 | 冠 | crown, diadem, first, best, peerless, cap, naming, designating, initiating on coming of age, top character ra |
2644 | 図る | to plot, to attempt, to plan, to take in, to deceive, to devise, to design, to refer A to B |
2645 | インフレ | inflation |
2646 | 不可欠 | indispensable, essential |
2647 | 同居 | living together |
2648 | 事によると | depending on the circumstances |
2649 | チェンジ | change |
2650 | お早う | Good morning |
2651 | 外方 | look (or turn) the other way |
2652 | 樹木 | trees and shrubs, arbour |
2653 | 小児科 | pediatrics |
2654 | 荒廃 | ruin |
2655 | 細工 | work, craftsmanship, tactics, trick |
2656 | メディア | media |
2657 | 錯覚 | optical illusion, hallucination |
2658 | 衣装 | clothing, costume, outfit, garment, dress |
2659 | 旧知 | old friend, old friendship |
2660 | 合唱 | chorus, singing in a chorus |
2661 | 慣れ | practice, experience |
2662 | 唱える | to recite, to chant, to call upon |
2663 | 漁村 | fishing village |
2664 | 眼科 | ophthalmology |
2665 | 起こす | to raise, to cause, to wake someone |
2666 | 退治 | extermination |
2667 | ニュー | new |
2668 | ポジション | position |
2669 | 私物 | private property, personal effects |
2670 | 制 | system, organization, imperial command, laws, regulation, control, government, suppression, restraint, holdin |
2671 | 思考 | thought |
2672 | 沿岸 | coast, shore |
2673 | 全快 | complete recovery of health |
2674 | 粘り | stickyness, viscosity |
2675 | 口頭 | oral |
2676 | 現地 | actual place, local |
2677 | 情け | sympathy, compassion |
2678 | 何の | which, what |
2679 | 導く | to be guided, to be shown |
2680 | 年寄り | old people, the aged |
2681 | 行 | line, row, verse |
2682 | 創造 | creation |
2683 | 丈夫 | 1. hero, gentleman, warrior, manly person, 2. good health, robustness, strong, solid, durable |
2684 | 症 | illness |
2685 | 稲光 | (flash of) lightning |
2686 | フェリー | ferry |
2687 | 果たす | to accomplish, to fulfill, to carry out, to achieve |
2688 | 踏まえる | to be based on, to have origin in |
2689 | 検事 | public prosecutor |
2690 | アマチュア | amateur |
2691 | 瞑る | to close the eyes |
2692 | 気流 | atmospheric current |
2693 | 根回し | making necessary arrangements |
2694 | 答え | answer, response |
2695 | 植わる | to be planted |
2696 | 甘える | to behave like a spoiled child, to fawn on |
2697 | 電線 | electric line |
2698 | 法案 | bill (law) |
2699 | 塩 | salt |
2700 | 厳か | austere, majestic, dignified, stately, awful, impressive |
2701 | 各種 | every kind, all sorts |
2702 | 月並み | every month, common |
2703 | 複合 | composite, complex |
2704 | 関与 | participation, taking part in, participating in, being concerned in |
2705 | 雅致 | artistry, good taste, elegance, grace |
2706 | 筒 | pipe, tube |
2707 | 不評 | bad reputation, disgrace, unpopularity |
2708 | 山腹 | hillside, mountainside |
2709 | 化する | to change into, to convert into, to transform, to be reduced, to influence, to improve (someone) |
2710 | 引っ掻く | to scratch |
2711 | 強いる | to force, to compel, to coerce |
2712 | 再生 | playback, regeneration, resuscitation, return to life, rebirth, reincarnation, narrow escape, reclamation, r |
2713 | 膳 | (small) table, tray, meal |
2714 | 業績 | achievement, performance, results, work, contribution |
2715 | 地元 | local |
2716 | 苛める | to tease, to torment, to persecute, to chastise |
2717 | 汚れる | to get dirty, to become dirty |
2718 | 生育 | growth, development, breeding |
2719 | 所謂 | the so-called, so to speak |
2720 | 凭れる | to lean against, to lean on, to recline on, to lie heavy (on the stomach) |
2721 | メーカー | maker |
2722 | 精密 | precise, exact, detailed, minute, close |
2723 | 相応 | suitability, fitness |
2724 | 誤る | to make a mistake |
2725 | 調べ | preparation, investigation, inspection |
2726 | きっちり | precisely, tightly |
2727 | 討議 | debate, discussion |
2728 | 恋する | to fall in love with, to love |
2729 | 該当 | corresponding, answering to, coming under |
2730 | サンキュー | thank you |
2731 | 器官 | organ (of body), instrument |
2732 | 記す | to note, to write down |
2733 | 麻痺 | paralysis, palsy, numbness, stupor |
2734 | 打付ける | to knock, to run into, to nail on, to strike hard, to hit and attack |
2735 | 左利き | left-handedness, sake drinker, left-hander |
2736 | 夜中 | all night, the whole night |
2737 | 無茶 | absurd, unreasonable, excessive, rash, absurdity, nonsense |
2738 | 何故なら | because |
2739 | 売り出し | (bargain) sale |
2740 | コーナー | corner |
2741 | 崩壊 | collapse, decay (physics), crumbling, breaking down, caving in |
2742 | 正義 | justice, right, righteousness, correct meaning |
2743 | 寄り掛かる | to lean against, to recline on, to lean on, to rely on |
