1 | ダム | dumb |
2 | 櫛 | comb |
3 | マスク | mask |
4 | バック | back |
5 | スカーフ | scarf |
6 | 逆さ | reverse,inversion,upside down |
7 | 紅葉 | (1) (Japanese) maple |
8 | 客席 | guest seating |
9 | 課税 | taxation |
10 | 取り入れる | to harvest,to take in,to adopt |
11 | ぎっしり | tightly,fully |
12 | 敬う | to show respect,to honour |
13 | まぶた | eyelids |
14 | 幼児 | infant,baby,child |
15 | 冷凍 | freezing,cold storage,refrigeration |
16 | 入社 | entry to a company |
17 | 四捨五入 | rounding up (fractions) |
18 | 響く | to resound |
19 | 寿命 | life span |
20 | 固い | stubborn,firm (not viscous or easily moved) |
21 | 討つ | to attack,to avenge |
22 | 短所 | (1) defect,demerit,weak point,(2) disadvantage |
23 | 応接 | reception |
24 | ともかく | anyhow,anyway,somehow or other,generally speaking,in any case |
25 | 汚す | (1) to disgrace,to dishonour,(2) to pollute,to contaminate,to soil,to make dirty,to stain |
26 | しっぽ | tail (animal) |
27 | 向う | (v5u) to face,to go towards |
28 | 実る | to bear fruit,to ripen |
29 | 消耗 | exhaustion,consumption |
30 | 円周 | circumference |
31 | 青白い | pale,pallid |
32 | 軟らかい | soft,tender,limp |
33 | 研修 | training |
34 | 見本 | sample |
35 | 望遠鏡 | telescope |
36 | 追加 | addition,supplement,appendix |
37 | 小父さん | middle-aged gentleman,uncle |
38 | 但し | but,however,provided that |
39 | 心得る | to be informed,to have thorough knowledge |
40 | 量る | to measure,to weigh,to survey |
41 | 侵入 | penetration,invasion,raid,aggression,trespass |
42 | 特長 | forte,merit |
43 | 覗く | to peep in,to look in,to peek in,to stick out |
44 | 下水 | drainage,sewage,ditch,gutter,sewerage |
45 | 抽象 | abstract |
46 | 押える | to stop,to restrain,to seize,to repress,to suppress,to press down |
47 | 写る | to be photographed,to be projected |
48 | 兼ねる | to hold (position),to serve,to be unable |
49 | かじる | to chew,to bite (at),to gnaw,to nibble |
50 | 帰す | to send back |
51 | 水素 | hydrogen |
52 | お代わり | second helping,another cup |
53 | 残らず | all,entirely,completely,without exception |
54 | 断水 | water outage |
55 | 直線 | straight line |
56 | ハンドル | handle,steering wheel |
57 | 頂点 | top,summit |
58 | 食塩 | table salt |
59 | 実用 | practical use,utility |
60 | 作る/造る | to make,to create |
61 | 句読点 | punctuation marks |
62 | 同格 | the same rank,equality,apposition |
63 | わりあいに | comparatively |
64 | 集金 | money collection |
65 | 兵隊 | soldier,sailor |
66 | 地質 | geological features |
67 | 仮定 | assumption,supposition,hypothesis |
68 | 液体 | liquid,fluid |
69 | 塊 | lump,mass,clod,cluster |
70 | 平気 | coolness,calmness,composure,unconcern |
71 | 欧米 | Europe and America,the West |
72 | 削除 | elimination,cancellation,deletion,erasure |
73 | 楕円 | ellipse |
74 | 零点 | zero,no marks |
75 | 早口 | fast-talking |
76 | 送別 | farewell,send-off |
77 | もしかすると | perhaps,maybe,by some chance |
78 | 被せる | to cover (with something) |
79 | くっつく | to adhere to,to keep close to |
80 | 体系 | system,organization |
81 | 治める | (1) to govern,to manage,(2) to subdue |
82 | 修繕 | repair,mending |
83 | 人差指 | index finger |
84 | 薄暗い | dim,gloomy |
85 | 溜める | to amass,to accumulate |
86 | 真空 | vacuum,hollow,empty |
87 | 応ずる | to answer,to respond,to meet,to satisfy,to accept |
88 | 墨 | ink |
89 | 卑怯 | cowardice,meanness,unfairness |
90 | 単数 | singular (number) |
91 | レクリェーション | recreation |
92 | すっきり | shapely,clear,neat |
93 | 官庁 | government office,authorities |
94 | 承る | (hum) to hear,to be told,to know |
95 | 漢和 | Chinese Character-Japanese (e.g. dictionary) |
96 | 長所 | (1) strong point,merit,(2) advantage |
97 | 並木 | roadside tree,row of trees |
98 | ワンピース | one-piece dress |
99 | 課程 | course,curriculum |
100 | 点く | to catch fire,(electricity) comes on |
101 | 初級 | elementary level |
102 | 引っ込む | to draw back,to sink,to cave in |
103 | 竹 | bamboo,middle (of a three-tier ranking system) |
104 | 真っ暗 | total darkness,shortsightedness,pitch dark |
105 | 名物 | famous product,special product,speciality |
106 | 殖やす | to increase,to add to,to augment |
107 | 拭く | to wipe,to dry |
108 | 瓦 | roof tile |
109 | 月給 | monthly salary |
110 | 缶詰 | packing (in cans),canning,canned goods,tin can |
111 | 隙間 | crevice,crack,gap,opening |
112 | 通貨 | currency |
113 | 改める | to change,to alter,to reform,to revise |
114 | 補う | to compensate for |
115 | 賞金 | prize,monetary award |
116 | 大学院 | graduate school |
117 | 手首 | wrist |
118 | 醜い | ugly |
119 | 超える | to exceed,to cross over,to cross |
120 | 縞 | stripe |
121 | 遊園地 | amusement park |
122 | 全身 | the whole body,full-length (portrait) |
123 | 役者 | actor,actress |
124 | 丼 | porcelain bowl,bowl of rice with food on top |
125 | 飢饉 | famine |
126 | 下線 | underline,underscore |
127 | 孝行 | filial piety |
128 | 安易 | easy-going |
129 | 人通り | pedestrian traffic |
130 | 小学生 | grade school student |
131 | 薬品 | medicine(s),chemical(s) |
132 | 厳重 | strict,rigour,severe,firm |
133 | 苦心 | pain,trouble |
134 | 純情 | pure heart,naivete,self-sacrificing devotion |
135 | 慶び | (n) (a) joy,(a) delight,rapture,pleasure,gratification,rejoicing,congratulations,felicitations |
136 | 寸法 | measurement,size,dimension |
137 | 下車 | alighting,getting off |
138 | 捩る | to twist |
139 | 餅 | sticky rice cake |
140 | 火口 | a burner,origin of a fire |
141 | すっぱい | sour,acid |
142 | 虹 | rainbow |
143 | 架空 | aerial,overhead,fiction,fanciful |
144 | 不運 | unlucky,misfortune,bad luck,fate |
145 | モダン | modern |
146 | 放る | to let go |
147 | 錆びる | to rust,to become rusty |
148 | 水筒 | canteen,flask,water bottle |
149 | 裏返す | to turn inside out,to turn (something) over |
150 | 羨ましい | envious,enviable |
151 | 損得 | loss and gain,advantage and disadvantage |
152 | 碁 | Go (board game of capturing territory) |
153 | 目安 | criterion,aim |
154 | 過程 | process |
155 | 包装 | packing,wrapping |
156 | 平日 | weekday,ordinary days |
157 | 驚かす | to surprise,to frighten,to create a stir |
158 | 鳴らす | to ring,to sound,to chime,to beat,to snort (nose) |
159 | 挟む | to interpose,to hold between,to insert |
160 | 金魚 | goldfish |
161 | 都心 | heart (of city) |
162 | 窓口 | ticket window |
163 | 地点 | site,point on a map |
164 | 指定 | designation,specification,assignment,pointing at |
165 | 道順 | itinerary,route |
166 | 若々しい | youthful,young |
167 | 工員 | factory worker |
168 | 広げる | to spread,to extend,to expand,to enlarge |
169 | 講師 | lecturer |
170 | 煮る | to boil,to cook |
171 | 物置 | storage room |
172 | 盗難 | theft,robbery |
173 | 草履 | zoori (Japanese footwear),sandals |
174 | 群れ | group,crowd,flock,herd |
175 | 悔しい | regrettable,mortifying,vexing |
176 | 登場 | entry (on stage) |
177 | マイナス | minus |
178 | 掛け算 | multiplication |
179 | スタート | start |
180 | 下書き | rough copy,draft |
181 | そういえば | which reminds me .. |
182 | 床屋 | barber |
183 | 恩恵 | grace,favor,blessing,benefit |
184 | 瞳 | pupil (of eye) |
185 | 堀 | moat,canal |
186 | 漁師 | fisherman |
187 | 掻く | to scratch,to perspire |
188 | 部品 | parts,accessories |
189 | 書留 | writing down,putting on record,recording,making a note of,registration (of mail) |
190 | 交通機関 | transportation facilities |
191 | 改正 | revision,amendment,alteration |
192 | アクセント | accent |
193 | 役人 | government official |
194 | カロリー | calorie |
195 | お手伝いさん | maid |
196 | 実例 | example,illustration |
197 | 解説 | explanation,commentary |
198 | 縮れる | to be wavy,to be curled |
199 | 角度 | angle |
200 | 将棋 | Japanese chess |
201 | 別々 | separately,individually |
202 | 交差 | cross |
203 | 近付ける | to bring near,to put close,to let come near,to associate with |
204 | 倣う | to imitate,to follow,to emulate |
205 | オイル | oil,engine oil,kerosene |
206 | 繋がり | connection,link,relationship |
207 | 日当たり | exposure to the sun,sunny place |
208 | 剃刀 | razor |
209 | 地帯 | area,zone |
210 | 神様 | god |
211 | 増減 | increase and decrease,fluctuation |
212 | 着々 | steadily |
213 | 活字 | printing type |
214 | 傑作 | masterpiece,best work,boner,blunder |
215 | あいまい | vague,ambiguous |
216 | 気配 | indication,market trend,worry |
217 | 付合う | to associate with,to keep company with,to get on with |
218 | 定員 | fixed number of regular personnel,capacity (of boat, etc.) |
219 | 仲直り | reconciliation,make peace with |
220 | 座敷 | tatami room |
221 | 在学 | (enrolled) in school |
222 | 潜る | (1) to drive,to pass through,(2) to evade,to hide,(3) to dive (into or under water),to go undergroun |
223 | 機関車 | locomotive,engine |
224 | 溶ける | to melt,to thaw,to fuse,to dissolve |
225 | おさきに | before,ahead,previously |
226 | 熟語 | idiom,idiomatic phrase,kanji compound |
227 | 信ずる | to believe,to believe in,to place trust in |
228 | 面積 | area |
229 | 高度 | altitude,height,advanced |
230 | 全集 | complete works |
231 | 水滴 | drop of water |
232 | カセット | cassette (tape) |
233 | 酌む | to serve sake |
234 | 図鑑 | picture book |
