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1AlmightyThe Almighty is a name for a god in a religion.
2AugustAugust is the eighth month of the year.
3BibleThe Bible is the book of sacred writing in the Christian religion.
4CatholicA Catholic thing or person is one that is connected with the Roman Catholic Church.
5CelsiusCelsius is a scale for measuring temperature.
6DNADNA is the short form of deoxyribonucleic acid.
7DecemberDecember is the twelfth month of the year.
8FALSEIf something is false, it is not correct.
9FahrenheitFahrenheit is a temperature scale where water freezes at 32° and boils at 212°.
10JanuaryJanuary is the first month of the year.
11JulyThe seventh month of the year is July.
12MandarinMandarin is one of the two main Chinese languages.
13RenaissanceThe Renaissance was a period between the 14th and 17th centuries.
14abandonTo abandon something is to leave it forever or for a long time.
15abbeyAn abbey is a house, or group of houses, where monks or nuns live.
16abilityAbility is the quality of a person being able to do something well.
17abnormalIf something is abnormal, it is different from normal or average.
18aboardSomeone aboard a ship or plane is in or on it.
19abolishTo abolish something means to put an end to it, such as a system or law.
20aboveIf something is above, it is at a higher level than something else.
21abroadAn action done abroad is done in a different country.
22abruptIf something is abrupt, it is sudden or unexpected.
23absenceAbsence is the state of something being away.
24absentIf someone or something is absent, they are missing or not in the place they are expected to be.
25absorbTo absorb a liquid means to take it inside.
26abstractAn abstract thing is an idea or thought, not a physical thing.
27absurdIf something or someone is absurd, they are ridiculous.
28abundantIf something is abundant, then it is available in large quantities.
29abuseTo abuse means to hurt someone or something on purpose.
30academicWhen something is academic, it relates to schools and education.
31academyAn academy is a special type of school.
32accelerateTo accelerate means to increase in speed.
33accentAn accent is a certain way of speaking that shows where a person is from.
34acceptTo accept something that is offered is to take it.
35acceptanceAcceptance is when people agree that an idea, statement, explanation, etc., is right or true.
36accessAccess is the right to enter or use something.
37accessoryAn accessory is a thing that is added to another thing to make it look better.
38accidentAn accident is unexpected, and may cause some trouble.
39accommodateTo accommodate is to have enough room.
40accompanyTo accompany other people means to join them or go with them.
41accomplishTo accomplish something means to finish it.
42accordinglyIf someone acts accordingly, they act in a way that is suitable.
43accountAn account with a bank is an arrangement to keep one’s money there.
44accountableWhen someone is accountable, he or she is responsible for the effects of his or her actions.
45accountantAn accountant is a person whose job is to keep financial accounts for a business.
46accountingPeople study accounting so they can deal with money and finance properly.
47accumulateTo accumulate something is to collect a lot of it over time.
48accurateIf something is accurate, it is completely correct.
49accuseTo accuse someone of something is to blame them for doing it.
50accustomTo accustom oneself to something is to get used to it.
51acheTo ache is to hurt, or cause pain.
52achieveTo achieve something is to successfully do it after trying hard.
53acidAn acid is a chemical that can burn or dissolve other substances.
54acknowledgeTo acknowledge something is to accept that it is true or that it exists.
55acquaintTo acquaint is to get to know something or someone.
56acquireTo acquire something is to get or gain possession of that thing.
57acquisitionAn acquisition is something that a person buys or gets in some way.
58acreAn acre is a unit for measuring area.
59acrobatAn acrobat is a person who entertains people by doing amazing physical things.
60acrossTo go across something is to go to the other side of it.
61activeWhen someone is active, they move a lot or have a lot of things to do.
62actualActual means real or true.
63actuallyActually means in fact or really.
64acuteWhen a bad thing is acute, it is very severe and intense.
65adaptTo adapt means to change in order to deal with a new situation.
66addictAn addict is a person who cannot stop doing something.
67addictiveIf something is addictive, it is hard to stop doing.
68adequateSomething adequate is good enough.
69adhereTo adhere means to act in the way that a rule or agreement says is right.
70adjacentWhen something is adjacent, it is next to or adjoining something else.
71adjoinTo adjoin something means to be next to or attached to something else.
72adjoiningIf something is adjoining, it is next to or joined with a building or room.
73adjustTo adjust something means to change it so it is better.
74administerTo administer means to take responsibility for organizing something.
75administrationAn administration is the group of people who manage a company or organization.
76administrativeAdministrative describes anything related to managing a company or organization.
77administratorAn administrator is a person who controls a business, company, or organization.
78admiralAn admiral is someone who controls many military ships.
79admissionAdmission is the act of allowing to enter a place.
80admonishTo admonish someone is to tell them you disapprove of their behavior.
81adolescentAn adolescent is a young person or a teenager.
82adultAn adult is a person who is more than 18 years old.
83advanceTo advance is to go forward.
84adventAn advent is the arrival or beginning of an important person, thing, or event.
85adventureAn adventure is a fun or exciting thing that you do.
86adverseSomething that has an adverse effect can be harmful, dangerous, or unfavorable.
87advertiseTo advertise is to describe or draw attention to a product or event by using a public medium.
88adviceAdvice is an opinion about what to do.
89adviseTo advise someone is to tell them what to do.
90advocacyAdvocacy is the act of supporting or recommending something.
91advocateTo advocate a plan or idea is to support or suggest it in public.
92aerialWhen something is aerial, it relates to being in the air or flying.
93aestheticIf something is aesthetic, then it is concerned with a love of beauty.
94affairAn affair is an event or a thing that happened.
95affectTo affect someone or something is to have an influence over them.
96affectionAffection is a feeling of liking someone or something.
97afflictedAfflicted means to suffer physically or mentally.
98affluentIf someone is affluent, they are wealthy.
99affordTo afford something means to have enough money to pay for it.
100afterlifeThe afterlife is a life that some people believe begins when a person dies.
101againstTo be against something is to be touching it or opposed to it.
102ageAge is how many years someone has lived.
103agencyAn agency is a business or service set up to act for others.
104agendaAn agenda is a plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior.
105aggregateWhen something is aggregate, it is made up of smaller amounts added together.
106aggressionAggression is behavior that is mean or violent to others.
107aggressiveIf someone is aggressive, then they constantly want to fight or argue.
108agonyAgony is severe pain or suffering.
109agreeTo agree is to have the same opinion or belief as another person.
110agreementAn agreement is a formal decision about future action.
111agricultureAgriculture is the growing of plants and raising of animals for food.
112aheadIf something is ahead of something else, it is in front of it.
113ailingIf something is ailing, it is sickly or not doing well.
114aimAn aim is a goal someone wants to make happen.
115aircraftAn aircraft is a vehicle that flies in the sky, such as an airplane or helicopter.
116airlineAn airline is a company that takes people to different places by plane.
117airwayAn airway is the passage by which air reaches a person’s lungs.
118aisleAn aisle is a space between two things that people use to walk.
119alarmAn alarm is something that warns people of danger.
120albeitAlbeit means although. (It is made of three parts – al(though), be, it.
121alcoholAlcohol is a type of drink that can make people drunk.
122alertTo alert someone is to tell or warn that person about something.
123alienAn alien is a creature from a different world.
124alignTo align is to support a political group, country, or person that you agree with.
125alikeIf two people or things are alike, they are similar to each other.
126aliveSomeone or something that is alive is not dead.
127allegeTo allege something is to say that it is true without offering proof.
128alleyAn alley is a narrow road between houses or buildings.
129allianceAn alliance is a group of people who work together.
130allocateTo allocate something means to put it aside for a certain purpose or person.
131allowTo allow something to happen means to let it happen.
132allyAn ally is someone who agrees to help or support another person or group.
133aloneA person who is alone is not with another person.
134alongAlong means down the length of a road, river, etc.
135alongsideIf something is alongside another thing, then it is next to it.
136aloudAn action done aloud is done so that people can hear it.
137alphaThe alpha member of a group is the most dominant or has the highest rank.
138alreadyIf something happens already, it happens before a certain time.
139alsoAlso means in addition to or too.
140altarAn altar is a table used in churches.
141alterTo alter something means to change it.
142alternateAn alternate option is a different option.
143alternativeAn alternative is something that you can choose instead of your first choice.
144althoughYou use although to say that one thing is contrasted by another.
145altogetherIf something happens altogether, it happens completely.
146aluminumAluminum is a chemical element that is a light silver-coloured metal.
147alwaysAlways means that something happens all the time.
148amateurAn amateur is a person who does something for fun and isn’t paid for it.
149amazeTo amaze people is to surprise them very much.
150ambassadorAn ambassador is a government worker who works in another country.
151ambiguousIf something is ambiguous, it is not entirely clear.
152ambitionAmbition is the desire to succeed and to become the best at something.
153ambitiousAn ambitious person wants to be rich or successful.
154ambulanceAn ambulance is a vehicle that transports people in a medical emergency.
155amendTo amend something means to change it to improve or make it accurate.
156amidIf something is amid something else, then it is in the middle of it.
157amnestyAmnesty is a pardon given to prisoners of war.
158amongIf you are among certain things, they are all around you.
159amountAn amount is how much there is of something.
160ampleIf something is ample, then it is enough or more than enough.
161amuseTo amuse someone means to do something that is funny or entertaining.
162analogousIf something is analogous to another thing, then it is like it in certain ways.
163analyticIf something is analytic, it is related to logic and reasoning.
164analyzeTo analyze something is to study it.
165ancestorAn ancestor is a family member from the past.
166anchorAn anchor is a heavy object dropped from a boat to make it stay in one place.
167ancientIf something is ancient, it is very old.
168anewIf you do something anew, you do it again, possibly in a different way.
169angleAn angle is the direction from which something is looked at.
170animalAn animal is a living thing that can move.
171animateWhen something is animate, it has life.
172ankleAn ankle connects your leg to your foot.
173anniversaryAn anniversary is a day that celebrates something from the past.
174announceTo announce something is to make it known.
175annualAn annual event happens once a year.
176anonymousIf someone is anonymous, no one knows who he or she is.
177anthemAn anthem is a formal or religious song.
178anthropologyAnthropology is the study of people, society, and culture.
179antibioticAn antibiotic is a medical drug used to kill bacteria and treat infections.
180anticipateTo anticipate something is to think that it will happen.
181antiqueIf something is antique, it is very old and rare, and therefore valuable.
182anxietyAnxiety is a feeling of worry and fear.
183anxiousAnxious means feeling worried or nervous.
184apartWhen people or things are apart, they are not next to each other.
185apartmentAn apartment is a set of rooms in a building where people live.
186apologyAn apology is what people say to show that they are sorry.
187appallTo appall means to disgust someone.
188apparatusAn apparatus is a device used for a particular purpose.
189apparentApparent means clear or easy to see.
190appealTo appeal to someone is to be interesting or attractive.
191appearTo appear is to seem.
192appetiteYour appetite is your hunger for food.
193appetizingWhen food is appetizing, it looks and smells very good.
194applaudTo applaud means to clap in order to show approval.
195applauseApplause is the noise made when people clap their hands to show approval.
196applianceAn appliance is a piece of equipment used for jobs in the home.
197applicableIf something is applicable to a person or thing, it is relevant to them.
198applicantAn applicant is someone who writes a request to be considered for a job or prize.
199applyTo apply something means to put it on.
200appointTo appoint someone to a job means to give the job to them.
201appreciateTo appreciate something is to understand its good qualities.
202apprenticeAn apprentice is a person who learns how to do a job from a skilled person.
203approachTo approach something means to move close to it.
204appropriateWhen a thing is appropriate, it is right or normal.
205approveTo approve of something means you like or agree with that thing.
206approximateApproximate means close to an exact amount, number, or time.
207aptitudeAptitude is a natural ability or skill.
208aquariumAn aquarium is a place where fish and underwater animals are kept.
209aquaticIf a plant or animal is aquatic, it lives or grows in water.
210arbitraryIf something is arbitrary, it is not based on any plan or system, so it seems random.
211arcAn arc is a curved shape.
212archAn arch is a curved opening formed under a structure such as a bridge or doorway.
213archaeologyArchaeology is the study of the remains left by ancient societies.
214archaicIf something is archaic, it is very old or outdated.
215archeologicalWhen something is archeological, it relates to archeology.
216archeologyArcheology is the study of ancient people through their artifacts.
217architectAn architect is a person who designs buildings.
218architectureArchitecture is the design and form of a building.
219arcticArctic shows that something is of or from the cold, far-north part of the Earth.
220areaAn area is a reasonably large place.
221arenaAn arena is a building where people can watch sports and concerts.
222aridIf a place is arid, then it is hot and dry and gets very little or no rain.
223ariseTo arise is to happen.
224aristocracyThe aristocracy is the highest class of people in certain societies.
225aristocratAn aristocrat is a person who is of the highest class in certain societies.
226arithmeticArithmetic is math.
227armedIf you are armed, you are carrying a weapon.
228armorArmor is metal worn by soldiers to protect the body.
229armyAn army is a large group of people who fight in wars.
230aromaAn aroma is a scent or smell.
231arouseTo arouse means to awaken interest or attention in someone.
232arrangeTo arrange things is to put them in the right place.
233arrayAn array is a large group or number of things.
234arrestTo arrest someone means to catch that person for doing something bad.
235arriveTo arrive is to get somewhere.
236arrogantIf someone is arrogant, they think that they are more important than others.
237arrowAn arrow is a thin, straight stick shot from a bow.
238artArt is something creative that expresses ideas and feelings.
239arteryAn artery is a tube that takes blood from the heart to the rest of the body.
240arthritisArthritis is an illness causing pain and swelling in a person’s joints.
241articleAn article is a story in a newspaper or magazine.
242articulateIf someone is articulate, he or she has the ability to express ideas clearly and effectively.
243artifactAn artifact is an old object made by humans that is historically interesting.
244artificialIf something is artificial, it was not made naturally but mimics something natural.
245artistAn artist is a person who paints, draws, or makes sculptures.
246ashAsh is the grey or black powder created when something is burned.
247ashamedAshamed means feeling upset and embarrassed because of a bad action.
248ashoreIf something goes ashore, it goes from the water to the land.
249asideAn action done aside is done toward the side of something or someplace.
250askTo ask is to say or write something to get an answer.
251aspectAn aspect is one part or feature of something.
252aspireTo aspire means to have a strong desire to achieve or do something.
253assassinAn assassin is someone who murders an important person.
254assembleTo assemble means to get together in one place.
255assemblyAn assembly is a group gathered together for the same reason.
256assessTo assess something means to judge the structure, purpose, or quality of it.
257assetAn asset is a skill or quality that is useful or valuable.
258assignWhen you assign work, you give that work to particular people.
259assignmentAn assignment is task that is given to you to do.
260assimilateTo assimilate is to adopt the ways of a new culture and fully become a part of it.
261assistTo assist someone is to help them.
262associateTo associate means to connect something with a person or thing.
263assumeTo assume something is to think that it is true, even with no proof.
264assureTo assure people is to tell them something is true to make them less worried.
265asteroidAn asteroid is a giant rock from outer space.
266astonishTo astonish someone means to greatly surprise them.
267astrologyAstrology is the study of the stars in the belief that they influence people’s lives.
268astronautAn astronaut is a person who goes into outer space.
269astronomyAstronomy is the study of the stars and planets.
270athleteAn athlete is a person who plays sports.
271atmosphereThe atmosphere is the air around the Earth where weather conditions form.
272atomAn atom is the smallest unit of a substance.
273attachTo attach is to put two things together.
274attackTo attack something is to hurt or damage it.
275attainTo attain something is to succeed at something or to get something you want.
276attemptAn attempt is an act of trying to do something, especially something difficult.
277attendTo attend something is to go to it.
278attentionAttention is the notice, thought, or consideration of someone.
279atticAn attic is a room just below a house’s roof.
280attireAttire is nice or special clothing.
281attitudeSomeone’s attitude is the way they feel and think.
282attorneyAn attorney is one who gives others advice about the law.
283attractTo attract means to make a person or thing come closer or be interested.
284attributeAn attribute is a characteristic of a person or thing.
285audibleIf something is audible, then it is able to be heard.
286audienceAn audience is a group of people who gather to watch someone do something.
287auditTo audit means to inspect financial records from a person or business.
288auditoriumAn auditorium is a large building used for public events.
289authenticWhen something is authentic, it is not false or a copy of the original.
290authorAn author is a person who wrote a certain piece of writing.
291authoritativeIf something is authoritative, it uses the best information available.
292authorityAn authority is someone who has the power to make decisions and enforce rules and laws.
293authorizeTo authorize something means to give permission for it.
294autobiographyAn autobiography is a true story of a person’s life written by that person.
295autographAn autograph is the written name of a famous person.
296automateTo automate something means to have machines or computers do the work.
297automaticallyIf an action happens automatically, it happens without thinking or planning.
298automobileAn automobile is a car.
299autonomyAutonomy is another word for freedom or independence.
300autumnAutumn is the season of the year between summer and winter.
301availAvail is help or benefit.
302availableIf something is available, it means you can get it.
303avalancheAn avalanche is a large amount of snow, ice, and rock falling off a mountain.
304avenueAn avenue is a road, often a large one with buildings on each side.
305averageIf something is average, it is at a normal level.
306avoidTo avoid something is to stay away from it.
307awaitTo await something means to wait for it.
308awakeA person who is awake is not asleep.
309awardAn award is a prize for doing something well.
310awareIf someone is aware, they know that something or a situation exists.
311awarenessAn awareness is knowledge or perception or a situation or fact.
312awesomeIf things or people are awesome, they are impressive or frightening.
313awfulAn awful thing is very bad.
314awhileIf you do something awhile, you do it for a short time.
315awkwardAn awkward thing is embarrassing and uncomfortable.
316axAn ax is a tool used to cut wood.
317bachelorA bachelor is an unmarried man.
318backgroundA background is a person’s education, family, and experience.
319backstageIf something happens backstage, it occurs behind a theater’s stage.
320badWhen something is bad, it is not good.
321baitBait is something used to trick a person or thing to do something.
322bakeTo bake means to cook food in an oven.
323balanceBalance is when two or more things are equal.
324baldA bald person or animal has no hair.
325ballA ball is a round object that is thrown, kicked, or hit in a game or sport.
326banTo ban something is to not let people do it.
327bananaA banana is a long yellow fruit with soft white flesh inside.
328bandA band is a group of people who play music.
329bandageA bandage is a piece of cloth used to stop bleeding.
330bankruptIf someone is bankrupt, then they are unable to pay their debts.
331barberA barber is a person whose job is to cut men’s hair.
332bareA bare thing is plain and not covered.
333barelyBarely means by the smallest amount, almost not.
334bargainA bargain is a very good price paid for a product.
335barkTo bark is to make a short, loud noise, like a dog.
336barnA barn is a large farm building that houses crops, equipment, and animals.
337barrelA barrel is a round thing that you can keep liquids in.
338barrierA barrier is something that blocks a path or way.
339baseThe base is the bottom of something.
340basementA basement of a house or building is a room that is built underground.
341basicIf something is basic, it is very simple or easy.
342basinA basin is large bowl for washing things. A sink is sometimes called a basin.
343basisThe basis of something is the main part of amount of it.
344basketA basket is a container made of woven materials that is used to carry things.
345bathA bath is the act of sitting in a tub of water in order to get clean.
346batheTo bathe means to wash oneself with water.
347batteryA battery is an object placed inside something to supply it with electricity.
348battleA battle is a fight between two armies during a war.
349bayA bay is an area near the ocean where the land goes inward.
350beachThe beach is a sandy or rocky place by the ocean.
351beadA bead is a drop of liquid.
352beamA beam is a heavy bar.
353beanA bean is a plant seed that is good to eat.
354beardA beard is hair that grows on a man’s chin and cheeks.
355beastA beast is a large and dangerous animal.
356beatTo beat someone means to do better than they do.
357beautifulA beautiful thing is good to look at.
358beautyBeauty is the state or quality of being beautiful.
359becauseBecause introduces a reason for something.
360beforehandIf something is done beforehand, then it is done in advance.
361behalfIf something is done on one’s behalf, it is done for that person by another.
362behaveTo behave is to act in a particular way, especially to be good.
363behaviorYour behavior is the way you act.
364behindBehind means to be at the back of something.
365beliefA belief is a strong feeling that something is correct or true.
366bellyThe belly is the stomach of a person or animal.
367belovedWhen something is beloved, it is very special and you like it very much.
368benchA bench is a long seat for two or more people.
369bendTo bend is to move something so it is not straight.
370beneathBeneath means under or lower than.
371benefactorA benefactor is a person who gives money to help someone.
372beneficialIf something is beneficial, it is good for you.
373benefitA benefit is a good thing.
374besideSomeone or something beside you is next to you.
375bestThe best person or thing is better than all the others.
376betTo bet is to risk money on the result of a game or a business.
377betrayTo betray is to be disloyal to someone who trusts you.
378beverageA beverage is a drink.
379bewareTo beware means to be careful of something or someone that is dangerous.
380beyondBeyond is used to say that one thing is more than another.
381biasA bias is a person’s likelihood to like one thing more than another thing.
382bicycleA bicycle is a two-wheeled vehicle powered by pedaling.
383bidA bid to do something is an attempt to do it.
384bikeA bike is a vehicle with two wheels powered by a human.
385bilingualA bilingual person can speak two languages.
386billA bill is a statement of money owed for goods or for a service.
387billionA billion is a very large number: 1,000,000,000.
388billionaireA billionaire is someone who has at least one billion dollars.
389bindTo bind people is to make them feel united together.
390binocularsBinoculars are a device used for seeing things that are far away.
391biodegradableMaterials that are biodegradable break down naturally into substances that do not harm the environment.
392biographyA biography is an account of someone’s life that is written by someone else.
393biologicalBiological describes the process of life and living things.
394biologyBiology is the study of living things.
395biosphereThe biosphere is the Earth’s surface and atmosphere where there are living things.
396biotechnologyBiotechnology is the use of living parts, such as cells, in industry and technology.
397birthplaceA birthplace is a place where a person is born or where something started.
398bitA bit is a small amount of something.
399biteBite is the act of using your teeth to cut and tear into something.
400bitterA bitter person feels upset or angry about something.
401bizarreWhen something is bizarre, it is very strange.
402blackBlack is the darkest color.
403blacksmithA blacksmith is a person who makes things out of metal.
404blameTo blame someone for something bad is to say they did it.
405blankWhen something is blank, it does not have anything on it.
406blanketA blanket is a piece of cloth that people use to keep warm or to sit upon.
407blazeTo blaze means to burn brightly or powerfully.
408bleedTo bleed is to lose blood.
409blendTo blend is to mix two or more things together so that they become one thing.
410blessTo bless is to ask God for protection or help.
411blindA blind person or animal cannot see.
412blinkTo blink means to shut the eyes and quickly open them again.
413blissBliss is a state of complete happiness.
414blockA block is a solid piece of wood, stone, or ice.
415blondeA blonde is a person with light-colored hair.
416bloomTo bloom is to produce an open flower.
417blowTo blow means to move air or move something through the air, as in the wind.
418blurTo blur is to make something unclear or difficult to see or remember.
419blurredSomething blurred is not seen clearly.
420boardA board is a flat piece of wood.
421boastTo boast is to talk about how great one is.
422boatA boat is a vehicle that moves across water.
423boldA bold person is not afraid of doing something.
424bombA bomb is an object that explodes and destroys large areas.
425bondTo bond with someone is to become friends with that person.
426boneA bone is a hard part of the body.
427bookA book is a set of printed sheets of paper that are held together inside a cover.
428boomTo boom means to make a loud, deep sound.
429boostTo boost something means to increase or improve it.
430bootA boot is a heavy shoe that goes up above a person’s ankle.
431borderA border is the edge of an area.
432boringIf something is boring, it is not fun.
433borrowTo borrow something is to take it and then give it back later.
434bossA boss is a person in charge of other people at work.
435botanyBotany is the study of plants.
436botherTo bother is to make the effort to do something.
437bottomThe bottom is the lowest part, point, or level of something.
438bounceTo bounce is to move up and away from a surface after hitting it.
439boundaryA boundary is the line where one area of land stops and another begins.
440boundsBounds is the area in a game in which plays are legal.
441bowA bow is a weapon made of curved wood and string that shoots arrows.
442bowlA bowl is a dish with a round deep shape.
443boxedWhen something is boxed, it is inside a package.
444bragTo brag means to talk of one’s abilities or achievements in a proud way.
445brainThe brain is the organ in your head that lets you think.
446brainstormTo brainstorm is to have a lot of ideas about a certain topic.
447branchA branch is the part of a tree with leaves.
448brassBrass is a metal that is used to make musical instruments and ornaments.
449braveA brave person is not afraid to face pain or danger.
450braveryBravery is brave behavior.
451breadBread is a food made from flour and water.
452breadthBreadth is the distance from one side to the other side of something.
453breakdownA breakdown is a failure to work correctly.
454breakfastBreakfast is the morning meal.
455breastA breast is one of the two soft parts on a woman’s chest.
456breathA breath is the air that goes into and out of one’s lungs.
457breatheTo breathe means to let air go in and out of your body.
458breedA breed is a group of animals within a species.
459breezeA breeze is a soft wind.
460brewTo brew coffee or tea means to pour hot water over it.