2744 | 出品 | exhibit, display |
2745 | 内臓 | internal organs, intestines, viscera |
2746 | 何処か | somewhere, anywhere, in some respects |
2747 | 保つ | to keep, to preserve, to hold, to retain, to maintain, to support, to sustain, to last, to endure, to keep we |
2748 | 絡む | to entangle, to entwine |
2749 | 会 | understanding |
2750 | 風車 | 1. windmill, 2. pinwheel |
2751 | 従業員 | employee, worker |
2752 | 物置き | storeroom |
2753 | 班 | group, party, section (mil) |
2754 | 冬眠 | hibernation, winter sleep |
2755 | 目方 | weight |
2756 | 富む | to be rich, to become rich |
2757 | 凌ぐ | to outdo, to surpass, to endure, to keep out (rain), to stave off, to tide over, to pull through, to defy, t |
2758 | 薄弱 | feebleness, weakness, weak |
2759 | ぐっと | firmly, fast, much, more |
2760 | 厭やらしい | detestable, disagreeable |
2761 | 聖書 | Bible, scriptures |
2762 | 総 | whole, all, general, gross |
2763 | 出切る | to be out of, to have no more at hand |
2764 | 飲み込む | to gulp down, to swallow deeply, to understand, to take in, to catch on to, to learn, to digest |
2765 | 尊ぶ | to value, to prize, to esteem |
2766 | 痺れる | to become numb, to go to sleep (i.e. a limb) |
2767 | 修飾 | ornamentation, embellishment, decoration, adornment, polish up (writing), modification (gram) |
2768 | 雄 | male (animal) |
2769 | 碁盤 | Go board |
2770 | 慣習 | usual (historical) custom |
2771 | 割り算 | division (math) |
2772 | 字体 | type, font, lettering |
2773 | 有りのまま | the truth, fact, as it is, frankly |
2774 | カメラマン | cameraman |
2775 | 伝言 | verbal message, rumor, word |
2776 | 情熱 | passion, enthusiasm, zeal |
2777 | 林業 | forestry |
2778 | 有力 | 1. influence, prominence, 2. potent |
2779 | 健全 | health, soundness, wholesome |
2780 | 奨励 | encouragement, promotion, message, address |
2781 | 投入 | throw, investment, making (an electrical circuit) |
2782 | 天災 | natural calamity, disaster |
2783 | 断面 | cross section |
2784 | ユニフォーム | uniform |
2785 | 汽船 | steamship |
2786 | 交わす | to exchange (messages), to dodge, to parry, to avoid, to turn aside |
2787 | 割合に | comparatively |
2788 | 個 | article counter |
2789 | 鳥居 | torii (Shinto shrine archway) |
2790 | 主演 | starring, playing the leading part |
2791 | 廃棄 | annullment, disposal, abandon, scrap, discarding, repeal |
2792 | 継ぎ目 | a joint, joining point |
2793 | 工作 | work, construction, handicraft, maneuvering |
2794 | ショー | show |
2795 | 適性 | aptitude |
2796 | ぺこぺこ | fawn, be very hungry |
2797 | 会談 | conversation, conference, discussion, interview |
2798 | 剃る | to shave |
2799 | 調印 | signature, sign, sealing |
2800 | 効き目 | effect, virtue, efficacy, impression |
2801 | 禁じる | to prohibit |
2802 | 漢語 | Chinese word, Sino-Japanese word |
2803 | 訪れる | to visit |
2804 | 実態 | truth, fact |
2805 | 込める | to include, to put into |
2806 | 再会 | another meeting, meeting again, reunion |
2807 | 実践 | practice, put into practice |
2808 | 和 | sum, harmony, peace |
2809 | カテゴリー | category |
2810 | 扶養 | support, maintenance |
2811 | 保母 | day care worker in a kindergarten nursery school etc. |
2812 | 合意 | agreement, consent, mutual understanding |
2813 | 全滅 | annihilation |
2814 | 公認 | official recognition, authorization, licence, accreditation |
2815 | 密度 | density |
2816 | 煙草 | (pt:) (n) (uk) tobacco (pt: tabaco), cigarettes |
2817 | 渡り鳥 | migratory bird, bird of passage |
2818 | 根本 | origin, source, foundation, root, base, principle |
2819 | 閉鎖 | closing, closure, shutdown, lockout, unsociable |
2820 | ぶらぶら | dangle heavily, swing, sway to and fro, aimlessly, idly, lazily, loiter, loaf, be idle, stroll idly |
2821 | 方策 | plan, policy |
2822 | 余暇 | leisure, leisure time, spare time |
2823 | 不当 | injustice, impropriety, unreasonableness, undeservedness, unfair, invalid |
2824 | 窒息 | suffocation |
2825 | 有様 | state, condition, circumstances, the way things are or should be, truth |
2826 | 如何に | how?, in what way?, how much?, however, whatever |
2827 | 教え | teachings, precept, lesson, doctrine |
2828 | 長官 | chief, (government) secretary |
2829 | 信者 | believer, adherent, devotee, Christian |
2830 | 懸賞 | offering prizes, winning, reward |
2831 | タイミング | timing |
2832 | 産出 | yield, produce |
2833 | 支持 | support, maintenance |
2834 | 眼鏡 | spectacles, glasses |
2835 | 介入 | intervention |
2836 | 銃 | gun |
2837 | 流行 | fashionable, fad, in vogue, prevailing |
2838 | 良い | good |
2839 | 申し分 | objection, shortcomings |
2840 | 一日 | 1. one day, 2. first of month |
2841 | 本館 | main building |
2842 | 行為 | act, deed, conduct |