235 | あわてる | to become confused |
236 | 農村 | agricultural community,farm village,rural |
237 | 腰掛け | seat,bench |
238 | 稽古 | practice,training,study |
239 | 刺身 | sliced raw fish |
240 | 功績 | achievements,merit,meritorious service,meritorious deed |
241 | 鈴 | bell |
242 | 掘る | to dig,to excavate |
243 | 散る | to fall,to scatter (e.g. blossoms) |
244 | 御手洗 | font of purifying water placed at entrance of shrine |
245 | 重役 | director,high executive |
246 | 渇く | to be thirsty |
247 | 下降 | downward,descent,fall,drop,subsidence |
248 | 汲む | (1) to draw (water),to dip,to scoop,to pump |
249 | 姓 | surname,family name |
250 | 副詞 | adverb |
251 | 噴水 | water fountain |
252 | 延長 | extension,elongation,prolongation,lengthening |
253 | 催し | event,festivities,function |
254 | 花嫁 | bride |
255 | 展開 | develop,expansion (opposite of compression) |
256 | 火傷 | burn,scald |
257 | 嗅ぐ | to sniff,to smell |
258 | 判事 | judge,judiciary |
259 | 誓う | to swear,to vow,to take an oath,to pledge |
260 | 法則 | law,rule |
261 | 属する | to belong to,to come under,to be affiliated with,to be subject to |
262 | 清書 | clean copy |
263 | ちぎる | to cut up fine,to pick (fruit) |
264 | 統一 | unity,consolidation,uniformity |
265 | 掏摸 | pickpocket |
266 | ロビー | lobby |
267 | 大工 | carpenter |
268 | 湿気 | moisture,humidity,dampness |
269 | 大して | (not so) much,(not) very |
270 | たんす | chest of drawers |
271 | 災難 | calamity,misfortune |
272 | ばからしい | absurd |
273 | 澄む | to clear (e.g. weather),to become transparent |
274 | 関東 | eastern half of Japan, including Tokyo |
275 | 整数 | integer |
276 | -過剰 | excess,over |
277 | 着せる | to put on clothes |
278 | カバー | cover (ex. book) |
279 | 先々月 | month before last |
280 | しゃっくり | hiccough,hiccup |
281 | 農産物 | agricultural produce |
282 | 実感 | feelings (actual, true) |
283 | あてはまる | to be applicable,to come under (a category),to fulfill |
284 | すくなくとも | at least |
285 | 挿す | to insert,to put in,to graft,to wear in belt |
286 | 打ち消す | to deny,to negate,to contradict |
287 | 雑巾 | house-cloth,dust cloth |
288 | 快晴 | good weather |
289 | 日時 | date and time |
290 | 待合室 | waiting room |
291 | 実習 | practice,training |
292 | こっそり | stealthily,secretly |
293 | 空想 | daydream,fantasy,fancy,vision |
294 | 構造 | structure,construction |
295 | 園芸 | horticulture,gardening |
296 | 高める | to raise,to lift,to boost |
297 | 蓋 | cover,lid,cap |
298 | 溜息 | a sigh |
299 | 社会科学 | social science |
300 | 乾かす | to dry (clothes, etc.),to desiccate |
301 | 臨時 | temporary,special,extraordinary |
302 | 有難い | grateful,thankful,welcome,appreciated,evoking gratitude |
303 | 見学 | inspection,study by observation,field trip |
304 | 針金 | wire |
305 | クリーニング | cleaning,dry cleaning,laundry service |
306 | 迷信 | superstition |
307 | 車輪 | (car) wheel |
308 | ラッシュアワー | rush hour |
309 | おねがいします | please |
310 | しびれる | to become numb,to go to sleep (i.e., a limb) |
311 | 恐縮 | shame,very kind of you,sorry to trouble |
312 | 載せる | to place on (something),to take on board,to give a ride |
313 | 知合い | acquaintance |
314 | 女房 | wife |
315 | 分類 | classification |
316 | 平仮名 | hiragana,47 syllables,the cursive syllabary |
317 | フリー | free |
318 | 測量 | measurement,surveying |
319 | 具える | to be furnished with |
320 | くれぐれも | repeatedly,sincerely,earnestly |
321 | やっぱり | also,as I thought,still,in spite of,absolutely,of course |
322 | コック | (1) cook (nl:),(2) tap,spigot,faucet,cock |
323 | 飾り | decoration |
324 | 海水浴 | sea bathing,seawater bath |
325 | おはよう | (abbr) Good morning |
326 | 蘇る | to be resurrected,to be revived,to be resuscitated,to be rehabilitated |
327 | 雨戸 | sliding storm door |
328 | 延びる | to be prolonged |
329 | おじゃまします | Excuse me for disturbing you |
330 | 障子 | paper sliding door |
331 | 血液 | blood |
332 | あげる | to do for |
333 | ひゃっかじてん | encyclopedia |
334 | 巡る | to go around |
335 | 寄せる | to collect,to gather,to add,to put aside |
336 | バケツ | bucket,pail |
337 | 標本 | example,specimen |
338 | 揚げる | to lift,to fry |
339 | 手続き | procedure,(legal) process,formalities |
340 | 伝染 | contagion |
341 | 純粋 | pure,true,genuine,unmixed |
342 | 物差し | ruler,measure |
343 | 高層 | upper |
344 | 小数 | fraction (part of),decimal |
345 | どきどき | throb,beat (fast) |
346 | 線路 | line,track,roadbed |
347 | 書道 | calligraphy |
348 | 反る | to warp,to be warped,to curve |
349 | 勝敗 | victory or defeat,issue (of battle) |
350 | あちらこちら | here and there |
351 | 算盤 | abacus |
352 | 反映 | reflection,influence |
353 | 広める | to broaden,to propagate |
354 | 瓶詰 | bottling,bottled |
355 | 区切る | to punctuate,to cut off,to mark off,to stop,to put an end to |
356 | 論ずる | to argue,to discuss,to debate |
357 | 申し訳ない | inexcusable |
358 | 肌着 | underwear |
359 | 偉い | great,celebrated,eminent,terrible,awful,famous,remarkable,excellent |
360 | 懐かしい | dear,desired,missed |
361 | 編集 | editing,compilation,editorial (e.g. committee) |
362 | 主役 | leading part,leading actor (actress) |
363 | 恨み | resentment |
364 | 御辞儀 | bow |
365 | 書取 | dictation |
366 | 中途 | in the middle,half-way |
367 | 肘 | elbow |
368 | 飢える | to starve |
369 | 街角 | street corner |
370 | 暖める | to warm,to heat |
371 | 日帰り | day trip |
372 | 四角い | square |
373 | オルガン | organ |
374 | 温室 | greenhouse |
375 | 響き | echo,sound,reverberation,noise |
376 | ゆでる | to boil |
377 | 引出す | to pull out,to take out,to draw out,to withdraw |
378 | しあさって | two days after tomorrow |
379 | 焚く | to burn,to kindle,to build a fire |
380 | 回数 | number of times,frequency |
381 | 儀式 | ceremony,rite,ritual,service |
382 | 改造 | (1) remodeling,(2) modding (comp) |
383 | 番地 | house number,address |
384 | 圧縮 | compression,condensation,pressure |
385 | 森林 | forest,woods |
386 | ダイヤグラム | diagram |
387 | センチ | centimeter,centi-,10^-2 |
388 | 欲張り | avarice,covetousness,greed |
389 | 代える | to exchange,to interchange,to substitute,to replace |
390 | 果実 | fruit,nut,berry. |
391 | 自習 | self-study |
392 | 因る | to come from |
393 | エプロン | apron |
394 | 探る | to search,to look for,to sound out |
395 | チョーク | chock,chalk |
396 | ジャーナリスト | journalist |
397 | 各々 | each,every,either,respectively,severally |
398 | 遡る | to go back,to go upstream,to make retroactive |
399 | 叔母さん | (1) aunt,(2) middle-aged lady |
400 | どうせ | anyhow,in any case,at any rate |
401 | 曲線 | curve |
402 | 引越し | moving (dwelling etc.),changing residence |
403 | ナンバー | number |
404 | ステージ | (1) stage,(2) performance |
405 | 偶数 | even number |
406 | 深夜 | late at night |
407 | 水分 | moisture |
408 | お参り | worship,shrine visit |
409 | 一定 | fixed,settled,definite |
410 | 灯油 | lamp oil,kerosene |
411 | 出来上がる | (1) to be finished,to be ready,by definition,(2) to be very drunk |
412 | 鉄橋 | railway bridge,iron bridge |
413 | 思い込む | to be under impression that,to be convinced that |
414 | 売り切れ | sold-out |
415 | いきなり | (uk) abruptly,suddenly,all of a sudden,without warning |
416 | 余計 | too much,unnecessary,abundance,surplus,excess,superfluity |
417 | 文脈 | context |
418 | マンション | large apartment,apartment house |
419 | 家屋 | house,building |
420 | 馴れる | to become domesticated,to become tame |
421 | 呼び出す | to summon,to call (e.g. phone) |
422 | 揃える | to put things in order,to arrange,to make uniform,to get something ready |
423 | ごめんください | May I come in? |
424 | 直流 | direct current |
425 | 退院 | leaving hospital |
426 | 目覚し | (abbr) alarm-clock |
427 | さわやか | fresh,refreshing,invigorating |
428 | 創作 | production,literary creation,work |
429 | 落着く | to calm down,to settle down |
430 | 公式 | formula,formality,official |
431 | 童話 | fairy tale |
432 | 湯飲み | teacup |
433 | 糊 | paste,starch |
434 | 素質 | character,qualities,genius |
435 | 張り切る | to be in high spirits,to be full of vigor |
436 | 射す | to shine,to strike |
437 | こらえる | to bear,to stand,to endure,to put up with |
438 | 片付く | to put in order,to dispose of,to solve |
439 | 娯楽 | pleasure,amusement |
440 | 放れる | to leave,to get free,to cut oneself off |
441 | 死体 | corpse |
442 | バンド | band |
443 | 例外 | exception |
444 | 明き | room,time to spare,emptiness |
445 | ナイロン | nylon |
446 | 拝む | to worship,to beg,to make a supplication |
447 | 時速 | speed (per hour) |
448 | しぼむ | to wither,to fade (away),to shrivel,to wilt |
449 | 四つ角 | four corners,crossroads |
450 | 西暦 | Christian Era,anno domini (A.D.) |
451 | 妨げる | to disturb,to prevent |
452 | 積む | to pile up,to stack |
453 | 真っ青 | deep blue,ghastly pale |
454 | 統計 | scattering,a scatter,dispersion |
455 | 防犯 | prevention of crime |
456 | 校庭 | campus |
457 | 職人 | worker,mechanic,artisan,craftsman |
458 | 油断 | negligence,unpreparedness |
459 | 診断 | diagnosis |
460 | 容積 | capacity,volume |
461 | 重量 | (1) weight,(2) heavyweight boxer |
462 | 未満 | less than,insufficient |