461bribeTo bribe someone means to illegally persuade them for a favor with money.
462brickA brick is a block of hard clay that is used for building things, such as walls.
463bridgeA bridge is something that is built over a river so people can cross it.
464briefA brief action lasts a short time.
465brightIf something is bright, it gives off a lot of light.
466brilliantA brilliant person is very bright or smart.
467broadBroad means that something is wide, not narrow.
468broadcastA broadcast is a television or radio show.
469brokerTo broker is to arrange or negotiate the details of something for others.
470broomA broom is a brush with a long handle used for cleaning floors.
471bruiseA bruise is a dark mark caused by being hit by something.
472bruteA brute is someone who behaves or looks like a violent animal.
473bucketA bucket is a round container to put things in.
474budA bud is a part of a plant that turns into a flower or a leaf.
475budgetA budget is the amount of money available to spend on something.
476bugA bug is a small insect.
477bulkThe bulk of something is its size.
478bulletA bullet is a small metal object that is shot out of a gun.
479bulletinA bulletin is a news report about very recent and important events.
480bullyA bully is a person who is mean to others.
481bumpA bump is a small raised area on a surface.
482bunchA bunch is a group of the same things.
483burdenA burden is a serious or difficult responsibility.
484bureaucracyA bureaucracy is a group of people who work together to help manage a large business or run a country.
485burnTo burn is to use something as a source of energy.
486burstTo burst is to suddenly break open or apart.
487buryWhen you bury something, you put it under the ground or under a lot of other things.
488busA bus is a large vehicle that people travel on.
489bushA bush is a woody plant that is smaller than a tree.
490busyA busy person has a lot of things to do.
491butlerA butler is the most important male servant in a wealthy house.
492buzzTo buzz means to show excitement about something.
493cabinA cabin is a small wooden house in a forest or camping area.
494cafeA café is a small restaurant where you can buy drinks and simple meals.
495cageA cage is something that holds an animal so it cannot leave.
496cakeCake is a sweet dessert made from flour, water, sugar, and eggs.
497calculateTo calculate is to find an answer using math.
498calendarA calendar is a chart that shows the days, weeks, and months of a year.
499calmWhen someone is calm, they do not get excited or upset.
500calorieA calorie is a unit of heat used to measure how much energy a food will produce.
501cameraA camera is a piece of equipment that takes pictures.
502camouflageCamouflage is something used to hide people and things.
503canCan shows that a person or thing has the ability to do an action.
504canalA canal is a path for water to travel through.
505cancelTo cancel means to decide that an event or a request will not happen.
506cancerCancer is a serious disease that causes cells to grow abnormally.
507cancerousCancerous cells are the result of cancer.
508candidateA candidate is a person who is competing to win something such as a job.
509candleA candle is a stick of wax that is lit on fire for light or heat.
510canoeA canoe is a long, light boat with pointed ends.
511canvasA canvas is a thick piece of cloth that artists use to paint on.
512canyonA canyon is a narrow valley with steep walls through which a river often flows.
513capableA capable person or thing can do an action.
514capacityThe capacity of something is the amount of things that can be put in it.
515capitalA capital is a city where a country’s government is based.
516capitalismCapitalism is an economic system where private companies make goods for profit.
517capitalistA capitalist is a business person who invests in trade and industry for profit.
518captainA captain is the person who controls a ship or airplane.
519captiveA captive is a prisoner.
520captureTo capture something is to catch and hold it.
521carbohydrateCarbohydrates are substances in foods like bread that give energy.
522carbonCarbon is a chemical element.
523carbon dioxideCarbon dioxide is a gas made from one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.
524cardA card is a small piece of plastic or paper used to buy or use things.
525cardboardCardboard is a material made out of stiff paper. It is often used to make boxes.
526careerA career is a job that you do for a large part of your life.
527carefullyCarefully means with great attention, especially to detail or safety.
528caretakerA caretaker is a person who takes care of very young, old, or sick people.
529cargoCargo is the items carried by a ship or an airplane.
530carpenterA carpenter is a person who builds things with wood.
531carpetA carpet is a thick, heavy, woven fabric used to cover the floor.
532carriageA carriage is a vehicle pulled by a horse.
533carrotA carrot is an orange vegetable.
534cartoonA cartoon is a funny drawing.
535carveTo carve means to cut into something.
536caseA case is an example of a particular situation or of something happening.
537castTo cast something means to throw it.
538casualA casual thing is relaxed or simple.
539casualtyA casualty is a person killed or injured in a war or an accident.
540catA cat is a small animal related to lions and tigers that is kept as a pet.
541catchTo catch is to grab or get something.
542caterTo cater to someone means to provide them with all the things they need or want.
543caterpillarA caterpillar is a small insect that looks like a worm and eats plants.
544cathedralA cathedral is an important, and often large and beautifully-built, church.
545causeWhen you cause something, you make it happen.
546cautionCaution is care and attention in order to avoid danger.
547cautiousA cautious person is careful to avoid danger.
548caveA cave is an open space or hole underground or inside a mountain or cliff.
549cavityA cavity is a hole or space in something.
550ceaseTo cease is to stop doing something or to stop something happening.
551ceilingThe ceiling is the top of a room.
552celebrateTo celebrate is to do something to show that an event is special.
553celebrityA celebrity is someone who is famous.
554cellA cell is the smallest part of a living thing that can live by itself.
555cellularWhen something is cellular, it relates to the cells of animals or plants.
556cemeteryA cemetery is a place where people are buried when they die.
557censorTo censor information means to remove it if it is dangerous, rude, or rebellious.
558centerThe center of something is the middle of it.
559centigradeIf a temperature is given in centigrade, it is the same as the temperature in Celsius.
560centuryA century is one hundred years.
561cerealCereal is a breakfast food made from grains that is eaten with milk.
562ceremonyA ceremony is an event that happens on special occasions.
563certainIf you are certain about something, you know it is true.
564certificateA certificate is a document that says that something is true or happened.
565certifyTo certify something means to confirm that its results are true.
566challengeA challenge is something difficult to complete.
567chamberA chamber is a closed space or room used for a special purpose.
568chanceA chance is an opportunity to do something.
569channelA channel is a long, deep space between two edges.
570chaosChaos is a situation that is confusing and not ordered.
571chaoticWhen something is chaotic, it is crazy, confused, and hectic.
572chapelA chapel is a building where people go to pray and worship God.
573chapterA chapter is a part of a book that usually has a number or a title.
574characterYour character is your personality.
575characteristicA characteristic is something that shows what a person or a thing is like.
576chargeA charge is the price to pay for something.
577charitableA charitable organization aims to help people.
578charityCharity is an act of giving help, usually money, to those who need it.
579charmTo charm someone is to please them with your personality.
580chartA chart is a list of information.
581charterA charter is a document that describes the rights of an organization or group.
582chaseYou chase people when you run after them and try to catch them.
583chatTo chat is to talk with someone.
584chatterTo chatter means to talk quickly about unimportant things.
585cheatTo cheat is to be dishonest in order to win or do well.
586checkTo check is to ask someone whether something is correct, true, or allowed.
587cheerTo cheer is to give a loud shout of approval or encouragement.
588cheerfulA cheerful person is happy and pleasant.
589chefA chef is a person who cooks in a restaurant.
590chemicalA chemical is something that scientists use in chemistry.
591chemistA chemist is a scientist who works with chemicals.
592chemistryChemistry is the study of substances and reactions between them.
593chestThe chest is the front part of a body between the neck and stomach.
594chewTo chew is to break up food by using the mouth and teeth.
595chickenChicken is a bird that is often used for food.
596chiefA chief is the leader of a group of people.
597chillA chill is a feeling of cold.
598chimneyA chimney is a tall pipe used to carry smoke out of a building.
599chinA chin is the hard part at the bottom of a person’s face.
600chocolateChocolate is a sweet food made from cacao beans.
601choirA choir is a group of people who sing together.
602chokeIf you choke on something, it stops you from breathing.
603cholesterolCholesterol is a substance in fat, tissues, and blood of all animals.
604chooseTo choose is to pick something or make a decision.
605chopTo chop something means to cut it into pieces with a tool.
606choreA chore is an unpleasant job that must be done.
607chronicWhen something is chronic, it happens over and over again for a long time.
608chronicleTo chronicle an event means to record it.
609chronologyThe chronology of a series of past events is when they happened.
610chunkA chunk is a thick, solid piece of something.
611cigaretteA cigarette is a thinly wrapped paper tube filled with tobacco that is smoked.
612cinemaA cinema is a building in which films are shown.
613circuitA circuit is a piece of an electronic device that allows electricity to flow.
614circulateTo circulate is to spread something around, especially in a circular way.
615circumstanceA circumstance is an event that makes a situation what it is.
616circusA circus is a traveling show with animals and people.
617citeTo cite something is to mention it as an example or as proof of something.
618citizenA citizen is someone who lives in a certain place.
619cityA city is a place where a lot of people live.
620civicIf something is civic, then it is related to a town or city, in particular to its government.
621civilianA civilian is someone who is not in the military.
622claimTo claim means to say that something is true.
623clapTo clap means to hit one’s hands together to express pleasure or get attention.
624clashTo clash means to fight or argue over something.
625classClass is the way people in society are divided into different social and economic groups.
626classicA classic thing is something that is common from the past.
627classicalClassical music is more formal and serious than popular music.
628classificationClassification means putting things into categories or groups that have things in common.
629classifyTo classify things is to put them into groups based on their type.
630clayClay is a type of heavy, wet soil used to make pots.
631cleanTo clean is to make something neat and tidy.
632clearTo clear is to remove everything from a place.
633clerkA clerk is a type of worker. Clerks in a store help customers.
634clientA client is a person or business that pays another to do a service.
635cliffA cliff is a high and often flat wall of rock.
636climateA climate is the usual weather in a place.
637climbTo climb means to use your hands and feet to go up something.
638clingTo cling to something means to hold onto it tightly.
639clockwiseIf something moves clockwise, it moves in a circle in the same direction as a clock.
640closeTo close is to shut something or cover up an opening.
641closetA closet is a small room used to store things.
642clothCloth is material used to make clothes.
643clothesClothes are what people wear to cover their bodies.
644cloudA cloud is a group of water drops in the sky.
645clueA clue is a fact or object that helps solve a mystery or crime.
646clumsyIf someone is clumsy, then they are awkward in handling things.
647clusterA cluster of things is a small group of them placed close together.
648coachA coach is a person who teaches sports.
649coalCoal is a hard black material that people burn for heat.
650coalitionA coalition is a group of people or organizations working for a common purpose.
651coarseIf something is coarse, that means it has a rough texture.
652coastThe coast is the land by an ocean.
653coastlineA coastline is the outline of a country’s coast.
654coconutA coconut is a large brown fruit that has a hard shell and white flesh.
655codeA code is a set of symbols used to hide or read a message.
656coexistTo coexist with something means to exist with it in the same time and place.
657coffinA coffin is a box used to bury dead people.
658cognitiveIf something is cognitive, it is related to learning and knowing things.
659coherentThe parts of a coherent plan fit well together.
660coinTo coin is to create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.
661coincideTo coincide means to happen at the same time.
662collaborateTo collaborate means to work together on something.
663collapseTo collapse is to fall down suddenly.
664colleagueA colleague is somebody you work with.
665collideTo collide with something means to hit it while moving.
666collisionA collision is the act of two things hitting into each another.
667colonyA colony is a country controlled by another country.
668combatCombat is fighting between two people or groups.
669combineTo combine is to join together to make a single thing or group.
670cometA comet is an object in space made of ice and rock with a tail of glowing dust.
671comfortTo comfort someone means to make them feel better.
672comfortableWhen something is comfortable, it makes you feel relaxed, confident, and not worried.
673comicWhen something is comic, it is funny.
674commandA command is an order given to a person or animal to do something.
675commenceTo commence something means to begin it.
676commentatorA commentator is a person who gives opinions or describes something, often on TV or the radio.
677commerceCommerce is the activity of buying and selling things.
678commissionTo commission someone is to pay that person to do some job.
679commitTo commit to something is to promise to do it.
680committeeA committee is a group of people who meet together to make decisions.
681commodityA commodity is something that can be bought or sold.
682commonIf something is common, it happens often or there is much of it.
683commonplaceIf something is commonplace, then it is ordinary.
684communalIf something is communal, it involves a group of people.
685communicateWhen we communicate with others, we talk or write to them.
686communityA community is a group of people who share the same area or interests.
687commuteTo commute is to travel a long distance to get to work.
688companionA companion is a person that someone spends a lot of time with.
689companyA company is a business or organization that makes or sells goods or services.
690comparativeIf something is comparative, it is being judged based on something else.
691compareTo compare means to say how two things are the same and different.
692compassionateWhen people are compassionate, they feel pity and sympathy for others.
693compatibleWhen things are compatible, they work well or exist together successfully.
694compelTo compel someone to do something means to force them to do it.
695compensateTo compensate is to pay someone for the time they spent doing something.
696competenceCompetence is the ability to do something well or effectively.
697competentIf someone is competent, they are able to think or act successfully.
698compileTo compile things means to collect a variety of them into a group.
699complainWhen you complain, you say that you are unhappy about something.
700complaintA complaint is an expression of unhappiness about something.
701complementTo complement something or someone is to make them better.
702completelySomething completely different is very, very different from before.
703complexIf something is complex, it has many small parts. It is hard to understand.
704complianceCompliance is the act of following a rule or doing what you are supposed to do.
705complicateTo complicate something means to make it harder than necessary.
706complimentTo compliment is to say a nice thing about someone or something.
707componentA component is a part of a larger machine.
708composeTo compose something is to make it from smaller parts.
709compoundA compound is an enclosed area such as a prison or factory.
710comprehendTo comprehend something means to understand it.
711comprehensiveIf something is comprehensive, it has all the details about something else.
712compressTo compress something means to press or squeeze it so that it takes up less space.
713compriseIf something comprises something else, it consists of or is made up of it.
714compromiseTo compromise is to agree to something that is not exactly what you want.
715conTo con someone is to trick that person into doing something or giving up money.
716concealTo conceal something means to hide it.
717concedeTo concede is to admit against your wish that something is true.
718conceiveTo conceive something means to be able to imagine or believe it.
719concentrateTo concentrate is to give one’s full attention to something.
720concentricWhen circles or rings are concentric, they have the same center.
721conceptA concept is an idea about something.
722concernConcern is a feeling of worry.
723concertA concert is an event where you listen to people play music.
724concertoA concerto is music played with an orchestra but features a solo instrument.
725concessionA concession is something that one person gives up to another.
726concludeTo conclude is to arrive at a logical end by looking at evidence.
727conclusionThe conclusion of something is the final part of it.
728concreteConcrete is a substance made from stones.
729condemnTo condemn someone means to give them a specific punishment.
730condenseTo condense a gas means to make it a liquid.
731condensedWhen a liquid is condensed, it is made thicker.
732conditionThe condition of someone or something is the state that they are in.
733conductConduct is the way that someone acts.
734conferTo confer with someone means to discuss something with them to make a decision.
735confessTo confess is to admit a bad or embarrassing truth.
736confidenceConfidence is a feeling of certainty or ability.
737confidentConfident people believe that they can do something without failing.
738confidentialIf something is confidential, it must be kept secret.
739configureTo configure something means to set it up and arrange it.
740confineTo confine something is to keep it in one place.
741confirmTo confirm is to make sure something is correct.
742conflictA conflict is a fight between different people or groups.
743conformTo conform to rules or laws is to obey them.
744confrontWhen you confront someone, you meet them face to face to deal with a problem.
745confuseTo confuse someone means to make them feel like they are unsure.
746congestedIf something is congested, it is full or blocked.
747congratulateTo congratulate someone is to tell them that you are happy for them.
748congregateTo congregate means to gather in one place.
749congressCongress is a group of leaders in a government.
750connectTo connect two things means to join them together.
751conquerTo conquer a place means to attack and take control of it.
752conquestA conquest is an event by which one country takes over another country.
753conscienceYour conscience is your inner sense of what is right and wrong.
754consciousIf someone is conscious of something, then they are aware of it.
755consecutiveWhen things are consecutive, they happen one after another without interruption.
756consensusA consensus is a general agreement among a group of people.
757consequenceA consequence is a result of a choice or action.
758consequentConsequent means happening because of a different situation.
759conserveTo conserve something is to protect it from being ruined or used completely.
760considerTo consider something means to think about it.
761considerableConsiderable means large in size, amount, or extent.
762considerateWhen someone is considerate, they pay attention to the needs of others.
763consistTo consist of certain is to be made of parts or things them.
764consistencyConsistency is the state of always behaving in the same way.
765consistentIf a person is consistent, they always have the same behavior or attitude.
766consoleTo console is to give comfort to a person who feels sad.
767consolidateTo consolidate means to join or bring together into one thing.
768conspiracyA conspiracy is a secret plan that two or more people make together to do something harmful or illegal.
769constantWhen an event or action is constant, it happens a lot or all of the time.
770constantlyConstantly means doing something on a continuous basis.
771constitutionA constitution is a document of principles for a government.
772constrainTo constrain something means to limit its development.
773constructTo construct something means to make or build it.
774consultTo consult means to ask someone for help.
775consumeTo consume something means to eat or drink it.
776consumptionThe consumption of food or drink is the act of eating or drinking it.
777contactTo contact people is to speak or write to them.
778containTo contain is to hold or have something.
779contaminateTo contaminate something means to put dirty or harmful chemicals into it.
780contemplateTo contemplate something means to think about it.
781contemporaryWhen something is contemporary, it is related to the present time.
782contemptContempt is the feeling of having no respect for something.
783contendTo contend with something means to struggle to overcome it.
784contentTo be content is to be happy and not want more.
785contestA contest is a game or a race.
786contextContext is the situations that form the background of an event.
787continentA continent is one of the seven large areas of land on the Earth.
788contingentA contingent is a set of people that are part of a larger group.
789contractA contract is a written agreement between two people.
790contradictTo contradict means to state the opposite of what someone else has said.
791contraryA contrary thing is the opposite to another thing.
792contrastA contrast is a sharp difference between two things.
793contributeTo contribute to something means to do something to make it successful.
794controlTo control something is to make it do what you want.
795controversyA controversy is a dispute about something that affects many people.
796convenienceIf something is done for your convenience, it allows you to do something easily or without any trouble.
797convenientWhen something is convenient, it saves you time or effort.
798conventionA convention is behavior that is considered to be common or polite.
799conversionConversion is the act of changing something into a different state or form.
800convertTo convert something means to change it into something else.
801conveyTo convey is to communicate or make ideas known.
802convictTo convict means to prove that someone did a bad thing.
803convinceTo convince someone means to make that person sure of something.
804cookingCooking food involves making it ready to eat.
805cooperateTo cooperate is to work with someone to achieve something that you both want.
806coordinateTo coordinate things is to make different parts work together.
807copeTo cope with a difficult or stressful situation means to deal with it.
808copperCopper is a red-brown metal often used in electric wire and pipes.
809coralCoral is the hard, colorful material formed by the shells of animals.
810coreA core is the main or central part of something.
811corporateIf something is corporate, it is related to a large business.
812corpsA corps is a division of a military force.
813correlateTo correlate is to have a close connection to something.
814correspondTo correspond is to match or to be similar to something.
815corridorA corridor is a narrow passage that leads into other areas.
816corruptIf someone is corrupt, they break the law for money or fame.
817cosmopolitanWhen a place is cosmopolitan, it is full of people from many different places.
818costTo cost is to require payment.
819cotA cot is a small portable bed.
820cottageA cottage is a small, old house in the countryside.
821cottonCotton is a cloth made from the fibers of the cotton plant.
822couchA couch is a long, soft seat that many people can sit on.
823councilA council is a group of people who run a city or town.
824counterpartA counterpart is something that is very similar to something else in what it does.
825countryA country is an area of land with the same government and laws.
826countyA county is the largest division of a state in a country.
827coupA coup is an uprising in which people try to overthrow the government.
828coupleA couple is made of two things that go together.
829courageCourage is the feeling of not being afraid.
830courierA courier is someone who takes and delivers mail or packages.
831courseA course is a class in school.
832courtesyCourtesy is the excellence of manners or social conduct.
833courtyardA courtyard is an outdoor area that is surrounded by the walls of a building.
834cousinA cousin is the child of one’s aunt and uncle.
835coverTo cover something is to put things over it.
836cowardA coward is a person who lacks courage to do risky or dangerous things.
837cozyIf something is cozy, then it is comfortable, warm, and relaxing.
838crackA crack is a narrow space between the parts of something broken.
839craftTo craft something is to make it using skill.
840cramTo cram things means to put them into a place that can barely contain them.
841crampA cramp is a strong pain caused by a muscle after a lot of physical use.
842crashTo crash means to hit and break something.
843crawlTo crawl is to move slowly on hands and knees.
844crazeA craze is a brief and popular activity or object.
845createTo create means to make something new.
846creationA creation is something original that is made.
847creatureA creature is an animal or person.
848credibleIf something or someone is credible, they can be believed or trusted.
849creditCredit is something good in your favour.
850creekA creek is a stream or small river.
851creepTo creep is to move quietly and slowly.
852crewA crew is a group of workers.
853crimeIf someone commits a crime, he or she does something bad that can be punished by law.
854crisisA crisis is a difficult time when things are going to either get worse or better.
855crispWhen food is crisp, it is hard or has a hard surface in a way that is pleasant.
856criteriaCriteria are factors on which a person judges or decides something.
857criticA critic is someone who gives opinions about movies, books, plays, etc.
858criticismCriticism is the act of saying that something is not correct or good.
859criticizeTo criticize is to say bad things about someone or something.
860critiqueTo critique means express an opinion about the good and the bad parts of something.
861cropA crop is something produced by the land.
862crowdA crowd is a large group of people who are together in one place.
863crownA crown is the hat worn by a king or queen.
864crucialIf something is crucial, it is extremely important to another thing.
865crudeWhen something is crude, it is not exact or detailed but can still be useful.
866crumbleTo crumble means to break or fall apart into small pieces.
867crushTo crush something is to press it together so its shape is destroyed.
868crustCrust is the tough outer part of a loaf of bread.
869cubA cub is a baby animal, such as a bear or lion.
870cubeA cube is a solid object with six square surfaces that are all the same size.
871culpritA culprit is someone who has committed a crime or other bad deed.
872cultivateTo cultivate plants is to care for them and help them grow.
873cultureCulture is the music, art, and writings of a certain place or group of people.
874cumulativeCumulative describes an increase by adding one after another.
875cupboardA cupboard is a piece of furniture that is used to store food or household items.
876curbTo curb something means to prevent it from happening or increasing.
877cureA cure is a medical treatment to make a sickness go away.
878curiousA curious person or animals wants to know about something.
879currencyThe currency of a country is the type of money used in that country.
880currentA current is a steady and constant flow of air or water in a river or ocean.
881curseTo curse someone is to hope that bad things happen to that person.
882curtainA curtain is a cloth hung over a window or used to divide a room.
883curveTo curve is to move in a line that bends and does not go straight.
884custodyCustody is the right to take care of someone or something.
885customA custom is a way of doing things that has been the same for a long time.
886customerA customer is a person who buys something at a store.
887cyberspaceCyberspace is the imaginary place on the Internet where activities occur.
888cycleA cycle is a series of events that go in a circle from the end back to the beginning again.
889cycloneA cyclone is a large storm with heavy rain and winds that spin in a circle.
890cynicalTo be cynical is to be unwilling to believe that people have good intentions.
891dairyDairy shows that something is made from milk.
892daisyA daisy is a small flower with white petals and a yellow center.
893damageTo damage something is to break it.
894dangerDanger is the possibility that someone or something will be harmed, destroyed, or killed.
895dareTo dare means to be brave enough to try something.
896dashTo dash means to run or move quickly.
897dataData is a collection of information and facts.
898databaseA database is a collection of data that is stored in a computer.
899dawnDawn is the time of day when the sun rises.
900dayA day is a period of twenty-four hours, beginning at midnight.
901daytimeDaytime is the time of the day when the sky is light.
902deadlineA deadline is the time by which you need to have something completed.
903deafA deaf person or animal cannot hear.
904dealA deal is an agreement that you have with another person.
905debateTo debate is to seriously discuss something with someone.
906debtA debt is an amount of money that a person owes.
907decadeA decade is a period of ten years.
908decayDecay is the result of something slowly being broken down or destroyed naturally.
909deceasedIf someone is deceased, they are dead.
910deceiveTo deceive is to make someone believe something that is not true.
911decentA decent person or thing is OK or good enough.
912deceptionDeception is the act of lying or tricking someone.
913deceptiveWhen something is deceptive, it encourages one to believe something that is false.
914decideTo decide is to make a definite choice.
915decisiveIf someone is decisive, they make decisions quickly.
916deckA deck is a wooden floor built outside of a house or the floor of a ship.
917declareTo declare is to say something officially.
918declineTo decline an offer or invitation means to say no to it.
919decorateWhen you decorate a room, you make it more attractive by adding beautiful things to it.
920decreaseTo decrease something is to make it less than it was before.
921dedicateTo dedicate oneself to something means to put a lot of time and effort into it.
922deductTo deduct means to subtract something.
923deedA deed is a certificate that proves that someone owns something.
924deemTo deem means to consider something.
925defeatTo defeat someone is to beat that person in a game or battle.
926defectA defect is a part of something that is wrong or missing.
