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1AlmightyBefore eating, they thanked the Almighty for their food.
2AugustIs your birthday in August?
3BibleI read the Bible every night before I go to sleep.
4CatholicRosanne is Catholic, so she goes to church every Sunday.
5CelsiusWater freezes at zero degrees Celsius.
6DNAThe police sometimes use DNA to solve crime.
7DecemberThe last day of the year is December 31st.
8FALSEIf you think the answer is false, press the red button.
9FahrenheitWhen the temperature dropped to 32° Fahrenheit, it started snowing.
10JanuaryMy birthday is in January.
11JulyHer birthday is in July.
12MandarinAlthough John’s parents both spoke Mandarin, he could only speak English.
13RenaissanceLeonardo da Vinci was a popular artist of the Renaissance.
14abandonThe old room had been abandoned years before.
15abbeyWhen the monk returned to the abbey, he went immediately to his bedroom.
16abilityHis swimming abilities let him cross the entire lake.
17abnormalI felt abnormal this morning, like I was sick.
18aboardThey climbed aboard the kayak and paddled through the river.
19abolishPresident Lincoln abolished slavery in the US.
20aboveHe straightened the sign that was above the crowd.
21abroadMy friend is going on a summer trip abroad.
22abruptWhen the dancer fell down on her back, the ballet came to an abrupt stop.
23absenceThere is an absence of sand in the hourglass.
24absentI was absent from school yesterday because I went on a trip with my father.
25absorbHe used a sponge to absorb the water on the floor.
26abstractThe idea of beauty is abstract and changes over time.
27absurdThat group of people making animal noises sounds completely absurd.
28abundantCakes, cookies, and candy were so abundant that the child was very happy.
29abuseThe mean man abused his dog when it barked too loudly.
31academyThere are many courses taught at the academy that I go to.
32accelerateWhen he stepped on the gas pedal, the motorcycle accelerated.
33accentThe new teacher’s accent was clearly a German one.
34acceptI accepted the girl’s very nice gift.
36accessThe manager was the only person with access to the password.
37accessoryThe store sold colorful accessories like bags, sunglasses, and makeup.
38accidentHe damaged the car in an accident.
39accommodateThe meeting room can accommodate nine people.
40accompanyMy brothers accompanied me to the movie.
41accomplishHe accomplished his goal of running ten miles.
42accordinglyHe feels like he did a good job and his boss should pay him accordingly.
43accountAfter I paid for the new car, my bank account was nearly empty.
44accountablePolitical leaders are accountable to the people they represent.
45accountantThe accountant helped us keep track of our spending.
46accountingHe works for an accounting firm.
47accumulateThe mail accumulated in their mailbox while they were on vacation.
48accurateThe story in the newspaper wasn’t very accurate.
49accuseShe accused her brother of breaking her computer.
50accustomI find it difficult to accustom myself to new time zones when I travel around the world.
51acheMindy’s head ached because she bumped it against the wall.
52achieveI was happy that I could achieve my goal.
53acidIn chemistry class, we mixed two acids together and watched the reaction.
54acknowledgeThe teacher acknowledged that the young student was hungry.
55acquaintNancy acquainted herself with the new computer.
56acquireTina acquired a strange package yesterday.
57acquisitionMarty was happy with his new acquisition: a very fast bicycle.
58acreThey lived on a 150-acre farm.
59acrobatThere were acrobats at the circus that did impressive and complicated jumps.
60acrossHe walked across the board to the other side.
61activeIt is important to be active and not sit around all the time.
62actualThis is the actual sword that the king owned, not a fake one.
63actuallyMy dad looks a little mean, but actually he’s very kind.
64acuteWhen she fell out of the tree, the girl felt an acute pain in her arm.
65adaptWhen he went to the new town, he had to adapt to all the weather changes.
66addictShe was a coffee addict. She had more than three cups each day.
67addictiveI think this game is very addictive.
68adequateThis is adequate for my needs.
69adhereIf the new employees wish to succeed, they must adhere to the boss’s rules.
70adjacentMy apartment is adjacent to a lovely park and playground.
71adjoinShe can listen to her brother’s conversations because her room adjoins his.
72adjoiningI couldn’t sleep because the people in the adjoining room were loud.
73adjustHe adjusted the old guitar to make it sound better.
74administerThe teacher’s assistant will administer the test.
75administrationShe hoped she could be promoted to a job in administration.
76administrativeI work as an administrative assistant to the owner of the company.
77administratorEveryone in the store did whatever the administrator asked them to do.
78admiralThey won the sea battle because of the admiral’s great leadership.
79admissionThe admission ticket to the movie was $5.
80admonishThe teacher admonished Mark because he was chewing gum in class.
81adolescentThe adolescent was excited about getting a skateboard for his birthday.
82adultMy mom and dad are adults.
83advanceHe advanced across the bridge slowly.
84adventDuring the advent of radio, very few programs actually played music.
85adventureRiding in the rough water was an adventure.
86adverseI worry that the tornado will have an adverse effect on the farm.
87advertiseThe woman started a new company and needed to advertise her products.
88adviceI don’t know how to study for my exams. Can you give me some advice?
89adviseMy mother often advises people about their money.
90advocacyJanine’s strong advocacy for the event made people want to attend.
91advocateThe group advocated increased spending on education and schools.
92aerialThe aerial photographer took pictures from the air balloon.
93aestheticThe dresses were noteworthy for their aesthetic design.
94affairMy wife and I attended a formal affair over the weekend.
95affectThe student’s poor attitude affected the other students in the class.
96affectionAmanda has a lot of affection for her little sister, Sarah.
97afflictedHe was afflicted by pain in his right arm.
98affluentPeople in the city are usually more affluent than people in the country.
99affordI’ve been saving my money so I can afford to buy a new bike.
100afterlifeI believe that there is an afterlife.
101againstThey both leaned against the wall.
102ageShe died at the age of 80.
103agencyI went to a travel agency to help me arrange a flight home.
104agendaThe man is pushing his questionable agenda on his colleagues.
105aggregateThe company totaled its aggregate sales for the entire year.
106aggressionThe problem was only made worse by Mark’s aggression.
107aggressiveNobody liked to play games with him because he was always too aggressive.
108agonyThe boy yelled in agony when the puppy bit him.
109agreeThe students agree they have too much homework.
110agreementI think you’ll get Tom’s agreement to this proposal.
111agricultureThe farmer studied agriculture in college.
112aheadThe blue car drove on ahead of us.
113ailingAntonio’s ailing health caused his head to hurt.
114aimMy aim is to become a helicopter pilot.
115aircraftAt the museum in the airport, you can see a lot of old aircraft.
116airlineThe airline has excellent customer service.
117airwaySince he was sick, mucus would occasionally get stuck in his airway.
118aisleThey were told to clear the aisle because the plane was about to land.
119alarmWhen the students heard the fire alarm, they left the building.
120albeitShe was happy, albeit briefly.
121alcoholA person should not drive a car after he or she has been drinking alcohol.
122alertThe fire alarm alerted us that there was a problem.
123alienThe alien came in peace.
124alignThe crowd seemed to align themselves with the protestors.
125alikeThe brothers looked so much alike that it was impossible to tell one from the other.
126aliveMy grandparents are still alive even though they are over 90.
127allegeThe little girl had alleged that her older brother hid her favorite doll.
128alleyThe alley behind my house looks dirty.
129allianceThe junior executives formed an alliance with each other.
130allocateThe government allocated $100 million to aid the disaster relief effort.
131allowHaving a ticket will allow you to enter the show.
132allyI was happy to find many allies who shared my opinion.
133aloneThe boy wanted to be alone to think.
134alongWalk along this tunnel for ten minutes, and you’ll see a door on the left.
135alongsideWe work alongside each other in the office.
136aloudMy father often reads stories aloud to me and my sister.
137alphaThe largest lion was the alpha male of the pack.
138alreadyIt is already time for the movie to start. Let’s go in.
139alsoI like blue, and I also like yellow.
140altarThe altar had many lit candles on it.
141alterI altered the color of my nails to match my hair.
142alternateTaking the bus and driving to work are alternate ways to travel.
143alternativeHer first plan to make extra money seemed weak, so she chose an alternative.
144althoughAlthough she was late, her friends gave her a warm welcome.
145altogetherThe company stopped using sugar altogether in its food.
146aluminumI used the aluminum foil to wrap the food.
147alwaysThey always brush their teeth in the morning.
148amateurThe amateur took pictures just as well as the person who worked for money.
149amazeThe news in the paper amazed Jack.
150ambassadorThe ambassador from Korea was in charge of the conference.
151ambiguousIt’s ambiguous as to whether a newborn baby looks like a girl or a boy.
152ambitionHis great ambition led him to try to climb the mountain alone.
153ambitiousKendra had to be ambitious to get into medical school.
154ambulanceThe ambulance sped through the street to get to the accident.
155amendThe countries were in agreement that the treaty needed to be amended.
156amidThe bee was busily flying amid the flowers in the garden.
157amnestyShe was denied amnesty for her involvement in the war.
158amongThere was a red apple among the green ones.
159amountCan I use my card to pay for the entire amount?
160ampleThere was an ample supply of oats to feed the horses.
161amuseThe singer was very good. She amused the crowd.
162analogousThe relationship with his teacher was analogous to that of a son and mother.
163analyticThe analytic article criticized the new plan and presented one of its own.
164analyzeThe scientist will analyze the blood sample.
165ancestorMy ancestors came from Germany.
166anchorWhen the ship reached its destination, the crew dropped the anchor.
167ancientI want to see the ancient buildings in Rome.
168anewAlthough he had failed his driving test, he decided to try it anew.
169angleThe giraffe turned its head to see from another angle.
170animalMy favorite animal is the panda.
171animateRocks and machines are not animate things.
172ankleThe man hurt his ankle while jogging in the park.
173anniversaryMy parents went out to a restaurant for their wedding anniversary.
174announceHe announced to everyone his new idea for the company.
175annualThe only time I see my aunts and uncles is at our annual family picnic.
176anonymousAn anonymous donor gave a thousand dollars to the museum.
177anthemEveryone sings the national anthem before the baseball game starts.
178anthropologyIn anthropology class, I learned about simple tools that ancient cultures used.
179antibioticThe doctor gave me a shot of an antibiotic when I got the flu.
180anticipateCarrie anticipated the arrival of her baby.
181antiqueMy grandmother’s antique rocking chair is worth a lot of money.
182anxietyWhen I have to climb to high places, I’m filled with anxiety.
183anxiousShe was anxious about not making her appointment on time.
184apartThey moved apart and then came back together.
185apartmentShe has a nice apartment in the city.
186apologyAfter arguing with her teacher, the girl wrote the teacher an apology.
187appallMinerva was appalled when she read the email from her enemy.
188apparatusThe campers had an apparatus that showed them their exact location.
189apparentHer happiness was apparent from the smile on her face.
190appealSleeping all day appeals to me, but I have to go to school.
191appearShe appeared to be sad. She was crying.
192appetiteTom has a big appetite. He eats all the time.
193appetizingThe appetizing plate of cookies was gone in half an hour.
194applaudEveryone cheered and applauded Manny’s efforts.
195applauseAt the end of his speech, everyone burst into loud applause.
196applianceMany homes have appliances like ovens, toasters, and refrigerators.
197applicableI discovered that my old password was no longer applicable to the website.
198applicantLots of applicants came into the store when the job position became available.
199applyShe always applies makeup to her face before going outside.
200appointTwo students were appointed to help the scientists with their research.
201appreciateI can appreciate the lovely scenery.
202apprenticeMark is an apprentice chef at the restaurant.
203approachThe boy approached his school.
204appropriateIt’s appropriate to wear a suit when you go to the office.
205approveHer co-workers approved her new plan.
206approximateMy approximate height is two meters.
207aptitudeHe has a natural aptitude for water skiing.
208aquariumWe took a trip to the aquarium and saw a scary shark.
209aquaticThe dolphin is an aquatic mammal.
210arbitraryThe classroom had many arbitrary rules that confused me.
211arcA rainbow is an arc of colored bands across the sky.
212archThe arch of the bridge was not high enough for the tall boat to pass underneath.
213archaeologyHe enjoyed visiting the Great Pyramids of Egypt because he loves archaeology.
214archaicTo be competitive, we must update our archaic equipment.
215archeologicalThey found archeological evidence of an ancient species of man.
216archeologyHe studied archeology to learn more about ancient Egyptian culture.
217architectThe plans for building the new home were drawn by a famous architect.
218architectureThe Sydney Opera House is a good example of modern architecture.
219arcticIt is cold when the arctic winds blow.
220areaHe was very familiar with the local area.
221arenaThe new arena was all set to hold the championship match.
222aridNot many plants grow in the arid desert.
223ariseDifficulties arose with his computer because it was old.
224aristocracyMost members of the aristocracy were very well fed.
225aristocratThe aristocrat did not need a job because his family was wealthy.
226arithmeticI like to study arithmetic at school.
227armedThe robber was armed with a gun.
228armorThe soldier wore armor to protect his body.
229armyThe army protects all the people in the country.
230aromaI love the aroma of coffee in the morning.
231arouseThe politician’s words were meant to arouse the protestors’ anger.
232arrangePlease arrange the words in order from A to Z.
233arrayThe toy cars are available in an array of colors.
234arrestThe man was arrested for breaking the law.
235arriveThey arrived at school at 7 a.m.
236arrogantHe is very arrogant. Even though he’s not the boss, he tells everyone what to do.
237arrowThe arrow flew through the air and hit the target.
238artMy sister likes to look at the art in the museum.
239arteryEating healthily keeps your arteries clean so blood can flow with ease.
240arthritisAgatha couldn’t play the piano anymore because of her arthritis.
241articleDid you read the article in the newspaper about the soccer game?
242articulateAlfred’s friends loved talking to him because he was so articulate and intelligent.
243artifactWe studied artifacts from an ancient Chinese settlement.
244artificialThe artificial Christmas tree was made of plastic.
245artistHe went to Paris to become an artist.
246ashThe end of his cigar was full of ashes.
247ashamedHe was ashamed when he forgot his teacher’s name.
248ashoreAfter a long day of fishing, Glen pulled his boat ashore, so it wouldn’t float away.
249asideThe man stood aside and opened the door for me.
250askPlease ask questions if you do not understand.
251aspectI thought about the different aspects of owning two dogs.
252aspireGeorge aspired to be a doctor from a young age.
253assassinAn assassin killed Martin Luther King on April 4, 1968.
254assembleThe parents assembled to discuss ways to improve their children’s education.
255assemblyThe students had an assembly to talk about their interests.
256assessShe assessed the condition of the toy car before buying it.
257assetThe coach realized the boy’s speed was an asset to the team.
258assignI was assigned the job of making sure everyone had plenty to drink.
259assignmentHe was given a difficult assignment but he felt he could succeed in doing it.
260assimilateWhen the family moves to the US they will assimilate into American culture.
261assistAndrew assisted me with my homework.
262associateMost people associate birthday parties with having fun.
263assumeI assume you are both familiar with this plan.
264assureHe assured the boss that the building would be done on time.
265asteroidIn 1908, a giant asteroid hit Siberia.
266astonishThe number of people that came to her party astonished her.
267astrologyJack, who studies astrology, believes that the stars can predict the future.
268astronautThe astronaut was walking on the moon.
269astronomyHarold loved looking at the stars, so he decided to study astronomy.
270athleteSome athletes can play many sports very well.
271atmosphereScientists worry that harmful substances are hurting the atmosphere.
272atomA molecule consists of a combination of two or more atoms.
273attachI attached the socks to the clothesline to dry.
274attackShe watched the lizard attack its prey.
275attainIf you want to attain a healthy body, you must exercise every day.
276attemptThis is Ben’s second attempt to climb Mt. Everest.
277attendMy sister and I attend the same school.
278attentionHis work got the attention of two of his co-workers.
279atticThere were two windows in their attic.
280attireEveryone wore their best attire to the president’s daughter’s wedding.
281attitudeJohn has a bad attitude. He’s always angry.
282attorneyThe attorney appeared in front of the judge for me.
283attractThe magnet attracted the metal.
284attributeHe isn’t very clever, but he does have some other positive attributes.
285audibleThe sound of the drums was audible from miles away.
286audienceHe was excited to be part of the audience.
287auditThe government usually audits companies that report lower than usual incomes.
288auditoriumPeople have gathered at the school auditorium to watch the play.
289authenticWe ate authentic Italian food on our vacation to Rome.
290authorThe author was hard at work on his next novel.
291authoritativeThis book is an authoritative source on ancient Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti.
292authorityThe local police department is the authority whenever large crowds gather.
293authorizeThe mayor authorized the construction of a new statue in the park.
294autobiographyI read an autobiography about my favorite entertainer.
295autographEverybody wanted the movie star’s autograph.
296automateWhen the bank automated, it started installing ATM machines.
297automaticallyThe man automatically smiled when he thought about his friend.
298automobileThe first automobiles were very different from the ones that exist today.
299autonomyIn the 1800s, the people of India fought for autonomy from Britain.
300autumnI love when the leaves fall in autumn because I can play in them.
301availHis studying was to no avail because he failed the test.
302availableThere were many seats available in the room.
303avalancheThe avalanche destroyed the mountain village.
304avenueDrive down this avenue and then turn left to get to the park.
305averageI’m not rich or poor; I’m average.
306avoidAvoid the broken bottle on the floor.
307awaitThe players awaited the referee’s decision.
308awakeSometimes, I lay awake in bed because I am not tired.
309awardHe got an award for having the best grades in class.
310awareThe student became aware that the teacher was watching him.
311awarenessShe has little awareness of what needs to be done.
312awesomeThe huge military plane was an awesome sight.
313awfulHer performance last night was awful.
314awhileWait here awhile, and I’ll bring some tea.
315awkwardAfter dropping his coffee cup, Robbie felt awkward.
316axShe used an ax to cut some wood for the fire.
317bachelorSince he was a bachelor, Jason did his shopping by himself.
318backgroundThe new teacher had a background in science and math.
319backstageAfter the show, the director went backstage and thanked the actors.
320badShe is unhappy because she had a bad day.
321baitThe best bait for catching fish is a big, fat worm.
322bakeMy sister is a good cook. She bakes delicious cakes.
323balanceA good balance between work and fun helps keep you healthy.
324baldMy oldest brother is bald.
325ballSeth bought a new soccer ball.
326banSmoking is banned in this building.
327bananaDid you eat a banana for breakfast?
328bandMy brother is in a rock band.
329bandageIf you cut yourself, please get a bandage from the first-aid kit.
330bankruptThe store had few customers and soon went bankrupt.
331barberMy hair is getting much too long. I’d better go to the barber’s shop.
332bareHe likes to walk around in his bare feet.
333barelyI barely had enough money to pay for my bus ticket.
334bargainShe was looking forward to getting a good bargain at the supermarket.
335barkThe dog barked loudly and frighteningly.
336barnMy grandparents keep hay in their red barn.
337barrelThere was an empty barrel outside the house.
338barrierThe Great Wall was a barrier between China and its enemies.
339baseThe base of the table has three legs.
340basementThey turned their basement into a game room.
341basicI learned some basic English skills in school today.
342basinShe filled the basin with water and washed her face.
343basisMy grandfather gets his hearing checked on a yearly basis.
344basketHe put the vegetables in a basket.
345bathAfter playing in the dirt, the boy took a bath.
346batheThe mermaid bathed herself in the ocean.
347batteryMy brother needs a battery for his clock.
348battleThe battle lasted for many days.
349bayThe Golden Gate Bridge crosses San Francisco Bay.
350beachThe little girl built a sandcastle on the beach.
351beadBeads of water collected on the outside of the glass.
352beamModern skyscrapers are made with many beams.
353beanThere are many different kinds of beans to eat.
354beardThe farmer had a long beard, as white as snow.
355beastTanzania is home to many famous beasts, such as lions, leopards, and hyenas.
356beatI managed to beat everyone in the race.
357beautifulThere was a beautiful sunset.
358beautyI heard my mother was a great beauty when she was young.
359becauseWe need to study because we have a test tomorrow.
360beforehandHe packed his luggage beforehand, so he was able to leave right away.
361behalfThe original speaker was sick, so his son gave the speech on his behalf.
362behaveShe always behaves well when her father is around.
363behaviorTheir behavior was good this semester. They didn’t cause trouble.
364behindThe little girl was hiding behind a tree.
365beliefA preacher or priest should have a strong belief in God.
366bellyHis belly was full because he had eaten a lot of food.
367belovedThe boy took a nap next to his beloved cat.
368benchMost parks have benches for people to relax upon.
369bendLee bent over and picked up the paper on the ground.
370beneathThe largest part of an iceberg lies beneath the waterline.
371benefactorThe student’s benefactor gave him money to spend on his studies.
372beneficialDrinking milk every day is beneficial for your bones.
373benefitBeing able to fly is a benefit to birds.
374besideThe two brothers stood beside each other.
375bestI got the best score on the math test.
376betHow much will you bet that your horse will win?
377betrayThe four friends would never betray each other’s trust.
378beverageThe waiter brought our beverages first. Then he brought our food.
379bewareYou should beware of driving fast on wet roads.
380beyondThe job is beyond the man’s ability.
381biasThe mothers had a natural bias for their own child’s picture.
382bicycleI rode my bicycle down the mountain road.
383bidHe made a bid to become the university’s next president.
384bikeHe rides his bike to school every day.
385bilingualSince you already know English, after learning French you’ll be bilingual.
386billI have so many bills that I do not know how to pay them all.
387billionThere are billions of stars in outer space.
388billionaireThe sale of his inventions made the inventor a billionaire.
389bindThe victims of the flood were bound by their need to help each other.
390binocularsHe could see the ship on the horizon only if he used his binoculars.
391biodegradableI use biodegradable compost to feed my garden.
392biographyWe read a biography about Charles Darwin in science class.
393biologicalIn science class, we learned about the biological process of bacterial growth.
394biologyWe learned about the human heart in biology class.
395biosphereBirds, trees, and worms all thrive in the biosphere.
396biotechnologyResearchers at the biotechnology company use bacteria to make medicine.
397birthplaceChina is the birthplace of chopsticks.
398bitI ate a bit of chocolate before I went to bed.
399biteThe boy took a big bite of his hamburger.
400bitterHe was extremely bitter when his computer crashed.
401bizarreMy bizarre dreams make no sense to me when I am awake.
402blackOur street is black at night because there are no street lights.
403blacksmithThe blacksmith pounded the piece of metal until it was flat.
404blameMy mom blamed me for something I didn’t do.
405blankShe got a blank piece of paper to draw on.
406blanketI laid a blanket on the ground so that we could have a picnic.
407blazeThe small fire soon blazed into a large, dangerous one.
408bleedIf you are not careful, you will cut your finger and bleed.
409blendMy wife blended together all of the ingredients to make a delicious stew.
410blessThe angel blessed the newborn baby to keep it safe.
411blindThe blind man didn’t see the hole and almost fell in.
412blinkI blinked many times so that my eyes could adjust to the bright light.
413blissEvery time he sees his girlfriend, he feels a sense of bliss.
414blockI saw a block of ice on the floor.
415blondeMy cousin is a blonde with blue eyes.
416bloomThe white daisies were about to bloom.
417blowThe wind is blowing very hard today. We should stay inside.
418blurThe photographer can blur the bright lights into the background.
419blurredThere was blurred photographs of what was supposed to be a flying saucer.
420boardThe sign was made of a few wooden boards.
421boastWe all became tired of listening to him boast about himself all day.
422boatThere is a small boat on the lake.
423boldThe bold man climbed the high mountain.
424bombThe bomb will destroy anything that is nearby.
425bondThe women bonded after several hours of conversation.
426boneI brought home a nice bone for my dog.
427bookThe man smiles as he reads his favorite book.
428boomThe firecrackers made a loud boom when they exploded.
429boostLowering prices boosts customers’ interest in shopping.
430bootHe wore boots so that his feet wouldn’t get wet.
431borderThe postcard had a pretty green border of pine needles.
432boringI think the Internet is boring.
433borrowCan I borrow a pencil to use today? I’ll give it back to you tomorrow.
434bossMy boss is a nice person.
435botanyGardens are the best places for botany.
436botherNo one bothered to wash the dishes today.
437bottomSarah is so tall that her feet can touch the bottom of the swimming pool.
438bounceOwen bounced the ball on the ground.
439boundaryThis fence shows the boundary between our yard and yours.
440boundsIf your ball lands outside the lines, it’s out of bounds.
441bowHe went hunting with a bow and arrow.
442bowlI put the fruit in the fruit bowl.
443boxedJustine brought a boxed gift to the birthday party.
444bragHe had strong muscles and bragged about them to the entire class.
445brainYou must use your brain to solve the problem.
446brainstormThe students met after school to brainstorm ideas for their assignments.
447branchThe monkey was hanging from a branch on the tree.
448brassBrass is used to make musical instruments like trumpets.
449braveThe brave firefighter saved the girl from the burning building.
450braveryThe books commended the general’s bravery.
451breadYou need two pieces of bread to make a sandwich.
452breadthThe breadth of the northern wall of the house is twenty meters.
453breakdownHer car had a breakdown, and she wasn’t sure how to fix it.
454breakfastI ate eggs for breakfast.
455breastShe was diagnosed with breast cancer.
456breathYou can’t take a breath under water.
457breatheWe need strong healthy lungs to help us breathe well.
458breedI like small dog breeds, such as terriers.
459breezeThe breeze caused the leaves to fall off the tree.
460brewPlease brew a fresh pot of coffee.
461bribeThe judge was bribed so that she would set the suspect free.