463 | 本来 | essentially,naturally,by nature |
464 | 磁石 | magnet |
465 | 攻める | to attack,to assault |
466 | 商業 | commerce,trade,business |
467 | 一昨年 | year before last |
468 | 確率 | probability |
469 | あれこれ | one thing or another,this and that,this or that |
470 | 乾杯 | toast (drink) |
471 | 浮ぶ | to float,to rise to surface,to come to mind |
472 | 引っ掛かる | to be caught in,to be stuck in,to be cheated |
473 | 性能 | ability,efficiency |
474 | 見舞う | to ask after (health),to visit |
475 | サンプル | sample |
476 | ペンチ | (abbr) pliers (lit: pinchers) |
477 | レインコート | raincoat |
478 | ブローチ | brooch |
479 | 照る | to shine |
480 | 芯 | core,heart,wick,marrow |
481 | 基地 | base |
482 | 親指 | thumb |
483 | ほどく | to unfasten |
484 | 枯れる | to wither,to die (plant),to be blasted (plant) |
485 | 実力 | merit,efficiency,arms,force |
486 | 農薬 | agricultural chemicals |
487 | 目立つ | to be conspicuous,to stand out |
488 | 貸間 | room to let |
489 | 田植え | rice planting |
490 | 葬式 | funeral |
491 | 続々 | successively,one after another |
492 | 殻 | shell,husk,hull,chaff |
493 | 刷る | to print |
494 | 脱線 | derailment,digression |
495 | 美容 | beauty of figure or form |
496 | 断定 | conclusion,decision |
497 | 速力 | speed |
498 | 工事 | construction work |
499 | 撒く | to scatter,to sprinkle,to sow |
500 | 女の人 | woman |
501 | 長女 | eldest daughter |
502 | 測定 | measurement |
503 | 浴衣 | bathrobe,informal summer kimono,yukata |
504 | 素直 | obedient,meek,docile,unaffected |
505 | めでたい | happy,simple soul,propitious,joyous |
506 | 無限 | infinite |
507 | 欄 | column of text (e.g. as in a newspaper) |
508 | レジャー | leisure |
509 | おどかす | to threaten,to coerce |
510 | 裂く | to tear,to split |
511 | 折角 | with trouble,at great pains,long-awaited |
512 | 剥く | to peel,to skin,to pare,to hull |
513 | 気圧 | atmospheric pressure |
514 | 倉庫 | storehouse,warehouse,godown |
515 | スピーカー | speaker |
516 | 真っ先 | the head,the foremost,beginning |
517 | 言い出す | to start talking,to speak,to tell,to propose,to suggest,to break the ice |
518 | ウエートレス | waitress |
519 | 背負う | to be burdened with,to carry on back or shoulder |
520 | 相互 | mutual,reciprocal |
521 | 商店 | shop,business firm |
522 | メーター | meter (clock) |
523 | 主語 | (gram) subject |
524 | 調節 | regulation,adjustment,control |
525 | 縛る | to tie,to bind |
526 | 点数 | marks,points,score,runs |
527 | くだらない | good-for-nothing,stupid,trivial,worthless |
528 | 手洗い | restroom,lavatory,hand-washing |
529 | 代る | (v5r,vi) to take the place of,to relieve,to be substituted for |
530 | 流行る | to flourish,to thrive,to be popular,to come into fashion |
531 | 転がる | to roll,to tumble |
532 | 宣伝 | propaganda,publicity |
533 | 郡 | country,district |
534 | 縮む | to shrink,to be contracted |
535 | 広々 | extensive,spacious |
536 | 別荘 | holiday house,villa |
537 | ずうずうしい | impudent,shameless |
538 | ひとまず | for the present,once,in outline |
539 | 文芸 | literature,art and literature,belles-lettres |
540 | ストップ | stop |
541 | 盆地 | basin (e.g. between mountains) |
542 | 塞ぐ | to stop up,to close up,to block (up) |
543 | 揉む | to rub,to crumple (up),to wrinkle |
544 | 夜間 | at night,nighttime |
545 | 片道 | one-way (trip) |
546 | 武士 | warrior,samurai |
547 | 挟まる | to get between,to be caught in |
548 | 寝間着 | sleep-wear,nightclothes,pyjamas,nightgown,nightdress |
549 | 留まる | (1) to be fixed,(2) to abide,to stay (in the one place) |
550 | 血圧 | blood pressure |
551 | 要旨 | gist,essentials,summary,fundamentals |
552 | 対策 | counter-plan,counter-measure |
553 | 引っ繰り返(かえ)す | to turn over,to overturn,to knock over,to upset,to turn inside out |
554 | 題名 | title |
555 | 静まる | to quieten down,to calm down,to subside |
556 | 重点 | important point,lay stress on,colon,emphasis |
557 | 絞る | to press,to wring,to squeeze |
558 | 潰す | to smash,to waste |
559 | 潰れる | to be smashed,to go bankrupt |
560 | 発つ | to depart (on a plane, train, etc.) |
561 | 塞がる | to be plugged up,to be shut up |
562 | 恋しい | (1) dear,beloved,darling,(2) yearned for |
563 | 予備 | preparation,preliminaries,reserve,spare |
564 | 学年 | year in school,grade in school |
565 | 通勤 | commuting to work |
566 | 明け方 | dawn |
567 | 散らかす | to scatter around,to leave untidy |
568 | 各地 | every place,various places |
569 | 目指す | to aim at,to have an eye on |
570 | テーマ | (n) theme,project,topic (de: Thema) |
571 | ブラウス | blouse |
572 | 生年月日 | birth date |
573 | カラー | collar,color,colour |
574 | のこぎり | saw |
575 | 薬指 | ring finger |
576 | 心当たり | having some knowledge of,happening to know |
577 | モノレール | monorail |
578 | 応援 | aid,assistance,help,reinforcement |
579 | 傾く | to incline toward,to slant,to lurch |
580 | 反省 | reflection,reconsideration,introspection,meditation,contemplation |
581 | 就任 | inauguration,assumption of office |
582 | 庖丁 | kitchen knife,carving knife |
583 | 公共 | public,community,public service,society,communal |
584 | 鐘 | bell,chime |
585 | 取り出す | to take out,to produce,to pick out |
586 | 年度 | year,fiscal year,school year,term |
587 | 活躍 | activity |
588 | 出合い | an encounter |
589 | スケジュール | schedule |
590 | やむをえない | cannot be helped,unavoidable |
591 | 文体 | literary style |
592 | 役目 | duty,business |
593 | 全般 | (the) whole,universal,wholly,general |
594 | 北極 | North Pole |
595 | ピンク | pink |
596 | 体操 | gymnastics,physical exercises,calisthenics |
597 | 上旬 | first 10 days of month |
598 | レンズ | lens |
599 | 連合 | union,alliance |
600 | 育児 | childcare,nursing,upbringing |
601 | 下駄 | geta (Japanese footwear),wooden clogs |
602 | 先端 | pointed end,tip,fine point |
603 | 教養 | culture,education,refinement,cultivation |
604 | 稀 | rare,seldom |
605 | 早速 | at once,immediately,without delay,promptly |
606 | リポート | report,paper |
607 | ブラシ | brushy,brush |
608 | 休養 | rest,break,recreation |
609 | 含める | to include,to instruct,to make one understand |
610 | 巻く | to wind,to coil,to roll |
611 | 幼稚園 | kindergarten |
612 | 工芸 | industrial arts |
613 | 言い付ける | to tell,to tell on (someone),to order |
614 | 煮える | to boil,to cook,to be cooked |
615 | 追い掛ける | to chase or run after someone,to run down,to pursue |
616 | 休息 | rest,relief,relaxation |
617 | 直角 | right angle |
618 | 蒸し暑い | humid,sultry |
619 | 形容詞 | true adjective |
620 | 畳む | to fold (clothes) |
621 | 案外 | unexpectedly |
622 | 用途 | use,usefulness |
623 | 方言 | dialect |
624 | 応用 | application,put to practical use |
625 | 人命 | (human) life |
626 | ばね | spring (e.g. coil, leaf) |
627 | リボン | ribbon |
628 | 寮 | hostel,dormitory |
629 | 淡水 | fresh water |
630 | 弱点 | weak point,weakness |
631 | 怪しい | suspicious,dubious,doubtful |
632 | 継続 | continuation |
633 | 略す | to abbreviate |
634 | 出勤 | going to work,at work |
635 | 敬語 | honorific,term of respect |
636 | 爪 | fingernail or toenail,claw,talon,hoof |
637 | 電力 | electric power |
638 | 重ねる | to pile up,to put something on another,to heap up,to add,to repeat |
639 | 太鼓 | drum,tambourine |
640 | 恨む | to curse,to feel bitter |
641 | 随筆 | essays,miscellaneous writings |
642 | 中年 | middle-aged |
643 | 余る | to remain,to be left over,to be in excess,to be too many |
644 | 突き当たり | end (e.g. of street) |
645 | 扇風機 | electric fan |
646 | 性質 | nature,property,disposition |
647 | 嫌がる | to hate,to dislike |
648 | 南北 | south and north |
649 | 綱 | rope |
650 | くしゃみ | sneeze |
651 | 詫びる | to apologize |
652 | 釘 | nail |
653 | 児童 | children,juvenile |
654 | 住居 | dwelling,house,residence,address |
655 | 祭日 | national holiday,festival day |
656 | 芸能 | public entertainment,accomplishments,attainments |
657 | 自然科学 | natural science |
658 | 騒がしい | noisy |
659 | あくび | yawn |
660 | 耕地 | arable land |
661 | 感想 | impressions,thoughts |
662 | 煎る | to parch,to fry |
663 | ひとりでに | by itself,automatically,naturally |
664 | 分量 | amount,quantity |
665 | 献立 | menu,program,schedule |
666 | 一応 | once,tentatively,in outline,for the time being |
667 | 耕す | to till,to plow,to cultivate |
668 | 匙 | spoon |
669 | 追い越す | to pass (e.g. car),to outdistance,to outstrip |
670 | 皮膚 | skin |
671 | 失恋 | disappointed love,broken heart,unrequited love,be lovelorn |
672 | インタビュー | interview |
673 | 言葉遣い | speech,expression,wording |
674 | 加速 | acceleration |
675 | 観念 | (1) idea,notion,conception,(2) sense (e.g. of duty) |
676 | スマート | smart,stylish,slim |
677 | 涼む | to cool oneself,to cool off,to enjoy evening cool |
678 | ぶらさげる | to hang,to suspend,to dangle,to swing |
679 | 空中 | sky,air |
680 | 売り切れる | to be sold out |
681 | 換気 | ventilation |
682 | 日日 | every day,daily,day after day |
683 | 比較的 | comparatively,relatively |
684 | すれちがう | to pass by one another,to disagree |
685 | スクール | school |
686 | 皮肉 | cynicism,sarcasm |
687 | せめて | offense,method of attack |
688 | あらすじ | outline,summary |