927defenseA defense is something that is done to protect another thing.
928deferTo defer means to arrange for an action to happen at a later time.
929deficiencyA deficiency is a lack of something, especially something that is needed.
930defineTo define means to clearly state, show, or explain what something is.
931definiteA definite thing is certain or sure to be true.
932definitiveIf something is definitive, then it is the most official.
933deformTo deform something means to change it from its correct or original shape.
934defyTo defy someone is to work against them or refuse to do what they say.
935degreeDegree is a unit for measuring temperature.
936delayTo delay means to wait to do something.
937deleteTo delete something means to remove or erase written material.
938deliberateA deliberate action is one done on purpose, not by accident.
939delicateDelicate things are easy to break or harm.
940deliciousIf a food is delicious, it is tasty.
941delightDelight is a feeling of being very happy with something.
942deliverTo deliver something is to take it from one place to another.
943demographyDemography is the study of people and populations.
944demonstrateTo demonstrate something is to show how it is done.
945denoteWhen one thing denotes another, it stands as a sign or substitute for that thing.
946denseIf something is dense, it has a lot of things close together.
947departTo depart is to leave some place so you can go to another place.
948departureA departure is the act of leaving a place.
949dependTo depend on something is to need it for support or help.
950dependenceDependence is a situation in which somebody relies on something else.
951depictTo depict something means to show or portray it, often using art.
952depleteTo deplete an amount of something means to use all of it up.
953depositTo deposit something is to put it into a place or another thing.
954depotA depot is a bus or train station.
955depressTo depress someone is to make that person sad.
956depressionDepression is a medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time.
957depriveTo deprive someone of something means to not let them have it.
958deriveTo derive means to come, or originate, from a thing or place.
959descendTo descend is to go downward.
960descentA descent is a movement downwards.
961describeTo describe is to say or write what someone or something is like.
962descriptionA description of someone or something says what they are like.
963desertThe desert is an area of land without many plants or water.
964deserveTo deserve is to be worthy of something as a result of one’s actions.
965designateTo designate someone or something means to give them a particular description.
966desireTo desire is to want something.
967deskA desk is a piece of furniture that people sit at to do work.
968despairDespair is the feeling of having no hope.
969desperateA desperate person will try anything to do or change something.
970despiteDespite shows a difference from what is expected.
971destinationA destination is the place where someone or something is going.
972destinyA destiny is all the things that happen or will happen to a person in their life.
973destroyTo destroy means to damage something so badly that it cannot be used.
974destructionTo damage something is to cause its destruction.
975detailA detail is a small piece of information.
976detainTo detain is to officially prevent someone from leaving a place.
977detectTo detect means to notice or find something.
978deterTo deter means to prevent or discourage someone from doing something.
979deteriorateTo deteriorate means to become steadily worse.
980deteriorationDeterioration is the act of becoming worse.
981determinationDetermination is what you have when you try to do something even when it is difficult.
982devastateTo devastate something is to cause great damage or pain to that thing.
983devastatingIf something is devastating, it causes great harm or damage to something or someone.
984developTo develop is to make something larger or more advanced.
985deviateTo deviate is to move away from your proper course.
986deviceA device is an object or a machine.
987devilThe devil is a powerful evil spirit in some religions.
988deviseTo devise something means to come up with an idea or plan about it.
989devoidWhen something or someone is devoid of a thing, they are missing it.
990devoteTo devote time to something means to spend a lot of time doing it.
991diabetesDiabetes is a medical condition in which a person’s body cannot control the level of sugar in their blood.
992diagnoseTo diagnose someone means to identify the medical condition they have.
993diagnosisA diagnosis is a doctor’s decision about the cause of an illness.
994diagramA diagram is a simple drawing that explains what something is or how it works.
995dialA dial is a circular tool, like the front of a clock.
996diameterThe diameter of a round thing is the length across its center.
997diaryA diary is a book in which people write their personal experiences.
998dictionaryA dictionary is a book that tells you what words mean.
999dietA diet is the food regularly eaten by a person.
1000differTo differ is to not be the same as another person or thing.
1001differenceA difference is a way that something is not like other things.
1002differentDifferent describes someone or something that is not the same as others.
1003differentiateTo differentiate things or people is to show the difference between them.
1004digTo dig is to make a hole in the ground.
1005digestTo digest means to swallow food and pass it through the body.
1006digitalWhen something is digital, it is characterized by computer technology.
1007dignityDignity is the ability to be calm and worthy of respect.
1008dilapidatedWhen a building is dilapidated, it is old and in bad condition.
1009dilemmaA dilemma is a difficult situation in which a choice has to be made.
1010diligentA diligent person works hard and is careful.
1011diminishTo diminish means to reduce or get smaller.
1012dinA din is loud, unpleasant, and extended noise.
1013dineTo dine means to eat dinner.
1014dinnerDinner is the main meal eaten in the evening.
1015dinosaurA dinosaur is a very big animal that lived millions of years ago.
1016dipA dip is a decline or a worsening in condition.
1017diplomaA diploma is a certificate proving that someone has completed their studies.
1018diplomatA diplomat is a representative of a country who works with another country.
1019directIf something is direct, it goes straight between two places.
1020directionA direction is the way to go.
1021disabledA disabled person has a physical problem that makes some activities difficult.
1022disadvantageA disadvantage is a situation that makes it hard to do something.
1023disagreeTo disagree with someone means to have a different opinion from them.
1024disappearTo disappear means to go away or not be seen.
1025disasterA disaster is a really bad thing that happens.
1026discardTo discard something is to throw it away.
1027dischargeTo discharge someone is to allow them to leave from a place, usually a hospital.
1028disciplineDiscipline is training that helps people follow the rules.
1029discloseTo disclose something means to tell it to someone else.
1030discordDiscord is disagreement or fighting.
1031discourageTo discourage is to make someone feel less excited about something.
1032discoverTo discover something is to find it for the first time.
1033discussTo discuss is to talk about something with another person.
1034diseaseA disease is an illness that causes specific problems.
1035disgracefulDisgraceful behavior is behavior that is very bad.
1036disguiseA disguise is something you wear so people cannot tell who you are.
1037disgustDisgust is a feeling of distaste and anger caused by something rude or unpleasant.
1038disgustingA disgusting thing is very unpleasant.
1039dishA dish is a type of food that is cooked in a particular way.
1040dismissTo dismiss something is to say it is not important.
1041disobedientWhen someone is disobedient, they do not follow the rules or instructions.
1042disperseTo disperse means to scatter everywhere.
1043displayTo display something is to show it, especially by putting it in a certain place.
1044disposeTo dispose of something means to get rid of it.
1045disproveTo disprove something means to show that it is not true.
1046disputeA dispute is an argument or disagreement that people have.
1047disrespectDisrespect is rudeness or behavior that shows a lack of respect.
1048disruptTo disrupt something or someone is to prevent them from working.
1049dissatisfiedDissatisfied means not happy with something.
1050dissatisfyTo dissatisfy someone means to fail to please them.
1051disseminateTo disseminate information or knowledge means to distribute it.
1052dissolveTo dissolve something is to mix it into a liquid until it disappears.
1053distanceA distance is how far it is between two points.
1054distinctA distinct thing is different or stands out.
1055distinctiveWhen something is distinctive, it has a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to recognize.
1056distortTo distort something means to lie about it, or pull or twist out of shape.
1057distractTo distract someone means to stop them from concentrating on something.
1058distressDistress is a feeling of sadness and anxiousness.
1059distributeTo distribute something is to give it to a number of people.
1060districtA district is a small part of a city, county, state, or country.
1061disturbTo disturb someone means to upset that person.
1062ditchA ditch is a narrow hole cut into the ground by a road or a field.
1063diveWhen you dive into water, you go down head first into the water.
1064divergeTo diverge is to become different or to follow a different direction.
1065diverseWhen a group of things is diverse, it is made up of a wide variety of things.
1066diversityDiversity is the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.
1067divideTo divide something is to split it into smaller parts.
1068divineWhen something is divine, it is related to gods.
1069divorceDivorce is the process of ending a marriage.
1070dockA dock is an enclosed area where ships go to be loaded, unloaded, and repaired.
1071doctorA doctor is a person who studies medicine and helps sick people.
1072documentA document is a written text, usually not in the form of a book.
1073dogA dog is an animal with four legs and a tail that is kept as a pet or trained to work.
1074dolphinA dolphin is a large sea mammal that breathes air.
1075domeA dome is a curved roof of a building.
1076domesticDomestic refers to something that happens within a particular country.
1077dominanceThe dominance of a person is their state of being more powerful than others.
1078dominantA dominant person or thing is stronger than others.
1079dominateTo dominate someone or something is to control them.
1080donateTo donate is to give something to a charity or organization.
1081donorA donor is somebody who gives something to an organization.
1082doomedIf someone or something is doomed, they are going to fail or be destroyed.
1083doorA door is an object that swings or slides open and shut.
1084dormitoryA dormitory is a school building where students live.
1085doseA dose is a certain amount of medicine taken at one time.
1086doubleDouble means twice as much or twice as many.
1087doubtDoubt is a feeling of not being sure.
1088doughDough is a mixture of flour and water that becomes bread when baked.
1089downtownThe downtown area is the center of most cities.
1090draftA draft is a piece of written work that is not in its final form.
1091dragTo drag something means to pull it across the ground.
1092drainA drain is a pipe that carries away water from a building, such as in a kitchen
1093drawbackA drawback is a disadvantage.
1094drawerA drawer is a small part in furniture that is used to store things.
1095dreadTo dread is to be afraid of something that could, or is going to, happen.
1096drearyIf something is dreary, then it is dull, dark, and lifeless.
1097driftTo drift means to be moved slowly by wind or water.
1098drillA drill is a tool with a point that spins in order to make a hole.
1099drinkTo drink is to take liquid into the body through the mouth.
1100dripTo drip is to fall a little bit at a time.
1101drivewayA driveway is a short private road that leads to a person’s home.
1102dropTo drop is to fall or allow something to fall.
1103droughtA drought is a long period of time in which little or no rain falls.
1104drownTo drown is to die from not being able to breathe underwater.
1105dualIf something is dual, then it is made up of two parts.
1106dubiousWhen something or someone is dubious, they are not considered honest.
1107duckA duck is a small water bird.
1108dueWhen something is due, it is expected to happen or be done at that time.
1109dukeA duke is a man of high social rank but below a king or queen.
1110dullIf something is dull, it is not exciting.
1111dumbIf someone is dumb, they are unable to speak.
1112dungDung is solid waste material produced by animals.
1113duplicateTo duplicate something means to copy it.
1114durationThe duration of an event is the time during which it happens.
1115duringDuring an event means while the event was happening.
1116duskDusk is the time in the evening when it begins to get dark.
1117dustDust is very small, dry particles of earth or sand.
1118dutyA duty is something that a person has to do.
1119dwellTo dwell somewhere means to live there.
1120dyeTo dye something is to make it a certain color by using a special chemical.
1121dynamicWhen people are dynamic, they are lively and have creative ideas.
1122dynamicsThe dynamics of a situation are the way that parts of it affect each other.
1123dynastyA dynasty is a series of rulers who are all from the same family.
1124eagerEager shows excitement about something.
1125earnTo earn means to get money for the work you do.
1126earnestIf someone is earnest, then they are honest.
1127earthenIf something is earthen, it is made of clay.
1128earthquakeAn earthquake is a sudden shaking of a part of the Earth’s surface that often causes a lot of damage.
1129easeEase is a condition without difficulty or hard work.
1130eastEast is the direction the sun rises from.
1131easyAn easy action is not difficult to do.
1132eatTo eat is to chew and swallow food.
1133echoTo echo means that a sound repeats itself because it bounced off an object.
1134ecologicallyEcologically means that something is done in a way that concerns living organisms and the environment.
1135ecologyEcology is the study of the environment and living things.
1136economyAn economy is the money and businesses of a country or region.
1137edgeThe edge is the furthest part or side of something.
1138editTo edit means to correct a piece of writing so that it is suitable to be published.
1139educationEducation is the process of teaching and learning, usually at a school, college, or university.
1140effectAn effect is a change made by something else.
1141effectiveIf something is effective, it works well.
1142efficientIf something or someone is efficient, they do not waste energy.
1143effortEffort is hard work or an attempt to do something.
1144egoAn ego is a person’s sense of their own worth.
1145elaborateWhen something is elaborate, it contains a lot of details.
1146elasticElastic is a rubber that stretches when it is pulled.
1147elbowThe elbow is the middle part of an arm, where it bends.
1148electricIf something is electric, it uses electricity.
1149electromagneticIf something is electromagnetic, it is related to electricity and magnetic fields.
1150electronAn electron is a particle in all atoms that has a negative electric charge.
1151electronicAn electronic thing uses electricity to work.
1152elegantSomething elegant is very fancy and pleasing.
1153elementAn element of something is a particular part of it.
1154elementaryAn elementary thing is the first or most simple thing.
1155eligibleIf someone is eligible, then they are permitted to do or have something.
1156eliminateTo eliminate something that is unwanted means to completely remove it.
1157eliteElite means of or from a high-level group.
1158elseIf you talk about something else, you talk about something different.
1159elusiveIf things or people are elusive, they are hard to find.
1160embarrassTo embarrass people is to make them feel ashamed or foolish.
1161embodyTo embody means to symbolize or represent something.
1162embraceTo embrace is to hug.
1163embryoAn embryo is a human or animal that is still growing inside its mother.
1164emergeTo emerge from something means to come out of it.
1165emergencyAn emergency is a time when someone needs help right away.
1166emitTo emit is to send out gas, heat, light, sound, etc.
1167emotionAn emotion is how you feel.
1168emperorAn emperor is the leader of a group of countries.
1169emphasisWhen you put an emphasis on prevention, you give special attention to prevention.
1170empireAn empire is a large group of countries ruled by an emperor or empress.
1171empiricalEmpirical means involving scientific proof and evidence.
1172employTo employ someone means to give work to them.
1173emptyAn empty container is one that has no things in it.
1174emulateTo emulate people means to imitate them because they are greatly admired.
1175enableTo enable is to make it possible for something to happen.
1176enactTo enact something means to make it into a law.
1177enchantTo enchant someone is to make them feel very interested or happy.
1178encloseTo enclose something is to contain it.
1179encounterTo encounter is to find or meet a person or thing.
1180encourageTo encourage people is to make them want to do something.
1181encouragementEncouragement is something that makes someone more determined, hopeful, or confident.
1182endTo end is to stop or finish.
1183endangeredIf something is endangered, it has become very rare and may eventually die out altogether.
1184endeavorAn endeavor is an attempt to do something, especially something new, or original.
1185endorseTo endorse is to express formal support or approval for someone or something.
1186endureTo endure means to experience and survive something difficult.
1187enemyAn enemy is a country that is fighting another country during a war.
1188energyIf you have a lot of energy, you have plenty of strength and can do lots of things.
1189enforceTo enforce means to make a person follow a rule.
1190engageTo engage in something means to do it.
1191engineerTo engineer something is to skillfully plan out how to make that thing.
1192engraveTo engrave means to cut a design, or words, into the surface of something.
1193enhanceTo enhance something is to make it better.
1194enjoyTo enjoy is to like something.
1195enlargeTo enlarge something means to make it bigger.
1196enlightenTo enlighten someone is to teach them about something.
1197enlistTo enlist means to join the military.
1198enormousEnormous people or things are very large.
1199enrichTo enrich means to make someone rich or increase their wealth.
1200enrollTo enroll in something is to put one’s name on a list as a member of a group.
1201ensureWhen you ensure something, you make sure it happens.
1202enterTo enter a place is to go into it.
1203enterpriseAn enterprise is a company or business.
1204entertainTo entertain someone is to do something that they enjoy.
1205enthusiasmEnthusiasm is a very strong good feeling about something.
1206enthusiasticAn enthusiastic person is excited by or interested in something.
1207entireEntire means the whole thing or group.
1208entitleTo entitle someone means to give them the right to have or do something.
1209entranceAn entrance is a place where someone can enter an area.
1210entrepreneurAn entrepreneur is someone who starts a new business or organization in order to make money.
1211enviousWhen someone is envious, they want something that another person has.
1212environmentThe environment is the place where people work or live.
1213envyTo envy someone is to wish that you had something that other person has.
1214epicAn epic is a long book, poem, or movie about a period of time or a great event.
1215epidemicAn epidemic is an outbreak of a disease that spreads quickly.
1216epilepsyEpilepsy is a medical condition that affects the brain and can make someone become unconscious or unable to control their movement for a short time.
1217episodeAn episode is something that happens as part of a series of events.
1218equalWhen something is equal, it is the same in size, number, amount, or value as something else.
1219equateTo equate one thing with another is to compare them and consider them very similar.
1220equationAn equation is a math operation to determine the value of something.
1221equatorThe equator is an imaginary line that splits the Earth into north and south.
1222equipTo equip someone is to give them the things needed to do something.
1223equipmentEquipment consists of the things which are used for a specific purpose.
1224equivalentAn equivalent is an amount or value that is the same as another amount or value.
1225eraAn era is a period of time that has something special about it.
1226erectTo erect something means to build it.
1227erosionErosion is the destruction of rock or soil due to flowing water or weather.
1228errTo err means to make a mistake.
1229errandAn errand is a trip taken to do a specific activity.
1230erroneousWhen something is erroneous, it is incorrect or only partly correct.
1231eruptTo erupt is to explode or blow apart, especially a volcano.
1232escapeIf you escape from a place, you succeed in getting away from it.
1233escortTo escort people means to safely accompany them to a place.
1234essayAn essay is a short piece of writing on a certain subject.
1235essenceThe essence of something is its important qualities or basic characteristics.
1236essentialIf something is essential, it is very important and necessary.
1237establishTo establish something means to create it.
1238estateAn estate is a large area of land owned by a family or organization.
1239esteemedIf someone is esteemed, many people like or respect them.
1240estimateTo estimate something means to make a guess about it.
1241etc.Etc. is short for “etcetera.” It is used to refer to other unspecified objects.
1242ethicalIf something is ethical, it is the right thing to do.
1243ethicsEthics are moral beliefs or rules about right or wrong.
1244ethnicIf something is ethnic, then it is related to a group with a similar culture.
1245etiquetteEtiquette is the group of rules about how to be polite.
1246evacuateTo evacuate means to leave a place of danger to a place of safety.
1247evaluateTo evaluate something means to study it, so a decision can be made.
1248evenlyIf something is evenly spread or spaced, it is divided equally into amounts, numbers, or values.
1249eventAn event is something that happens, especially something important.
1250eventualIf something is eventual, it will happen at the end of a series of events.
1251eventuallyWhen something happens at a later time or in the end, it happens eventually.
1252everEver means at any time.
1253evidenceEvidence is a fact or thing that you use to prove something.
1254evidentEvident means easy to see or understand.
1255evilEvil describes something or someone bad or cruel, not good.
1256evokeTo evoke a memory or emotion means to make it occur.
1257evolveTo evolve is to change over time.
1258exactExact means correct in every detail.
1259exaggerateTo exaggerate is to say that something is bigger or better than it really is.
1260examAn exam is a test.
1261examineTo examine something is to look at it carefully.
1262exampleAn example of something is a thing that is typical of it.
1263excavateTo excavate means to dig on land and remove dirt to look for something.
1264exceedTo exceed is to be more than something.
1265excelTo excel at a subject or activity means to be very good at it.
1266excellentWhen something is excellent, it is very good.
1267exceptionAn exception is someone or something not conforming to a rule.
1268exceptionalAn exceptional thing or person is one that is outstanding.
1269excerptAn excerpt is a short piece of writing or music taken from a larger piece.
1270excessAn excess is an amount of something that is more than needed or wanted.
1271exchangeTo exchange is to give one thing in return for another.
1272exciteTo excite someone means to make them happy and interested.
1273exclaimTo exclaim something is to say it loudly, suddenly, and excitedly.
1274excludeTo exclude someone means to not accept them into a group.
1275exclusionExclusion is the act of keeping someone out of a group.
1276exclusiveIf something is exclusive, it is expensive and only for rich people.
1277executeTo execute means to kill someone as a legal punishment.
1278executiveAn executive is the top manager of a business.
1279exerciseTo exercise is to run or play sports so that you can be healthy.
1280exertTo exert means to use strength or ability to do something.
1281exhaustTo exhaust someone is to make that person tired.
1282exhaustingAn exhausting activity is very tiring.
1283exhibitTo exhibit is to show something so that people can go look at it.
1284existTo exist is to be real.
1285exitAn exit is something that is used as a way to get out of a place.
1286exoticExotic describes something unusual because it is from far away.
1287expandTo expand is to become bigger in size.
1288expectIf you expect something to happen, you believe it will happen.
1289expeditionAn expedition is a long trip, usually to a place very far away.
1290expelTo expel someone means to force them to leave a place.
1291expenseAn expense is the money that people spend on something.
1292expensiveExpensive things cost a lot of money.
1293experienceTo experience is to do or see something or have something happen to you.
1294experimentAn experiment is a test that you do to see what will happen.
1295expertAn expert is someone who is very good at doing something.
1296expertiseExpertise is the knowledge and skills to do something well.
1297explicitIf something is explicit, it is very clear, open, and truthful.
1298explodeTo explode is to suddenly move apart in many smaller pieces.
1299exploitTo exploit something is to use it for greedy reasons rather than good reasons.
1300exploreTo explore is to look for new places.
1301exportTo export products means to sell them to other countries.
1302exposeTo expose is to make known something that is hidden.
1303expressTo express a feeling or idea means to show others how one thinks or feels.
1304extensionAn extension is a part added to something to give it more time or space.
1305extensiveExtensive means large in size or amount.
1306extentThe extent of something is how large, important, or serious it is.
1307exteriorAn exterior is the outside surface of something.
1308externalWhen something is external, it is connected to an outer part.
1309extinctIf plants or animals are extinct, there are none left.
1310extinctionExtinction is when a particular animal, plant, type of person, custom, skill, etc. stops existing.
1311extraIf something is extra, it is more than what is needed.
1312extractTo extract something means to remove it.
1313extraordinaryExtraordinary things are amazing.
1314extremelyIf something is extremely good, it is very, very good.
1315fabricFabric is cloth used to make clothes, furniture, etc.
1316fabulousIf something is fabulous, it is extremely good.
1317faceTo face is to deal with something in a direct way.
1318facilitateTo facilitate something is to make it easier.
1319facilityA facility is a building that exists for a particular purpose.
1320factA fact is a piece of information that is true.
1321factorA factor is something that has an effect on the way another thing happens.
1322factoryA factory is a building where things are made or put together.
1323factualA factual report or message includes true details.
1324facultyA faculty is a mental or physical ability.
1325fadeTo fade is to become quieter or less bright.
1326failTo fail means you do not succeed in what you try to do.
1327failureA failure happens when something is not done right.
1328faintTo faint means to go unconscious and fall down.
1329fairFair means reasonable or right.
1330faithFaith is trust or belief without proof.
1331fakeA fake thing is made to look real in order to trick people.
1332fameFame is a reputation one has gained among the public.
1333familiarPeople or things familiar to you are those you know well.
1334familyA family is a group of people who are related to each other.
1335famineA famine is a long time with little or no food.
1336famousA famous person or thing is well known.
1337fancyA fancy thing is nicer or more detailed than normal.
1338fantasticA fantastic thing is really good.
1339fantasyA fantasy is a pleasant situation that people think about but is unlikely to happen.
1340farIf something is far, it is not close.
1341fareA fare is an amount of money paid to use a bus, train, or taxi.
1342farewellA farewell is an instance of saying goodbye or a way to say it.
1343fascinateTo fascinate someone is to make that person very interested.
1344fashionableSomething fashionable is what people like to wear and do now.
1345fastTo fast means to go without food or drink for a period of time.
1346fastenTo fasten something is to close it or attach it to something.
1347fatFat is an oily solid or liquid substance in food.
1348fatalSomething that is fatal results in someone’s death.
1349fateFate is a power that causes things to happen.
1350fatigueFatigue is a feeling of extreme tiredness.
1351faucetA faucet is a device that controls the flow of a liquid or gas.
1352faultA fault is responsibility for a mistake.
1353fearFear is the feeling of being afraid.
1354featA feat is an impressive or difficult achievement or action.
1355featherFeathers are the things covering a bird’s bodies.
1356featureA feature is an important part of something.
1357federalIf something is federal, it relates to the government of a country.
1358federationA federation is a group of states or businesses working for a common cause.
1359feebleIf someone is feeble, they are small or weak.
1360feedbackFeedback is comments to a person about how they are doing something.
1361feelTo feel is to experience an emotion or feeling.
1362fellowA fellow is someone who shares a job or quality with someone else.
1363femaleFemale refers to women or girls.
1364feminineIf something is feminine, then it has qualities that are commonly related to women.
1365ferryA ferry is a boat that carries passengers over short distances.
1366fertileFertile land is able to produce good crops and plants.
1367festivalA festival is an event that is held to celebrate a particular thing.
1368festiveWhen something is festive, it is happy and related to a party or celebration.
1369feverA fever is when a body’s temperature is higher than normal.
1370fewA few things is a small number of them.
1371fiberA fiber is a thread of a substance used to make clothes or rope.
1372fictionFiction is a story that is not true.
1373fieldA field is a subject that people study or an area of activity that they are involved in as part of their work.