462brickThere were several bricks scattered on the ground.
463bridgeThe old bridge fell into the river.
464briefThe lawyers took a brief break.
465brightThe bright light from the explosion hurt my eyes.
466brilliantMy younger sister is brilliant for someone her age.
467broadThe river is very long and broad.
468broadcastWe watched the broadcast of the local news on TV.
469brokerThe lawyer will broker our agreement.
470broomMy father usually uses a broom to sweep away dust in the basement.
471bruiseShe got a bruise on her knee from falling down.
472bruteMy older brother can act like a brute when he doesn’t get his way.
473bucketI filled the bucket with water.
474budTwo weeks after planting the seed, a small bud appeared.
475budgetHis budget for food was very tight.
476bugBirds like eating bugs.
477bulkThe large elephant moved its bulk with legs as strong as tree trunks.
478bulletBullets come in different sizes for different guns.
479bulletinThere was a live bulletin reporting on the economy of the city.
480bullyThe two bullies always picked on the smaller, weaker kids.
481bumpThe monkey got a bump on his head because he was hit by a rock.
482bunchShe was hungry, so she ate the entire bunch of grapes.
483burdenChildren who do not behave are a burden to their parents.
484bureaucracyThe members of the bureaucracy were flooded by too many petitions.
485burnRunning is good exercise for people who want to burn fat and lose weight.
486burstThe bomb burst over the city.
487buryMy father was buried in his hometown when he died.
488busMy father takes the bus to work.
489bushMy dad and I planted some small bushes around the house.
490busyEveryone is busy at the office today.
491butlerWhenever he needed something, he rang a bell, and the butler appeared.
492buzzSeoul buzzes from dawn till dusk.
493cabinThe man reached the mountain cabin after a long day of hiking along the river.
494cafeMonica works part-time at a café.
495cageWe put the parrots in their cage at night.
496cakeWhat a beautiful birthday cake!
497calculateI calculated how much money I would need to buy the car.
498calendarMarco used an online calendar to keep track of his schedule.
499calmA nice warm bath makes me feel so calm.
500calorieMy sister is on a low-calorie diet for fitness training.
501cameraI brought my camera on my vacation.
502camouflageThe green and brown camouflage was best used for hiding in forests and jungles.
503canSad news can make her cry.
504canalThe city of Venice, Italy, has many canals.
505cancelShe canceled the rest of her plans because of the rain.
506cancerHe was a leading scientist in finding a cure for cancer.
507cancerousThe exam found cancerous cells in the patient’s blood.
508candidateAlice is the best candidate for the job.
509candleWhen the lights went out, we lit some candles.
510canoeHe paddled his canoe to the edge of the lake.
511canvasThe artist paints bright colors on a canvas.
512canyonThe canyon was so deep that the ground inside was covered in shadow.
513capableThe Olympic athlete is capable of lifting a lot of weight.
514capacityThe parking lot has reached its full capacity.
515capitalThe capital of the United States is Washington, D.C.
516capitalismMost economies in the world today are based on capitalism.
517capitalistThe capitalist invested in a factory that made wheat into cereal.
518captainThe captain sailed his ship to Australia.
519captiveThe guards told the captive that there was no way he could escape the prison.
520captureJames tried to capture the bubbles in his hands.
521carbohydrateCarbohydrates like rice are a good source of energy for active people.
522carbonCarbon is found in coal.
523carbon dioxideThere is carbon dioxide in the smoke from coal power plants.
524cardAdam used his library card to borrow a book.
525cardboardWe packed our things into cardboard boxes and moved to our new home.
526careerHe was in the hospitality business for most of his career.
527carefullyThe baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
528caretakerMy grandmother’s caretaker helps her get around the house.
529cargoThe cargo of the ship got wet when it started raining.
530carpenterWe hired a carpenter to make a cupboard.
531carpetHis white living room carpet was soft.
532carriageWe took a carriage ride in the park.
533carrotI put a carrot in my salad.
534cartoonSometimes, people draw cartoons for the newspaper.
535carveMy father usually carves the turkey for Thanksgiving.
536caseA deposit of $1,000 is required, but in this case, we will accept half.
537castThe fisherman cast his line into the water.
538casualYou can wear casual clothes, like jeans, to the party.
539casualtyThe only casualty in the car accident was a woman who broke her arm.
540catThis cat is playing with a ball.
541catchDid you catch the ball during the baseball game?
542caterBill was too sick to get out of bed, so his nurse catered to his needs.
543caterpillarAfter eating a lot of leaves, caterpillars change into butterflies.
544cathedralThe large cathedral is full of people on Sunday mornings.
545causeTiredness caused the accident.
546cautionPlease use the power saw with caution. It is very dangerous.
547cautiousBe very cautious as you stack those boxes.
548caveA crystal blue lake could be found in the underground cave.
549cavityThere was a small cavity in the wall of the cave, where an animal lived.
550ceaseThe rain will cease in the afternoon.
551ceilingHe painted the ceiling with a special roller.
552celebrateWe all celebrated when we heard the great news.
553celebrityIt was the highlight of the evening when the celebrities arrived.
554cellA red blood cell carries oxygen.
555cellularShe used a microscope to see the activity at a cellular level.
556cemeterySome people are scared of cemeteries.
557censorTo protect innocent people, the location of the bomb was censored.
558centerThe center of a dart board is the most important spot.
559centigradeDuring the spring time, the temperature gets as warm as 26 degrees centigrade.
560centuryOur company is celebrating a century of business in London.
561cerealCereal is a fast and common breakfast food enjoyed in the US.
562ceremonyTom and Amy’s marriage ceremony is in June.
563certainI am certain that zebras have stripes.
564certificateI was given a certificate for completing the computer course.
565certifyThe photograph on her passport certified that she was indeed Jolene Sawyer.
566challengeIt was a challenge to climb to the top of the mountain.
567chamberThe meeting was held in the faculty chamber.
568chanceI had a chance to see the Coliseum in Rome last summer.
569channelThe river cut a channel through the rocks.
570chaosHis presentation was in chaos. I couldn’t understand what he meant.
571chaoticThe first day of school can be chaotic for a new student.
572chapelWe were married in a small wedding chapel in Las Vegas.
573chapterThe first chapter of a book usually introduces the main character of a story.
574characterMy sister’s character is fun and very outgoing.
575characteristicOne characteristic of tigers is their black stripes.
576chargeThe charge for the shirts was $15.
577charitableI give money each year to a charitable foundation.
578charityThanks to his friends’ charity, he had enough money to pay the rent.
579charmGail charmed everyone with her humorous stories.
580chartWe used a chart to see how we had improved.
581charterThe company charter explained that all employees had to pay a tax.
582chaseI was chased by a dog.
583chatEven though they were far apart, the couple chatted every day.
584chatterThe children chattered in the back of the classroom.
585cheatThey cheated on the test by sharing answers.
586checkPeter wants to check with the teacher to see if he is doing the assignment right.
587cheerThe crowd all cheered when the home team won.
588cheerfulThe children were cheerful because they didn’t have to go to school.
589chefTom is a chef at the restaurant near my house.
590chemicalThe scientist mixed the chemicals.
591chemistMy mother is a successful chemist who helps invent new products.
592chemistryIn chemistry class, the professor taught us about chemical reactions.
593chestThe water in the lake was as high as my chest.
594chewI always chew my food carefully before swallowing it.
595chickenChicken is his favorite kind of meat.
596chiefThe chief led the people through the mountains.
597chillThe chill from the cold wind made Bill shiver.
598chimneyThe cat was sitting on the roof next to the chimney.
599chinLuke pointed to the hair on his chin.
600chocolateI made a chocolate cake for my mom’s party.
601choirHe had choir practice every day after school.
602chokeThe gum Malinda swallowed made her choke.
603cholesterolWhen people have too much cholesterol, they are at a high risk for heart problems.
604chooseI have to choose between taking art classes and sports lessons.
605chopMom chopped some vegetables to put into the stew.
606choreIt’s Nikki’s chore to do the dishes every Tuesday and Wednesday night.
607chronicHe had chronic pain in his chest and needed to see a doctor.
608chronicleThe daily newspaper chronicles local and world events.
609chronologyWe learned the chronology of World War II in history class.
610chunkWhen they broke open the rock, they saw it was filled with chunks of gold.
611cigaretteCigarette smoking is terrible for your health.
612cinemaMy sister enjoys watching movies at the cinema.
613circuitBe very careful not to shock yourself when fixing an electrical circuit.
614circulateThe fan helped to circulate cool air through the room.
615circumstanceThere were many circumstances behind their success, like hard work.
616circusI like to go to the circus to see the animals do tricks.
617citeShe cited six reasons that the school needed to build new classrooms.
618citizenCarlos was born in Spain. He is a Spanish citizen.
619cityTokyo is a very big city in Japan.
620civicMost of the important civic buildings are located downtown.
621civilianIt was Todd’s job to keep civilians from entering the army facility.
622claimHe claimed to know why the country’s laws were weak.
623clapAfter the speech, everyone in the crowd clapped their hands for the speaker.
624clashThe sisters often clash over the right way to do things.
625classThis upper-class family travels on a private jet.
626classicThe athlete made a classic mistake-he started running too soon.
627classicalBeethoven is a composer of classical music.
628classificationAccording to scientific classification, a duck-billed platypus is an egg-laying mammal.
629classifyThe biologist classified the plant as a completely new species.
630clayShe made a bowl out of the clay.
631cleanI clean our kitchen every Saturday.
632clearI need to clear my desk because it is too messy.
633clerkThe clerk added up her bill for the groceries.
634clientShe has many clients who enjoy coming to her salon.
635cliffThe wolf stood at the cliff and howled.
636climateThe climate in the desert is very hot.
637climbThe girls climbed to the top of the mountain.
638clingA mother sloth will cling tightly to her baby in the treetops.
639clockwiseTurn the screw clockwise to tighten it.
640closeThe man wanted to close the door tightly.
641closetMarie has many clothes inside of her closet.
642clothHis shirt is made of a very soft type of cloth.
643clothesI bought warm clothes for the cold winter.
644cloudThe sky was filled with white clouds.
645clueThe detective found some clues on the sidewalk.
646clumsyThe businessman was clumsy and dropped his work files.
647clusterShe held a large cluster of grapes in her hand.
648coachMy coach gets very excited during games.
649coalMany power stations burn coal to produce energy.
650coalitionThe companies formed a coalition to make trade less expensive.
651coarseThe coarse sweater made my skin itch.
652coastI stayed on the southern coast of Australia.
653coastlineHe noticed that most of the cities in Australia are on the coastline.
654coconutA coconut produces a healthy oil.
655codeShe used the code to solve the puzzle.
656coexistOur pets coexist in our home with few or no problems.
657coffinWhen people pass away, they are usually buried inside of a coffin.
658cognitiveAfter her physical examination, her cognitive skills were tested.
659coherentThis was a coherent program for solving the flooding problem.
660coinThe coach coined the phrase, “There is no ‘I’ in team.”
661coincideMy birthday coincides with Christmas.
662collaborateWhen they collaborated, they managed to finish their chores early.
663collapseThe tree collapsed right in front of our house.
664colleagueMy colleague helped me finish the job.
665collideThe two cars collided with each other because their drivers were not careful.
666collisionThe collision between the two cars created a loud noise.
667colonyThe USA was at one time a colony of Great Britain.
668combatThe two warriors were locked in combat.
669combineMina combined peanut butter and jelly to make a sandwich.
670cometComets take many decades to complete an orbit around a star.
671comfortI wanted to comfort my friend after I heard the bad news.
672comfortableWill loves his comfortable new sofa.
673comicThe comic actor was famous for his jokes.
674commandJoe gave the students a command to stand up.
675commenceHis speech commenced with a “thank you” to all who had helped him succeed.
676commentatorAccording to many commentators, this winter has been one of the coldest in the last century.
677commerceThe new shopping mall increased the commerce in that section of town.
678commissionThe artist was commissioned to create a picture.
679commitSeth wanted to go home, but he had committed to finishing the job.
680committeeThe school’s committee agreed on a new dress code for students.
681commodityFran’s uncle made most of his money trading commodities.
682commonIt is common for snow to fall in the winter.
683commonplaceThere is nothing commonplace about the way Morris dresses.
684communalOn the weekends, Theo and his son picked up trash in the communal park.
685communicateHe was unable to communicate his feelings clearly.
686communityThe community got together to plant trees.
687commuteI usually commute to work on the train.
688companionI always walk to school with my companion Frank.
689companyI want to work for a small software company.
690comparativeThe money that John has is comparative to that of most other adults.
691compareIf you compare cats and dogs, you’ll see that they’re both good pets.
692compassionateThe compassionate nurse tried to make the sick man feel comfortable.
693compatibleJan and Fred are too different. They will never be compatible.
694compelTraffic signs compel drivers to drive safely.
695compensateHer boss compensated her for the extra work she did last week.
696competenceThe job was easy because the group had enough competence to do it well.
697competentCompetent employees are much better than unknowledgeable ones.
698compileShe compiled a list of people who she wanted to attend her birthday party.
699complainThe workers complained that they were being treated unfairly.
700complaintMom said she didn’t want to hear my brother’s complaints.
701complementThe wool scarf complemented her lovely eyes.
702completelyI was completely wrong.
703complexA jigsaw puzzle can be complex because it has so many pieces.
704complianceThe bratty child never shows compliance with her mother’s rules.
705complicateThe bad weather complicated finishing the job quickly.
706complimentHer co-worker complimented her for doing a good job.
707componentComputers have many different components, so they are complicated to build.
708composeTony composed his report using many sources of information.
709compoundThe workers waited outside the compound for the gates of the factory to open.
710comprehendThe player could not comprehend why he lost the game.
711comprehensiveThe teacher gave us a comprehensive review for the exam.
712compressI compressed my clothes to fit into a single suitcase.
713compriseOur school’s football team is mostly comprised with seniors.
714compromiseWe both compromised about the game we decided to play.
715conIt was unfair of the fortune teller to con me out of 500 dollars.
716concealYou should conceal your money so no one can take it from you.
717concedeThe student conceded that he had cheated on the test.
718conceiveThe child could not conceive the actual size of the Earth.
719concentrateI could not concentrate on my homework because the room was so loud.
720concentricThe target was a series of concentric circles.
721conceptI learned some concepts about molecules before working in the science lab.
722concernI was filled with concern after reading the newspaper.
723concertI enjoyed the concert last night. The band was very good.
724concertoThe piano concerto has a section in which only the piano plays.
725concessionChina gave Hong Kong to Britain as a concession after the war.
726concludeI saw crumbs on my dog’s face, so I concluded that he ate my cookie.
727conclusionAt the conclusion of the race, the spectators cheered for the winner.
728concreteThe man covered the ground with concrete.
729condemnThe judge condemned the criminal to five years in prison.
730condenseThe cool air made tiny drops of water condense on the tops of the grass.
731condensedOne way to make a dessert thick and sweet is to use condensed milk.
732conditionThe patient’s condition was very good.
733conductShe was punished for her bad conduct.
734conferI will have to confer with my wife before I can purchase a new car.
735confessThe woman confessed that she had stolen the money.
736confidenceI have confidence that I did well on the test.
737confidentShe was confident she could climb the mountain due to her training.
738confidentialThe information from the meeting is confidential.
739configureThe engineer helped to configure my new computer.
740confineThe elephant is confined to a cage in the zoo.
741confirmWinning the game confirmed that James was a good player.
742conflictThe two nations had a conflict over which one could use the water in the river.
743conformThe new student had to conform to the school’s dress code.
744confrontI confronted him as he left the meeting and told him I thought he was wrong.
745confuseThe sign confused the traveler because it pointed in two directions.
746congestedTom didn’t get home until after dark because the road was so congested.
747congratulateBill and Angela congratulated each other on a job well done.
748congregateSeeing a group of birds congregate in the sky is an awesome sight.
749congressCongress makes laws for people to follow.
750connectI connected the mouse to my laptop computer.
751conquerThe soldiers were trying to conquer the world.
752conquestAfter the conquest, the people of the small city had no freedom.
753conscienceI recycle everything I can, so my conscience is clear!
754consciousThe new student was conscious of the other students staring at her.
755consecutiveThe king ruled for ten consecutive years.
756consensusThe consensus among the children was that ghosts exist.
757consequenceAs a consequence of missing my bus, I had to find another way to work.
758consequentHer consequent rash came after she touched the poisonous plant.
759conserveThe group worked to conserve the beauty of Europe’s national parks.
760considerPete didn’t like his job. He considered getting a new one.
761considerableThey paid a considerable amount of money for that car.
762considerateThe considerate boy gave his girlfriend a present to cheer her up when she was sad.
763consistToday’s choices for lunch consisted of pizza, hamburgers, and hot dogs.
764consistencyHer consistency in archery meant that our team had a chance to win.
765consistentSara comes in every day and is our most consistent worker.
766consoleWhen my dog ran away, my dad consoled me.
767consolidateWhen we moved in together, we had to consolidate our belongings.
768conspiracyThe businessman thought there was a conspiracy among his coworkers to get him fired.
769constantThe television at home is in constant use.
770constantlyHe was constantly checking his watch to see if he was late.
771constitutionThe country’s constitution said a prime minister could only serve three terms.
772constrainJim cannot join us because he is constrained by previous plans.
773constructThe men used wood and metal to construct a house.
774consultI will consult my accountant to find a way to pay my bills.
775consumeJack consumed a whole plate of spaghetti.
776consumptionThese apples are too rotten for consumption.
777contactI contacted Sue about my party.
778containI have to find something to contain these apples.
779contaminateThe lake was contaminated when pollutants entered the water.
780contemplateMark took a moment to contemplate the math problem before solving it.
781contemporaryContemporary scientists have learned quite a bit about DNA.
782contemptThe judge had contempt for the wicked criminal.
783contendStacy had to contend with a learning disability throughout high school.
784contentThe baby looked very content sitting on the floor.
785contestThe girls had a contest to see who could jump higher.
786contextThey studied the context of the battle before giving their presentation.
787continentAsia is the largest continent.
788contingentThe movie star stood in front of an entire contingent of photographers.
789contractThe woman signed a contract when she bought the house.
790contradictKen was always fighting with his little sister because she kept contradicting him.
791contraryIt isn’t warm outside at all. On the contrary, it is quite cold.
792contrastThe contrast between my parents is very noticeable.
793contributeWe decided to contribute money to the new hospital.
794controlTo control the TV, just push the buttons.
795controversyThere has been a lot of controversy over the judge’s decision.
796convenienceI love the convenience of having a swimming pool in my back yard.
797convenientWalking through the park is a convenient way to exercise on the way to work.
798conventionIn the US, a popular convention is to shake hands when you meet someone.
799conversionThe city discussed the conversion of the parking lot into a skateboard park.
800convertThe man converted his messy field into a garden of flowers.
801conveyThat picture of a crying child conveys a feeling of sadness.
802convictHe was convicted of the crime and sent to jail.
803convinceShe convinced me to buy the house.
804cookingI really enjoy cooking, especially Italian food.
805cooperateThe members of the team agreed to cooperate in order to get the project done.
806coordinateEach skating team had to coordinate their movements for the show.
807copeHe copes with work stress by exercising three or four times a week.
808copperAncient hunters melted copper to make knives and spears.
809coralThe diver admired the beautiful coral under the water.
810coreEarth has a solid inner core.
811corporateTom enjoys working in the corporate world.
812corpsThe army had a corps of archers who trained apart from the regular soldiers.
813correlateScientists believe that brain size might correlate with intelligence.
814correspondThe boy’s story didn’t correspond with his mother’s version.
815corridorHe took the corridor on the left to go to his office.
816corruptThe corrupt policemen didn’t arrest the man because he gave them money.
817cosmopolitanThere are dozens of different types of restaurants in a cosmopolitan city.
818costThese designer shoes cost more than the regular ones.
819cotAt the camp, the boys’ cabin was lined with cots.
820cottageMy aunt lives in a pretty cottage in the mountains.
821cottonI like to wear clothes made from cotton in the summer.
822couchKim and Martin’s new couch was very expensive.
823councilThe council met to discuss the new laws for the city.
824counterpartOur manager will meet our rival company’s counterpart later today.
825countryFrance is a country in Europe.
826countyHe wanted to represent the citizens of his county.
827coupAt the end of the 18th century, Napoleon Bonaparte staged a coup to overthrow a group that had control of France.
828coupleThere were a couple of problems I had to solve.
829courageThe man had the courage to touch the lion.
830courierBefore trains, most couriers used horses to travel.
831courseI took a P.E. course in school this year.
832courtesyJenna always behaves with great courtesy when people visit her home.
833courtyardDuring the summer, the courtyard is a nice place to have lunch.
834cousinMy cousin looks just like me.
835coverThe Earth was covered with clouds.
836cowardA firefighter cannot be a coward. They have to be able to act quickly.
837cozyThe thick blanket made the bed very cozy.
838crackThe old window was covered with cracks.
839craftShe crafted the bookcase out of solid pine wood and then painted it.
840cramHe crammed all of his shirts into the top drawer of the dresser.
841crampAfter the marathon, Jenny got a terrible cramp in her calf muscle.
842crashThere was a loud noise when the car crashed into the tree.
843crawlThe baby crawled across the floor.
844crazeWearing bright red socks was a craze when I was in high school.
845createShe created an igloo from blocks of snow.
846creationWe saw the creation of a new political party.
847creatureThose creatures live in Africa.
848credibleDick gave a credible reason for being late and didn’t get in any trouble.
849creditHis bank account is in credit, so he has money he can spend.
850creekOnly small fish lived in the shallow waters of the creek.
851creepThe cat slowly crept down the tree.
852crewMy father has a crew that helps him build houses.
853crimePolice quickly arrived at the scene of the crime.
854crisisThe crisis was over and things returned to normal.
855crispMy favorite snack is a bag of crisp, delicious potato chips.
856criteriaBefore she got the job, she had to meet all the necessary criteria.
857criticThe wine critic tasted the wine so he could give his opinion.
858criticismShe had a lot of criticism about their new plan.
859criticizeHe criticized his wife for spending too much money.
860critiqueMy job is to critique the food at various restaurants.
861cropI had a good crop of onions this year.
862crowdThe crowd waved to the camera.
863crownThe crown is made of gold.
864crucialClean air is crucial to the survival of humans, plants, and animals.
865crudeShe drew crude hearts on the ground to show how much she loved him.
866crumbleThe old house’s walls crumbled into a pile of rock and wood.
867crushSelena’s new car was crushed when the tree fell on top of it.
868crustThe little boy never ate the crust of his pizza.
869cubThe lion cub was crying for its mother.
870cubePlease get me some ice cubes to put in my soda.
871culpritThe police were still searching for the culprit from the robbery.
872cultivateA research company is cultivating new kinds of rice to aid poor countries.
873cultureAncient Mexican culture is renowned for its architecture.
874cumulativeThe cumulative snowfall in the area is fifty centimeters per year.
875cupboardWe put all of our dishes and food in the cupboards.
876curbShe curbed her anger by listening to a relaxing song.
877cureScientists are still working on finding a cure for diabetes.
878curiousI opened up the clock because I was curious about how it worked.
879currencyThe currency in China is different from that in Australia.
880currentThe ocean currents took the ship far off into the sea.
881curseThe witch cursed the village.
882curtainShe opened the curtains to let light into the room.
883curveThe road curves to the left and to the right.
884custodyThe prisoners were put in the custody of the jailers.
885customIt is a custom that the bride and groom have the first dance.
886customerThe customer put a few items in a bag.
887cyberspaceI didn’t receive your email. It probably got lost in cyberspace.
888cycleThey were caught in a cycle of poverty, lack of education, and unemployment.
889cycloneHundreds of homes were damaged by the cyclone.
890cynicalThe man became cynical after being lied to many times.
891dairyThings like milk and cheese are dairy foods.
892daisyThere were a few daisies growing in the field.
893damageThe car was damaged in the accident.
894dangerSmoking cigarettes is a danger to health.
895dareHe dared to jump out of the airplane and skydive.
896dashHelen dashed up the stairs so she wouldn’t be late for her appointment.
897dataHe saved all the data on his computer.
898databaseThe company has a database of all the names and accounts of their customers.
899dawnAt dawn, the sun gently rose over the farm.
900dayThere are two more days until the weekend.
901daytimeThe kids are only allowed to play outside in the daytime.
902deadlineMarius had a short deadline in which to finish his report.
903deafSusan uses sign language because she is deaf.
904dealI made a deal with the other company to give us some money.
905debateThe husband and wife debated which TV to buy.
906debtI have not paid my gas bill. I owe a debt to the gas company.
907decadeShe celebrated her three decades of work with the company.
908decayThe decay in the old building was obvious.
909deceasedWe visited the graves of our deceased grandparents.
910deceiveHe tried to deceive his friends with a card trick.
911decentEric did a decent job painting the fence.
912deceptionThe magic looked very real, but it was only deception.
913deceptiveThe scary-looking man’s appearance is deceptive; he is actually very nice.
914decideHe tried to decide which one to eat first.
915decisiveOur boss is very decisive, so it did not take long to organize the project.
916deckA ship will store many supplies below its deck.
917declareI declared my love for him.
918declineShe declined his offer to pay for her dinner.
919decorateHave you decorated the room for Christmas yet?
920decreaseHiring more police officers has decreased crime in the city.
921dedicateThe nun dedicated herself to helping people in need.
922deductI had to deduct my expenses from my checkbook.
923deedWhen she bought the car, she was given a deed to show the car was hers.
924deemI deemed the ice cream to be very delicious.
925defeatThe champion defeated the challenger in the boxing match.