689 | 集会 | meeting,assembly |
690 | 宛名 | address,direction |
691 | あたりまえ | usual,common,ordinary |
692 | 蓄える | to store,to lay in stock |
693 | 超過 | excess,being more than |
694 | 崩れる | to collapse,to crumble |
695 | 演劇 | play (theatrical) |
696 | 寒帯 | frigid zone |
697 | 元々 | originally,by nature,from the start |
698 | 作者 | author,authoress |
699 | 先祖 | ancestor |
700 | とっくに | long ago,already,a long time ago |
701 | 刺さる | to stick,to be stuck |
702 | サイレン | siren |
703 | 突っ込む | to plunge into,to go into deeply |
704 | 縮小 | reduction,curtailment |
705 | 友好 | friendship |
706 | 上級 | advanced level,high grade,senior |
707 | 父母 | father and mother,parents |
708 | 係わる | to concern oneself in,to have to do with,to affect,to influence,to stick to (opinions) |
709 | 速達 | express,special delivery |
710 | 高等 | high class,high grade |
711 | なんとなく | somehow or other,for some reason or another |
712 | 煙突 | chimney |
713 | 雑音 | noise (jarring, grating) |
714 | 捜す | to search,to seek,to look for |
715 | 有無 | yes or no,existence,flag indicator (comp),presence or absence marker |
716 | パンツ | underpants |
717 | 出張 | official tour,business trip |
718 | 神話 | myth,legend |
719 | 出迎え | meeting,reception |
720 | 生存 | existence,being,survival |
721 | 襖 | sliding screen |
722 | 月末 | end of the month |
723 | 膨らます | to swell,to expand,to inflate,to bulge |
724 | 針路 | course,direction,compass bearing |
725 | おかず | side dish,accompaniment for rice dishes |
726 | 真っ白 | pure white |
727 | 石鹸 | soap |
728 | ビタミン | vitamin |
729 | コンクリート | concrete |
730 | 実績 | achievements,actual results |
731 | 送料 | postage,carriage |
732 | 漁業 | fishing (industry) |
733 | 御免 | your pardon,declining (something),dismissal,permission |
734 | 敷く | to spread out,to lay out |
735 | 請う | to ask,to request |
736 | 伝記 | biography,life story |
737 | 踏切 | railway crossing,level crossing,starting line,scratch,crossover |
738 | 為替 | money order,exchange |
739 | 佚 | be lost,peace,hide,mistake,beautiful,in turn |
740 | ローマじ | romanization,Roman letters |
741 | 映る | to be reflected,to harmonize with,to come out (photo) |
742 | 以降 | on and after,hereafter,thereafter |
743 | 伯父さん | middle-aged gentleman,uncle |
744 | 火山 | volcano |
745 | 只 | free of charge,mere,sole,only,usual,common |
746 | 学会 | scientific society,academic meeting |
747 | 点ける | to turn on,to switch on,to light up |
748 | 吊す | to hang |
749 | 地下水 | underground water |
750 | 貸し出し | lending,loaning |
751 | 温泉 | spa,hot spring,onsen |
752 | 姿勢 | attitude,posture |
753 | 桁 | column,beam,digit |
754 | 憎らしい | odious,hateful |
755 | けれど/けれども | but,however |
756 | モーター | motor |
757 | 担ぐ | to shoulder,to carry on shoulder |
758 | 原理 | principle,theory,fundamental truth |
759 | 体制 | order,system,structure,set-up,organization |
760 | 国王 | king |
761 | おくさん | (hon) wife,your wife,madam |
762 | 電波 | electro-magnetic wave |
763 | 仕上がる | to be finished |
764 | 出来上がり | be finished,ready,made for,cut out |
765 | へる | to decrease (in size or number),to diminish,to abate |
766 | 水蒸気 | water vapour,steam |
767 | シーツ | sheet |
768 | 乗車 | taking a train,entraining |
769 | 話中 | while talking,the line is busy |
770 | 間接 | indirection,indirectness |
771 | 蹴る | to kick |
772 | 散らかる | to be in disorder,to lie scattered around |
773 | 銘々 | each,individual |
774 | うんと | a great deal,very much |
775 | 外部 | the outside,external |
776 | 占う | to forecast,to predict |
777 | 東西 | East and West,whole country |
778 | 開会 | opening of a meeting |
779 | 原料 | raw materials |
780 | 長男 | eldest son |
781 | 免税 | tax exemption,duty exemption |
782 | 重体 | seriously ill,serious condition,critical state |
783 | 増やす | to increase,to add to,to augment |
784 | 蕎麦 | soba (buckwheat noodles) |
785 | 流域 | (river) basin |
786 | 実物 | real thing,original |
787 | しつこい | insistent,obstinate |
788 | おやつ | (1) between meal snack,afternoon refreshment |
789 | 持参 | bringing,taking,carrying |
790 | 話し掛ける | to accost a person,to talk (to someone) |
791 | 私鉄 | private railway |
792 | 時間割 | timetable,schedule |
793 | 厚かましい | impudent,shameless,brazen |
794 | リットル | litre |
795 | 表紙 | front cover,binding |
796 | 扇ぐ | to fan,to flap |
797 | 酒場 | bar,bar-room |
798 | 合理 | rational |
799 | 往復 | (col) round trip,coming and going,return ticket |
800 | 閉会 | closure |
801 | 引分け | a draw (in competition),tie game |
802 | 凍える | to freeze,to be chilled,to be frozen |
803 | もしかしたら | perhaps,maybe,by some chance |
804 | 気体 | vapour,gas |
805 | 英文 | sentence in English |
806 | 基準 | standard,basis,criteria,norm |
807 | 飛び込む | to jump in,to leap in,to plunge into,to dive |
808 | 激増 | sudden increase |
809 | 並行 | (going) side by side,concurrent,abreast,at the same time |
810 | 製作 | manufacture,production |
811 | 憧れる | to long for,to yearn after,to admire |
812 | 交流 | alternating current,intercourse,(cultural) exchange,intermingling |
813 | 伝わる | to be handed down,to be introduced,to be transmitted |
814 | 王女 | princess |
815 | 鑑賞 | appreciation |
816 | 努める | (1) to serve,to fill a post,to serve under,to work (for) |
817 | 風船 | balloon |
818 | 貯蔵 | storage,preservation |
819 | 蒔く | to sow (seeds) |
820 | 祝日 | national holiday |
821 | 真似る | to mimic,to imitate |
822 | 更ける | to get late,to advance,to wear on |
823 | こしらえる | to make,to manufacture |
824 | 尖る | to taper to a point,to become sharp,to be sour,to look displeased |
825 | 儲かる | to be profitable,to yield a profit |
826 | 繋がる | to be tied together,to be connected to,to be related to |
827 | 乾電池 | dry cell,battery |
828 | 破れる | to get torn,to wear out |
829 | ずらす | to put off,to delay |
830 | シリーズ | series |
831 | 休業 | closed (e.g. store),business suspended,shutdown,holiday |
832 | 夕日 | (in) the evening sun,setting sun |
833 | 卸す | to sell wholesale,grated (vegetables) |
834 | 方程式 | equation |
835 | だます | to trick,to cheat,to deceive |
836 | 領事 | consul |
837 | 歯車 | gear,cog-wheel |
838 | 感ずる | to feel,to sense |
839 | 命ずる | to command,to appoint |
840 | 天皇 | Emperor of Japan |
841 | 末っ子 | youngest child |
842 | 括弧 | parenthesis,brackets |
843 | 洋品店 | shop which handles Western-style apparel and accessories |
844 | 釣り合う | to balance,to be in harmony,to suit |
845 | おととい | day before yesterday |
846 | 大小 | size |
847 | 方角 | direction,way,compass point |
848 | 思い付く | to think of,to hit upon |
849 | 定価 | established price |
850 | 険しい | inaccessible place,sharp eyes |
851 | 流石 | clever,adept,good,expectations,as one would expect |
852 | 麓 | the foot,the bottom,the base (of a mountain) |
853 | 解答 | answer,solution |
854 | 消毒 | disinfection,sterilization |
855 | 等分 | division into equal parts |
856 | 粒 | grain |
857 | 催促 | request,demand,claim,urge (action),press for |
858 | 書籍 | book,publication |
859 | 炊く | to boil,to cook |
860 | 白髪 | white or grey hair,trendy hair bleaching |
861 | どっと | suddenly |
862 | 瀬戸物 | earthenware,crockery,china |
863 | 整う | to be prepared,to be in order,to be put in order,to be arranged |
864 | 立ち止まる | to stop,to halt,to stand still |
865 | 彫る | to carve,to engrave,to sculpture,to chisel |
866 | 蛍光灯 | fluorescent lamp,person who is slow to react |
867 | よこす | (1) to send,to forward,(2) to hand over (e.g. money) |
868 | 仲良し | intimate friend,bosom buddy,chum |
869 | 唇 | lips |
870 | 索引 | index,indices |
871 | 通り掛かる | to happen to pass by |
872 | 真っ黒 | pitch black |
873 | 逆様 | inversion,upside down |
874 | 図表 | chart,diagram,graph |
875 | 縮める | to shorten,to reduce,to boil down,to shrink |
876 | 乱暴 | rude,violent,rough,lawless,unreasonable,reckless |
877 | 通用 | popular use,circulation |
878 | 目下 | at present,now |
879 | 点々 | here and there,little by little |
880 | 捕る | to take,to catch (fish),to capture |
881 | 何々 | such and such,What? |
882 | 商社 | trading company,firm |
883 | 留守番 | care-taking,caretaker,house-watching |
884 | 区分 | division,section,classification |
885 | 足跡 | footprints |
886 | 昼寝 | nap (at home),siesta |
887 | 後輩 | junior (at work or school) |
888 | 割と | relatively, comparitively |
889 | 直前 | just before |
890 | 定休日 | regular holiday |
891 | 余所 | another place,somewhere else,strange parts |
892 | 社説 | editorial,leading article |
893 | 俄 | sudden,abrupt,unexpected,improvised,offhand |
894 | 足袋 | tabi,Japanese socks (with split toe) |
895 | 複数 | plural,multiple |
896 | 中指 | middle finger |
897 | 揃う | to become complete,to be equal,to be all present,to gather |
898 | 蝋燭 | candle |
899 | 接する | to come in contact with,to connect,to attend,to receive |
900 | 相違 | difference,discrepancy,variation |
901 | 憎む | to hate,to detest |
902 | もったいない | too good,more than one deserves,wasteful,sacrilegious,unworthy of |