2843 | 一別 | parting |
2844 | 課題 | subject, theme, task |
2845 | 殆ど | mostly, almost |
2846 | 名残 | remains, traces, memory |
2847 | 藻掻く | to struggle, to wriggle, to be impatient |
2848 | 審議 | deliberation |
2849 | 指揮 | command, direction |
2850 | 俄か | sudden, abrupt, unexpected, improvised, offhand |
2851 | 来る | to come, to arrive, to be due to, to be next, to be forthcoming |
2852 | 出合う | to meet by chance, to come across, to happen to encounter, to hold a rendezvous, to have a date |
2853 | けれど | but, however |
2854 | 漠然 | obscure, vague, equivocal |
2855 | 係り | official, duty, person in charge |
2856 | 重なる | main, principal, important |
2857 | 起源 | origin, beginning, rise |
2858 | 解く | to unfasten |
2859 | タイマー | timer |
2860 | 時刻表 | table, diagram, chart, timetable, schedule |
2861 | 訂正 | correction, revision |
2862 | 一様 | uniformity, evenness, similarity, equality, impartiality |
2863 | 埋まる | to be buried, to be surrounded, to overflow, to be filled |
2864 | 感染 | infection, contagion |
2865 | 諸君 | Gentlemen!, Ladies! |
2866 | 原形 | original form, base form |
2867 | 大人しい | obedient, docile, quiet |
2868 | ランプ | lamp, ramp, headlight, light |
2869 | 駆け足 | running fast, double time |
2870 | 野心 | ambition, aspiration, designs, treachery |
2871 | 滑稽 | funny, humorous, comical, laughable, ridiculous, joking |
2872 | 怠慢 | negligence, procrastination, carelessness |
2873 | セクション | section |
2874 | 大柄 | large build, large pattern |
2875 | 出生 | birth |
2876 | 転転 | rolling about, moving from place to place, being passed around repeatedly |
2877 | 相場 | market price, speculation, estimation |
2878 | 英雄 | hero, great man |
2879 | 進展 | progress, development |
2880 | お八 | 1. (uk) between meal snack, afternoon refreshment, afternoon tea, 2. mid-day snack |
2881 | 気配 | indication, market trend, worry |
2882 | 何々 | which (emphatic) |
2883 | 素朴 | simplicity, artlessness, naivete |
2884 | どうぞ宜しく | pleased to meet you |
2885 | 反応 | reaction, response |
2886 | 穂 | ear (of plant), head (of plant) |
2887 | 非難 | blame, attack, criticism |
2888 | うんざり | tedious, boring, being fed up with |
2889 | 沿う | to run along, to follow |
2890 | 値引き | price reduction, discount |
2891 | 可笑しい | strange, funny, amusing, ridiculous |
2892 | 小銭 | coins, small change |
2893 | 曖昧 | vague, ambiguous |
2894 | 所属 | attached to, belong to |
2895 | 演じる | to perform (a play), to play (a part), to act (a part), to commit (a blunder) |
2896 | 様相 | aspect |
2897 | 何しろ | at any rate, anyhow, anyway, in any case |
2898 | 値打ち | value, worth, price, dignity |
2899 | 出来物 | able man, tumour, growth, boil, ulcer, abcess, rash, pimple |
2900 | 引き受ける | to undertake, to take up, to take over, to be responsible for, to guarantee, to contract (disease) |
2901 | 快い | pleasant, agreeable |
2902 | 箇条書き | itemized form, itemization |
2903 | 掌 | the palm |
2904 | 結成 | formation |
2905 | ねじ回し | screwdriver |
2906 | 省みる | to reflect |
2907 | 従事 | engaging, pursuing, following |
2908 | 雪崩 | avalanche |
2909 | 戦闘 | battle, fight, combat |
2910 | 購読 | subscription (e.g. magazine) |
2911 | 大事 | important, valuable, serious matter |
2912 | 誇張 | exaggeration |
2913 | 類似 | analogous |
2914 | 発作 | fit, spasm |
2915 | 昆虫 | insect, bug |
2916 | 比例 | proportion |
2917 | 急かす | to hurry, to urge on |
2918 | 用紙 | blank form |
2919 | 広まる | to spread, to be propagated |
2920 | 修行 | pursuit of knowledge, studying, learning, training, ascetic practice, discipline |
2921 | 戸 | counter for houses |
2922 | 漁船 | fishing boat |
2923 | 共和 | republicanism, cooperation |
2924 | 上陸 | landing, disembarkation |
2925 | タイヤ | tire, tyre |
2926 | 破棄 | revocation, annulment, breaking (e.g. treaty) |
2927 | 同封 | enclosure (e.g. in a letter) |
2928 | 打ち合わせ | business meeting, previous arrangement, appointment |
2929 | 携わる | to participate, to take part |
2930 | 遅れ | delay, lag |
2931 | 錆び | rust (colour) |
2932 | レクリエーション | recreation |
2933 | 肉体 | the body, the flesh |
2934 | 設立 | establishment, foundation, institution |
2935 | 様 | Mr. or Mrs., manner, kind, appearance |
2936 | 果てる | to end, to be finished, to be exhausted, to die, to perish |
2937 | 昼間 | daytime, during the day |
2938 | 年長 | seniority |
2939 | 先先週 | week before last |
2940 | 津波 | tsunami, tidal wave |
2941 | 成る丈 | as much as possible, if possible |
2942 | 取り締まり | control, management, supervision |
2943 | 世辞 | flattery, compliment |
2944 | 違える | to change |
2945 | テレックス | telex, teletypewriter exchange |