926defectAll these bottles have a defect and must be sent back to the warehouse.
927defenseThe air force works in defense of its country.
928deferThe girl was very sleepy, so she chose to defer her bath until morning.
929deficiencyYour snack has a deficiency of any real nutrients.
930definePeople define success in many different ways.
931definiteThere is a definite connection between hard work and success.
932definitiveThis library has the definitive collection of books on ancient Egypt.
933deformThe computer program deformed the building’s picture into an unreal sight.
934defyThe students got into trouble for defying their teacher’s rules.
935degreeThe thermometer recorded a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius.
936delayI was delayed at the airport for over two hours.
937deleteSeveral lines had been deleted from her speech.
938deliberateBernie made a deliberate attempt to injure Andy.
939delicateYou should hold the baby carefully because she’s very delicate.
940deliciousI loved the delicious fried chicken I ate for dinner!
941delightHe felt such delight after getting a promotion at work.
942deliverThe man delivered Chinese food to my house.
943demographyIf you study demography, you’ll see huge population growth in some areas of the world.
944demonstrateShe demonstrated her plan to her co-workers.
945denoteQuotation marks are used to denote speech.
946denseI easily became lost in the dense forest.
947departThe plane departed for Italy at 3:00 this afternoon.
948departureThey were excited about their departure to go to go back home.
949dependMy grandfather depends on a cane when he walks.
950dependenceYoung children have a dependence on their parents.
951depictThe statue’s face depicted the general’s determination and courage.
952depleteAll the driving he was doing was depleting his car’s fuel supply.
953depositI deposited the money into my bank account.
954depotHe waited for his mother to arrive at the depot.
955depressThe bad news from work depressed the man.
956depressionRon decided to get help for his depression.
957depriveBecause the child was bad, she was deprived of her dessert after dinner.
958deriveRed’s nickname was derived from the color of her hair.
959descendI descended the stairs to get out of the building.
960descentDuring the space shuttle’s descent, the Earth appeared larger and larger.
961describeThey described their tree as colorful, with gold ribbon and a star.
962descriptionI gave a description of the man with the gun and hat to the police.
963desertNot many plants grow in the desert.
964deserveThe dog deserved a bone for behaving very well.
965designateThe famous lighthouse was designated as a historical monument.
966desireMy sister desires a big house and lots of money.
967deskShe put the books on her desk.
968despairAfter we lost the big account, our salespeople were filled with despair.
969desperateI’m desperate to find a new job.
970despiteWe still played the game despite the cold weather.
971destinationThe destination of this plane is Munich, Germany.
972destinyIt was his destiny to become a great singer.
973destroyThe glass was destroyed.
974destructionThe wildfires left the forest in a state of destruction.
975detailJane told Ben all the details of her trip to China.
976detainThe police had to detain the thief for shoplifting.
977detectThe boy ran to the kitchen when he detected the smell of cookies.
978deterIcy roads deter people from driving their cars.
979deteriorateThe nation’s economy continued to deteriorate despite the politicians’ efforts.
980deteriorationThe lack of care led to the deterioration of the house.
981determinationChris is the youngest competitor, but he has the most determination.
982devastateThe entire wall was devastated.
983devastatingThe tsunami had devastating effects on the seaside village.
984developThis practice will help you develop your math skills.
985deviateVery few deviate much from the average.
986deviceA thermometer is a device that tells temperature.
987devilThe church promised protection from the devil.
988deviseThe thieves devised a plan to steal the diamonds.
989devoidThe movie was devoid of any violence, so it was a perfect movie for the family.
990devoteShe devotes two hours a day to playing the piano.
991diabetesOverweight people are more likely to suffer from diabetes than slimmer ones.
992diagnoseSeveral of the children were diagnosed with the flu.
993diagnosisThe vet’s diagnosis was that our dog had a broken leg.
994diagramBy following the diagram, I was able to put the desk together.
995dialI looked at the dial to see what time it was.
996diameterThe diameter of the tree was about 60 centimeters.
997diaryI do not let anybody read my diary.
998dictionaryI use the dictionary to learn new words.
999dietHis diet mostly consists of fruits and vegetables.
1000differI differ from my brother: he is short, while I am tall.
1001differenceThe biggest difference between the birds is the color of their feathers.
1002differentEach of my sisters has a different hair style.
1003differentiateIt was hard to differentiate between the identical twins.
1004digMy dog digs in the yard so he can hide his bones.
1005digestAllow some time for food to be digested before going swimming.
1006digitalStudents prefer to take notes on their laptops and other digital devices.
1007dignityWhen his company went out of business, he faced it with dignity.
1008dilapidatedPaint peeled off of the old dilapidated apartment building.
1009dilemmaChoosing either the tastier or healthier drink proved to be quite a dilemma.
1010diligentCraig has always been a very diligent person at work.
1011diminishAs the economy got worse, my savings diminished.
1012dinThe din of the rusty machinery made the factory a horrible place to work.
1013dineThe young couple dined at their home.
1014dinnerI had a hamburger for dinner.
1015dinosaurI like to see the dinosaur bones at the museum.
1016dipThe economy experienced a dip in the 1930s, leading many workers to lose their jobs.
1017diplomaAfter four years of college, Mary finally had a diploma.
1018diplomatThe Spanish diplomat discussed trade issues with officials in Peru.
1019directThe green path is a direct route to my house.
1020directionGo in this direction for 10 minutes, and you will get to the river.
1021disabledThe disabled man used a wheelchair to move around.
1022disadvantageMike had a disadvantage in the race since he hurt his knee.
1023disagreeThe lawyers disagreed about the best way to settle the case.
1024disappearThe top of the building is disappearing in the clouds.
1025disasterWhen the car crashed, it was a disaster.
1026discardAfter repairing the window, discard any broken glass.
1027dischargeI was discharged from the hospital after three days.
1028disciplineOne of the teacher’s jobs is to teach her students discipline.
1029discloseJohn came home late, so he had to disclose his activities to his wife.
1030discordThere was much discord between the experts on the talk show.
1031discourageMr. Perry discouraged the students from quitting school.
1032discoverI discovered some new information in this book.
1033discussJames began to discuss his report with his teacher.
1034diseaseHe had a disease that caused him to lose his hearing.
1035disgracefulThis is a disgraceful waste of money.
1036disguiseEveryone knew that it was Dad in the Santa disguise.
1037disgustHe felt disgust toward his date because she had such terrible eating habits.
1038disgustingAfter running all day, Greg’s feet had a disgusting odor.
1039dishMy favorite dish at the restaurant is chicken curry.
1040dismissHe quickly dismissed my idea about the new project.
1041disobedientThe disobedient children didn’t listen to their mother and had an accident.
1042disperseI watched the people disperse in all directions to avoid the charging bull.
1043displayThe museum displayed many wonderful paintings.
1044disposeHe disposed of the can by throwing it into the recycle bin.
1045disproveThe scientist disproved the theory that the sun moved around the Earth.
1046disputeKaren and Brian often have disputes about silly things.
1047disrespectHe showed disrespect by arguing with his boss during a meeting.
1048disruptThe loud crash disrupted the class lecture.
1049dissatisfiedI was dissatisfied with their decision to work on Sunday.
1050dissatisfyHe was dissatisfied with his meal.
1051disseminateThe organization disseminates information about the dangers of smoking.
1052dissolveI dissolved the pill in a glass of water.
1053distanceThe distance between America and Russia is about 8,000 km.
1054distinctHe has a distinct accent.
1055distinctiveOlives have a distinctive flavor.
1056distortThe man’s lawyer distorted the facts so that he would be set free.
1057distractThe phone call distracted him so much that he forgot all about his homework.
1058distressWe were in great distress when our home was destroyed during the last hurricane.
1059distributeThe teacher distributed crayons and markers to her students.
1060districtI live in a residential district of Seattle, Washington.
1061disturbThe loud noise disturbed me while I was working.
1062ditchWhen the car slid off of the road, it fell into the ditch.
1063diveI like sky-diving from an airplane.
1064divergeThe road diverged into two paths that led to our houses.
1065diverseBig cities have diverse populations with people of different races and ages.
1066diversityMy company puts an emphasis on the importance on having cultural diversity.
1067divideWe divided the pizza.
1068divineLegends say that music was given to humans as a divine gift from the gods.
1069divorceDivorce rates have increased in the past twenty years.
1070dockThe huge ship pulled into the dock, and the crew unloaded the cargo.
1071doctorYou should go to the doctor when you are sick.
1072documentPlease scan this document so we have an electronic copy.
1073dogThis woman’s best friend is her dog.
1074dolphinIntelligent dolphins have learned to communicate with humans.
1075domeI looked up at the dome to admire its beauty.
1076domesticThe airline has fifty domestic flights daily.
1077dominanceLarge gorillas hit their chests to express their dominance over others.
1078dominantThe gorilla is one of the dominant animals in the jungle.
1079dominateThe loud man dominated the conversation.
1080donateWe donate money to charities every year.
1081donorHe was proud to be a blood donor.
1082doomedSince I spent all my money, my date with Jane is doomed.
1083doorCan you close the door, please?
1084dormitoryI will move into the dormitory at the beginning of the school year.
1085doseMy mother gave me a dose of medicine before I went to bed.
1086doubleI paid almost double the amount for that shirt.
1087doubtI have doubt that the story is true.
1088doughI made heart-shaped cookies from the dough.
1089downtownThe downtown area is filled with many tall buildings.
1090draftHe was writing his first draft.
1091dragThe dog was dragging his owner down the street.
1092drain.The water in the sink goes down the drain as you wash your hands.
1093drawbackThe drawback of having a car is that it is very expensive to maintain.
1094drawerI put my clothes into the empty drawers.
1095dreadI dread the possibility that I will not get into college.
1096drearyAfter the fire, this section of forest is rather dreary.
1097driftThe large chunk of ice drifted in the water.
1098drillThe carpenter used the drill to make several holes in the wood.
1099drinkThe woman likes to drink water after she exercises.
1100dripI heard water dripping from the faucet.
1101drivewayThe long driveway led us to their new house.
1102dropA small amount of water dropped from the bottle.
1103droughtAfter three months of drought, the vegetation and trees started dying.
1104drownHe would have drowned if the sailors had not rescued him.
1105dualThe room had a dual function. It was a living room, but at night it was a bedroom.
1106dubiousThe police thought that the man’s description of the crime was dubious.
1107duckPeople feed ducks at the lake.
1108dueThe papers were due on the 19th.
1109dukeThe duke ruled over the land.
1110dullThe movie was very dull. I fell asleep watching it.
1111dumbShe did not share the secret. She remained as silent as if she were dumb.
1112dungThere was cow dung all over the field.
1113duplicateShe duplicated her friend’s movements like she was in front of a mirror.
1114durationThe girls watched television for the duration of the evening.
1115duringDid you sleep during the movie?
1116duskAfter dusk, Hannah went to catch fireflies in the park.
1117dustSome people wear medical face masks to avoid breathing in fine dust and germs.
1118dutyIt is parents’ duty to take care of their children.
1119dwellBefore he was a successful writer, Mark Twain dwelled in the city of Hannibal, Missouri.
1120dyeValery got her hair dyed at the salon yesterday.
1121dynamicThe new, dynamic employee came up with a good way to juggle his workload.
1122dynamicsA good psychologist needs to know a lot about the dynamics of brain disorders.
1123dynastyThe ancient Egyptians had a dynasty that lasted for many years.
1124eagerThe man was eager to talk about the good news.
1125earnHe earns his living as a chef in a great restaurant.
1126earnestThe child was very earnest when she told her mother how she broke the dish.
1127earthenThe house’s roof was made of earthen tiles.
1128earthquakeThe earthquake caused the road to crack in multiple places.
1129easeThe monkey climbed the tree with ease.
1130eastMy window looks to the east, so I can watch the sunrise every morning.
1131easyKaren is happy because her English homework is easy.
1132eatYou should eat breakfast every day.
1133echoThe child yelled over the canyon, and the sound echoed off the wall.
1134ecologicallyWe planted our garden according to ecologically correct practices.
1135ecologyWe study ecology to learn how to help improve the Earth.
1136economyThe factory was good for the economy because it brought jobs to the area.
1137edgeHe ran to the edge of the cliff.
1138editShe asked her brother to edit her paper before she submitted it to her teacher.
1139educationThese students are receiving their education at a private school.
1140effectThe medicine had a good effect on the boy.
1141effectiveSwimming is an effective way to stay healthy.
1142efficientMy car is very efficient. I rarely have to buy gas.
1143effortHe always puts a lot of effort into his studies.
1144egoKelly’s ego made her think that she was some kind of a superhero.
1145elaborateShe gave the teacher an elaborate explanation of her project.
1146elasticHe attached the elastic bungee to his legs before he jumped of the platform.
1147elbowShe pointed to her elbow to show me where she hurt herself.
1148electricSome car companies make electric cars.
1149electromagneticDifferent colors of light come from different levels of electromagnetic energy.
1150electronThe number of electrons in an atom determines its charge.
1151electronicI like having electronic devices such as an MP3 player.
1152elegantIn Japan, women wear elegant kimonos on special occasions.
1153elementTackling an opponent is Johnny’s favorite element of American football.
1154elementaryChildren go to elementary school before high school.
1155eligibleOnly people who bought tickets were eligible to win a prize.
1156eliminateWearing a seatbelt eliminates some of the dangers of driving a car.
1157eliteOnly an elite group was allowed membership into the club.
1158elseI wanted a bike for my birthday, but I got something else.
1159elusiveThe elusive fish only came out at night.
1160embarrassHe was embarrassed when he couldn’t remember her name.
1161embodyMother Teresa was said to embody goodness and kindness.
1162embraceWhen they saw each other again, the happy couple embraced.
1163embryoSome doctors say that what a mother eats has a big effect on her embryo.
1164emergeA groundhog emerged from a snow covered hole.
1165emergencyThere is a huge fire in my house! This is an emergency!
1166emitThis iron emits steam.
1167emotionAnger is a common emotion that we all feel.
1168emperorThe emperor Julius Caesar was in control of ancient Rome.
1169emphasisThe government placed a strong emphasis on educational reform.
1170empireThe emperor built roads to make travel easier throughout the empire.
1171empiricalScientists must always find empirical evidence in their work.
1172employThe bookstore employed two full-time clerks.
1173emptyThe teacher showed the students an empty bottle.
1174emulateAs a small boy, he always tried to emulate his big brother.
1175enableStudying hard will enable the girl to get a good job.
1176enactThe council enacted a law that would only allow buses to drive downtown.
1177enchantThe beautiful woman enchanted everybody in the room.
1178encloseThe cows in the field were enclosed by a fence.
1179encounterI encountered a sea turtle while I was swimming.
1180encourageMy football coach will encourage us when we are losing.
1181encouragementThe mother gives constant encouragement to her son.
1182endThey are happy because the teacher wanted to end the class early.
1183endangeredThe whooping crane is an endangered species.
1184endeavorThe company’s new advertising endeavor ended in a horrible failure.
1185endorseThe committee will endorse their leader for the upcoming election.
1186endureShe had to endure her husband shouting all day long.
1187enemyThe enemy prepared to attack the kingdom.
1188energyIf you lack energy, try eating better food.
1189enforcePolice enforce traffic laws to keep everyone safe.
1190engageDad was engaged in sawing a piece of wood in half.
1191engineerAfter engineering the robot, they needed to find the correct parts to build it.
1192engraveThe couple engraved their names onto the old pine tree.
1193enhanceAmy’s blue shirt really enhances the color of her eyes.
1194enjoyThe woman enjoys riding her bicycle.
1195enlargeThe classrooms were enlarged over the summer to make room for more students.
1196enlightenGreek philosophers wanted to enlighten the people of Athens with their ideas.
1197enlistIn their final year at school, the students were asked to enlist in the military.
1198enormousMy dog looks enormous next to yours.
1199enrichTaxes on people’s income can be used to enrich the government.
1200enrollThe students had to enroll in the class one semester in advance.
1201ensureSaving now will ensure we have enough money for our retirement.
1202enterTwo guards greeted me as I entered the front door.
1203enterpriseMy father owns an advertising enterprise.
1204entertainThe clown entertained the kids at the party.
1205enthusiasmThe crowd showed their enthusiasm for the soccer team by cheering loudly.
1206enthusiasticThe man was enthusiastic about his job.
1207entireThe entire table was covered with food.
1208entitleHis golden ticket entitled him to sit in the front row at the concert.
1209entranceThe gate was locked, so Bill had to find a different entrance.
1210entrepreneurThe entrepreneur made a success out of his new business.
1211enviousThey were envious of their neighbor’s front yard.
1212environmentKeeping our environment clean is important to our health.
1213envySally envied the happy couple.
1214epicThe poet wrote an epic about the great discoveries of the past thousand years.
1215epidemicIt was difficult to stop the flu epidemic.
1216epilepsyThe doctor diagnosed the patient with epilepsy.
1217episodeWe watched the final exciting episode of the TV series.
1218equalThe apple and orange are equal in weight.
1219equateShe equated the man’s messy appearance with a lack of responsibility.
1220equationI used the Pythagorean theorem to solve the equation.
1221equatorThe equator crosses the northern part of South America.
1222equipSteve was equipped with the tools needed to do the job.
1223equipmentThe factory produces a wide range of high-tech equipment.
1224equivalentI worked the equivalent of sixty hours this week.
1225eraDuring the medieval era, knights wore protective armor.
1226erectThe king erected two towers on the north and south sides of his castle.
1227erosionCanyons are formed because rivers of fast-moving water caused erosion.
1228errThe pilot erred in his estimate of the time it would take to make the trip.
1229errandHe couldn’t go to practice because he had several errands to do.
1230erroneousThe child held the erroneous belief that time machines were real.
1231eruptThe volcano erupted for the first time in ten years.
1232escapeShe tried to escape from the building.
1233escortHer bodyguards escorted her to the movie theater.
1234essayShe had to write a two-page essay for her English class.
1235essenceThe essence of the argument was that both sides felt they had lost money.
1236essentialIt is essential to have oxygen when you scuba dive.
1237establishHe wanted to establish a club for people to help the Earth.
1238estateHe lived on his father’s estate in the country.
1239esteemedAn esteemed scientist is coming to the university to talk about his discoveries.
1240estimateThe boy estimated that he was one meter tall.
1241etc.She was going to bring treats to the party: cookies, muffins, cake, etc.
1242ethicalMany people believe that it is ethical to help others in need.
1243ethicsThe act of stealing certainly doesn’t go against some people’s ethics.
1244ethnicMany sections of the city are home to different ethnic communities.
1245etiquetteWhen in Asian countries, bowing is a form of etiquette.
1246evacuateDuring the flood, many families were evacuated to higher ground.
1247evaluateJo and Ken evaluated the plan and agreed that it would work.
1248evenlySprinkle the sugar evenly all over the cookies.
1249eventFinishing high school was a major event in his life.
1250eventualThe constant training and planning led the team to an eventual victory.
1251eventuallyHe will eventually move to London to find a new job.
1252everGoing skiing last winter was the most fun I’ve ever had.
1253evidenceHe used the pictures as evidence that UFOs are real.
1254evidentIt was evident from the look on his face that he was unhappy.
1255evilThey felt a strange, evil presence as they got closer to the house.
1256evokeThe picture evoked memories of when she was a young girl.
1257evolveMany people think that humans evolved from animals.
1258exactI know the exact location of the restaurant you mentioned before.
1259exaggerateJimmy wasn’t exaggerating about the seriousness of his injury.
1260examI did some practice questions for the math exam on the board.
1261examineThe doctor examined my eyes today.
1262exampleCola is an example of a soft drink.
1263excavateThe team wishes to excavate the site in hope of finding fossils.
1264exceedSince I exceeded my limit, I decided to get rid of my credit cards.
1265excelJenny excels at playing the piano.
1266excellentI got an excellent score on my school test.
1267exceptionMost students thought the test was hard, but Tim was the exception.
1268exceptionalHolly is an exceptional student.
1269excerptI didn’t listen to the entire symphony online, but I did play an excerpt.
1270excessBecause it never got cold that winter, many stores had an excess of coats.
1271exchangeThe men exchange business cards.
1272exciteI heard about the school dance on Friday. This excited me.
1273exclaimThe singer interrupted the applause to exclaim his thanks after his performance.
1274excludeCarol was excluded from the contest because her friend was a judge.
1275exclusionPeople gathered together to protest the exclusion of immigrants from our country.
1276exclusiveThe golf course was so exclusive that most people hadn’t even heard of it.
1277executeSome people are executed for serious crimes.
1278executiveAfter twenty years at the company, he finally became the executive.
1279exerciseYou should exercise every day.
1280exertYou exert a lot of energy when you lift weights.
1281exhaustJohn exhausted himself by swimming all day.
1282exhaustingAfter an exhausting journey, we finally arrived.
1283exhibitMy painting will be exhibited at the fair.
1284existDo you really think that unicorns ever existed?
1285exitThe green sign shows where the exit is located.
1286exoticRebecca tried many exotic foods on her trip to Africa.
1287expandA balloon will expand as you blow air into it.
1288expectI expect the bus to be here very soon.
1289expeditionThey got into their spaceship to begin their expedition.
1290expelSince he would not follow the rules, the principal had to expel the student.
1291expenseShe wrote down all the expenses for her trip.
1292expensiveMy friend drives an expensive sports car.
1293experienceGoing to the concert was the best thing I’ve ever experienced.
1294experimentThe student did an experiment in science class.
1295expertThe wizard was an expert at magic.
1296expertiseJohn has a lot of advertising expertise. He can sell anything!
1297explicitThe man gave a very explicit account of the car accident.
1298explodeThe old TV exploded when I plugged it in.
1299exploitThe company exploits their workers and makes them work 12 hours a day.
1300exploreHe wants to explore the world and see new things.
1301exportThe United States exports many cereals and grains.
1302exposeHe took off his shirt to expose his costume.
1303expressThe nurse expressed her sympathy for the sick patient.
1304extensionMy parents decided to add an extension to our house for the new baby.
1305extensiveThe game drew extensive media coverage.
1306extentHe ate to such an extent that he became overweight.
1307exteriorThe exterior of the nut was hard and woody, but the inside was soft and delicious.
1308externalIt is warm inside my house, but the external temperature is freezing.
1309extinctThere used to be dinosaurs all over the world, but now they are extinct.
1310extinctionThe extinction of the dodo bird occurred in the 1600s.
1311extraThe squirrel had extra nuts for the winter.
1312extractThe dentist extracted the woman’s damaged tooth and put in a fake one.
1313extraordinaryThe fireman who rescued the girl was extraordinary.
1314extremelyI was extremely worried about him.
1315fabricThe towels were made from a soft fabric.
1316fabulousThis strawberry is the best I’ve ever had. It’s fabulous.
1317faceJustin will face many challenges at work.
1318facilitateTo facilitate the meeting, Melissa used a simple computer program.
1319facilityThere are many educational facilities in big cities.
1320factA fact about South America is that it is a continent.
1321factorSmoking is the main factor that causes lung cancer.
1322factoryWe have only one factory in our town.
1323factualJohn learns about history from factual books.
1324facultyThe boy’s mental faculties impressed all of his teachers.
1325fadeThe piece of cloth I found was old and faded.
1326failSince he failed to get the job, he was sad.
1327failureMy cooking ended in failure because I burned the food.
1328faintCarol fainted because she hadn’t eaten in over a day.
1329fairHe sold me his car for a fair price.
1330faithThe sick girl had faith in doctors. She knew they would make her better.
1331fakeThe model was wearing fake hair.
1332fameHe had fame and fortune, but he was not happy.
1333familiarThe two friends were very familiar with each other.
1334familyThere are four people in my family.
1335famineThe farmers couldn’t grow any food in the dry soil, so there was a famine.
1336famousThe Eiffel Tower in Paris is very famous.
1337fancyTheir table was all set for a fancy dinner.
1338fantasticThe student did a fantastic job on his project and got an award.
1339fantasyBecoming an astronaut is a fantasy shared by many children.
1340farIt’s far from the east coast to the west coast of America.
1341fareSince he is a senior, my grandfather pays a low fare for the bus.
1342farewellShe got on the plane after we said our farewells.
1343fascinateThe kitten was fascinated by the ball of yarn.
1344fashionableIt is very fashionable to wear a hat.
1345fastIn her religion, they fast for five days and then have a big feast.
1346fastenElizabeth fastened her seat belt.
1347fatThe fat contained in salmon, avocados, and nuts is healthy.
1348fatalBeing shot by the attacker proved fatal to the victim.
1349fateSome people believe that the lines on a person’s hand can tell his or her fate.
1350fatigueAfter three days with little sleep, she was feeling a lot of fatigue.
1351faucetTurn off the faucet when you are done brushing your teeth.
1352faultIt is my fault that the cat ran away. I left the door open.
1353fearI have a great fear of skateboarding.
1354featThe elephant’s standing up on one leg was a feat.
1355featherThat bird has orange feathers on its chest.
1356featureThe cell phone has many features.
1357federalSometimes federal laws are different from state laws.
1358federationThe United Nations is a federation designed to prevent war, disease, and famine.
1359feebleThe boy was too feeble to carry the object very far.
1360feedbackI asked my boss for feedback on my work.
1361feelThe girl must feel happy because it is her birthday today.
1362fellowAll of my fellow patients at the hospital have also complained about the food.
1363femaleShe is the only female student in her class with short hair.
1364feminineMany of the older people thought his long hair made him look too feminine.
1365ferryThe ferry took the people across the lake.
1366fertileThe farmer grew many vegetables in the fertile soil.
1367festivalI heard the song at the music festival in London.