903 | 一斉 | simultaneous,all at once |
904 | 来日 | arrival in Japan,coming to Japan,visit to Japan |
905 | 学力 | scholarship,knowledge,literary ability |
906 | 浮く | to float,to become merry,to become loose |
907 | 記号 | symbol,code |
908 | 祭る | to deify,to enshrine |
909 | 格別 | exceptional |
910 | 発電 | generation (e.g. power) |
911 | 名作 | masterpiece |
912 | 原稿 | manuscript,copy |
913 | 標識 | sign,mark |
914 | 日用品 | daily necessities |
915 | 出迎える | to meet,to greet |
916 | 退く | (1) to retreat,to recede,to withdraw |
917 | 国籍 | nationality |
918 | 上下 | high and low,up and down,unloading and loading,praising and blaming |
919 | いよいよ | more and more,all the more,increasingly,at last,beyond doubt |
920 | くるむ | to be engulfed in,to be enveloped by,to wrap up |
921 | 待ち合わせる | to rendezvous,to meet at a prearranged place and time |
922 | 捕える | to seize,to grasp,to capture,to arrest |
923 | 謙虚 | modesty,humility |
924 | 敷地 | site |
925 | 溶岩 | lava |
926 | だいいち | first,foremost,# 1 |
927 | 衣食住 | necessities of life (food, clothing, etc.) |
928 | 膨らむ | to expand,to swell (out),to get big,to become inflated |
929 | シャッター | shutter |
930 | すまない | sorry (phrase) |
931 | 名刺 | business card |
932 | 接近 | getting closer,drawing nearer,approaching |
933 | 着替え | changing clothes,change of clothes |
934 | 家主 | landlord |
935 | 茂る | to grow thick,to luxuriate,to be luxurious |
936 | 器械 | instrument |
937 | 定期券 | commuter pass,season ticket |
938 | そうして | and,like that |
939 | まごまご | confused |
940 | 吹雪 | snow storm |
941 | 干す | to air,to dry,to desiccate,to drain (off),to drink up |
942 | からかう | to ridicule,to tease,to banter with,to make fun of |
943 | 直径 | diameter |
944 | クーラー | cooler,air conditioner |
945 | 赤道 | equator |
946 | 問答 | questions and answers,dialogue |
947 | 梯子 | ladder,stairs |
948 | 強気 | firm,strong |
949 | 半径 | radius |
950 | 出入り | in and out,coming and going,free association,income and expenditure,debits and credit |
951 | くっつける | to attach |
952 | 学科 | study subject,course of study |
953 | 売店 | shop,stand |
954 | 半島 | peninsula |
955 | まあまあ | so-so |
956 | 名字 | surname,family name |
957 | くたびれる | to get tired,to wear out |
958 | ランニング | (1) running,(2) tank top |
959 | 定規 | (measuring) ruler |
960 | セメント | cement |
961 | 匂う | to be fragrant,to smell,to stink |
962 | 刻む | to mince,to carve,to engrave |
963 | 標準 | standard,level |
964 | うどん | noodles (Japanese) |
965 | おまちください | Please wait a moment |
966 | 作製 | manufacture |
967 | 争う | to dispute,to argue,to be at variance,to compete |
968 | 錆 | rust (colour) |
969 | 預かる | to keep in custody,to receive on deposit,to take charge of |
970 | 御馳走 | feast,treating (someone) |
971 | めまい | dizziness,giddiness |
972 | 団地 | multi-unit apartments |
973 | 香水 | perfume |
974 | 文献 | literature,books (reference) |
975 | ネックレス | necklace |
976 | こうして | thus |
977 | 温帯 | temperate zone |
978 | 成立 | coming into existence,arrangements,establishment,completion |
979 | 何分 | what minute?,how many minutes? |
980 | 花火 | fireworks |
981 | 囁く | to whisper,to murmur |
982 | 再三 | again and again,repeatedly |
983 | 引算 | subtraction |
984 | シーズン | season (sporting) |
985 | あいかわらず | as ever,as usual,the same |
986 | 拝見 | (hum) (pol) seeing,look at |
987 | 終了 | end,close,termination |
988 | 引力 | gravity |
989 | 面接 | interview |
990 | ミシン | sewing machine |
991 | 仮名 | (n) alias,pseudonym,pen name |
992 | 行列 | (1) line,procession,(2) matrix (math) |
993 | 差し引き | deduction,subtraction,balance,ebb and flow,rise and fall |
994 | 電柱 | telephone pole,telegraph pole,lightpole |
995 | 四季 | four seasons |
996 | 基礎 | foundation,basis |
997 | おやすみ | (1) holiday,absence,rest,(2) (exp) Good night |
998 | 片寄る | to be one-sided,to incline,to be partial |
999 | 広さ | extent |
1000 | 方面 | direction,district,field (e.g., of study) |
1001 | お帰り | return,welcome |
1002 | 子孫 | descendants,posterity,offspring |
1003 | 焦点 | focus,point |
1004 | 炭鉱 | coal mine,coal pit |
1005 | 見付ける | to be familiar,to discover,to detect |
1006 | 転がす | to roll |
1007 | 薬缶 | kettle |
1008 | 膨大 | huge,bulky,enormous,extensive,swelling,expansion |
1009 | 直後 | immediately following |
1010 | 謙遜 | humble,humility,modesty |
1011 | 項目 | item |
1012 | 紙屑 | wastepaper |
1013 | 埋める | to bury,to fill up,to fill (a seat, a vacant position) |
1014 | 杉 | Japanese cedar |
1015 | おととし | year before last |
1016 | 絶えず | constantly |
1017 | 政党 | (member of) political party |
1018 | 近寄る | to approach,to draw near |
1019 | 当番 | being on duty |
1020 | 割引 | discount,reduction,rebate |
1021 | 分かれる | to branch off,to diverge from,to fork,to split,to dispense,to scatter,to divide into |
1022 | 却って | on the contrary,rather,all the more,instead |
1023 | インキ | ink |
1024 | 期限 | term,period |
1025 | 一通り | ordinary,usual,in general,briefly |
1026 | 地名 | place name |
1027 | 洗剤 | detergent,washing material |
1028 | 売上 | amount sold,proceeds |
1029 | なぐる | to strike,to hit |
1030 | 中味 | contents,interior,substance,filling,(sword) blade |
1031 | 原産 | place of origin,habitat |
1032 | 両側 | both sides |
1033 | おしゃれ | smartly dressed,someone smartly dressed,fashion-conscious |
1034 | 公正 | justice,fairness,impartiality |
1035 | おかげさまで | Thanks to god,thanks to you |
1036 | 在る | to live,to be |
1037 | 図形 | figure |
1038 | つまずく | to stumble,to trip |
1039 | 乗換 | (n) transfer (trains, buses, etc.) |
1040 | 溶く | to dissolve (paint) |
1041 | こんばんは | good evening |
1042 | 算数 | arithmetic |
1043 | 特色 | characteristic,feature |
1044 | 鈍い | dull (e.g. a knife),thickheaded,slow (opposite of fast),stupid |
1045 | 外れる | to be disconnected,to get out of place,to be off,to be out (e.g. of gear) |
1046 | 必需品 | necessities,necessary article,requisite,essential |
1047 | 話合い | discussion,conference |
1048 | 調味料 | condiment,seasoning |
1049 | 容器 | container,vessel |
1050 | 税関 | customs house |
1051 | 狙い | aim |
1052 | 捻る | to turn (a switch) on or off,to twist,to puzzle over |
1053 | 防止 | prevention,check |
1054 | 一昨日 | day before yesterday |
1055 | 仮名遣い | kana orthography,syllabary spelling |
1056 | 看病 | nursing (a patient) |
1057 | 五十音 | the Japanese syllabary |
1058 | 親類 | relation,kin |
1059 | かゆい | itchy,itching |
1060 | 朗らか | brightness,cheerfulness,melodious |
1061 | 売買 | trade,buying and selling |
1062 | 看板 | sign,signboard,doorplate,poster |
1063 | 受け持つ | to take (be in) charge of |
1064 | 養分 | nourishment,nutrient |
1065 | 睨む | to glare at,to scowl at,to keep an eye on |
1066 | 身分 | social position,social status |
1067 | へそ | navel,belly-button |
1068 | 木材 | lumber,timber,wood |
1069 | 下町 | Shitamachi,lower parts of town |
1070 | あてはめる | to apply,to adapt |
1071 | 坊さん | Buddhist priest,monk |
1072 | 住まい | dwelling,house,residence,address |
1073 | 永い | long,lengthy |
1074 | 郵送 | mailing |
1075 | こちらこそ | it is I who should say so |
1076 | 言付ける | to send word,to send a message |
1077 | コース | course |
1078 | 適確 | precise,accurate |
1079 | 垂直 | vertical,perpendicular |
1080 | 月日 | time,years,days |
1081 | 中身 | contents,interior,substance,filling,(sword) blade |
1082 | アイデア/アイディア | idea |
1083 | ギャング | gang |
1084 | 彫刻 | carving,engraving,sculpture |
1085 | しゃぶる | to suck,to chew |
1086 | 正味 | net (weight) |
1087 | 払い込む | to deposit,to pay in |
1088 | 砕く | to break,to smash |
1089 | 頼もしい | reliable,trustworthy,hopeful,promising |
1090 | 坊や | boy |
1091 | きっかけ | chance,start,cue,excuse |
1092 | 助かる | to be saved,to be rescued,to survive,to be helpful |
1093 | 組み立てる | to assemble,to set up,to construct |
1094 | 炊事 | cooking,culinary arts |
1095 | 這う | to creep,to crawl |
1096 | 恵まれる | to be blessed with,to be rich in |
1097 | ダイヤル | dial |
1098 | 注す | to pour (drink),to serve (drinks) |
1099 | 形容動詞 | adjectival noun,quasi-adjective |
1100 | 幾分 | somewhat |
1101 | 洒落 | joke,pun,witticism |
1102 | 作成 | frame,draw up,make,producing |
1103 | 羨む | to envy |
1104 | 溜まる | to collect,to gather,to save |
1105 | 日陰 | shadow |
1106 | 箸 | chopsticks |
1107 | 相撲 | sumo wrestling |
1108 | かるた | (n) playing cards (pt: carta) |
1109 | 三角 | triangle,triangular |
1110 | 生き生き | vividly,lively |
1111 | イコール | equal |
1112 | 普及 | diffusion,spread |
1113 | 直通 | direct communication |
1114 | 回り道 | detour |
1115 | 高級 | high class,high grade |
1116 | 謎謎 | riddle,puzzle,enigma |
1117 | 建つ | to erect,to be erected,to be built |
1118 | 撫でる | to brush gently,to stroke |
1119 | 規律 | order,rules,law |
1120 | 割算 | division (math) |
1121 | 飽くまで | to the end,to the last,stubbornly |
1122 | 写生 | sketching,drawing from nature |
1123 | 引受る | to undertake,to take up,to take over |
1124 | 従姉妹 | cousin (female) |
1125 | 発射 | firing,shooting,discharge,catapult |
