1 | -旧 | ex |
2 | あいにく | unfortunately,Sorry, but.... |
3 | あした | tomorrow |
4 | あちこち | here and there |
5 | あっ | Ah!,Oh! |
6 | あと | (1) trace,tracks,(2) remains,ruins,(3) scar |
7 | あらゆる | all,every |
8 | ありがとう | (conj,exp,int) Thank you |
9 | あるいは | or,possibly |
10 | あんなに | to that extent,to that degree |
11 | あんまり | not very,not much,remainder,rest |
12 | いい | good |
13 | いけない | must not do,bad,wrong,not good |
14 | いずれ | where,which,who |
15 | いたずら | tease,prank,trick,practical joke |
16 | いただきます | expression of gratitude before meals |
17 | いち | market,fair |
18 | いつか | sometime,someday,one day |
19 | いつでも | (at) any time,always,at all times,never (neg) |
20 | いつまでも | forever,for good,eternally,as long as one likes,indefinitely |
21 | いつも | always,usually,every time,never (with neg. verb) |
22 | いらいら | getting nervous,irritation |
23 | いらっしゃい | welcome |
24 | いわゆる | the so-called,so to speak |
25 | うがい | gargle,rinse mouth |
26 | うなる | to groan,to moan |
27 | うまい | delicious |
28 | うるさい | noisy,loud,fussy |
29 | うん | hum, hmmm, well, erm, huh? |
30 | おしゃべり | chattering,talk,idle talk |
31 | おじいさん | grandfather,male senior-citizen |
32 | おそらく | perhaps |
33 | おまえ | (fam) you (sing),presence (of a high personage) |
34 | おめでとう | Congratulations!,an auspicious occasion! |
35 | おや | parents |
36 | およそ | about,roughly,as a rule,approximately |
37 | お互い | mutual,reciprocal,each other |
38 | お昼 | lunch,noon |
39 | お腹 | stomach |
40 | かなり | considerably,fairly,quite |
41 | かもしれない | may,might,perhaps,may be,possibly |
42 | かわいそう | poor,pitiable,pathetic |
43 | かわいらしい | lovely,sweet |
44 | がっかり | feel disappointed,be dejected,lose heart |
45 | きちんと | precisely,accurately |
46 | きつい | tight,close,intense |
47 | ぐっすり | sound asleep,fast asleep |
48 | けち | stinginess,miser,miserliness |
49 | ここ | here |
50 | この | this |