2946 | 手軽 | easy, simple, informal, offhand, cheap |
2947 | 余地 | place, room, margin, scope |
2948 | 準ずる | to apply correspondingly, to correspond to, to be proportionate to, to conform to |
2949 | 比重 | specific gravity |
2950 | 手近 | near, handy, familiar |
2951 | 脅迫 | threat, menace, coercion, terrorism |
2952 | 了 | finish, completion, understanding |
2953 | 垂れる | to hang, to droop, to drop, to lower, to pull down, to dangle, to sag, to drip, to ooze, to trickle, to leave |
2954 | 自信 | self-confidence |
2955 | 良心 | conscience |
2956 | 万 | many, all |
2957 | 創立 | establishment, founding, organization |
2958 | 切っ掛け | chance, start, cue, excuse, motive, impetus, occasion |
2959 | 如何しても | by all means, at any cost, no matter what, after all, in the long run, cravingly, at any rate, surely |
2960 | 保管 | charge, custody, safekeeping, deposit, storage |
2961 | 勤労 | labor, exertion, diligent service |
2962 | 三味線 | three-stringed Japanese guitar, shamisen |
2963 | 見地 | point of view |
2964 | 待ち合わせ | appointment |
2965 | 唸る | to groan, to moan, to roar, to howl, to growl, to hum, to buzz, to sough |
2966 | 忠告 | advice, warning |
2967 | 此れ等 | these |
2968 | 自尊心 | self-respect, conceit |
2969 | 霞む | to grow hazy, to be misty |
2970 | 暗示 | hint, suggestion |
2971 | 褒美 | reward, prize |
2972 | 妥協 | compromise, giving in |
2973 | ミセス | Mrs. |
2974 | 生やす | to grow, to cultivate, to wear beard |
2975 | 地方 | area, locality, district, region, the coast |
2976 | 兎も角 | anyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case |
2977 | 実費 | actual expense, cost price |
2978 | 混同 | confusion, mixing, merger |
2979 | 小柄 | short (build) |
2980 | 仲人 | go-between, matchmaker |
2981 | 聞き取り | listening comprehension |
2982 | 御 | go-, honourable |
2983 | 気質 | spirit, character, trait, temperament, disposition |
2984 | 対比 | contrast, comparison |
2985 | 多様 | diversity, variety |
2986 | 微か | faint, dim, weak, indistinct, hazy, poor, wretched |
2987 | 強硬 | firm, vigorous, unbending, unyielding, strong, stubborn |
2988 | 今晩は | good evening |
2989 | 隔たる | to be distant |
2990 | 洒落る | to joke, to play on words, to dress stylishly |
2991 | 脚本 | scenario |
2992 | 君主 | ruler, monarch |
2993 | 麻 | flax, linen, hemp |
2994 | 吃逆 | hiccough, hiccup |
2995 | 粉々 | in very small pieces |
2996 | 同 | the same, the said, ibid. |
2997 | 真ん丸い | perfectly circular |
2998 | 転任 | change of post |
2999 | 間もなく | soon, before long, in a short time |
3000 | カーペット | carpet |
3001 | 課外 | extracurricular |
3002 | 適宜 | suitability |
3003 | 楽しむ | to enjoy oneself |
3004 | 節 | node, section, occasion, time |
3005 | 音色 | tone color, tone quality, timbre, synthesizer patch |
3006 | -非 | faulty-, non |
3007 | 必然 | inevitable, necessary |
3008 | 余所見 | looking away, looking aside |
3009 | ちやほや | pamper, make a fuss of, spoil |
3010 | 張り紙 | paper patch, paper backing, poster |
3011 | 頃 | time, about, toward, approximately (time) |
3012 | 主権 | sovereignty, supremacy, dominion |
3013 | 理屈 | theory, reason |
3014 | 借り | borrowing, debt, loan |
3015 | 報酬 | remuneration, recompense, reward, toll |
3016 | 引き分け | a draw (in competition), tie game |
3017 | 権威 | authority, power, influence |
3018 | 各々 | each, every, either, respectively, severally |
3019 | 家主 | landlord |
3020 | 社 | Shinto shrine |
3021 | 賜る | to grant, to bestow |
3022 | 鉄鋼 | iron and steel |
3023 | 閲覧 | inspection, reading |
3024 | 差し掛かる | to come near to, to approach |
3025 | 専ら | wholly, solely, entirely |
3026 | 演ずる | to perform, to play |
3027 | 貧弱 | poor, meagre, insubstantial |
3028 | 神秘 | mystery |
3029 | 福祉 | welfare, well-being |
3030 | 粘る | to be sticky, to be adhesive, to persevere, to persist, to stick to |
3031 | 獣 | beast, brute |
3032 | 或る | a certain..., some... |
3033 | 朝寝坊 | oversleeping, late riser |
3034 | 読み上げる | to read out loud (and clearly), to call a roll |
3035 | 区切り | an end, a stop, punctuation |
3036 | 有益 | beneficial, profitable |
3037 | 放り出す | to throw out, to fire, to expel, to give up, to abandon, to neglect |
3038 | 敢えて | dare (to do), challenge (to do) |
3039 | 台無し | mess, spoiled, (come to) nothing |
3040 | 申し入れる | to propose, to suggest |
3041 | 一概に | unconditionally, as a rule |
3042 | 看護 | nursing, (army) nurse |
3043 | 滑らか | smoothness, glassiness |
3044 | 大空 | heaven, firmament, the sky |
3045 | 体 | appearance, air, condition, state, form |
3046 | 押し込む | to push into, to crowd into |
3047 | 蕾 | bud, flower bud |