1126 | 濃度 | concentration,brightness |
1127 | 採る | (1) to adopt (measure, proposal),(2) to pick (fruit) |
1128 | 寝台 | bed,couch |
1129 | 髭 | moustache,beard,whiskers |
1130 | 活力 | vitality,energy |
1131 | 矢印 | directing arrow |
1132 | 特定 | specific,special,particular |
1133 | 鉱物 | mineral |
1134 | 日の入り | sunset |
1135 | 腰掛ける | to sit (down) |
1136 | またぐ | to straddle |
1137 | 暴れる | to act violently,to rage,to struggle,to be riotous |
1138 | みじめ | (arch) sad,pitiful,wretched |
1139 | 怠る | to neglect,to be off guard,to be feeling better |
1140 | みっともない | shameful,indecent |
1141 | 交ぜる | to be mixed,to be blended with |
1142 | ウール | wool |
1143 | 有料 | admission-paid,toll |
1144 | 騒々しい | noisy,boisterous |
1145 | 発想 | expression (music),conceptualization |
1146 | 古典 | old book,classics,classic |
1147 | 打合せ | business meeting,previous arrangement,appointment |
1148 | 短期 | short term |
1149 | 車掌 | (train) conductor |
1150 | 日の出 | sunrise |
1151 | 焦がす | to burn,to scorch,to singe,to char |
1152 | 苦情 | complaint,troubles,objection |
1153 | なんとも | nothing (with neg. verb),quite,not a bit |
1154 | 悔やむ | to mourn |
1155 | あきれる | to be amazed,to be shocked |
1156 | 不規則 | irregularity,unsteadiness,disorderly |
1157 | カーブ | (1) curve,(2) curve ball (baseball) |
1158 | ロッカー | locker |
1159 | 原始 | origin,primeval |
1160 | 特売 | special sale |
1161 | 重たい | heavy,massive,serious |
1162 | あぶる | to scorch |
1163 | 増大 | enlargement |
1164 | 回数券 | book of tickets |
1165 | 性別 | distinction by sex,sex,gender |
1166 | 始終 | continuously,from beginning to end |
1167 | 屋外 | outdoors |
1168 | 摩擦 | friction,rubbing,rubdown,chafe |
1169 | 通知 | notice,notification |
1170 | 浮かべる | to float,to express,to look (sad, glad) |
1171 | 三日月 | new moon,crescent moon |
1172 | ぜひとも | by all means (with sense of not taking no for an answer) |
1173 | 吐き気 | nausea,sickness in the stomach |
1174 | 個体 | an individual |
1175 | リズム | rhythm |
1176 | 盛る | (1) to serve (food, etc.),(2) to fill up,(3) to prescribe |
1177 | 書店 | bookshop |
1178 | そのうえ | in addition,furthermore |
1179 | 寝巻 | sleep-wear,nightclothes,pyjamas,nightgown,nightdress |
1180 | もたれる | to lean against,to lean on,to recline on,to lie heavy (on the stomach) |
1181 | 茶碗 | rice bowl,tea cup,teacup |
1182 | 人文科学 | social sciences,humanities |
1183 | 生長 | growth,increment |
1184 | 引返す | to repeat,to send back,to bring back |
1185 | 推定 | presumption,assumption,estimation |
1186 | 見慣れる | to become used to seeing,to be familiar with |
1187 | 力強い | reassuring,emboldened |
1188 | 好き好き | matter of taste |
1189 | 下旬 | month (last third of) |
1190 | 混合 | mixing,mixture |
1191 | 酔っ払い | drunkard |
1192 | 国立 | national |
1193 | 包帯 | bandage,dressing |
1194 | 延ばす | to lengthen,to stretch,to reach out,to grow (beard) |
1195 | 停車 | stopping (e.g. train) |
1196 | 固まる | to harden,to solidify,to become firm,to become certain |
1197 | オーケストラ | orchestra |
1198 | ポスター | poster |
1199 | 編む | to knit |
1200 | 峠 | ridge,(mountain) pass,difficult part |
1201 | 果して | as was expected,really |
1202 | 中性 | neuter gender,neutral (chem.),indifference,sterility |
1203 | 一段と | greater,more,further,still more |
1204 | 感激 | deep emotion,impression,inspiration |
1205 | 代名詞 | pronoun |
1206 | 集合 | gathering,assembly,meeting,set (math) |
1207 | 不潔 | unclean,dirty,filthy,impure |
1208 | 生ずる | to cause,to arise,to be generated |
1209 | いちいち | one by one,separately |
1210 | ごくろうさま | Thank you very much for your.... |
1211 | おまちどおさま | Sorry to have kept you waiting |
1212 | 毎度 | each time,common service-sector greeting |
1213 | めちゃくちゃ | absurd,unreasonable,excessive,messed up,spoiled,wreaked |
1214 | ファスナー | fastener,zipper |
1215 | ダブル | double |
1216 | 叔父さん | middle-aged gentleman,uncle |
1217 | Ͼ立 | confrontation,opposition,antagonism |
1218 | 扇子 | folding fan |
1219 | 給与 | allowance,grant,supply |
1220 | いつのまにか | before one knows,unnoticed,unawares |
1221 | あふれる | to flood,to overflow,to brim over |
1222 | だらしない | slovenly,loose,a slut |
1223 | 受話器 | (telephone) receiver |
1224 | 剥す | (v5s) to tear off,to peel off,to rip off |
1225 | 毛糸 | knitting wool |
1226 | 箒 | (n) broom |
1227 | 下る | to get down,to descend |
1228 | キャンパス | campus |
1229 | ええと | let me see,well,er.... |
1230 | 足る | to be sufficient,to be enough |
1231 | 詰まる | to be blocked,to be packed |
1232 | 水平 | water level,horizon |
1233 | 先頭 | head,lead,vanguard,first |
1234 | 通訳 | interpretation |
1235 | 退ける | to remove,to take away,to dislodge,to put something out of the way |
1236 | 申請 | application,request,petition |
1237 | 所々 | here and there,some parts (of something) |
1238 | 公害 | public nuisance,pollution |
1239 | ヘリコプター | helicopter |
1240 | 危うい | dangerous,critical,grave |
1241 | 削る | to cut down little by little,to take a percentage |
1242 | 休講 | lecture cancelled |
1243 | 俳句 | haiku poetry |
1244 | コンクール | contest (fr: concours) |
1245 | コレクション | (1) collection,(2) correction |
1246 | 御無沙汰 | not writing or contacting for a while |
1247 | 大層 | very much,exaggerated,very fine |
1248 | 移転 | moving,transfer,demise |
1249 | 助教授 | assistant professor |
1250 | 着ける | (1) to attach,to join,to add,to append |
1251 | 歌謡 | song,ballad |
1252 | 至急 | urgent,pressing |
1253 | 紫 | purple colour,violet |
1254 | 勝負 | victory or defeat,match,contest,game,bout |
1255 | そそっかしい | careless,thoughtless |
1256 | 狙う | to aim at |
1257 | 紺 | navy blue,deep blue |
1258 | 毛皮 | fur,skin,pelt |
1259 | 坊っちゃん | son (of others) |
1260 | 海洋 | ocean |
1261 | 憎い | hateful,abominable,poor-looking,detestable |
1262 | 車庫 | garage,car shed |
1263 | 強引 | overbearing,coercive,pushy,forcible,high-handed |
1264 | 著す | to write,to publish |
1265 | 薬局 | pharmacy,drugstore |
1266 | 成分 | ingredient,component,composition |
1267 | 分布 | distribution |
1268 | 枕 | pillow,bolster |
1269 | じゃんけん | (n) rock-scissors-paper game |
1270 | 分数 | fraction (in math) |
1271 | 楽器 | musical instrument |
1272 | 貝 | shell,shellfish |
1273 | 派手 | showy,loud,gay,flashy,gaudy |
1274 | 崩す | to destroy,to pull down,to make change (money) |
1275 | 売行き | sales |
1276 | 栓 | stopper,cork,stopcock |
1277 | おだいじに | Take care of yourself |
1278 | ねじ | (a) screw |
1279 | 会館 | meeting hall,assembly hall |
1280 | プラスチック | plastic |
1281 | ゴム | gum,rubber,eraser |
1282 | スライド | slide |
1283 | 器具 | utensil |
1284 | 境界 | boundary |
1285 | 甚だしい | extreme,excessive,terrible |
1286 | 跳ねる | to jump,to leap |
1287 | 資料 | materials,data |
1288 | 民間 | private,civilian,civil,popular,folk,unofficial |
1289 | 井戸 | water well |
1290 | 空っぽ | empty,vacant,hollow |
1291 | ボーナス | bonus |
1292 | 引き止める | to detain,to check,to restrain |
1293 | 先程 | some time ago |
1294 | 民謡 | folk song,popular song |
1295 | 規準 | standard,basis,criteria,norm |
1296 | しゃがむ | to squat |
1297 | 広場 | plaza |
1298 | 亡くす | to lose someone, wife, child, etc |
1299 | 殖える | to increase,to multiply |
1300 | 符号 | sign,mark,symbol |
1301 | 銅 | copper |
1302 | 破片 | fragment,splinter,broken piece |
1303 | かしこまりました | certainly! |
1304 | 輸血 | blood transfusion |
1305 | 存じる | (hum) to know |
1306 | こないだ | the other day,lately,recently |
1307 | 溶け込む | to melt into |
1308 | フライパン | fry pan,frying pan |
1309 | 校舎 | school building |
1310 | 投書 | letter to the editor,letter from a reader,contribution |
1311 | コーラス | chorus |
1312 | 凸凹 | unevenness,roughness,ruggedness |
1313 | やたらに | randomly,recklessly,blindly |
1314 | さようなら | good-bye |
1315 | 応対 | receiving,dealing with |
1316 | 泊める | to give shelter to,to lodge |
1317 | 妥当 | valid,proper,right,appropriate |
1318 | 本部 | headquarters |
1319 | 満点 | perfect score |
1320 | こぼす | to spill |
1321 | 混じる | to be mixed,to be blended with,to associate with |
1322 | ベテラン | veteran |
1323 | 落し物 | lost property |
1324 | 可決 | approval,adoption (e.g. motion, bill),passage |
1325 | 冠 | crown,diadem,first,best |
1326 | 再来週 | week after next |
1327 | 長方形 | rectangle,oblong |
1328 | うろうろ | loiteringly,aimless wandering |
1329 | 大凡 | about,roughly,as a rule,approximately |
1330 | 司会 | chairmanship |
1331 | 近々 | nearness,before long |
1332 | 夕刊 | evening paper |
1333 | 食器 | tableware |
1334 | 釜 | iron pot,kettle |
1335 | 蒸発 | evaporation,unexplained disappearance |
1336 | たちまち | at once,in a moment,suddenly,all at once |
1337 | 払い戻す | to repay,to pay back |
1338 | 列島 | chain of islands |
1339 | 牧場 | (1) farm (livestock),(2) pasture land,meadow,grazing land |
1340 | 見下ろす | to overlook,to command a view of,to look down on something |
1341 | くどい | verbose,importunate,heavy (taste) |
1342 | -長短 | length,long and short,+ |
1343 | 纏まる | to be collected,to be settled,to be in order |