1368festiveDean’s favorite part of Christmas is the festive clothing that people wear.
1369feverHe had to miss school because he was sick with a fever.
1370fewI have only a few coins.
1371fiberThe mat was made from tiny fibers.
1372fictionI enjoy reading works of fiction because they are very entertaining.
1373fieldJane works in the healthcare field.
1374fierceWolves are fierce animals. Do not disturb them.
1375fieryThe fiery blaze burned all night long.
1376fightingHeavy fighting continued for days.
1377figure outI couldn’t figure out what he wanted me to do.
1378filthThere was tons of filth and trash on the shore of the river.
1379finalIn the final part of the film, the man and the woman got married.
1380finallyWe finally reached our destination.
1381financeThe government financed the scientist’s experiments with new weapons.
1382fireworksThe display of fireworks was so beautiful.
1383firmHe sleeps better on a firm bed.
1384firsthandIf you want firsthand knowledge, ask someone who saw it.
1385fiscalDid the company show fiscal growth this year?
1386fistThe bully made a fist and threatened to hit the small boy.
1387fixMy dad has many tools to help him fix broken things.
1388flagOur country has a beautiful flag.
1389flameThe torch was filled with yellow and orange flames.
1390flammableBe careful with that blanket near the candle. It is extremely flammable.
1391flankThe mayor entered the room flanked by her advisers.
1392flapThe tiny bird flapped its wings and ate from the flowers.
1393flashlightWe took a flashlight when we went camping.
1394flatMy parents bought a new flat-screen TV on the weekend.
1395flatterHe was just flattering me when he said that my new dress looked gorgeous.
1396flavorThe flavor of the ice cream was very good.
1397flawWe discovered a major flaw in the metal chain.
1398fleeWhen a predator approaches a deer, the deer will flee.
1399fleetThe fleet of ships spent a few days at the dock.
1400fleshThe zebra’s flesh is covered by black and white skin.
1401flexibleThe tree branch was so flexible it could be bent into a circle and not break.
1402flipTo turn on the lights, just flip this switch.
1403floatThe boy’s toy boat floated in the pool.
1404flockGroups of birds will flock to the river in the spring.
1405floodAfter three days of rain, there was a flood in the city.
1406flourI wanted to bake a pie, but I needed flour.
1407flourishThe Roman Empire flourished in Europe two thousand years ago.
1408flowThe water flowed over the rocks and into the lake.
1409flowerShe gave pink flowers to her grandmother.
1410fluentShe was so fluent in German that you’d have thought she was from Germany.
1411fluidBoris was a famous ballet dancer because people admired his fluid movements.
1412flushAfter the long race, the runner’s face was flushed.
1413focusMy mom always helps me to focus on my school work.
1414foeIt was hard to believe that anyone could be his foe.
1415fogI did not want to drive in the thick fog.
1416folkloreIndia’s folklore has stories about great warriors written in long poems.
1417fondThe mother cow was very fond of her lovely little calf.
1418foodPasta is a famous food in Italy.
1419footballFootball is a popular sport in the United States.
1420forbidAfter Robert used his crayons on the wall, his mother wanted to forbid him from using them at all!
1421forceHe used all his force to try and open the door.
1422forecastThe forecast says that it will rain all week.
1423forefingerHe shouted, “There it is!” and pointed with his forefinger.
1424foreignHe has travelled widely in foreign countries.
1425foreseeThe teacher didn’t foresee any problems with his large class.
1426foreverMichelle and Tanya want to be best friends forever.
1427forgeStacy and Heather forged their friendship when they were teenagers.
1428forgiveSandra forgave Peter after he said he was sorry.
1429formThey formed a new government.
1430formalIt was a formal dinner, so we wore our best clothes.
1431formationThe formation of ice happens when water freezes.
1432formerThe hotel, a former castle, was built over 200 years ago.
1433forthcomingSome economists predicted that the forthcoming world economy would be severe.
1434fortunateI was fortunate to get a seat.
1435fortuneI have good fortune when I play cards.
1436forumThe scientist shared her research at a special forum in the city.
1437forwardWhen he saw his mother, the baby crawled forward to her.
1438fossilThe expert arranged the fossils to build the skeleton of the dinosaur.
1439fosterThe afterschool program is designed to foster a sense of community at school.
1440foulHe wouldn’t let his dog drink from the water because it had a foul smell.
1441foundThe Pilgrims founded one of the first colonies in the United States.
1442foundationThe foundation raised money to give scholarships to students.
1443fountainThere was a beautiful fountain in the middle of the park.
1444fractionOnly a fraction of the cake was gone.
1445fractureDon’t stand on that leg because there is a fracture. It might get worse.
1446fragileThe fragile glassware was carefully packed into boxes.
1447fragmentAfter the light broke, there were fragments of glass to clean up.
1448frameI have to get a frame for my friend’s picture.
1449frameworkHis ideas fit into the framework of a successful business plan.
1450franchiseThe fast food restaurant has a franchise near my home.
1451franticThe cat became frantic when I tried to give it a bath.
1452fraudExperts say that credit card fraud increases around the holidays.
1453freightTrade ships only carried valuable freight like silk and spices.
1454frequencyThe frequency of rainstorms is very high, especially during the spring.
1455frequentWhile Dad was sick, the doctor made frequent visits to his house.
1456frequentlyWe meet frequently, either at the beginning or end of the week.
1457friendBrian’s friend is very sad.
1458friendshipMichael and Lisa have a very strong friendship with each other.
1459fromChris studies from 10 o’clock to noon every morning.
1460frontierA fence was built along the frontier where the river curved.
1461frostIn the morning, the trees were all covered with frost.
1462frownMelissa frowned when she found out that the party had been cancelled.
1463fruitApples, pears, and oranges are types of fruit.
1464fuelWood is the fuel that burns to make heat in this fire.
1465fulfillThe professor did not fulfill his promise not to miss a single class.
1466fumeThe engine put unpleasant, black fumes into the air.
1467funWe had a fun time at the birthday party.
1468functionThe function of a flashlight is to help you see in the dark.
1469fundWe all put money into our club’s fund.
1470fundamentalThe fundamental rules of basketball are easy.
1471funeralThey had a funeral for the soldier who died during the war.
1472furnaceMr. Jones came to fix the furnace.
1473furnishMost homes are furnished with tables, chairs, and beds.
1474furnitureHis living room only had a few simple pieces of furniture.
1475furtherThe escalator is further than I thought.
1476furthermoreShe’s clever, and furthermore, she is not afraid of work.
1477fuseThe boy lit the fuse on the rocket and waited for it to burst in the sky.
1478fussThe child made an awful fuss because she didn’t want to go to bed.
1479gainWinning the award will help Steven gain confidence.
1480galaxyOur solar system is located in the outer area of our galaxy.
1481galleryThe art gallery displayed beautiful paintings.
1482gambleMany people like to go to casinos to gamble.
1483gameLet’s play a board game tonight.
1484gapThere is a small gap between the blocks of wood.
1485garageMy car does not get dirty because I keep it in the garage.
1486garbageThe boy cleaned up the garbage around his house.
1487gardenThe garden is very bright and colorful in the spring.
1488garmentThe businessman had all of his garments cleaned before the important meeting.
1489gateWe want to put up a wooden gate around our house.
1490gatherWe will gather the children before the meeting.
1491gazeWe used a telescope to gaze at the stars for over an hour.
1492gazetteAlice wants to write for a gazette when she’s older.
1493gearsMy brother has a car with four gears.
1494genderDo you know the gender of her new baby?
1495geneGene therapy is sometimes used to treat an illness.
1496generallyThe suburbs are generally viewed as a good place to raise children.
1497generateThe mayor promised to generate new jobs and programs to help the poor.
1498generationMy grandparents are from a different generation than me.
1499generousThe generous man donated several new computers to our school.
1500geneticThe color of one’s eyes is genetic.
1501geniusSince she was a genius, she easily passed all of her school exams.
1502genocideAs a result of the genocide, many children have been orphaned.
1503genomeUnderstanding the human genome may help cure many diseases.
1504genreShe is considered a master in the comedy genre.
1505gentleHe is very gentle with the baby.
1506gentlemanMy grandfather is a kind and helpful gentleman.
1507genuineAfter the painting was determined to be genuine, it sold for a million dollars.
1508geographyI had to draw a map for geography class.
1509geologyBecause he studied geology, he knew how the mountains were formed.
1510geometryIf you want to be able to calculate the area of a circle, you must study geometry.
1511germGerms are on everything that you touch.
1512giantThe giant truck got in my way.
1513giftDave received many gifts for Christmas.
1514gingerGinger is a common ingredient in many dishes from India.
1515glacierThe North Pole is covered by a huge glacier.
1516gladI am glad you came to my party.
1517glamorousThere is nothing glamorous about where we live. It is very ordinary.
1518glamourThe young woman showed of her glamour during the photo shoot.
1519glanceShe glanced behind her to see if he was looking at her.
1520glassWindows are made of glass.
1521gleamThe waves of the ocean would gleam every night at sunset.
1522glideWhen the wind is blowing, birds can glide easily through the sky.
1523glimpseShe glimpsed outside the window as the plane was about to land.
1524globalPollution is a global problem.
1525globeWater covers most of the globe.
1526gloomIn the gloom of the morning, it was difficult to see the boat on the lake.
1527gloryThey enjoyed the glory of the beautiful sunset.
1528gloveWhen it gets cold, I always put on a pair of gloves.
1529glucosePeople with diabetes need to check their glucose levels.
1530goalHer goal was to become a doctor.
1531golfPeople play golf in nice weather.
1532goodsShoes, hats, dresses, and purses were the goods she wanted to buy.
1533gorgeousThe girl picked out a gorgeous dress to wear to the dance.
1534gossipThe friends exchanged gossip about the people they knew in school.
1535gourmetIn order to get a gourmet meal, you have to eat at an expensive restaurant.
1536grabI grabbed a pear from the tree.
1537graciousThe operator was gracious enough to help me find the number.
1538gradeI managed to get good grades on my report card.
1539gradualChildren learn to read at a gradual pace. They do not learn right away.
1540graduateAt the end of the spring, my friends and I will graduate from high school.
1541graffitiThe wall was covered with colorful graffiti.
1542grainThe farmer planted two fields of grain this year.
1543grandThe grand mountain rose high into the sky.
1544grantThe teacher granted us a break after studying hard all day.
1545grapefruitWould you like a grapefruit with your breakfast?
1546graspHe grasped the bag of money tightly.
1547grassThe grass looked so soft and green.
1548gratefulThe girls were grateful for the chance to visit their grandfather.
1549gratifyBonnie was gratified after receiving her gift from her parents.
1550gratitudeThe kids showed Aunt Tess much gratitude for visiting them.
1551graveWe visit our grandfather’s grave each year.
1552gravityThere is no gravity in space.
1553grazeThe sheep and goats like to graze on the grass outside the village.
1554greaseWhen I was done working on the car, I had grease all over my hands.
1555greatIt was a great, exciting game!
1556greedThe story of King Midas is a story of greed.
1557greenI don’t like green apples.
1558greenhouseWe have a small greenhouse in our backyard where we grow plants.
1559greetWhen my friend came over, I greeted him at the door.
1560gridWe located our town using the grid.
1561griefThe grief caused by losing her parents was very difficult for her.
1562grimThe boy made the grim discovery that he had accidentally deleted his homework.
1563grinThat joke makes me grin every time I hear it.
1564grindWe grind wheat to make flour.
1565gripI was scared, so I gripped my older sister’s hand.
1566grocerOur grocer, Mr. Smith, is a very kind man.
1567groomThe groom looked happy as he walked with his new wife.
1568grossThe food was so gross that the dog couldn’t eat it without feeling sick.
1569groveAll the trees in this grove are apple trees.
1570grumbleHe grumbled about having to work late on Friday.
1571guaranteeI guarantee that the sun will come up in the morning.
1572guardThe police officer will guard us from any harm.
1573guardianThe librarians are the guardians of the books.
1574guerillaGuerilla warfare involves a lot of hit-and-run fighting.
1575guestAlice invited a special guest for dinner.
1576guidanceMs. Smith provided valuable guidance to all her students.
1577guideWe followed a guide at the park.
1578guidelineBefore they began the project, the teacher gave them some guidelines.
1579guiltyI felt guilty for taking my sister’s cookies.
1580gulfThere has been a gulf between James and Tony since their parents died.
1581gutThousands of bacteria live in your gut and help you digest food.
1582gutsThe doctor can tell you every process that happens in one’s guts.
1583gymnasiumWhen I go to the gymnasium, I use the treadmill for twenty minutes.
1584habitSmoking is a bad habit that can kill you.
1585habitatFrogs are often found in a wet habitat, such as near a lake, river, or pond.
1586habitualThe man was a habitual liar who was incapable of being honest with anyone.
1587hackMy uncle used the ax to hack the tree into many logs.
1588hailThe hail from the storm was the size of golf balls.
1589halfThe machine can divide the book in half.
1590haltThe criminal halted when he saw the police coming.
1591handbookIf you look at the handbook, it will tell you which wires to connect to the TV.
1592handicapJoe has a slight handicap, so he uses a walker to get around.
1593handleThe pot is very hot, so pick it up by the handle.
1594handyAn eraser is handy if you make a lot of mistakes.
1595hangI drew a picture of my family, and my mother hung it on the wall.
1596happenI happened to meet some new friends at school today.
1597harassThe young girl would often harass her baby brother.
1598harborThere were a few small boats in the harbor.
1599hardlyI hardly saw the concert since I had to leave early.
1600hardyThe farmer is a hardy man and doesn’t mind working outside.
1601harmA hot iron can cause great harm if you are not careful.
1602harmonizeThe sweet and sour flavors of the dish harmonized well and tasted great.
1603harmonyThe United Nations is struggling to bring peace and harmony to the world.
1604harshThe desert can be a very harsh environment.
1605harvestThey had a lot of wheat from the last harvest.
1606hasteIn order to get to the meeting in time, he proceeded with haste.
1607hatredI have a hatred for the taste of medicine.
1608haulThe porter said he’d haul our suitcases up to our hotel room.
1609hayI need to buy some more hay for the horse to eat.
1610hazardSmoking cigarettes poses many health hazards.
1611headacheMy sister gets a headache every time she has a lot of stress.
1612headlineThe headline on the front page was about the economy.
1613headquartersHe took the long route to the headquarters because it was a nice day.
1614healThis ointment will help heal your wounds.
1615healthPeople who want good health should not smoke.
1616heapAfter the building was torn down, all that was left was a heap of bricks.
1617hearMichelle cannot hear what you are saying.
1618heartMy heart beats fast when I am nervous.
1619heartyThe grandmother ended her story with a hearty laugh that pleased her grandchild.
1620heavenWhen I die, I hope that I go to heaven.
1621hectareHis family farm covered many hectares.
1622heedYou should heed the advice on the sign and not drive so fast.
1623heightMy height is 168 centimeters.
1624heightenThe pleasant music heightened their enjoyment of the wonderful dinner.
1625heirThe princess was the heir to the king and queen’s throne.
1626helmetWhen exploring underground caves, it is important to always wear a helmet.
1627helpJane can help Nathan climb up the rock.
1628hemisphereIn the northern hemisphere, the weather is usually warmest in July and August.
1629henceMary forgot the key. Hence, we couldn’t open the door.
1630herbI couldn’t decide which herb I wanted to buy at the market.
1631heredityThe boy’s face is similar to his father’s because of heredity.
1632heritageTeepees are part of the heritage of the Native Americans of the plains.
1633hermitThe hermit lived a simple life in a small cave in the forest.
1634heroTo children, the man in the blue and red costume was a real hero.
1635hesitantAlthough he knew the answer, he was hesitant to say it because he might be wrong.
1636hesitateHe hesitated for a moment before he decided which one to choose.
1637hiddenThe hidden camera recorded everything in the parking lot.
1638hierarchyEveryone knows where they fit in the hierarchy.
1639highThe thermometer shows a high body temperature.
1640highlandsThe man had a small home in the highlands.
1641highlightI read my vocabulary list and highlighted the most difficult words.
1642hillThe sun was rising above the green hills.
1643hinderAll the traffic hindered me from getting to work on time.
1644hintI quietly passed on a hint to my sister about the test.
1645hireWe hired a man to paint our house.
1646historyHistory was my favorite subject in school.
1647hitThe ship was hit by a violent storm.
1648hitchhikeShe didn’t have a car, so she hitchhiked several miles to her brother’s home.
1649hobbyShe liked to paint as a hobby.
1650holdDamian will soon hold a degree in business administration.
1651holeThey made a big hole in the wall.
1652holidayMonday was a holiday, so there was no school or work.
1653homeThe family likes to stay at home on the weekends.
1654homogeneousAll of the houses on Victor’s block were boring and homogenous.
1655honeLisa honed her chess skills through hours and hours of practice.
1656honestyA courtroom should be a place of honesty.
1657honorEach year we honor those who died fighting for their country.
1658hoodShe put on her hood to keep her head warm.
1659hookThe fish went after the sharp hook.
1660hoopThe boys tried to toss the ball through the basketball hoop.
1661hopThe kangaroo quickly hopped away from danger.
1662horizonThe sun dipped below the horizon.
1663horizontalThe Russian fag has three horizontal stripes of white, blue, and red.
1664hornThe boy honked his horn as he rode his bicycle past the house.
1665horribleThe assignment was horrible. I hated it.
1666horrifiedI was horrified when I read about the old lady who was attacked.
1667horrifyingThere was a horrifying car accident today.
1668horrorThe audience screamed in horror when the ghost appeared in the movie.
1669horseI went to a farm and saw a horse.
1670hospitableAt dinner, my dad was very hospitable to my friends.
1671hospitalThe doctor talks to a patient at the hospital.
1672hospitalityThe travelers were amazed at the hospitality given them by the hotel’s staff.
1673hostHe was a gracious host.
1674hostileWe were happy to move away from our hostile neighbor.
1675hotelThis family is staying at their favorite hotel.
1676houndThe men took their hounds with them when they went on the hunting trip.
1677hourThe man waited for the train for over an hour.
1678householdOur household is made up of my father, my mother, and me.
1679housekeepingHousekeeping is not much fun, but it has to be done.
1680howeverShe is a great cook. However, she never had professional lessons.
1681howlThe wolf howled at the moon.
1682hugeAt work, my father drives a huge truck.
1683humThe man hummed his favorite song.
1684humaneHelping build homes for poor people is very humane.
1685humanitarianAfter the flood, several humanitarian organizations offered help.
1686humbleEven though Bob is the smartest boy in his class, he is humble.
1687humidIt is very humid inside a sauna.
1688humiliateI was humiliated when I tripped and fell down in front of the whole school.
1689humorHe woke up in an ill humor, angry at everyone.
1690hungerAfter playing all day long, he was filled with hunger.
1691hurricaneThe wind from the hurricane bent the palm tree.
1692hurryI hurried home on my bike.
1693hutWe all went into the hut to sleep.
1694hydrogenAirships used to be filled with hydrogen, but it exploded easily.
1695hygienePeople who brush their teeth at least twice a day are practicing good hygiene.
1696hygienicMy sister works very hard to keep her entire home as hygienic as possible.
1697hypothesisThe teacher did an experiment to prove whether his hypothesis was right.
1698idealThis house is an ideal place for my family. It has everything we need.
1699identicalJames and John are identical twins.
1700identifyI used the file to identify his name.
1701ideologicalThe citizens of England had ideological differenes about its government.
1702ideologyWithin the teachers’ ideology, there was a belief in the value of parent participation.
1703idiomThe idiom “when pigs fly” means that something will never happen.
1704idiotBecause he got lost in the forest, the man felt like an idiot.
1705idleShe read a book to keep from being idle.
1706ignoranceWhen he failed the test, his ignorance of math was obvious.
1707ignorantI’m a bit ignorant about his theories. Can you explain them to me?
1708ignoreI ignored the message he was making and kept studying.
1709illuminateIn order to illuminate the stage, the crew turned on the spotlight.
1710illusionSome pictures create an illusion for the eyes.
1711imageThe image of her eye was very clear.
1712imagineSally imagined herself winning lots of money.
1713imitateHe imitated his favorite superhero by putting on a costume.
1714immediateAn immediate response came from the pizza place.
1715immenseAn immense amount of money was needed to buy such a large boat.
1716immigrantMy parents were immigrants. They came from Poland.
1717immuneChildren usually get shots to make them immune to certain diseases.
1718impactMy grandmother had a great impact on my life.
1719impairRegularly eating too much can impair your health.
1720impatientThe impatient teacher could not control the students in her classroom.
1721impendingThe student was nervous about her impending test.
1722imperativeIt was imperative for him to find a job.
1723imperialThese old imperial coins were once used in the Roman Empire.
1724impersonalThe boy felt scared on his first day at the big, impersonal high school.
1725implementThe school decided to implement a new teaching strategy.
1726implicateThe man was implicated in the theft at the store.
1727implyThe man implied that he wanted the job, but he didn’t say so.
1728impoliteRoger is impolite to everyone he meets.
1729importFoods that have been imported are usually more expensive.
1730importanceThe professor lectured the students on the importance of communication strategies.
1731imposeHe imposes on his wife every morning by expecting her to make his breakfast.
1732impressHe was able to impress the girls with his new dance.
1733impressionMost people’s first impression of Dr. Giani is that he is mean.
1734improveHe studied hard to improve his test scores from the previous year.
1735improviseThere was no meat for the pizza, so we improvised with what was in the fridge.
1736impulseBecause of the scary noise, she had an impulse to run somewhere and hide.
1737inadvertentShe made an inadvertent error when she knocked over the nail polish.
1738incentiveThe chance of winning a prize was an incentive to get people to play the game.
1739incidenceWe need to increase the incidence of success in school.
1740incidentMr. Wilson had an incident; he became sick and had to leave.
1741inclineThis mountain has one of the steepest inclines in the world.
1742includeDoes this meal include a soft drink?
1743inclusionThe school promotes the inclusion of parents in their students’ education.
1744inclusiveA more inclusive event would have allowed children to attend.
1745incomeShe was saving her income to buy a house.
1746incorporateI decided to incorporate a new ingredient into my cake recipe.
1747incorrectYour answer is incorrect. You need to correct it.
1748increaseI will increase my score if I study for the test.
1749incredibleI have an incredible story to tell you about my vacation.
1750incredulousShe was incredulous that monkeys could ever drive a car.
1751independenceAfter leaving home, Sophia had a great feeling of independence.
1752independentShe chose to live an independent life in the country.
1753indexIf you look in the index, you’ll find the right page number.
1754indicateThey indicated that things would be likely to improve soon.
1755indifferentLisa is indifferent toward school. She doesn’t care what her final grades are.
1756indigenousThe Pueblo people were an indigenous tribe in Arizona who lived in adobe homes.
1757indirectHe chose to take the most indirect route to the coast.
1758individualEach individual is responsible for themselves.
1759induceRunning without good shoes may induce leg pain.
1760industriousDennis was very industrious, so he never had problems finding a job.
1761industryThe tourist industry is doing well all around the world.
1762inevitableIt is inevitable that the days will get longer in the summer.
1763infamousThat news channel is infamous for presenting biased information.
1764infantThe infant cried all night.
1765infectThe common cold infects hundreds of millions of people each year.
1766inferBy the position of the sun in the sky, she inferred that it was noon.
1767inferiorCars built a hundred years ago are inferior to ones built today.
1768infiniteMany scientists believe that the universe is infinite.
1769inflameThe tax increase will infame the public’s frustration with the government.
1770inflateI helped him inflate the balloons.
1771influenceMy friend influenced my decision to attend Terrance University.
1772informI called and informed her about my idea.
1773informalThey had an informal meeting to talk about their experiences.
1774informativeThe travel guide had a lot of informative facts about the region.
1775infrastructurePower lines are important parts of a city’s infrastructure.
1776ingeniousCharles was the only person ingenious enough to repair the plane’s engines.
1777ingredientThe main ingredients in cake are eggs, sugar, and flour.
1778inhabitNo one inhabits the ancient city.
1779inhabitantThe number of inhabitants in the countryside is increasing.
1780inhaleThe camper inhaled the cool and fresh mountain air and felt relaxed.
1781inherentSweating is an inherent bodily function when exercising.
1782inheritAll the girls in my family inherit red hair from my great-grandmother.
1783inhibitPoor reading skills will inhibit learning in a wide range of subject areas.
1784initialThe initial step when writing a paper is to find a good topic.
1785injureThe car crash injured two people.
1786injusticePutting an innocent person in jail is an act of injustice.
1787inlandThe river curved inland near the campground.
1788innThe visitor got a room at the inn.
1789innateHe had the innate desire to please his teachers.
1790innocenceEveryone who met her found her innocence to be charming.
1791innocentThe judge said that the woman was innocent of the crime.
1792innovationMrs. Johnson made a great innovation to the company’s business plan.
1793innovativeSince Peter was so innovative, he was chosen to lead the science team.
1794inputType the input into the computer program.
1795inquireDad called to inquire about the price of tickets for the show.
1796inseparableDenise and Diana have been inseparable since they first met.
1797insertHe inserted an extra sentence into the story.
1798insideThe inside of the box was empty.
1799insightThe physics textbook gave the student a new insight about gravity.
1800insistI insist that you try some of these cookies.
1801insomniaNate’s insomnia prevented him from getting enough rest.
1802inspectThe mechanic inspected our car to see if it had any problems.
1803inspireJim’s father likes to inspire his son by encouraging him to follow his dream.
1804instanceI have never experienced an instance of hate. Have you?
1805instantA microwave oven cooks food in an instant.