1374fierceA fierce person or animal is angry or violent.
1375fieryIf something is fiery, it is burning strongly.
1376fightingFighting is physical conflict between people or groups in a war, in the street, etc.
1377figure outWhen you figure something out, you come to understand it and find an answer.
1378filthFilth is dirt or dirty things that disgust you.
1379finalIf something is final, it is the last part.
1380finallyWhen something finally happens, it happens at the end of a series of events.
1381financeTo finance someone or something means to provide money for them.
1382fireworksFireworks are objects that create colored lights when they are lit.
1383firmA firm thing is solid but not too hard.
1384firsthandIf something is firsthand, then it is from an original source.
1385fiscalWhen something is fiscal, it is related to money or finances, especially that of a government or business.
1386fistA fist is a hand with fingers bent in toward the palm.
1387fixTo fix something is to make it work.
1388flagA flag is a piece of colored cloth that represents something.
1389flameA flame is part of a fire.
1390flammableIf something is flammable, then it is able to catch on fire.
1391flankTo flank is to be positioned at the side of something or someone.
1392flapTo flap means to move quickly up and down or from side to side.
1393flashlightA flashlight is a small electric light that people carry in their hands.
1394flatFlat describes something that is level and smooth with no curved parts.
1395flatterTo fatter people means to praise them in an effort to please them.
1396flavorA flavor is the taste of food or drinks.
1397flawA flaw is a mistake in something that causes it to be less effective or correct.
1398fleeTo flee is to leave somewhere very quickly in order to escape from danger.
1399fleetA fleet is a group of ships.
1400fleshFlesh is the muscle and fat on your body.
1401flexibleIf something is flexible, then it can bend easily without breaking.
1402flipTo flip means to press a switch quickly to turn it on or off.
1403floatTo float is to move on top of water without sinking.
1404flockTo flock means to gather in one place.
1405floodA flood is an event in which water covers an area that is usually dry.
1406flourFlour is a powder made from plants that is used to make foods like bread.
1407flourishTo flourish means to do very well and be in an excellent condition.
1408flowTo flow is to move easily and continuously in one direction.
1409flowerA flower is the colored part of a plant.
1410fluentIf someone is fluent in a language, then they are able to speak it very well.
1411fluidIf something is fluid, it is smooth and moves gracefully.
1412flushTo flush means the face becomes red due to heat, illness, or emotion.
1413focusTo focus on something is to think about it and pay attention to it.
1414foeA foe is an enemy or opponent.
1415fogFog is a thick cloud that is near the ground or water.
1416folkloreFolklore is the collection of beliefs and stories of a culture.
1417fondTo be fond of something means to cherish or like it.
1418foodFood is things people and animals eat.
1419footballFootball is a sport with eleven members and an oval-shaped ball.
1420forbidTo forbid means to order someone not to do something.
1421forceForce is a person’s strength or power.
1422forecastA forecast is an idea about what the weather will be like in the future.
1423forefingerThe forefinger is the finger between one’s thumb and middle finger.
1424foreignSomething foreign is something we are not used to.
1425foreseeTo foresee something is to know about it before it happens.
1426foreverWe use forever in place of “for all future time” or “for a very long time.”
1427forgeTo forge is to make or produce, especially with difficulty.
1428forgiveTo forgive someone is to stop being angry with them.
1429formTo form is to make or to shape something.
1430formalA formal thing is official or serious.
1431formationA formation is the way that something is made.
1432formerFormer describes something that used to be but is not anymore.
1433forthcomingIf something is forthcoming, then it is about to happen in the future.
1434fortunateIf you are fortunate, you are lucky.
1435fortuneFortune means the things that happen but are not controlled by a person.
1436forumA forum is an open public place in which meetings are held.
1437forwardIf you move forward, you move in the direction in front of you.
1438fossilA fossil is the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or plant.
1439fosterTo foster is to help a skill, feeling, or idea develop over a period of time.
1440foulIf something is foul, then it is very unpleasant.
1441foundTo found a company or organization means to start it.
1442foundationA foundation is a group that provides money for research.
1443fountainA fountain is a source of water made by people.
1444fractionA fraction is a small part of something.
1445fractureA fracture is a crack or break in something.
1446fragileWhen people or things are fragile, they are not strong and can be damaged easily.
1447fragmentA fragment is a small part of something.
1448frameA frame is a border for a picture or mirror.
1449frameworkA framework is a set of rules or ideas that people use to solve problems.
1450franchiseA franchise is the right to sell another company’s products or services in a particular area.
1451franticIf people or things are frantic, they behave in a wild way because they are frightened.
1452fraudFraud is the crime of gaining money by lying or by tricking people.
1453freightFreight is a set of items carried on a train, boat, or airplane.
1454frequencyThe frequency of something is the number of times that it happens.
1455frequentIf something is frequent, then it happens or is done often.
1456frequentlyWhen something happens frequently, it happens often.
1457friendA friend is someone a person knows and likes spending time with.
1458friendshipFriendship is the relationship between people who are friends.
1459fromFrom shows a starting place or position.
1460frontierA frontier is a border between two regions or countries.
1461frostFrost is a white layer of ice that forms during very cold weather.
1462frownTo frown is to make an unhappy look with one’s face.
1463fruitFruit is a type of healthy food that grows on trees and plants.
1464fuelFuel is something that creates heat or energy.
1465fulfillTo fulfill something means to achieve or finish it.
1466fumeFumes are unhealthy smoke and gases that are made by fires or chemicals.
1467funWhen something is fun, it is enjoyable.
1468functionThe function of something is what it does.
1469fundA fund is an amount of money that people have.
1470fundamentalIf something is fundamental, it is a basic part of something.
1471funeralA funeral is a ceremony that takes place after a person dies.
1472furnaceA furnace is a place where heat is made.
1473furnishTo furnish means to put furniture in a house or room.
1474furnitureFurniture means the things used in a house such as tables and chairs.
1475furtherFurther means at or from a greater distance or time.
1476furthermoreFurthermore means more information will be added.
1477fuseA fuse is a string on fireworks that burns to make them explode.
1478fussA fuss is excited or annoyed behavior that is not useful in any way.
1479gainTo gain is to gradually get more and more of a quality, feeling, etc.
1480galaxyA galaxy is an extremely large collection of star systems.
1481galleryA gallery is a large space where people can see works of art.
1482gambleTo gamble means to play a game that involves winning or losing money.
1483gameA game is an activity where people compete against each other.
1484gapA gap is a space between two things.
1485garageA garage is the part of a house where people put their cars.
1486garbageGarbage is waste material like unwanted or spoiled food, bottles, paper, etc.
1487gardenA garden is an area where people grow plants.
1488garmentA garment is a piece of clothing.
1489gateA gate is a type of door. Gates are usually made of metal or wood.
1490gatherTo gather is to form a group or bring together.
1491gazeTo gaze at something means to look at it for a long time.
1492gazetteA gazette is a newspaper.
1493gearsThe gears are the part of a motor that controls the speed.
1494genderGender is a category that describes being either a boy or a girl.
1495geneA gene controls what it looks like, how an organism grows, and how it develops.
1496generallyWe use generally in place of “in most cases” or “to most people.”
1497generateTo generate something means to cause it to develop or begin.
1498generationA generation is a group of people who live at the same time.
1499generousA generous person likes to give things to people.
1500geneticIf something is genetic, it is related to the genes in one’s body.
1501geniusA genius is a very smart person.
1502genocideGenocide is the deliberate murder of a whole group or race of people.
1503genomeA genome is the collection of all the genes in a living thing.
1504genreA genre is a type of literature, art, or music characterized by its style.
1505gentleSomeone who is gentle is kind and calm.
1506gentlemanA gentleman is a nice man.
1507genuineWhen something is genuine, it is true or real.
1508geographyGeography is the study of the Earth, its land, weather, etc.
1509geologyGeology is the study of the Earth’s natural structures and how they change.
1510geometryGeometry is the study of shapes and how to measure them.
1511germA germ is a very small living thing that can make people sick.
1512giantGiant means very big.
1513giftA gift is something you give someone.
1514gingerGinger is a root of a plant that is used to make food spicy and sweet.
1515glacierA glacier is a large piece of ice that moves very slowly.
1516gladIf you are glad, you are happy.
1517glamorousA glamorous occasion is one full of beauty and excitement.
1518glamourGlamour is a quality relating to riches, wealth, and beauty.
1519glanceTo glance at something means to look at it quickly.
1520glassGlass is a transparent, breakable material.
1521gleamTo gleam means to sparkle and shine.
1522glideTo glide means to fly on extended wings with little or no effort.
1523glimpseTo glimpse something is to see it for a short time.
1524globalIf something is global, it happens all around the world.
1525globeThe globe refers to the Earth.
1526gloomGloom is a state of almost complete darkness or sadness.
1527gloryGlory is the importance, magnificence, or specialness of something.
1528gloveA glove is a piece of clothing that covers your fingers and hand.
1529glucoseGlucose is a natural form of sugar that exists in plants and fruit.
1530goalA goal is something you work toward.
1531golfGolf is a sport with clubs and a small white ball.
1532goodsGoods are anything that can be bought or sold.
1533gorgeousWhen something is gorgeous, it is very pleasing and attractive.
1534gossipGossip is information that might be untrue but is still discussed anyway.
1535gourmetIf food is gourmet, then it is nicer and more expensive than regular food.
1536grabTo grab is to take a hold of someone or something suddenly.
1537graciousIf someone is gracious, then they are kind and helpful to those who need it.
1538gradeA grade is a score or mark given to someone’s work.
1539gradualSomething gradual happens slowly.
1540graduateTo graduate from a school means to complete and pass all courses of study there.
1541graffitiGraffiti is words or drawings in public places.
1542grainA grain is a food crop such as wheat, corn, rice, or oats.
1543grandSomething grand is big and liked by people.
1544grantTo grant something is to allow someone to have it.
1545grapefruitA grapefruit is a fruit similar to an orange, but bigger and not as sweet.
1546graspTo grasp something means to hold it.
1547grassGrass is the green leaves that cover the ground.
1548gratefulA grateful person feels thankful about something.
1549gratifyTo gratify someone means to please them.
1550gratitudeGratitude is a feeling of being thankful.
1551graveA grave is the place where a dead person is buried.
1552gravityGravity is the force that makes things fall to Earth.
1553grazeWhen animals graze, they feed on plants.
1554greaseGrease is an oily substance put on moving parts so they work smoothly, or oil or fat in cooking.
1555greatWhen something is great, it is very good.
1556greedGreed is wanting to have more of something than you need or should have.
1557greenGreen is the color of growing grass or leaves.
1558greenhouseA greenhouse is a small glass building that is used to grow plants.
1559greetTo greet someone means to meet and welcome that person.
1560gridA grid is a pattern of squares with numbers and letters to find places on a map.
1561griefGrief is the feeling of deep sadness, usually when a person dies.
1562grimSomething that is grim is worrying, serious, and scary.
1563grinTo grin means to smile broadly.
1564grindTo grind is to break something into small pieces or powder.
1565gripTo grip something is to hold it very tightly.
1566grocerA grocer is a person who sells food.
1567groomA groom is a man who is going to be married.
1568grossIf something is gross, then it is disgusting.
1569groveA grove is a small group of trees.
1570grumbleTo grumble means to complain.
1571guaranteeI will guarantee that the loan will be repaid.
1572guardTo guard something is to take care of it.
1573guardianA guardian is someone who protects somebody or something.
1574guerillaA guerilla is a person who fights as part of an unofficial army.
1575guestA guest is someone who is invited to an event, occasion, or location.
1576guidanceGuidance is help and advice that is given to someone about their work, education, or personal life.
1577guideA guide is someone who shows you where to go.
1578guidelineA guideline is a rule about how to do something.
1579guiltyGuilty people feel bad for something they did.
1580gulfA gulf is a gap between people who do not understand each other.
1581gutSomeone’s gut is their intestines, where food is processed after leaving the stomach.
1582gutsThe guts are all the organs inside a person or animal.
1583gymnasiumA gymnasium is a building with equipment that you can use to get exercise.
1584habitA habit is a thing that you do often.
1585habitatA habitat is the natural home of animals or plants.
1586habitualWhen something is habitual, it is a behavior that a person usually does or has.
1587hackTo hack something means to cut it into uneven pieces.
1588hailHail is ice that falls from the sky when rain freezes.
1589halfIf you cut something into two parts that are the same size, you cut it half.
1590haltTo halt is to stop moving.
1591handbookA handbook is material that gives specific information or instructions.
1592handicapA handicap is a condition that limits someone’s mental or physical abilities.
1593handleA handle is the part of an object people hold while using it.
1594handyIf something is handy, it is useful.
1595hangTo hang something is to keep it above the ground.
1596happenIf someone happens to do something, he or she does it by chance.
1597harassTo harass someone is to bother or attack them repeatedly.
1598harborA harbor is an area of water along a shore where boats land.
1599hardlyHardly shows that something happens in a very small way.
1600hardyIf a person or plant is hardy, it is strong and can live through difficult conditions.
1601harmTo cause harm is to hurt someone or damage something.
1602harmonizeTo harmonize means to make different things go well together.
1603harmonyHarmony is a feeling that everything is peaceful, balanced, and in agreement.
1604harshWhen something is harsh, it is very unpleasant.
1605harvestA harvest is the act of collecting food from farming.
1606hasteHaste is speed in movement or action.
1607hatredHatred is a strong feeling of not liking someone or something.
1608haulTo haul something means to carry it from place to place.
1609hayHay is dry grass used to feed animals and can be used for different purposes.
1610hazardA hazard is something that could be dangerous to a person’s health or safety.
1611headacheA headache is a pain in one’s head.
1612headlineA headline is the title of a newspaper story.
1613headquartersA headquarters is a building where the bosses of a company work.
1614healTo heal is to become healthy or well again.
1615healthHealth is the state of a person’s body.
1616heapA heap of things is a large pile of them.
1617hearTo hear is to be aware of sound through your ears.
1618heartA heart is an organ that keeps the body alive.
1619heartyIf someone or something is hearty, then they are loud and happy.
1620heavenHeaven is the place that some believe people go to after they die.
1621hectareA hectare is a unit of measure equal to 10,000 square meters.
1622heedTo heed something means to obey or follow it.
1623heightHeight is how tall someone or something is.
1624heightenTo heighten an emotion means to increase the intensity of it.
1625heirAn heir is a person who receives the money or property of someone who dies.
1626helmetA helmet is a type of hard hat that protects your head.
1627helpTo help is to do something that makes something easier for someone else.
1628hemisphereA hemisphere is one half of the Earth.
1629henceThe word hence shows that something is a result of something else.
1630herbAn herb is a plant used for cooking or medicine.
1631heredityHeredity is the process of passing on features from parents to children.
1632heritageHeritage is the collection of features of a society, such as language and religion.
1633hermitA hermit is one who lives alone and does not spend time with others.
1634heroA hero is a brave person who does things to help others.
1635hesitantIf someone is hesitant, then they are not sure or are slow to act or speak.
1636hesitateTo hesitate is to wait for a short time before doing something.
1637hiddenHidden means not easily noticed or too hard to find.
1638hierarchyA hierarchy is a system of things or people ranked one above the other.
1639highWhen something is high, it is greater than usual in amount, number, or degree.
1640highlandsHighlands are high areas of land, usually with mountains.
1641highlightTo highlight something means to mark it with a color so that it is easy to see.
1642hillA hill is a raised area of land. It is higher than the land around it.
1643hinderTo hinder is to stop someone or something from doing something.
1644hintA hint is information that suggests something will happen or is true.
1645hireTo hire someone is to pay that person money to work for you.
1646historyHistory is the study of the past.
1647hitTo hit is to affect someone or something in a harmful or dangerous way.
1648hitchhikeTo hitchhike means to travel by asking for rides from passing vehicles.
1649hobbyA hobby is a fun and creative activity people do in their free time.
1650holdTo hold is to have a particular degree, title, record, job, or position.
1651holeA hole is a hollow space in something solid.
1652holidayA holiday is a special day of celebration.
1653homeA person’s home is the place where that person lives.
1654homogeneousIf something is homogeneous, it is made up of things which are all the same.
1655honeTo hone something is to improve it and make it very good.
1656honestyHonesty means the quality of being truthful or honest.
1657honorTo honor is to show respect for someone or something.
1658hoodA hood is part of a coat that goes over a person’s head.
1659hookA hook is a sharp curved piece of metal used for catching or holding things.
1660hoopA hoop is a ring that is made of plastic, metal, or wood.
1661hopTo hop means to jump a short distance.
1662horizonThe horizon is where the sky looks like it meets the ground.
1663horizontalWhen something is horizontal, it is fat and level with the ground.
1664hornA horn is a device that makes a loud noise.
1665horribleA horrible thing is very bad.
1666horrifiedIf you are horrified, you are very shocked and feel upset.
1667horrifyingIf something is horrifying, it is frightening and very unpleasant.
1668horrorHorror is a feeling of being very afraid or shocked.
1669horseA horse is a big, strong animal that people ride and use for pulling heavy things.
1670hospitableIf someone is hospitable, they are friendly to strangers.
1671hospitalA hospital is where sick or hurt people receive care or treatment.
1672hospitalityHospitality is friendly behavior and entertainment, shown to guests or strangers.
1673hostA host is someone who invites a guest someplace.
1674hostileIf someone is hostile, they are angry and unfriendly.
1675hotelA hotel is a place where people stay overnight when they are traveling.
1676houndA hound is a type of dog that is often used for racing or hunting.
1677hourAn hour is sixty minutes.
1678householdA household is all the people who live in one house.
1679housekeepingHousekeeping is the maintenance of a house or an establishment like a hotel.
1680howeverHowever means despite or not being influenced by something.
1681howlTo howl means to make a long, loud sound like a wolf or a dog.
1682hugeIf something is huge, it is very big.
1683humTo hum means to make a low, continuous noise.
1684humaneIf something is humane, then it is good and kind.
1685humanitarianIf something is humanitarian, it is connected to helping people’s lives.
1686humblePeople who are humble do not believe that they are better than other people.
1687humidWhen it is humid, there is a lot of water in the air.
1688humiliateTo humiliate someone means to make them feel ashamed and embarrassed.
1689humorHumor can be something that makes you laugh, and it can also refer to your feelings.
1690hungerHunger is the feeling that you get when you need to eat.
1691hurricaneA hurricane is a bad storm that happens over the ocean.
1692hurryTo hurry is to do something quickly.
1693hutA hut is a house made of wood, grass, or mud that has only one or two rooms.
1694hydrogenHydrogen is a gas that has no taste, color, or smell.
1695hygieneHygiene is the conditions or methods needed for health and cleanliness.
1696hygienicIf something is hygienic, then it is clean and unlikely to cause disease.
1697hypothesisA hypothesis is an idea about something that has not been proved yet.
1698idealAn ideal thing is the best that it can possibly be.
1699identicalTo be identical is to be the same as someone or something else.
1700identifyTo identify something is to find out what it is.
1701ideologicalIf something is ideological, it is based on a system of beliefs or ideals, especially those that relate to a government or economy.
1702ideologyAn ideology is a system of belief.
1703idiomAn idiom is a phrase with a meaning different from its words.
1704idiotAn idiot is a person who is not smart or who has done something silly.
1705idleIf you are idle, you are not doing anything.
1706ignoranceIgnorance of something is lack of knowledge about it.
1707ignorantIf someone is ignorant about something, they have no knowledge about it.
1708ignoreTo ignore something is to act like you do not see or hear it.
1709illuminateIf you illuminate something, you shine light on or brighten it.
1710illusionAn illusion is something that looks real, but doesn’t actually exist.
1711imageThe image of something is a picture of it.
1712imagineTo imagine something is to think of it in your mind.
1713imitateTo imitate someone or something is to act in the exact same way.
1714immediateIf something is immediate, it happens quickly.
1715immenseIf something is immense, it is very large.
1716immigrantAn immigrant is a person who moves to a different country.
1717immuneWhen someone is immune to a disease, they cannot be affected by it.
1718impactAn impact is the effect someone or something has.
1719impairTo impair something means to make it weaker or worse.
1720impatientTo be impatient means to get angry or anxious when something takes too much time.
1721impendingIf something is impending, it is going to happen soon.
1722imperativeWhen something is imperative, it is extremely important and must be done.
1723imperialIf something is imperial, then it is related to an empire.
1724impersonalIf something is impersonal, it is not friendly and makes people feel unimportant.
1725implementTo implement something means to ensure that what has been planned is done.
1726implicateTo implicate someone is to show that they have done a crime or something bad.
1727implyTo imply something is to suggest it without saying it.
1728impoliteAn impolite person is rude, or not polite.
1729importTo import means to bring in a product from another country.
1730importanceImportance is the quality or state of being important, valuable, or significant.
1731imposeTo impose means to interrupt or force your ideas on other people.
1732impressTo impress someone means to make that person proud or amazed.
1733impressionAn impression is the way of thinking about someone or something.
1734improveTo improve something means to make it better.
1735improviseTo improvise something is to do it with whatever is available or without planning.
1736impulseAn impulse is a sudden thoughtless urge to do something.
1737inadvertentWhen an action is inadvertent, it is done without realizing what you are doing.
1738incentiveAn incentive is what makes a person want to do something.
1739incidenceThe number of times something happens is the incidence of the event.
1740incidentAn incident is an event that is usually not pleasant.
1741inclineAn incline is a sharp rise in something, especially a hill or mountain.
1742includeTo include something means to have it as part of a group.
1743inclusionInclusion is the act of including someone or something in a larger group or set.
1744inclusiveIf something is inclusive, then it is open to all groups and people in society.
1745incomeAn income is the money you earned from work.
1746incorporateTo incorporate is to add something to another thing.
1747incorrectIf something is incorrect, it is wrong.
1748increaseTo increase is to make something larger.
1749incredibleAn incredible thing is so amazing that it is hard to believe.
1750incredulousIf someone is incredulous about something, they do not believe that it is true.
1751independenceIndependence is the state of being free from the control of others.
1752independentIf something is independent, it is not controlled by something else.
1753indexAn index is a list of words at the end of a book that gives information.
1754indicateWhen we indicate something, we show or point out our thoughts or plans.
1755indifferentWhen someone is indifferent toward something, they have a lack of interest in it.
1756indigenousIndigenous means that something or someone exists naturally in an environment or area.
1757indirectIf something is indirect, then it is not the easiest or straightest way.
1758individualAn individual is a single member of a group.
1759induceTo induce something means to make it happen.
1760industriousIf someone is industrious, they work hard.
1761industryIndustry is a kind of business that produces services or things for sale.
1762inevitableWhen something is inevitable, it is certain to happen or cannot be avoided.
1763infamousWhen someone is infamous, they are well known for something bad.
1764infantAn infant is a baby.
1765infectTo infect someone means to give them an illness.
1766inferTo infer something is to decide it is true based on other information one has.
1767inferiorAn inferior thing is not as good as something else.
1768infiniteIf something is infinite, it has no limit or end.
1769inflameTo inflame something is to provoke or intensify it.
1770inflateTo inflate something means to fill it up with air.
1771influenceTo influence someone or something is to have an effect on them.
1772informTo inform someone is to tell them about something.
1773informalAn informal thing is casual and relaxed, not official.
1774informativeWhen something is informative, it provides a lot of information.
1775infrastructureAn infrastructure is a collection of services needed to run a society or business.
1776ingeniousIf someone is ingenious, then they are very smart.
1777ingredientAn ingredient is something that is part of a food dish.
1778inhabitTo inhabit means to live in a certain place.
1779inhabitantAn inhabitant is a person who lives in a certain place.
1780inhaleTo inhale means to take air or a smell into the lungs.
1781inherentWhen something is inherent, it is a natural part of something else.
1782inheritTo inherit is to receive something that is passed down from a relative.
1783inhibitWhen you inhibit something, you stop it from developing.
1784initialInitial shows that something is first.
1785injureTo injure someone means to damage a part of their body.
1786injusticeInjustice is a lack of fairness or justice.
1787inlandIf someone goes inland, they travel into the center of a country or land.
1788innAn inn is a place where travelers can rest and eat.
1789innateWhen something is innate, it is something that one is born with and was not learned.
1790innocenceInnocence is a lack of experience of difficult or complex things in life.
1791innocentAn innocent person is not guilty of a crime.
1792innovationAn innovation is a product, or an idea, that is new or very original.
1793innovativeIf something or someone is innovative, they can think in creative ways.
1794inputInput is information that is put into a computer.
1795inquireTo inquire about something is to ask about it.
1796inseparableIf two things are inseparable, they can’t be separated.
1797insertTo insert something means to put it in something else.
1798insideInside means the inner part, space or side of something.
1799insightInsight is a deep and accurate understanding of something.
1800insistTo insist means to be firm in telling people what to do.
1801insomniaInsomnia is a condition in which a person has difficulty sleeping.
1802inspectTo inspect is to look at something carefully.
1803inspireTo inspire is to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something.
1804instanceAn instance is an example of something.
1805instantAn instant is a very short amount of time.
1806insteadInstead means in place of.
1807instituteAn institute is an organization that is interested in research or teaching.
1808institutionAn institution is an organization that works to help a city or group of people.
1809instructTo instruct is to teach.
1810instructionsA set of instructions explains how to do something.
1811instrumentAn instrument is something designed to do a certain task like play music.
