1 | -固有 | characteristic, tradition, peculiar, inherent, eigen |
2 | -簡易 | simplicity, easiness, quasi |
3 | -超 | super-, ultra-, hyper |
4 | -非 | faulty-, non |
5 | あくどい | 1. gaudy, showy, excessive, 2. vicious |
6 | あざ笑う | to sneer at, to ridicule |
7 | あっさり | easily, readily, quickly |
8 | あべこべ | contrary, opposite, inverse |
9 | あやふや | uncertain, vague, ambiguous |
10 | あら | oh, ah, saw-edged perch (Niphon spinosus) |
11 | あられ | kind of cookie, cartoon character |
12 | いい加減 | moderate, right, random, not thorough, vague, irresponsible, halfhearted |
13 | いく | to come, to orgasm |
14 | いざ | now, come (now), well, crucial moment |
15 | いっそ | rather, sooner, might as well |
16 | いやに | awfully, terribly |
17 | うんざり | tedious, boring, being fed up with |
18 | えい | ray (fish) |
19 | おおい | hey! |
20 | おっかない | frightening, huge |
21 | おどおど | coweringly, hesitantly |
22 | お世辞 | flattery, compliment |
23 | お休み | holiday, absence, rest, Good night |
24 | お使い | errand |
25 | お供 | attendant, companion |
26 | お先に | before, ahead, previously |
27 | お八 | 1. (uk) between meal snack, afternoon refreshment, afternoon tea, 2. mid-day snack |
28 | お出でになる | to be |
29 | お喋り | chattering, talk, idle talk, chat, chitchat, gossip, chatty, talkative, chatterbox, blabbermouth |
30 | お大事に | Take care of yourself |
31 | お宮 | Shinto shrine |
32 | お巡りさん | policeman (friendly term) |
33 | お手上げ | all over, given in, given up hope, bring to knees |
34 | お早う | Good morning |
35 | お洒落 | smartly dressed, someone smartly dressed, fashion-conscious |
36 | お産 | (giving) birth |
37 | お目出度う | (ateji) (int) (uk) Congratulations!, an auspicious occasion! |
38 | お祖母さん | grandmother, female senior-citizen |
39 | お祖父さん | grandfather, male senior-citizen |
40 | お菜 | side dish, accompaniment for rice dishes |
41 | お蔭 | (your) backing, assistance |
42 | お蔭様で | Thanks to god, thanks to you |
43 | お襁褓 | diaper, nappy |
44 | お邪魔します | Excuse me for disturbing (interrupting) you |
45 | お願いします | please |
46 | かも知れない | may, might, perhaps, may be, possibly |
47 | がっくり | heartbroken |
48 | がっしり | firmly, solidly, tough |
49 | がっちり | solidly built, tightly, shrewd, calculating |
50 | がる | feel |