1806insteadHe ate the carrot instead of the ice cream.
1807instituteI am going to a lecture about Ancient Rome at the Historical Institute.
1808institutionBanks are vital institutions that businesses and people use every day.
1809instructMy teacher instructs us in several subjects.
1810instructionsJust follow the instructions and you will be OK.
1811instrumentMy favorite musical instrument is the piano.
1812insulatePeople can conserve energy by insulating their houses.
1813insultThe girls insulted each other all afternoon.
1814intactDespite being over 30 years old, my father’s model ship is still intact.
1815intakeThe doctor said I needed to increase my intake of fruits and vegetables.
1816integralShe is an integral member of our team.
1817integrateMore women are being integrated into the military.
1818integrityThe principal had a lot of integrity.
1819intellectShe was known for her quick and strong intellect as well as her beauty.
1820intellectualWe’ve always considered my Uncle Max to be the intellectual of the family.
1821intelligenceBecause of his high intelligence, he finished school early.
1822intelligentThe intelligent student graduated from high school with the highest marks in his class.
1823intendI intend to finish college in three years.
1824intenseThe skunk made an intense odor that filled the air.
1825intentHer intent is to visit Italy next summer.
1826intentionDo you have good intentions?
1827interactThe kids began to interact when the adults left the room.
1828interchangeThere was an interchange of ideas between the groups.
1829interfereMy little sister always interferes when I’m trying to study.
1830interiorThey looked at the interior of the box.
1831internalWe removed the outer case to reveal the computer’s internal wires.
1832internationalThe United Nations is a powerful international organization.
1833interpretIt is difficult to interpret while someone is speaking.
1834intervalTony rested for brief intervals while he worked in the yard.
1835interveneThe students argued until the teacher intervened.
1836intestinesWhatever you eat goes into your intestines.
1837intimateI only tell my secrets to my most intimate friends.
1838intimidateMy dad intimidates my friends whenever they visit.
1839intrigueHer mysterious past intrigued her new friend.
1840intrinsicPaper money has no intrinsic value. It is useful simply because society says it is.
1841intuitiveRhonda had an intuitive feeling that Shane wasn’t coming to school today.
1842invadeThe enemy forces tried to invade our country from the sky.
1843invalidThe way to winning debates is to avoid invalid arguments.
1844invasionIn Korea, walls were built around cities to protect them from invasions.
1845inventMy grandfather has invented some interesting things.
1846inventiveThe inventive student built a robot to help her with her chores.
1847inventoryGwen was checking the inventory to make sure we had what we needed.
1848investI invested money in a new building that should bring me a profit.
1849investigateThe detective went to investigate the crime.
1850inviteI will invite my friends to my birthday party.
1851invokeBefore going into battle, the soldier invoked the name of his god for protection.
1852involveThe whole family was involved in playing the game.
1853inwardShe had an inward feeling of guilt when she lied to her mother.
1854ironThe horse had shoes made of iron.
1855irrigateIn dry climates, it is important to irrigate fields of crops.
1856irritableShe is irritable when she doesn’t get enough sleep.
1857irritateShe was irritated when her brother told her that he had lost her camera.
1858islandJapan is a group of islands.
1859isolateThe teacher isolated the bad child from the class before talking with her.
1860issueThe men spoke about issues that were important to the people.
1861itchThe rough fabric in his shirt made his neck itch.
1862itemThere were some items of clothing found at the crime scene.
1863ivoryThe elephant’s long ivory tusks looked very impressive.
1864jaggedThe swimmer was hurt when he fell on the jagged rocks.
1865jailHe was sent to jail for taking other people’s cars.
1866janitorThe school janitor cleaned up the messy cafeteria.
1867jealousMiriam was jealous because Sue was paying too much attention to Jim.
1868jealousyShe felt a lot of jealousy when she saw her friend with a new car.
1869jetHer company owns a private jet.
1870jewelA diamond is one of the most expensive jewels in the world.
1871jobHe now has a high-paying job.
1872jogHe jogs every day so he can be healthier.
1873jointMike and Joanna are joint owners of a coffee shop.
1874journalMi-young was busy working on an article for an art journal.
1875journalismBefore becoming a teacher, she worked in journalism.
1876journalistThe journalist took notes for a story he was writing.
1877journeyI went on a journey across the country with my parents.
1878joyI love baseball. I feel joy when I play.
1879judgeThe boy was going to judge how his mother’s turkey tasted.
1880jungleMany kinds of animals, including birds, reptiles, and even elephants live in a jungle.
1881juniorWhen she started at the company, she was only a junior manager.
1882jurisdictionWe did not have jurisdiction to bring the criminal to trial.
1883juryThe jury listened closely to the attorney before they made their decision.
1884justicePeople turn to the court system when they are seeking justice.
1885justifyThe government tried to justify its decision to bring the country into a war.
1886justlyWe justly decided to give the prize to him.
1887keenOnly a keen student could have solved that math problem.
1888keepBrian needs to keep working in order to finish his project on time.
1889keroseneMany people in poor countries cook on kerosene stoves.
1890kettleThe soup was being cooked in a large kettle.
1891keyMarco is a key player on the country’s national team.
1892keyboardPaul spilled coffee all over his keyboard.
1893kidI am not really mad. I was kidding when I said I was angry.
1894kidnapShe was terrified to find out her son had been kidnapped.
1895killI killed the fly.
1896kilometerA marathon is 42.2 kilometers.
1897kinHis kin were all farmers.
1898kitIs there a first aid kit in your office?
1899kneelDaryl kneeled down on one knee and asked Nina to marry him.
1900knightHe was the best soldier, so the king made him a knight.
1901knowledgeHe has trouble putting his knowledge into practice.
1902knownBob is known throughout the neighborhood as a burglars.
1903labelThe label on the back of your shirt will tell you what size it is.
1904laborBuilding the house took a lot of labor.
1905laboratoryMy mother works in a laboratory.
1906lackHis only problem is a lack of money.
1907ladderHe used a ladder to climb to the top of his tree house.
1908lagThe girl on rollerblades lagged behind the little girl on the bicycle.
1909lameThe terrible accident left many people dead and several others lame.
1910landingThe man is in charge of leading the landing in the warzone.
1911landlordThe landlord collected everyone’s rent money on the first day of every month.
1912landmarkThe tall tree was used as a landmark for people to find the road to the inn.
1913landscapeThe landscape of the country is very green.
1914languageThe reporter spoke a language Sally had never heard before.
1915largeI was frightened by a large bird.
1916laterShe missed the train, so she’ll arrive a little later than expected.
1917latitudeThe device was able to tell the traveler his exact latitude.
1918latterIn the latter minutes of the game, the visitors scored the winning goal.
1919laughThe sound of her laugh filled the room.
1920laughterSusan’s joke made her classmates burst into laughter.
1921launchThe boat launched from the dock and foated down the river.
1922laundryHe folded the clean laundry and put the dirty laundry in a basket.
1923lavaThe red-hot lava poured from the volcano.
1924lawThe students learned about different laws during social studies class.
1925lawnMy dad keeps the lawn in front of our house very neat.
1926lawyerThe lawyer left the courthouse after the judge made her decision.
1927layDon’t lay your socks on the floor.
1928layerThere was a layer of snow on the tops of the houses this morning.
1929leadI will lead you to the right place.
1930leadingTeresa is the leading expert on brain surgery for dogs.
1931leanThe woman leaned against the counter because she was tired.
1932leapHe had to leap over the gap to reach the other side of the hill.
1933leaseWhen the family first leased the apartment, the rent was very low.
1934leashDogs must wear a leash to keep them from running away.
1935leatherHe got a new leather jacket for his birthday.
1936leaveHe packed his bag and was ready to leave for home.
1937lectureHis lecture on world hunger was very informative.
1938legShe hurt her leg.
1939legacyThe legacy of the ancient Egyptians can be seen in their monuments.
1940legalIt was not legal for him to drive until he was 18 years old.
1941legendThere is a well-known legend about a king and his queen.
1942legislateSenators have to legislate fairly so most people will enjoy the benefits.
1943legislatureThe senator had served ten years in the national legislature.
1944legitimateShe found a legitimate plan to raise extra funds for her vacation.
1945lendMy sister lost her pen, so I will lend her mine.
1946lengthThe length of the floor is three meters.
1947lentilDanni made her special soup with lentils when her husband was sick.
1948levelPlease check the level of the temperature.
1949liableDuring the summer months, hikers in the forest are liable to see deer and elk.
1950libertyTo many people, the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom.
1951libraryThe library at school is full of books.
1952licenseIn the United States, you need a driver’s license to drive legally.
1953lickHe licked his ice cream before it melted.
1954lieWhenever Pinocchio lied to his father, his nose grew.
1955lieutenantThe lieutenant was a good leader, and his soldiers respected him.
1956lifeMy grandfather had a long life.
1957liftThe man tried to lift the box.
1958lightI will turn on the light so that you can see.
1959lightlyDraw lightly so you do not tear your paper.
1960lightningThe lightning flashed above the water.
1961likewiseIf Joe is not going to school so he can go swimming, I want to do likewise.
1962limbThe monkey sat on the tree limb and enjoyed a piece of fruit.
1963limitMy mother put a limit on how much I could use the phone.
1964limpAfter the injury, the player limped off of the field.
1965lineThis is the longest line I have ever seen.
1966lingerThe smell of fresh cookies lingered in the bakery.
1967linguisticA linguistic way of studying culture focuses on words within that culture.
1968linkThe two lines in the poem share a common link.
1969lionWe went to see the lion at the zoo.
1970liquidWater is the most important liquid for life.
1971listMy mom makes a list of groceries to buy.
1972listenLisa wanted to listen carefully to her friend.
1973literaryHe worked hard to create a successful literary career.
1974literatureEarly American literature covers the poetry and stories from 1500 to 1800.
1975livelyJennifer is very lively: she’s always running and playing.
1976liverThe professor showed us what the human liver looks like.
1977loadThe man loaded the boxes into a truck.
1978loafCould you please buy a loaf of bread for sandwiches?
1979loanI got a loan from the bank.
1980localThe local market in my neighborhood sells all the food we need.
1981localeThe spa was the perfect locale for my mother to relax and enjoy her vacation.
1982locateI could not locate my keys in the house.
1983lodgeDuring our ski trip, we stayed at a lodge.
1984logThe fire was too small, so we added another log to it.
1985loneA lone man walked along the street.
1986lonelinessMany people join social clubs to escape loneliness.
1987longevitySea turtles have an amazing longevity.
1988longingSince he skipped breakfast, he had a longing for food all morning.
1989loopHe made a loop with the rope and placed it over the post.
1990looseThe bolt was loose, so I tightened it with the wrench.
1991loseThe family never thought they’d lose everything to fire.
1992lossI suffered a big loss while I was gambling.
1993loudThe man’s voice was so loud that we all could hear him.
1994loveI love my family very much.
1995lowThe temperature gets very low in the winter.
1996lowerThe chart shows how his production has lowered over the year.
1997loyalThe three friends are very loyal to each other.
1998lumpThe artist took a lump of clay and turned it into a beautiful pot.
1999lunarDuring a lunar eclipse, Earth’s shadow darkens the moon’s surface.
2000lungHaving strong lungs is necessary for a healthy life.
2001lureThe store lures people in with big signs that say “Sale!”
2002lushThe lush jungle was filled with plants, trees, and vines.
2003luxuryOur honeymoon resort was a luxury we really enjoyed.
2004lyricI enjoy reading and creating my own lyric poetry.
2005machineThe machine was broken.
2006madMother got mad when I didn’t listen to her.
2007magazineShe likes to read fashion magazines.
2008magicThe magician used magic to pull a rabbit out of his hat.
2009magicalThe fireworks made the night sky look so magical.
2010magnetI used a magnet to pick up the nails that were scattered on the floor.
2011magnificentThe man gave his wife a pair of magnificent diamond earrings.
2012magnifyAstronomers use telescopes to magnify faraway stars.
2013magnitudeThis was a discovery of great magnitude.
2014mailI get a lot of mail because I have friends all over the world.
2015mainstreamBefore punk rock music became part of the mainstream, only a few people liked it.
2016maintainThe balls maintain constant movement.
2017majesticThe rich people lived in a big, majestic house.
2018majestyThe majesty of the old castle amazed the tourists who came to see it.
2019majorThere had been a major shift in government policy.
2020majorityA majority of the people voted for Tom Smith in the election.
2021maleHe was the only male in the store.
2022mammalEven though they live in water, whales are actually mammals.
2023manageI had to manage the meeting myself.
2024managementPracticing yoga is good for stress management.
2025managerialNancy has a managerial position at the bank.
2026mandatoryIt’s mandatory that everyone be at least 16 to drive a car in the US.
2027manifestThe joy of the holiday season manifested as bright smiles on the faces of the children.
2028manipulateThe doctor manipulated the data to make it look like the cure was working.
2029manorThe manor had over forty rooms and beautiful gardens.
2030mansionThe mansion had thirty bedrooms, two kitchens, and a pool.
2031manufactureMy father’s company manufactures steel building materials.
2032manyThere are many people on the street.
2033marbleThe large house had floors made of marble.
2034marchThe soldiers marched in straight rows.
2035marineA healthy ocean is full of marine animals.
2036marinerThe old mariner used his telescope to find the shore.
2037markMy grandparents are having a party to mark their 50th anniversary.
2038marketI go to the market every weekend to buy vegetables.
2039marshalThe students were marshaled outside and put into groups.
2040martialKarate is a martial art that began many years ago in Japan.
2041marvelWe marveled at her excellent piano playing.
2042masculineAmerican football is usually considered a masculine sport.
2043massiveThe wheels on his truck were massive.
2044mastThe mast held both sails of the ship upright.
2045masterMy brother is a master of taekwondo.
2046masterpieceThe Arc de Triomphe is considered a masterpiece in the world of architecture.
2047matchThe two shoes matched. They looked the same.
2048materialBrick is a good material for building houses.
2049matureWhen they matured, they became as tall as their parents.
2050maximizeYou should exercise regularly to maximize a healthy lifestyle.
2051maximumThe maximum driving speed here is 80 km/h.
2052maybeIf I focus hard enough, maybe I can come up with the right answer.
2053mayorThe mayor of my hometown is quite a powerful speaker.
2054mealBreakfast is my favorite meal because I enjoy cereal.
2055meantimeTed began setting the table. In the meantime, I began preparing the food.
2056meanwhileHe wants to be a doctor in the future, but meanwhile, he works a regular job.
2057measureThe scientists carefully measured the amount of chemicals in the tubes.
2058meatThis piece of meat I’m eating tastes very good.
2059mechanicWe took the car to the mechanic to be fixed.
2060mechanismI can’t open my car door because the locking mechanism is broke.
2061mediaMany people like to express their opinions online using social media.
2062medicalTyler is a medical student studying to become a doctor.
2063medicationThe doctor gave me medication to treat my illness.
2064medicineThe doctor gave me medicine for my cold.
2065medievalWe visited a castle that was built during medieval times.
2066meditateShe liked to meditate for several hours each day.
2067meetKen’s mother wanted to meet his teacher today.
2068meetingWe have lots of meetings at our school to plan what to do.
2069melodyI had the melody of the song stuck in my head all day.
2070memberJulie is the newest member of our team.
2071memorableThe party was memorable; people were still talking about it years later.
2072memoryThe memory of my first time in the city will always be the best.
2073mendMother mended the rip in my pants with a piece of cloth.
2074mentalI made a mental picture of the room.
2075mentionThe doctors mentioned the problems that the patient was having.
2076merchandiseThe store added more merchandise because there were more shoppers.
2077merchantThe merchant was selling used cars.
2078mercyHe asked his boss for mercy and to not fire him.
2079mereScott lost the race by a mere two seconds.
2080mergeThe storm clouds merged into one large menacing cloud that filled the sky.
2081meritThe actor received an award for his merits in the movie.
2082merryThey felt merry because the weather was great.
2083messHeather’s room was a complete mess.
2084messageI left a message for you in the envelope.
2085messengerThe messenger delivered an important document to the office.
2086metabolicFish have a very high metabolic rate.
2087metabolismIf you exercise every day, your metabolism speeds up.
2088metalSteel is a common metal that is used to build buildings.
2089meteorologicalThe thunderstorm was so large that it became a great meteorological event.
2090meteorologyIn order to understand the weather better, you should study meteorology.
2091methodOne method to remember things is to tie a string around your finger.
2092metropolitanAfter years of living on a farm, Rufu was finally moving to a metropolitan area.
2093microbeThe first step in curing a disease is finding the microbe that causes it.
2094microchipI can put more data on my computer if I buy a more powerful microchip.
2095microscopeGerms cannot be seen without a microscope.
2096midCassandra fell asleep mid-movie.
2097middleI suddenly woke up in the middle of the night.
2098midstShe was in the midst of cleaning when the telephone rang.
2099mightTry with all your might to lift the heavy tire.
2100migrateMany birds migrate to warmer countries in the winter.
2101militantThe woman delivered an angry, militant speech on the floor of the legislature.
2102militaryI joined the military after I finished high school.
2103millThe farmer took his wheat to the mill to make it into flour.
2104millenniumStonehenge is believed to have been built about five millennia ago.
2105millionAlmost 19 million people live in Delhi, India.
2106millionaireHe became a millionaire because he was smart with his money.
2107mimicThe hunter mimicked a duck’s call and shot the two ducks that called back.
2108minerThe miner was looking for gold.
2109mineralRocks are made up of different kinds of minerals.
2110minimalMy lazy husband does a minimal amount of work around the house.
2111minimizeI checked my homework twice to minimize errors I might have made.
2112minimumWhat is the minimum temperature in winter in this area?
2113ministerThe minister of education controls the country’s schools.
2114ministryThe Ministry of Trade is responsible for taxing imports and exports.
2115minorThis is a minor problem.
2116miracleA miracle happened when Rosalita won over 60 million dollars in the lottery.
2117mirrorHe used the mirror to shine light in their eyes.
2118mischiefBen was up to mischief when he persuaded Ken to paint his face.
2119miserableHe was miserable after his dog died.
2120miseryThere was a lot of misery after Sam lost his dog.
2121misfortuneHis family helped him when he encountered misfortune.
2122misguidedThe snake bit Molly during her misguided attempt to catch it.
2123misplaceI misplaced my wallet, and I didn’t find it until a week later.
2124missionThe woman’s mission was to help sick people.
2125mistThe forest was covered with mist.
2126mistakeMy boss always yells at me when I make a mistake.
2127mixThe green mix we made in science class spilled onto the table.
2128mixtureThe walls were built using a mixture of water, rock, and dirt.
2129mobThe copier was destroyed by a mob of angry workers.
2130mobileMobile phones are convenient because you can use them anywhere.
2131mobilizeThousands of soldiers were ready to mobilize for the fight.
2132mockThe girls mocked Nancy because she was a new student.
2133modeMelissa turned the TV to quiet mode while she talked on the phone.
2134moderateIt takes a moderate amount of patience to be around small children all day.
2135modernThe kitchen had a modern look.
2136modestDerek is very modest for someone who is so rich.
2137modifyI modified my outfit by adding a belt to it.
2138moistThe ground is still moist from the rain last night.
2139moistureIf you breathe on a window, moisture from your breath collects on the glass.
2140moldUsing a cupcake mold will ensure that they come out just right.
2141moleculeA tiny drop of water is made up of many billions of molecules of water.
2142monarchThe monarch lived in a beautiful palace with a grand gate.
2143monasteryThe monks at this monastery are famous for their bread and music.
2144monetaryA strong monetary policy is important for a country to be successful.
2145monitorThe teacher monitors the students when they take tests.
2146monkThe monks knew a lot about religion.
2147monolingualIn today’s global economy, being monolingual limits your opportunities.
2148monthJanuary is the first month of the year.
2149monumentA large monument was built to honor the brave soldiers.
2150moodMy boss is in a really bad mood today.
2151moonThe moon looks beautiful tonight.
2152moralAt the end of the story, the mother explained the moral to her children.
2153moraleTo improve our family’s morale, mom suggested going on a picnic.
2154moreoverMarianne likes to walk to work to save money; moreover, it is good exercise.
2155mortalAll people are mortal.
2156mortgageWhen they bought their new home, the married couple had to sign a mortgage.
2157motionThe police officer made a motion with his hand.
2158motiveWe can show he had a motive to commit the crime, but we cannot show he did it.
2159moundThere was a mound of clothes on the teenager’s messy floor.
2160mountainMount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
2161mournThe entire family mourned their grandfather’s death together.
2162movementBooker T. Washington was a member of the civil rights movement.
2163mowI mow our lawn every weekend.
2164mudMy brother played rugby in the mud. Now, he’s dirty.
2165multiculturalEveryone was welcome to attend the multicultural celebration.
2166multipleWhen the stunt went wrong, the man suffered multiple injuries.
2167multiplyIn the past year, the number of people at work has multiplied by ten percent.
2168multitudeA multitude of people were waiting at the airport.
2169municipalThe municipal parking lot downtown can fit one hundred cars.
2170muscleShe went to the gym in order to make her muscles stronger.
2171muscularHe exercised regularly so that his body could become muscular.
2172museumThe Louvre is a famous museum in France.
2173musicThe boy makes music by playing a guitar.
2174mutualRobert likes Sarah, and she likes him. The feeling is mutual.
2175mysteryThe path on the map was a complete mystery to me.
2176mythIn Greece, there was a myth about a woman who had snakes for hair.
2177napI took a short nap because I had stayed up late last night.
2178narrateThis story was written by John, but Aaron is narrating it to the crowd.
2179narrowThe bridge is too narrow for a car to drive across it.
2180nastyThe rotten apple left a nasty taste inside her mouth.
2181nationIndia is a nation that is developing rapidly.
2182nationalityHis nationality is German, but he speaks French, Spanish, and Korean.
2183nativeCarlos is a hero in his native country of Brazil.
2184naturalWe need to take care of the natural world.
2185natureOn the weekends, I love to walk in nature among the trees.
2186naughtyThe boy had to go to his room because he was being naughty.
2187nauseaThe doctor said the medicine would help get rid of her nausea.
2188navalThe country sent all of its naval forces to protect them.
2189navigateShe navigated the ship across the ocean.
2190navyMy country is known for our strong navy.
2191necessaryA passport is necessary if you travel to other countries.
2192necessityFresh water is a necessity for life.
2193necklaceJoyce received a lovely pearl necklace for her wedding anniversary.
2194nectarBees use nectar to make their honey.
2195needleI used a needle to fix the hole in my pants.
2196needyAfter he lost his job, he became very needy.
2197negativeShe doesn’t like to say negative things about her friends.
2198neglectWilliam neglected his room, so it is a complete mess.
2199negligibleThe amount she owed was negligible. It was less than ten cents.
2200neighborI like my neighbor because he’s very friendly.
2201neitherNeither the path on the left nor the path on the right will lead us home.
2202nervousThe boy became nervous when he heard the news.
2203netThe boy caught butterflies in his net.
2204networkLesley is part of a volunteer network that plants trees in the city.
2205neutralThe girl’s friend remained neutral while the couple was arguing.
2206neverThey never eat meat because they are vegetarians.
2207neverthelessHe is usually friendly. Nevertheless, he wasn’t friendly this afternoon.
2208newcomerThe students happily welcomed the newcomer to the school.
2209nickWhile cutting the carrots, the cook nicked his finger with the edge of his knife.
2210nightmareThe girl was scared to go back to sleep because she had had a nightmare.
2211nobleThe Queen invited a noble from a nearby country to dinner.
2212nodI nodded my head as I listened to the song.
2213noiseThe crying baby made a loud noise.
2214noneHe spent all his money. There is none left.
2215nonethelessShe tried to keep the dog out of the mud, but it got dirty nonetheless.
2216nonsenseThe baby was talking nonsense into the phone.
2217nopeHe asked if I had any money, and I had to say, “Nope.”
2218norI eat neither apples nor oranges. I don’t like either one.
2219normWearing a heavy coat all summer is not considered a norm.
2220normalIt is normal to wear school uniforms in private schools.
2221noticeDid you notice the view?
2222notifyThe teacher notified us about a change to our assignment.
2223notionI had a notion that this route would get us to the beach.
2224notoriousThis area of town is notorious for gang activity.
2225notwithstandingNotwithstanding your objections, we have decided to move forward with the project.
2226nourishA good mother will nourish her baby every day.
2227novelHe wrote a great novel about ancient China.
2228noveltyIce cream was a novelty for him since he rarely had any.
2229nowadaysNowadays, not so many people smoke.
2230nowhereUnfortunately, water was nowhere to be found.
2231nuclearNuclear power plants provide inexpensive energy to cities.
2232nucleusThe nucleus is made up of many tiny particles.
2233nuisanceThe teenager considered her noisy little brothers to be quite a nuisance.
2234numbAfter holding my hand under the icy water, my fingers were numb.
2235numerousIt was hard to drive fast since there were numerous holes in the road.
2236nurseA nurse helped me get better.
2237nurseryThe children kissed their parents goodnight and went upstairs to the nursery.
2238nurtureRobert nurtured his plants, and that is why they grow so well.
2239nutTo eat a nut, you must first crack its shell.
2240nutritionThe mother always made sure that her baby had good nutrition.
2241nutritiousMangoes are one of the most nutritious fruits in the world.
2242oathJudges must take an oath to be fair to everyone in court.
2243obeyMy little sister did not obey my mother. Now, she is in trouble.
2244objectThe shopping cart was filled with objects.
2245objectiveMy objective this week is to finish my homework by 7:30 every night.
2246obligeIf I wanted to have playtime, I was obliged to clean my room once a week.