3048 | 大ざっぱ | rough (as in not precise), broad, sketchy |
3049 | 嘗める | to lick, to taste, to experience, to make fun of, to make light of, to put down, to treat with contempt |
3050 | 票 | label, ballot, ticket, sign |
3051 | 合致 | agreement, concurrence, conforming to |
3052 | 収まる | to be obtained, to end, to settle into, to fit into, to be settled, to be paid, to be delivered |
3053 | しまった | Damn it! |
3054 | 襟 | neck, collar, lapel, neckband |
3055 | 相対 | confrontation, facing, between ourselves, no third party, tete-a-tete |
3056 | 云々 | and so on, and so forth, comment |
3057 | 原文 | the text, original |
3058 | 趣旨 | object, meaning |
3059 | コマーシャル | a commercial |
3060 | 差し出す | to present, to submit, to tender, to hold out |
3061 | 向け | for ~, oriented towards ~ |
3062 | 愛憎 | likes and dislikes |
3063 | ジャンプ | jump |
3064 | 梯子 | ladder, stairs |
3065 | 人体 | human body |
3066 | 保護 | care, protection, shelter, guardianship, favor, patronage |
3067 | 悲惨 | misery |
3068 | 利潤 | profit, returns |
3069 | 対等 | equivalent |
3070 | 形勢 | condition, situation, prospects |
3071 | 対談 | talk, dialogue, conversation |
3072 | 駆ける | to run (race esp. horse), to gallop, to canter |
3073 | 滞納 | non-payment, default |
3074 | マッサージ | massage |
3075 | 間違う | to make a mistake, to be incorrect, to be mistaken |
3076 | 背負う | to be burdened with, to carry on back or shoulder |
3077 | 産休 | maternity leave |
3078 | 兎に角 | anyhow, at any rate, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case |
3079 | 粋 | chic, style, purity, essence |
3080 | 遊牧 | nomadism |
3081 | 喧しい | noisy, strict, fussy |
3082 | 設置 | establishment, institution |
3083 | 尊い | precious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacred |
3084 | 面 | face |
3085 | タイムリー | timely, run-batted-in (baseball), RBI |
3086 | 頻りに | frequently, repeatedly, incessantly, eagerly |
3087 | 保育 | nursing, nurturing, rearing, lactation, suckling |
3088 | 体力 | physical strength |
3089 | 真に | truly, actually, really |
3090 | 救い | help, aid, relief |
3091 | 伊井 | that one, Italy |
3092 | 助言 | advice, suggestion |
3093 | 契る | to pledge, to promise, to swear |
3094 | 我がまま | selfishness, egoism, wilfulness, disobedience, whim |
3095 | 新婚 | newly-wed |
3096 | 織 | weave, weaving, woven item |
3097 | くっきり | distinctly, clearly, boldly |
3098 | 突く | 1. to thrust, to strike, to attack, 2. to poke, to nudge, to pick at |
3099 | 重んじる | to respect, to honor, to esteem, to prize |
3100 | 再発 | return, relapse, reoccurrence |
3101 | あくどい | 1. gaudy, showy, excessive, 2. vicious |
3102 | 生理 | physiology, menses |
3103 | 没落 | ruin, fall, collapse |
3104 | 実質 | substance, essence |
3105 | 閉口 | shut mouth |
3106 | 日の丸 | the Japanese flag |
3107 | 着席 | sit down, seat |
3108 | 前途 | future prospects, outlook, the journey ahead |
3109 | 融通 | lending (money), accommodation, adaptability, versatility, finance |
3110 | 決勝 | decision of a contest, finals (in sports) |
3111 | 騒動 | strife, riot, rebellion |
3112 | 取り巻く | to surround, to circle, to enclose |
3113 | 祈り | prayer, supplication |
3114 | パチンコ | pachinko (Japanese pinball) |
3115 | 甘口 | sweet flavour, mildness, flattery, stupidity |
3116 | 父母 | father and mother, parents |
3117 | 追及 | gaining on, carrying out, solving (crime) |
3118 | 応急 | emergency |
3119 | 対して | for, in regard to, per |
3120 | 見苦しい | unsightly, ugly |
3121 | 共鳴 | resonance, sympathy |
3122 | 始末 | management, dealing, settlement, cleaning up afterwards |
3123 | 御覧なさい | (please) look, (please) try to do |
3124 | 逆上る | to go back, to go upstream, to make retroactive |
3125 | 上位 | superior (rank not class), higher order (e.g. byte), host computer (of connected device) |
3126 | ゲスト | guest |
3127 | 選考 | selection, screening |
3128 | 意図 | intention, aim, design |
3129 | 入手 | obtaining, coming to hand |
3130 | 坊ちゃん | son (of others) |
3131 | 五月蝿い | noisy, loud, fussy |
3132 | 厳密 | strict, close |
3133 | 不景気 | business recession, hard times, depression, gloom, sullenness, cheerlessness |
3134 | 蝶 | butterfly |
3135 | マスコミ | mass communication |
3136 | 詰らない | insignificant, boring, trifling |
3137 | 彼方 | 1. there, yonder, that |
3138 | 視覚 | sense of sight, vision |
3139 | 源 | source, origin |
3140 | 膨脹 | expansion, swelling, increase, growth |
3141 | 階層 | class, level, stratum, hierarchy |
3142 | 理論 | theory |
3143 | 交互 | mutual, reciprocal, alternate |
3144 | 嵩む | to pile up, to increase |
3145 | 激励 | encouragement |
3146 | 何時も | always, usually, every time, never (with neg. verb) |