1344 | どうぞよろしく | pleased to meet you |
1345 | 系統 | system,family line,geological formation |
1346 | ビルディング | building |
1347 | 祖先 | ancestor |
1348 | 競馬 | horse racing |
1349 | 御覧 | (hon) look,inspection,try |
1350 | 伯母さん | (hon) aunt |
1351 | 乾燥 | dry,arid,insipid,dehydrated |
1352 | バランス | balance |
1353 | 用語 | term,terminology |
1354 | 裁縫 | sewing |
1355 | 領収 | receipt,voucher |
1356 | 気を付ける | to be careful,to pay attention,to take care |
1357 | 電流 | electric current |
1358 | ためらう | to hesitate |
1359 | 姪 | niece |
1360 | 生け花 | (1) flower arrangement |
1361 | サラリーマン | salary man,company employee |
1362 | 深まる | to deepen,to heighten,to intensify |
1363 | さっさと | quickly |
1364 | 突く | (1) to thrust,to strike,(2) to poke |
1365 | 受験 | taking an examination |
1366 | 小指 | little finger |
1367 | 内科 | internist clinic,internal medicine |
1368 | 整備 | adjustment,completion,consolidation |
1369 | 貨物 | cargo,freight |
1370 | そのほか | otherwise |
1371 | 呑気 | carefree,optimistic,careless,reckless,heedless |
1372 | 清い | clear,pure,noble |
1373 | 湿度 | level of humidity |
1374 | 脂 | fat,tallow,lard |
1375 | 執筆 | writing |
1376 | 引っ繰り返(かえ)る | to be overturned,to be upset,to topple over,to be reversed |
1377 | 落第 | failure,dropping out of a class |
1378 | 低下 | fall,decline,lowering,deterioration |
1379 | 公務 | official business,public business |
1380 | 東洋 | Orient |
1381 | 戸棚 | cupboard,locker,closet,wardrobe |
1382 | 利害 | advantages and disadvantages,interest |
1383 | 平凡 | common,commonplace,ordinary,mediocre |
1384 | 以後 | after this,from now on,hereafter,thereafter |
1385 | 塩辛い | salty (taste) |
1386 | 複写 | copy,duplicate |
1387 | 蒸す | to steam,to poultice,to be sultry |
1388 | 順々 | in order,in turn |
1389 | 椀 | Japanese soup bowl,wooden bowl |
1390 | 評論 | criticism,critique |
1391 | 無地 | plain,unfigured |
1392 | 交替 | alternation,change,relief,relay,shift |
1393 | 務める | (1) to serve,to fill a post,to serve under,to work (for) |
1394 | 消極的 | passive |
1395 | おめでたい | happy event,matter for congratulation,auspicious event,pregnancy |
1396 | 外科 | surgical department |
1397 | タイア | tire,tyre |
1398 | 分解 | analysis,disassembly |
1399 | 学術 | science,learning,scholarship |
1400 | 公表 | official announcement,proclamation |
1401 | 秤 | scales,weighing machine |
1402 | アンテナ | antenna |
1403 | 水曜 | Wednesday |
1404 | 又は | or,otherwise |
1405 | 小遣い | personal expenses,pocket money,spending money,incidental expenses,allowance |
1406 | 撮影 | photographing |
1407 | 羽根 | shuttlecock |
1408 | ぶつかる | to strike,to collide with |
1409 | 自衛 | self-defense |
1410 | 発揮 | exhibition,demonstration,utilization,display |
1411 | 方針 | objective,plan,policy |
1412 | 湧く | to boil,to grow hot,to get excited,to gush forth |
1413 | 屑 | waste,scrap |
1414 | 間隔 | space,interval,SPC |
1415 | トレーニング | training |
1416 | 口実 | excuse |
1417 | 味わう | to taste,to savor,to relish |
1418 | 知人 | friend,acquaintance |
1419 | 面倒臭い | bother to do,tiresome |
1420 | 回転 | rotation,revolution,turning |
1421 | 見付かる | to be found,to be discovered |
1422 | 縫う | to sew |
1423 | 測る | to measure,to weigh,to survey |
1424 | 岬 | cape (on coast) |
1425 | 循環 | circulation,rotation,cycle |
1426 | 保健 | health preservation,hygiene,sanitation |
1427 | 粗い | coarse,rough |
1428 | 起床 | rising,getting out of bed |
1429 | 緩い | loose,lenient,slow |
1430 | 意地悪 | malicious,ill-tempered,unkind |
1431 | 振舞う | to behave,to conduct oneself,to entertain (vt) |
1432 | マラソン | marathon |
1433 | 解放 | release,liberation,emancipation |
1434 | はきはき | lucidly |
1435 | ぼろ | rag,scrap,tattered clothes,fault (esp. in a pretense) |
1436 | 動作 | action,movements,motions,bearing,behaviour,manners |
1437 | メニュー | menu |
1438 | 効力 | effect,efficacy,validity,potency |
1439 | やっつける | to attack (an enemy),to beat,to do away with,to finish off |
1440 | 重力 | gravity |
1441 | ごちそうさま | feast |
1442 | 漸く | gradually,finally,hardly |
1443 | 突き当たる | to run into,to collide with |
1444 | 片仮名 | katakana |
1445 | 和服 | Japanese clothes |
1446 | 湯気 | steam,vapour |
1447 | 便箋 | writing paper,stationery |
1448 | 改めて | another time,again,over again,anew,formally |
1449 | 御中 | and Company,Messrs. |
1450 | 湿る | to be wet,to become wet,to be damp |
1451 | 各自 | individual,each |
1452 | おまたせしました | Sorry to have kept you waiting |
1453 | 逸れる | to stray (turn) from subject,to get lost,to go astray |
1454 | 濡らす | to wet,to soak,to dip |
1455 | 交ざる | to be mixed,to be blended with,to associate with,to mingle with,to join |
1456 | 超す | to cross,to pass,to tide over |
1457 | 斬る | (v5r) to behead,to murder |
1458 | 載る | to appear (in print),to be recorded |
1459 | 蒸気 | steam,vapour |
1460 | スチュワーデス | stewardess |
1461 | 段階 | gradation,grade,stage |
1462 | 濁る | to become muddy,to get impure |
1463 | 発売 | sale |
1464 | 擦る | to rub,to chafe,to file,to frost (glass),to strike (match) |
1465 | 個所 | passage,place,point,part |
1466 | 出掛ける | to depart,to set out,to start,to be going out |
1467 | 床の間 | alcove |
1468 | 開通 | opening,open |
1469 | 送り仮名 | part of word written in kana |
1470 | めっきり | remarkably |
1471 | 重なる | to be piled up,lie on top of one another,overlap each other |
1472 | 生る | to bear fruit |
1473 | 矛盾 | contradiction,inconsistency |
1474 | 蛇口 | faucet,tap |
1475 | 砕ける | to break,to be broken |
1476 | 跳ぶ | to jump,to fly,to leap |
1477 | 塵紙 | tissue paper,toilet paper |
1478 | 消化 | digestion |
1479 | 斜め | obliqueness |
1480 | 大分 | considerably,greatly,a lot |
1481 | 歯磨き | dentifrice,toothpaste |
1482 | プリント | print,handout |
1483 | 筆者 | writer,author |
1484 | 教わる | to be taught |
1485 | 習字 | penmanship |
1486 | 締め切る | to shut up |
1487 | 呼び掛ける | to call out to,to accost,to address (crowd),to appeal |
1488 | 現に | actually,really |
1489 | ふざける | to romp,to gambol,to frolic,to joke |
1490 | 運河 | canal,waterway |
1491 | 日課 | daily lesson,daily work,daily routine |
1492 | 長引く | to be prolonged,to drag on |
1493 | のろのろ | slowly,sluggishly |
1494 | はめる | (col) to get in,to insert,to put on,to make love |
1495 | 区域 | limits,boundary,domain,zone,sphere,territory |
1496 | 短編 | short (e.g. story, film) |
1497 | しいんと-する | silent (as the grave),(deathly) quiet |
1498 | 寺院 | temple |
1499 | 初旬 | first 10 days of the month |
1500 | 総理大臣 | Prime Minister |
1501 | 中世 | Middle Ages,mediaeval times |
1502 | 四角 | square |
1503 | 学級 | grade in school |
1504 | 鉢 | a bowl,a pot |
1505 | 制作 | work (film, book) |
1506 | 目上 | superior(s),senior |
1507 | 夕立 | (sudden) evening shower (rain) |
1508 | 終点 | terminus,last stop (e.g train) |
1509 | 限度 | limit,bounds |
1510 | 光線 | beam,light ray |
1511 | 新幹線 | bullet train (very high speed),shinkansen |
1512 | 手帳 | notebook |
1513 | 工夫 | labourer,worker |
1514 | 冷める | to become cool,to wear off,to abate,to subside |
1515 | 次ぐ | to rank next to,to come after |
1516 | 募集 | recruiting,taking applications |
1517 | 映す | to project,to reflect,to cast (shadow) |
1518 | 青少年 | youth,young person |
1519 | 羊毛 | wool |
1520 | 絵の具 | colors,paints |
1521 | 貸家 | house for rent |
1522 | 南極 | south pole,Antarctic |
1523 | 加熱 | heating |
1524 | 名所 | famous place |
1525 | 加速度 | acceleration |
1526 | 無数 | countless number,infinite number |
1527 | 体積 | capacity,volume |
1528 | 素人 | amateur,novice |
1529 | 牧畜 | stock-farming |
1530 | 為す | to accomplish,to do |
1531 | 掃く | to sweep,to brush,to gather up |
1532 | 慰める | to comfort,to console |
1533 | 汁 | juice,sap,soup,broth |
1534 | 照らす | to shine on,to illuminate |
1535 | エチケット | etiquette |
1536 | 入れ物 | container,case,receptacle |
1537 | 透明 | transparency,cleanness |
1538 | 薄める | to dilute,to water down |
1539 | 通帳 | passbook |
1540 | 日程 | agenda |
1541 | 専制 | despotism,autocracy |
1542 | 過半数 | majority |
1543 | 接続 | (1) connection,union,join,link,(2) changing trains |
1544 | 刺す | to pierce,to stab,to prick,to thrust |
1545 | 組合せ | combination |
1546 | 問い合わせ | enquiry,ENQ |
1547 | 消防署 | fire station |
1548 | 甘やかす | to pamper,to spoil |
1549 | 目次 | table of contents |
1550 | 拡充 | expansion |
1551 | 再来年 | year after next |
1552 | 自治 | self-government,autonomy |
1553 | 順序 | order,sequence,procedure |
1554 | 前後 | around,throughout,front and back,before and behind,before and after |
1555 | 材木 | lumber,timber |
1556 | 理科 | science |
1557 | 灯台 | lighthouse |
1558 | 納める | to obtain,to reap,to pay,to supply,to accept |
1559 | 風呂敷 | wrapping cloth,cloth wrapper |
1560 | 独り言 | a soliloquy,a monologue,speaking to oneself |
1561 | ストッキング | stockings |
1562 | 陽射 | sunlight,rays of the sun |
1563 | 名詞 | noun |
1564 | 迫る | to draw near,to press |
1565 | 散らす | to scatter,to disperse,to distribute |
1566 | チップ | (1) gratuity,tip,(2) chip |
