1 | about | indicating the topic of something. |
2 | above | indicating something being at a higher level or position than something else. |
3 | across | indicating movement from one side to the opposite side of something. |
4 | after | indicating the time or event occurring later than another time or event. |
5 | against | indicating physical contact with someone or something. |
6 | along | indicating movement in the same direction as something else. |
7 | among | indicating being a member of a group or in the midst of something. |
8 | around | indicating movement in a circular direction or surrounding something. |
9 | at | indicating the location or time of an event. |
10 | before | indicating the time or event occurring earlier than another time or event. |
11 | behind | indicating being at the back of something or someone. |
12 | between | indicating the relationship of two things or people when they are separated by something else. |
13 | beyond | indicating something being at or to the further side of something else. |
14 | but | indicating a contrast or something that is not part of something else. |
15 | by | indicating the means or method of doing something. |
16 | concerning | indicating something that relates to or is about something. |
17 | despite | indicating something happening despite a circumstance or obstacle. |
18 | down | indicating movement in a lower direction. |
19 | during | indicating a period of time when an event is taking place. |
20 | except | indicating exclusion or something that is not included. |
21 | following | indicating occurring after something else. |
22 | for | indicating the purpose or intended use of something. |
23 | from | indicating the source or origin of something. |
24 | in | indicating being located inside an enclosed space. |
25 | including | indicating the presence of someone or something as part of a larger group. |
26 | into | indicating movement from the outside to the inside of something. |
27 | like | indicating similarity or resemblance between two things. |
28 | near | indicating being close or in proximity to something or someone. |
29 | of | indicating the relationship between a part and a whole. |
30 | off | indicating separation or disconnection. |
31 | on | indicating physical contact with a surface or being positioned on top of something. |
32 | out | indicating movement away from the inside of something. |
33 | over | indicating movement from one side to another side of something. |
34 | plus | indicating addition or inclusion. |
35 | since | indicating the time period from a past event until now. |
36 | through | indicating movement from one side of something to the other side. |
37 | throughout | indicating something that occurs or exists in every part of a place or thing. |
38 | to | indicating the direction or movement towards a place or person. |
39 | towards | indicating movement in the direction of something. |
40 | under | indicating physical contact with the lower surface of something. |
41 | until | indicating the end of a period of time. |
42 | up | indicating movement in a higher direction. |
43 | upon | indicating something happening immediately after something else. |
44 | with | indicating the accompanying presence of someone or something. |
45 | within | indicating being inside or contained within something. |
46 | without | indicating the absence or lack of something. |