2247obscureThe old man travels the world in search of obscure books.
2248observeBrian observed the sun rising over the mountains.
2249obsessAfter watching the Star Wars movies, Ike obsessed about becoming a Jedi.
2250obsoleteSince computers became inexpensive, typewriters have become obsolete.
2251obstacleClimbing over the giant rock was the biggest obstacle for the hikers.
2252obstructThe car broke down on the road and obstructed traffic for hours.
2253obtainAfter I passed the test, I obtained my driver’s license.
2254obviousIt was obvious that he was tired. He kept falling asleep.
2255occupationMy father’s occupation is a dentist.
2256occupyKevin and Alice occupied the chairs and had a long discussion.
2257occurWhen did the thunderstorm occur?
2258oceanThe ocean can make powerful waves.
2259oddHer cat is odd. It walks on two feet.
2260odorHe knew there was a leak when he noticed the strong odor of natural gas.
2261offendThey were both offended by what they had said to each other.
2262offenseStealing a car is a very serious offense.
2263officerThe soldiers followed the orders of the officer.
2264officialHer official degree was being transferred.
2265offsetIncreased wages are offset by higher prices for goods.
2266offspringThe dog’s offspring had the same color of fur as she did.
2267oftenHe often goes to bed early during the week.
2268oilThe chef put the oil in the pan and heated it up.
2269oldMy mother is seventy years old now.
2270oliveI prepared a bowl of olives for my guests.
2271omenHe thought that seeing a black cat in the street was an omen of bad luck.
2272omissionMike was upset because of the omission of his name during the ceremony.
2273omitI omitted some important information: he is not coming.
2274ongoingThe development of plants is ongoing because it takes time for them to mature.
2275onsetAt the onset of the battle, the enemy wasn’t prepared for such a large attack.
2276openAmy likes to open the window to let fresh air in.
2277operateI’m sorry, but the trains are not operating today.
2278operationThe operation on my arm was a success.
2279opinionMeg told me her opinion of my story. She said it was not funny.
2280opponentOn the field, our opponents were too good for us.
2281opportunityI had an opportunity to take pictures in the jungle.
2282opposeI want to be a police officer because I oppose crime.
2283oppositeThe opposite of black is white.
2284oppressFree speech had been oppressed in his country.
2285opticHer blindness was caused by a problem with her optic nerve.
2286optimismThe mother had optimism about her children’s futures.
2287optimistJoe was an optimist, so he believed he would get the job that he wanted.
2288optionThe children were given the option of three houses to pick from.
2289oracleThe king went to the oracle to ask if going to war was a good idea.
2290orangutanOrangutans use their long arms to swing from trees.
2291orbitThe Moon orbits the Earth.
2292ordealDriving in the snowstorm was an ordeal she’d never forget.
2293ordinaryToday was just an ordinary day. Nothing unusual happened.
2294oreThe factory melted the ore and used it to make iron products.
2295organicThe organic carrots are more expensive, but they’re better for you.
2296organismWe studied the organism under the microscope.
2297organizeMake a list to help you organize the things you need.
2298orientedHe is living a money-oriented lifestyle.
2299originalThis is the original painting of the Mona Lisa.
2300originallyThis building was originally a bank.
2301originateThe idea of democracy originated in Ancient Greece.
2302ornamentThe woman kept some colorful ornaments on the shelves.
2303orphanThe orphan frequently cried during the night.
2304otherwiseIt’s good to stay active; otherwise, you’ll gain weight.
2305oughtI ought to take my library books back.
2306outbackMany Australian farmers use the outback to raise cattle.
2307outbreakThe scientists prepared for an outbreak of a dangerous virus.
2308outburstThere was an outburst of cheers when the comedian took the stage.
2309outcomeThe outcome of his latest business plan was a complete failure.
2310outfitKelly’s new outfit made her look so glamourous.
2311outlawThe police passed out posters of the outlaw to all the people.
2312outlineBefore I wrote my essay, I made an outline.
2313outlookHe changed his outlook about rats after he read a book about them.
2314outmodedBlack and white television sets are outmoded.
2315outnumberThe girls outnumbered the boys at the school by four to one.
2316outputThe boss hired more workers to increase the factory’s output of products.
2317outrageHe was outraged when his proposal was turned down.
2318outragedMy father was outraged when he saw that I had crashed his car.
2319outrightEveryone knew that the boy’s story was an outright lie.
2320outspokenShe was an outspoken critic about the new banking laws.
2321outstretchedThe cat stood on its back legs with its front legs outstretched.
2322outweighFinding a warm place to sleep outweighed the need to find something to eat.
2323overallOverall, the party was a huge success.
2324overboardTom and Gary slipped on the wet floor and fell overboard.
2325overcastThe sky was overcast in the morning, but by noon it was bright again.
2326overcomeShe overcame her shyness and spoke in front of the class.
2327overcrowdedThe lobby was overcrowded with people.
2328overheadAs we sat on the top of the hill, a plane flew overhead.
2329overjoyedHe was overjoyed by the news of his promotion.
2330overlapThe gift on top overlaps the other gift on the bottom.
2331overloadIf you overload the truck, it might crash.
2332overlookBrenda overlooked the last step and had a bad fall.
2333overnightThe campers stayed in the tent overnight.
2334overpopulationThe organization is concerned with the overpopulation of the world.
2335overseasJohn often goes overseas for vacations.
2336overseeHis job was to oversee the progress of the construction project.
2337overuseRochelle’s overuse of the exercise bike caused the gears to break.
2338overviewMy brother gave me an overview of the important parts of the book.
2339overweightLisa eats too much, so now she’s overweight.
2340overwhelmThe amount of homework her teacher assigned has overwhelmed her.
2341overworkAfter working for three weeks with only one day of rest, Judy was overworked.
2342ownMy grandfather owns that house.
2343oxygenShe thinks there is more oxygen in the air in the country than in the city.
2344paceI ran the race at a slower pace than my friend.
2345padFootball players wear shoulder pads to keep them safe.
2346paddlePut your paddle in the water and pull hard to make the boat move.
2347painHis head was full of pain.
2348palateYou can touch your palate with your tongue.
2349paleThe girl’s skin was very pale.
2350panicEveryone panicked when the house caught on fire.
2351parachuteThey used parachutes dropped from airplanes to send supplies to the civilians.
2352paradeThis parade of elephants is part of an open-air exhibit to honor these majestic animals.
2353paradiseMy vacation in Hawaii was like being in paradise.
2354paradoxThe paradox of her work was that the less she worked, the more she got done.
2355parallelThere are two yellow parallel lines dividing both sides of traffic.
2356paralysisHis paralysis meant that he had to use a wheelchair to get around.
2357paraphraseThe students were asked to paraphrase the story they had just heard.
2358parasiteThe sick dog was covered in parasites.
2359parcelThe parcel looked like it had been stepped on by someone.
2360pardonPardon me teacher, but could you repeat what you just said?
2361parishGreg’s parish has grown over the past year.
2362partialityShe has a partiality for walking to school instead of driving.
2363participantThere were thousands of participants in this year’s marathon.
2364participateThe students participated in the school play.
2365particleThe bottles of wine were covered in a layer of dust particles.
2366particularThe dress shop didn’t have the particular dress she was looking for.
2367partnerLadies and gentlemen, take your partners for the next dance.
2368passageFollow the passage down the stairs.
2369passengerOne passenger was standing near the subway train.
2370passiveMarcie is so passive that she never solves her own problems.
2371pasteMy son needed some paste for a school project.
2372pastimeIn the US, baseball is considered a national pastime.
2373pastorThe pastor speaks to the members of the church.
2374pastureThe sheep were taken to a pasture where there was more grass.
2375patI patted some lotion onto my face.
2376patentHe quickly established a patent for his brilliant invention.
2377pathWe followed a path through the woods.
2378pathologicalThe pathological liar could not even tell the truth about unimportant matters.
2379patientI had to be patient and wait until 5 o’clock to leave.
2380patriotEvery year, young patriots join their countries’ militaries.
2381patrolThe military patrol is responsible for keeping the area safe.
2382patternMy pattern of brushing my teeth is the same as most people’s.
2383pauseSince she was so hungry, she paused to make a snack.
2384pawThe kitten cleaned its paws with its tongue.
2385paymentI made the last payment on my car yesterday. Now I am really the owner.
2386peaHis favorite food was peas.
2387peaceA white dove is a symbol of peace.
2388peakThere is snow on the peaks of those mountains.
2389pedestrianDrivers should be careful when pedestrians are walking around.
2390peelHe peeled the apple before eating it.
2391peerShe peered at people through the window.
2392penalizeThe team was penalized when they broke the rules.
2393penetrateThe knife easily penetrated the surface of the orange.
2394peninsulaThe state of Florida is an example of a peninsula.
2395pennyUS President Abraham Lincoln is on the penny.
2396peopleHow many people live in China?
2397perIt costs eight dollars per person to watch the baseball game.
2398perceiveHe was talking loudly, so he did not perceive that the music had stopped.
2399percentLiz needs to get 80 percent on her test to pass the course.
2400perceptionSince he couldn’t see, his perception of life was much different than mine.
2401perfectShe got all the questions right, so her score was perfect.
2402performHe will perform a song for the class.
2403performanceLiam’s performance in the race was not his best.
2404perhapsPerhaps I will eat an apple for lunch.
2405periodIn one period in Europe, there were many knights.
2406peripheryA beautiful floral pattern is on the periphery of the stationery.
2407permanencePoor results threaten the permanence of the new system.
2408permanentWe don’t know if Aunt Mildred’s visit will be a permanent one.
2409permissionI have permission to drive my mom’s car.
2410persecuteDan felt persecuted because he was smaller than the other boys at school.
2411persistEven though the lesson was difficult, he persisted until he understood.
2412persistentThey made persistent attempts to get him to eat.
2413personalityJohn has a bad personality.
2414personalizeHe personalized the woman’s exercises to give her a better workout.
2415personnelWhen business increased, we had to hire more personnel.
2416perspireI usually perspire a lot when I am at athletics practice.
2417persuadeThe children persuaded their parents to buy them gifts.
2418pessimisticJohn is pessimistic. He always thinks something bad will happen.
2419pestMany farmers put up scarecrows to keep pests of their corn.
2420pesticideThe farmer sprayed his crops with a pesticide to keep bugs away.
2421petTyler likes to spend time with his pet dog.
2422petitionThe citizens all signed a petition asking the mayor to repair the sidewalks.
2423petroleumThe petroleum at that factory is used to make gasoline.
2424pharaohThe pharaohs ruled Egypt for thousands of years.
2425pharmacyMy mother sells medicine to people at the pharmacy.
2426phaseThe first phase in the recycling project involves finding volunteers to help out.
2427phenomenalThe child’s ability to play the piano is nothing short of phenomenal.
2428phenomenonI thought the lights were a strange phenomenon, but they were just shooting stars.
2429philanthropyThe wealthy business owner is well known for his acts of philanthropy.
2430philosophyMy philosophy is “live and let live.”
2431photographI took this photograph with my cell phone.
2432physicalBiking is good for your physical health.
2433physicianThe physician was a friendly man who did his best with all of his patients.
2434physicsIn physics class, we used Newton’s Cradle to learn about energy.
2435pierIf you want to catch bigger fish, then go to the far end of the pier.
2436pierceThe arrow pierced the target in the very center.
2437pileThe pile of cups was beginning to lean.
2438pillShe took a pill for her headache.
2439pinchI pinched my nose so I couldn’t smell the odor from the garbage.
2440pineThere were many beautiful pine trees in the forest.
2441pinkShe chose a pink lipstick.
2442pinpointThe navigation system in my car is able to pinpoint my exact location.
2443pioneerHe was a pioneer of computer programming.
2444piratePirates are very scary characters.
2445pityBecause she had pity for the lost boy, she helped him find his parents.
2446placeA library is a place where people can read books.
2447plagueA plague in Europe killed millions of people.
2448plainHe bought a pair of plain white shoes over the weekend.
2449planIt’s Sam’s turn to plan the company party.
2450planeThey took a plane across the ocean to India.
2451planetSaturn is the planet with the ring around it.
2452plantationIn the 1800s, there were many cotton plantations in the southern US.
2453plasterHe used plaster to fill in the cracks in the old walls.
2454plasticMany drinks are sold in plastic bottles.
2455plateI put my plate down so I could put some food on it.
2456platformThe band uses their music as a platform to express their political beliefs.
2457pleaThe poor, hungry man made a plea for food.
2458pleadHe pleaded for his parents to let him go to the soccer game.
2459pleasantThe character had a pleasant look on its face.
2460pledgeHer mother pledged that she would find her daughter’s lost kitten.
2461plentyWe have plenty of fruit, so help yourself.
2462plotThe group was plotting to ruin the company’s financial reports.
2463plumbingWhen the plumbing stopped working, no one was allowed to use the toilets.
2464plungeThe water in the pool was very cold, but the boy plunged in anyway.
2465pneumoniaElaine got pneumonia after playing outside in the rain without a coat.
2466pocketShe always had her hands in her pockets.
2467poemWilliam Shakespeare wrote many poems.
2468poetWilliam Shakespeare was one of the greatest poets.
2469poignantThe girls cried at the end of the poignant movie.
2470pokeI poked my finger on a thumb tack.
2471polarOnly a few people live in the Earth’s northern polar region.
2472poleThe flag was hanging from the flag pole.
2473policyHe told us that his policy was to put customers first.
2474polishMark spent all morning polishing his shoes for the wedding.
2475politeThe boy was very polite; he behaved very thoughtfully.
2476pollThe poll showed that many people support the plan to stop gang violence.
2477pollutantA pollutant in the water killed this fish.
2478polluteThe careless factory polluted the river with chemicals.
2479pondI learned to swim at the pond behind the recreation center.
2480ponderShe sat in the park and pondered her problem.
2481poorThe condition of the sidewalk is very poor.
2482popularThese people are listening to a popular man speak.
2483populateBillions of people populate the Earth.
2484populationThe population of our city is steadily growing.
2485portThe ship was being loaded with materials at the port.
2486portionI only ate a small portion of the pizza.
2487portraitI saw many religious portraits when I went to the museum.
2488portrayHer picture portrayed the house she grew up in when she was little.
2489poseThe kids and their dog posed for a picture.
2490positionKyle is interviewing for a marketing position.
2491positiveShe has a positive future ahead of her after finishing college.
2492possessMy uncle possesses three sheep, a chicken, a cow, and a dog.
2493postponeThey postponed the meeting until Elena arrived.
2494postureYour back will feel better if you improve your posture.
2495potDon’t touch the pot on the stove. It’s hot.
2496potentialI’ve thought of some potential problems with your idea.
2497pouchI keep my money in a small pouch.
2498poultryHe raises poultry and sells their meat for extra money.
2499poundHe pounded the nail with the hammer.
2500pourI poured some milk into my sister’s cup.
2501povertyPoverty is a problem in many countries around the world.
2502powderTurmeric is a yellow powder used in cooking.
2503powerThe coach has the power to keep the players from playing if they don’t show up to practice.
2504powerfulThis perfume has a powerful scent.
2505powerlessI fear my father is powerless now.
2506practicalLearning English is practical; you can use it in many places.
2507practiceSamuel has made it a practice to read the newspaper every morning.
2508practitionerShe made an appointment with the practitioner to treat her cough.
2509prairieThe prairie was perfect for a farm because there were hills and trees.
2510praiseThe coach praised the athletes after a good practice.
2511prayThe girl likes to pray for world peace.
2512preachAaron often preached about living an honest life.
2513precautionAs a precaution, you should put on a heavy coat before going out in cold weather.
2514precedeThe hurricane was preceded by a moment of still wind and clear sky.
2515preciousIn a desert, water can be more precious than money.
2516preciseThe builder was very precise about where he placed the nails.
2517predictShe predicted that I would get married next year.
2518predominantBefore cars were invented, horses were the predominant method of travel.
2519pregnantThe pregnant woman was shopping for baby clothes.
2520prehistoricThe scientists found prehistoric pots used by the people in the area.
2521prejudiceThe company’s rules against gender prejudice must be enforced.
2522preliminaryThe runners must do well in the preliminary races to qualify for the final race.
2523prematureMark’s celebration was premature because the ball hadn’t fallen in the hole.
2524premiseThe premise of the movie that Bobbi and I watched was unrealistic.
2525premiumTony paid a premium for the gas because it made his car run better.
2526prescribeWhen I was sick, the doctor prescribed me flu medicine for me to take.
2527prescriptionThe doctor gave me a prescription for my medication.
2528presenceThe researcher discovered the presence of bacteria in the water sample.
2529presentlyPresently, our profits are good, but by next year we can do even better.
2530preserveDad sprayed a chemical on the house to help preserve the walls.
2531pressureThey put pressure on him to change his mind.
2532prestigeThe young actress gained much prestige after she won an award.
2533presumeSince the girl raised her hand, the teacher presumed she knew the answer.
2534pretendThe boy liked to pretend he was a king.
2535prevailUnfortunately, injustice still prevails in the country’s court system.
2536prevalentGrowing a beard is more prevalent in some countries than in others.
2537preventThe handcuffs prevented me from moving my hands.
2538previewThe band played us a preview of their new song.
2539previousHe turned back to the previous page to read the paragraph again.
2540priceJulie is checking the price of a sweater.
2541prideI take pride in getting good grades.
2542priestThe priest taught us about God.
2543primaryHis primary thoughts are about money.
2544primatePrimates use their hands for such tasks as swinging from branches.
2545primeDirty air is a prime cause of illness.
2546primitiveThe computers of the 1980s are primitive compared to those of today.
2547princeThe prince and the princess were married.
2548principalMy school’s principal can be very strict with the rules.
2549principleTo maintain principles, it’s vital to watch, listen, and speak carefully.
2550printMake sure that you print your name clearly.
2551priorRon had to wait since he arrived prior to the scheduled meeting time.
2552priorityMy priority is to get good grades in school.
2553prisonerHe has been a prisoner for many years.
2554privacyPlease hang the sign on the door so we can have some privacy.
2555privateDon’t look at my diary! It’s private!
2556privilegeOnly the best employee had the privilege of parking in that spot.
2557prizeI won a prize for getting the best grade on my science test.
2558probablyYou will probably get a good grade if you study for the test.
2559probeThe bank probed into his financial history to see if he qualified for a loan.
2560problemMy problem is that I lost my dog.
2561proceedMy son and I proceeded to the beach so we could go fishing.
2562processMaking a cake is a long process.
2563proclaimThe army general proclaimed that the war was won.
2564prodThe bully prodded me in the chest with her finger.
2565produceThis tree produces apples every year.
2566productThere’s no room for even one more product in Melissa’s bag.
2567professionHe loved sailing, so he chose to work on ships as a profession.
2568professionalIf you want to be a pilot, you must have professional training.
2569professorMike’s science professor knows a lot about physics.
2570proficientSecretaries are proficient at typing quickly.
2571profileThe drawing of Olivia’s profile came out very well.
2572profitI made a small profit from selling my old clothes.
2573profoundFor a young man, Jeremy has some profound thoughts.
2574progressThere are clear signs of progress.
2575prohibitShe prohibited the students from speaking until their work was done.
2576projectHis afternoon work project was to paint the room green.
2577prolongSandy walked slowly across the beach, trying to prolong her lunch break.
2578prominentQueen Victoria was a prominent person in history.
2579promoteAfter two years at the company, she was promoted to manager.
2580promptThe tight deadline will prompt the employee to work very hard.
2581pronounceYoung children often have trouble pronouncing words right.
2582proofThey used his fingerprint for proof that he committed the crime.
2583propelThe strong wind propelled the leaf through the air and across the street.
2584properIt is not proper to throw your garbage on the road.
2585prophecySome people believe that prophecies are actually true.
2586proponentHe was a proponent of using environmentally-friendly products.
2587proportionOnly a small proportion of the people in this town actually work here.
2588proposeMy grandmother proposed that we have our picture taken with Santa.
2589propulsionThe propulsion lifted the rocket into the sky.
2590prosecuteThey were prosecuted for fishing in the river without a permit.
2591prospectHe wakes up every morning with the prospect of having a good day.
2592prosperFrank’s new business finally prospered after many years of hard work.
2593protectFiremen protect us from fires.
2594proteinFish and beef are good sources of protein.
2595protocolThe introduction of the guests followed the normal protocol.
2596proudShe is proud of the picture she drew of her house.
2597proveMy teacher proved the answer on the board.
2598provideEach student was provided with a test and three sharp pencils.
2599provinceCanada is divided into several different provinces.
2600provisionThat department is responsible for the provision of emergency supplies.
2601provokeThe older boy provoked Paul by calling him mean names.
2602proximityAll the trees in the proximity of the beach had been cut down.
2603psychiatricThe doctor said the patient might have a psychiatric problem.
2604psychiatryStudying psychiatry has taught me a lot about mental illness.
2605psychicI think my grandmother has psychic abilities because she can predict anything.
2606psychologyThe psychology of seeing is a fascinating subject.
2607psychoticThe psychotic patient believed he saw things that weren’t real.
2608publicI went to the public park to play with my friends.
2609publicationShe’s been a subscriber to that publication for over ten years.
2610publicityShe received a lot of publicity after her performance in the film.
2611publicizeThe company publicized the job positions in the newspaper.
2612publishThat company publishes daily newspapers.
2613puddleWhen the ice melted, it formed a puddle.
2614puffA puff of smoke came from the burnt match.
2615pullThe children pull the rope.
2616punctualMy mother hates being late. She is the most punctual person I know.
2617punishTo punish me, my teacher had me stand in the corner.
2618punishmentHe was given a punishment for being rude to the teacher.
2619pupAll the girl wanted for her birthday was a pup.
2620pureThe rose was pure. It had no dirt or imperfections.
2621purposeThe purpose of exercising is to get into shape.
2622purseMy sister likes to buy designer purses.
2623pursueThe mother pursued her young child down the hill.
2624pursuitThe pursuit of happiness is a basic human right.
2625puzzleThe question was a puzzle to him.
2626qualifyHe qualified to go to the final match by beating the opponent.
2627qualityThe quality of his car is very good.
2628quantityI have a small quantity of milk in my glass.
2629quantumThe physics student studied quantum mechanics.
2630quarrelBilly quarreled with his wife about buying a new house.
2631quarterHe paid a quarter for the candy.
2632quietThe man told the children to be quiet.
2633quitI quit running because I got tired.
2634quiteI think typing on a keyboard is quite easy.
2635quoteHis writing was full of quotes from Shakespeare.
2636rabbitLook at the rabbit in the park.
2637racePaul is a fast runner, so he easily won the race.
2638racialThe differences between racial groups are physical characteristics and culture.
2639rackHe stored his tools on a rack.
2640radiateThe heat from the fireplace radiated throughout the room.
2641radicalThe president is planning to make some radical changes to the law.
2642radioactiveRadioactive states can be very bad for anyone’s health.
2643raftHe sailed across the Pacific Ocean on a raft.
2644ragPlease use a rag to clean the dust off the table.
2645rageThe chef was filled with rage when his helpers ruined the meal.
2646raidThe soldiers are looking for the people who continue to raid the jungle villages.
2647railI prefer traveling by rail because it’s more convenient than driving through traffic.
2648rainforestThe rainforest is home to many animals.
2649raisinRaisins are one of my favorite snacks.
2650rallyThe school had a rally in the gym to support the basketball team.
2651ranchMy uncle has many horses on his ranch.
2652randomYoung children often ask random questions.
2653rangeI saw a range of cars to choose from.
2654rangerPeter wanted to be a ranger because he liked spending time outside.
2655rankThe man got to the rank of captain in the navy.
2656ransomHe kidnapped the prince and demanded $1 million as a ransom.
2657rapidHis mother was surprised by her son’s rapid growth.
2658rapidlyThe train moved rapidly on the tracks.
2659rateGrass tends to grow at a very slow rate.
2660ratherI would rather have the red one than the blue one.
2661ratioThe boy-to-girl ratio is one to three.
2662rawThe company dumped raw sewage into the river.
2663rayThe sun’s warm rays covered the beach.
2664reactJames reacted badly to the news.
2665realSome people don’t believe in aliens from space, but I think they’re real.
2666realisticDorothy is painting realistic images of fish.
2667realizeAfter I left my house, I realized that I left the light on.
2668realmHe was not very active in the realm of business.
2669rearThe man loaded the rear of his truck with boxes.
2670reasonThe reason Eric is late for work is that he forgot to set his alarm.
2671rebelThe rebel was angry about the government’s unfair policies.
2672recallShe was trying to recall what she had told her friend.
2673receiptAfter looking at my receipt, I realized that I had spent too much money.
2674receiveI received a present on my birthday.
2675recentI did not know what had caused his recent behavior.
2676recipeDo you use a recipe when you make that sauce?
2677recipientI was the recipient of four phone calls today.
2678recklessThe reckless driver posed a threat to everyone else on the road.
2679recognitionThe hero got recognition for his brave deed.
2680recognizeI recognized an old friend from many years ago.
2681recommendHis doctor will recommend the best medicine for her cough.
2682reconcileAfter arguing, the two friends were reconciled with each other.
2683recruitWe successfully recruited someone to be the new manager.
2684recurBurglaries seem to recur over and over in our neighborhood.
2685recycleWe recycle our newspapers so that they can be made into packing boxes.
2686redJack is wearing a red shirt.
2687reduceWhen the store reduced its prices, people wanted to shop there.
2688reefHe walked along the reef and looked at the water below.
2689referMr. Cid referred to the time to show Bill that he was late for class.
2690refereeThe soccer player didn’t agree with the referee.