1567 | 混ざる | to be mixed,to be blended with,to associate with,to mingle with,to join |
1568 | 警備 | defense,guard,policing,security |
1569 | 強化 | strengthen,intensify,reinforce,solidify |
1570 | ピストル | pistol |
1571 | 基盤 | foundation,basis |
1572 | 顕微鏡 | microscope |
1573 | 述語 | predicate |
1574 | 正面 | the front,honesty |
1575 | ぶつぶつ | grumbling,complaining in a small voice |
1576 | 県庁 | prefectural office |
1577 | 酢 | vinegar |
1578 | 夜行 | walking around at night,night train,night travel |
1579 | 一旦 | once,for a moment,one morning,temporarily |
1580 | 荒い | rough,rude,wild |
1581 | 透き通る | to be(come) transparent |
1582 | 琴 | Koto (Japanese harp) |
1583 | 出入口 | exit and entrance |
1584 | 店屋 | store,shop |
1585 | 溶かす | to melt,to dissolve |
1586 | 惜しい | regrettable,disappointing,precious |
1587 | 一休み | a rest |
1588 | おおざっぱ | rough (not precise),broad,sketchy |
1589 | 文房具 | stationery |
1590 | 見掛け | outward appearance |
1591 | 灰色 | grey,gray,ashen |
1592 | 燃やす | to burn |
1593 | 冷ます | to cool,to dampen,to let cool |
1594 | 下品 | vulgarity,meanness,indecency,coarseness |
1595 | 堅い | hard (esp. wood),steadfast,honorable,stuffy writing |
1596 | 振り仮名 | ,pronunciation key |
1597 | 一流 | first class,top grade,foremost,top-notch |
1598 | ゼミ | (n) seminar |
1599 | 曲げる | to bend,to crook,to lean |
1600 | 威張る | to be proud,to swagger |
1601 | やかましい | (1) noisy,(2) strict,fussy |
1602 | 開放 | open,throw open,liberalization |
1603 | 地味 | plain,simple |
1604 | 採点 | marking,grading,looking over |
1605 | 氏名 | full name,identity |
1606 | 満員 | full house,no vacancy,sold out |
1607 | 目印 | mark,sign,landmark |
1608 | 肯定 | positive,affirmation |
1609 | 判子 | seal (used for signature) |
1610 | 生意気 | impertinent,saucy,cheeky,conceit,audacious,brazen |
1611 | 公衆 | the public |
1612 | 小便 | (col) urine,piss |
1613 | 田ぼ | paddy field,farm |
1614 | 中旬 | second third of a month |
1615 | 見直す | to look again,to get a better opinion of |
1616 | 内線 | phone extension,indoor wiring,inner line |
1617 | うっかり | carelessly,thoughtlessly,inadvertently |
1618 | 心身 | mind and body |
1619 | 山林 | mountain forest,mountains and forest |
1620 | 大木 | large tree |
1621 | 中間 | middle,midway,interim |
1622 | 遠足 | trip,hike,picnic |
1623 | 始めに | to begin with,first of all |
1624 | さきおととい | two days before yesterday |
1625 | 造船 | shipbuilding |
1626 | 合同 | combination,incorporation,union,amalgamation |
1627 | 挙げる | to raise,to fly |
1628 | 手頃 | moderate,handy |
1629 | 産地 | producing area |
1630 | 酸性 | acidity |
1631 | 輸送 | transport,transportation |
1632 | 役所 | government office,public office |
1633 | ついで | opportunity,occasion |
1634 | 地盤 | (the) ground |
1635 | かわいがる | to love,to be affectionate |
1636 | 正門 | main gate,main entrance |
1637 | なにしろ | at any rate,anyhow,anyway,in any case |
1638 | 思い掛けない | unexpected,casual |
1639 | 差し支え | hindrance,impediment |
1640 | 当日 | appointed day,very day |
1641 | 不通 | suspension,interruption,stoppage,tie-up,cessation |
1642 | 上り | up-train (going to Tokyo),ascent |
1643 | プログラム | program |
1644 | 形式 | form,formality,format,math expression |
1645 | 私立 | private (establishment) |
1646 | あわただしい | busy,hurried,confused,flurried |
1647 | ウーマン | woman |
1648 | 狡い | sly,cunning |
1649 | 船便 | surface mail (ship) |
1650 | プラットホーム | platform |
1651 | しみじみ | keenly,deeply,heartily |
1652 | 間も無く | soon,before long,in a short time |
1653 | 省略 | omission,abbreviation,abridgment |
1654 | 口紅 | lipstick |
1655 | おとなしい | obedient,docile,quiet |
1656 | 学部 | department of a university,undergraduate |
1657 | レベル | level |
1658 | 通路 | passage,pathway |
1659 | 裏口 | backdoor,rear entrance |
1660 | 紙幣 | paper money,notes,bills |
1661 | 取り消す | to cancel |
1662 | 南米 | South America |
1663 | じゅうたん | carpet |
1664 | 生える | (1) to grow,to spring up,(2) to cut (teeth) |
1665 | 電池 | battery |
1666 | 煉瓦 | brick |
1667 | 物語る | to tell,to indicate |
1668 | 便所 | toilet,lavatory,rest room,latrine,comfort station |
1669 | 物騒 | dangerous,disturbed,insecure |
1670 | 締切 | closing,cut-off,end,deadline,Closed,No Entrance |
1671 | 再来月 | month after next |
1672 | でたらめ | (1) irresponsible utterance,nonsense,nonsensical,(2) random |
1673 | 噴火 | eruption |
1674 | 凹む | to be dented,to be indented,to yield to,to give,to sink,to collapse,to cave in,to be snubbed |
1675 | 熱する | to heat |
1676 | 勇ましい | brave,valiant,gallant,courageous |
1677 | 艶 | gloss,glaze |
1678 | 的確 | precise,accurate |
1679 | 緯度 | latitude (nav.) |
1680 | まぶしい | dazzling,radiant |
1681 | 巡査 | police,policeman |
1682 | 悠々 | quiet,calm,leisurely |
1683 | 概論 | intro,outline,general remarks |
1684 | 物凄い | earth-shattering,staggering,to a very great extent |
1685 | 夫妻 | man and wife,married couple |
1686 | どなる | to shout,to yell |
1687 | 特殊 | special,unique |
1688 | 治す | to cure,to heal,to fix,to correct,to repair |
1689 | こぼれる | to overflow,to spill |
1690 | 枚数 | the number of flat things |
1691 | 意義 | meaning,significance |
1692 | 編物 | knitting,web |
1693 | 回答 | reply,answer |
1694 | サークル | circle,sports club (i.e. at a company) |
1695 | ビニール | vinyl |
1696 | 見送る | (1) to see off,to farewell,(2) to escort,(3) to let pass |
1697 | 無沙汰 | neglecting to stay in contact |
1698 | 遭う | to meet,to encounter (undesirable nuance) |
1699 | 英和 | English-Japanese (e.g. dictionary) |
1700 | 例える | to compare,to liken,to speak figuratively,to illustrate,to use a simile |
1701 | 上る | to ascend,to go up,to climb |
1702 | 塵芥 | trash,rubbish |
1703 | 診る | to examine (medical) |
1704 | 付近 | neighbourhood,vicinity,environs |
1705 | パターン | pattern |
1706 | 電球 | light bulb |
1707 | 冷やす | to cool,to refrigerate |
1708 | モデル | model |
1709 | 卒直 | frankness,candour,openheartedness |
1710 | 隔てる | to be shut out |
1711 | 剃る | to shave |
1712 | 経度 | longitude |
1713 | 交じる | to be mixed,to be blended with,to associate with |
1714 | 受取 | receipt |
1715 | 調整 | regulation,adjustment,tuning |
1716 | 解散 | breakup,dissolution |
1717 | 好き嫌い | likes and dislikes,taste |
1718 | ぶつける | to knock,to run into,to nail on,to strike hard,to hit and attack |
1719 | 平野 | plain,open field |
1720 | 対照 | contrast,antithesis,comparison |
1721 | 混ぜる | to mix,to stir |
1722 | 賞品 | prize,trophy |
1723 | 勘違い | misunderstanding,wrong guess |
1724 | 周辺 | circumference,outskirts,environs,(computer) peripheral |
1725 | 観測 | observation |
1726 | 録音 | (audio) recording |
1727 | ダイヤモンド | diamond |
1728 | 配る | to distribute,to deliver |
1729 | 鉄砲 | gun |
1730 | 客間 | parlor,guest room |
1731 | 能率 | efficiency |
1732 | 水平線 | horizon |
1733 | 分る | to be understood |
1734 | 附属 | attached,belonging,affiliated |
1735 | はじめまして | How do you do?,I am glad to meet you |
1736 | 幼稚 | infancy,childish,infantile |
1737 | 部首 | radical (of a kanji character) |
1738 | ショップ | a shop |
1739 | 円い | round,circular,spherical |
1740 | 筆記 | (taking) notes,copying |
1741 | 過失 | error,blunder,accident |
1742 | 繋げる | to connect |
1743 | 万歳 | hurrah, cheers |
1744 | 煙い | smoky |
1745 | 宴会 | party,banquet |
1746 | ふわふわ | light,soft |
1747 | 座布団 | cushion (Japanese) |
1748 | 胡椒 | pepper |
1749 | 停電 | failure of electricity |
1750 | あかんぼう | baby |
1751 | 清掃 | cleaning |
1752 | 改札 | examination of tickets |
1753 | 暖まる | to warm up,to get warm |
1754 | 焦げる | to burn,to be burned |
1755 | 水産 | marine products,fisheries |
1756 | 植木 | garden shrubs,trees,potted plant |
1757 | 手拭い | (hand) towel |
1758 | 見出し | heading,caption,subtitle,index |
1759 | 人造 | man-made,synthetic,artificial |
1760 | 拡張 | expansion,extension,enlargement,escape (ESC) |
1761 | そのため | hence,for that reason |
1762 | 正方形 | square |
1763 | ガム | chewing gum |
1764 | 和英 | Japanese-English |
1765 | 手入れ | repairs,maintenance |
1766 | 手前 | before,this side,we,you |
1767 | テンポ | tempo |
1768 | ぺん | pen |
1769 | 訳す | to translate |
1770 | ランチ | launch,lunch |
1771 | 浸ける | to dip in,to soak |
1772 | 行事 | event,function |
1773 | 逃がす | to let loose,to set free,to let escape |
1774 | 纏める | to put in order,to collect,to bring to a conclusion |
1775 | 頭脳 | head,brains,intellect |
1776 | 停止 | suspension,interruption,stoppage,ban |
1777 | 大通り | main street |
1778 | オートメーション | automation |
1779 | 合流 | confluence,union,linking up,merge |
1780 | 醤油 | soy sauce |
1781 | 垣根 | hedge |
1782 | コンセント | (1) consent,(2) concentric |
1783 | 滝 | waterfall |
1784 | 要領 | point,gist,essentials,outline |
1785 | マフラー | muffler,scarf |
1786 | テニスコート | tennis court |
1787 | ぴかぴか | glitter,sparkle |
1788 | 盆 | Lantern Festival,Festival of the Dead,tray |
1789 | 儲ける | to get,to earn,to gain,to have (bear, beget) a child |
1790 | ミリ | milli-,10^-3 |
1791 | 吊る | to hang |
1792 | 蚊 | mosquito |
1793 | 碗 | bowl |