3147 | 私 | I (fem) |
3148 | 風俗 | 1. manners, customs, 2. sex service, sex industry |
3149 | 同士 | fellow, companion, comrade |
3150 | 鼾 | snoring |
3151 | 誠 | truth, faith, fidelity, sincerity, trust, confidence, reliance, devotion |
3152 | 錯誤 | mistake |
3153 | 兆し | signs, omen, symptoms |
3154 | 殊に | especially, above all |
3155 | 心地 | feeling, sensation, mood |
3156 | 下心 | secret intention, motive |
3157 | 取っ手 | handle, grip, knob |
3158 | 倣 | imitate, follow, emulate |
3159 | 先先月 | month before last |
3160 | 大概 | in general, mainly |
3161 | レース | race, lace |
3162 | 築く | to build, to pile up, to amass |
3163 | 抜け出す | to slip out, to sneak away, to excel |
3164 | 退化 | degeneration, retrogression |
3165 | 領地 | territory, dominion |
3166 | 微塵 | particle, atom |
3167 | 譲歩 | concession, conciliation, compromise |
3168 | 灰皿 | ashtray |
3169 | 若し | if, in case, supposing |
3170 | センス | good sense (for music style tact etc.) |
3171 | 面皰 | pimple, acne |
3172 | 復活 | revival (e.g. musical), restoration |
3173 | 人格 | personality, character, individuality |
3174 | 長 | chief, head |
3175 | 定食 | set meal, special (of the day) |
3176 | 何だか | a little, somewhat, somehow |
3177 | 共稼ぎ | working together, (husband and wife) earning a living together |
3178 | 切り | limits, end, bounds, period, place to leave off, closing sentence, all there is, only, since |
3179 | 囀る | to sing, to chirp, to twitter |
3180 | 間々 | occasionally, frequently |
3181 | 作物 | literary work |
3182 | お宮 | Shinto shrine |
3183 | 持続 | continuation |
3184 | 振り | pretence, show, appearance |
3185 | 一括 | all together, batch, one lump, one bundle, summing up |
3186 | 奮闘 | hard struggle, strenuous effort |
3187 | 学士 | university graduate |
3188 | 盛装 | be dressed up, wear rich clothes |
3189 | 復旧 | restoration, restitution, rehabilitation |
3190 | 殿様 | feudal lord |
3191 | 見落とす | to overlook, to fail to notice |
3192 | 報ずる | to inform, to report |
3193 | 版 | edition |
3194 | 弁護 | defense, pleading, advocacy |
3195 | 切れ目 | break, pause, gap, end, rift, interruption, cut, section, notch, incision, end (of a task) |
3196 | 総会 | general meeting |
3197 | 講読 | reading, translation |
3198 | 方式 | form, method, system |
3199 | 疾っくに | long ago, already, a long time ago |
3200 | 日向 | sunny place, in the sun |
3201 | 仮令 | example, even if, if, though, although |
3202 | 類推 | analogy |
3203 | 勝利 | victory, triumph, conquest, success, win |
3204 | 街頭 | in the street |
3205 | 転落 | fall, degradation, slump |
3206 | 慕う | to yearn for, to miss, to adore, to love dearly |
3207 | 南 | south |
3208 | 濫用 | abuse, misuse, misappropriation, using to excess |
3209 | 其の儘 | without change, as it is (i.e. now) |
3210 | 現場 | actual spot, scene, scene of the crime |
3211 | 女子 | woman, girl |
3212 | 組み合わせ | combination |
3213 | 正解 | correct, right, correct interpretation (answer solution) |
3214 | 冷やかす | to banter, to make fun of, to jeer at, to cool, to refrigerate |
3215 | 当てはまる | to apply (a rule) |
3216 | 前例 | precedent |
3217 | 区画 | division, section, compartment, boundary, area, block |
3218 | 欠乏 | want, shortage, famine |
3219 | ルーズ | loose |
3220 | 善良 | goodness, excellence, virtue |
3221 | 涸れる | to dry up, to run out |
3222 | 始めまして | How do you do?, I am glad to meet you |
3223 | 沿い | along |
3224 | 迫害 | persecution |
3225 | 悪口 | abuse, insult, slander, evil speaking |
3226 | 一人でに | by itself, automatically, naturally |
3227 | 軈て | before long, soon, at length |
3228 | 教材 | teaching materials |
3229 | 若しくは | or, otherwise |
3230 | 容易い | easy, simple, light |
3231 | 運送 | shipping, marine transportation |
3232 | 直面 | confrontation |
3233 | 肺 | lung |
3234 | 専用 | exclusive use, personal use |
3235 | 汚す | to disgrace, to dishonour |
3236 | コンタクト | contact, contact lens |
3237 | 変動 | change, fluctuation |
3238 | 天国 | paradise, heaven, Kingdom of Heaven |
3239 | 終日 | all day |
3240 | 中毒 | poisoning |
3241 | 陳列 | exhibition, display, show |
3242 | 怯える | to become frightened, to have a nightmare |
3243 | 保障 | guarantee, security, assurance, pledge, warranty |
3244 | 傾斜 | inclination, slant, slope, bevel, list, dip |
3245 | 変革 | change, reform, revolution, upheaval, (the) Reformation |
3246 | 衰える | to become weak, to decline, to wear, to abate, to decay, to wither, to waste away |
3247 | 六 | (num) six |
3248 | 藁 | straw |
3249 | 一気 | drink!(said repeatedly as a party cheer) |
3250 | 丸々 | completely |
3251 | 些とも | not at all (neg. verb) |