1812insulateTo insulate something means to protect it from heat, cold, or noise.
1813insultTo insult someone is to say things that will hurt the person’s feelings.
1814intactWhen something is intact, it is complete and not damaged.
1815intakeYour intake of food is the amount of food you take into your body.
1816integralSomething that is integral is an important part of the whole.
1817integrateTo integrate is to make something a part of another larger thing.
1818integrityIntegrity is honesty and good morals.
1819intellectAn intellect is a person’s ability to understand things easily.
1820intellectualAn intellectual is a very smart person.
1821intelligenceIntelligence is the ability to learn and understand things.
1822intelligentIf someone is intelligent, they are very smart.
1823intendTo intend to do something means to plan to do it.
1824intenseAn intense thing is very strong.
1825intentAn intent is a plan to do something.
1826intentionAn intention is what a person plans to do.
1827interactTo interact is to talk to or do something with another person.
1828interchangeAn interchange of ideas between people is a discussion of each person’s idea.
1829interfereTo interfere is to cause problems and keep something from happening.
1830interiorAn interior is the inside of something.
1831internalWhen something is internal, it exists or happens inside a person, object, or place.
1832internationalIf something is international, it involves more than one country.
1833interpretWhen you interpret something, you find its meaning, often by changing it into a different language.
1834intervalAn interval is the time between two things happening.
1835interveneTo intervene means to help stop a problem between two people or groups.
1836intestinesIntestines are tubes through which food passes after it leaves the stomach.
1837intimateWhen a relationship is intimate, the two things are very closely connected.
1838intimidateTo intimidate means to frighten others.
1839intrigueTo intrigue means to cause an interest in something or someone.
1840intrinsicIf something is intrinsic, then it is related to the basic nature of that thing.
1841intuitiveIntuitive is knowing about something without having support or proof.
1842invadeTo invade is to take over a place by force.
1843invalidIf something is invalid, it is not correct.
1844invasionAn invasion is an attack by a group from another country.
1845inventTo invent is to create something that never existed before.
1846inventiveWhen someone is inventive, they are good at creating new things.
1847inventoryAn inventory is a supply of something.
1848investTo invest means to use money in a way that will bring a profit later.
1849investigateTo investigate means to search for something or learn about it.
1850inviteTo invite is to ask someone to come to a place or event.
1851invokeTo invoke something is to mention it to support an argument or ask for help.
1852involveTo involve means to include as an active participant.
1853inwardIf a thought or feeling is inward, it is not expressed or shown to others.
1854ironIron is a strong metal that is used to make many objects.
1855irrigateTo irrigate means to supply water to land so that crops can grow.
1856irritableWhen someone is irritable, they become annoyed or angry very easily.
1857irritateTo irritate means to annoy someone.
1858islandAn island is land in the middle of water.
1859isolateTo isolate is to separate one person or thing from a group.
1860issueAn issue is an important topic.
1861itchTo itch means to have an unpleasant feeling that you want to scratch.
1862itemAn item is a single separate piece.
1863ivoryIvory is a hard, white substance that comes from elephants.
1864jaggedWhen something is jagged, it has a tough, uneven shape or edge.
1865jailA jail is a place to keep bad people.
1866janitorA janitor is a person who makes repairs and takes care of a building.
1867jealousA jealous person might take something from you.
1868jealousyJealousy is a feeling of wanting something that somebody else has.
1869jetA jet is a fast plane with a big engine.
1870jewelA jewel is a beautiful stone that is worth a lot of money.
1871jobYour job is the work you do to earn money.
1872jogTo jog is to run slowly.
1873jointWhen something is joint, it is done by or involves two or more people or groups.
1874journalA journal is a type of magazine that deals with an academic subject.
1875journalismJournalism is the work of collecting the news to put in newspapers or on TV.
1876journalistA journalist is a person who writes news stories.
1877journeyA journey is a long trip.
1878joyJoy is a feeling of great happiness.
1879judgeTo judge something is to say if it is good or bad.
1880jungleA jungle is a type of forest in a warm, rainy tropical area, where trees and plants grow very close together.
1881juniorA junior person is younger or less experienced.
1882jurisdictionJurisdiction means the power or right to make judgments about the law and how it is upheld.
1883juryA jury is a group of people that listen to a trial and say if someone is guilty.
1884justiceJustice is fairness in the way that people are treated.
1885justifyTo justify something means to show or prove that it is necessary.
1886justlyIf something is done justly, then it is fair.
1887keenIf someone is keen, they are intelligent.
1888keepTo keep is to stay in a particular state, condition, or position.
1889keroseneKerosene is a type of oil used in some lamps and stoves.
1890kettleA kettle is a large metal pot used for boiling liquids or cooking food.
1891keyWhen something is key, it is extremely important.
1892keyboardA keyboard has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put information into a computer.
1893kidTo kid is to say something that is not true as a joke.
1894kidnapTo kidnap someone is to take that person illegally.
1895killTo kill someone or something is to make them die.
1896kilometerA kilometer is a unit of measurement that is 1,000 meters.
1897kinKin is a person’s family and relatives.
1898kitA kit is a set of all the things needed to do something.
1899kneelTo kneel is to put one or both knees on the ground.
1900knightA knight is a soldier of high rank and skill who usually serves a king.
1901knowledgeKnowledge is what you know.
1902knownIf something is known, it is something that people are aware of or have discovered.
1903labelA label is a tag that tells about something.
1904laborLabor is the act of doing or making something.
1905laboratoryA laboratory is a room where a scientist works.
1906lackIf there is a lack of something, there is not enough of it.
1907ladderA ladder is an object that is used to climb up and down things.
1908lagTo lag behind is to move slowly behind other moving objects.
1909lameIf one is lame, they cannot walk properly due to an injury to the leg or foot.
1910landingA landing is when you return to the ground or another surface after a flight or a boat ride.
1911landlordA landlord is a man who rents property to a person.
1912landmarkA landmark is an object that helps people find or remember a location.
1913landscapeA landscape is how an area of land looks.
1914languageA language is a system of communication.
1915largeSomething large is very big.
1916laterLater means after the present, expected, or usual time.
1917latitudeThe latitude of a place is its distance from the equator.
1918latterLatter describes something last in a series or the second choice of two things.
1919laughLaugh is the sound made when someone is happy or a funny thing occurs.
1920laughterLaughter is the sound produced by laughing about something funny.
1921launchTo launch something means to make it go into motion.
1922laundryLaundry is clothes that have been or need to be washed.
1923lavaLava is the hot substance made of melted rock that comes out of volcanoes.
1924lawA law is a rule made by the legislative body.
1925lawnA lawn is an area covered in grass.
1926lawyerA lawyer works with the law and represents people in court.
1927layTo lay means to put or place in a horizontal or flat position.
1928layerA layer covers over something or is one of several pieces lying on top of each other.
1929leadWhen you lead something, you go first and it follows you.
1930leadingWhen something is leading, it is the most advanced or best.
1931leanTo lean is to bend in a particular direction.
1932leapTo leap means to jump a long distance.
1933leaseTo lease means to rent property, usually an apartment or land.
1934leashA leash is a rope or chain that is used to lead an animal.
1935leatherLeather is a material made from animal skin that is used to make clothing.
1936leaveTo leave means to go away from someone or something.
1937lectureA lecture is a long, educational speech.
1938legA leg is a body part used for standing and walking.
1939legacyA legacy is an effect that exists because of a person or thing in the past.
1940legalIf something is legal, it is related to the law or allowed by the law.
1941legendA legend is a story from the past.
1942legislateTo legislate means to make laws.
1943legislatureA legislature is the section of a government that makes laws.
1944legitimateIf something is legitimate, then it is acceptable according to the law.
1945lendTo lend something is to give it to someone for a short time.
1946lengthThe length of something is how long it is from one end to the other.
1947lentilLentils are very small beans that people cook and eat.
1948levelA level is a point on a scale that measures something.
1949liableIf something is liable to happen, it is very likely that it will happen.
1950libertyLiberty is freedom to do what one wants.
1951libraryA library is a place where you go to read books.
1952licenseA license is an official document that gives one permission to do something.
1953lickWhen you lick something, you pass your tongue over it.
1954lieTo lie is to say or write something untrue to deceive someone.
1955lieutenantA lieutenant is a rank in the military or police, or a person with that rank.
1956lifeLife is the time when a person is alive.
1957liftTo lift something is to move it higher.
1958lightLight is a form of energy or brightness that makes it possible to see something.
1959lightlyTo do something lightly is to not push very hard.
1960lightningLightning is the bright light seen during a storm.
1961likewiseIf someone does something likewise, they do the same thing as someone else.
1962limbA limb is a large branch on a tree.
1963limitA limit is the largest or smallest amount of something that you allow.
1964limpTo limp means to walk with difficulty because someone’s leg or foot is hurt.
1965lineA line is a row of people or things.
1966lingerTo linger is to last for a long time.
1967linguisticIf something is linguistic, then it is concerned with language.
1968linkA link is a connection to something else.
1969lionA lion is a large animal in the cat family.
1970liquidA liquid is a substance that is neither solid nor gas.
1971listA list is a record of information printed with an item on each line.
1972listenTo listen is to pay attention to a sound that you can hear.
1973literaryA literary person or thing is involved with literature in some way.
1974literatureLiterature is books, plays, and poetry.
1975livelyIf someone is lively, they have a lot of energy.
1976liverThe liver is a large organ in the body that produces bile and cleans blood.
1977loadTo load is to put objects into something.
1978loafA loaf of bread is bread shaped and baked in one piece.
1979loanA loan is something, usually money, that one person lends to another.
1980localIf something is local, it is nearby.
1981localeA locale is a small area or place where something specific happens.
1982locateTo locate something is to find it.
1983lodgeA lodge is a house in the mountains used by people who hunt or fish.
1984logA log is a thick piece of wood that is cut from a tree.
1985loneA lone person or thing is the only one in a given place.
1986lonelinessLoneliness is the unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends.
1987longevityLongevity is the ability to live for a long time.
1988longingA longing is a strong feeling of wanting.
1989loopA loop is a line made into the shape of a circle.
1990looseA loose thing is not held in place tightly.
1991loseTo lose is to have something that is important or necessary taken from you or destroyed.
1992lossA loss is the act or instance of losing something.
1993loudIf a sound is loud, it is strong and very easy to hear.
1994loveTo love is to like something or someone a lot.
1995lowIf something is low, it is smaller than usual in amount, number, or degree.
1996lowerTo lower something is to make it go down.
1997loyalLoyal people always help or support a certain person or thing.
1998lumpA lump is a small piece of something that is solid.
1999lunarIf something is lunar, then it is related to the moon.
2000lungA lung is a part of the body that fills with air when breathing.
2001lureTo lure someone is to convince them to do something by using a trick.
2002lushIf something is lush, then it is full of a variety of large, healthy plants.
2003luxuryA luxury is an expensive thing that is nice but not needed.
2004lyricWhen a poem is considered lyric, it expresses a lot of emotion.
2005machineA machine is made by people and does work for us.
2006madA mad person or animal is angry.
2007magazineA magazine is a regular publication with news, stories, and articles.
2008magicMagic is the power to do impossible things.
2009magicalMagical describes a quality that makes someone or something special.
2010magnetA magnet is a piece of iron or other material which attracts iron toward it.
2011magnificentMagnificent means beautiful and grand.
2012magnifyTo magnify something means to make it look bigger than it really is.
2013magnitudeMagnitude refers to large size.
2014mailMail is letters and other things sent to people.
2015mainstreamThe mainstream is what is considered normal and accepted by most people.
2016maintainTo maintain means to make something stay the same.
2017majesticIf something is majestic, it is large and impressive.
2018majestyMajesty is supreme greatness or authority.
2019majorA major event is a very important event.
2020majorityA majority of something is more than half of the people or things in that group.
2021maleMale refers to men or boys.
2022mammalA mammal is an animal that usually has hair and is not born from an egg.
2023manageTo manage something means to control or be in charge of it.
2024managementManagement is the act or process of controlling and dealing with something.
2025managerialManagerial describes something related to a manager or management.
2026mandatoryIf something is mandatory, then it is required by law.
2027manifestTo manifest means to make something visible or obvious.
2028manipulateTo manipulate something means to skillfully or unfairly control or affect it.
2029manorA manor is a large house with many rooms.
2030mansionA mansion is a large and expensive home.
2031manufactureTo manufacture something means to make it in a factory.
2032manyMany shows that there is a large number of something.
2033marbleMarble is a type of rock that feels cold and is smooth when cut.
2034marchTo march means to walk at a steady pace together with others.
2035marineMarine describes something related to the sea.
2036marinerA mariner is a sailor.
2037markTo mark is to celebrate an important event or time by doing something.
2038marketA market is a place where people buy and sell products or food.
2039marshalTo marshal a group means to assemble them in order.
2040martialIf something is martial, it is related to fighting or war.
2041marvelTo marvel at something is to feel surprise and interest in it.
2042masculineWhen something is masculine, it is a quality or thing related to men.
2043massiveA massive thing is very big.
2044mastA mast is a long pole on a ship that holds the sail.
2045masterA master is a person who is very good at something.
2046masterpieceA masterpiece is a very good painting, novel, movie, or other work of art.
2047matchTo match is to be the same or similar.
2048materialA material is what is used to make something.
2049matureTo mature means to grow up to become an adult.
2050maximizeTo maximize something is to make it as great as possible in amount, size, or importance.
2051maximumMaximum is the highest amount of anything allowed.
2052maybeMaybe is used to show that something is possible or may be true.
2053mayorThe mayor is the person in charge of a city.
2054mealA meal is a time when food is eaten, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
2055meantimeThe meantime is the time between two events.
2056meanwhileAn action that happens meanwhile happens at the same time as another action.
2057measureTo measure something means to find out the quality, value, or effect of it.
2058meatMeat is food made of animals.
2059mechanicA mechanic is someone who fixes vehicles or machines.
2060mechanismA mechanism is a part of a machine that performs a certain function.
2061mediaMedia is the different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public.
2062medicalMedical means related to the treatment of an injury or disease.
2063medicationMedication is medicine or drugs given to people who are sick.
2064medicineMedicine is something you take to feel better or treat an illness.
2065medievalIf something is medieval, it comes from the period between 650 and 1500 CE.
2066meditateTo meditate means to focus or think deeply in silence.
2067meetTo meet is to come together so that you can talk or do something together.
2068meetingWhen you have a meeting, you are with other people.
2069melodyA melody is a series of musical notes that form the main part of a song.
2070memberA member is a person who is part of a group.
2071memorableIf something is memorable, then it is remembered for a special reason.
2072memoryA memory is something you remember.
2073mendTo mend something means to fix it when it is broken or damaged.
2074mentalIf something is mental, it has to do with your mind.
2075mentionTo mention something is to talk about it.
2076merchandiseMerchandise is goods ready to be purchased or sold.
2077merchantA merchant is a person who sells things.
2078mercyMercy is a feeling or act of kindness.
2079mereMere is used to emphasize how small or unimportant something or someone is.
2080mergeTo merge two things is to combine them into one whole thing.
2081meritA merit is a positive or good quality.
2082merryA merry person is happy and pleasant.
2083messA mess is a condition that is not clean or neat.
2084messageA message is a set of words that you send to someone.
2085messengerA messenger is one who carries information from one place to another.
2086metabolicWhen something is metabolic, it relates to the chemical process in which plants or animals use food and water to make energy.
2087metabolismA person’s metabolism is the way chemical processes in their body use energy.
2088metalMetal is a strong material people use to build things.
2089meteorologicalIf something is meteorological, it is concerned with the science of weather.
2090meteorologyMeteorology is the science that studies the weather.
2091methodA method is the way to do something.
2092metropolitanIf something is metropolitan, it relates to a large city.
2093microbeA microbe is a very small living thing that often makes people sick.
2094microchipA microchip is a small device in a computer that holds information.
2095microscopeA microscope is a device that makes small objects look bigger.
2096midMid means in the middle or center of something.
2097middleThe middle is nearest the center and with an equal number of things on each side.
2098midstThe midst of something is the middle of it.
2099mightMight means strength or power.
2100migrateTo migrate means to move from one place to another.
2101militantIf someone is militant, they are angry and aggressive, and willing to fight easily.
2102militaryThe military is the armed forces of a country.
2103millA mill is a building in which wheat is ground into flour.
2104millenniumA millennium is 1000 years.
2105millionA million is another way to write the number 1,000,000.
2106millionaireA millionaire is a person who has at least a million dollars.
2107mimicTo mimic something means to copy the way it sounds, moves, looks, etc.
2108minerA miner is a person who works in a mine.
2109mineralA mineral is a type of substance found in the Earth.
2110minimalWhen something is minimal, it is very small.
2111minimizeTo minimize means to reduce something to the lowest possible level.
2112minimumThe minimum is the smallest amount.
2113ministerA minister is an important person in government with many duties.
2114ministryA ministry is a government department.
2115minorA minor problem is a very small and unimportant problem.
2116miracleA miracle is an unexpected blessing which seems almost impossible, like a gift from heaven.
2117mirrorA mirror is usually made of glass, and you can see yourself in it.
2118mischiefMischief is behavior that is meant to trick or cause trouble for people.
2119miserableA miserable person is very unhappy.
2120miseryMisery is extreme suffering.
2121misfortuneMisfortune is bad luck or an unlucky event.
2122misguidedWhen something is misguided, it is based on bad judgment or wrong beliefs.
2123misplaceTo misplace something means to lose it.
2124missionA mission is an important job that is sometimes far away.
2125mistMist is water that can be seen in the air or on a surface.
2126mistakeA mistake is something you do wrong.
2127mixA mix is different things put together.
2128mixtureA mixture is something that is made by mixing other things together.
2129mobA mob is a large crowd of people that often wants to cause violence.
2130mobileIf something is mobile, it can be moved easily.
2131mobilizeTo mobilize is to prepare an army to fight in a war.
2132mockTo mock someone means to tease them in a cruel way.
2133modeA mode is a setting or condition on a machine.
2134moderateWhen something is moderate, it is not too big or too small in size or amount.
2135modernA modern thing belongs to the current time.
2136modestIf people are modest, they do not think that they are too important.
2137modifyTo modify something is to change it a little bit.
2138moistWhen something is moist, it is slightly wet.
2139moistureMoisture is small drops of water in the air or on a surface.
2140moldA mold is a hollow container that is used to make certain shapes.
2141moleculeA molecule is the smallest basic unit that makes up a physical substance.
2142monarchThe monarch of a country is someone who rules a country through hereditary right.
2143monasteryA monastery is a building in which monks live.
2144monetaryWhen something is monetary, it relates to money.
2145monitorTo monitor people or things is to watch them closely.
2146monkA monk is a religious person who lives a simple life.
2147monolingualIf someone is monolingual, then they speak only one language.
2148monthA month is one of 12 periods of time in one year.
2149monumentA monument is a structure that is built to remind people of a person or event.
2150moodYour mood is the way you are feeling.
2151moonThe moon is an object that travels around our Earth.
2152moralA moral is a message at the end of a story that teaches you something.
2153moraleMorale is the amount of hope that people have during a difficult situation.
2154moreoverMoreover is used to introduce information that adds to or supports what has previously been said.
2155mortalWhen a person is mortal, they cannot live forever.
2156mortgageA mortgage is a loan for property, especially a home or a business.
2157motionA motion is a movement that someone makes.
2158motiveYour motive is your reason for doing something.
2159moundA mound of something is a large pile of it.
2160mountainA mountain is a very high hill.
2161mournTo mourn means to show or feel great sadness when you lose someone.
2162movementA movement is a series of organized activities in which people work together to do or achieve something.
2163mowTo mow grass is to cut it to make it short.
2164mudMud is soft, wet dirt.
2165multiculturalWhen something is multicultural, it relates to many different cultures.
2166multipleIf there are multiple things, there are many of them.
2167multiplyTo multiply is to increase in number.
2168multitudeA multitude of things or people is a very large number of them.
2169municipalMunicipal means that something belongs to a city or local government.
2170muscleMuscle is a mass of tissue attached to bone that helps you move.
2171muscularWhen someone is muscular, they are very fit and strong.
2172museumA museum is a building that displays cultural, social, and scientific objects.
2173musicMusic is the sound made by singing or playing musical instruments.
2174mutualA mutual thing is felt in the same way by two or more people.
2175mysteryA mystery is something that is difficult to understand or explain.
2176mythA myth is a traditional story that explains a culture’s history and beliefs.
2177napA nap is a short sleep, usually during the day.
2178narrateTo narrate a story means to write about it or read it aloud.
2179narrowA narrow object or space is thin, not wide.
2180nastyIf something is nasty, then it is not nice or pleasant.
2181nationA nation is a large area of land that is controlled by its own government.
2182nationalityNationality is an identity based on the nation from which you come.
2183nativeIf something is native, it refers to the place someone was born and raised.
2184naturalThings that are natural are not made by people.
2185natureNature is everything in the physical world that is not made by people.
2186naughtyWhen children are naughty, they behave badly or do not do what they are told.
2187nauseaNausea is the feeling of being sick to your stomach.
2188navalWhen something is naval, it relates to a country’s navy or military ships.
2189navigateTo navigate something is to control the way it moves or goes.
2190navyA navy is the part of a country’s military that fights at sea.
2191necessaryIf something is necessary, you must do it.
2192necessityA necessity is something that is needed.
2193necklaceA necklace is a piece of jewelry that people wear around their necks.
2194nectarNectar is a sweet liquid produced by flowers that bees and other insects collect.
2195needleA needle is a small, sharp piece of metal used to make or fix clothes.
2196needyIf someone is needy, they are very poor.
2197negativeWhen something is negative, it is unpleasant or sad.
2198neglectTo neglect someone or something is to not take care of it properly.
2199negligibleIf something is negligible, it is extremely small and not important.
2200neighborA neighbor is a person who lives near you.
2201neitherYou use neither to connect two negative possibilities.
2202nervousWhen a person is nervous, they think something bad will happen.
2203netA net is a bag made of strong thread. It is used to catch animals.
2204networkA network is a group of people or organizations that are in some way connected to each other.
2205neutralIf someone is neutral, then they do not help either of the two fighting sides.
2206neverNever is when something is impossible or will not happen.
2207neverthelessNevertheless shows a difference to what is expected or known.
2208newcomerA newcomer is a person who has recently arrived at a place or a group.
2209nickTo nick something or someone means to cut them slightly with a sharp object.
2210nightmareA nightmare is a bad or scary dream.
2211nobleA noble is a rich and powerful person.
2212nodTo nod is to move your head up and down.
2213noiseA noise is an unpleasant sound.
2214noneNone means not any of something.
2215nonethelessIf something happens nonetheless, then it occurs despite some other thing.
2216nonsenseNonsense are words or ideas that are silly or foolish.
2217nopeNope is an informal way of saying “no.”
2218norYou use nor to connect two negative ideas.
2219normA norm is a way of behaving that is considered normal in a particular society.
2220normalA normal thing is usual and not strange.
2221noticeTo notice something is to see it for the first time.
2222notifyTo notify someone of something is to tell them about it.
2223notionA notion is an idea or belief about something.
2224notoriousWhen something is notorious, it is well known because of something bad.
2225notwithstandingWe use notwithstanding when we want to show that, although something has been done, it is not enough. A similar term is “in spite of”.
2226nourishTo nourish is to give someone or something the food needed to live.
2227novelA novel is a book that tells a story.
2228noveltyA novelty is something that is new, original, or strange.
2229nowadaysNowadays means at the present time.
2230nowhereNowhere means no place or not existing.
2231nuclearA nuclear thing relates to the division or joining of atoms.
2232nucleusThe nucleus is the central part of an atom or cell.
2233nuisanceA nuisance is a person or thing that is annoying or causes a lot of problems.
2234numbWhen a body part is numb, it does not have any feeling.
2235numerousIf something is numerous, there are many of those things.
2236nurseA nurse is a person who helps sick people in the hospital.
2237nurseryA nursery is a room where babies and children sleep, play, or are cared for.
2238nurtureTo nurture something means to care for it as it grows or develops.
2239nutA nut is a hard seed or fruit that comes from some trees and bushes.
2240nutritionNutrition is the process of eating the right kind of food in order to stay healthy.
2241nutritiousWhen something is nutritious, it helps the body stay healthy.
2242oathAn oath is a formal, often public, promise.
2243obeyTo obey means to follow what a law or a person says to do.
2244objectAn object is a non-living thing that you can see or touch.
2245objectiveAn objective is a goal or plan that someone has.
2246obligeTo oblige someone means to require them to do something.
2247obscureIf something is obscure, it is not well known.
2248observeTo observe something is to watch it.
2249obsessTo obsess about something means to think about it all of the time.
2250obsoleteIf something is obsolete, it is not used anymore because something better exists.
2251obstacleAn obstacle is an object or a problem that stops you from doing something.
2252obstructTo obstruct something means to get in its way.
2253obtainTo obtain is to get something you want or need.
2254obviousObvious means clear or easy to see.
2255occupationAn occupation is a person’s job.
2256occupyTo occupy a place is to live, work, or be there.
2257occurTo occur means to happen.
2258oceanThe ocean is all of the salt water that surrounds land.
2259oddSomething odd is unusual.
2260odorAn odor is a very distinct smell.
2261offendTo offend is to make someone angry or upset.
2262offenseAn offense is behavior that is wrong or breaks a law.