2691referenceMy supervisor made a reference to the data I’d collected.
2692refineThe principal refined his method of controlling students over the years.
2693reflectHer face was reflected in the smooth glass.
2694reflectionThe man stared at his reflection in the mirror.
2695reflexThere was a reflex when the doctor hit his knee with a rubber hammer.
2696refrainThe doctor asked Mary to refrain from eating fast food as part of her diet.
2697refrigerateSupermarkets refrigerate fruit to make it last long.
2698refrigeratorHe kept milk, eggs, and butter in the refrigerator.
2699refugeWhen it started to rain, she found refuge in the house.
2700refundI asked for a refund because the shoes I bought were too tight.
2701refuseThe dog refused to play with the cat.
2702refuteThe bank manager has refuted the claims that he lied to his customers.
2703regardThe boy regarded the girl as a good friend.
2704regimeHe was a member of the old regime that had been overthrown in the election.
2705regionThis is the wheat-growing region of the country.
2706registerAt a wedding, there is register for all of the guests to sign.
2707regretI regret that I was mean to my sister.
2708regularOur regular lunch time is around noon.
2709regulateThe bank regulates how much money people can borrow.
2710rehearseVick’s band rehearsed all week before their first show.
2711reignThe emperor’s reign lasted for only two years.
2712reinforcePeter reinforced his opinion with information from a book.
2713rejectI’m afraid the teacher will reject my new idea.
2714relateA company’s plan usually relates to how much profit it can make.
2715relationshipThe teacher was proud of her good relationship with the students.
2716relativeMy relatives came by to see the new baby.
2717relativityRelativity teaches that light travels at the same speed throughout the universe.
2718relaxNicole likes to relax by reading books.
2719releaseShe released the bird from her hands.
2720relevantThe 30-year-old book about politics is still relevant to our society today.
2721reliefI felt a sense of relief when I heard the good news.
2722religionTheir religion taught that people should forgive their enemies.
2723religiousThe holy man spoke about religious topics.
2724reluctantShe was reluctant to say that she saw the robbery.
2725remainMy sister had to remain home since she was sick.
2726remainderHe took a bite of the apple and then gave me the remainder of it.
2727remarkThe teacher remarked on how quickly the students were learning.
2728remedyA good remedy for a headache is an aspirin and a glass of water.
2729remindNick’s dad reminded him to do his homework.
2730remorseWhen I realized what I had done, I felt remorse for my actions.
2731remoteHe lived in a remote village in the Himalayas.
2732removeI removed the nail from the board.
2733renderHis report was rendered unimportant by the release of new information.
2734renovateThe old fire station was renovated into an apartment building.
2735renownMichael is a singer of great renown in New Zealand.
2736rentTo live in this house, I have to pay rent at the start of each month.
2737repairI repaired the flat tire on my car.
2738repayShe repaid her friend for all of his hard work with a small gift.
2739repetitiveWorking on an assembly line making cars every day is a repetitive job.
2740replaceI replaced the tire on my car because it was flat.
2741replenishWe planted nearly one hundred seeds to replenish the garden after the fire.
2742reportKaren had trouble writing her report.
2743representMy lawyer will represent me in court.
2744reproduceThe children tried to reproduce their house using toy blocks.
2745reproductiveThe reproductive system of a plant is simple.
2746reptileLizards are my favorite type of reptile.
2747reputableThe service from the less-than-reputable company made her angry.
2748requireWe require teachers to have a university degree.
2749rescueThe firefighter rescued the man from the burning building.
2750researchScientists did a lot of research on the subject of blood type.
2751resembleThe baby really resembles his father.
2752resentHe resented the fact that he had never been able to play an instrument.
2753reserveHe reserved a table at the busy restaurant.
2754resignAfter I officially resigned from work, I said goodbye to my boss.
2755resistHe resisted the treatment at the hospital.
2756resolutionAt New Year, I made a list of resolutions to help me have a better year.
2757resolveShe resolved the problem with her children by giving them both a toy.
2758resortI hope they don’t resort to violence to end the argument.
2759resourceThe poor man didn’t have the resources to feed himself.
2760resourcefulBecause he was very resourceful, he could make most of the things he needed rather than buying them.
2761respectiveThe boxers were told to return to their respective corners.
2762respondWhen the teacher asked the question, we all responded.
2763responseHe asked if I was sad. My response was “No.”
2764responsibilityParents have the responsibility to raise their children with love.
2765responsiblePeter is responsible for leading his department.
2766restI rested on the couch after work.
2767restaurantLet’s eat at the Indian restaurant.
2768restoreVictor restored the old car.
2769restrainMike restrained Allen from reaching the door.
2770restrictThe club restricted the amount of members.
2771resultThe result of her experiment was surprising.
2772resumeI put the newspaper down to eat breakfast. Then, I resumed reading.
2773retailAlthough cheap to make, once a t-shirt reaches retail, it costs ten times as much.
2774retainEven by the afternoon, the day had retained the morning’s freshness.
2775retireMy father is sixty-five years old. He is about to retire from work.
2776retreatThe army retreated because they were losing the battle.
2777retrieveShe retrieved her mail from the mailbox.
2778reusableSaburo keeps his empty jelly jars because they are reusable for storing sewing supplies.
2779revealI will reveal where I hid the candy bar.
2780revengeHe broke his sister’s doll as revenge after she lost his favorite book.
2781revenueThe new products really increased the business’s monthly revenue.
2782reverseWe reversed out of the parking place and then drove away.
2783reviewThe government ordered a careful review of the economic situation.
2784reviseWhen the editor discovered certain facts were wrong, he revised the book.
2785revolutionThe revolution in Russia led to the creation of the Soviet Union.
2786revolveMy life revolves around sports.
2787rewardHe was given a reward for his excellent performance.
2788rhyme“Humpty Dumpty” is an old rhyme that children learn in school.
2789ridWe rid our home of mice by using traps.
2790riddleI could not answer Wendy’s riddle, but it made me laugh.
2791rideI will ride a roller coaster for the first time today.
2792ridgeThe brown bear walked along the edge of the mountain ridge.
2793ridiculeThe other students ridicule Peter’s foreign accent.
2794ridiculousSteve looked ridiculous with those huge blue sunglasses.
2795rigidSocieties often have rigid rules about the way that people are supposed to act.
2796riotA riot broke out after the candidate lost the election.
2797ripShe ripped the paper in half by accident.
2798ripeThe cherries were nice and ripe.
2799riskI took a risk and climbed the snowy mountain.
2800riteSpecial masks are worn during the rite when a new baby is born.
2801ritualKen was very interested to learn about the religious rituals of the natives.
2802rivalThe three rivals were all competing for the same job.
2803roamAll day, the cows roamed around the field eating grass.
2804roastMom roasted a turkey for the holiday dinner.
2805robA thief has robbed me of my passport.
2806robeThe monks at the temple all wear robes.
2807robotI bought a robot that can clean the floor on its own.
2808rockI stacked rocks on top of one another.
2809rodI bought a new fishing rod to use while on vacation.
2810roleHer role in the office is to sell products to customers.
2811romanticThe young couple went to see a romantic movie.
2812rotThe old log began to rot in the forest.
2813rotateAn airplane’s propellers rotate quickly to help it fly.
2814roughThe rough ground hurt my feet.
2815routeI saw many new houses along the route to the city.
2816routineMy father’s daily routine includes shaving right before breakfast.
2817rowJames put all of his toy soldiers into neat rows.
2818royalThe Duchess was part of the royal family.
2819rubMom’s feet were sore, so she rubbed them.
2820rubbishThe floor around the garbage can was covered with all kinds of rubbish.
2821rubbleThere was rubble all over the city after the earthquake.
2822ruggedTheir car couldn’t make it far along the rugged roads.
2823ruinOur walk in the park was ruined by the sudden rain.
2824ruinsI visited some interesting ruins in Greece.
2825ruleWearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is a rule in some cities.
2826rumorCarla was spreading rumors around the office.
2827ruptureSarah put too much water into the balloon, and it ruptured.
2828ruralI want to live in a small house in a rural area.
2829rushNancy rushed to finish her homework.
2830rustThe old metal gate would not swing because the hinges were covered in rust.
2831sacredOne religion in India will not harm cows because it believes that they are sacred.
2832sacrificeKaren has had to sacrifice a lot for her children.
2833safetyFor his own safety, he was placed in a car seat.
2834sakeThe parents worked hard for their children’s sake.
2835salaryHe got a new job with a better salary.
2836saleEverything for sale here is the same price.
2837salivaThe baby could not keep the saliva from dripping out of its mouth.
2838sanctuaryThe church was made into a sanctuary for homeless people in the winter.
2839sandyI love walking on a sandy beach.
2840satelliteThe satellite was traveling around the Earth.
2841satireThis book is a satire of what life was like in the army.
2842satisfactionBrad was filled with satisfaction when he saw what was for dinner.
2843satisfactoryMina often received satisfactory grades since she studied so hard.
2844satisfiedI am very satisfied with your work.
2845satisfyIt will satisfy my teacher if I finish all my homework.
2846saturateThe sponge was saturated with soapy water and dripped all over the floor.
2847saturatedLeigh’s hair became saturated in the rainstorm.
2848savageWild animals are very savage when defending their babies.
2849saveI want to help save the world.
2850scaleI was surprised by the scale of the buildings in the downtown area.
2851scarThe man had horrible scars on his cheek and forehead.
2852scarceWhen gasoline was scarce, we rode our bike to school instead of driving.
2853scareMy uncle was scared by what he saw in the room.
2854scatterI accidentally scattered all of my pills.
2855sceneA movie is made up of many short pieces or scenes.
2856scentJulie enjoyed the scent of the flowers.
2857scheduleWhat is your class schedule for today?
2858schemeJason and Mark came up with a scheme to solve the problem.
2859scholarThe scholar knew much about art history.
2860scholarshipI got a scholarship to help me pay for university.
2861schoolThe students study at school.
2862scoldJesse was scolded by the teacher for not paying attention.
2863scopeModern history has a wide scope.
2864scornThe criminal was scorned by everyone in the community.
2865scrambleThe hikers scrambled down the side of the hill.
2866scrapChris liked to use many scraps of paper when thinking up ideas.
2867scrapeI accidentally scraped the paint of the side of the car.
2868screamThe girl saw a spider and screamed.
2869scribbleI scribbled a rough diagram of our plan and gave it to him.
2870scribeIn ancient Egypt, scribes recorded important events.
2871scriptHe read the script of the play three times.
2872scrutinyA scientist should always practice scrutiny with their work.
2873searchI searched the newspaper for a new job.
2874seasonFall is a warm season, while winter is very cold.
2875secludeShe was secluded on an island for over a year.
2876secludedThere was a secluded bench in the park.
2877secondhandHer secondhand jeans were a bit faded in the front.
2878secrecyThe secrecy of the big organization made the government nervous.
2879secretThe two boys were sharing a secret.
2880secretaryRebecca asked her secretary to type a report.
2881sectorWe learned about just a few of the factories within the manufacturing sector.
2882secureI was able to secure a good grade on my test after weeks of studying.
2883seeSteven does not want to see the scary picture.
2884seedI planted the seed in the dirt, hoping that it would grow into a tree.
2885seekIf I have a problem, I seek my sister’s advice.
2886segregateIn gym class, the children were segregated into two groups: boys and girls.
2887seizeThe man seized as much money as he could before anyone could see him.
2888seizureBright flashing lights can cause seizures in children.
2889seldomIt seldom rains in southern Arizona.
2890selectThey had to select textbooks for each class.
2891sellThis man’s job is to sell houses.
2892semesterJack is in his second semester of college.
2893senateEverybody liked Caroline and chose her to speak for them in the senate.
2894senatorThe young senator promised to make laws that would help the people.
2895seniorBecause he got his job first, Bob is the senior chef.
2896sensationMom got a painful sensation in her head from the loud noise.
2897senseI could sense that he was watching me.
2898sensesIt would be hard to live without your five senses.
2899sensibleIt was sensible for her to save some money each month.
2900sensitiveMy teeth are sensitive to cold things.
2901sensoryIris and Eric preferred the sensory thrill of watching movies in the theater.
2902sentenceThe sentence for stealing a car is much worse than for stealing candy.
2903separateNew York and Los Angeles are in two separate parts of America.
2904sequenceThe dominos fell in a sequence of one after another.
2905sergeantHe was promoted to sergeant after a year in the army.
2906serveHe served us our drinks quickly.
2907serviceThis coffee shop has excellent service.
2908sessionEvery three months, the managers met in a session to discuss regional sales.
2909setPlease set the dice down on the table.
2910settleWe settled the argument by looking up the answer on the web.
2911sevenI have seven colored pencils on my desk.
2912severHe severed the string using scissors.
2913severalHe had to read several books for class.
2914severeAfter hitting his hand with the hammer, Sam was in severe pain.
2915sewI learned to sew when I was a little girl.
2916shadeIt was hot outside, so the boy sat in the shade of a tree.
2917shadowThe man’s shadow was taller than he was.
2918shaftThe golf club had a long wooden shaft that he held in his hands.
2919shakeWhen people shake hands, it usually means they agree.
2920shallowThe kids were playing in the shallow water.
2921shameThe boy felt shame about misplacing his clothes.
2922shapeEven with your eyes closed you can feel the shape of it.
2923shareJimmy shared his apple with me.
2924sharpThat knife is very sharp. Be careful not to hurt yourself.
2925shatterWhen the ball hit the window, the glass shattered.
2926shaveMy father shaves his face every day because he doesn’t want a beard.
2927shedWe have a small shed in the backyard for storage.
2928sheerI was impressed by her sheer dedication to jogging.
2929sheetI only needed a single sheet of paper to do my homework.
2930shelfI keep my clothes on a shelf in my closet.
2931shellThere were many pretty shells on the beach.
2932shelterThe frog took shelter from the storm in a nearby hold.
2933shepherdThe shepherd moved the sheep to another field.
2934sheriffIt was the sheriff’s job to make the city safe.
2935shiftHe shifted to the other side of the table to eat his breakfast.
2936shineThe candles are shining in the dark room.
2937shiverI got shivers on my way home because it was so cold.
2938shootThe hunter raised his gun to shoot at the target.
2939shopTom decided to shop for groceries on his way home.
2940shoreAll of the boats were floating near the shore.
2941shortThe days are short in the winter.
2942shortageDuring the dry season, there was a shortage of water.
2943shortcutWe got to the house early because we took a shortcut through the forest.
2944shortlyMy workday will end shortly.
2945shoulderHe carried his bike on his shoulder.
2946shoutMy boss shouted at me because I was late for work.
2947shoveShe shoved him out of the way.
2948shovelThe boy grabbed his shovel and got all of the snow off of the sidewalk.
2949shrineHe prayed at the shrine for an hour.
2950shutPlease shut the door; the air outside is cold.
2951shutterMr. Smith closed the shutters every night to make his bedroom dark.
2952sidewaysJim turned sideways in order to slow down and stop his snowboard.
2953siftThe baker sifted the flour into a large bowl.
2954sighMolly sighed when she looked at all the information she had to research.
2955signThe sign indicated that today would be a bad day.
2956signalThe coach blew his whistle as a signal to begin the game.
2957signatureI put my signature at the end of the letter.
2958significanceThe significance of the snowy weather was that we didn’t have to go to school.
2959significantI read many significant novels as a literature major in university.
2960signifyA red octagon is used to signify a place to stop.
2961silenceI can only sleep in complete silence.
2962silentSince no one was home, the house was silent.
2963sillyI made a silly mistake of dropping mom’s vase.
2964similarI have had a similar experience to the one you described.
2965simplicityWe were able to find the house thanks to the simplicity of the directions.
2966simulateThe French language teacher could simulate the accent of a French citizen.
2967sinTaking something that doesn’t belong to you is a sin.
2968sincereHe sounded sincere when he apologized to me.
2969singleI have a single key in my hand.
2970sinisterBad guys in most movies have sinister laughs.
2971sinkThe boat had a hole in it, and it sank into the ocean.
2972siteWe found the perfect site for our picnic.
2973situateThe road was situated between the forest and the lake.
2974situatedThe whiteboard is situated between the two men.
2975skeletalWe studied the skeletal system in anatomy class.
2976skeletonThere is a skeleton in the science classroom.
2977skepticKevin is a skeptic because he never believes anyone or anything.
2978skiThe man likes to ski and goes every weekend.
2979skillShe worked with great skill and confidence.
2980skillfulThe carpenter is very skillful at building houses.
2981skipHe skipped work to get more sleep.
2982skullThe brain is protected by the skull.
2983slabI looked at various slabs of stone to decorate my house.
2984slamShe slammed the book shut after she finished reading it.
2985slapOut of anger, Helen slapped Eunice on the face.
2986slateThe roof of the church is made of slate.
2987sledMarvin likes to ride his sled down the hill in winter.
2988sleepThe child goes to sleep in her bedroom at night.
2989sleeplessJill had a sleepless night because she had so much on her mind.
2990sleeveRyan bought a new shirt with long sleeves to keep his arms warm.
2991sliceThe girl enjoyed a slice of cake at her birthday party.
2992slightThere was only a slight change in the little boy’s height.
2993slimLook at my new cell phone. It’s very slim.
2994slipThe man slipped on the wet floor.
2995slopeThe slope to the top of the mountain was very steep.
2996slotTo operate the machine, put your coins into the slot.
2997slyThe sly fox stole the eggs from the nest.
2998smallpoxWhen she saw the tiny bumps, she thought her son might have smallpox.
2999smartMary is a smart student.
3000smashJacob smashed the window with a rock.
3001smellThe two friends smelled the flower.
3002smileThe baby smiled at me.
3003smoothThe baby’s skin felt very smooth.
3004snakeBe careful of the snake in the tree.
3005snapI took the drumstick and snapped it with my hands.
3006sneakThe thief snuck out of the house without anyone noticing him.
3007snoreIt was impossible to get to sleep because my husband snored.
3008soarThe temperature today will soar to a high of 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
3009sobI sobbed when my youngest daughter got married.
3010soberAfter the funeral, everybody felt very sober.
3011sociableMany of my good friends are sociable, but I am shy.
3012socialPeople should come together and fix the world’s social problems.
3013socializeI like to socialize with my classmates after school.
3014societySociety expects people to be good and honest.
3015sociologySociology teaches that people’s problems are a result of their society.
3016soilThe boy planted flowers in the soil and watered them every day.
3017solarUsing solar energy is good for the environment.
3018soleShe was the sole woman in the room.
3019solemnThe professor preferred a solemn relationship between him and his students.
3020solidarityAll the citizens came together in a show of solidarity to create change.
3021solitaryThe only thing in the room was a solitary chair.
3022solitudeJohn lives a life of solitude because he doesn’t get along well with people.
3023solutionThere are many problems. We need solutions!
3024solveAll the students could easily solve the math problem.
3025somewhatJames was somewhat upset when he had to move heavy boxes.
3026sootheThe mother soothed her crying baby by rocking him in her arms.
3027soothingThe soothing music helped the baby fall asleep.
3028sophisticatedJake is one of the most sophisticated people I’ve ever met.
3029soreAfter lifting the heavy box, Mona’s back was sore.
3030sorrowThe girl felt sorrow after her best friend moved away.
3031sortWhat sort of instrument do you want to learn to play?
3032soulSome people believe that the soul lives after the body dies.
3033soundThe alarm clock sounded and woke us all up.
3034soundlyThe nearest opponent was ten meters behind. She won the race soundly.
3035sourI don’t like lemons because I think they are too sour.
3036sourceThe river was the source of drinking water for the village.
3037souvenirI bought a Russian doll as a souvenir on my trip to Moscow.
3038sowHe always sows his garden seeds in the springtime.
3039spaceI don’t have much space for things in my small house.
3040spaceshipMany people want to travel into space by spaceship.
3041spadeThe gardener used her spade to make a hole for the new plant.
3042spanHis work at the bakery has spanned twenty years.
3043spareI wanted to help him but I couldn’t spare a tire.
3044sparkleThe stars sparkled in the winter night’s sky.
3045spatialHe was asked where the books were located to test his spatial awareness.
3046spearThe soldier was holding a spear in his hand.
3047specialThe cupcake was special because it had blue frosting.
3048speciesThere are 21 different species of butterfly in this forest.
3049specificPlease choose a specific place on the map.
3050specifyThe poster didn’t specify where the concert was taking place.
3051speckA speck of blood appeared where the mosquito had bit him.
3052spectacleNiagara Falls is quite a spectacle.
3053spectacularThere was a spectacular fireworks display in the park at New Year.
3054spectatorThere were thousands of spectators at the big game.
3055spectrumYou can see the entire spectrum in a rainbow.
3056speculateMy sister looked at the sky and speculated that it would rain tomorrow.
3057speechShe gave a speech to the class.
3058speedSpeeding is the cause of most car accidents.
3059sphereThe balloons were inflated into a variety of colorful spheres.
3060spiderSome adults have a fear of little creatures such as spiders.
3061spillI spilled the coffee on the table.
3062spinThe boy kept spinning until he fell down.
3063spineOur spine helps us to stand up nice and straight.
3064spiralA strand of DNA looks like two interlocking spirals.
3065spitHe emerged from the pool and spit water from his mouth.
3066spiteHe snuck into his sister’s room and stole her bag out of spite.
3067splashSome green paint splashed upon the floor.
3068splendidFrom his head down to his shoes, his clothes looked splendid.
3069spoilWe left the fruit out too long, and it spoiled.
3070spokenWe cannot take back what has been spoken.
3071spontaneousMy wife made a spontaneous decision to buy a new sofa while I was at work.
3072sportShe loves watching sport on TV.
3073spouseI live in a home with my spouse and our two children.
3074spreadI like to spread butter on my toast.
3075sprinkleHe sprinkled the pasta with salt and black pepper.
3076sprintThe kids didn’t want to be late to class, so they sprinted to the bus stop.
3077spurThe coach’s speech spurred her team into playing the best game of their lives.
3078squeezeWhen Clara saw her cat, she squeezed it to her face.
3079stabHe stabbed the fork into the potato and passed it to his daughter.
3080stableThe chair is stable. Its legs are strong.
3081stackThere was a stack of paperwork on his desk to complete.
3082staffMy dad has a staff of four people to help him at the office.
3083stageA large screen was on the stage.
3084stainHe had a red stain on the collar of his shirt.
3085stairYou can take the stairs to the second floor.
3086staircaseThe staircase leads directly into the kitchen.
3087stairsHe took the stairs instead of the elevator.
3088stakeWe marked our property by placing stakes into the ground.
3089staleThe cookies sat on the table so long that they became stale.
3090stallIf you give the car a push, it won’t stall.
3091stanceMy stance is that using oil and gas is bad for the environment.
3092standAllan prefers to stand and work at his desk.
3093standardThis older model TV is below our store’s standards.
3094starThe stars come out at night.
3095starchPasta is high in starch.
3096starkThere is a stark contrast between their test scores.
3097startCatherine has to start work at 8 o’clock in the morning.
3098startleThe loud crash startled the sleeping woman.
3099starveDuring the war, many people starved.
3100stateThe president stated his opinion about the world’s health concerns.
3101stationThis man is waiting at the train station.
3102statisticThe statistics showed that we did just as well this year as last year.
3103statueThe Venus de Milo is a famous ancient Greek statue.
3104statusShe had achieved the status of being the smartest girl in the class.
3105statuteThe new statute made it illegal to walk dogs in the park.
3106steadyThe problem was hard, but she remained steady and solved it.
3107stealThe men tried to steal money from the bank.
3108steelThe new apartment building was made with steel.
3109steepHe rode his bike up the steep hill to reach the top.
3110steerHe steered the go-cart around the track.
3111stemThe rose had a long thin stem.
3112stepBe careful where you step.
3113stereotypeThere’s a stereotype that pigs are dirty animals. But they are rather clean.
3114sterileThe hospital room looked quite sterile.
3115sternThe stern teacher didn’t allow the students to speak during class.
3116stewardThe steward is bringing some tea.
3117stickyPlace the sticky part of the tape against the paper, so it will cling to the wall.
3118stillThey are still waiting in line to get tickets.
3119stimulateDoctors sometimes use electric shock to stimulate a patient’s heartbeat.
3120stimulusHaving a lot of money is a stimulus for people to buy more things.
3121stingThe needle stung my arm and made me say, “Ouch!”
3122stirMom stirred the batter until it was smooth.
3123stitchMy grandmother stitched the pieces together to make a big blanket.
3124stoolI don’t find stools very comfortable to sit on.
3125storeI picked up a few things at the grocery store.
3126stormDid that storm wake you up last night?
3127stoveOur new stove helps us to cook food much faster than before.
3128straightforwardThe teacher’s grading system was straightforward and fair.
3129strainCasey strained to lift the heavy box.
3130strandedWhen the plane left, my sister and I were stranded in China.
3131strangeThey are wearing strange masks.
3132strapShe put the strap of her purse over her shoulder and walked out the door.
3133strategyThe team came up with a strategy to win the game.
3134strawI drank the orange juice through a straw.
3135strayHe found himself lost because he had strayed from the tour group.
3136streetWhat is the name of the street you live on?
3137strengthEating good food builds up your strength.
3138stressDan has a lot of stress at work.
3139stretchShe stretched her body before exercising.
3140strickenThe pilot landed the stricken airplane with difficulty.
3141strictThe teacher is strict. She does not let students talk in class.
3142strifeThere was a lot of strife between Jim and Lisa about what TV show to watch.
3143strikeShe struck the other girl in the face.
3144stringI found a large ball of string.
3145stripHe had long strips of film that held images of his trip abroad.
