1 | -過剰 | excess,over |
2 | -長短 | length,long and short,+ |
3 | Ͼ立 | confrontation,opposition,antagonism |
4 | あいかわらず | as ever,as usual,the same |
5 | あいまい | vague,ambiguous |
6 | あかんぼう | baby |
7 | あきれる | to be amazed,to be shocked |
8 | あくび | yawn |
9 | あげる | to do for |
10 | あたりまえ | usual,common,ordinary |
11 | あちらこちら | here and there |
12 | あてはまる | to be applicable,to come under (a category),to fulfill |
13 | あてはめる | to apply,to adapt |
14 | あふれる | to flood,to overflow,to brim over |
15 | あぶる | to scorch |
16 | あらすじ | outline,summary |
17 | あれこれ | one thing or another,this and that,this or that |
18 | あわただしい | busy,hurried,confused,flurried |
19 | あわてる | to become confused |
20 | いきなり | (uk) abruptly,suddenly,all of a sudden,without warning |
21 | いちいち | one by one,separately |
22 | いつのまにか | before one knows,unnoticed,unawares |
23 | いよいよ | more and more,all the more,increasingly,at last,beyond doubt |
24 | うっかり | carelessly,thoughtlessly,inadvertently |
25 | うどん | noodles (Japanese) |
26 | うろうろ | loiteringly,aimless wandering |
27 | うんと | a great deal,very much |
28 | ええと | let me see,well,er.... |
29 | おおざっぱ | rough (not precise),broad,sketchy |
30 | おかげさまで | Thanks to god,thanks to you |
31 | おかず | side dish,accompaniment for rice dishes |
32 | おくさん | (hon) wife,your wife,madam |
33 | おさきに | before,ahead,previously |
34 | おしゃれ | smartly dressed,someone smartly dressed,fashion-conscious |
35 | おじゃまします | Excuse me for disturbing you |
36 | おだいじに | Take care of yourself |
37 | おととい | day before yesterday |
38 | おととし | year before last |
39 | おとなしい | obedient,docile,quiet |
40 | おどかす | to threaten,to coerce |
41 | おねがいします | please |
42 | おはよう | (abbr) Good morning |
43 | おまたせしました | Sorry to have kept you waiting |
44 | おまちください | Please wait a moment |
45 | おまちどおさま | Sorry to have kept you waiting |
46 | おめでたい | happy event,matter for congratulation,auspicious event,pregnancy |
47 | おやすみ | (1) holiday,absence,rest,(2) (exp) Good night |
48 | おやつ | (1) between meal snack,afternoon refreshment |
49 | お代わり | second helping,another cup |
50 | お参り | worship,shrine visit |