2263officerAn officer is a leader in the army.
2264officialAn official thing is approved by someone in authority.
2265offsetTo offset means to use one thing to cancel out the effect of another thing.
2266offspringOffspring are the children of a person or the babies of an animal.
2267oftenOften is when something happens many times.
2268oilOil is a smooth, thick liquid made from plants or some animals, and is especially in cooking.
2269oldSomeone who is old has lived for many years.
2270oliveAn olive is a small egg-shaped black or green fruit.
2271omenAn omen is a sign of what will happen in the future.
2272omissionAn omission is something that has been left out or not done.
2273omitWhen you omit something, you leave it out or do not do it.
2274ongoingIf something is ongoing, then it is still happening or still growing.
2275onsetThe onset of something unpleasant is the beginning of it.
2276openTo open is to move something so that an opening is not covered.
2277operateTo operate means to work or function.
2278operationAn operation is when a doctor replaces or removes something in the body.
2279opinionAn opinion is a thought about a person or a thing.
2280opponentAn opponent is a person or group trying to defeat another person or group.
2281opportunityAn opportunity is a chance to do something.
2282opposeTo oppose something means to dislike it or act against it.
2283oppositeIf A is the opposite of B, A is completely different from B.
2284oppressTo oppress someone means to rule over them in a cruel and unfair way.
2285opticWhen something is optic, it relates to the eyes or light.
2286optimismOptimism is the state of being hopeful about the future.
2287optimistAn optimist is someone who has a lot of hope and always sees the bright side of things.
2288optionAn option is a choice between two or more things.
2289oracleAn oracle is a person who speaks with gods and gives advice about the future.
2290orangutanAn orangutan is a large ape with red and brown hair and long arms.
2291orbitTo orbit something means to move around it in a continuous, curving path.
2292ordealAn ordeal is a bad experience.
2293ordinaryOrdinary means normal, or not special in any way.
2294oreOre is the raw form of rock or material from which a valuable metal is taken.
2295organicIf food is organic, it is grown without adding chemicals to it.
2296organismAn organism is a living thing, especially a very small one.
2297organizeTo organize is to plan or get ready for an event.
2298orientedWhen you are oriented towards something, you are faced in that direction.
2299originalIf something is original, it is the first one of that thing.
2300originallyOriginally is used in place of “in the beginning” or “when something first happened or began.”
2301originateTo originate somewhere is to start there.
2302ornamentAn ornament is an attractive object that people display in their homes.
2303orphanAn orphan is a child who does not have parents.
2304otherwiseOtherwise means in another way if you don’t do this.
2305oughtIf you ought to do an action, it is the right thing to do.
2306outbackThe outback is the wild inland region of Australia where very few people live.
2307outbreakAn outbreak is a sudden start or increase of fighting or disease.
2308outburstAn outburst is a sudden, strong expression of an emotion.
2309outcomeAn outcome is the end result of an action or event.
2310outfitAn outfit is a set of clothes worn together, often for a certain job or event.
2311outlawAn outlaw is a criminal who hides from the police.
2312outlineAn outline is the plan for a story or essay.
2313outlookAn outlook is a person’s opinion or way of thinking about something.
2314outmodedIf something is outmoded, then it is no longer in fashion or use.
2315outnumberTo outnumber a group means to have a greater number than it.
2316outputOutput is the amount of something that a person or thing produces.
2317outrageTo outrage is to make someone feel very angry or shocked.
2318outragedIf someone is outraged, they are very angry.
2319outrightWhen something is outright, it is open and direct.
2320outspokenIf someone is outspoken, then they are not afraid to say what they think.
2321outstretchedIf something is outstretched, then it is extended to its full length.
2322outweighTo outweigh something means to exceed it in value, amount, or importance.
2323overallWhen a thing is talked about overall, the whole thing is considered.
2324overboardWhen something is overboard, it is over the side of a boat and in the water.
2325overcastWhen the sky is overcast, it is full of clouds and is not sunny.
2326overcomeTo overcome a problem is to successfully fix it.
2327overcrowdedWhen a place is overcrowded, it has too many people or things in it.
2328overheadIf something is overhead, it is located above you.
2329overjoyedIf someone is overjoyed, then they are extremely happy.
2330overlapTo overlap something means to cover a piece of it.
2331overloadTo overload something means to put more things into it than it is meant to hold.
2332overlookTo overlook something is to not notice it or to not realize that it is important.
2333overnightAn overnight action happens during the night.
2334overpopulationOverpopulation is the state of having too many people in an area.
2335overseasOverseas shows an action happens in another country, across an ocean.
2336overseeTo oversee something means to make sure that it is being done properly.
2337overuseOveruse occurs when something is utilized too many times.
2338overviewAn overview is a general description of a situation.
2339overweightOverweight people or animals are heavier than is healthy.
2340overwhelmTo overwhelm is to exist in such a large amount that someone cannot deal with it.
2341overworkTo overwork someone means to make them tired with too much work.
2342ownTo own something means to have it. That thing belongs to you.
2343oxygenOxygen is a gas that all living things need to breathe.
2344paceThe pace of something is the speed at which it happens.
2345padA pad is a thick piece of soft material used to protect or clean things.
2346paddleA paddle is a piece of wood or plastic that moves a boat across water.
2347painPain is the feeling that you have when you are hurt.
2348palateThe palate is the top part of the mouth.
2349palePale means that a color or thing is not bright.
2350panicTo panic is to feel so nervous or afraid that one cannot think clearly.
2351parachuteA parachute is a device that helps people and things fall to the ground safely.
2352paradeA parade is a series of things or people that come or are shown one after another.
2353paradiseParadise is the place or condition of happiness where things are perfect.
2354paradoxA paradox is a true statement or real event that seems illogical.
2355parallelIf two things are parallel, they are the same distance away from each other (along their entire length).
2356paralysisParalysis is the loss of the ability to move all or part of your body.
2357paraphraseTo paraphrase is to make someone else’s writing or speech shorter.
2358parasiteA parasite is a tiny animal or plant that attaches to another animal to get food.
2359parcelA parcel is a package of things to be carried or mailed somewhere.
2360pardonTo pardon is to not be angry at someone for asking a question or for making a mistake.
2361parishA parish is the area for which a priest in some Christian churches is responsible.
2362partialityA partiality is a tendency to prefer one thing to another.
2363participantA participant is someone who joins in a social event or competition.
2364participateTo participate is to be active and do something.
2365particleA particle is a very small piece of something.
2366particularIf something is particular, then it is a single, important part of a group of things.
2367partnerYour partner is someone who lives or works with you as an equal.
2368passageA passage is a narrow space that people can move through.
2369passengerA passenger is a person who rides in a car, train, or airplane.
2370passiveA passive person does not take action to solve problems.
2371pasteA paste is a thick and smooth substance.
2372pastimeA pastime is an activity that you do often for fun.
2373pastorA pastor is a minister in charge of a parish or church.
2374pastureA pasture is an area of land covered with grass for animals to use as food.
2375patTo pat something is to hit it softly with your hand.
2376patentA patent is a right to be the only person allowed to make or sell a new product.
2377pathA path is a way from one place to another that people can walk along.
2378pathologicalWhen a behavior is pathological, it is extreme, unacceptable, and sometimes a symptom of disease.
2379patientIf people are patient, they don’t become angry or upset easily.
2380patriotA patriot is someone who loves, supports, and defends their country.
2381patrolA patrol is a group of people or vehicles that go through an area to make sure that it is free of trouble or danger.
2382patternA pattern is a way in which something is done or organized.
2383pauseTo pause means to stop doing something for a while.
2384pawA paw is an animal’s foot that has claws or soft pads.
2385paymentWhen you make a payment, you give someone some money for what you get.
2386peaPeas are a vegetable that is small, round, and green.
2387peacePeace is a time without war.
2388peakThe peak is the very top of a mountain.
2389pedestrianA pedestrian is a person who is walking on a street.
2390peelTo peel fruits and vegetables is to remove their skin.
2391peerTo peer at something is to watch it carefully.
2392penalizeTo penalize someone means to punish him or her.
2393penetrateTo penetrate something means to enter into it.
2394peninsulaA peninsula is a large piece of land that is surrounded by the sea on three sides.
2395pennyA penny is a coin worth one cent.
2396peoplePeople are humans.
2397perPer is used to mean “each” when giving a price, size, or amount.
2398perceiveTo perceive something means to be aware of it.
2399percentA percent is an amount that is equal to one one-hundredth of something.
2400perceptionA perception of a situation is a way of thinking about it or understanding it.
2401perfectIf something is perfect, then it is without any mistakes.
2402performTo perform is to do something in front of people who watch.
2403performancePerformance is how well someone or something functions, works, etc.
2404perhapsPerhaps is used when you say that something could happen.
2405periodA period is an amount of time when something happens.
2406peripheryThe periphery of an area, place, or thing is the edge of it.
2407permanenceThe permanence of something is its ability to last forever.
2408permanentSomething permanent lasts for a long time or forever.
2409permissionPermission means the act of allowing some action.
2410persecuteTo persecute means to treat someone badly.
2411persistTo persist means to keep doing something even when it is hard.
2412persistentA persistent person does not give up and keeps on working.
2413personalityYour personality is what you are like and how you behave.
2414personalizeTo personalize something means to design it to meet a person’s unique needs.
2415personnelPersonnel are employees in a business.
2416perspireTo perspire means to sweat.
2417persuadeTo persuade someone is to make that person agree to do something.
2418pessimisticIf someone is pessimistic, they believe that the worst will happen.
2419pestA pest is an animal or insect that hurts plants or food.
2420pesticideA pesticide is a substance used to kill insects.
2421petA pet is an animal such as a cat or dog that people keep and care for.
2422petitionA petition is a written request asking an authority to do something.
2423petroleumPetroleum is a liquid natural resource from which many fuels are made.
2424pharaohA pharaoh was a king in ancient Egypt.
2425pharmacyA pharmacy is a place where medicine is sold.
2426phaseA phase is a stage in a process or the gradual development of something.
2427phenomenalWhen something is phenomenal, it is unusually great.
2428phenomenonA phenomenon is something that can be seen as it is happening.
2429philanthropyPhilanthropy is the act of helping others without wanting anything in return.
2430philosophyA philosophy is a way to think about truth and life.
2431photographI like taking photographs.
2432physicalIf something is physical, it is related to your body and not your mind.
2433physicianA physician is a doctor.
2434physicsPhysics is a science that deals with energy and how it affects things.
2435pierA pier is a structure that extends into a body of water.
2436pierceTo pierce something means to make a hole in it using a sharp object.
2437pileA pile is a large group of things on top of one another.
2438pillA pill is a small object that has medicine inside.
2439pinchTo pinch means to take a piece of skin between one’s fingers and squeeze.
2440pineA pine is a type of tall, thin tree with needles instead of leaves.
2441pinkPink is a pale shade of red.
2442pinpointTo pinpoint something means to locate it exactly.
2443pioneerA pioneer is a person who is the first to discover or be involved in something.
2444pirateA pirate is a sailor who steals things from other boats.
2445pityPity is the feeling of sadness and kindness for those who are suffering.
2446placeA place is a space or area.
2447plagueA plague is a serious disease that quickly spreads to many people.
2448plainA plain thing is simple and not decorated.
2449planTo plan is to think about and arrange the details of something you want to do.
2450planeA plane is a vehicle that has an engine and wings and flies in the air.
2451planetA planet is a large round thing in space.
2452plantationA plantation is a big farm that only grows certain kinds of crops.
2453plasterPlaster is a smooth paste that gets hard when it dries.
2454plasticPlastic is a material made by people.
2455plateA plate is a flat round thing that you put food on.
2456platformA platform is something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea, product, etc.
2457pleaA plea is a request that is urgent or emotional.
2458pleadTo plead is to ask for something you want very badly.
2459pleasantIf something is pleasant, you enjoy it.
2460pledgeTo pledge means to make a promise to do something.
2461plentyIf you have plenty of something, there is a lot of it.
2462plotTo plot is to make a secret plan to do something that is wrong or mean.
2463plumbingPlumbing is the system of pipes used in a home to supply water.
2464plungeTo plunge means to move down into something very quickly.
2465pneumoniaPneumonia is a dangerous illness causing the lungs to fill with liquid.
2466pocketA pocket is a part of your clothing where you can keep things.
2467poemA poem is a short kind of writing.
2468poetA poet is a person who writes poems.
2469poignantWhen something is poignant, it causes a very strong feeling of sadness.
2470pokeTo poke something is to push something quickly with your finger or a pointed object.
2471polarPolar relates to the cold places on Earth’s north and south ends.
2472poleA pole is a long thin stick made of wood or metal that supports things.
2473policyA policy is a rule.
2474polishTo polish something is to rub it in order to make it shiny.
2475politePolite shows a thoughtful and kind behavior.
2476pollA poll is a survey in which people give their opinions about important things.
2477pollutantA pollutant is a substance that makes the air or water not safe for use.
2478polluteTo pollute means to make air, water, or land dirty, unclean, or foul.
2479pondA pond is a freshwater body that is smaller than a lake.
2480ponderTo ponder something is to think about it carefully.
2481poorWhen something is poor, it is not as good as it could or should be.
2482popularA popular thing is liked by many people.
2483populateIf people populate an area, they live there.
2484populationA population is all the people living in an area.
2485portA port is a place where ships stop to load and unload things.
2486portionA portion of something is a part of it.
2487portraitA portrait is a painting or photograph of someone.
2488portrayTo portray something means to describe it or show it in a picture.
2489poseTo pose is to stay in one place without moving.
2490positionA position is a rank or role of someone in an organization or company.
2491positiveIf something is positive, it is good.
2492possessTo possess something is to have it or own it.
2493postponeTo postpone something is to make it happen later than planned.
2494postureA person’s posture is the manner in which they stand or sit.
2495potA pot is a deep, round metal container used for cooking.
2496potentialPotential means capable of being but not yet actual or real.
2497pouchA pouch is a small, flexible bag that is usually made of soft material.
2498poultryPoultry is a bird, such as a chicken, that is used for meat and eggs.
2499poundTo pound something is to hit it many times with a lot of force.
2500pourTo pour a liquid means to make it come out of a container.
2501povertyPoverty is the state of being poor.
2502powderPowder is a dry substance in the form of very small grains.
2503powerPower is the ability to influence people or give them strong feelings.
2504powerfulIf something is powerful, it has a strong effect.
2505powerlessPowerless means without power or authority.
2506practicalIf something is practical, it is useful.
2507practiceA practice is something that is done often or regularly.
2508practitionerA practitioner is a doctor.
2509prairieA prairie is a large flat area of grassland.
2510praiseTo praise is to show that you like someone or something.
2511prayTo pray is to speak to God in order to ask for help or to give thanks.
2512preachTo preach is to talk about and promote a religious idea.
2513precautionA precaution is an action that is meant to stop something bad from happening.
2514precedeTo precede something means to come before it.
2515preciousA precious thing is valuable and important.
2516preciseIf someone is precise, then they are exact and careful about their work.
2517predictTo predict something is to say that it will happen.
2518predominantIf something is predominant, then it is the most important, common, or strongest.
2519pregnantA pregnant woman or animal is going to have a baby.
2520prehistoricWhen something is prehistoric, it is from a time before written history.
2521prejudiceA prejudice is an unfair opinion about people based on the group they belong to.
2522preliminaryPreliminary describes something that happens before a more important event.
2523prematureIf something is premature, then it is done too early or before the proper time.
2524premiseA premise is an idea on which something is based.
2525premiumA premium is a payment that is higher than average.
2526prescribeTo prescribe medicine means to tell someone to take it.
2527prescriptionA prescription is permission from a doctor to get medicine.
2528presencePresence is when someone or something is present in a particular place.
2529presentlyIf something happens presently, it is happening right now.
2530preserveTo preserve is to protect something from harm.
2531pressurePressure is what you apply to make someone do something.
2532prestigeIf a person has prestige, people admire or respect them.
2533presumeTo presume is to believe something is true without being certain.
2534pretendTo pretend means to make believe something is real.
2535prevailTo prevail means to be accepted or very common.
2536prevalentWhen something is prevalent, it is common.
2537preventTo prevent something is to stop it from happening.
2538previewA preview is an opportunity to see something before it is available to the public.
2539previousIf something is previous, then it happened earlier in time or order.
2540priceThe price is the amount of money needed to pay for something.
2541pridePride is a feeling of happiness about oneself or one’s things.
2542priestA priest is a person trained to perform religious duties.
2543primaryIf something is primary, it is the most important thing.
2544primateA primate is a type of mammal that includes monkeys, apes, and humans.
2545primePrime shows that something is the most important one.
2546primitiveIf something is primitive, then it is simple, basic, and not very developed.
2547princeA prince is the son of a king.
2548principalA principal is a person in charge of a school.
2549principleA principle is a belief about the correct way to behave.
2550printTo print something is to put it onto paper.
2551priorWhen something happened prior to something else, it happened earlier.
2552priorityA priority is something that is more important than other things.
2553prisonerA prisoner is someone who is taken by force and kept somewhere.
2554privacyPrivacy is the state of being happily away from other people.
2555privateIf something is private, it is only used by one person or group.
2556privilegeA privilege is a special right given only to a certain person or group of people.
2557prizeA prize is something of value that is given to the winner.
2558probablyIf something will probably happen, it is likely to happen.
2559probeTo probe into something means to ask questions to discover facts about it.
2560problemA problem is a situation when something goes wrong.
2561proceedTo proceed is to go somewhere or to continue doing something.
2562processA process is the steps to take to do something.
2563proclaimTo proclaim something means to say it in public.
2564prodTo prod means to push someone or something with a finger or pointed object.
2565produceTo produce something is to make or grow it.
2566productA product is something grown or made in a factory in order to be sold.
2567professionA profession is a person’s job.
2568professionalIf something is professional, it deals with work that uses special skills.
2569professorA professor is a person who teaches in college.
2570proficientProficient means able to do something well.
2571profileA profile is an outline of a face, usually as seen from the side.
2572profitA profit is the extra money you make when you sell something.
2573profoundProfound means deep or very intelligent.
2574progressWhen you make progress, you get better at what you are doing.
2575prohibitTo prohibit something means to not allow it.
2576projectA project is a type of work that you do for school or a job.
2577prolongTo prolong means to make something last for a longer time.
2578prominentWhen something is prominent, it is important and well known.
2579promoteTo promote someone means to raise them to a higher position or rank.
2580promptTo prompt is to cause someone to do something.
2581pronounceTo pronounce is to say the sounds of letters or words.
2582proofProof is a fact that shows something is real.
2583propelTo propel something means to push or move it somewhere.
2584properIf something is proper, it is right.
2585prophecyA prophecy is a prediction about what will happen in the future.
2586proponentA proponent is a person who supports an idea or a plan.
2587proportionA proportion is an amount that shows the link between the parts and the whole.
2588proposeTo propose something is to say that it should be done.
2589propulsionPropulsion is the force that moves something forward.
2590prosecuteTo prosecute someone means to take legal action against them.
2591prospectA prospect is a possibility that something will happen.
2592prosperTo prosper is to be successful or make a lot of money.
2593protectTo protect someone is to stop them from getting hurt.
2594proteinProtein is a substance that is necessary for the body to grow and be strong.
2595protocolProtocol is a system of rules and customs that guides how things are done.
2596proudPeople who feel proud are happy about what they have done.
2597proveTo prove something is to show that it is true.
2598provideTo provide something means to supply it.
2599provinceA province is an area that is controlled by a country.
2600provisionThe provision of something is the act of giving it to people in need or want.
2601provokeTo provoke someone means to annoy them on purpose to cause violence.
2602proximityProximity is closeness in time, space, or relationships.
2603psychiatricIf something is psychiatric, then it is related to mental illness or its treatment.
2604psychiatryPsychiatry is the study and treatment of mental illness.
2605psychicWhen someone is psychic, they know what will happen or what people think.
2606psychologyPsychology involves the study of how the brain affects our thought and actions.
2607psychoticIf someone is psychotic, they have a very serious mental illness.
2608publicIf something is public, it is meant for everyone to use.
2609publicationA publication is something printed, like a newspaper or book.
2610publicityPublicity is public attention given to someone or something by the media.
2611publicizeTo publicize is to make something get a lot of attention.
2612publishTo publish a book is to get it printed and ready to sell.
2613puddleA puddle is a pool of liquid on the ground.
2614puffA puff is a little bit of smoke or steam.
2615pullTo pull is to hold onto something to move it toward you.
2616punctualWhen someone is punctual, they do something or arrive at the right time.
2617punishTo punish means to make someone suffer for breaking the rules or laws.
2618punishmentA punishment is something that one must endure for any wrongdoing.
2619pupA pup is a young dog.
2620pureA pure thing is very clear and beautiful.
2621purposeA purpose is the reason that you do something.
2622purseA purse is a bag in which women keep money, makeup, keys, etc.
2623pursueTo pursue is to chase or follow someone or something.
2624pursuitWhen you are in pursuit of something, you are chasing it.
2625puzzleA puzzle is something that is hard to understand.
2626qualifyTo qualify is to have or do things that are needed for something.
2627qualityThe quality of something is how good it is.
2628quantityA quantity is a certain amount of something.
2629quantumWhen something is quantum, it relates to the behavior of atomic particles.
2630quarrelTo quarrel is to argue or fight.
2631quarterA quarter is 1/4 or 25% of something.
2632quietIf something is quiet, it does not make much sound.
2633quitTo quit something means to stop doing it.
2634quiteQuite means that something is a certain way completely or very much.
2635quoteA quote is what someone has said, including saying how much a piece of work will cost.
2636rabbitA rabbit is a small animal with long ears that lives in a hole in the ground.
2637raceA race is a contest to see who is the fastest.
2638racialIf something is racial, then it is related to a race or races.
2639rackA rack is an object with shelves that holds things.
2640radiateTo radiate means to send out energy or heat.
2641radicalIf something is radical, it is very new or different.
2642radioactiveIf something is radioactive, then it lets out, or is related to, radiation.
2643raftA raft is a flat kind of boat.
2644ragA rag is a small towel.
2645rageRage is a very angry feeling.
2646raidTo raid is to attack a place in a short time in order to cause damage.
2647railA rail is a system of tracks on which trains travel.
2648rainforestA rainforest is a forest that is in a place where it rains very often.
2649raisinA raisin is a dried grape.
2650rallyA rally is a large public meeting in order to support something.
2651ranchA ranch is a large farm where animals are kept.
2652randomIf something is random, it happens without any pattern or reason.
2653rangeA range is a number or a set of similar things.
2654rangerA ranger is a person who protects forests or parks.
2655rankA rank is a person’s place in an order of people.
2656ransomA ransom is a sum of money paid to a kidnapper to set the person free.
2657rapidWhen something is rapid, it moves or changes very quickly.
2658rapidlyRapidly means happening very fast.
2659rateA rate is the speed at which something happens.
2660ratherRather is used when you want to do one thing but not the other.
2661ratioA ratio is a relationship between two things expressed in numbers or amounts.
2662rawA raw material is natural and has not been processed.
2663rayA ray is a line of light that comes from a bright object.
2664reactTo react is to respond by acting in a certain way.
2665realIf something is real, it actually exists.
2666realisticWhen something is realistic, it is shown as it is in real life.
2667realizeTo realize is to suddenly understand.
2668realmA realm is any area of activity or interest.
2669rearThe rear of something is the back part of that thing.
2670reasonA reason is a statement or fact that explains why something is the way it is, or why someone does, thinks, or says something.
2671rebelA rebel is a person who fights the government in order to change it.
2672recallTo recall something is to remember it.
2673receiptA receipt is a paper that proves that something was received or bought.
2674receiveTo receive something is to get it.
2675recentWhen something is recent, it happened a short time ago.
2676recipeA recipe is a set of instructions for cooking a certain type of food.
2677recipientA recipient of something is the person who receives it.
2678recklessWhen people are reckless, they act in an unsafe way.
2679recognitionRecognition is the act of getting praise from other people.
2680recognizeTo recognize something is to know it because you have seen it before.
2681recommendTo recommend means to give advice based on experience.
2682reconcileTo reconcile means to return to a friendly relationship.
2683recruitTo recruit people means to select them to join or work for an organization.
2684recurTo recur means to happen more than once.
2685recycleWhen you recycle an object, you use its parts to make something else.
2686redRed is the color of blood.
2687reduceTo reduce something means to make it smaller in size or fewer in number.
2688reefA reef is a group of rocks or coral in the ocean.
2689referTo refer to something means to mention or call attention to it.
2690refereeA referee is a person who makes sure that the rules are followed in sports.
2691referenceA reference is the act of referring to something or someone.
2692refineTo refine something is to make it better by making changes.
2693reflectTo reflect is when a surface sends back light, heat, sound or an image.
2694reflectionA reflection is an image that is seen in a mirror or other shiny surface.
2695reflexA reflex is an unconscious action in which a body part responds to an event.
2696refrainTo refrain from something is to avoid doing it.
2697refrigerateTo refrigerate something means to make it cold.
2698refrigeratorA refrigerator is a large electrical machine used to keep food cold.
2699refugeA refuge is a place of safety.
2700refundA refund is money given back to a person when an item is returned to a store.
2701refuseTo refuse something is to say “no” to it.
2702refuteTo refute something means to prove that it is false or incorrect.
2703regardTo regard people is to think of them in a certain way.