3146stripeThe flag of the United States has red and white stripes.
3147strokeThe artist began with a yellow stroke on his painting.
3148strollMy dog and I strolled through the park today.
3149structureThere are big differences in family structure in different cultures.
3150stubbornBoth of my parents are stubborn. They never give in to each other.
3151studyThe woman needed a quiet place to study for a big test.
3152stuffWe gave a lot of stuff to the charity.
3153stuffedThe newspapers were all stuffed into the drawer.
3154stumbleShe stumbles a lot when she is drunk.
3155stunTim fell of the swing and was too stunned to cry.
3156stuntThe man jumped over the cars as a promotional stunt.
3157styleHer clothes were all in the latest style.
3158subconsciousBreathing is one of the subconscious things that the body does.
3159subjectThe location of the trees will subject them to strong winds from the hurricane.
3160submarineThe submarine dove under the sea so the enemy couldn’t see it.
3161subscribeShe subscribed to the view that musical education should be kept in schools.
3162subsequentThe flood and the subsequent rescue of those caught in the flood were on TV.
3163subsidyThe official gave the company a subsidy so it could open two new factories.
3164subsistSome people are forced to subsist on only a few dollars a month.
3165substanceArsenic is a poisonous substance.
3166substantialThe bank said that he owed it a substantial amount of money.
3167substantiallyThe price of the apartment went up substantially.
3168substituteWhen I ran out of juice, I had to substitute water to drink in the morning.
3169subtleThe handsome man has a subtle smile.
3170subtractWe learned how to subtract numbers in class.
3171suburbI grew up in the suburbs, only a few minutes outside of the city.
3172succeedHe will continue to work on the robot until he succeeds.
3173successfulMy father is a successful businessman.
3174successionThe student said the letters of the alphabet in succession.
3175suchI have never seen such a beautiful sunset before.
3176suckThe baby sucked milk from her bottle.
3177suddenHe felt a sudden pain in his chest.
3178suddenlyI was surprised when my friends suddenly shouted, “Happy birthday!”
3179sueI sued the company after I slipped on a banana peel in their hallway.
3180sufferHer headache made her suffer all day.
3181sufficientAfter eating a sufficient amount of food, I left the table.
3182sugarShe added extra sugar to her tea.
3183suggestHe suggested that we go to see his boss.
3184suicideSome people feel so sad that they think suicide is the only answer.
3185sumHe calculated the numbers to see what the sum of his bills would be.
3186summaryCindy concluded the meeting with a summary of the project.
3187summitSnow covered the summit of the mountain even during the summer.
3188summonWe summoned the doctor as soon as we noticed she was sick.
3189sunlightThe sunlight shines through the trees.
3190superMy dad said I did a super job cleaning the house.
3191superintendentThe superintendent decided to close the schools because of the weather.
3192superiorI think cooking outdoors is superior to cooking indoors.
3193supernaturalThe dragon had supernatural powers, such as flying and breathing fire.
3194superstitionIt is a superstition that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.
3195superviseAllen supervised the construction workers to ensure everyone’s safety.
3196supperWe usually have supper around 6 o’clock at my house.
3197supplementHe supplements his diet with fresh fruits.
3198supplyThe water heater supplied the house with warm water.
3199supportEveryone at work supports the new plan.
3200supposeI suppose I should go home now.
3201suppressShe suppressed her urge to scream because she didn’t want to be noticed.
3202supremeThe supreme officer was in charge of keeping the citizens calm.
3203surfThe students went to the beach to surf during their vacation.
3204surfaceShe wiped the surface of the table.
3205surgeAll at once, there was a surge of runners at the finish line.
3206surgeonThe surgeon operated on the old man’s heart.
3207surgeryI needed surgery to repair my leg after the accident.
3208surplusThe store sold their surplus items on sale.
3209surpriseHis parents decided to surprise him with a puppy.
3210surprisedHe didn’t appear at all surprised when he read the article.
3211surrenderThe thief surrendered the money to the police when he was caught.
3212surroundWe surrounded the suspect on all four sides.
3213surveyI filled out a survey about my shopping experience at the department store.
3214surviveShe survived a heart attack.
3215susceptibleNot eating enough vegetables makes you more susceptible to getting sick.
3216suspectI suspect that those kids stole the money.
3217suspendThe oil company suspended production until it was sure the factory was safe.
3218suspicionThe police had a suspicion that the driver had stolen the purse.
3219suspiciousDad was suspicious of the caller on the line.
3220sustainWind power is a clean way to sustain a city with energy.
3221swampThere are lots of wild animals living in the swamp.
3222swearI will put my hand on the Bible and swear to do my best for the country.
3223sweatWhenever I go to the gym, I sweat quite a bit.
3224swellMy sister’s stomach began to swell after she got pregnant.
3225swiftThe swift horse easily jumped over the hurdle.
3226swimI love to swim in the ocean.
3227swingHe can swing a golf club very powerfully.
3228switchMom switched the TV station from the news to her favorite show.
3229swordThey used to use swords in battles in ancient times.
3230symbolThis symbol tells us that we cannot smoke in this area.
3231symmetryThe artist made sure to use perfect symmetry when painting the butterfly.
3232sympathyI felt sympathy for my sister, so I got her a balloon to cheer her up.
3233symptomSneezing and a high fever are symptoms of the common cold.
3234synthesisThe band’s music was a synthesis of many different musical genres.
3235syntheticClothing made out of synthetic fabrics is very effective at keeping people warm.
3236systemThis device controls the building’s heating system.
3237tackleSuch social problems need to be tackled right away.
3238tactSince both sides would not agree, it required someone with tact to make peace.
3239tacticSam thought of a good tactic to attract more business.
3240tailOur dog wags its tail when it’s happy.
3241taleShe told her two friends about the wild tale of her day.
3242talentMaria has a talent for playing the piano.
3243talkThey went someplace to talk to each other.
3244talkativeMy aunt is very talkative whenever she is on the phone.
3245tameThe tame bird rested in his hand.
3246tangleThe laces of his shoes were in such a tangle that he could not untie them.
3247tapHe tapped the keys of the keyboard to write a short word.
3248targetScientists are looking for new drugs to target cancer cells.
3249tariffOur tariff on imported wool makes foreign wool more expensive.
3250taskMy task for the weekend was to clean the entire back yard.
3251tasteThe taste of the fruit was sweet.
3252tattooThe surfer had tattoos on both his arms.
3253taxiGary drives a taxi, so he knows the roads very well.
3254teaMany people drink green tea because it has many health benefits.
3255teamThe All Blacks are my favorite sports team.
3256tearIt is easy to tear paper.
3257teaseJake teased Charlie because he was the new student.
3258technicalHer technical skill was perfect.
3259techniqueThere are a lot of teaching techniques that are well supported by research.
3260technologyHe loves technology such as laptop computers.
3261telegraphIn the 1900s, the telegraph was the fastest way to send a message.
3262telescopeWith a telescope, you can see the moon and stars easily.
3263tellerThe teller at the bank helped Kelly put money into a savings account.
3264temperShe has a temper. Even the slightest mistakes make her angry.
3265temperateIn Peru, the weather is temperate and rarely gets too hot or cold.
3266temperatureIn the winter, the temperature can drop below 0 degrees.
3267temporaryThis car is only temporary; I’ll get a new one soon.
3268temptI wasn’t hungry, but she tempted me with a piece of my favorite cake.
3269tenantThe new tenants moved into the house across the street.
3270tendMy mom tends to buy me the perfect gift each Christmas.
3271tenderThe meat was so tender they didn’t need knives to cut it.
3272tenseI felt very tense waiting to hear the result of the vote.
3273termI often use the term “oops” when I make a mistake.
3274terminalSince his condition was not terminal, he felt a great sense of relief.
3275terminateThe trip was terminated after the car broke down.
3276termiteThe wood we found was full of termites.
3277terraceIn the afternoons, she liked to sit on the terrace and check her email.
3278terrainThe terrain below was rocky and full of hills.
3279terribleThe way he treated his classmate was terrible.
3280terrificMy youngest daughter is a terrific painter.
3281terrifiedWhen I saw the ghost, I was absolutely terrified!
3282territoryGibraltar is a territory of Great Britain.
3283terrorI felt a sense of terror when the tiger chased me.
3284testHis job is to test the electricity to make sure it works correctly.
3285testamentThe beautiful performance was a testament to the singer’s natural talents.
3286testifyThe judge listened while the victim testified about the robbery.
3287textSpoken text has many features which are different from written text.
3288textileThe blue textile was going to be used to make blouses.
3289textureThe texture of a rock found in the water is typically very smooth.
3290theaterWe went to the theater to see a play.
3291theftThe theft of his TV took place when he was at work.
3292themeThe students discussed the book’s theme in class.
3293theoreticalHis conclusion was only theoretical and not meant to be publicized.
3294theorizeThey enjoyed theorizing about how things worked.
3295theoryWe talked about Einstein’s theory of relativity in class.
3296therapyAfter she broke her legs, she used physical therapy to learn how to walk again.
3297therebyHe didn’t score a goal, thereby ending his chance at setting a record.
3298thereforeHe is fat. Therefore, he should go on a diet.
3299thermometerThe thermometer outside the window indicated that it was a hot day today.
3300thesisShe did not support her thesis very well.
3301theyThey are playing a fun game.
3302thickThe fog was so thick that I couldn’t see through it.
3303thiefA thief broke into our home and took my mother’s jewelry.
3304thighHe suffered from a serious thigh injury.
3305thinThe man was thin because he didn’t eat much.
3306thinkI think summer is the best season.
3307thornBe careful of the thorns when you pick up the roses!
3308thoroughTina did a thorough job of cleaning the stains out of the carpet.
3309thoughThough he was overweight, he liked to be active.
3310threadI have many different colors of thread at home.
3311threatDue to the dark clouds, there was a threat of a bad storm.
3312thrillThe surfer enjoys the thrill of surfing a big wave.
3313thriveHe may be an old man, but he continues to thrive.
3314throneNobody except the king and queen sat in the thrones in the great hall.
3315throwThe pitcher can throw the baseball very fast.
3316thrustThe boxer thrust his fist into the punching bag.
3317thumpThey heard the thump when the bowling ball hit the floor.
3318thunderThe sound of the thunder startled me.
3319thusVictor wants to lose weight; thus, he’ll go on a diet and start exercising.
3320tideThe tide continued to crawl upon the beach little by little.
3321tidyLeon has always been a very tidy boy.
3322tieThe dog is used to being tied up.
3323tightThe knots were too tight to untie.
3324tiltShe tilted her glass and almost spilled some of the wine inside.
3325timberTrees in this area are grown specifically to be used for timber.
3326timidThe timid child hides behind her mother whenever she sees a stranger.
3327tinSoup is a food that is often sold in tin cans.
3328tinyA baby’s hand is tiny.
3329tipThe tip of his pen was very sharp.
3330tissueThere was a box of tissue on the table.
3331tobaccoThe tobacco in cigarettes is bad for you.
3332togetherLet’s work together to finish the project.
3333toleranceBoxers have a high tolerance for pain.
3334tolerantThe tolerant leader thought that everyone was equal regardless of race.
3335tolerateWhen you are in a hurry, it can be hard to tolerate traffic signals.
3336tomatoI like tomato sandwiches.
3337tonThis dump truck can carry up to 25 tons.
3338tongueThe cat uses its tongue to drink water.
3339toolPresentation skills are an important tool for communication.
3340torchHe grabbed a piece of wood and stuck it in the fire in order to make a torch.
3341tormentShe tormented her little brother by taking his favorite toy.
3342tornadoDuring a tornado, the safest place to be is underground.
3343tortureGreg thought that writing the essay was torture.
3344tossHe tossed a coin into the air.
3345totalThe total cost of the items she bought was $52.
3346totallyI am totally against that.
3347toughThe man passed his driving test even though it was very tough.
3348tourI took a tour of Asia and Europe.
3349tournamentMy dad is playing in a golf tournament tomorrow.
3350towardSanta walked toward my house with a bag of gifts.
3351towerThis is a very famous tower in Italy.
3352townI come from a small town, and everyone there knows each other.
3353toxicPlease check the label to see if the product is toxic.
3354traceHe traced over the graph with his finger.
3355tractOn the other side of the mountains, there was a long tract of forest.
3356traditionMarriage is a tradition all over the world.
3357traditionalI prefer traditional furniture.
3358tragedyIt was a tragedy when his house was struck by lightning and burned.
3359tragicThe entire community attended the memorial service for the victims of the tragic fire.
3360trailA narrow trail cut through the field and over the hills.
3361trainThe train is very fast, so we can get home in one hour.
3362traitOne trait of Salvador’s personality is his cheerfulness.
3363tramI took the tram to Eighth Avenue.
3364tranceThe woman’s powerful eyes often put men in a trance.
3365transactionBecause the clerk was new at the job, the simple transaction took a long time.
3366transferThe family transferred the groceries from the shopping cart to the car.
3367transformThe education system has been completely transformed.
3368transitionThe weather gets colder during the transition from summer to autumn.
3369transmitThe radio tower transmits a signal to all the radios in a 20-kilometer radius.
3370transplantThe sick child needed a heart transplant to live.
3371transportCargo ships are used for the transport of manufactured goods.
3372transportationI don’t have a car, so my normal transportation is the train.
3373trapWe trapped butterflies in a net.
3374trashPlease take out the trash; it smells bad.
3375travelThey will travel to Argentina this summer.
3376traverseThe explorer traversed the desert alone on a camel.
3377trayThe waiter brought our food on a tray.
3378treasureThey became very rich when they found the buried treasure.
3379trembleHarry was not used to the cold, so he trembled most of the day.
3380tremendousThe Earth’s oceans are filled with a tremendous amount of water.
3381trendLucy likes to think she started this fashion trend.
3382trialHe went on trial for robbing the bank.
3383tributeIn some countries, people wear poppies as a tribute to veterans.
3384triggerThe man had his finger on the trigger of the gun.
3385trimI had my hair trimmed this afternoon.
3386tripKen took a trip to the city yesterday.
3387triumphHe raised the award in triumph at the end of his speech.
3388troopsThe troops were all prepared to go into battle.
3389troubleI have trouble working with my boss.
3390trustI trust my friends; they don’t tell my secrets to other people.
3391trustworthyMary is one of the most trustworthy people I’ve ever met.
3392tubeThe pile of tubes was going to be put in the ground.
3393tuitionUniversity tuitions have increased by 50 percent in the last five years.
3394tumultShe couldn’t hear her friend over the tumult of the other excited guests.
3395tunnelThe tunnel will lead you to the next city.
3396turfAfter the game, the turf looked ragged.
3397tuskSadly, some people hunt elephants and remove their tusks to sell them.
3398tutorMy sister is bad at math. So my mother hired a tutor to help her.
3399twigThey started the fire with a handful of dry twigs.
3400twinMy sister and I are twins. We look exactly the same.
3401twistShe twisted the spaghetti around her fork.
3402twoTwo friends study together at the coffee shop.
3403typeTulips are a type of flower.
3404typewrittenThis is an important, formal project and must be typewritten.
3405typhoonThousands of people lost electricity after a typhoon hit Australia.
3406typicalMy typical breakfast is toast and eggs.
3407uglyIt was an ugly sight.
3408ultimateBy trying hard in school, I will reach my ultimate goal of becoming a doctor.
3409underestimateWe lost the game because we underestimated the other team’s skill.
3410undergoThe cancer patient undergoes treatments twice a week.
3411undergraduateShe was excited to finish high school and enroll as an undergraduate in the fall.
3412undergroundSubway trains travel underground.
3413underlyingHer underlying fear of flying reduced her traveling options.
3414undermineThe documents helped to undermine the workers’ trust in their bosses’ honesty.
3415underneathThe roots of a tree are located underneath the ground.
3416understandHenry could not understand the message.
3417undertakeWe undertook to make sure everybody was well informed of current progress.
3418unfortunateIt was unfortunate that Dave’s team lost, but he still had fun.
3419uniformAll the members of our marching band wear matching uniforms.
3420unifyWith their good deeds, the children tried to unify the world.
3421uniqueHer dog is unique. I’ve never seen one quite like it.
3422uniteIf we unite, we can finish our project faster.
3423unityThe project was finished early thanks to the unity of the workers.
3424universityMy dream is to go to a good university.
3425unlessUnless you clean your room, you cannot play with your friends.
3426unlikeUnlike his older brother, Jim is short.
3427unrestHigh taxes caused much of the unrest that led to the Revolutionary War.
3428unsettleThe dark clouds in the sky unsettled Beth.
3429upbringingHe had a strict upbringing and was never allowed to watch television.
3430upcomingThe kids were worried about their upcoming exam.
3431updateWe need to update the programs on our computers.
3432upgradeHe upgraded to a real fancy car.
3433upperHe took the elevator to the upper floor.
3434uprightMeerkats can’t walk like humans, but they can stand upright.
3435uproarThe fans made a great uproar when their team lost the game.
3436upwardsThe kite went upwards further and further.
3437urbanIt is common to see tall buildings in urban areas.
3438urgeHe urged them to believe his story.
3439urgentHe had to leave at that moment; it was urgent.
3440usualIt was just the usual people who came.
3441utensilIt seemed that a fork was the wrong utensil for trying to eat the soup.
3442utilityIf you don’t pay the utilities, you may have your electricity turned off.
3443utilizeThe team can utilize the lab equipment to complete the experiment.
3444utterThe lost boy was so scared that he could barely utter a single word.
3445vagueI asked him about his mother’s health, but he was very vague about it.
3446vainRebecca is so vain that she looks at herself in every mirror.
3447valentineHarry wanted Molly to be his valentine.
3448validThe expert’s opinion on the subject was more valid than others.
3449validateWinning first prize will validate all of Tony’s hard work.
3450valleyWe looked at the valley below from the top of the mountain.
3451valueYour love for me has greater value than gold.
3452valveThe mechanic removed the dirt to clear the engine valve.
3453vampireThe vampire snuck up on the woman and bit her neck.
3454vanThe delivery company uses large vans to deliver packages.
3455vanishAll the passengers vanished from the train station.
3456vanityHer vanity won’t allow her to pass a mirror without looking at herself.
3457varietyThere are a variety of flowers at the shop.
3458variousShe owned shoes of various styles.
3459varyThe heights of the people in my class vary by a large amount.
3460vaseThe vase was filled with such lovely flowers.
3461vastThe wealthy man bought a vast amount of land in the countryside.
3462vegetableCarrots are my favorite vegetable.
3463vegetarianI became a vegetarian because I don’t like the taste of meat.
3464vehementGina was vehement when she found out that Liz was bad in school.
3465veinThe blue veins in my hand are just under my skin.
3466venomA snake’s venom can be used to cure the illnesses it creates.
3467ventureEven though it was dangerous, they ventured up the mountain.
3468verifyJulian called the movie theater to verify that the movie started at nine.
3469versionShe read the students British version of the Chinese fairy tale.
3470veryAn elephant is a very big animal.
3471vesselWe toured the area aboard a luxury vessel.
3472veteranHank was the team veteran and had completed more races than anyone else.
3473veterinarianWanda became a veterinarian because she loves dogs.
3474viaWe arrived in the city from the airport via the train.
3475viableHer method of solving the math problem seemed viable.
3476vibrateThe machine made his whole body vibrate as he broke up the ground.
3477vice versaStudents learn from their teachers, and vice versa.
3478viciousThe vicious dog tried to bite the small child.
3479victimI was a victim of a robbery.
3480victorAt the end of the game, the blue team were the victors.
3481victoryThe man was thrilled with his victory.
3482viewMichael likes to view himself in the mirror.
3483vigilHe had a vigil in front of the tomb for three days.
3484vigorousHenry uses vigorous exercise to keep himself in shape.
3485villageThere are only a few houses in my village.
3486villainThe villain made of with half of my family’s valuables.
3487vineThe branches of the trees were covered with vines.
3488violateI was given a ticket because the policeman said I violated a traffic law.
3489violenceThe boy hit his brother in an act of violence.
3490violentThe man was put into jail because he was violent.
3491viralThe girl was in bed for a week when she had a viral infection.
3492virginThe virgin goddess of the moon was known as Diana.
3493virtualBecause he’s popular, Joe is the virtual leader of the group.
3494virtueMy best virtue is forgiveness.
3495visionThe eye doctor tested my vision.
3496visitShe wants to visit her grandmother.
3497visualThe visual displays were very attractive.
3498vitalThe heart is a vital organ.
3499vividThe figures in the painting were vivid.
3500vocalShawn gets vocal when someone disagrees with his opinions.
3501volcanoWhen the volcano erupted, smoke and heat filled the air.
3502volumeThe volume of cars in the parking lot was steadily increasing.
3503voluntaryMany people attended the voluntary boat safety class.
3504volunteerMany people volunteered to help the adults learn to read.
3505vomitIt is common for women to vomit when they are pregnant.
3506vowBefore they are allowed to work, all senators must vow to never accept bribes.
3507voyageThe astronauts took off on a long voyage to the moon.
3508vulnerableHe felt very vulnerable when he was stranded in the desert.
3509wageThe wages I receive from my job are really great!
3510wagonHe used his wagon to carry some of his gifts.
3511wailThe baby wailed because it was hungry.
3512waitShe has to wait for the airplane to arrive.
3513walkThe children walk to school in the morning.
3514wanderThe boys like to wander in the woods and look at birds.
3515warMany young men died in the war.
3516wardrobeShe bought some new clothes to expand her wardrobe.
3517warnThe lifeguard warned people to stay away from the rough ocean.
3518warpThe woman put the clock above the fireplace, and the heat warped it.
3519warriorThe samurai were some of the most skilled warriors in the ancient world.
3520wasteTurn off the water so you don’t waste it.
3521watchMy friend came over to watch a movie with me.
3522waterDrink eight cups of water every day.
3523waveThe water was filled with large blue waves.
3524wavyThe child drew wavy lines all over the piece of paper.
3525waxThe candles are made of wax.
3526weakShe is still weak after the illness.
3527wealthOne of the most important things for some people is wealth.
3528weaponSwords have been used as weapons for thousands of years.
3529wearThe man has to wear a suit to work.
3530wearyJane was weary after a long day of work.
3531weatherToday’s weather is rainy and cloudy.
3532weaveWe saw a woman weave a blanket on our vacation to South America.
3533webMom cleaned the spider webs out of the garage.
3534weekWhat are you doing next week?
3535weighThe little dog weighed exactly 3 kilograms.
3536weightI gained weight because I ate a lot of pizza.
3537weirdMy best friend’s dad is a bit weird.
3538welcomeShe greeted her friends with a warm welcome.
3539welfareHaving plenty of clean water is necessary for the welfare of people.
3540wetSince my dog was wet, he tried to shake all the water off his body.
3541whaleWe were surprised when a whale surfaced next to our boat.
3542whatsoeverThe boy had no idea whatsoever how to finish the story.
3543wheatThe field of golden wheat was ready to be harvested.
3544wheelA car has four wheels.
3545whereaboutsThe police looked for the lost dog, but its whereabouts were still unknown.
3546whereasMy sister loves horror movies, whereas I prefer comedies.
3547wherebyThe mayor had a new bridge built whereby the citizens could cross the river.
3548whetherI could not decide whether to go left or right.
3549whisperWe have to whisper in the library so people can focus on reading.
3550wickedMy boss is a very wicked man.
3551wideThe door was as wide as my arms.
3552widespreadIt is a widespread belief that colds are caused by cold weather.
3553widthThe man is measuring the width of the box.
3554wildDandelions grow wild in the cracks of the streets.
3555windingThe winding river turned and looped around the hills.
3556wineThe store carried both red and white wine.
3557wipeShe wiped the dust from the windows.
3558wireThe wires were connected to towers that brought electricity to the city.
3559witchPeople think that witches fly around on broomsticks.
3560withdrawAfter losing the battle, the enemy withdrew back to its own country.
3561withinWithin the box, there was a pizza.
3562witnessThe woman was the only witness of the horrible crime.
3563wizardThe wizard made gold fall from the sky.
3564wonderThe young mother wondered if she’d have a boy or a girl.
3565woodI put the pieces of wood in a pile.
3566woodedJim and Ben decided to go hiking in the wooded area by the river.
3567woodenMy mother gave me a wooden spoon.
3568workThey need to work together to finish an important project.
3569workoutShe doesn’t do her workout on the weekends.
3570workplaceDiversity is important in the workplace.
3571worldWhat are the names of the five oceans of the world?
3572wormWorms are often used to help catch fish.
3573worseBusiness was worse this month than last month.
3574worsenThe weather suddenly worsened, and we had to stay inside.
3575worshipMany people around the world worship in a church.
3576worthOur house is worth a lot of money.
3577worthwhileOn his visit to Canada, he realized studying English was worthwhile.
3578woundThe boy knew he might wound his knees if he didn’t wear pads on them.
3579wrapI wrapped his gift and put a bow on it.
3580wreckThe teenagers wrecked the house for no reason at all.
3581wrestleMy dad loved to wrestle when he was in high school.
3582wrinkleMy grandfather has some wrinkles on his face.
3583writeI need to write a story for my homework.
3584yardThe girls jumped rope in the yard.
3585yawnThe child yawned and stretched her arms before going to bed for the night.
3586yearYou become one year older every birthday.
3587yellSomeone yelled out his name.
3588yetWe can’t go out yet; we’re still eating.
3589yieldHe had to yield his turn because he was in checkmate.
3590zipShe zipped her backpack closed after putting her books inside it.
3591zoneFirefighters often work in danger zones.
3592zoologyHelen wants to study zoology because she has always liked animals.
3593zoomThe cars zoomed along the road.