3252 | 見合わせる | to exchange glances, to postpone, to suspend operations, to refrain from performing an action |
3253 | 派 | clique, faction, school |
3254 | 操る | to manipulate, to operate, to pull strings |
3255 | 痛切 | keen, acute |
3256 | 費 | cost, expense |
3257 | 切開 | clearing (land), opening up, cutting through |
3258 | 前提 | preamble, premise, reason, prerequisite |
3259 | 民主 | democratic, the head of the nation |
3260 | 公開 | presenting to the public |
3261 | 擦れる | to rub, to chafe, to wear, to become sophisticated |
3262 | 明瞭 | clarity |
3263 | 盛る | to prosper, to flourish, to copulate (animals) |
3264 | 刃 | edge (of a sword) |
3265 | 品質 | quality |
3266 | ドライクリーニング | dry cleaning |
3267 | 化繊 | synthetic fibres |
3268 | 説得 | persuasion |
3269 | 外貨 | imported goods, foreign money |
3270 | 眉 | eyebrow |
3271 | 嘸 | I am sure, certainly, no doubt |
3272 | 変遷 | change, transition, vicissitudes |
3273 | 敬具 | Sincerely yours |
3274 | 協定 | arrangement, pact, agreement |
3275 | 防火 | fire prevention, fire fighting, fire proof |
3276 | 折り返す | to turn up, to fold back |
3277 | 契機 | opportunity, chance |
3278 | 朗読 | reading aloud, recitation |
3279 | 近付く | to approach, to get near, to get acquainted with, to get closer |
3280 | 一律 | evenness, uniformity, monotony, equality |
3281 | 世 | world, society, age, generation |
3282 | お願いします | please |
3283 | 愚痴 | idle complaint, grumble |
3284 | 何時までも | forever, for good, eternally, as long as one likes, indefinitely |
3285 | 同志 | same mind, comrade, kindred soul |
3286 | 暴力 | violence |
3287 | 大部 | most (e.g. most part), greater, fairly, a good deal, much |
3288 | 黄金 | gold |
3289 | 原 | original, primitive, primary, fundamental, raw |
3290 | いく | to come, to orgasm |
3291 | 圧迫 | pressure, coercion, oppression |
3292 | アルカリ | alkali |
3293 | 何とも | nothing (with neg. verb), quite, not a bit |
3294 | 忠実 | fidelity, faithfulness |
3295 | 教職 | teaching certificate, the teaching profession |
3296 | 治安 | public order |
3297 | 自惚れ | pretension, conceit, hubris |
3298 | 敵 | enemy, rival |
3299 | 吊るす | to hang |
3300 | 特技 | special skill |
3301 | 賄う | to give board to, to provide meals, to pay |
3302 | 努めて | make an effort!, work hard! |
3303 | 貶す | to speak ill of |
3304 | 軍艦 | warship, battleship |
3305 | 懐く | to become emotionally attached |
3306 | にも拘らず | in spite of, nevertheless |
3307 | 色彩 | colour, hue, tints |
3308 | 墜落 | falling, crashing |
3309 | 独創 | originality |
3310 | 推測 | guess, conjecture |
3311 | 許容 | permission, pardon |
3312 | 新興 | rising, developing, emergent |
3313 | 同等 | equality, equal, same rights, same rank |
3314 | 営む | to carry on (e.g. in ceremony), to run a business |
3315 | 恐れ入る | to be filled with awe, to feel small, to be amazed, to be surprised, to be disconcerted, to be sorry, to b |
3316 | 偖 | well, now, then |
3317 | ムード | mood |
3318 | 緩める | to loosen, to slow down |
3319 | 本質 | essence, true nature, reality |
3320 | 反する | to be inconsistent with, to oppose, to contradict, to transgress, to rebel |
3321 | スポーツカー | sports car |
3322 | 一帯 | a region, a zone, the whole place |
3323 | 運営 | management, administration, operation |
3324 | 差し引く | to deduct |
3325 | 繊維 | fibre, fiber, textile |
3326 | 夕暮れ | evening, (evening) twilight |
3327 | 腸 | guts, bowels, intestines |
3328 | 紛れる | to be diverted, to slip into |
3329 | 橋渡し | bridge building, mediation |
3330 | その為 | hence, for that reason |
3331 | 出産 | (child)birth, delivery, production (of goods) |
3332 | たった | only, merely, but, no more than |
3333 | 愈々 | more and more, all the more, increasingly, at last, beyond doubt |
3334 | 伴う | to accompany, to bring with, to be accompanied by, to be involved in |
3335 | 可愛らしい | lovely, sweet |
3336 | 補足 | supplement, complement |
3337 | 明かす | to pass, spend, to reveal, to divulge |
3338 | 山脈 | mountain range |
3339 | ぶかぶか | too big, baggy |
3340 | 傷 | wound, injury, hurt, cut, gash, bruise, scratch, scar, weak point |
3341 | 子息 | son |
3342 | 全盛 | height of prosperity |
3343 | 依って | therefore, consequently, accordingly, because of |
3344 | 及ぶ | to reach, to come up to, to amount to, to befall, to happen to, to extend, to match, to equal |
3345 | 脱退 | secession |
3346 | 興じる | to amuse oneself, to make merry |
3347 | 街道 | highway |
3348 | 原典 | original (text) |
3349 | 放置 | leave as is, leave to chance, leave alone, neglect |
3350 | 証言 | evidence, testimony |
3351 | 日焼け | sunburn |
3352 | 兎角 | anyhow, anyway, somehow or other, generally speaking, in any case, this and that, many, be apt to |