2704regimeA regime is a system of government or management.
2705regionA region is a large area of land usually based on some common feature.
2706registerA register is an official list or record of people or things.
2707regretTo regret something is to wish that it hadn’t happened.
2708regularIf something is regular, it happens often and in equal amounts of time.
2709regulateTo regulate something is to control how it happens.
2710rehearseTo rehearse means to practice and prepare for a performance in front of people.
2711reignA reign is the period of time in which a ruler rules.
2712reinforceTo reinforce something is to make it stronger.
2713rejectTo reject is to refuse to accept, believe in, or agree with something.
2714relateTo relate to something means to have a connection with it.
2715relationshipThe relationship between two or more people is the way in which they behave toward each other.
2716relativeA relative is a family member.
2717relativityRelativity is a set of ideas about time and space developed by Albert Einstein.
2718relaxTo relax is to rest or do something enjoyable.
2719releaseTo release something is to stop holding it.
2720relevantWhen something is relevant, it is important to a certain person or situation.
2721reliefRelief is a good feeling after something bad or challenging ends.
2722religionA religion is a belief in a god or gods.
2723religiousReligious means related to or about religion.
2724reluctantReluctant means not wanting to do something.
2725remainTo remain somewhere is to stay there.
2726remainderThe remainder of something is what is left.
2727remarkTo remark is to say something.
2728remedyA remedy is a cure for a disease, argument, or problem.
2729remindTo remind is to tell someone to remember to do something.
2730remorseRemorse is a strong feeling of sadness and regret.
2731remoteA remote place is distant or far away.
2732removeTo remove something is to take it away.
2733renderTo render something means to make it become something else.
2734renovateTo renovate a building means to repair it, or to build new structures on it.
2735renownRenown is the quality of being well known due to having done good things.
2736rentRent is the money people pay to live in a certain place.
2737repairTo repair something is to fix it.
2738repayTo repay is to pay back or to reward someone or something.
2739repetitiveWhen something is repetitive, it is repeated many times and becomes boring.
2740replaceTo replace something is to put it in the place of something else.
2741replenishTo replenish something means to make it full or complete again.
2742reportA report is something someone writes for school or work.
2743representTo represent is to speak or act for a person or group.
2744reproduceTo reproduce is to make something exactly how someone else did it.
2745reproductiveIf something is reproductive, it is a living thing which can produce young.
2746reptileA reptile is a cold-blooded animal that lays eggs and has skin covered with scales.
2747reputableIf someone or something is reputable, then they have a good reputation.
2748requireTo require something is to say that it is necessary.
2749rescueTo rescue someone means to remove them from danger.
2750researchResearch is close and careful study to discover new things.
2751resembleTo resemble someone is to look like that person.
2752resentTo resent something means to have bad feelings about it.
2753reserveTo reserve something means to keep it for a certain person or time.
2754resignTo resign means to quit a job.
2755resistTo resist something is to fight against it.
2756resolutionA resolution is a personal decision.
2757resolveTo resolve something means to find a solution.
2758resortTo resort to something is to depend on it in order to solve a problem.
2759resourceResources are a person’s or country’s money and materials that they can use.
2760resourcefulA resourceful person is clever at using what resources they have.
2761respectiveWhen things are respective, they relate separately to each person just mentioned.
2762respondTo respond is to give an answer to what someone else said.
2763responseA response is the answer to a question.
2764responsibilityResponsibility is a task or duty that you are expected or required to do.
2765responsibleA responsible person is in charge of someone or something.
2766restTo rest is to stop being active while the body gets back its strength.
2767restaurantA restaurant is a business where people sit and eat food.
2768restoreTo restore something is to put it back the way it was.
2769restrainTo restrain someone or something means to use physical strength to stop them.
2770restrictTo restrict something is to limit it and prevent it from getting bigger.
2771resultA result happens because of something else.
2772resumeTo resume something means to start it again after taking a break.
2773retailRetail is the activity of selling goods to the public, often for personal use.
2774retainTo retain something is to keep it.
2775retireTo retire is to leave a job, usually because of old age.
2776retreatTo retreat means to run away because of losing a fight.
2777retrieveTo retrieve something is to find it and get it back.
2778reusableAn object that is reusable can be utilized over and over again.
2779revealTo reveal is to show something.
2780revengeRevenge is the act of hurting someone who has hurt you.
2781revenueRevenue is the income made by a company.
2782reverseWhen a car reverses, it goes backwards.
2783reviewA review of something is a formal inspection of it by people in authority.
2784reviseTo revise something means to change it, or update it to make it better.
2785revolutionA revolution is a change to the political system by a group of people.
2786revolveTo revolve around something is to keep it as the main feature or focus.
2787rewardA reward is something given in exchange for good behavior or work.
2788rhymeA rhyme is writing or speech that has words with the same ending sounds.
2789ridTo rid is to make a place free from something or someone.
2790riddleA riddle is a question that is difficult to answer but meant to be funny.
2791rideTo ride something is to travel on it. You can ride an animal, a bike, etc.
2792ridgeA ridge is a long, narrow piece of raised land.
2793ridiculeTo ridicule is to make fun of something in a mean way.
2794ridiculousA ridiculous thing is silly or strange.
2795rigidWhen rules or systems are rigid, they are severe because they cannot be changed.
2796riotA riot is a crowd that reacts to bad news by violently breaking laws.
2797ripTo rip something means to pull it apart.
2798ripeA ripe fruit or vegetable is ready to be eaten.
2799riskA risk is a chance of something bad happening.
2800riteA rite is a traditional ceremony carried out by a particular group or society.
2801ritualA ritual is a formal custom that people do regularly.
2802rivalA rival is someone trying to achieve the same thing as another.
2803roamTo roam means to move around without a plan or purpose.
2804roastTo roast something is to cook it in an oven or over a fire.
2805robTo rob is to take property by using force.
2806robeA robe is a long, loose piece of clothing.
2807robotA robot is a machine that can do the work of a person and operates automatically or is controlled by a computer.
2808rockA rock is a hard thing in the dirt.
2809rodA rod is a thin stick made of wood or metal.
2810roleA role is a job, position, or part in something.
2811romanticRomantic means related to or about love.
2812rotTo rot is to slowly get softer and become destroyed.
2813rotateTo rotate something means to turn it around in a circle.
2814roughA rough thing is not even or smooth.
2815routeA route is the way you go from one place to another.
2816routineA routine is a way of doing things that is the same every time.
2817rowA row is a line of things.
2818royalRoyal means related to a king or queen.
2819rubTo rub something is to push on it and move your hand back and forth.
2820rubbishRubbish is trash or waste.
2821rubbleRubble is piles of broken stone and wood created after a building is destroyed.
2822ruggedIf an area of land is rugged, then it is rocky and difficult to travel through.
2823ruinTo ruin something means to harm or damage it greatly.
2824ruinsRuins are old buildings that are not used anymore.
2825ruleA rule is an official instruction that says how things must be done or what is allowed.
2826rumorA rumor is a story that may not be true.
2827ruptureTo rupture means to tear or burst open.
2828ruralIf a place is rural, it is in the countryside instead of the city.
2829rushTo rush is to go somewhere or do something very quickly.
2830rustRust is a red and brown coating on iron objects caused by water and air.
2831sacredIf something is sacred, then it is worshipped and respected.
2832sacrificeTo sacrifice is to give up something in order to get something you want or do something else for someone.
2833safetySafety means the condition of being safe and free from danger.
2834sakeThe sake of something is the reason for doing it.
2835salaryA salary is how much money a person makes at his or her job.
2836saleIf something is for sale, you can buy it.
2837salivaSaliva is the watery liquid in people’s mouths that helps in digestion.
2838sanctuaryA sanctuary is a place where people in danger can go to be safe.
2839sandySandy means covered with sand.
2840satelliteA satellite is a machine sent into space to get information.
2841satireA satire is a work of art that uses humor and irony to make fun of something.
2842satisfactionSatisfaction is the feeling of having done or received something good.
2843satisfactoryA satisfactory thing is good enough.
2844satisfiedYou are satisfied when you have what you wanted.
2845satisfyTo satisfy someone means to make that person happy.
2846saturateTo saturate something means to completely soak it with a liquid.
2847saturatedIf something is saturated, it is completely wet.
2848savageIf things or people are savage, they are very violent or cruel.
2849saveTo save something is to keep it from being hurt.
2850scaleThe scale of something is its size, especially when it is very large.
2851scarA scar is a mark on the skin after a wound heals.
2852scarceIf something is scarce, then there is a very small amount of it.
2853scareTo scare someone is to make them feel afraid.
2854scatterTo scatter something is to make it go in many places.
2855sceneA scene is one part of a book or movie.
2856scentA scent is a smell.
2857scheduleA schedule is a plan that tells you when to do things.
2858schemeA scheme is a plan or design.
2859scholarA scholar is a person who studies something and knows a lot about it.
2860scholarshipA scholarship is money given so someone can go to school.
2861schoolA school is a place where children go to learn.
2862scoldTo scold means to criticize someone angrily for doing something wrong.
2863scopeThe scope of something is how many people or things it relates to.
2864scornTo scorn someone means to behave without respect toward them.
2865scrambleTo scramble is to move somewhere quickly and desperately.
2866scrapA scrap of something is a small amount of it.
2867scrapeTo scrape something is to rub it very hard with something sharp.
2868screamTo scream means to make a loud noise with your mouth.
2869scribbleTo scribble is to write something quickly without caring about how it looks.
2870scribeA scribe was a person whose job was to copy written works.
2871scriptA script is the words of a film or play.
2872scrutinyScrutiny is the careful examination of something.
2873searchTo search for something or someone means to look for them carefully.
2874seasonA season is a time of the year: spring, summer, fall, or winter.
2875secludeTo seclude someone means to keep them away from other people.
2876secludedIf a place is secluded, it is far away from any other place.
2877secondhandWhen something is secondhand, it has been owned by someone else.
2878secrecySecrecy is the behavior of keeping things secret.
2879secretA secret is something that you do not tell other people.
2880secretaryA secretary is a person who works in an office.
2881sectorA sector is a part of a country’s economy in a specific type of industry.
2882secureTo secure something means to get it after a lot of effort.
2883seeTo see is to use your eyes to look at something or someone.
2884seedA seed is the hard part of a plant or fruit that trees grow from.
2885seekTo seek is to look for something.
2886segregateTo segregate something means to place it in a group apart from other things.
2887seizeTo seize something means to grab it quickly or strongly.
2888seizureA seizure is a sudden condition in which the body loses control and shakes.
2889seldomSeldom shows that an action doesn’t happen very often.
2890selectWhen you select something, you carefully choose it.
2891sellTo sell is to give something to someone in exchange for money.
2892semesterA semester is a portion of a school year.
2893senateA senate is a part of the government in some countries.
2894senatorA senator is someone who makes laws for a state.
2895seniorA senior person is older or more experienced.
2896sensationA sensation is a feeling that people get from their senses.
2897senseTo sense something is to know about it without being told.
2898sensesThe senses are how living things experience the world: sight, taste, smell, hearing and touch.
2899sensibleA sensible person or thing is good and smart.
2900sensitiveA sensitive person or thing is easily hurt.
2901sensoryIf something is sensory, it is related to the senses.
2902sentenceA sentence is punishment given to someone who didn’t follow the law.
2903separateIf two things are separate, they are not together.
2904sequenceA sequence is a number of events or things that come one after another.
2905sergeantA sergeant is a soldier or police officer of middle rank.
2906serveTo serve someone is to give them food or drinks.
2907serviceService is the act of helping or serving someone.
2908sessionA session is a meeting at a regular time in order to discuss and solve an issue.
2909setTo set something is to put it somewhere.
2910settleWhen you settle something, you reach an agreement.
2911sevenSeven is the word for the number 7.
2912severTo sever something is to cut through it completely.
2913severalSeveral is more than two but not many.
2914severeSevere means very bad or serious.
2915sewTo sew means to put pieces of cloth together using string or thread.
2916shadeShade is a dark area that something makes when it blocks the sun.
2917shadowA shadow is the dark area that is made when something blocks light.
2918shaftA shaft is a handle of a tool or weapon.
2919shakeTo shake is to move back and forth or up and down quickly.
2920shallowA shallow thing is not deep.
2921shameShame is a bad feeling about things one has done wrong.
2922shapeAn object’s shape is the arrangement of its sides and surfaces.
2923shareTo share something is to give some of it to another person.
2924sharpA sharp object has a thin edge that cuts things easily.
2925shatterTo shatter something means to break it suddenly into many tiny pieces.
2926shaveTo shave means to cut the hairs on one’s face with a sharp tool.
2927shedA shed is a small building in which people store things like tools.
2928sheerIf you describe something as sheer, it is complete and total.
2929sheetA sheet is a thin flat piece of paper.
2930shelfA shelf is a place on a wall where you put things.
2931shellA shell is a hard covering that protects the body of some sea creatures.
2932shelterA shelter is a place to go that is safe from danger or bad weather.
2933shepherdA shepherd is a person who protects and cares for sheep.
2934sheriffA sheriff is a police officer who is in charge of a large area.
2935shiftTo shift is to move into a different place or direction.
2936shineTo shine is to make a bright light.
2937shiverA shiver is a shaking movement the body makes when someone is cold or scared.
2938shootTo shoot is to fire something like a bullet at someone or something.
2939shopTo shop is to visit places where goods are sold in order to look at and buy things.
2940shoreA shore is the edge of a large body of water.
2941shortA short thing is not long or not tall.
2942shortageShortage comes from short and means not having enough.
2943shortcutA shortcut is a route that is shorter than the main route.
2944shortlyAn action that happens shortly happens very soon.
2945shoulderA shoulder is the body part between the top of the arm and the neck.
2946shoutTo shout is to say something loudly.
2947shoveTo shove something is to push it with a lot of power.
2948shovelA shovel is a tool with a long handle that is used for digging.
2949shrineA shrine is a religious building built to honor a person, event, or god.
2950shutTo shut something means to close it tightly.
2951shutterShutters are wooden or metal covers in front of a window.
2952sidewaysIf something moves sideways, then it moves to or from the side.
2953siftTo sift something means to remove all the large pieces.
2954sighTo sigh is to breathe out loudly to show tiredness, boredom, or sadness.
2955signA sign is an indication giving information, directions, a warning, etc.
2956signalA signal is a sound or action that tells someone to do something.
2957signatureA signature is your name, when you write it in your own way.
2958significanceThe significance of something is the quality that makes it important.
2959significantA significant person or thing is important.
2960signifyTo signify means to be a symbol of something.
2961silenceSilence is the complete absence of sound or noise.
2962silentA silent person or thing makes no sound.
2963sillyPeople who are silly show a lack of serious thought.
2964similarThings which are similar are almost the same.
2965simplicityThe simplicity of something is the fact that it is easy to do or understand.
2966simulateTo simulate something means to copy its actions or characteristics.
2967sinA sin is something that is wrong for religious reasons.
2968sincereA sincere person is honest, especially about emotions or opinions.
2969singleIf something is single, then there is only one.
2970sinisterIf something or someone is sinister, they are evil.
2971sinkTo sink into something is to slowly fall into it.
2972siteA site is a place.
2973situateTo situate something means to place or build it in a certain place.
2974situatedIf something is situated somewhere, it is in that place.
2975skeletalWhen something is skeletal, it relates to bones in the body.
2976skeletonA skeleton is all the bones of a body.
2977skepticA skeptic is a person who disagrees with particular claims that are generally thought to be true.
2978skiTo ski is to glide on long pieces of wood or metal over snow.
2979skillWhen you have skill at doing a job, you are good at doing it.
2980skillfulIf someone is skillful at something, they are very good at doing it.
2981skipTo skip something is to not do it.
2982skullA skull is the hard head bone that protects the brain.
2983slabA slab is a large, thick, flat piece of stone, concrete, metal, or wood.
2984slamTo slam is to close something hard.
2985slapTo slap someone means to hit them with the palm of the hand.
2986slateSlate is a dark grey rock that can easily be split into layers.
2987sledA sled is a small vehicle used on snow.
2988sleepTo sleep is to rest your mind and body, usually at night in bed.
2989sleeplessSleepless describes a time period in which someone does not sleep.
2990sleeveSleeves are the part of a shirt in which arms go.
2991sliceA slice is a piece from something larger, such as a cake.
2992slightIf something is slight, then it is small or minor.
2993slimA slim person or thing is thin, not thick.
2994slipTo slip means to slide and fall down.
2995slopeA slope is ground that is not flat.
2996slotA slot is a narrow opening in a machine or container.
2997slyIf a person or animal is sly, they are sneaky or good at tricking people.
2998smallpoxSmallpox is a disease that causes tiny bumps on the skin and high fevers.
2999smartSmart means intelligent.
3000smashTo smash something is to break it into many small pieces.
3001smellTo smell something means to use your nose to sense it.
3002smileTo smile is to show happiness with your mouth.
3003smoothA smooth thing has no bumps or rough parts.
3004snakeA snake is an animal with a long, thin body and no legs.
3005snapTo snap something means to break it suddenly, which can cause a loud noise.
3006sneakTo sneak is to move quietly in order not to be seen or heard.
3007snoreTo snore means to make a loud noise each time a sleeping person breathes.
3008soarTo soar is to increase quickly to a high level.
3009sobTo sob is to cry loudly.
3010soberWhen something or someone is sober, they are serious and calm.
3011sociableWhen someone is sociable, they are friendly.
3012socialIf something is social, it is about many people in a community.
3013socializeTo socialize is to have a good time with people.
3014societySociety is a group of people who interact and share a culture.
3015sociologySociology is the study of human society, its organizations, and problems.
3016soilSoil is the top layer of land on the Earth.
3017solarIf something is solar, it is related to the sun.
3018soleA sole person or thing is the only one.
3019solemnIf something is solemn, then it is serious and honest.
3020solidaritySolidarity is a union formed from common responsibilities or interests.
3021solitaryA solitary thing is lonely or the only one.
3022solitudeSolitude is the state of being totally alone.
3023solutionA solution is a way to solve a problem.
3024solveTo solve something is to find an answer to it.
3025somewhatSomewhat means to some degree, but not to a large degree.
3026sootheTo soothe means to calm someone who is angry or upset.
3027soothingWhen something is soothing, it makes you calm or relaxed.
3028sophisticatedIf someone is sophisticated, they know many things about the world.
3029soreSore means feeling or causing pain.
3030sorrowSorrow is a very sad feeling.
3031sortA sort of something is a type of it.
3032soulA soul is a person’s spirit.
3033soundTo sound means to make a noise.
3034soundlyIf something is done soundly, then it is done in the best or most complete way.
3035sourWhen something is sour, it has a sharp and unpleasant taste.
3036sourceA source of something is the place that it comes from.
3037souvenirA souvenir is something bought to remember of a place or event.
3038sowTo sow seeds means to plant them in the ground.
3039spaceA space is an empty area.
3040spaceshipA spaceship is a craft designed for spaceflight.
3041spadeA spade is a tool used for digging.
3042spanTo span is to spread across an amount of time or space.
3043spareTo spare something is to give it away because it is not needed.
3044sparkleTo sparkle means to shine brightly with quick fashes of light.
3045spatialWhen something is spatial, it relates to the position and size of things.
3046spearA spear is a long stick with a blade on one end that is used as a weapon.
3047specialIf something is special, it is unique and different.
3048speciesA species is a type of plant or animal.
3049specificIf something is specific, it is precise or exact.
3050specifyTo specify is to describe something clearly.
3051speckA speck is a very small mark or amount.
3052spectacleA spectacle is an amazing sight.
3053spectacularIf something is spectacular, it looks or sounds very impressive.
3054spectatorA spectator is someone who watches something, for example, a sports event.
3055spectrumThe spectrum is the full range of color ranging from red to violet.
3056speculateTo speculate means to guess about something.
3057speechA speech is something said to a group of people.
3058speedWhen you speed, you go very fast.
3059sphereA sphere is a three-dimensional round shape, like a ball.
3060spiderA spider is a small creature with eight legs.
3061spillTo spill is to accidentally make something fall out of its container.
3062spinTo spin is to turn around in circles.
3063spineThe spine is the group of bones that run up and down the middle of the back.
3064spiralA spiral is a shape which winds round and round as if around a cylinder.
3065spitTo spit means to force liquid from one’s mouth.
3066spiteSpite is the desire to be mean.
3067splashTo splash is to crash into something so that liquid spreads out.
3068splendidIf something or someone is splendid, then they are very good.
3069spoilTo spoil is to rot or to make bad.
3070spokenSpoken language is what we say.
3071spontaneousWhen an act is spontaneous, it is not planned. It happens suddenly.
3072sportSport involves games like running, jumping, football, and tennis.
3073spouseA spouse is the person to whom someone is married.
3074spreadTo spread is to move out to cover a larger area.
3075sprinkleTo sprinkle means to scatter something all over something else.
3076sprintTo sprint means to run very fast over a short distance.
3077spurTo spur someone means to urge them into action.
3078squeezeTo squeeze something means to press it together and hold it tightly.
3079stabTo stab means to cut with the end of a sharp object like a knife.
3080stableA stable thing will not move, change, or fall over.
3081stackA stack is a pile of different things.
3082staffA staff is a group of people working together in a company.
3083stageA stage is a place where actors or musicians act or sing.
3084stainA stain is a dirty mark that is difficult to clean.
3085stairStairs are the things that are used to walk up or down in a building.
3086staircaseA staircase is a set of stairs found inside a building.
3087stairsStairs are a set of steps built to go from one level of a building to another.
3088stakeA stake is a small, sharp piece of wood or metal that is put into the ground.
3089staleIf food is stale, then it is not fresh but dry, hard, and not good to eat.
3090stallTo stall means to stop a process and continue it at a later time.
3091stanceA stance is an attitude about an issue that someone states clearly.
3092standTo stand is to use the legs and feet to hold the body upright.
3093standardA standard is what people consider normal or good.
3094starA star is a bright shining thing in the night sky.
3095starchStarch is a substance that provides your body with energy and is found in foods such as wheat, potatoes, and rice.
3096starkIf something is stark, then it is severe or clear in appearance or outline.
3097startTo start is to begin doing something.
3098startleTo startle means to scare someone suddenly.
3099starveTo starve is to not get enough food for a long period of time.
3100stateTo state something means to say it in a definite way.
3101stationA station is a place where buses and trains stop for passengers.
3102statisticA statistic is a number that tells a fact about something.
3103statueA statue is a three-dimensional work of art, usually made of clay, marble, or metal.
3104statusStatus is the position of something or someone in relation to others.
3105statuteA statute is a law that is official and has been written down.
3106steadySteady shows that someone or something does not change much.
3107stealTo steal is to take something that is not yours.
3108steelSteel is a strong gray metal.
3109steepA steep surface or place has a slope or angle that rises or falls sharply.
3110steerTo steer something is to control where it goes.
3111stemThe stem of a plant is the stick that grows leaves or flowers.
3112stepTo step is to walk.
3113stereotypeA stereotype is a general but often incorrect idea about a person or thing.
3114sterileWhen something is sterile, it is completely clean and free from germs.
3115sternWhen somebody is stern, they are very serious.
3116stewardA steward is a person like a waiter who serves food on planes and ships.
3117stickyIf something is sticky, then it is covered with a substance that things stick to.
3118stillStill is used when you say that a situation keeps going on.
3119stimulateTo stimulate something means to cause or to increase activity in it.
3120stimulusA stimulus is something that causes growth or activity.
3121stingTo sting is to cause pain by pushing a sharp part into the skin.
3122stirTo stir something means to mix it using something small, like a spoon.
3123stitchTo stitch is to use a needle and thread to join pieces of cloth together.
3124stoolA stool is a seat with legs but no support for a person’s arms and back.
3125storeA store is a place where you can buy things.
3126stormA storm is very bad weather. There is a lot of rain or snow.
3127stoveA stove is a device used to cook food.
3128straightforwardWhen something is straightforward, it is good because it is easy to understand.
3129strainTo strain is to try very hard.
3130strandedIf someone is stranded, they are prevented from leaving a place.
3131strangeA strange thing is unusual or surprising.
3132strapA strap is a thin long piece of fabric used to fasten, carry, or hold something.
3133strategyA strategy is a plan for how to do something.
3134strawA straw is a thin tube that is used to suck liquid into the mouth.
3135strayTo stray means to go in a wrong direction and become lost.
3136streetA street is a road in a city or village.
3137strengthStrength is the ability to do hard work or exercise.
3138stressStress is a strong feeling of worry caused by problems in life, work, etc.
3139stretchTo stretch is to make your arms or legs reach out.
3140strickenIf someone or something is stricken by a disease or problem, they are badly affected by it.
3141strictA strict person makes sure others follow rules.
3142strifeStrife is disagreement or fighting between people or groups.
3143strikeTo strike people or things is to hit them.
3144stringString is a thin piece of fabric or rope.
3145stripA strip is a long, narrow piece of material or land.
3146stripeA stripe is a thick line.
3147strokeA stroke is a single movement of a pen or brush when you are writing or painting.
3148strollTo stroll means to walk slowly and calmly.
3149structureThe structure involves the shape and organization of the parts of a building or group.
3150stubbornStubborn people don’t change their minds easily.
3151studyTo study is to learn something by reading, memorizing, or going to school.
3152stuffStuff is a word used to refer to things without mentioning the things by name.