3353 | 雑談 | chatting, idle talk |
3354 | 寒気 | cold, frost, chill |
3355 | 神殿 | temple, sacred place |
3356 | おおい | hey! |
3357 | 畏まりました | certainly! |
3358 | 原爆 | atomic bomb |
3359 | 孤立 | isolation, helplessness |
3360 | 代 | price, materials, substitution |
3361 | 氏 | family name |
3362 | 悉く | altogether, entirely |
3363 | ジーパン | jeans (lit: jeans pants), dungarees |
3364 | 押し寄せる | to push aside, to advance on |
3365 | 是非とも | by all means (with sense of not taking no for an answer) |
3366 | 脚色 | dramatization (e.g. film) |
3367 | 消息 | news, letter, circumstances |
3368 | その外 | besides, in addition, the rest |
3369 | レッスン | lesson |
3370 | ばてる | to be exhausted, to be worn out |
3371 | 暗殺 | assassination |
3372 | 数詞 | numeral |
3373 | 麻酔 | anaesthesia |
3374 | 冷酷 | cruelty, coldheartedness, relentless, ruthless |
3375 | 経路 | course, route, channel |
3376 | 英字 | English letter (character) |
3377 | ずばり | decisively, decidedly, once and for all, unreservedly, frankly |
3378 | 鉱山 | mine (ore) |
3379 | 継ぐ | to succeed |
3380 | 佳句 | beautiful passage of literature |
3381 | 興奮 | excitement, stimulation, agitation, arousal |
3382 | 咎める | to blame, to find fault, to take someone to task, to aggravate (an injury) |
3383 | 与党 | government party, (ruling) party in power, government |
3384 | 削減 | cut, reduction, curtailment |
3385 | お祖母さん | grandmother, female senior-citizen |
3386 | 質素 | simplicity, modesty, frugality |
3387 | ティッシュペーパー | tissue paper |
3388 | 天皇 | Emperor of Japan |
3389 | 対応 | interaction, correspondence, coping with, dealing with |
3390 | 他意 | ill will, malice, another intention, secret purpose, ulterior motive, fickleness, double-mindedness |
3391 | 領域 | area, domain, territory, field, region, regime |
3392 | 食い違う | to cross each other, to run counter to, to differ, to clash, to go awry |
3393 | 露骨 | 1. frank, blunt, plain, outspoken, 2. conspicuous, open, 3. broad, suggestive |
3394 | 其れに | besides, moreover |
3395 | 喫茶 | tea drinking, tea house |
3396 | だぶだぶ | loose, baggy |
3397 | 征服 | conquest, subjugation, overcoming |
3398 | 指示 | indication, instruction, directions |
3399 | 蓋 | cover, lid, cap |
3400 | 一人 | one person |
3401 | 染まる | to dye |
3402 | 纏め | settlement, conclusion |
3403 | 上演 | performance (e.g. music) |
3404 | 近郊 | suburbs, outskirts |
3405 | 独自 | original, peculiar, characteristic |
3406 | 耳鼻科 | otolaryngology |
3407 | 連邦 | commonwealth, federation of states |
3408 | 土産 | product of the land |
3409 | ナイター | game under lights (e.g. baseball) (lit: nighter), night game |
3410 | 有難う | Thank you |
3411 | 投資 | investment |
3412 | 指令 | orders, instructions, directive |
3413 | 先だって | recently, the other day |
3414 | 味覚 | taste, palate, sense of taste |
3415 | 其れ共 | or, or else |
3416 | 出題 | proposing a question |
3417 | 振り出し | outset, starting point, drawing or issuing (draft) |
3418 | タイトル | title |
3419 | 悪い | hateful, abominable, poor-looking |
3420 | 光沢 | brilliance, polish, lustre, glossy finish (of photographs) |
3421 | 於いて | at, in, on |
3422 | 作用 | action, operation, effect, function |
3423 | 花びら | (flower) petal |
3424 | 公 | official, public, formal, open, governmental |
3425 | ファン | fan, fun |
3426 | 背景 | background, scenery, setting, circumstance |
3427 | 空腹 | hunger |
3428 | 明朗 | bright, clear, cheerful |
3429 | 罵る | to speak ill of, to abuse |
3430 | 近々 | nearness, before long |
3431 | 腹立ち | anger |
3432 | 徹する | to sink in, to penetrate, to devote oneself, to believe in, to go through, to do intently and exclusively |
3433 | 掲載 | appearance (e.g. article in paper) |
3434 | 取り次ぐ | to act as an agent for, to announce (someone), to convey (a message) |
3435 | 式場 | ceremonial hall, place of ceremony (e.g. marriage) |
3436 | 其れから | and then, after that |
3437 | 煌びやか | gorgeous, gaudy, dazzling, gay |
3438 | トーン | tone |
3439 | 室 | room |
3440 | ポンプ | pump |
3441 | ポット | pot |
3442 | ダンプ | dump |
3443 | スラックス | slacks |
3444 | 好況 | prosperous conditions, healthy economy |
3445 | 益々 | increasingly, more and more |
3446 | 諦め | resignation, acceptance, consolation |
3447 | 優 | gentle, affectionate |
3448 | 若しも | if |
3449 | 採集 | collecting, gathering |
3450 | 紛争 | dispute, trouble, strife |
3451 | | # |
3452 | 潮 | tide |
3453 | ポーズ | pause |
3454 | 彼の | that over there |
3455 | 佐 | help |
3456 | フロント | front |
3457 | ダース | dozen |
3458 | ヤング | young |
3459 | サイクル | cycle |
3460 | 於 | at, in, on |
3461 | ソロ | solo |