3153stuffedWhen something is stuffed, it is pushed into a small space.
3154stumbleWhen you stumble, you move in an awkward, unplanned way.
3155stunTo stun someone means to make them unable to speak due to surprise or shock.
3156stuntA stunt is something that is done in order to get attention or publicity.
3157styleYour style is the way you do things.
3158subconsciousWhen something is subconscious, it is done without thinking about it.
3159subjectTo subject is to cause or force someone or something to experience something harmful or unpleasant.
3160submarineA submarine is a boat that can go underwater for long periods of time.
3161subscribeTo subscribe to something is to agree with it.
3162subsequentIf something is subsequent, then it comes after something else in time.
3163subsidyA subsidy is money given by the government to companies to assist them.
3164subsistTo subsist means to have the food, water, and money needed to stay alive.
3165substanceA substance is a particular type of solid, liquid, or gas.
3166substantialIf something is substantial, then it is of great importance, size, or value.
3167substantiallyIf something changes substantially, it changes a lot.
3168substituteTo substitute something or someone means to have them take the place of another.
3169subtleWhen something is subtle, it is not easy to see or notice.
3170subtractTo subtract means to take something away.
3171suburbA suburb is a small part of a large city.
3172succeedTo succeed is to complete something as planned.
3173successfulSomeone who is successful achieves what they intended to achieve.
3174successionA succession is a number of things that follow one after the other.
3175suchSuch means “like this”.
3176suckTo suck is to put something in your mouth and try to get something out of it.
3177suddenWhen something is sudden, it happens very quickly.
3178suddenlyIf something happens suddenly, it happens quickly and unexpectedly.
3179sueTo sue is to take someone to court for some harmful action.
3180sufferTo suffer is to feel pain.
3181sufficientSufficient shows that something is enough, in quality or quantity.
3182sugarSugar comes from plants and is used to make food taste sweet.
3183suggestTo suggest something means to give an idea or plan about it.
3184suicideSuicide is the act of killing oneself.
3185sumA sum is a specific amount of money.
3186summaryA summary is a short statement that contains the main information about something.
3187summitA summit is the highest part of a hill or mountain.
3188summonTo summon a person is to ask them to come to you.
3189sunlightSunlight is the natural light that comes from the sun.
3190superSuper means really good.
3191superintendentA superintendent is a person who runs a certain department or building.
3192superiorA superior person or thing is better than another.
3193supernaturalIf something is supernatural, it is not real or explainable by laws of nature.
3194superstitionA superstition is something magical that people believe is real.
3195superviseTo supervise something means to make sure that it is done correctly.
3196supperSupper is a meal that is eaten in the evening.
3197supplementTo supplement something is to add something else to it in a good way.
3198supplyTo supply something means to give people what they need or want.
3199supportTo support something is to like it and help it be successful.
3200supposeTo suppose is to guess.
3201suppressTo suppress something means to prevent it from happening.
3202supremeSupreme means of the highest level or best quality.
3203surfTo surf means to use a special board to ride on waves in the ocean.
3204surfaceThe surface is the top layer of something.
3205surgeA surge is a sudden, large increase in something.
3206surgeonA surgeon is a doctor who is trained to do surgery.
3207surgerySurgery is medical treatment involving a doctor cutting into a body.
3208surplusA surplus is an extra amount of something.
3209surpriseTo surprise is to cause something that is unexpected.
3210surprisedYou are surprised when something unexpected happens.
3211surrenderTo surrender something is to give it up.
3212surroundTo surround something is to close in on it from all sides.
3213surveyA survey is a set of questions that are asked to a large number of people in order to find out about opinions.
3214surviveWhen something survives, it manages to continue to live in spite of difficult circumstances.
3215susceptibleIf one is susceptible to something like a disease, they are easily harmed by it.
3216suspectTo suspect something is to believe that it might be true.
3217suspendTo suspend something means to delay or stop it from happening for a while.
3218suspicionA suspicion is a feeling that something is possible or true in a crime.
3219suspiciousA suspicious person does not trust others, or is not trusted by others.
3220sustainTo sustain something is to keep it going.
3221swampA swamp is a very wet area of land.
3222swearTo swear means to promise to do something.
3223sweatTo sweat means to lose liquid from the body through the skin.
3224swellTo swell is to become larger and rounder.
3225swiftA swift person or animal is fast.
3226swimTo swim is to move through water.
3227swingTo swing something means to move it back and forth or from side to side.
3228switchTo switch means to change something to something else.
3229swordA sword is a long sharp weapon.
3230symbolA symbol is a thing that stands for something else.
3231symmetrySymmetry is the state of having two halves that are exactly the same.
3232sympathySympathy is a feeling of sadness for another person who feels bad.
3233symptomA symptom of a bad condition or illness is a sign that it is happening.
3234synthesisA synthesis is a combination of different ideas or styles.
3235syntheticIf something is synthetic, then it is made to be like something natural.
3236systemA system is a group of related parts that move or work together.
3237tackleTo tackle something means to deal with it in a determined and efficient way.
3238tactTact is the ability to avoid offending people when dealing with problems.
3239tacticA tactic is a careful plan to achieve something.
3240tailA tail is a part of an animal’s body that sticks out from its rear or back.
3241taleA tale is a story.
3242talentA talent is a natural ability to do something well.
3243talkTo talk is to say words to express your thoughts, opinions, etc.
3244talkativeWhen someone is talkative, he or she talks a lot.
3245tameA tame animal is not afraid to be near people.
3246tangleA tangle is something or many things twisted together.
3247tapTo tap something is to hit it lightly.
3248targetTo target is to aim an attack at someone or something.
3249tariffA tariff is a tax or fee paid on certain imports or exports.
3250taskA task is a piece of work to be done that is usually difficult.
3251tasteA taste is the flavor something makes in your mouth.
3252tattooA tattoo is a design that is drawn permanently on the skin with needles.
3253taxiA taxi is a car and driver that you pay to take you somewhere.
3254teaTea is a drink made by pouring boiling water onto dried leaves.
3255teamA team is a group of people who work closely together.
3256tearTo tear something means to pull it apart.
3257teaseTo tease means to laugh at or make fun of someone.
3258technicalTechnical skill requires good control of technique.
3259techniqueA technique is a way of doing something.
3260technologyTechnology is new things made by using science.
3261telegraphA telegraph is a method of sending electric messages on wires.
3262telescopeA telescope is a tool people use to look at the stars.
3263tellerA teller is a person who works with a bank’s customers.
3264temperA temper is someone’s mood or a chance that they might get angry.
3265temperateWhen a place is temperate, it never gets too hot or cold.
3266temperatureA temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is.
3267temporaryIf something is temporary, it exists for a short time.
3268temptTo tempt people is to offer them something they want but shouldn’t have.
3269tenantA tenant is a person who rents property from a landlord.
3270tendTo tend to do something is to be likely to do it or to do it often.
3271tenderA tender food is soft and easy to chew.
3272tenseWhen you are tense, you are not comfortable and feel unhappy.
3273termA term is a word for something.
3274terminalIf something is terminal, then it causes or results in death.
3275terminateTo terminate something means to stop or end it.
3276termiteA termite is an insect that lives in groups and feeds on wood.
3277terraceA terrace is an open area that is connected to a house or an apartment.
3278terrainThe terrain is the land and all of its physical features or parts.
3279terribleIf something is terrible, it is very bad.
3280terrificSomething terrific is very good.
3281terrifiedA terrified person or animal is extremely scared.
3282territoryA territory is a piece of land that belongs to a country but isn’t a state.
3283terrorTerror is a feeling of very strong fear.
3284testTo test is to examine something to see if its quality is good.
3285testamentA testament to something shows that it exists or is true.
3286testifyTo testify means to give evidence as a witness.
3287textText is language used in communicating messages.
3288textileTextile is cloth that has been woven or knitted.
3289textureThe texture of something is the way its surface looks and feels.
3290theaterA theater is a building where you watch plays, shows, and movies.
3291theftA theft is a criminal act that involves someone stealing something.
3292themeA theme is the main subject of a book, movie, or painting.
3293theoreticalIf something is theoretical, it is based on theory rather than experience.
3294theorizeTo theorize means to develop ideas about something.
3295theoryA theory is an idea about how something works.
3296therapyTherapy is treatment for a particular physical or mental illness or condition.
3297therebyIf we say that thereby something happens, we mean it is a result of something else.
3298thereforeTherefore means for this reason.
3299thermometerA thermometer is a device that measures temperature.
3300thesisA thesis is an idea that needs to be proved.
3301theyThey refers to two or more people or things.
3302thickA thick thing is wide and solid.
3303thiefA thief is someone who quietly takes things that do not belong to them.
3304thighYour thigh is the upper half of your leg.
3305thinIf someone or something is thin, they are not fat.
3306thinkTo think is to have an opinion or thought about something.
3307thornA thorn is a sharp part of a plant.
3308thoroughIf something is thorough, it is complete or done carefully.
3309thoughThough is used when one idea makes another seem surprising.
3310threadA thread is a thin piece of string.
3311threatA threat is something bad that might happen.
3312thrillA thrill is an exciting feeling.
3313thriveTo thrive means to do well and be successful, healthy, or strong.
3314throneA throne is the special chair in which a ruler sits.
3315throwTo throw something is to use your hand to make it go through the air.
3316thrustTo thrust means to push or move something quickly with a lot of force.
3317thumpA thump is the sound of a heavy object hitting something.
3318thunderThunder is the loud noise heard during a storm.
3319thusThus is used in place of “as a result of something that was just mentioned.”
3320tideThe tide is the level of the water in the sea.
3321tidyA tidy place or person is clean and in order.
3322tieIf you tie two things together, you fasten them with rope, string, etc.
3323tightA tight thing is hard to move because it is firmly in place.
3324tiltTo tilt something means to tip it into a sloping position.
3325timberTimber is wood that is used for building houses and making furniture.
3326timidIf someone is timid, they are afraid, shy, or nervous.
3327tinTin is an inexpensive metal.
3328tinyA tiny thing is very small.
3329tipA tip is a pointed end of something.
3330tissueA tissue is a soft piece of paper people use to wipe their noses.
3331tobaccoTobacco is a plant whose leaves are smoked, such as in cigarettes.
3332togetherTogether shows an action is done with another person or thing.
3333toleranceTolerance is the ability to accept something unfavorable or to allow the freedom of choice for others.
3334tolerantWhen people are tolerant, they are respectful of others’ rights and beliefs.
3335tolerateTo tolerate something means to be able to accept it even when it is unpleasant.
3336tomatoA tomato is a round red fruit, but usually eaten as a vegetable. It’s often used in salads or pasta sauces.
3337tonA ton is a unit for measuring weight equal to 2000 pounds or 907.2 kilograms.
3338tongueA tongue is the movable muscle inside the mouth that is used to speak, eat, and drink.
3339toolA tool is a piece of equipment or a skill that is useful for doing your job.
3340torchA torch is a stick with one end on fire that can be carried in order to give light.
3341tormentTo torment someone means to cause them to suffer on purpose.
3342tornadoA tornado is a tube-shaped formation of air that spins very quickly.
3343tortureTorture is action that causes physical or mental pain.
3344tossTo toss something is to throw it softly.
3345totalTotal shows that everyone or everything has been counted.
3346totallyIf you totally agree, you agree with everything just said.
3347toughA tough thing is difficult.
3348tourA tour is a short trip in which you see many sights.
3349tournamentA tournament is a competition, usually with many people participating.
3350towardIf you go toward something, you go closer to it.
3351towerA tower is a tall, narrow building.
3352townA town is a place where people live and work, and is smaller than a city.
3353toxicWhen something is toxic, it is poisonous and very dangerous.
3354traceTo trace something means to follow over it with the eyes or a finger.
3355tractA tract is a large area of land.
3356traditionA tradition is something people have been doing for a long time.
3357traditionalWhen something is traditional, it is based on old-fashioned ideas.
3358tragedyA tragedy is a very sad event.
3359tragicA tragic event causes sadness because it might involve death or suffering.
3360trailA trail is a path for travelling by foot through a wild area.
3361trainA train is a group of railway cars connected together.
3362traitA trait is part of someone’s personality.
3363tramA tram is a vehicle like a streetcar that runs on electricity above ground.
3364tranceA trance is a state where people seem asleep and have no control of themselves.
3365transactionA transaction is an act of buying or selling something.
3366transferTo transfer something means to move it from one place to another.
3367transformTo transform something is to change it in a very significant way.
3368transitionA transition is a process where there is a change from one form to another.
3369transmitTo transmit something means to pass it from one person or place to another.
3370transplantA transplant is an operation in which a damaged part of one’s body is replaced.
3371transportTransport is the system or method of carrying passengers or goods from one place to another.
3372transportationTransportation is any type of vehicle that can carry people or things.
3373trapTo trap people or animals is to capture them so they cannot get away.
3374trashTrash is waste material or unwanted or worthless things.
3375travelTo travel is to go to a faraway place on vacation or business.
3376traverseTo traverse means to move or travel through an area.
3377trayA tray is a fat plate used to hold food.
3378treasureA treasure is a collection of valuable things, especially jewels or gold.
3379trembleTo tremble is to shake as a result of excitement or cold weather.
3380tremendousA tremendous thing is very large or very good.
3381trendA trend is a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing.
3382trialA trial is the way a court discovers if a person is guilty or innocent.
3383tributeA tribute is something that you say, do, or give in order to express respect for someone.
3384triggerA trigger is the part of a gun that a person pulls to make it fire.
3385trimTo trim something is to cut it a little bit.
3386tripA trip is a journey to a certain place.
3387triumphTriumph is the act or feeling of winning.
3388troopsTroops are soldiers that fight in groups in a battle.
3389troubleTrouble is a problem or a difficulty.
3390trustTo trust is to believe that someone is honest and will do what is right.
3391trustworthyIf someone is trustworthy, they are honest and truthful.
3392tubeA tube is a pipe through which water or air passes.
3393tuitionTuition is the amount of money paid to go to a school.
3394tumultA tumult is a loud and confused noise made by a large crowd of people.
3395tunnelA tunnel is an underground passage for cars, trains, etc. to go through.
3396turfTurf is a section of grass and the dirt in which it grows.
3397tuskA tusk is a long, curved, pointed tooth of an elephant, boar, or walrus.
3398tutorA tutor is someone who gives lessons to one student.
3399twigA twig is a short and thin branch from a tree or bush.
3400twinTwins are two children born at the same time.
3401twistWhen we twist something we turn it around and around.
3402twoTwo is the word for the number 2.
3403typeA type is a particular kind or group of things or people.
3404typewrittenIf something is typewritten, it is written on a computer or typewriter.
3405typhoonA typhoon is a large tropical storm that moves in circles.
3406typicalIf something is typical, it is normal, or something that usually happens.
3407uglySomething ugly is not good to look at.
3408ultimateWhen something is ultimate, it is the final result or aim of a long series of events.
3409underestimateTo underestimate something or someone means to think less of them than they really are.
3410undergoTo undergo an action means to have it happen to you.
3411undergraduateAn undergraduate is a student at a college who is studying for a bachelor’s degree.
3412undergroundAn underground action happens below the surface of the Earth.
3413underlyingAn underlying thing is a hidden cause or reason.
3414undermineTo undermine someone means to betray them or weaken their efforts or authority.
3415underneathUnderneath means below or under.
3416understandTo understand something you need to know what it means.
3417undertakeTo undertake a particular task is to take on the responsibility of doing it.
3418unfortunateIf something is unfortunate, it is bad or unlucky.
3419uniformA uniform is a piece of clothing worn by people of the same group.
3420unifyTo unify means to bring people or things together.
3421uniqueA unique person or thing is not like others.
3422uniteTo unite is to get together to do something.
3423unityUnity is the state of people working together for a certain purpose.
3424universityA university is a school where people study for a degree.
3425unlessUnless means if not or except when.
3426unlikeUnlike is used in place of “completely different from a particular person or thing.”
3427unrestUnrest is a state of anger about something among the people in a place.
3428unsettleTo unsettle someone means to make them anxious or worried.
3429upbringingAn upbringing is the way that someone is taught to behave by their parents.
3430upcomingWhen something is upcoming, that means it will happen in the near future.
3431updateTo update something means to make it more modern.
3432upgradeTo upgrade something means to improve it or make it more efficient.
3433upperAn upper position is a higher position.
3434uprightIf something is upright, it is standing up straight.
3435uproarUproar is loud noise caused by people who are very angry or upset.
3436upwardsAn upwards action moves vertically towards the direction above.
3437urbanIf something is urban, it is related to towns and cities.
3438urgeTo urge someone is to try very hard to get them to do something.
3439urgentAn urgent thing is important and needs to be done now.
3440usualWhen something is usual, it is what we expect.
3441utensilA utensil is a common tool or container.
3442utilityA utility is a business that supplies services such as water or electricity.
3443utilizeTo utilize something is to use it for a specific purpose.
3444utterTo utter a word or a sound means to say it.
3445vagueIf something is vague, it is not clear and gives very few details.
3446vainIf people are vain, they are only concerned with how they look.
3447valentineA valentine is someone loved or admired with great affection.
3448validWhen something is valid, it is correct or based on good reasoning.
3449validateTo validate is to make someone feel that his or her ideas and feelings are respected.
3450valleyA valley is a low area of land between two mountains or hills.
3451valueThe value of something is what it is worth.
3452valveA valve is a device attached to a pipe and controls the flow of liquid or air.
3453vampireA vampire is a fictional monster that sleeps in a coffin and sucks people’s blood.
3454vanA van is a vehicle that is used for carrying things. It is smaller than a truck.
3455vanishTo vanish is to go away suddenly.
3456vanityVanity is excessive pride or love of one’s own appearance or things one has done.
3457varietyA variety of something is a group of many different kinds of it.
3458variousIf something is various, there are many types of it.
3459varyTo vary means to be different from another thing in size or amount.
3460vaseA vase is an attractive container in which people keep flowers.
3461vastIf something is vast, it is very large.
3462vegetableA vegetable is a plant used as food.
3463vegetarianA vegetarian is someone who does not eat any meat products.
3464vehementWhen somebody is vehement, they are angry and emotional.
3465veinA vein is a tube in the body that carries blood toward the heart.
3466venomVenom is a poisonous substance that comes from animals or plants.
3467ventureTo venture is to go to a place that may be dangerous.
3468verifyTo verify means to find out if something is true.
3469versionA version is an account of something that differs slightly from the original.
3470veryVery is used to emphasize an adjective or adverb.
3471vesselA vessel is a large ship or boat.
3472veteranA veteran is someone who has a lot of experience doing something.
3473veterinarianA veterinarian is a doctor who takes care of animals.
3474viaVia introduces a route or means of travel.
3475viableWhen something is viable, it is capable of doing what it is intended to do.
3476vibrateTo vibrate is to shake very hard.
3477vice versaIf a statement is vice versa, then its two main ideas are switched with one another.
3478viciousWhen something or someone is vicious, they are violent and cruel.
3479victimA victim is a person who is hurt by a bad action.
3480victorA victor is a group or person that wins in a contest.
3481victoryA victory is a situation in which you win a battle, game, election, or dispute.
3482viewTo view is to look at something.
3483vigilA vigil is a period of watchful attention at night for a specific purpose.
3484vigorousIf something or someone is vigorous, they use a lot of energy.
3485villageA village is a very small town.
3486villainA villain is an evil person who breaks the law or hurts others.
3487vineA vine is a plant that has long, twisting stems and climbs upward.
3488violateTo violate a law, rule, or agreement means to break it.
3489violenceViolence is forceful action that is meant to injure or kill people.
3490violentA violent person or animal uses force to hurt others.
3491viralWhen something is viral, it is a disease or infection that is caused by a virus.
3492virginA virgin is someone who has never had sex.
3493virtualA virtual thing is very close to being true or accurate.
3494virtueA virtue is a good quality or way of behaving.
3495visionVision is the ability to see.
3496visitTo visit is to go and spend time in another place or see another person.
3497visualVisual relates to seeing.
3498vitalSomething vital is necessary for life.
3499vividWhen something is vivid, it is bright and colorful.
3500vocalWhen someone is vocal, he or she expresses a strong opinion publicly.
3501volcanoA volcano is a mountain with a hole on top where hot liquid comes out.
3502volumeThe volume is the total amount of something.
3503voluntaryWhen something is voluntary, it is done by choice but is not required.
3504volunteerTo volunteer means to offer to do something for free.
3505vomitTo vomit means to have food come up from one’s stomach.
3506vowTo vow means to make a promise to do something.
3507voyageA voyage is a long journey made on a boat or an aircraft.
3508vulnerableWhen someone is vulnerable, they are weak and without protection.
3509wageA wage is the money that a person gets for doing a job.
3510wagonA wagon is a cart used to carry heavy things.
3511wailTo wail is to show sadness by crying loudly.
3512waitTo wait is to stay in a place until an expected event happens.
3513walkTo walk is to move forward using legs, but it is slower than running.
3514wanderTo wander is to walk without going to a certain place.
3515warA war is a big fight between two groups of people.
3516wardrobeA wardrobe is the collection of all of a person’s clothing.
3517warnTo warn someone is to make them know of possible danger in the future.
3518warpTo warp means to become bent into the wrong shape.
3519warriorA warrior is a brave soldier or fighter.
3520wasteTo waste means to use something carelessly and unnecessarily.
3521watchTo watch is to look at someone or something for a period of time.
3522waterWater is a clear liquid that people need to survive.
3523waveA wave is a line of water that moves higher than the rest of the water.
3524wavyWhen something is wavy, it is not straight but has a series of curves.
3525waxWax is a substance that is slightly shiny and melts when heated.
3526weakIf someone is weak, they are not strong and healthy.
3527wealthWealth is the total of one’s possessions (money, land, etc.).
3528weaponA weapon is an object used to hurt people.
3529wearTo wear is to have clothing on your body.
3530wearyIf someone is weary, then they are tired.
3531weatherWeather is the temperature and the state of the outdoors.
3532weaveTo weave means to make cloth using horizontal and vertical threads.
3533webA web is a home made by a spider.
3534weekA week is a period of time that is seven days long.
3535weighTo weigh something means to measure how heavy it is.
3536weightWeight is how heavy something or someone is.
3537weirdWhen something is weird, it is very strange.
3538welcomeTo welcome is to greet someone or something with pleasure.
3539welfareWelfare is the health and happiness of a person or group.
3540wetA wet thing has water on it.
3541whaleA whale is a very large mammal that lives in the ocean.
3542whatsoeverYou use whatsoever after a noun to emphasize that there is nothing of that thing.
3543wheatWheat is a plant from which we get the grain used to make bread.
3544wheelA wheel is a round thing on a vehicle that turns when it moves.
3545whereaboutsThe whereabouts of someone or something is the place where they are.
3546whereasYou use whereas to show how two things are different.
3547wherebyWhereby means by which or through which.
3548whetherYou use whether when you must choose between two things.
3549whisperTo whisper means to say very quietly.
3550wickedA wicked person is very bad or evil.
3551wideIf something is wide, it is large from side to side.
3552widespreadSomething that is widespread is spread widely across the world.
3553widthWidth is the distance from one side of something to the other side.
3554wildTo be wild is to be without control.
3555windingIf something is winding, then it follows a twisting course.
3556wineWine is an alcoholic drink made from grapes.
3557wipeTo wipe something is to slide a piece of cloth over it to clean it.
3558wireA wire is a thin string made out of metal.
3559witchA witch is a woman with magical powers.
3560withdrawTo withdraw means to leave a place, usually during war.
3561withinYou use within to say that something is inside another thing.
3562witnessA witness is someone who sees or hears a crime or accident happen.
3563wizardA wizard is a man who can do magic.
3564wonderTo wonder is to ask yourself questions or have a need to know.
3565woodWood is the thing that trees are made of.
3566woodedIf an area is wooded, it is covered with trees.
3567woodenWooden objects are made of wood.
3568workTo work is to do a job that you get paid for.
3569workoutA workout is an exercise routine that helps improve health.
3570workplaceA workplace is the room or building where you work.
3571worldThe world is the Earth and all the people and things in it.
3572wormA worm is a small animal with a long, thin body.
3573worseIf something is worse, it is of poorer quality than another thing.
3574worsenTo worsen is to get worse.
3575worshipTo worship means to like and honor a person, thing, or religious figure.
3576worthIf something is worth an amount of money, it costs that amount.
3577worthwhileIf something is worthwhile, it is important or useful.
3578woundTo wound is to injure someone or something by cutting or breaking the skin.
3579wrapTo wrap is to cover something on all sides.
3580wreckTo wreck something means to destroy or ruin it.
3581wrestleTo wrestle is to try to push another competitor to the floor.
3582wrinkleA wrinkle is a line on a person’s face that appears as they get old.
3583writeTo write is to use a pen or keyboard to make letters and numbers on paper or a screen.
3584yardA yard is the ground just outside of a house.
3585yawnTo yawn means to open one’s mouth wide and breathe in air.
3586yearA year is a period of 365 days or twelve months.
3587yellWhen you yell at someone, you shout at them.
3588yetYet is used to say something has not happened up to now.
3589yieldTo yield something means to give up control of it or to give it away.
3590zipTo zip something means to close it with a zipper.
3591zoneA zone is an area that has different qualities from the ones around it.
3592zoologyZoology is a subject in which people study animals.
3593zoomTo zoom is to move quickly.